Here in the USA we gasp at the lies that are fed to Russians.citizens by their leaders, who tell their people that Ukrainian atrocities are staged. Yet the Republicans do the same thing, spreading lies to their own people about January 6, and those people just lap it up. It is unbelievable how far they push their big lies.

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The parallels are indeed frightening. Proto fascism is a lie machine. But it can only succeed when the people are gullible enough, scared enough, or angry enough to believe the lies.

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Germany was screwed by the punitive Treaty of Paris after the first World War, losing much of its industrial infrastructure in the Ruhr and having to face devastating currency inflation and considerable economic hardship, all of which Fascist nationalist Hitler used to push his way to power.

But what awful things happened to Trump supporters that made them so scared and angry that they would rise up behind the Big Lie, with the worst of them attacking and invading the Capitol on a deadly mission to reinstall Trump?

I don't see economic reasons as the cause for Trumpist neo-fascism. Rather, a constant barrage of false information and dangerous conspiracies from Fox and other far-right media scared the gullible, uneducated and uninformed while promising them generalized 'solutions' to fake problems.

Proto fascism, as you put it, is indeed a lie machine, a very effective one.

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Porter, Though I understand your comment wasn’t addressed to me, I would imagine a significant part of Trump’s base includes people who have been the victims of modernity’s unevenly distributed opportunity and prosperity and who feel dejected enough to be willing to accept any authoritarian option in order to provide some sense of normalcy and security in their lives. Some reasons, spanning decades, for these widening, oppressive redistributions involve massive demographic shifts from rural to urban areas, rapid technological changes that increasingly have rewarded higher educated workers over the less skilled, rising immigration which, admittedly, has driven down certain wages, and the shift in manufacturing from high- to low-wage countries, which also has held down salaries.

I hope I have provided some helpful clarification.

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Yes, but... The supposed solutions that are offered to them are not actually solutions at all but rather panaceas and generalizations. And importantly, it's not just rural or uneducated 'conservatives' who have been affected negatively by the changes you mention. It's also many, many people of color, immigrants and lower-income Americans who lean left.

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Porter, I must clarify that my previous reply was borne out of my efforts, over time, to try and explain the appeal of a Sarah Palin and a Donald Trump. I’ve mostly focused on forces seemingly beyond one’s control that tended to keep people down, hold them back. As your astute response indicates, my understanding, to this day, at best, is partial.

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As is mine. Thanks for your comment, Barbara!

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You are right on point. May I add many American businesses had and still have their products manufactured in China or other foreign countries. It was and still is cheaper to have products manufacture overseas. The American consumer generally purchases foreign made products not American made products.

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Porter ; I agree with much of what you said, but the economy, at least for the downtrodden flatlined wage earner, has frustrated and angered people who voted for tRump, when he lied about all the great things he would do to improve their lot, like bringing jobs back, for example. Making America Great Again.

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Hi Laurie - I hope what you wrote is general knowledge among Americans unhappy with flat wages, increased prices and generalized frustration at lack of forward movement in their lives. But I suspect that may not be the case.

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If they drink from the trough of poisoned water that is Fox 'news' and other misinformation sites, your suspicion is correct.

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What worries me is that, if one can judge by social media and the poll numbers that show an alarming percentage of Big Lie believers, so many people in the US ARE scared, angry, and gullible. I see that yearning for a figure that appears forceful, strong, and wise- reality be damned. My solace is looking at numbers - the numbers of voters who chose Biden over Trump, and also the fairly close elections (with a few exceptions) in the past 50 years.

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Alison ; Don't forget that the numbers are badly skewed by the electoral college, gerrymandering and other election frauds built into the voting system in this country. I agree, that it is always a lift when I think of how Biden did actually win, in spite of all that.

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I think it also works in reverse -- other lies can cause people to be fearful and angry enough to believe the lies. This is what the right wing media machine does so effectively.

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Well said: GOP---->GSA

Is that an irreversible reaction?

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GSA = Girl Scouts of America? LOL! enlighten me ?

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OOPS! I guess I owe the Girl Scouts a major apology! Sorry, young ladies...

Too many messages between my post and Robert's Gullible, Scared, Angry characterization.

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Robert's response to SueDacus: Robert ReichApr 26Author

The parallels are indeed frightening. Proto fascism is a lie machine. But it can only succeed when the people are gullible enough, scared enough, or angry enough to believe the lies.

