Neither had Lorie Smith suffered a specific injury -- or any injury at all. By the parameters you're talking about, the usual test of standing, she had no standing either. This court acts like standing ain't even a thing.

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That's right, her case never should have made it to the Supreme Court. It's infuriating

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Agreed. In fact, it shouldn't have made it to ANY court!

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Right! If what I'm reading in multiple sources is true, the company that was supposedly injured didn't even exist.

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The company [or the person running the graphic business] in the other case may exist, but the Gay boogeymen don't exist. That is, no gay couple tried to hire this person to do anything.

The case that Reich is referring to presents basically the same issue but the fact arrangement is different. In that case, the State is claiming to be the "injured party" even though it's not directly affected either

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I was going to bring that up. In fact, that is what I initially thought Dr. Reich was going to talk about. It just reinforces his argument. I wasn't aware of that aspect of the Missouri case.

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Jaime, yes, the SC loved the MO case because it let them screw the Democrats with the state's made-up standing. It worked well as has every other appalling ruling this court has done since Johnny R became Chief, a known racist and misogynist. Baby Bush looked hard for someone who would look distinguished (I hear Roberts looks distinguished) and had a record that was not too blatant, but certain in its racism, misogyny, homophobia, and willingness to do whatever the Republican Party wanted him to do. It is interesting that Baby Bush played as a guy who supported "minorities" through appointments like Powell and Rice, but in reality, he picked folks who would go along with whatever Bush told them and lie when expected to. I find that pretty racist of Bush, even though I somewhat admired both Powell and Rice. I get it that they were in difficult positions and wanted to be role models for Black Americans. Unfortunately, their efforts did not advance Black people much because of the groundwork Bush helped lay in the Party for undermining our nation and our democracy with its desire to return to the Jim Crow days. It's terrible, but how can we stop it when we can't even get Biden to see that an expanded SC is a critical tool to save our "justice" system?

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"Baby Bush" as you call him, or "Shrub" as the late, great Molly Ivins called him, is a pseudo-President and an uncharged war criminal. His Supreme Court appointees continue to enact the will of America's version of "Brahmins." What Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld's conniving lies did are in a long line of lies and deceptions our government "leaders" have used to get done what they want done, on the backs and out of the wallets of willing followers. We desperately need government reform, both parties, all levels. Fix the Supreme Court. Fix/eliminate the Electoral College. Fix our elections system (put Jocelyn Benson in charge!). Get rid of Louis DeJoy (USPS - SAVE the USPS!!). Fix the methods used to "vet" nominees to the courts, most critically the lifetime appointments like the Supreme Court and absolutely repudiate the Federalist Society and it's like as an incubator of "Illuminati" judges AND prosecute judicial nominees who LIE to Congress in their hearings!

And while we're at it, disbarment and criminal charges against Bill Barr, just to give even a weak nod to the much- touted rule of law! I imagine he thought that if he did enough "consigliere" work for his "Don" he might be on the Supreme Court by now. Instead, that mouthpiece for elected criminals and their mob cult, is all over the media pontificating and evaluating the VERY PEOPLE and IDEAS HE enabled!

There's a lot of reform and correction needed. Let's get going!

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Ahh Molly Ivins. I miss her acerbic and laser-focused dismantlings of 43 and his cronies. Her wit in observing and reporting truth are sorely missed.

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B-R-A-V-O, Annie! Agree 1000% on all counts. Shrub's misdeeds have been swept under the rug, and he still needs to be called to account.

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I blame Cheney as much or more than Shrub. War criminals.

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And Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and a bunch of others. All part of PNAC.

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And shrub didn’t even win an election, his brother Jeb! did it for him.

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With crucial help from the Republican Supreme Court.

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Well Ruth, I completely agree. I just don’t understand why republicans can’t figure out they’re

supporting politicians who are actively trying to remove their freedoms. But it’s not just that, they want to totally change our way of life-not for the better, but for the worse.

