VW in Germany would never consider talking against unionisation like that. There they know that cooperation with their employees has produced a strong globally automotive industry of which the country is proud. Audi, Porsche, BMW and Mercedes know the same. It shows that political ideology does not drive efficiencies and success but working together.

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I distinctly recall that when VW was building the Tennessee facility their plan included a union but they were told to drop the idea by high level politicians there.

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Did you know that over half of those in Congress are Millionaires, making laws for average and poor people? The millionaire classes have proven they do not care for average or poor people except at voting time!

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Many decades ago, Congree and Senate politicians was supposed to be a part time job and they were supposed to work for the people. They changed laws to better themselves. Better pay, better pensions, better access to insider info to let them become millionaires. It has only gotten worse, they don't care about what the people want and need. Taking us back to the 1800's where men were in charge of everything. We (women) are losing our rights to our bodies, work, voting rights and many other things. The same goes for POC and LBGT. They want us poor and in the kitchen or in jail or in back alleys and dying. They work for the millionaires who give them money to keep them in office and voting the way their millionaires instruck them to. Shameful!

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Sure they do. They care about how they can use the average and poor people to make them into billionaires.

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MP.s in Uk are supposed to work for their constituents. But they also are the rich elite ,who are destroying the country and us ordinary souls

. 🤬😢

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10 years ago Senator Corker did his best to discourage the VW employees and the community from voting in favor of the Union. Typical Union hating Republican:


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We need to identify these anti-union legislators and begin to unseat them. It will be a full-time hobby of mine. I don't live in Tennessee, but I can donate to pro-union candidates.

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Well for starters, figure that all Republicans are anti-union!

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Ironically, the biggest employer, TVA is mostly unionized. https://www.tva.com/careers/union-partnerships

# 2. Teachers. https://tnea.org/

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Doctors too....and lawyers...

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Did you know that over half of all Members of Congress are millionaires? https://m.essage.us/msg/O2WJTFV4cM

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Nikki Haley did the same thing when she was governor in South Carolina to the Boeing workers.

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Which goes to show that it is not only stupid white men who impoverish the country.

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There was a time when VW WANTED their U.S. workers to organize. The bulk of the management were Germans, because they had just started building plants here. This was that long ago.

The workers at the time voted against organization.

Unions, the UAW in particular, were widely accepted to be corrupt, with their leadership in the pockets of both the boards of directors and organized crime.

The UAW of that time made the concessions that the current members are fighting against.

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I don't know how widespread this is but in years past, during my membership to a national labor union, the membership was asked by union leaders to vote Democratic come election time. Now, the allegiance has done a complete 180 degree change in support, what was once a Democratic group of loyal supporters has begun to shift to a Republican stronghold. The Republicans are taking over the labor force. I live in Trump city; I have a neighbor who has, for the past 7 plus years, displayed numerous lawn signs in front of her house all supporting the idea of Donald Trump being elected to something. She even has a 6-foot, life size image of Donnie Boy affixed to the glass on her front door. I know of an individual that works in a factory setting and to a man they all want Trump back in the White House. Where have all the flowers gone, long time passing? It would seem the under-educated find favor in supporting the orange guy, sad.

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I am afraid to put pro Democrat lawn signs for fear of Vandalism to my car and or house for which thete would be little reimbursement. Funny the Trumpers have no such fears. There is a vile, well I am a little better off than the next guy thread where higher union pay affords these people a life just enough to get by and afford some luxuries. They think they've earned it from "hard work" but its really from the efforts of the union. They walk doen this line trying to be part of the oppressing class because they think they are part of it. Even though though they are part of the bottom 40%. Fucking selfish morons.

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the same, Bill.

I have an older car that I refer to as the "Hippie Mobile" when

I take it in for maintenance. I LOVE my mechanic, but he LOVES fox and

despises "brandon." I even kid him about one of the "boyz" cutting

my brake lines. So far so good BUT, I'm sure my new bumper stickers might make or break this "relationship."

I'm tired of the feeling that my opinion (which , of course, is just REALITY,)

makes me a target for the Jan. 6 crowd.

At this point however, I remain UNDAUNTED...

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On Saturday, I visited our local Dem HQ to vote for my congressional district’s representatives to the Democratic National Convention. While there, I requested a Biden sign for my front yard. With satisfaction, I count fewer and fewer Drumpf signs in my neighborhood.

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Did you know that over half of all Members of Congress are millionaires? https://m.essage.us/msg/O2WJTFV4cM

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Same they may still support drumpf but they dont say it.

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AMEN, Brother!

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Id never vandalize their shit. In the past I have had a window broken by unruly teenagers randomly. I paid for the replacement myself. I cant imagine having to deal with broken house windows or any of that stuff, plus having toddlers I dont need no rocks coming through the windows. When a party advocates for violence I think its a legitimate to fear being a recipient of that violence.

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Buck up Sambora

The days of truth sand justice are not over. If we don’t speak up relating our opinions based on facts not emotions who will?

How about this opening question when you see a maga hat in the crowd?

What is your favorite thing about a rapist?

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Kudos to you for your courage, David!

(And how sad is it that one now needs such courage just to publicly state an opinion??)

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Your support is appreciated... THANKS!

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Did you know that over half of all Members of Congress are millionaires? https://m.essage.us/msg/O2WJTFV4cM

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David Sambora ; "discretion is the better part of valor" ; There is a reason that, at one time, we had a secret ballot. (We still do, unless you are voting In a primary). Of course, this IS " The land of the free and the home of the brave"! But careful when you toss your "pearls" before swine!