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The mess that is the 2022 Republican Party is the direct result of over 30 years of propaganda and lies fed Republican voters by the right wing media machine, primarily Fox News and talk radio. The result is a distorted world view by many Republican voters. They will refuse to listen to reason from people like Mr. Reich. IMHO, the solution is repeated electoral defeats of Republican politicians, combined with re-establishing the Fairness Doctrine. Democrats and Independents need to vote in mass for Democratic candidates in every single election. I believe that Biden can impose the Fairness Doctrine by Executive Order, by I may be wrong about this.

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I agree with you 100%. I also believe there used to be a bipartisan cocktail hour in congress, where the members actually got to know each other across the aisle. There needs to be more relationship-building and less extremist grandstanding.

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Kris, I doubt that that's possible with the Tea Party-slant of most Republicans in Congress. They're a different breed, and many if not most do not agree on the basics of respect for one's colleagues.

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Tim ; It would be nice if he could, especially now with Musk in control of Twitter and going private. One would think that it would be a threat to national security to misinform the voters.

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Unfortunately Biden is still hoping for the two parties to place nice together.

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I won't hold my breath for that to happen. The GOP is so far over the cliff that I can't see them coming back to a more normal state ever. I am a senior so I remember when they would play nicely with others but Trump has ruined that and it is doubtful that they will ever come back from it.

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GOP politicians who try to work with Democrats are called RINOs and are prevented from running for re-election in the next GOP primary. I also remember the days when both parties worked together, with some disagreements, for the good of the country.

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I’m with you!

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The R’s are willing to hurt their constituents to go along with this damnable lie. I ask myself everyday how did we get to this terrible place?

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I remember back in the '50s hearing the caveat "Never believe people who say 'it could never happen here.'" Indeed, I always took that caveat seriously.

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Indeed, DZK. The old phrases, "My country, right or wrong!" and "America, love it or leave it!" have come back to haunt us.

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I quote the eminent author Patrick O'Brian: “But you know as well as I, patriotism is a word; and one that generally comes to mean either my country, right or wrong, which is infamous, or my country is always right, which is imbecile.”

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"Patriotism is the Last Refuge of a Scoundrel" (Samuel Johnson)


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It does not matter how many flags one wraps themself in. If they are a traitor, they are a traitor.

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That crap worried me at the time! Vietnam ruined a lot more than the "Great Society."

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And let’s not forget “My mother, drunk or sober!”

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DZK ; I remember the chant ; "It can happen here!, It can happen here! at anti war marches.

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Fox & other extreme rt wing media and corporate rule.

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In Germany Fake News is a crime. found in Book AN UGLY TRUTH about Facebook.

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Is the United States a Republic or a Democracy? Your answer to that question will determine who our government answers to: Representatives or Citizens.

Maintaining both the electoral college and the popular vote, kept this an open question for 246 years. The time has come to choose.

The Republicans are fighting to establish a Republic and end Democracy forever. The “BIG lie” is code for Republic. “Taking our country back” means back to a Republic (back to a time when it was so difficult to vote, representatives were citizen’s only real choice of being heard). When Republicans talk about “values” they are talking about money – not morals. Republican voters are passionately interested in controlling American society. It’s a marriage made in heaven, for Republican leaders have no interest in morals. In exchange for control of the Republic, Republican Party leaders are promising their followers complete control over the morals of the country, including enforcement by the courts and police – and if necessary, the military.

If Americans choose a Republic, the wealthiest elites in history will own America. Elon Musk buying Twitter for $46-billion, while I have $470.00 in my checking account made my case.

However, if Americans choose Democracy, citizens will acquire power never seen in human history. I’m on the side of Democracy. I have faith and confidence in my fellow citizens.

Until the BIG question has been answered once and for all, nothing else matters.

On November 5, 2024, the BIG question will be placed before us. We will NOT be voting for a President. We will be voting FOR a Democracy or a Republic.

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Behind both Putin and Trump are oligarchs who have quietly encouraged these so-called "strongmen" because the oligarchs believe they offer protection from the vast multitudes. So has it been through history.

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What you describe here is the relationship between a king and his dukes or archdukes, shown informally at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial,_royal_and_noble_ranks , characteristic of a feudal governance - not a republic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feudalism It's the old tsarist state. It was usually accomplished through military strength and >fealty< - that is, loyalties that are so important to Putin and his equally evil US twin, ol' Tweety. Modern feudalism is accomplished through capitalistic economic control and - of course - loyalties.