The republican majority on the Supreme crt were chosen by the Federalist Society to do exactly what they’re doing. Just like the Republican party has backed only idiots who would agree to do what they

are told. It would be almost impossible to randomly

have that many shameless idiots in Congress at once. Choosing those people was part of a decades long plan, just like Citizens United was part of their plan.

If the Supreme Court majority isn’t even bothering to insist on “standing” anymore, it may be more important to to address them than anything else.

They’re on summer break, so dems have a couple of months to figure out what they’re going to do, but

even if they have a plan, it may require republican votes to get it passed.

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Susan, I don't get it either, first that a once-respected political party would have sold out for less than mediocre representation all over the country and is willing to give away its rights or rather, the rights of their constituents. They have become fascist, deny it, but keep moving further into fascism. I just wish Democrats would call them out on it more regularly and itemize what they are doing and the harm it is causing. The next problem, how to get the media to cover what they say because our media seems to be enthralled with the shenanigans of the Republican party and its toddler-leadership.

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Well, I think it’s worth trying to “shame” the media

with a grassroots campaign of sorts. If enough people post comments about it maybe it’ll have some affect. Same goes for corporations. There are long-term consequences for their support of fascist ideology that they wouldn’t like, but they, like

the media, seem unable to grasp that. It very similar to the oil & gas industry. They are hell-bent on making as much money as possible for as long as possible without regard for consequences. That’s grossly irresponsible, but if people aren’t complaining about it they have no reason to change.

Same for the pharmaceutical industry. Republicans have coddled to these entities and blocked legislation meant to rein them in for far too long.

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Hey Ruth, I think President Biden understands the need to expand the Supreme Crt., have term limits for Justices and a code of ethics. I don’t know this for a fact, but I think he’s hesitating because of the 2024 election. As we all know, Republicans make mountains out of molehills...and that’s putting it nicely. They’ve thoroughly brainwashed their supporters to believe anything Trump or his GOP Congressional colleagues say with zero evidence.

There might be enough republicans in the House that would agree to a code of ethics for the Supreme Crt, but I doubt they would agree to have substantial penalties for failure to comply, so what would be the point? If President Biden tries to expand the Court, I don’t know if he literally needs an act of Congress to do that, if he could do it via executive order or what

other process might be available.

Right now Republicans say they’re going to impeach Sec. Mayorkas. For what, I don’t know. They also

say they’re going to impeach President Biden. Again,

I have no idea what their premise for doing that would be, but expanding the Court might qualify for today’s republicans. I doubt either Biden or Mayorkas would be forced out of their positions, but there’s no question that it would be a three-ring circus dragged out as long as possible.

So, it boils down to what’s more important--doing nothing about the Supreme Court & allow them to continue wreaking havoc when they re-convene after their summer break in order to not give republicans more ammunition, or if it’s possible,

expand the court, etc. without republican cooperation and by doing so risk the presidency. I realize it’s not that cut and dried, but it’s the basic framework that needs to be considered.

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Susan, good explanation of the dilemma the president and the rest of us have related to our rogue SC. Those justices have clearly forgotten their oath and instead have been reworking the Constitution to their own personal beliefs. That is not what is supposed to happen in our democracy, but Roberts does not seem to ever have been too fond of democracy. His contempt of "average" Americans is evident and his racism and misogyny are also clear for all to see. His 5 other "conservatives" (I am not sure that this is the right term since what they are trying to create is not traditional conservatism, but white supremacy, white christian dominance, male supremacy, and more, want white men to rule with impunity. I read somewhere that the SC 6 want to be the unelected "president" and Congress and court all wrapped up in one ignorant fascist package. It sounds like reality to me. How do we get the word out. I know the SC is already pretty unpopular, but what good is that knowledge when they can still disrupt our lives because so many state legislatures are just loving all the pain the SC is causing, and all the power they are pushing into the hands of legislators who are white supremacists, as well as racists, homo/transphobes, xenophobes, and toddler-adults. We are in trouble. Biden and other administration officials need to be calling for a code of ethics and suggest things that should be in it, on a regular basis and force the media to cover that. Maybe they need to do something a bit outrageous at their press conferences and speeches and ribbon cuttings to get the media to notice. Republicans who have less to offer anyone constantly get media attention for their lying, cheating, and gaslighting. Dems need to do that for the truth and reality.

