Guns were invented for one purpose. TO KILL!!!

Many on the right say that “guns make us safer”. If that were the case the U.S. would be the safest country on Earth!! Well guess what, our country is the most dangerous country on earth! The NRA’s Wayne LaPierre said “The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.” Well how did that work in Uvalde, Texas?

In the USA in 2020 including accidental deaths, suicides, and homicides – guns killed 4,357 CHILDREN (ages 1-19 years old) or roughly 5.6 per 100,000 children! There have been 547 mass killings since 2006. There have been 2,847 victims as of April 29, 2023.

America’s mass shootings: Virginia Tech, Columbine, the Aurora movie theater, the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, the El Paso Walmart shooting, Parkland, Las Vegas, Binghamton, San Bernardino, Sutherland Springs, Thousand Oaks, Virginia Beach, Monterey Park, Santa Fe, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Uvalde, the Covenant School in Nashville in March and Louisville in April.

The latest execution in Texas by a drunken idiot is just another example of how dangerous our country has become. The victims asked him to stop shooting his weapon because they had a newborn child that couldn’t sleep. This was after 11 pm!

He took exception to their complaints and proceeded to execute 5 of them! This loser had been visited by authorities previously for gun issues. PURE EVIL

Here’s where the majority of Republican Politicians stand after each and every school shooting: “You get gunned down, we send you thoughts and prayers, and then you shut the Hell up about it!”

Yet they claim to be PRO-LIFE PARTY = Hippocrates All!!

How can any human being care more about owning a gun than they care about the lives of children???

All of Our elected members of Congress need to emulsify to come up with ideas to address senseless killing of people young and old.

In other words show the American people you truly are PRO LIFE !

We are becoming more and more unCIVILized thanks to our political dividers in Congress!!

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May 2, 2023Liked by Robert Reich

With every new initiative by the GOP I am reminded how precious democracy is. Many of us sit back and criticise, shake our heads - and do nothing. We need to own our personal power and become the decision makers. We need to take the responsibility of actively participating in democracy by speaking at public forums, becoming involved in local groups and running for office. Inaction results inevitably in a power void which those of devious intentions are happy to fill.

The choice is ours.

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May 2, 2023Liked by Robert Reich

As someone who was born in Iowa and had to move to Arkansas at 16 I know how bad both states are becoming. Unfortunately even though I’m older now I can’t afford to move to a more progressive state.

Politics is always about the money trail, it’s why President Biden is allowing the new oil drilling. It’s why the Supreme Court has become a corrupt horror show.

Also as outlined by Mr. Reich so eloquently above it’s why guns and child labor have become more important than the lives of the citizens (of any age) of this country.

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May 2, 2023Liked by Robert Reich


The Greedy Oil Party supports the top 0.001%. With profits at 2.8 billion per day and Citizens United they can buy a lot of government including fossil fuel subsidies of ~11 million dollars per minute.

They pander for votes using social issues that they don’t really care about and often can’t even define (woke,CRT)...


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Creating a slave child labor class indeed follows this pattern, lower wages and restrictions for kids, fire the adults, make kids drop out of school to support the family, reduce career prospects due to lack of education, next generation is even cheaper to employ. Add alcohol to promote teen mothers. Nice to be at the top and have a government that supports this process. Election dollars well spent.

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This is scary including them indoctrinating children in private and charter schools using state paid vouchers to become little republicans.

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I just this past weekend read about labor conditions in the late 1800s including kids working 12 hour days in mines. It was a horror show. There’s a reason Labor Day is a holiday... it was a HARD fought battle! We must stop our slide down this slippery slope immediately and strengthen and fully restore workers pay, rights and benefits again. With AI now threatening yet more leverage against workers we can’t afford complacency.

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Remember this, based on all the examples that Robert has spelled out, today’s Republicans are #ProSTRIFE. Not only do they not care about the physical, emotional, and economic suffering that their policies and laws lead to, they see some twisted advantage in making things worse.

Republicans provide a picture of how to end our civilization in decades not centuries. They are the #PlanetKILLERS, and greed provides the bullets fired at Mother Nature like Bonnie Parker in slow mo.

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Same playbook all the damn time. Gin up culture wars, stoke fear, wrap it in “ rights” or “ patriotism “ language, and meanwhile extremely powerful entities are writing these examples of garbage legislation to feed through willing and eager Republican- led statehouses. Need more workers? Hey, kids work cheap. Want to sell more guns? Hey, here you go….no problem. It’s always the money.

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Feels like living in a mad house now - I'm a Brit of 83 years & I basically grew up assuming rights to most things in normal life as a female, but now it feels like this US is hell bent on taking us back to the 1800's - and here in the US we are being ruled by crazy people. I trust Biden, I certainly do not trust ANY Republicans as they appear to have lost their minds ! But all of this is entirely about their terror of losing control & knowing the numbers are not on their side - hence the move towards despotism instead, else they lose everything ! So they are doubling down nationwide instead of changing their policies towards what the public actually wants & increasing their vote share via that means !

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My wife and I were talking last night and neither of us understood the world we are in today. How a cult can be in control and be so unreasonable and unresponsible to both the country and their citizens

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Everything the Republican Cult says is nothing but a distraction. They can’t erase or remove 1/6, so they resort to distractions hoping that voters will vote for them, and forget about 1/6 don’t fall for their lies come election year VOTE THEM OUT.#SAVEAMERICAVOTEBLUE

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"It's all about the most important thing: corporate Profits." Which become dividends. Which increase the wealthy of the Very Wealthy. (Like they _need_ more wealth. For what? "He who dies with the most wealth wins"?) Unless a danger is to them, personally, they will tolerate most **anything** that supports ^that goal.

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I don't quite understand these Republican lawmakers. What is their endgame? Are they so greedy and shortsighted to the point of destroying humanity? To what degree? All I can think of for the future of this country (& beyond) is a dystopian nightmare that you see in some science fiction movies. I don't understand why anyone would want a future like that. Prof. Reich says to "act". And yes, "act" against those things, we must. However, there are more and more things to "act" against. What we must do, I think, is to educate voters and vote these criminals (against humanity) out. For that, we must talk to our family members and friends and open their eyes.

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It is up to us. The Senate can't do anything because 49 Democrats are not enough to pass anything meaningful. Krysten Sinema and Joe Manchin are not really Democrats and will not vote for anything smacking of gun control (or gun sense) and will not pursue ethics on the Supreme Court because they can't go anywhere with it unless they find, somewhere, a Republican with sense, which does not seem possible anymore. Given that we are weeks away from default (totally the Republicans fault) I suspect our only hope is a collapse that wakes people up to the travesty that is the Republican party, accompanied by just enough corporate Democrats to facilitate disaster. You would think the corporate titans that run our government with donations above and below the table would stop a depression that would wipe out their stock portfolios, ill-gotten gains from stock buy backs, but that would be asking for intelligent behavior on their part. Dream on... How many millions of letters, phone calls and emails can we generate on the gun problem, child labor, and debt ceiling in the next month to get the politicians off their collective butts?

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The Republicans have had a long term strategy for winning local elections for judges, school boards and state legislatures so they can gerrymander, decide laws and what happens in schools. We see now that they are reaping the results.

The point is that Democrats need to work hard during off year elections when these local issues with national consequences are decided. Local elections are also good opportunities to register voters on issues that are real. to them. Many citizens are cynical about Washington but not as much about happens in their community.

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