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Well, this vast multitude's puny one is done pampering the trembling ollie's feelings.

Knowing a measly 10 people could pay the U.S. defense budget bill and still afford to buy a couple Twitters makes me sick. The oligarchs are afraid of me and rightfully so. My judgment, my intellect, my good will, my morals, and my vision do not include their empires.

Compared to the past, the speed of change is moving at light speed. History has taken sharp turns before, and its time to turn again.

Thanks for chiming in.

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Good on you!

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If we can vote and have it counted. I want a receipt!

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Luckily my polling place provides one and after the 2020 election, I will never throw one away again.

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Every voter should have a hard copy!

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Laurie I don't think a hard copy receipt will help unless someone is willing to recount your vote. Why not have your ballot posted at the Sec. of State website, so that you can identify it online with your serial number? Then all the voters can see all the votes, and anybody can recount them, and many people will recount your vote if it is a close election. Then there can be no doubt about the vote and no more conspiracy theories, because all the ballots are completely visible to the public.

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Geordie ; Good idea if I can actually post my ballot at the Sec. of state website. But can it be hacked? Are there instructions on how to do it? What about hackers? Why not have a hard copy and also post it on the website?

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No you can't do it now. But we should have a federal law that requires all the ballots to be posted so that anyone in the public can count the votes - and check that their vote is counted - using their own software or open source counting software. The ballots themselves should be saved as public records for a long time - perhaps 2 years. A hard copy for the voter is a good idea too. This way we would put an end to conspiracy theories, public distrust in elections, Jan 6 insurrections, demagogues like Trump who irresponsibly refuse to concede even after a decisive loss, and most importantly we would put an end to actual stolen elections.

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This will be a very dangerous election. But it will decide what the US becomes.

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I mostly agree, but republic and democracy is not an either/or issue. See an informal discussion at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Res_publica Public business doesn't define how public business is conduced. Therefore, a democratic - or any other kind of "-cratic" republic can exist. >Don't allow< the Republicans to get you thinking otherwise. Also, democracy can trend to fascism. A >balance< must exist. Otherwise, you end up at the extreme end of democracy: a consensus. Fascist states typically work toward consensus, and achieve it by eliminating >all< opposition. The USSR considered themselves democratic, just as the PRC continues to consider itself democratic to this day.

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Good morning, DZK. No worries, I'm not chasing bunnies in the weeds. I grasp the nuances and complexities of managing a Republic and a Democracy. In my mind, Citizens United undermined Democracy so severely, it shoved us towards a full blown Republic.

While I take your point regarding fascism, I don't entirely agree. In a Democracy dictators have to get elected, before they can start the wholesale elimination of opponents. In my reading of history, that makes Democracy a hurdle that few dictators can get past.

Conversely, a Republic is much easier to overcome - dictators buy off a handful of representatives and military leaders and own the country.

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Yet Hitler did just exactly that. That too is history. Don't forget all the Reichstag seats filled by democratically elected Nazis that made his accession possible - >exactly< like congressional seats occupied by democratically elected Q-publicans who would facilitate ol' Tweety.

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The German Republic was too weak to hold out against Hitler. The rise of white-Christian Nationalism among elites led to the fall of the Republic and rise of the Nazis. A Democracy is much stronger than a Republic. Right now, the Republican's white-Christian-Nationalism movement is driving the country away from Democracy, and towards a weak, ineffectual and impotent Republic. That Tucker Carlson has assumed Joseph Goebbels' role as "Minister" of Propaganda does not escape me.

We are in deep doo doo and every liberal minded talking head, economist and politician is competing for attention for their campaign, their cause, their profession, or their point of view. We have no idea where to put our energies, our focus or our care.

Sometimes the old KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) principle really is best. In 2024, the BIG lie will be on our ballots. I'm saying let's put the BIG question on the same ballot - Democracy or Republic?

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Just heard a politician running for Rob Portman's seat claim in an ad "I believe your rights come from god, not the government. (What rights, indeed, and from whom does his heathen god withhold rights? He doesn't mention that!)

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Any pregnant woman for starters!

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I'm glad you've made a point of the religion connection. I banged on a lot about that in Prof Reich's earlier posts. Religion >can< be useful in advancing civilization - up to the point it becomes narcissistic. It becomes true evil in the >very moment< it justifies itself by "divine right." If you look at instances of domestic terrorism here in the last 50 years, you'll find the perp or perps have a bible laying around somewhere. Any barbaric act can be justified in the believers' minds if their heathen belief justifies it.