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Bill--No lawn signs for me either. Where I live people go around and gather up all the signs that support the Democratic agenda. Looking at all the terrible things occurring in this country I would love for the news to air how these dishonest freaks voted in the last 2 elections. I'll bet money the vast majority of the individuals committing these horrible crimes are all Republicans and they voted for Trump and his sick view of the future. Their law and order, is having none.

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Donald ; We had a couple of teens doing that when there were signs posted saying that "We support our local law enforcement". there was a local private College that had a rally during which a young woman from the college held a sign that said "There is no such thing as a good Cop". This was when some were all for Defunding the police. There were incessant stories in the media about the terrible police violence, especially against People of Color, Asians, anyone who looked different.

While it is true that this was very bad at the time, ( at ANY time!) when there was the Floyd Murder by cop for all to see, there are a few police in town who were actively trying to improve relations with young teens of all races in the area, (even before that tragedy.) There were trading cards featuring local police with their pictures on them like sports collector cards. Bicycle safety and helmet safety checks at the police station (all voluntary), and other events to get to know each other in the community. There was pushback ; the teens I mentioned at the top of this post were going around and removing the "WE Support our local law enforcement" signs. They were caught and had to replace them, and do some public service. A civics lesson about respecting reasonable free speech.

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Laurie--I agree with everything but the thought that George Floyd was murdered. Floyd wasn't murdered, he died as a result of his own inability to cooperate with police directives. A similar incident occurred just recently where an EX-military type restrained an individual on a New York subway platform resulting in the subject's unintended death, due to the choke hold the victim was being held in. This person was charged correctly, his crime was "involuntary manslaughter," as was the offense that should have been given to the officer who took the life of George Floyd. The officer that restrained Floyd had no intention of killing the man he was holding under his knee, just as the guy in the subway station didn't mean to take the life the guy he was dealing with. The trial of Floyd was labeled publicly as the "George Floyd Murder Trial." good luck finding an impartial jury when the proceedings have been labeled as such. Just my opinion.

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I'm afraid to put up lawn signs other than for non-partisan city council and school board candidates. It's like the cities surrounding me are having a contest for the bigger the truck, or the bigger the flag and the more guns that they can own which increases the odds of a crazy person breaking out into violence. I don't want to become a target for them. During recent elections there have even been swastikas graffitied on cinderblock walls that were immediately addressed and removed. Scary.

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I'm so glad I moved out of the South and away from that garbage. In my blue state, you don't get so much of that. People put all kinds of signs in their yards, both Dem and repub, and they all stay there. Isn't that something? There's also not a Protestant church on every street corner, either. Think there's a correlation there? As much as xtians want to say they're so good and pious and followers of Jesus, they sure seem to behave the way their Satan wants them to more often.

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Eileen--The times for having a peaceful political sign on your lawn has passed. It is a dangerous thing to do, if you're a Democrat. When I get elected to whatever I run for, my first order of business would be to pass a law that allowed people to only put those stupid signs in places where people driving in their cars couldn't see them...Law # 1

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Did you know that over half of all Members of Congress are millionaires? https://m.essage.us/msg/O2WJTFV4cM

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If you find out who is doing it, have them arrested for theft.

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Been There . .. Had that happen . . .

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And those people who will damage your property and threaten you probably go to church 3 times a week and think they're "good christians."

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Funny thing about the violent ones is that they fall for the voting system (and government) is all rigged lines. They are more likely to not even vote. Being a poll worker in a heavy republican district I see the ones that vote. 99% of the voters come in and vote without issue. 1% always republican in again a majority republican district come in and tell us how thr system is rigged or their identity was stolen etc. They just wont shut up. We had 2 like that in 2023.

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Look at them and ask, politely, "Are you going to vote?" If they say "no," tell them to move along those who do want to vote can do so.

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Apr 22Edited

Defund the police should really be called what it is: de-militarize the police. I'm in favor.

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Take your trolling elsewhere, laughable tool.

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Defund the Police proved to be a counterproductive slogan. Sometimes we are our own worst enemies.

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Actually, since Jan 6 and other Trump shenanigans only far right has called for defunding the police and the justice system. Besides, liberals only wanted to divert some public safety funds to mental health measures not defund the police.

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Not only is that DUMB but not true either. What the hell are you doing here miscreant maga?

Should you be over on Stormfront or spelunking in the Orange Crevasse?

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Adam to whom are you responding. the way substack, stacks comments it looks like you are responding to Laurie Blair.

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Adam ; I wonder who you are posting to? Creative but not very intelligible.

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Did you know that over half of all Members of Congress are millionaires? https://m.essage.us/msg/O2WJTFV4cM

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Adam, Tom Is a troll. Talk about a major disconnect with reality. 🤦🏻

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Chuck ; not all "liberals" hate all law enforcement officers and want to defund them. Vandalism certainly should be reported. I would hate to live in a place like Haiti Where Mob bosses reign! A woman attending a top college should not be putting out idiotic ideas " like "There is no such thing as a good cop.", with little thought.