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The correct term for them is "fascist". Alito & Thomas are full-blown fascists. The other 4 are borderline fascist.

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I was so mad, I hastily ripped off a comment before seeing yours and others here. lol

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Most of the time I comment before looking at other posts.

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Jul 3, 2023
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Of course, this can come back & bite them. We could just as easily not serve Christians, bigots or straight old white men, for example, due to our deeply held moral principles.

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The Supreme Court has essentially wiped out precedent as a factor in deciding cases, along with ignoring what the Constitution says, not requiring any showing of injury by plaintiff, nor deferring powers of setting law to the legislative or executive branches, which means they can decide cases anyway they want & pursue whatever agenda they want

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Very scary stuff.

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Is there no check on the power of those in the Supreme Court majority to do what they will without legal obligation and to obliterate precedent with which they don’t politically agree? Apparently it ain’t even two things.

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The supremes have now taken the role of God while being the dogs. They are there only to insure religion, and those who are rich and support religion, get their way. Their handlers are the Catholic bishops of America and, church history tells us it does not bode well for us. Church history tells us they are out to purge American society of non-christians and move right on to inquisitionsand demands that we all attend Sunday school. These sloths also want to change our laws to church law and our constitution to serve the church.

From a medical perspective they are like a cancer that is in need of removal. The fact that Biden won't do anything about this US travesty makes me wonder if he has made a pact with Faust.

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Please read my response to Ruth Sheets. I think Biden is hesitating due to the 2024 election. Does he want to give republicans more ammunition to use against him right before the next election, or is it worthwhile or even possible (for that matter) to deal with the Court even if the republican majority House

won’t cooperate?

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I fear we are tipping toward a theocracy.

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Oh, we are tipping toward a theocracy, but I think most Americans don’t realize that. When they do,

I think it will galvanize voters to protest.

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Susan, I can only hope that you are right, meaning left.

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Right. It's like Mr. Toad's wild ride from Wind in the Willows.

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As long as either the House or Senate has a republican majority there’s no way to deal with

the Supreme Court that I know of. Right now the House will block any attempt to check the Supreme court’s power.

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I wonder if the specific injury she might suffer is a sudden lack of business, but I doubt it ..

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It's not clear that she has a business or has ever designed any websites at all, let alone being forced to design them by crazy queer people.

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They’ve further disgraced themselves by taking on a hypothetical case and actually ruling on it. What the heck is wrong with them?

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Exactly. Forget standing, forget precedent, just goose it any way they want. They are totally running amok.

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But what can we do to be heard? It is getting harder and harder to keep taking this blatant disrespect for not only the LAW but for all those of us who truly know the law and that we are to obey it but they don’t. There has to be a faster comeuppance.

Someone asked me today what being a patriot meant to me and I said, “ pay your taxes”!

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That's a good question. A burning question. For now, call SCOTUS out on this, and keep calling them out, to anyone who will listen. Read Justice Sotomayor's dissent in full, if you can (it's available through the NPR website) to understand how blatantly this decision goes against precedent, and how wrong the majority are to use the First Amendment to shelter discrimination clothed under "freedom of speech." Don't give up!

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No Darlin” ... they behave as though “Only They Know When a Thing is a Thing, how all of us should see/understand that Thing, and that also how we re entitled to engage with that Thing. From the very beginning of an any Dispute/Dialogue about that “Thing,” we are plunged into a Wonderland in which only the Red Queen has the right to set the Rules. John Roberts is a little more “subtle” than to actually yell, “Off With Their Heads,” but regardless of how he phrases his opinions - that’ the gist of what he’s saying and what .... from the depths of his White Male Privilege & Misogyny - that’s what he’s truly chosen to believe. It will be our Job, our Mission, and eventually our Privilege - to disabuse him of these notions.