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How we define civilization? For hundreds of years, Christian missionaries and evangelicals have been complicit in murder, genocide, enslavement, rape, pillage, theft, impoverishment, and torture all around the globe.

Nonetheless, my idea of civilization would be a world full of people who followed the Ten Commandments. Over the last ten years, I've asked at least two hundred evangelical Christians and not one of them was able to recite the Ten Commandments by heart - not even their preachers.

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But how many people are educated enough to even know the distinction?

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@DZK. True reporting of factual history.

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@DZK. Even Hitler was elected at first...

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Today's situation is even more serious. At the time of Nazi Germany, both the Republican Party and Democratic Party had nothing to do with Hitler.

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I view it more as a Confederate revival. It's the historic foundation of what's happening >here< and >now<, kept alive by such as George Wallace, Jesse Helms, & Newt Gingrich.

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True enough. However, he had the backing of a considerable portion of the Reichstag behind him - the other elected Nazis. It's unclear that he would've pulled it all off otherwise.

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DZK ; It's a problem when the few Greedheads have more money than the Country, especially when money is speech according to the highest court!

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That could come back to bite ol' Florida DeSantis on the arse. Apparently, the ACLU is throwing in with DisneyWorld to fight the legislation he had his minions draw up to disenfranchise the park. They're making it a freedom of speech issue. I'm not a Disney fan, but I hope those Wank-publicans get clobbered!

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DZK ; I have not been a fan of Disney myself, but agree that it would be good to see DeSantis and co. get clobbered! For DeSantis, this is a bit like hitting yourself in the head to get back at your opponent, or burning down your house to get back at your annoying neighbor! What he is doing will raise taxes for Florida's taxpayers 25%! Ouch! but fun to watch!

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No sympathy at all do I have for those who voted for the clowns that do it to 'em, but it would be far more satisfying to see the clowns themselves "hoist upon their own petard!" : https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.V4diez2kwrwcPXTiw5G2ogHaFp%26pid%3DApi&f=1

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DZK ; I feel sorry for those seniors who just want to get out of winter. Can't understand how they can live there, though. My husband will not even visit! He says there are too many dumbasses!

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The fact that over the weekend France's Macron retained his presidency over far right putin supporter Le Pen, and the far right putin supporter running for Prime Minister in Slovenia appears to have also lost is somewhat encouraging...

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Raffey, You write that”[t]he Republicans are fighting to establish a Republic…”. I presume your perspective differs from subscribers on this thread who view the Republican party as “the party of Putin.” I (and perhaps others) greatly would value you clarifying the distinctions, presuming you do perceive differences.

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Good morning Barbara. Words are in flux right now, so the best I can do is clarify the distinction as I see it.

A Republic is a representative form of government. Elites nominate candidates and then voters choose which ones they want to represent them. In this form of governance, power remains with representatives - not citizens. Time and technology and most of all money have deepened the gap between citizens and representatives. Today, you can't get elected without wealthy people willing to spend a fortune on advertising, experts, and organizers to get you elected.

A Democracy is government by the people - a simple one citizen, one vote system with the majority vote the winner. The popular vote has been counted since 1776.

While the people did not elect Bush or Trump, the Supreme Court put Bush in office and the electoral college put Trump in office. Among other consequences, Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett were all nominated by presidents who lost the popular vote and confirmed by a bloc of senators who represent less than half of the country. If the United States chose its leaders in free and fair elections, none of these individuals would serve on the Supreme Court — and it is likely that Democratic appointees would have a majority on the Court. It merits noting, that John Roberts and Samuel Alito were also seated on the court by a president who lost the popular vote.

As DZK keeps pointing out, and I agree, Democracy is impractical for everyday governance. If we voted on everything, we wouldn't have time to keep the economy going, raise new citizens, train tomorrow's workforce, do the daily grunt work, repair the roads, staff hospitals, schools and military units, etc.

We need to decide if we want a representative government or a Democracy.

If we want a Democracy, we need to end the electoral college - forever. The next step is to reconstruct Senate elections, so each Senator represents the same number of people - regardless of state boundaries. States with small populations might have to share Senators with each other. States with large populations may need more Senators. Either way, allowing one Senator to represent 68-million fewer people than another Senator is a Republic - not a Democracy. Talk about taxation without representation, that takes the cake.

