Apr 18Liked by Robert Reich

Professor, I think this is the best thing you've written. It clearly and succinctly demarcates Sununu's words as the endpoint of the GOP as a viable political party in a democratic USA. When you are willing to trash the very principles of our form of government so that you may retain or acquire power, you are acting as any totalitarian, left or right, in any country in history. America was founded to repudiate that tradition, and therein lies its only true "exceptionalism". Sununu and all of his compatriot Republicans who have gone supine for Trump are not only treasonous cowards, they all display an incredible stupidity. They should know by now that everyone and everything Trump touches turns to shit, in the end.

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The GOP is, I reiterate, a CULT. It stopped being a political party before Jabba the Trump. They're kissing DJT's fat hairy mudflap ASS. If they're kissing ANYTHING ELSE, I wouldn't be surprised, but I would be disgusted. EXTREMELY.

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@ Daniel Appleton. Cult. Here's my rant this morning,

Notes from Baghdad by the Sea

Bare knuckles.

16 million veterans. They are influential. Multiply that number by friends, family, patriotic supporters. A huge percentage supported Trump X 2. They can be flipped. Last night in Pennsyltucky were I was born and raised as the song goes, Biden invoked "not suckers and losers" for the first time and MSM picked it up. IMHO this is the visceral attack that hits 'em where it hurts.

I am in a DNC veteran's discussion group and one of our members is Fred Wellman, who is also chair of Forgotten Democrats. https://forgottendemocrats.org/ Fred is also a MeidasTouch personality. https://twitter.com/FPWellman?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor The No 1 movie running on TV is Midas Touch, and Ken Harbaugh's, "Against All Enemies" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjaUDqvdDHI. Groups like Vote Vets support Biden -- because Trump is a traitor. https://votevets.org/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjaUDqvdDHI

IMHO we can flip MOST Trump veteran supporters. When you meet them at the bar at the Legion, VFW, AmVets, ets, and say those magic words, "not suckers or losers," and watch them choke on their beer.

8.81 million self-identified Polish Americans.

Today Trump met with the Polish President at Trump Tower. Trump ally Putin has said in essence, Ukraine first, Poland next. Most Polish Americans supported Trump (as did Ukrainian Americans). IMHO Trump's "government in exile" is a violation of the Logan Act. which criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized American citizens with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. The intent behind the Act is to prevent unauthorized negotiations from undermining the government's position. This is another group, that to support Trump are like chickens supporting Colonel Sanders.

The magic words "Trump hates dogs" and "Trump stole from kids with cancer" work, too.

Otherwise, I still think we can sweep if we expand the base. Potentially 13 million non registered people trend heavily Democratic. Register Democrats - save democracy.


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As a Polish American, I believe that possibly only the older generation of Polish immigrants might have voted for T. It's been reported that a lot of Florida Polish Residents did. The younger generation, that left Poland after 1981 Martial Law could recognize the fraudster.

And it helps to live in California...

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I wish that were true. I still hear from my hometown in Pensyltucky and most are MAGATs. Same in Ohio.

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Be sure to these misinformed Poles that Trump is pro-Putin.

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That was obvious the moment the problems with the funds for Ukraine started. My personal belief is that Trump when he was supposed to build Trump Tower in Moscow met Putin. Putin seeing what a perfect tool to weaken US he is, possibly told Trump what a great US President he'd make... And after that Putin's trolls started to manipulate US social media, got angry people even more angry and now we have a big problem... And when the time came Trump directed Republicans in Congress to hold the funds for Ukraine as a thank you gift to Putin...

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Trump voters don’t matter. God dang, the ignorance of the the electorate constantly astounds me. The only demographic that matters to either party on the national level or the number of registered non-voters. Since World War II other than 2020 it has been a bigger number than the popular vote total winner of the presidency. How do you win them? You provide good government and quality policy. That’s how Barack Obama, a black man, became president of a racist shit hole. He’s brilliant campaign manager combined with his brilliance understood this dynamic and motivated 8.5% of them to participate. Over 98% of those being a democratic party voter that here. Since the open change was busted by the party of “no“ they went back to their old ways. There’s no excuse for not winning every single election in this dynamic. All you have to do is provide good government. God damn that happens all over the world in every industrial country but ours we truly are a Third World shit hole. I don’t know where you’ve been or what you seen but I’ve been over 90 countries on six of the seven continents and I know what I’m speaking of. There are dozen countries in Africa that have ate far greater quality of life and opportunity of success in the United States. Almost every country in Europe, most in Asia, even a few and South America.

We don’t respect professionals in this country. Or professionalism. We hire the electrician with no eyebrows, the mechanical can get us in today. We listen to Joe fucking Rogan for our political science lessons. I think it would be best to defer to a political scientist myself, mebe…

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Fuck MeidasTouch in the Lincoln project. They are simply advocates of the status quo which is completely untenable. The Democratic Party is no different than the GOP when it comes to donor class loyalty. Have you read the platform? Does it really matter who your tax dollars go to between high stakeholder executive class of corporations or Coconspiring criminal grifters? I can’t imagine it does. at least not to me. We should’ve all abandon the two major parties for the Green party before it was taken over and co-opted by Putin in 2015. It was the only legitimate platform in our short term 50 year history.

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Daniel - the gop is a terrorist organization, advocating violence to solve political issues, advocating subservience of women, and denying women's health care. it is a terrorist organization that denies children food during the summer school vacations. it is a terrorist organization that promotes gun carnage. it is a terrrorist organization that has no respect for human rights at any level, except the right to do what they please to anyone who can't stop them. The gop is a terrorist organization

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It's gonna become like the Church during the Inquisition or the Puritans - If it isn't already.

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And the GOP is a donor class corporate oligarchy enabling machine. What’s the difference? Your taxpayer dollars go to people who are undeserving and don’t need them. Either way.

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Can you really get any more disgusted by this wet turd of a human?

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NOW THAT is a great question ! Can I ? MOST DEFINITELY. Do I ? If I spent a lot of time cultivating an ulcer, & splitting headaches, YEP. I'm trying to filter out or compartmentalize but it AIN'T EASY. He's still in the news, even if it's just a paragraph or 2, hard to shut out.