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Unfortunately most voters don’t educate themselves on the issues. Also, far too many voters are “single issue” voters (2nd Amendment and nothing else for example) and don’t look at the big picture. The only candidate for any office that will agree with an individual voter 100% of the time is yourself. I have been a Union member and involved in the Labor movement for over 50 years and Republican’s have done nothing and will do nothing for Unions and their members. The vast majority of Union members have pension plans and most members will at least partially depend on Social Security and Medicare. Republicans try time and time again to end those programs. By being uninformed on the issues or being one issue voters many Union members vote against their own interests. Unions collectively need to do a better job of educating membership’s just where Republicans stand on issues critical to their livelihood’s and the well being of them and their families.

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@ Henry. Visceral.

Try "Trump hates dogs" and "Trump stole from kids with cancer."

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My neighbor retired from the plumbers union, and has a damn good retirement, he is a snowbird, owns a boat, which he houses in my barn for the winter, owns an RV near a marina as well.

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Did you know that over half of all Members of Congress are millionaires? https://m.essage.us/msg/O2WJTFV4cM

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cyril - what is your agenda here?

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The first 10 times were enough, right?

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Henry--Well said.

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It seems the less educated (e.g. schooling, real world experience, etc.) respond favorably to authority figures who they perceive as having all the answers.

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Terry-- When people, like drowning swimmers, see a chance at salvation they grab onto it for all it's worth. Trump won't help them, he will only make things more autocratic. If you aren't wealthy, you'll suffer.

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Did you know that over half of all Members of Congress are millionaires? https://m.essage.us/msg/O2WJTFV4cM

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Terry, the religious big daddy in the sky ilk. Republicans love the ignorant, it’s their base.

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Did you know that over half of all Members of Congress are millionaires? https://m.essage.us/msg/O2WJTFV4cM

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Yes, we know by now.

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We also know that you are a GD parrot.

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Donald: You are correct about misguided Republican support. The problem is that these people were abandoned by Democrats. Their fortunes sank and sank until we reached the current idiotic rise of Trump. Their lack of education shines through. As you ourself say: "sad."

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Randy--I don't feel the Democrats abandoned anyone. Social and economic conditions worsened, and people began to feel they were being left behind. Then everyone except the wealthy felt the pinch of the changing times, as the middle class continued to shrink, and the poor became a piece of the puzzle Republicans have been searching for.

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Yes, social and economic conditions worsened, as a result of what Donald?

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Victor--Because of the aftermath of a failed Trump administration.

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His "BeLuved UnEds" . . .tho he was just kidding . ..

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Did you know that over half of all Members of Congress are millionaires? https://m.essage.us/msg/O2WJTFV4cM

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Cyril--It figures, in order to run for office in the first place, you need to be rather wealthy. The 8 trillion dollars Trump spent most likely use used to line the pockets of some of those millionaire members of that House.

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Probably a SPAM bot Robert. Block and delete, please. I wouldn't click on the link, probably a virus.

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Donald ; I bet they watch FOX 'news', or OAN or Newsmax ; Maybe all of them!

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Laurie-It's Fox News that holds the answer to our problems but as of yet they are as stupid and as dishonest as Trump himself.

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Donald ; I agree, and I believe that the Murdochs, ( and any other 'owners'), should have to face a class action lawsuit by, in the behalf of, and for the millions of innocent voters who have been and still are, misinformed by their "news'. This time ; No out of Court 'Settlement'!

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Democrats were enthusiastic off-shorerers of US jobs. Biden was one of them. Trump changed Biden's mind. Does Trump like labor unions?

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Ask Putin

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Victor--It doesn't matter what the man likes it's what he'll support. Labor unions live by what the future holds because of social security and Medicare which Trump doesn't support. He says one thing but means something else. Where are all Trump's production facilities? Those sick red ties aren't made in this country. Trump is a wishy-washy, weak-minded fool, who can't live a day without proving what an idiot he is.

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What do you see as the events leading to this turn around?

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Martha--A dream. Fox news coming out and admitting Trump is a piece of rectal debris.

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Feces Donald, Easier to say than rectal debris, but what you really mean as I do is shit.

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William --You have such an eloquent manner through which to express yourself. No matter how you look at it, shit is still shit. Just ask MTG.

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Mark, there has been corruption in unions. The Teamsters Union comes to mind from back in the 70s; however, I believe that people like Shawn Fain and others can keep the unions from spiraling out of control as they did back then. Not only will corporations have to realign and change their positions on their workers, the workers will have to ensure their union leaders do not begin shady dealings. You know people can drift down to illegal practices simply because it is in our nature! Most of us remain moral and good, but there are those that are enticed and cannot say no!

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I saw union corruption personally as a ZUM ZUM beer vendor at Three Rivers Stadium in Pittsburgh, PA in the early 70s. The vendors were all members of a Teamsters local run by a little Italian guy. It was whispered that he was a "Made" man (member of the Mafia). Everyone was scared of him. His buddies got all the choice vendor assignments. He did nothing for the rest of us. Complain and you were threatened. Some members were beaten up. This experience turned me against unions for a long time!

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Tim, the Teamsters Union did a lot to sour everyone on unions. Their corruption helped the fall of the unions here in America along with Reagan and his desire to crush all unions. The way I see it, unions can be good for the working class by giving a powerful voice to our needs; however, in order to avoid that type of corruption from occurring again, there must be watch dogs and guard rails to keep those that would corrupt from being allowed to do it!!

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Reagan was a fool and a tool of the billionaire and corporate class. He had beginning stage Alzheimer's even as Governor.

A grade B actor, he was nothing without a script. He sat limp, flaccid, colorless face,drooping jowls behind the Resolute desk, until he was handed a script and then he came alive.