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Thank you, Raffey, for your clarification. My question is: If we could get rid of the electoral college, limit terms on all senators and representatives, and give all running for office a playing field with equal money - wouldn’t that help? I’m SO tired of Dems asking for money to win races!

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Jan, I think it would help so much, it could set us on the path to full Democracy. I'm not a fan of term limits though. It takes a long time to learn how things work in government, and I'm not willing to lose that. I'm after equal representation - as long as every Senator represents the same number of citizens, the longer they stay in office the better.

Dems are begging us for money, because they can't compete with billionaire funded Republican candidates. If Democracy depends on money, its already dead.

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>I pointed out no such thing.< I pointed out that that a republic is a way of organizing a government and democracy was the means of conducting said government. It's high-school government course stuff! Indeed, I provided Webster's links to clarify the actual meanings of the words we're throwing around here. >Only to you< is it a word game. Words have meaning, and meaning guides our understanding of ideas, and how we understand words has consequences, lest we fall victim to the kind of credulous, uncomprehending, sloganeering crap ol' Tweety has hustled 35% of the population and 80% of the Q-publicans into regurgitating.

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DZK- don't bark at me. Hear me instead. You're right and I know it. Now, do you want to be right, or do you want to be effective?

We are in a rhetorical war, and some of the best linguists in the world, like Frank Luntz, have been coaching and training Republican politicians for decades. The whole QAnon phenomenon, the BIG lie, CRT and anti-racism explosion were pure linguistic tricks (and they worked like charms).

If you want to be effective, remember the Republicans are listening to people talk - not reading books or looking up words in the dictionary.

When Trump tweeted “"Despite the constant negative press covfefe" the Republicans knew he meant coverage. After Democrats turned that mis-spelled word into a major event, Trump was off the hook. After that, no matter what he said and wrote, his base gave him the benefit of every doubt. Trump was the master of using a thousand words to say absolutely nothing and knowing all the while that his base was hearing what they wanted to hear.

I listen to Republicans very closely and this Republic thing is huge with them. So stop listening to what Republicans say and start listening to what their base hears.

The minute you post links to the dictionary in a comment, you have lost the battle. Not because you’re wrong, but because it is not effective.

Just to clear, in the minds of conservatives, a Republic is the only way a minority can hold onto power. Republicans are a shrinking minority and every one of them knows they know they cannot hold onto power without killing Democracy itself.

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Oh, I agree, and I didn't intend to bark. 1000 pardons, please. Please understand I >know< we're on the >same side.< In thinking about what you said, I vaguely remember I may have distinguished between a republic and a private estate elsewhere, on another day's discussion - like feudal estates owned by kings, or such like. I know I made such a point a week or weeks ago. I would have been attempting to make a point that the a$$holes would attempt cultivating a feudal society through economic clout, while having us all buffaloed into believing we elected it democratically.

Anyhow, it's all good. Pax bro!

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DZK, no need to apologize for being right. If… no … when, we do move towards Democracy we will need people like you to work out the details. But we are not there - just yet.

We’ve spent centuries being told – and believing – that the elites know best. Every four years we hire and fire another President and pretend we’ve done our job. What a joke – are we ten years old or what? Time to grow up.

Just like some people prefer to work for others rather than themselves, the idea of citizens controlling our own fate is scary stuff. It is going to take a Helluva lot of courage to elect ourselves as leaders and deciders for this nation.

And that is what my question – Republic or Democracy? – is asking people to decide. If we choose Democracy, we are electing ourselves as leaders and deciders for this country. If we choose a Republic, we are handing strangers the right to continue leading and deciding this country’s future.

Given their history, I cannot tolerate another day of elite leadership. From slavery, sweatshops and child labor to union busting and a $7.25 an hour minimum wage in 2022 their record sucks. From civil war, world wars, Korea, to Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq their record sucks. From depression to depression, to the Great Depression and the Great Recession their financial record sucks. From the Trail of Tears, Jim Crow and the Chinese Expulsion Act and turning Jews away during WW11, to the assassination of Civil Rights leaders to today’s special labor laws for farmworker children working in the fields, and the separation of children from their parents at the border, their record sucks.

I can do better. You can do better. Everyone here can do better. Together, we can do great things.

That whole “Tyranny of the Majority Myth” is bat sh-t crazy. The founding fathers worried themselves sick over the tyranny of the majority, because they knew that “We, the people” would not approve, let alone legislate their horrid ways. They knew that “We, the people” would abide by the constitution and make them abide by it too. They knew that “We the people” were better than them in every way – more moral, visionary, courageous and harder working.