The only piece of news about Donny Drainclog that I'd TRULY enjoy hearing is Drainclog's T.O.D., Cause of death, funeral preparations - dump the c--ksucker at that Scottish golf course, plastinated or covered in cement with an OPEN MOUTH, which will serve as a divot. That's ALL THE DIGNITY that this creme de toxic sewage pus - pocket deserves. He has a place waiting in the lowest depths of the SEWERS of HADES.

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@Daniel Appleton. I regret to admit that my feelings toward old bone spur, the draft dodging, genital grabbing, tax cheating over weight tangerine twat waddle are about the same as yours...

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The Republican Party is DEAD !!! Richard Nixon wounded it and Trumpet 🎺 has RIPPED OUT ITS SOUL . The Republican Party is the party of Trumpet 🎺 Zombies !!!

I Now Know It’s Not About Politics Or Ideas or Ideals ITS A BEAUTY PAGENT and trumpet 🎺 is the PUPPET MASTER.

He Bought The Miss America PAGENT for Practice and The Current Republican Party Is TRUMPETS 🎺 PROPERTY !!!




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everyone better start speaking up without FEAR - a cult presidency is DEATH to us all

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It’s not as if the alternative has a platform that will move us towards the ideal that is America. I’m so sick and tired of voting against someone and some thing. The lesser of two evils is a pitiful existence. Let’s rise up and take our country back.

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more like an ugliness pageant, but point taken

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I’m already disgusted, Daniel. Now tell me how to get those unappetizing (to put it mildly) images out of my head. 😵‍💫

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Em, try THC or anything with Amanita in it.

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Yes, add wine to that, my new friend 🧡

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I'll get some gin & / or vodka. Maybe THC : Ganja Light.

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Thx, Daniel. I love practical suggestions. 🙂

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Agree, without reservation.

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As if the Democratic Party has any different? I would love to know how many of you in this thread have read the party platform!

They are just more polished and professional in the optic of their donor class representation.

How many of you realize Joe Biden is the owner of the highest wealth gap in history. Every single president since Ronald Reagan has been. Regardless of party affiliation. You are being taken to the cleaners and are nothing but a mark if you are a allegiant to either party. My God it’s not the people involved well obviously they are blatantly morally bankrupt but they have no influence on policy. That’s the donor class and the platform. There is one option that will change that. Demand the true progressives of the democratic party become the leader ship of the party. Set the agenda right the legislation and actually represent “we the people” the average democratic party constituent is every bit as policy ignorant and knowledge of body politic absent as any GOP voter.

Bashing the opposition is the ultimate waste of time energy and oxygen. Proving my point. It does absolutely nothing in terms of accountability on the part the office holders.

I have no idea how many accounts are real people in this thread but those that are, you do realize the DNC has millions of fake accounts also right? Anyone with no real picture, some nebulous title of their subscription that is the same when you search the person. Real journalists are more than anxious to put their name on it. Get a grip. MeidasTouch, Lincoln project all of those jokers are nothing but echo chamber Intentionally disingenuous DNC fluffer boys. Brooklyn’s dad and Ramona Greg, and lives in Los Angeles. No different than Matt Talib snd Ben Shapiro, other than the color of the tribe.

“We the people“ suck. The vast majority not being a member of the “well informed and educated electorate“

The representative democracy gig is a participation dynamic. Voting is not participating. It is the price of admission.

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RemovedApr 18
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That is why he was part of the greatest generation, country first, something tRump would not get the meaning of ever. I'm not sure his MAGA'S would either, even wrapped in the flag they claim to love.

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No guts & they make up crap about glory, success & family " Christian " values hoping that they sound halfway or even 1 / 3rd of the way convincing despite the Feces coming from their sewage ducts below their noses.

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RemovedApr 18·edited Apr 18
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As a daughter of the Greatest Generation, I am a baby boomer. We never ran away from a pin prick vaccination (smallpox). When Jonas Salk invented a vaccine to innoculate against polio, we damn sure got it. If you are going to make proclamations about the evolution of our country, make sure you are accurate.

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I too am a baby boomer. It was our parents (the “greatest generation”) who made sure their children (us) got vaccinations. Too many of our fellow baby boomers failed to follow suit with their own children.

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Christine, look up the CDC vaccine schedule for children 2024 and note how many vaccines recommended to be given at 2 months in an infants immature immune system, then the frequency and multiplicity of vaccines in a very short period of time. DaPT is 3 diseases in one! Further, there have long been vaccine issues, ( I have known since the 1960s) , and initially the excuse was 'authorities know best' to coverup the problems and their solutions. Then, the corporate capture by companies of US regulatory agencies means money trumps full disclosures. There have been no studies of how this many varied vaccines can affect humans! None! There are too many children with severe & devastating consequences post a 'vaccine'.

I recall smallpox vaccine, still have the mark on my arm. Polio in school, the pink liquid. But, did you know the live polio vaccine caused some adults to get polio from their kids stool when they excreted live virus in the 1960s? Of course, you don't Not public knowledge. This took many years to resolve as folk have been so rigid in their adherence to 'accepted recommendations' despite evidence to the contrary. In the US, after many years, only dead polio 'inactivated) vaccine is now given 'ipv'. Many, many issues undisclosed.

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Not experimental profiteering crap in the last c medicine was for the most part about health it is now CAPTURED BY CAPITOLIST GREED

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My late dad was part of the greatest generation. SURE, we didn't always see eye - to - eye, but we respected each other's mindset, EVEEN IF we didn't always agree with it 100 % or even 15 - 20 %. & I respected my dad for serving in the USN. He could've been an admiral.

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I may be incorrect but I believe Power Corruots was referring to the MAGA cult who politicized Covid 19 and getting “the jab” due to Trump pretending it was no big deal since it would interfere with his campaign to stay in office. Not the smallpox vaccine…

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The anti COVID vaxx mentality has metastasized to all vaccines.

That's OK with me BTW. We need to cull the herd, and the gullible idiots will be the first to go.

As Napoleon said: When your don't interfere with your enemy when he is making a mistake.