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For a Court majority that claims to be recovering the "traditional," and the desires of the Founders, they sure are breaking new and questionable juridical ground. They should be labeled the "Cowboy Court." Rogue justices, making it up as they go along . . .

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Yes. Maybe even...Kangaroo Court?

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Why is the man Lorie Smith falsely claimed was seeking her help with a gay marriage web site not suing her for defamation?

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Jul 3, 2023
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Is this you, Robert Reich, or a scam? The real Robert Reich should have access to our emails and let us know if he wishes to communicate with us outside the sub stack.

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SCAM. There seems to be no policing of this kind of thing.

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I get these phony RR postings now every week.

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This spambot has been VERY active the past two days, commenting on HUNDREDS of posts! Just report the bot AND the comment as many times as you are able or willing.

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I've been seeing this same jack-ass, posing as Robert Reich, & posting on RR's posts for at least 3-4 days now....& it smells awfully fishy, doesn't it, folks??!! Most likely it's a damn troll...??!!

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Report it. It’s garbage.

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Yeah! I've already done it! 👍

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I clicked on his face and it took me to a profile page with nothing on it - no notes or anything else! So I then clicked on the 3 dots that brings down the choices to report whether it's spam or someone pretending to be someone else, and if you want them blocked. I did that.

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Jul 3, 2023
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I got a message like this ostensibly from you. I can't text. Only email.

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Was suspicious from the get go as I have written directly to Professor Robert Reich on some very serious matters that have been discussed here over the past 12 months, in addition to POTUS & VP of which I have not had any response, not that I expected any from POTUS or VP, both impotent Politically, Party wise, systemic and endemic not to mention conflicts of interest. Even paid A$34.00 to have the same details mailed to The White House as per the switchboard operators instructions.

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Yep, exactly, Daniel. Reported it a couple days ago, but evidently nothing has been done yet. Platform admins should have blocked the IP address, I would think.

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I got two of these messages also. I am dubious that Dr Reich would send this. The cross emoji also does not seem like him. I did text back and now I wonder what scam I have subjected myself to?!?!?

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I did, too, but fortunately I got the number wrong.

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I've had at least five of these now and no, I'm not opening them at all!

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Hmmmm... Robert Reich would at least make sure that any reply to us would be grammatically correct, unlike the one to you, Gloria. Very un-RR!

Also as you already pointed out in another comment, this scammer has already given several different numbers

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:-) Sometimes it pays to be tech illiterate. I got a similar reply and had no idea what it meant. I thought it was some kind of "like". Was a bit confused about the cross. Basically ignored it. What a world. One can't trust anything anymore! We're in a state of perpetual paranoia.

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The attack of the Putiebots. ;)

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David, What's a Putiebot? I don't understand tech and definitely don't speak the language :-)

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Jaime - I have kept track. There are 3 different numbers so far. I don't know if they can be tracked. Someone is trolling, for sure.

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I received the same in an email.i thought it was strange and ignored it. What I wonder about is how my email got out to a bot. Has this server been compromised? Does the reich wing now have all of our emails?

Dr.Reich can you please weigh in on this. These phone numbers could be capturing our phone numbers. For what nafarious reason we do not know. Will we all start getting bot calls from tRumps brown shirts?

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I keep getting receipts for sub stacks I don't remember subscribing to.

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Yes, I’ve been seeing these sent to my email and I believe it’s a troll.

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I have been reporting whoever this imposter is. I am thinking it’s a BOT inserted by the Russians who want their puppet Trump to win. Got most of them removed.

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The same message was posted repeatedly on “Steady” Dan Rather’s Substack recently, with the same phone # to text.

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how do you report this?

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Click on the three horizontal dots next to the "reply" icon, then click "report," and go from there.

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Glad to help. Boot the trolls!

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I have also gotten 2 of these messages n my e-mail asking me to text him at that #. Is someone trying to steal identities? Can sub stack block this and block ncestigate?

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Report the troll impersonating the read RR.

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How does one report a scammer to Substack?