Americans like their celebrities and the corporate elite and billionaires know that and we wind up with the best government money can buy.

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Those of us from Pittsburgh knew that Local 1058 of the building trades was run by the mafia, but not the beer industry. My father was a union organizer in the 1930s and, like you, grew disgusted at the corruption that quickly arose after the steelworker locals were established. I think we need to recognize that a labor union, as a power center, is susceptible like all others organs of influence, to corruption — just like the US Congress, the Supreme Court, etc. “We’re No Angels” might be the motto of many, many administrative entities.

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ZUM ZUM were the folks who sold hot dogs, soda, beer and other stuff to the fans in the stands. Souvenirs were the most profitable, followed by beer and soda. Only buddies of the union boss sold souvenirs. I sold Iron City beer (popular) and Duke beer (not well liked by many) at 50 cents a can. I kept a dime. On hot summer days, I would sell out at the vendor exit and never made it to the stands.

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I was an usher at Three Rivers starting in 1981. We were represented by the SEIU.

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Not just the teamsters but it is well known that the construction unions in NYC and NJ are run by gangsters. And there are many mafia's besides the Italian, there is the Irish mafia, Joseph Kennedy and John B Kelley, Grace Kelly's Dad, the Jewish Mafia, the Russian, Albanian, even Armenian Mafia and of course Colombian and Mexican mafia's called cartels.

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When it became compulsory to contribute to a pension fund here the unions created funds.Each sector had their own fund,motor trades fund,metalworkers,plumbers/ electricians etc.The early mid 1980s.Some had funds in different states.So if you worked in one state you joined that fund ,metalworkers fund A we'll call it. You moved to a different state,your employer paid into the metalworkers fund B for that state .It was very difficult to move money from one fund to the other to avoid paying double fees .

For economies of scale they all merged into one metalworkers fund. Everybody thought great,we can now just have one fund,and only pay one set of fees. The govt also made a law to make this as simple as possible as they knew this was going on.People were paying two lots of fees,two lots of insurance ( death benefit and income protection etc ).

They told people just call us to merge everything into one account,we bend over backwards to help you,you can trust us.Call centres have scripts . You call,they say yes,our computer systems will merge all accounts into one.This doesn't: happen You call back six months later.This is taking longer than we thought,but it will happen We realise how important it is to reduce your fees to boost your retirement fund .

You call back six months later,when is this merge going to happen. We didn't say they would be merged automatically,you misunderstood us,you must fill forms in We are protecting you from fraud . Why did you not post the forms out then. The answer,you have to ask us to post them out,well post them out to me. You will receive the forms within 10 business days,full them in and post them back to us.

No forms arrive,you forget about it..Three months later you call them. They pretend it is the first time you have called and just read from the script. 10 business days etc

They have a complaints dept,call them . This is awful they say,I will get straight on to this.I can only apologise,please accept our apology,it will take 10 business days. This goes on for years,they have no intention of posting forms out to you.They have every intention of collecting those double fees and kickbacks from the insurance company.

Some people die,illness,cancer etc.Wives are distraught but thankful they have that insurance.They call.,they are told 10 business days to post the forms out which will never arrive. Without money mortgages fall into arrears .Call the complaints dept,this is terrible,I can only apologise I will put a request in to the "team" to get straight on to this 10 business days etc ,please accept our apologies .

Forms arrive late,they are extremely complicated,finance professionals are needed Forms are sent back,nothing happens.Call again .We haven't received any forms from you I will post an urgent request in to the "team".I realise how stressful this must be for you Takes 10 days etc

All the while they just keep saying we bend over backwards to help our members Just call us .We are not for profit to maximise the money that goes to your retirement.

They have stolen god knows how many $millions from the members that are so important,just call us.Nithing is too much trouble,all you have to do is call us.

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Aussie, what is the name of this union? These are the kind of corrupt practices that toppled unions in the first place!! This has to be stopped or our unions will lose the strides they are making to come back!!

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As it is the end of the day here and I have got back from my cycling group that ride gives me time to think.

The Australian system was set up by a labour ( you call it democrat) govt.One an old school union leader that had given up on his heavy drinking / alcoholism days,and a whiz kid son of working class Irish stock that attended university. Pensioners ( social security to you) got by .Newspapers of the day and the TV programmes that do that kind of thing had screaming headlines of retired people ,worked hard,paid their taxes etc.Living in poverty.The whiz kid had done some economics and realised the obvious,great wealth is created by investing in companies that grow.Stock markets.

Inflation was high and a meeting was held with the unions.We can kill two birds with one stone here. Give up a pay rise that is due (3%) to avoid putting more money into the economy and fuelling inflation.This money will be used so everybody gets a share of the wealth generated by companies/ stock markets, and in retirement they should retire on 60 to 70% of their average wages .For example while average wages here are $95K per year make the maths easy and say $100K.So people retire on $60 to $70 K income,tax free No mortgage to pay,children grown up and left home,life is good and most people do very well.Most of them have no idea how that money got there.The companies they depend on ,are the companies they complain about

To put this into a US perspective then use the dow,an index of 30 companies.The chart that comes up says in April 1984 the Dow was at just under 1200,it is now at 38,500.You spent $1200 and bought the index,you now have $38,500.You reinvest the dividends and you have around 3x that.,so after costs we'll say between $100,and $110K.Keep costs as low as possible.Somebody started that in 1984 in the USA and had a % of their wages deducted to put into what you would call a 401K.They started that at the age of 20,they are now 60 and thinking of retirement They possibly retire with $200 to $250K in the 401K.Higher income earners have more than that.You retire with your monthly social security payments and whatever you draw down from the ~ $250K 401K.