The less of them the more of us. If the MAGAts committed suicide, then we wouldn't have to worry about a fascist dictatorship.

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I read more then one story about people on their death beds wishing they had got the jab unfortunately too late to help them.

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If he dies anytime soon it should be from something Covid related. HE DOES NOT DESERVE TO LIVE, Neither does any MAGAT. If I sound like I have a thimbleful of compassion left that's rapidly evaporating & as well as deficient in forgiveness, SO BE IT.

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RemovedApr 18
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Trump is a Boomer too. It’s not about when you were born. It’s about how you have lived.

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Trump is a troglodyte. He probably would eat carrion if he wasn't too DAMN LAZY to hunt it. Then he'd complain because ketchup didn't improve the taste.

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Mary Ann Brown : well said!

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Thank you.

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The name of generations started with a book by that title https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Generations/Jean-M-Twenge/9781982181611

The generation you and others call the Greatest waspopularized by Dan Rather, as it was the generation that sacrificed it's lives on the beaches of Normandy and the Pacfific, in the Huertgen Forest to defeat fascism.

An early useage of the term The Greatest Generation was in 1953 by U.S. Army General James Van Fleet, who had recently retired after his service in World War II and leading the Eighth Army in the Korean War. He spoke to Congress, saying, "The men of the Eighth Army are a magnificent lot, and I have always said the greatest generation of Americans we have ever produced.

The term is used for those born between 1901 -1927

Their children were the Silents and the Boomers. Silents were between 1928 and 1945.

If your parent was born after 1928 and before 1945 they were a silent.

Since the book, the whole idea has entered the lexicon

There is the Lost Generation:

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My parents were married- and I was conceived- in Honolulu, where my dad was a Sargent in the Marines. I was born on the last day of 1953. I call myself a Boomer. My parents referred themselves as Depression Era kids.

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He is accurate. Yes, many of us are vaccinated, thank God, but look how many refuse on the basis of stupidity.

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the people who avoid vaccination for any number of reasons should check into a hostel where they can pass away in peace, since they can't be bothered to protect themselves & others.

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How dare you arogant idiots piss on autonomy & choice not to be a victim of a profit driven experiment. History will make monkeys out of those of you that survive your bs jab idiots youve already been proven wrong by the rest of the world

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Remind the anti-Covid VAX or’s that the first polio vaccine killed 400,000 people. Sometimes there is collateral damage. That is one of the consequences of exceeding our carrying capacity by at least eight times.

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I second that Jonas Salk was and is a hero the institute in San Diego still bears his name today.

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RemovedApr 18
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As a board certified internal medicine specialist, I feel qualified to observe that your link is further proof that there are pseudo-scientific, conspiracy-theorist people in all professions, including medicine.

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My Dad passed last December at 96, he only entered the war after the fighting was over, he turned 18 in Sept of '45. He was stationed in Korea processing discharges.

Although he never fought, he wouldn't have hesitated. I asked why, and he said, it "was all worth fighting for, besides, who else is going to do it".

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I love that saying!! It is so true and on display with the GOP. Never have I seen such weak men! It is making hard times for all of us!!

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I disagree. The generation following the greatest had it so good that THEY begat a generation that ran away from a pin prick vaccination.

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I don't see how you can equate bullets with vaccinations.

What am I missing here?

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The GOP - when the GOING GETS TOUGH, they make up 24 kt BS without even any glitter or gold paint to pretty it up. The constituency gobbles it like goose liver pate.

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Women too.

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I agree. This piece is simply brilliant. A clear exposition of the recent history that has led to this tragic consequence. The powerful role of ‘invisible’ mass media manipulation of the population and its use as a cultural controlling mechanism by successive governments during this period, and not just in the US, needs to be exposed and it’s societal implications become an open debate if rule of law social democracies are to survive.

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Robert Reich has indeed identified the root cause of this virus, the freaking pathogen, over and over again - the triumph of the oligarchy in overturning the careful construction of the institutions wrought by the Enlightenment.

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"the triumph of the Oligarchy in overturning the careful construction of the institutions wrought by the Enlightenment"...the problem in a nutshell. What's the solution? The class war has been going on for thousands of years. History rhymes. Will there ever be a solution for the masses that guarantees economic security?

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Experiencing the catastrophic effects of their self engendered global ecocide will give all of them a run for their money. Then we shall truly see what they (& we) are made of.

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@Gloria J. We are living in that solution; we just need to keep it going. But no, no guarantees. The defense of democracy is a forever duty.

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No guarantees, naturally. But we had, it thought we had, checks and balances to keep the power hungry in check and in balance. That area needs reexamining.

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I thought the purpose of checks and balances was to protect the wealthy and their property from the majority, and it works very well.

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Maybe you're right, it's a fine point. King George no, rich white plantation owners yes. Hard to put that on words without actually saying it.

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No Gloria, not unless their is an evolution in human nature, and it is no longer driven by the breeding imperative.

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@Kerry Truchero. Have heart my friend. The Enlightenment has lost a few battles against the moneyed interests, and the oligarchs and robber barons haven't given up. But I believe that the majority of our fellow citizens won't accept that criminal for president, and with another Democrat administration we will again bolster our precious democracy.

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Oh my God you cannot be more disconnected from reality if that was your mission. Virologist around the world have given a incredibly high likelihood of mutation Transgenecics from bat to human. Let’s stick with virologist when it comes to virology. You take your Joe Rogan shit and I’ll agree with you when it comes to MMA. That’s it

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I don’t know what the holy hell you’re talking about. Now it’s bats? Listen, troll joker both sides propagandist, global warming policy? Campaign finance reform? Immigration policy restructuring? Student debt forgiveness? Health care access and pharmaceutical affordability? Are you f***ing kidding me? No statistical moral difference? I’m done with you.

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Yes bats. Sorry to disrupt your narrative with truth. Now I’m gonna have to block you because you’re an obvious fake ass silicone ship agitprop lying POS. If I were you, I would lay off the rotgut bootleg vodka, take Putin’s cock out of your throat occasionally and tell your mother to watch her teeth…

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And I thought that the batshit crazy pathetic unloved asswipe who set himself on fire outside Trump's courtroom died. It's a miracle!