Once again, the minority (Republicans) are trying to convince us, that “WE” are the “Tyrannical Majority”. Excuse me?

While we left wingers are arguing over the definition of words, right-wingers are storming the Capital, hunting down the Vice-President (and ready to hang him). While we left wingers are arguing over gender, right-wingers are drooling over Vladimir Putin. While we, left wingers, are reading Robert Reich, right-wingers are watching Tucker Carlson (preach the glories of frozen fish sticks).

Seriously folks, how can we NOT be done with this hybrid form of government. Republic or Democracy – is the BIG question.

Peace awaits Democracy.

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Raffey, Though some of what you stated were factors I had understood as needed reforms (e.g., abolishing the Electoral College and either abolishing or “fixing” the Senate), your clarification, nonetheless, was mighty helpful. Thank you for taking the time.

Though the point might not be worth even mentioning, I would note that Bush nominated Roberts and Alito in late 2005 after having barely won the popular vote by a little over 50%.

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You're welcome and thank you too.

If not for the Supreme Court installing Bush, he would not have had a second term, and Alito and Roberts would never have been nominated and we would not have attacked Iraq and still be there today.

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For what it is worth, the US constitution says we are a democratic republic. Please don't confuse me.

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Great comment. Oh please, do let me confuse you - please.

The founders couldn't figure out how to create a Democracy when half of them saw themselves as Aristocrats. Well you can't be an aristocrat without a king - right? In 1776, it was super easy to lose a few hundred ballots from some state thousands of miles away - right? So they settled on calling aristocrats "representatives" and gave themselves the power to elect their own king (aka the electoral college).

Along came computers and satellite communications and the republic was out of business.

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I’ve always called the electoral college a way of making certain citizens kings or queens.

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College was the tip off. few people could even read or write, never mind attend College.

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And now, Citizens United

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Just so. A republic is about organization, whereas democracy is about governance. I was attempting to make that clear.

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I thought a republic was just a democracy backed by a document like a constitution. But Republicans do like to use that word Republic and our original document certainly did not trust we the people so perhaps your dichotomy works. Whatever they call what they want it will be an authoritarian state and we the people will only matter if we are wealthy. You are right about that.

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N.L. Brisson, I agree with you. I'm focused on reality - not word games.

Make a decision folks. If you trust yourself, your family, friends and neighbors demand Democracy. If you trust a bunch of strangers owned lock, stock and barrel by the uber-wealthy vote Republican and establish a full blown Republic.

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I'm with you, as long as it is a liberal democracy, one that we enjoyed for 250 years. The problem arises as it has in Hungary where Victor Orban reigns over an illiberal democracy."hile we are familiar with liberal democracies in the West, illiberal democracies are, According to Fareed Zakaria “democratically elected regimes often re-elected or reinforced by referendums that ignore the constitutional limits of their power and deprive their citizens of basic rights and liberties”.

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A judge just charged ol' Tweety with contempt of court and is fining him $10,000/day he doesn't appear to testify. To most people, that's a heavy fine. For ol' Tweety and his ilk, that's not even a slap on the wrist! For ol' Tweety and his ilk, it's pocket change they'll write-off as cost of doing business. >When< will judges catch on and begin dispatching state or federal marshals to frog-march that a$$hole and his like-minded a$$hole followers to a cold, dark cell until they >respect< their subpoenas ‽

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If memory serves, as far back as March of 2021, policy experts started sounding the alarm, asserting that the perpetuation of false grievances that the 2020 election was stolen would succeed unimpeded if Senate Democrats didn’t change the Senate filibuster rule. Fast-forward to the Senate vote in January of 2022, wherein Manchin’s and Sinema’s obstruction of a modest reform to the filibuster blocked the passage of nationwide minimum voter protection safeguards which would have preempted and superseded any state law in conflict with any of its provisions.

Considering Republican state legislators, as we speak, are ruthlessly changing election rules to change who can be in charge, how votes are counted, and how they’re certified, the question, absent any federal voter protections, is how do we out-organize them?

Step one: We acknowledge, fair or not, that politics largely is perception, and, though Republicans have no ideas other than ones arising from greed and self-serving impulses, their strategy of running on divisiveness, far too often, wins them elections. Next we prevail upon every Democrat, consistently and methodically, to push against Republicans’ avarice, against their machinations, and against their manipulations with the one tool the far-right, in particular, loathes more than liberals—the truth.