Throughout that whole period some people in charge of these funds are working out how to steal from it,whether it is a union fund,a bank fund or whatever,that is what people have done and always will do.

Most people think that $250K appears from nowhere,the "expert" found a bank that pays high interest rates.After denying the obvious for the last 40 years that the money came from rising share prices,and dividends,they will continue to deny it forever.

Just a simple explanation.The complex strategies you don't need to know.When people refuse to see that then it is a waste of time explaining simple things in options markets and stock markets that will increase their income

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I missed a paragraph.The original 3% of wages increased over the years and reaches 12% of wages next year,or the year after. So somebody at the age of 20 in 2025 will have 12% of their wages into stock markets,property markets and bond markets for 50 years,assuming the retirement age is lifted to 70.For that whole period most of them will refuse to see that most of that money will arrive through the growth of companies and dividends.So the next 50 years will be exactly the same as this board is now,destroy those companies and make somebody else pay more tax and give that money to me

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Everybody does it.Insurance companies were in at the start as they had the network to "explain" to people how the new pension scheme would work.They were charging dead people for advice that they were supposed to give.Plus whatever else they could get.

Banks bought these companies as they saw the cash flow,they did the same thing,they were caught and paid out $billions in restitution.

The union funds were in from the start,you can trust us,we are the union

I'm not sure any of them realised how big it would get.The same maths that baffles people means they can do it.

Wal mart have revenue of say $600 billion and have a net profit margin of 2.5% so $15 billion ( 2.5x 6).People will deny it.

People are easy to scam,promise them you have the "secret " that will make them rich and they will give you money .

The save for your own pension works.You retire with a lump sum,you get your pension ( social security payments) plus draw down say $15 to $20 K per year.That $300+ per week makes a big difference when you are retired.

If people can put their fingers in the till,they will. In Australia now the pool is around A$3.7 trillion.This rises as people contribute more money.Stock prices rise,dividends from companies are paid in. A never ending pool of money.

If 1% of that money is stolen then it is small,but huge for the people that steal it.

For the example given say the kickback form the insurance company is $100 per year.The management cost is $1.50 per week.Doesn't look to be a problem ,until you multiply it by the 300,000 people they were taking it from. $450,000 per week year after year . $30,000,000 per year in kickback from the insurance company.All they have to do is keep repeating the script at the call centre.

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In a life long past before a career change I was a union rep.I began to trust employers far more than I trusted the higher ups in the union

The German car industry has very good memories for me. My trade skills at the time were needed so I was off to Stuttgart for a while.Daimler Benz Oberturkheim plant or Unterturkheim,I forget which now. The working conditions were unbelievably good. The workers canteen was like a 5 star restaurant,excellent meals with a variety of choice.Subsidused by Daimler. 1 DM per course if I remember correctly.

A bakery on site,9 am break that wonderful German bread a Mischu roll as it was called filled with smoked salmon Then I decided smoked salmon and camembert or brie cheese would be good

At the time I remember thinking I wonder if I can emigrate to Germany.

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And with the smoked salmon roll a delightful beer to wash it down.The local weizen ( wheat ) beer.

I wonder if I can emigrate to Germany now,would they accept another old baby boomer to add to the pile they have now. The cold weather in winter would probably kill me

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Climate change is warming up Germany!

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Like most other European nations, Germany has a long and complex history of labor-management strife and then harmonious relations brought about by many revolts, revolutions, and wars. People learn eventually what works for them.

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Eventually may turn out to be too late. Climate change is real, and the German automakers are not adapting fast enough. They risk being bankrupted by Chinese EVs.

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As a shop foreman in SEIU, I was also on a bargaiing team for contract negotiation. I held out, against the team that wanted to go home, for employer funded health care for retirees. Then I retired, the next contract negotiating team, sold the retirees down the drain. I blame the union leader who was friendly with the employer.

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Now, all they have to do is yell "communist." Just look at recent House Congressional Resolution 9: "Denouncing the Horrors of Socialism and Opposing the Implementation of Socialist Policies in the United States." This abomination passed 328 to 86. I don't know about you, but I'm backing the 86 who bravely opposed it. (CA Democrat Mark Takano proposed an Amendment that Medicare & Social Security not be included in this denouncement. His amendment was rejected. Now-ousted House Majority leader Kevin McCarthy reassured the House that Medicare and SS were "off the table." His puppet master Miss Marjorie Taylor smiled: her financial future is already secured. The 170,000 Georgians of District 14 who voted for her grunted then rolled over and went back to sleep.)

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Resolutions are not laws; rather, they are expressions of the "sentiments" of either the House or Senate,

Here are the 109 Democrats who voted for the resolution: https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2023106

In my state there were eight of the cowards, including Susan del Bene who has the gall to solicit money's from me, constantly, I am going to tell her to go fish.

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It looks like John Lyden will be the only Democrat alternative to Susan del Bene in the August 6 primary. Do you know anything about him? I can't find much.

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No I don't, My congress critter is Rick Larsen, useless as teats on a boar hog, but he is a democrat. He does nothing, except to show up a election season with a newsletter and asking for money and votes. But he is a Democrat.