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@Monnina. Except that it already is exposed, just not to those who willfully look the other way in order to get their own way.

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It’s horseshit. If you think that’s brilliant, I don’t even have a response.

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Today Bill Barr now a witness for the prosecution of Trump announced that he supports him. The main reason why these guys support him is "dinero." They benefit from political patronage. They like the spoils system.

As Gertrude Stein would have said, "a snake is a snake is a snake is a snake!"


The antidote for this kind of venom is to out register and outvote them



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Oh, God. That sniveling little bastard Bill Barr. What a spineless self serving legalese twisting situational ethics amoral religion-pretending piece of garbage.

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Remember Bill Barr's role in Iran /Contra?

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And a friend of Epstein, let’s not forget, when Epstein suddenly offed himself in prison. Yeah, right. And Alan Dershowitz, with his 10th grade defense during Trumps first impeachment. Another Epstein slimeball. ALL of these people are the scum of the earth. And horrendously suspicious.

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Reptilianos! Cosa de ...Republicans.

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Great description!

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The Trump DirtBag cabinet now sees the writing on the wall - the Republican candidates will lose in each state and the presidency - the party is the Titanic, it’s going down and they are clinging to Trump before they drown.

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Daniel: Barr's support for Trump is deeper than mere money. He is a rad trad Catholic, and as such a religious fascist.. Like Sununuu he wil and only can vote Republican, because the Republican party is up front aligned with the Catholic church. Patriarchal, misogynist, homophobic and totalitarian.

Nothing more totalitarian than a Pope who can dictate to the faithful (Papal bulls)

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There is--and has always been--a deep class divide among Catholics. Barr evidently belongs to the fascist wing.

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I know Victor, I was a Catholic, I wed in the Church of the Golden Altar. St Joseph, in Panama City, PA

And I also belonged to the Catholic Truth Society, with ilnks to Pius XII, andhad a subscription to the Wanderer, also a Knight of Columbus.

Thought the guitar and folk music with services, and the English mass were an abomination, the Organ player played traditional Latin Music, I still remember Panus Angelicus.

Once a month we attended underground Latin mass, presided over by an old retired Priest, and were visited by a representative l from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which replaced the Inquisition. It's been 40 years, all I can recall was we called him Monsigneur and the name was Irish. One thing he was interested in was taking our names and addresses. and no it wasn't Ratzinger (Benedict XVI)

I was a convert, for marriage, and it took about 6 years, but I came back to my senses.

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My own experience taught me about cognitive dissonance

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He's half Jewish. He's in a new law firm that sucks the tit of Republican party.

Catholics do not sup[port an orange antichrist.

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You can trust Barr about as far as you can throw that fat ass -

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Quoting Sununu leaves out the way he was smiling in a way I thought was mocking Stephanopoulos as he answered that he was abandoning his principles and voting for the insurrectionist, disgusting person because that was what the base wants.

Somehow when people smile pleasantly and laugh as they say horrible things it is as if the other person is the fool. Watch the interview.

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I watched it with a mixture of

disgust and incredulity. I assume that this is the same stance as his GOP constituents. My gods...so many stupid, gullible people.

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I remember a salesman came up to me at work (we shared a building with a car place). He asked me to move my car because it was too near the sales side. I had a jilopy at the time, a drag car with lots of rust. In our short conversation he smiled and told me how jilopies like mine were scaring customers away and that I was parking in their area (it was a shared parking lot). I told him to go fuck himself. He tried to use his "rich guy" cred to get me in trouble with my administrator who just laughed at him. People can tell you you are an asshole to your face with a smile, but because they dont use the swear words, that somehow makes it permissible?

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Yeah and it takes some guts to stand up to them. I once had a lawyer advise me to tell the landlord to go to hell. That's exactly what I did, but it felt strange to do it, even with legal support, because it isn't my default way of behaving.

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Its funny that we feel guilty when we stand up for ourselves. I can assure you that the people who take advantage of people like us, don't feel guilty at all.

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Get a piece of paper and write down each dirtbag that jumps ship and supports Trump - the reputable Republicans have all resigned or were kicked out ( like Cheney)

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I watched. You are correct and he is disgusting,

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Soo-No-No … what a spineless bastard

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DK, good point. Body language is important. The Republicans, perhaps following Fox News, have adopted a derisive posture, signifying that "they know what is really going on"--a vast conspiracy against "real America."

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If this is truly the end of the Republican party, then it is also the end of a two-party democracy. If we have the end of a two-party democracy, then essentially our current form of democracy has run its course. While all of this is playing out and even if Joe Biden wins as we truly believe he will, the dysfunctional, misogynistic republican party is still a mess. Now is the time to put on our thinking caps and create the next more successful form of democracy. This is why I’m a proponent of something called economic democracy, which ensures that everyone has their economics needs met through gainful employment with sufficient purchasing power. When this occurs, there is no motivation for populism to take over the political conversation.

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You will be demonized as a "socialist."

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Victor, I have certainly been called much worse names then being called a socialist. Economic democracy is not socialism, but it is a humane approach that looks after all the needs of the human beings, animals plants, and the planet itself.

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St Francis had himself nearly excommunicated. Eventually, it was the Jesuits, not the Franciscans, who were entrusted with Catholic education, and they have done a good job. Yet it is significant that the current pope named himself after St. Francis. May he prevail!

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Yes, it’s true that the (Republican) party is over, but look at the Dems too! Or just close your eyes and pretend that our taxes are not funding hate, ethnic cleansing, and genocide.

Y’all can pretend that something is wrong with the morals of just one party, but the reality is that our system has been broken and rigged by SCOTUS, and corruption rules the day, and both parties.

We are on a highway to hell, and unless we learn to work together for system change, we are doomed!

Please help us at movetoamend.org, because corporations are not people, and money is not speech.

All power to the people!

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18

Who stacked SCOTUS with Oath breakers?! Lawrence Abbot : There is no "both sides ism" here! Donald J. TRump bragged about overturning Roe v Wade! They made a law that overturned a Constitutional right for women' access to health care!, based on religious belief! They stripped women of a right they had for almost 50 years! After suffering for millenia!, and fighting for this legislation for hundreds of years!!! And dying!