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I posted this earlier - perhaps it will be helpful. I suspect there's some kind of malware afoot.

NOTE: For those of you having issues with an apparent comment back from Prof. Reich, it's been seen on earlier substacks. I suggest reporting it here - https://support.substack.com/hc/en-us/articles/5780787855252-How-do-I-report-a-comment- . It does get cleaned up, but apparently there is a larger issue since it seems to be cropping up repeatedly.

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Thank you

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I ignore the faux robert.

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I even get texts!

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Jul 3, 2023
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Hmmm... Why would this scammer think that no one is going to notice the +17 (Bahamas) country code?

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Jeff, thanks for noticing that. Trolls and scammers entertain themselves by trying to introduce a tad of chaos or uncertainty. I hope he (it is probably a he) is satisfied and will move on. He is not appreciated here.

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I’m ignorant of country codes. But what does responding (which I did) subject me to?

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Yes. I delete the emails instead of clicking, frightened of what might happen if I click it. Maybe nothing, maybe they send out feelers to see if a vulnerable user, will start to engage, and for those they have a plan. Extracting money (“for Robert”) or something?

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Your private number keeps changing.

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Yes, my version had a different number also.

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Liar. I have clicked on your so-called profile picture and it took me to a dummy site with no information or history. Nice try, comrade. I have reported you and blocked you, so f*** right off.

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Everybody, note that the above post containing 10 words also contains 7 grammatical or punctuation errors. Would Robert Reich ever post a comment with such poor English? You all know the answer to that question.

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Hmmm... Why would this scammer think that no one is going to notice the +17 (Bahamas) country code?

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The “1” is for long distance. The area code starts with “7”. I am getting texts as well. At first I thought it was just me. But then I see you are as well. I get responses but not quickly.

That message is repeatedly sent so as to be annoying. It makes me think someone HAS hacked in with a BOT or something that repeats. Seems like something the Russians would do or the Republicans...

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Marlo. I suspect this is entertainment for him. There is no pattern I can discern as to when the messages come. It seems this jerk has a way onto this thread and just drops junk into people's sections of the thread wherever he can, just for laughs, or he is getting paid from someone to do it, thinking it will disrupt sufficiently to make people want to leave the thread. How pathetic if that is his useless job. Another thought is that he is trying to see what he can get away with so he can do some real damage in the future.

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I think it is PURPOSEFUL, from the political opposition. It’s creepy they have hacked in to have my phone number. I wonder what OTHER information they have?? Mr Reich should put out a breach notice!

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Sometimes I think that Russians and Republicans are the same thing, what with Ruskie disinformation on FOX! Jack Smith needs to prosecute, if only to show Fox watchers what garbage they are ingesting.

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Randy, I suspect the Republican Party and Russian operatives have cross-pollinated, sharing the new techniques they have learned to brainwash, lie, abuse or usurp the media, gaslight, push incompetent candidates for office or positions within the government, etc. That should be seen as criminal, but somehow Republicans in leadership don't find themselves held accountable for anything. I hope the Trump and Santos indictments lead an avalanche of demands for accountability among Republican leadership.

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Oh ya. Divisive Russian misinformation being picked up by Fox is a huge problem. And yes again to the idea that it should be seen as criminal.

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Russofascists & republofascists are practically indistinguishable. From his poor English, one might surmise that he's Russian, but then, Republicans are so poorly educated.

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or the fact that this is a HIGHLY educated and/or intelligent group of people.

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I think this is a US number with a 737 area code.

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Who cares? It is clearly not valid or worth taking time to figure out. It is not Robert so don't give it any more of your time.

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Obviously, many people here care.

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Hey Jaime, does the number give a name if Googled?

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I have no idea, Ruth.

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The "real" Robert Reich comment would have the word "Author" and a pen symbol by the name. You are a fraud!

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Jul 3, 2023
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Over a dozen mistakes in grammar, punctuation & capitalization in the above post

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No "Author" or pen symbol by the name = Fraud!

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It's long past time to expand the Supreme Court.

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