Voting for competent leaders in the states and federal legislatures is the only solution.

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Jun 27, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

Our vote is our voice, our power and our wishes made known regarding the issues and politicians of the day! Every voter should make sure his/her voter registration is current and meets the demands that have been put in front of them - mostly by Republicans who want to stop people from voting in the first place.

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Jun 27, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

“…most important thing we can do now is to mobilize like mad for the midterm elections. We need enough Democrats in the House and Senate to carve out exemptions from the filibuster and pass national laws that guard reproductive rights, sexual rights, marriage rights, voting rights, and the planet.” Mobilize like mad, yes, join the marches and protests, speak out. I joined the march in Sacramento, so far I’ve written 100 postcards to Arizona Dems reminding them to VOTE, it seems small, but together we can make a difference. We can’t stop working for justice; each day another assault on our Democracy reminds us how fragile it is. And we must keep marching and standing up for the equality so threatened by a repub assault, a concerted effort at dismantling our Democracy. Roe v Wade is only the first step. Clarence Thomas and SCOTUS are keeping their promises. We have to answer with action.

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I agree with the spirit of this piece 100%. But I disagree with some of the statements. A small point: it is fallacious, in my opinion, to say that Democrats have a majority in the Senate as well as the House. In reality, Senators Manchin and Sinema are Republicans in their values and how they vote most of the time. Let us call them DINOS; they should not count as Democrat Senators. Second, I disagree that the main effort should be to amp up voter turnout this November though I support that completely. I think that the focus must be on passing a national voters right bill, to neutralise all the voter suppression laws enacted in the last year and a half by Republicans. Those laws mean that the game is already rigged to throw this election to the Republicans, even with increased voter turnout (which in fact is unlikely) and that has to be undone. I do not know how a national voting rights law can be passed, given Manchin and Sinema and the filibuster rule, but I do feel that the Biden administration should be giving it their every effort. There must be a way to change Senate rules and to get one or two Republicans to join this effort. If we humans were smart enough to put men on the moon and bring them back, surely it should not be beyond our intelligence to pass this most essential of laws?

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As someone who has been involved actively in the American gun issue for 30-40 years, I can state unequivocally that the Court's decision in the N.Y. case is nothing more than Uncaring Willful Ignorance. You call it a rogue court while Sen. Whitehouse calls it a captured court. Both apt.

The stench Justice Sotomayor speaks of is smelling stronger by the day.

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Jun 27, 2022·edited Jun 27, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

The Supreme Court rescinded - took away - Constitutional rights. This is unprecedented.

The only way to assure women's rights, gay rights, any rights at this point, is by federal legislation. This means we need to control the House and Senate.

What we must do:

1. Become acutely aware of the field. There are Senate seats in the toss-up column for this November. They are Senator Warnock, Georgia, Senator Mark Kelly, Arizona, Senator Cortez Masto, S Nevada, Senator Ron Johnson, Wisconsin, and the open seat in Pennsylvania. We must win them . As of now Democrats are in control of 36 state legislative chambers. Republicans 62. We must have control of the state houses in New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona and Nevada. If we don't, we lose 2024. We must also have Democratic Secretaries of State and state Supreme Court justices In these battleground states. If we don't, we lose 2024. For information on the House seats, see https://www.cookpolitical.com/ratings/house-race-ratings.

2. We must get out the vote this November among young people, suburban women, urban people, white people, people of color in each of these states.

3. Support the states that are taking independent actions to protect women's rights. States that will or have codified right to an abortion: Hawaii, Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Illinois, Maine, New York, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, D.C.. Boycott states that have banned abortions: Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, North Dakota, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Texas, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky. Vote with your suitcase, vote with your wallet.

4. If you live in Maine, or know people who live in Maine, now would be a great time to tell your Senator Susan Collins to commit to voting for a federal Roe protection law. The same goes for West Virginia and Senator Joe Manchin. NOW.

5. Have a Plan B.

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Jun 27, 2022·edited Jun 27, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

Beautifully stated, Professor Reich. Your piece this morning voiced my thoughts exactly.

We must not despair, au contraire - we must channel our energies into change! All weekend I have been thinking how important it is for this to motivate every woman (and man) to vote, and contribute what we can; be it time, talent or treasure, to gain seats in both the House and the Senate. I can think of no other way for our voices to be heard loudly and clearly than at the polls.