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Thank you for your unpaid non profit political solicitation. I just love seeing Republicans flock to the banner of campaign finance reform. All three of them.

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Together today in voting solid blue up and down the ballot. Please avoid any statements that might be persuading voters to do anything else.

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I agree with most of what you’ve said. I disagree that a leftist leader could be totalitarian. I think leftism is against totalitarianism.

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Chairman Mao, Josef Stalin, Fidel Castro, and Maduro of Venezuela are all examples of leftist totalitarians. As Angela Z. Strong commented, anyone at either end of the political spectrum can be corrupted by power and control.

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Fascism and authoritarianism exists at both ends of the political spectrum. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Ever hear about the Democratic Mayor of Chicago who sent police forces against peaceful protesters during the 1968 Convention?

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Angela, as a Chicagoan who was there in ‘68, that’s not how it went. Too much to unpack here, but what started as ordinary crowd control exploded, & “King Richard” lost it.

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You mean the Mayor who would raise Da city of Chicaga to higher and higher platitudes?

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Friends, it's the horseshoe. The enemy is extremism in either direction, The center path is the righteous path.

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I like your optimism, but as "leftism"/"leftist" just refers to the side of the chamber they sit in (which is based on party and not political philosphy), it doesn't prevent or innoculate them from authoritarianism or totalitarianism. Additional, political opinions,stances, and systems are as messy and complicated as the people involved in them - and they can hold multiple contradictory ideas at the same time.

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It’s been done before. Its called communism

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Communism is an economic theory, just like capitalism.

The USSR was not communist, it was authoritarian. It was formed by seven trusts organized along lines of resources. like Agriculture, Mining, industry, forestry,and human (KGB). Each had their own bank, with the GoSBank acting as the central or coordinating bank. They cleared accounts by first Barter, then gold, the KGB had the most power because it had the most valuable resource human

The only examples of a true communist enterprise is a co op, but they exist only within a larger economic/political entity.

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I have lived in a communist country. It is way more than you describe.

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I didn't describe a communist country. I simply told how the USSR was organized.

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In the end fascism and communism are the same. They destroy liberty. The trappings ate slightly different but its the same shit.

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Words are not useful when all words end up meaning nothing like what they used to mean, however briefly.

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Agreed. It is so disheartening to witness this potential train wreck occur in real time. I don’t know what “Republicans” envision with another Trump term. I don’t believe they have the capacity to think that far ahead, because their unquenchable thirst for power blinds them to the common good. It is definitely a sickness. The Biden campaign can only hope to paint an accurate enough picture of what living in an authoritarian nation would look like. Really surprised and disappointed at guys like Sununu and John Bolton. Bolton can’t bring himself to vote for democracy either. He said he would vote for a third party candidate. Just as bad.

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TRUE, Kerry Truchero. And even worse, these Democracy destroying tRumpers are actually working for Putin. They are following Putin's Plan to weaken ALL democratic countries globally, starting with the US. This is Putin's long game, in the works for decades, but coming to fruition with getting his puppet tRump elected in 2016 and weakening NATO. Getting us to abandon our friends is a huge success for him. I'd love to believe that those nincompoops in the republican party are not aware of their complicity in helping Putin achieve his goals, but sadly, I can't.

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Learn to speak Russian. Repeat after Trump......

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You're welcome! I had to look that up. I resort to humor when things get too crazy.

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I took one semester of Russian in high school. It was too hard to learn a new alphabet, but I can still remember some words phonetically. Like this, for example:

Zdrosstvwee = hi

Hodesho = good

Yes, humor is the best survival tool in my toolbox too

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I think the GOP is over. I hope that America isn't over. I am going to keep making phone calls. I am going to keep trying. So my question is: do you think that the Democratic Party will split between "regulars" and "progressives"? However that ends, if Sununu is anywhere near close with his 51 percent, this country will definitely see genocide again. I picture hungry wolves with bared fangs salivating to help people become "desaparecidos."

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Does anyone think they believe they can actually control what has been let loose?

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Lynn, In violence, and some kind of god, they trust.

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I agree. And this is very sad.

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A naive part of me thinks that if the full ramifications of Trumpism is disclosed, then the disillusioned supporters will see the errors of their thinking, especially knowing how spoiled they (we) are, and then put America back together again (like a computer recovery program). But with so many people screwed up that should already know better - it's magical thinking. The alternative is unthinkable.

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Interesting how you apparently have no problem with the Democratic Party’s actually trashing of the very principles, values and laws of both its domestic laws and those of the International Courts when it comes to financially and militarily supporting Israel’s war crimes and crimes against humanity. But fear not, democracy in the USA is an illusion whether you have Trump or Biden at the reins.

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I’m so glad you have a forum where you can lecture the rest of us with your superior morality and discernment of reality. You might be surprised to learn that foreign policy practiced by virtually every government, American or otherwise, in every era, has generally reflected its own self-interest without regard to virtue, the guiding principle being the enemy of my enemy is my friend. But please excuse me for presuming to educate such a wonder as yourself.

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Biden has trashed all principles, values and laws the country never had but long duped the people into believing it did. USA is in a lose-lose going nowhere but down regardless of which of the two morally repugnant choices Americans elect.

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Appoint from La La Land. Both parties disconnected from the intention of our framers at least since 1980. They are completely subservient to the donors. Both parties I say it again. Have you ever read the platform of the Democratic Party? I’m not arguing that the GOP is a better government by any means. My point is, there are not levels of moral bankruptcy and the Democratic Party does not differentiate from the GOP in any statistically significant manner. I know you’re going to bring up abortion but that’s just bullshit. When the argument boils down to “my party supports basic human rights“ lost long ago

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You don’t think tax policy differences are statistically different? If you do, then you need to examine the meaning of bullshit.

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I totally agree with Kerry and Robert. When people cannot discern right from wrong, refuse to do what's right and honest in the face of factual evidence, based on principals of good, respect and decency, and remain in leadership positions, they should ousted. They are the leeches of society that promote corruption, crime and continual evil. The ones that support them are pretty useless too. You won't see them do anything remarkably good for the country either. Apparently they haven't learned anything from all the mistakes from centuries in history, here in our fragile united country and worldwide, as they continue to repeat them. It's definitely an abomination.