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Thank you for the referral.

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Apr 22
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Nobody calls me Billy and I seriously hope not.

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Apr 22
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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Did you know that over half of all Members of Congress are millionaires? https://m.essage.us/msg/O2WJTFV4cM

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A bit of "whataboutery" there?

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Why is it that the US built VW Rabbit was such a disaster?

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Apr 22Edited

So does law and the interpretation of law. In this, the current SCOTUS can be an obstacle. It's the eternal tension that exists between the letter and the spirit of the law. We hear a lot about "originalist" and "textualist" interpretations. What we hear >nothing< about is the complementary "pragmatist" approach. The link that follows presents a good discussion of what we hear nothing about: https://youtu.be/eUvdPHw4Nd0?si=YWYB4sQtVzEZqOVf The relevance is touched later in the discussion about shifts in the court - as we're now going through. It's about the difference between the Taft court and the New Deal court. Enjoy.

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Apr 22Edited

And this is exactly why politicians and the compliant media, worried more about ratings and clicks and views than about any commitment to the truth, must endlessly peddle one manufactured culture crisis after another.

Video games lead to violence and gay people want to marry and defend the country! Our world is over! ... Janet Jackson had a wardrobe malfunction and now millions of American children will probably be traumatized for life! ... Obama had the nerve to not only get elected as a black man, but to then wear a tan suit! ... Dirty illegal immigrants are simultaneously joining MS-13 and causing violence in your community AND are working multiple full-time jobs that they stole from you! ... Trans people are force-reading your children books that will make them want to switch genders AND have the nerve to occasionally need to use a bathroom!

All day, every day, this nonsense is spewed out, tweeted, and repeated....because as long as we are all consumed with a culture war, we won't recognize we are in a class war and we are losing...badly. However, as this union and many others just showed, if we fight through these distractions and organize, we can win.

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Ian, that was well stated!! We need to use this explanation when we are out there getting votes for President Biden!! People just aren't aware that the politicians and the media are using this nonsense to keep them distracted from the real issues!! When you do explain it, many will get mad because it makes them feel stupid for allowing the politicians and the media to manipulate them that way. You can explain that anger can be directed into voting blue in November and helping anyone in your community trying to get a union started. I tell them that's a win-win! Vote Blue, America!!

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Amen! But how the hell do you get anything out there when all you hear or see all day is a fat, ugly, orange, disgusting sociopath taking up everything!

When are we going to let them know we are sick of it?

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The force feed of Trump having to listen to truth in court is a huge breach in their assumptions. So Run Joe, Run! And BTW, a new NBC poll distinctly suggests that crazy RFK Jr is drawing a lot more votes from Trump than Biden!

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THAT'S some good news...

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Let's hope so, Randy!

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Betty, I agree that the little orange man takes up a lot of oxygen; however, it will not stop me from working hard to get President Biden's accomplishments and message out to as many people as I can!

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Did you know that over half of all Members of Congress are millionaires? https://m.essage.us/msg/O2WJTFV4cM

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A large portion of our population exists and falls prey to the culture of fear and distraction!

REALITY has been hijacked and replaced (the NEW replacement theory?!?)

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CEO's are having a fit...less for their pockets..about time

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Ian : "Don't let the bastards get you down".

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Professor Reich: i applaud joe biden's support for unions. i've never been in a union until i helped organize, as a grad student, a students' union seeking health benefits and other benefits that "real employees" receive. it was exciting times as we cololectively sought to protect ourselves from abuse and increasing poverty, especially when most of the university's professors came out in support of us lowly, overlooked TAs and RAs.

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Biden was not effective in communicating that his support for unions was support for the middle class. Dean Phillips had some soundbites that said what Biden has not yet articulated, however Biden has a more difficult task of proposing actual policies. that actually support the Middle Class. Supporting unions needs to be articulated in that way.

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You are right. I wonder if Biden's people have given any consideration to having Dean Phillips do introductions at his events.

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Ain’t done yet. Biden’s an old political hand. He’s seen politics since fellow Mick JFK ran. He knows what round to spar, and what round to hit hard.

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Did you know that over half of all Members of Congress are millionaires? https://m.essage.us/msg/O2WJTFV4cM

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The world is in a mess: Don't mourn; organize--and VOTE BLUE!

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I would love for Joe Biden to act on his 2016 campaign remarks about the USPS and fight for the United States Postal Service and its millions of UNION workers, many of whom are veterans, women, minorities, a group of American workers who are hard workers doing ESSENTIAL work! It is especially critical as the November election is coming and nothing has been done to improve/fix the problems that Trump and Dejoy and MAGAts created and celebrated in recent elections. Be an activist for USPS union workers, President Biden and as first act: STOP DALLYING ON DUMPING DEJOY!!!

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Annie, I am confused by dejóuy’ hanging on so long. We need him gone.

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I would also like to give kudos to Shawn Fain who, to me, is showing America that unions are back and they are growing!! I have always supported the unions. My uncle and grandfather were union men and proud of it. Back in the 60s and 70s, the jingle "Look for the Union Label" was sung often. I would like to see more unions because, with unions, the working class will have a voice. If the corporations don't like it, they need to pack up and move somewhere else. Wait, don't think I am saying that would be bad, I'm not. I am saying that when those corporations leave, someone can move in and build a company that welcomes union workers because they know that productivity will increase and the work will be excellent!! When companies care more about their workers and do everything they can to ensure their workers are making a decent living, their profits naturally go up. These corporations are learning that the more you take away from your workers, the harder you push them to produce with no satisfaction on their part, the less productive that corporation is. The working class built America and back then, companies had the sense to know that and to know without their work force, they have nothing!! Hip Hip Hooray for Volkswagen!! I want this to be the start of a huge union building era. The more unions, the more voice we have. We can strengthen our federal labor laws and begin to do away with child labor, and other laws that are simply wrong. With unions, our voice will be heard again! Vote Blue, America!!!

