I believe he's been lying and cheating and creeping out women all his life, and the hens are now coming home to roost.
They say he pissed off the jury (that awarded the big $) by laughing and sneering at her during testimony. His arrogance and grandiose sense of self-importance are starting to turn off a lot of people.
I believe he's been lying and cheating and creeping out women all his life, and the hens are now coming home to roost.
They say he pissed off the jury (that awarded the big $) by laughing and sneering at her during testimony. His arrogance and grandiose sense of self-importance are starting to turn off a lot of people.
I believe he's been lying and cheating and creeping out women all his life, and the hens are now coming home to roost.
They say he pissed off the jury (that awarded the big $) by laughing and sneering at her during testimony. His arrogance and grandiose sense of self-importance are starting to turn off a lot of people.