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When will Republican members of Congress put a stop to their extremist cohorts that are pro Russian? These idiots are deranged.

What has the Republican Party done to help the American people? No let’s impeach someone for no reason!

Here’s some of their ideas: American Greed

* Republicans pass bills that increase the wealth of the richest = the most lopsided income equality in history! A budget deficit of more than 30 trillion!

* Their plan to solve this problem-eliminating the entitlements, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, all the programs that help us Average Americans!

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Donald Trump called for cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid in every single one of his budgets. On the campaign trail, he has repeated his desire to cut benefits for retirees and cut taxes for his billionaire donors.

Joe Biden’s budgets call for the opposite: He will make the super-rich pay what they owe in taxes and EXPAND Social Security and Medicare.

In addition to calling for protecting and expanding Social Security, President Biden’s budget would:

Raise corporate tax rates to reverse the giant 2017 giveaway signed by the previous President, and ensure that billion-dollar corporations are paying their fair share;

Restore full funding to the IRS so they can go after wealthy tax cheats;

Put an end to capital income tax breaks and other breaks (like the carried interest loophole) for the very wealthy, to ensure that income derived from capital isn’t given preferential treatment -- and that finally, the very well-off will start paying something closer to their fair share of taxes.

Deliver very significant tax savings for working families through expansion of the Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit

Quadruple the tax on corporate stock buybacks from 1% to 4% to slow down this Wall-Street-favoring practice that’s become all too common, and instead encourage corporations to invest in workers and productivity enhancements;

Eliminate unproductive, planet-destroying tax subsidies for oil, gas and fossil development at a time when oil companies are making obscene levels of profit and the catastrophic risks to our shared climate could not be any clearer.

Donald Trump didn’t release a budget this year―he’s too busy running from courtroom to courtroom fighting his felony charges. But his MAGA cronies in the House of Representatives did, and their budget proposal would create a commission designed to slash Social Security and Medicare behind closed doors.

Make no mistake: Social Security is on the ballot this November.

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Remember when Social Security wasn't taxed? Ronald Reagan proposed cutting Social Security for those drawing a pension in an amount equal to that pension. Florida Senator Top O'Neill argued with Reagan that since those workers with a pension had put their own money money into a pension instead of taking pay raises, it was wrong to penalize them for being aware of their futures, as Social Security is first, Insurance. The compromise? Taxing Social Security.

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Greed, they never have enough! and the word applied to Social Security, the word Entitlements, it is sure funny what the GOP like to call entitlements.

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Exactly! It’s OUR MONEY!!!! It’s not a benefit or a handout, certainly not an “entitlement.” It’s money we’ve earned that the government “holds.” I, for one, want it back!!!!

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Indeed, exactly and to coin the phrase, the needs of the many, are the sins of the few=GREED

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It’s all “our money” get a grip. Why don’t somebody propose a quality policy such as remove the On taxation income and apply it as eligibility for receipt. There’s no point in letting Joe Biden collect 4000 bucks a month from Social Security.

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The IRS has a formula for taxing SS if your net income is above a certain level you get taxed a certain percentage.

In 2022 the top tax bracket was 80% in 2023, the top tax bracket for SS is 85%.

If they keep this up in three years it will be 100%, depending on one's total net income.

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Jon, I saved your post. Thank you for providing me with more information and talking points! President Biden works for ALL of us and the comparison to trump is so stark and clear!! I believe most people have the common sense to figure this out and will vote blue in November!

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You're welcome and thanks.

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Thank you for laying it all out again so clearly.

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Thank you too and to all those who care to care, to provide honest civic engagement and I take a bit of solace in knowing there are still more good people than there are bad.

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Thank you too and to all those who care to care, to provide honest civic engagement and I take a bit of solace in knowing there are still more good people than there are bad.

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thanks I may use some of this in an op-ed. need more on their actions demonstrating their collective desire to gut SS and Medicare.

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Thanks, and please do.

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Everything you covered, and it’s a lot, is just the tip of the iceberg of the things that the Republicans are doing to destroy our democracy! Thank you Jon

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If you have a few minutes tomorrow please take a look at my Substack and leave a comment if you care to.

“Keith’s Substack” delivered @ 4am

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It's stunning how far some thirty-plus percent of the country is not okay with DJT's demeanor but will, for the sake of getting a Republican in the White House, overlook all of that. What is on trial is bigger than the election of either party’s leader. If the highest office in the land is held by someone who, in the presence of the media, the public, and other political leaders, behaves as has been the case and then is re-elected for four more years, it sends the wrong message to at least fifty percent of the population that someone in power can stand and rant things that just aren’t true, and if re-elected before the other trials can be held, goes on to dismiss all alleged charges in an abuse of power move, the scruples of the entire country become twisted and may not be able to be untwisted later on. Combine it with the ongoing disparity between the uber-rich, rich in the top 5%, and the destitute poor, working poor, and those who haven’t really seen wages rise for decades, and it seems like it could be a perfect storm approach to nowhere for the entire country. The saying, America love it or leave, depending on who one talks to, with, or at, is becoming blurrier by the decade. Countries where the new right is in power would make good places for those in America who believe that a non-tax-base funded government will work, that trickle-down is good for the masses, that corporations are benevolent, and that the rule of law only applies to those who don’t believe in right-minded politics, are out there; so, why don’t they go find one.

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GOP, the grand old poo party, they stand for nothing! except power, money and control and going out of their way to inflict a whole lot of misery on the many

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Yep, all the words they use are window dressing.

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Indeed, their words are all window dressing, to try and mask the stench that emanates from them.

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Promise us anything, but ask for undying loyalty with SQUAT in return.

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Hang in there. Trickle is on the way!

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Indeed, and so true! no way, no more endless diatribe of trickle-down economics

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They want Kathy Bate's character from " MISERY " as a spokesperson. But she's not a traitor / turncoat / propaganda peddler.

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Greed is A " Christian " virtue to some of Donny's Kids.