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I love your spunk! ❤️

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Thank you, Marge! I don't know if it is spunk, but I do know that I feel I am fighting for an America that I have grown up with! Middle Class built America and unions built the middle class. We must get back to a time when the silent majority voices were heard through the unions. They spoke for us and we need that back. This hunger for greed, power and corruption is very strong among the oligarchs and monopolistic corporations. It took them many years to come to have the power they do over us. It will take time for us to wrest some of it back for us. Vote Blue, America!!

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Yes, this is a positive trend in the labor market. But hopefully it will also portent the winds of change in governance. There are some ideas floating around that voters should be represented by the trades in their areas rather than solely by gerrymandered districts. This type of representation, gives individuals who identify with their work a potential to have a seat at the table of governance. This may seem like a far-fetched idea, but after seeing how close democracy has come to failing in the United States, it is time to think creatively about how to better represent, our population in terms of governance. The strengthening of unions is the first step in this new and positive direction.

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Many of us such as GrrlScientist have experienced the sense of connectedness and esprit de corps that comes from working together in a movement defined by not what we think or what our political party is, but what we do for our own economic well-being. This is one of the strengths of Economic Democracy. It gives the workers in each sector of the economy a voice at the table of governance.

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Yes, Marc! I really like that idea! Everyone deserves a voice in their governance. This would be a fantastic way for them to be heard.

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Marc - I think that congressional districts are obsolete relics of a 19th century lack of technology. Communication is instant, and travel is orders of magnitude faster. Give each state their proportional representation, without regard to population density within that state. Then let the representatives work out for themselves (or not if they can't work for their constituents) which broad areas of constituent concerns they'd like to focus on. This would completely eradicate gerrymandering. It would be much more democratic than what we have now.

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I read the "joint statement" by those southern governors.

It reads like it was written by the Confederacy.

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Because it was!

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Hooray for unions. The whole Country is better off with honest hard working people and their unions. I think those of us who have always been pro-union, we have learned the lessons from the 1950's and early 60's. Do not let the criminal element creep into union leadership. The mafia and Jimmy Hoffa's gave unions a very bad reputation so that there were not enough protests when reagan began his union busting episodes in 1982. And although Clinton was smart enough to appoint you as labor secretary for his cabinet, he so wanted to be 'loved' by all that he failed to stand up for his natural base, the middle class and union workers, including me.

I don't think we need new laws as much as we need to enforce existing laws vigorously. We should all be able to recognize how bad the economy is for all of us when the larger share of wealth gushes to the top, leaving the majority fighting so hard to maintain an adequate standard of living, they have neither the time, nor the education to understand what has been happening to them.

It was an honor to me to serve on the Board of Directors for both teachers and later County workers. All of us need to learn to respect those of us who actually work for a living, instead of reserving that respect for the ultra-wealthy.

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My father knew Jimmy Hoffa when I was a boy living in Detroit, he negotiated a contract with him for a company that he managed. He told me much later, that while he was a tough negotiator once you had a deal with him, he stuck to the deal, which was good for everyone, his word was as good as gold. My grandfather was a UAW member from the time of it’s inception, and I was a member of IATSE, the entertainment union for over 30 years, eventually serving on the board of the Cinematographer’s Guild late in my career. Aside from my service in the Army, 99% of my working life was as a union member. For 20 of those 30 years I worked in a "right to work" state, always as a freelance worker. Union membership denoted a level of professionalism that non-union workers for the most part didn’t have, so we were highly employable, as non-union workers developed their skills they almost always wanted to join the union, not so much for salary increases, non-union work typically paid more, but because of the benefits, primarily health insurance, and if they really thought about it retirement benefits. Was there corruption? You bet, but it was fading by my time in the industry, we had been mob controlled in the beginning but that was ending during my tenure, were side deals being made? I suspect so but could never prove it. Swiss bank accounts and money transfers were, and probably still are attractive to some in authority, but most whom I served with were only interested in the good of all of our members, I think that is even more true today. The pendulum is finally swinging back in favor of workers, and letting them share in the prosperity of their labors, as a retiree it’s too late for me to benefit from it, but I welcome it for all who follow in my footsteps.

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Great story, wow!

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No one did more harm to poor families than Clinton. He almost single-handedly created family homelessness. By converting AFDC to a state block grant and allowing states to spend that money on drug testing, parenting classes, making aid contingent on work and child school attendance…. And lifetime caps, freezing assistance at a point-in-time family size…. The cash assistance families needed for rent became frozen for a quarter century while rents kept increasing. I will never forgive him.

Yes, Biden needs to clarify how he is helping the middle class. But let’s not forget the most impoverished sector!

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Agreed, Marge. I was working for a county Department of Social Services during the whole of the Clinton Administration and am well aware of the irreparable harm done to the poor and destitute. The people in general were so hung up on drugs they were convinced that all our clients were drug addicts. Untrue. A very small percentage (less than 10%) were addicted to harmful chemicals and the majority of those had mental health issues that the4 US still doesn't deal with as needed.