Step two: We confront another painful truth, that, despite Dems frequently quoted as saying, “we plan to focus on kitchen table issues,” in the past 15 months, Dems haven’t been able to extend the child tax credit or lower prescription drug costs or improve childcare or raise the minimum wage to $15…, legislation that actually would make people’s lives easier and would be counter-inflationary. Then we prevail upon Senate Democrats to pass into law at least a piece of Biden’s BBB social and climate package and present it to voters as a down payment of more to come if Dems retain the House and pick up at least 2 Senate seats.

As a final point, I would note, were they to build on their majority, Dems, in my view, would capture the dynamic of the political conversation in the country for the foreseeable future.

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For the sake of our country, the Democrats need to be as ruthless as qpublicans in stopping these monsters from destroying any sign of fairness. We have been watching for 40 years. Punishments for Trump Crime family must be witnessed ASAP. Waiting too close to election time will create more street violence.

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SeekingReason, Were I to subscribe to your position that “Democrats need to be as ruthless as qpublicans,” I also would contend that said actions, though necessary, would not be sufficient. As stated in my comment, for Dems to retain power, they must get 50 Senators to sign off on as much of the budget reconciliation package (BBB) as possible and present this partial fulfillment of campaign promises as a down payment of more to come if they pick up more seats.

As for holding Trump and his coterie criminally accountable, I (and I imagine much of the country) have argued for months that there was ample factual predication to open up a criminal investigation. Indeed, I, like you, am well aware that we nearly are running out the clock on democracy and am equally bothered that DOJ appears not yet to have started holding those at the top criminally accountable. To that end, I continue to write to whomever I think might listen.

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When I say as ruthless, I mean to expand the supreme court, use executive power to eliminate student debt. Shove through what we can while we can. End the filibuster.

Get around roadblocks with redefining or hiding bills in other legislation.

We could have gotten BBB in the works were it not for Sinema & Manchin. Buy them off the way the Rs did. We’re headed for a crisis and need every stop pulled out.

Waiting this long on indicting TFG is very very risky.

We cannot keep ignoring the fact that rt wing owns the majority of media & the largest conglomerates. I hope this is a lifelong lesson to Democrats not to ever kowtow to Rs for anything, ever again!

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SeekingReason, I appreciate the clarification, and, though I agree fully with your concerns, I’ve seen too much to imagine that most of what you’ve cited can come to fruition with these 50 Senators. Hence, despite the odds, I’ve shifted my focus to picking up more seats.

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I’m for any and all ideas whatsoever. I know some ideas seem unlikely, but it seems the Rs find ways to do damage with very quick turnaround…example..Supreme Court pick that belonged to Obama…they screamed he couldn’t do that in last YEAR in office, then they turn around and shove yet another pick in during the last DAYS of TFG rein.

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This Republican party is the party of Putin. If you want to be kept in the dark, exploited, blocked from free speech under threat of draconian jail time, or death by poisoning or some other sort of abuse, vote Republican in America, land of the 'free' (fascists). That is where we will be headed if they get 'elected'. Personal liberties will disappear under their rule.

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Inciting an insurrection is a seditious act punishable by imprisonment. Trump and his enablers are guilty of sedition and the electorate needs to know it. Merrick Garland has enough evidence to lock them all up.

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If Drumpf and his cronies aren’t sent to prison, something resembling anarchy will break out among the rest of the population.

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A "HEADS-UP": Everyone make sure not to miss the links in Prof Reich's message in the sentence "Fully 85 percent of Republicans now believe it (35 percent of Americans overall believe it)." Both 85 percent & 35 percent are underlined. They're links to the same Atlantic article at : https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/04/trump-voters-big-lie-stolen-election/629572/

It's a good article.

Also: in the 2nd paragraph, there are two underlined words which are also links pointing to a Pressreader article at https://www.pressreader.com/usa/santa-fe-new-mexican/20220424/282071985460523 (an outlet I'm unfamiliar with, but will keep in mind.)

I >mightily< appreciate links to references.

Message here, if you see underlined words in Prof Reich's morning essays, make sure to click on them - just in case they're links. (On the other hand, links usually show-up in blue. These links remain black in my email client, like the rest of the text, so it's not clear the underline is a link.)

Those of you who >did< notice the links, please disregard this comment.

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When power and control become more important than democracy and law, as we’re seeing in the republican party, our only hope is that Americans recognize the deception and removes them from office.