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I have a family member that loves Sununu. It's evident most families have at least one member that suffers from some form of a judgment problem. Mr. Sununu has flipped flopped on several of his fundamental positions, leaving me to wonder where the man actually stands on the issues that matter to the people of this country. Sununu's inability to stick to a position make him unworthy of any elected position. The man is just another cog in the political wheel that has begun to point in a new direction, while excluding anyone that views Trump in a negative light. Keep trying, sooner or later they are bound to come up with a member of the party that doesn't drool while speaking. Trump does it whenever a young woman enters the room. Take country people, I really feel Donnie cares deeply for "Hicks."

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These are diversions.

Republicans mean to implement their roadmap, Project 2025. It is a dictatorship.

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- 75% of America is obvious to what a Trump dictatorship will do to them - plus there will be no help for food, gas or rent under Trump

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Maryk--That description hits it right on the head of his "Tally Wacker."

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If euthanasia could be practiced en masse, I'd recreate Dr. Kevorkian's device & ask for RethugliKKKlan volunteeers. Another One Bites the Dust would be playing as they lock the doors ! Hopefully there's a crematorium or wood chipper adjacent. FRESH OUT OF FORGIVENESS, I'm OVERDRAWN. Most Republicans should have a copy of Mein Kampf & a Nazi armband.

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Maybe Sununu (so-no-no) is one of the ones on the list for VP and, like Stefanik and others, will do or say anything not to appear "disloyal." Loyalty to criminals, corruption, crime, treason, deceit, con-games, fraud.....

Yeah, elect that.

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Yeah - he’s on the titanic

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Or the Exxon Valdez.

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Annie--I don't think Sununu ever said "no" to anything. Just an agreeable guy.

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Sununu is from a small state with few residents and so is not a good candidate for Vice President. There is the Cabinet though - Education maybe ?

I really thought he was better than what he said on TV which was really shattering for his image.

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I'd rather go into Cryonic Suspension, even if it's hit or miss.

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JABBA THE TRUMP, The human herpes sore, cares for NO ONE SAVE HIMSELF. He looks down on his supporters, wealthy or working class. He derides the gullible Evangelicals who think that he's the GOP " Messiah ".

My cousin's husband supported Fathead # 45. Now he regrets doing so. My cousin herself would bow to Satan & kiss his keister if he claimed that he was a Rethuglican & faked being a " Christofascist ", since Satan can quote scripture, although Donald Dumpster - fire can pull something out of his ass to satisfy his pin - headed mouth - breathers. who marry their siblings.

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Daniel--I take it you didn't vote for the orange guy. I heard a baby Orangutan was recently born in Bush Gardens, near Tampa; Trump must be so proud.

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They should do a paternity test on the orangutan ! DJT will f--k anything, even though he prefers them as underage girls.

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Or the occasional porn actress.

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I watched a special on Trump the other day, Hitler copied everything the man endeavored to accomplish.

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Yes, and we should be mindful that there is a vast fascist reservoir in good old USA.

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The Pinocchio man.

Donald Hodgins <silencenotbad@gmail.com>

8:09 AM (0 minutes ago)

I have always maintained that the History books will have a field day telling our future generations what an ass Trump was. If that man gets back into our White House there won't be a history worth writing about that holds the truth concerning anything. The "Pinocchio Man" only wished another part of his obese anatomy would suffer a drastic change upon lying. Dream on Donnie Boy.

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He's in good company : Munchausen, among others. MAYBE Walter Mitty.

& the ( failed ) Antichrist.

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Daniel--The company he may find himself in, is in no way good. LOL

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He only likes or loves one person, DJT. No one else. His only close friend can be found in a video monitor, photograph OR that Godawful statue of him that looked like a damn gaudy / garish bowling trophy on steroids.

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Social Security is not an “entitlement”! It is YOUR money, earned by you, since you began working using your Social Security number. As for me, I’ve been paying into that system since I was 15 years old! If the Republicans take it away, they are STEALING MY/YOUR MONEY. YOUR money! This should enrage every American.

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I agree with you, but the SCOTUS does not. In 1960, the Supreme Court ruled in Fleming v. Nestor that workers have no legally binding contractual rights to Social Security. Congress can change the rules for Social Security benefits as long as they follow due process. It is our job via the political system to make sure that they don't take our benefits away!

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It isn't your money.All you have to do is Google Ida May Fuller.The first recipient of a social security cheque.She paid in ~ $23 in social security taxes.Lived until the age of 100 and thus collected around $23,000 in payments as the social security payments increased over the years.

It is a Ponzi scheme,the Ponzi scheme is over.There aren't enough young people to pay for the old people. They have been telling you that since around 1980. The problem is worldwide with falling birth rates. I think 401K was passed in 1979.Contribute and the money is invested in stock markets,bonds,property etc. The companies that will supply an income for them in retirement,are the companies they want to close down

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"It is a Ponzi scheme". Baloney! Benefits can always be paid no matter what. Raise taxes, borrow, or if absolutely necessary, print money. Mr. Reich has written in previous columns how fix the system to fund Social Security for many, many more years. Make the rich pay more into Social Security!

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Today's post tells us even the smartest among them will support a DICTATORSHIP. Will this be America's last real election?

Will we hear Liz Cheney decry the Republican roadmap, Project 2025?

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there MIGHT BE a nice place in Dante's Inferno waiting for the GOP, but Satan's afraid they'll ruin Hell's image, PR problems, the usual.

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My God we have a legitimate since Reagan. Jesus Christ new people. We were a fucked up shit hole long before Donald Trump ever came along. Get a grip

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Keith, I have determined that republicans care very little about American citizenry. Their objective is to give to the rich and to get out of the debt that creates rather than take from the rich, they take from us!! Their thinking is that we don't amount to anything.

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Peggy, there’s a word for that: SELFISH.

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I wholeheartedly agree, Jan!! Their selfishness is hurting America!

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Keith, what do you mean? “When will Republican members…?” THEY WON’T!!

They need to be replaced with people who will. Can that happen? Idk.

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That is what they have always done. The only thing that is new is the love of russia.

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They won't because they're all extremists. The only difference between one and another is how much any individual one of them cares about optics.