It would be nice to see Kavanaugh and Gorsuch impeached but I doubt if it will happen, plus we don’t have time before the mid-terms. What we really need to see is justice served by the former occupant of the People’s House being indicted, then convicted. I think the January 6th Committee is doing an outstanding job at making the case against trump.

Thank you for your wise words; they are a big comfort. 🌻

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Jun 27, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

We MUST get out and vote in every election to counteract this extremely partisan Supreme court (two ultra-conservative justices were crammed in the court in a very illegitamate manner) and the do-nothing Republican Congress. The justices have already indicated that they will be going after more rights that the majority of Americans want. This minority rule needs to end.

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I am nearing 92 years of age and I left Europe with my parents during the holocaust. Now I recognize signs that I saw in Europe in 1939. Books are banned--will they be burned next? Our government is sadly turning to fascism; for me, sadly, it is deja vue and I am frightened for my country.

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Jun 27, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

Robert, great message. It is so difficult to be positive or even optimistic about what lies ahead for this American Democratic experiment. It seems we are at a point where "if we can keep it" looms large for this country. It is important that we not let the barrage of attacks on rights and issue grievances by the right wing nuts cloud the way forward on getting people out to vote, IMO. You keep us focused on the issues that matter and motivate us to action, it is greatly appreciated. It is an excellent audio and video contribution, as usual. Thanks for all you do.

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Jun 27, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

I am about the same age as Professor Reich. I remember being taught in the 5th grade that democracy depends on an educated public, a strong middle class, and a free press. These premises were no fiction or propaganda. They were based on the experience of the rise of the Third Reich. I was born in 1944 in a Jewish ghetto in Shanghai, my parents being refugees from Nazi Austria. So I have had these principles on my radar since the 5th grade, and watched them with fear and sadness slowly be dismantled. It has been our COLLECTIVE belief that US is greatest in the world and that our institutions are infallible. That belief has allowed us to shut our eyes and cease to excercise our democratic muscles in favor of "bread and circuses".

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For those that don’t recognize it, this is what the beginning of a revolution looks like.

The instigators of the first US Civil War were the pro slavery southern states. (https://www.britannica.com/event/American-Civil-War)

That didn’t work out as well as they had hoped. So, from what I’m seeing, they learned a lesson from that failed attempt and today are doing everything in their power to instigate their opponents, us, to start the war.

If we don’t mobilize and vote enough Democrats into office in ‘22 and ‘24 we are in for a tailspin. And quite possibly a 2nd US Civil War, instigated by the minority, but initiated by the majority.


1) Trump and his Lieutenants need to be indicted and held accountable.

2) Massive, peaceful protests MUST be organized.

3) We need to “Get Out The Vote!”

4) Reinstate the Fairness Doctrine. Truth over propaganda.

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Jun 27, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

PLEASE run this video as a nationwide ad campaign!!

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sigh, as often happens, you post when I "should" be asleep.

First and most important, Thank you for this and more important for you work on combating inequality of both wealth and income in the USA.

I am about 7 years younger than you are. I am not as smart as you are, I am much poorer then you are. I am sicker then you. Those facts color my opinion.

When I got out of bed, I was thinking "Was life better in my youth? "

Your tell people " I grew up in an America that expanded constitutional rights, battled racism and protected voting rights, and enlarged the middle class"

I wonder if you think was over by 1976. I suspect you do. I think I do. I say, I think, because I have not written what I thought about writing and I often do not know what I think until i write it.

I am thinking of 1976 - 1980.

Well I am going back to bed, I have a meeting in 4 hours, where I will be trying to make the world a better place.

Thanks for reading this.

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Robert, you are so correct that we are unaware of the fragility of our democracy. We do take things for granted, although many people still alive already protested for Roe V Wade back in the 70s.

The deadly lies on the news are very difficult to overcome, but radio & media are controlled by FCC laws, correct? Why wasn’t action taken? This is illegal when it results in harm.

It’s not just about the will to vote, which is ALL we have at this time, it’s about enforcing the laws and the punishments equitably. We have not done that, then lost control of that to the impeachable SCOTUS.

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I have said this before but the only way we have any chance this fall is to come out to vote in such ginormous numbers that Republican voter suppression tactics will be ineffective, paling by our sheer huge numbers. Then, there would be NO DOUBT as to what we the people want.

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