In all my years I have never seen such weakness and fear in one party, paralyzed in fear that a narcissistic sociopath will destroy their careers should they speak the truth. I’ve also never seen the media so complacent and eager to capitalize by normalizing or pushing false equivalencies.

Donald Trump instigated and contributed to a deadly insurrection against our government with the help of several high-level sycophants, yet we see some of them featured on primetime tv shows or as guest speakers on cable outlets. The only place we should see Trumps face is in a courtroom, charged for his crimes against our nation and not in an interview with his orange sweaty face spewing the same lies. We have one chance to avert and stop fascism in it track, I hope voters realize this.

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Spot on!

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We still have a Constitution, which Trump swore to protect and defend. He broke his oath. Isn't that enough to prosecute, indict, and imprison him? Somebody who understands the law better than I do, please share, what can we do to pressure the Justice Department to vigorously prosecute Trump? He needs to be barred from running for office and removed from influence. How do we make this happen? We need hope and concrete action steps.

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@Gabriella. I worry that Trump is one head of the hydra snake, and not a particularly smart or effective person. If he is dumped, without changing some essentials, we might actually get a worse candidate. One thing about Trump that really encourages me - I don't think he can actually win!!!! It might be great to have him run which essentially gives the Democrats 4 more years to get their S**T together.

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All the "experts" told us in 2016 that Trump could never become President. Let's not make the same mistake in 2024. I know that 2024 is not going to be the same as 2016, but still worry about him running again. I also think that if he doesn't run DeSantis will -- and he is much smarter and more effective than Trump.

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Trump can't win -- maybe so. Trump will overturn the 2024 election if he doesn't get the votes. The Republican Party is setting the groundwork for overturning the 2024 election.

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I'd like to see us enlist the aid of past presidents and vice presidents to do a media blitz of interviews on all the major news programs and talk shows, asking the simple question - WHY ARE YOU LYING, calling out every politician BY NAME who perpetuates the 2020 "stolen election" lie.

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I agree. They should all be very visible and very direct!

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Part of the problem in this country stems from our judicial system. Why does it take so long to bring people to trial? Jan. 6, 2021 is now almost 16 months ago, and we still don’t have indictments against most of the ringleaders, let alone trial dates. This gives the conspiracy theorists plenty of time to spin their ridiculous lies, and “alternative facts.” “Justice delayed is justice denied.”

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The billionaires who backed Trump are bankrolling Republican candidates so the price of having any conscience is negotiable depending upon an individual's standing in the polls and abilities to raise funding from non Trump sources.More years of idiocy lie ahead for America unless the Democrats can mount an effective campaign that focuses on the bread and butter issues of living costs,health access,and national security which should be vigorously protected against Chinese or Russian money.

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How do you “protect against Chinese or Russian money”...when all the billionaires do business in at least one of those places...is drmpy back at it again? There are no good paths except organizing and registration of people. Grumbles about the Democrats are fine, especially when constructive. However, perspective is sorely necessary. Otherwise, get ready for the tv reality show “The Real wives of the Hand Maids’ Tale”...

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Well greater transparency is a starting point.Elon Musk is a case in point being heavily reliant upon China as a market and battery provider.I was actually alluding however to the funding of US election campaigns indirectly by hostile nations seeking to distort or undermine US democracy. Social media has to be at the top of the list for extra scrutiny given its pivotal role in disseminating messages to the general public.

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Thank you professor. We are roughly the same age. You are a little older but have aged better. You have taught that this slid was a long time coming. The question I struggle with is, "What can I, with my strengths and weakness, do?" You tell me that I should not feel helpless and hopeless but it is hard.

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Register Democrats. https://www.fieldteam6.org/

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I hear ya' bro!

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What a follow up to yesterday's post about our newest version of Rupert Murdoch. Lying has been normalized it seems. So extreme we are no longer shocked.

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Have we not become a country of narcissists obsessed with i-stuff, and me-concerns? Have we also not become a country where winning is worshipped in the market, in politics, and in sports of all kind? A country where "greed" is deemed a positive?

This country I'm positing may be more the country admired by the wealthier class, aka, more likely to vote republican. I believe that only a severe economic or environmental event will bring us back to a less divided, more we-country. "United we stand, divided we fall?"

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How to go from a worldview based on greed and self-service to where we care about each other as much as we care about ourselves is the big question.

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Very well written. Thank you for doing so.

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