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Thank you, Fay, for the work you’ve done and for sharing your experience of the horrors Clinton released. Interesting (in a sick way) that the states with the highest number of Black families set the lowest benefits and highest sanctions. Even though the majority of families affected were/are White!

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Agree on that too. I had a smattering of hispanic and a very few black families in my case load, never had Asians though. And yes the majority were white. Many had little education and few skills. That was another failure. the Welfare to work was supposed to have a raining and educating portion devoted to getting clients into sustainable employment; but in my particular county only one other Employment and Training Counselor and the Supervisor had a college the others only high school and didn't understand the need for education and technical training required for a sustainable job. All the ladies and a few men had children to care for also.

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I volunteered in an ESL classroom for Hmong people who had come to Minnesota after the closure of the Thai refugee camp where most of them had spend all or most of their lives. Most were illiterate - as they had not had a written language when growing up. Due to the work requirements, these TANF/AFDC parents had to attend 4 hours/day, 5 days a week in ESL class in order to retain their benefit. It was heartbreaking.

I know that when adults are under stress, their learning and retention are impaired. I watched the "students" for the inevitable sign that their stress levels had overwhelmed their ability to learn English: that "deer in the headlights" look and the odor of stress sweat. For some, it occurred within the first fifteen minutes of class! Yet they all had to show up and participate every day, unless they had a doctor's statement that they must stay home with a sick child or documentation that they had an appointment with INS or their US sponsors. By the end of the four hours, the room reeked of sweat, which was visibly pouring down the faces of most of the older parents. It was torture. Thank you, Bill Clinton!

And the GOP wants to add more work requirements for Medicaid (maybe some day for Social Security and Medicare?), even though research has shown that the policy spends more in monitoring these students than the students gain in employment income. Many of the so-called employment programs have no outcome targets and do not publish their success - because it is so low.

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Yes, and the only people who seem to care are those of us trying to help them.

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One of my sons is in IBEW (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers), and they have improved his life more than we could have hoped. He is "neurodivergent" based on what our family knows, and what school evaluations revealed (testing at the time was less refined than today), but IBEW has only been focused on his strengths and his doing the job. He passed their difficult exam for admission (very difficult according to our ironworkers union neighbor), and after passing his apprenticeship, he is doing very well working alongside other people who also excel in detailed work. When another son was in high school, he worked with concrete landscapers. Anytime they could get union bricklayers they were happy, because they knew the work would be high quality, and it would last.

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God Bless The Unions& BIDEN!!!

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I saw this on TV and saw how Tennessee fought to stop the UAW, but it didn’t work. I just knew it was a step in the right direction and Reich has sure confirmed this. I read earlier on about the, “right to work” and was convinced it was a scam and Reich has confirmed that. Mr Reich is a warrior alright- for the people. Hallelujah day for workers!

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Ronald Regan a very handsome and charismatic man had a wooden head.

His goal was to get elected president of the USA the best role he ever got to play . He would say anything his handlers told him to say. And the Republicans had groomed him to take back their money from labor the people that actually did the work …

This worked very well for the owners and not so well for the workers.

Society changed for the worse and the republicans were on the war path to claw back the wages and benefits of the middle class… Jobs were eliminated and work was farmed out to China Mexico anywhere where labor was cheaper . Boeing comes to mind and the Chinese explosion into the manufacturing of capital goods …. Bill Clinton followed along with the workers are the problem and the economic philosophers who endorsed this destruction of the American economy…

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Did you know Ronnie was the president of the actors union at one time? Go figure...

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Chattanooga. The choo choo. Lookout Mountain. Rock City. https://www.seerockcity.com/

The Courthouse is the "Solomon" Court. When I first held hearings there the tipstaff told me "I knew yer grandaddy." I didn't have the heart to tell him..... I had TVA whistleblowers, miners, a couple of Longshore Act/Defense Base Act cases.


Tennessee isn’t a swing state - yet! We need to register a whole lot of Tennessee Democrats – especially to vote by mail, for those who qualify. This is a job for Field Team 6!


...are the only major party fighting Trumpism and the extremist MAGA Republicans.

...and the only party fighting for abortion rights, civil rights, immigrant rights, and LGBTQ+ rights.

...are fighting for access to health care, affordable college, and climate rescue.


...are waging a national war on voting rights.

...are fighting to eliminate access to healthcare.

...support Trump’s racist, sexist, anti-democracy agenda.


Registration deadline for the General Presidential Election on November 5, 2024 is October 7, 2024.

Absentee ballot application deadline for the General Presidential Election is October 29, 2024.

Early voting for the General Presidential Election is October 16 through October 31, 2024. Vote early at your county election commission office or a satellite early voting location (if used in your county).

If you need help getting an ID, contact VoteRiders.org or call/text 1-844-338-8743.

Register Democrats. Save the World.


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I’ve written it before, and this is a good time to say it again:

Between the eternal lie that is supply-side economics, and unionization, only the latter is the rising tide that truly lifts all boats.

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In one of the MAD books by William M. Gaines, published in the 60s or 70s there was a comic strip story about the rise of unions ending with the moral "In Unions there is strength!". I wish I could remember which one!

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To paraphrase LSE Professor Andres Rodriguez-Pose writing about Brexit, the support for Donald Trump is “the revenge of the places that don’t matter”.

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