The only difference between liz Cheney and Marjorie Taylor Greene is that Greene is honest about what she is. That's literally it.

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Thats what they have always done. Nothing new.

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That's not fair! They MURDERED "The Grand OLD Pedophile" party, Mr. Olson. The party of the first dementia-addled president is DONE. *I* say that that IS something to celebrate.

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What is the Democratic Party done besides offer insulting tokens? Your tribalist allegiance is pathetic. You should be holding your own party accountable for good governance and quality policy. That is your duty as a citizen. Bitching about the opposition is nothing but a waste of time interview and oxygen. No wonder we can’t have anything nice.

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When will democratic party members put a stop to their complete donor class allegiance. As if the result is any different to the proletariat? Please

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Oh Professor I am feeling so discouraged right now I just don't know what to do. Your wonderful but deeply worrying commentary on the State of our Nation is so frightening.

I know Biden is on offense right now, Trump is on trial, Simon Rosenberg is hopeful but I still see many worrying signs.

I have seen several posts on my Facebook this week of people deeply in despair over the price of groceries. One woman was in tears. Young working families just trying to survive. This scares me a lot. How do we address this?

I have signed up for weekly training with the State and National Democrats and I will ask them too. The Biden campaign needs to do a better job addressing these fears. I am very worried.

Thanks as always for keeping us so well informed and sharing your story too

I admire you so much. My love of politics has not diminished. I fell in love with the work of politics thanks to Barack Obama in 2008 but I never in a million years thought we'd end up in a place like this.

God help us all. 💔🇺🇸💙

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Lisa, one reason the price of groceries is high is

because a couple of the bigger grocery chains bought up other grocery chains, so they have very little competition. If they have little competition they can set prices higher knowing people have to buy from them.

The FTC sued last month to block a deal that would create a supermarket empire with more than 4,000 stores, saying it would mean higher grocery prices for millions of Americans. This has drawn scrutiny from lawmakers and consumer groups worried

about higher grocery prices. The FTC is blocking Kroger's $24.6 billion deal to buy its smaller rival Albertsons.

The FTC's lawsuit comes at a time when the Biden administration has pressed for lower grocery prices and pushed back against big-ticket mergers that could or already has resulted in price hikes. It has been a problem in the pharmaceutical and airlines industries as well. Republicans call it inflation and blame Pres. Biden for it, but it was going on long before Biden became President. The Trump administration didn’t care so they didn’t try to do anything about it.

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18

Ok thank you for that information. I did not know that. I have tried to keep informed with a variety of subscriptions on my Substack but somehow I missed that fact. Now to inform my family I'm going to start up my political posts on my Facebook again. I had limited them for the past few years to reduce controversy as I am the only Democrat in my family other than my oldest daughter but the stakes are just too high this year to remain silent. I just can't. I stay with X and Threads instead. But I know I need to be on Facebook now. Thank you so so much. 💙🇺🇸

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Lisa, I tell people I talk to that they could shop at Aldi's, Ollie's, Farmers' Markets, fruit and vegetable stands, thrift stores, and community co-ops. You will find it saves a lot of money. I only shop at Aldi's now and if they don't have something I usually buy, I look for alternatives. I refuse to shop in any grocery chain or box store. Our Farmers' Markets are great. Americans must understand we don't have to settle for what these corporations do to line their pockets with the almighty dollar. Our forefathers made do within their communities, we can, too! Vote blue, America!

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Peggy, I wish Substack had a way to give multiple likes, so here are some more.


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Thank you, Jan!

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Yes Peggy we have an Aldis here and I know many are taking advantage of that. But for young families with 2 or 3 children it is sometimes difficult to travel to 2 or 3 different places to get everything they need. But I am more encouraged this morning after everyone's comments. Thanks!! 💙

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Good point, Lisa! I believe in community spirit those young families consider pooling to the places they need to go. That would cut down on expenses as well. Form a group and get together to help each other.

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About groceries. There are only 10 companies that control all the food brands in the world. Only 4 companies control the crop seed and ag chemicals.

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RemovedApr 18
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Rodingo: Years ago I read that the US food supply had lost 90%+ of its nutritional value by the mid-90’s.

A revamped FDA is my #1 choice for downsizing govt. 🙂

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I like LUSH products. They use fewer packaging and fewer harmful chemicals. Their solid bubble bars and solid shampoo bars are innovative and free from harsh chemicals. So many fun products and cruelty free and ethically sourced. I'm a huge fan.


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Apr 18·edited Apr 18

MBS helping Drumpf again this time around, causing gas prices to jump a few notches by reducing oil production in output of barrels per day...combine that with most of the 1% freaked out seeing that Biden's IRS & FCC are going to do their jobs to a greater degree than the US has seen in decades...but public are still wary & especially distrustful after Dems increasingly sold them out & politicians kept defunding regulators & top "hen house" assignments went to the proverbial foxes!

I can reach only one inevitable conclusion--if Drumpf pulls off a 2nd term--

He's the beast, the AntiChrist.

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Jae, I’ve read that the Saudis have agreed to cut way back on oil production a month or two before the election in Nov. so gas prices go way up and people

will blame Biden for it. I don’t know what you mean when you say “Dems increasingly sold them out, and politicians kept defunding regulators…” Generally,

republicans hate regulations because they can’t

take advantage of average Americans so much if

regulations are in place.

Republicans deregulate industries when they’re in charge because republicans have become the party that gives big businesses & corporations whatever they want. In return they get huge campaign donations from those businesses and corporations

and they get “gifts” like Justice Thomas did for

voting “the right way” on cases before the Supreme Court—free luxury vacations, free private jet rides,

etc. Those “perks” or “gifts” are nothing more than bribes!

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Another reason, one that will very likely get even worse because it has often happened in "election cycles", is the high price of gasoline/fuel, always a driver (no pun) of prices. And it is a given that the Russians, and the Saudis and the OPEC crowd will manipulate gas prices to affect the election.

I saw a very professionally done large sign on a much-traveled roadway showing colorful lettering with "Biden Gas Prices" and "Trump Gas Prices" and $$ figures by each, and, as you might expect from a trumpet-sign-maker, the tRump prices were significantly lower. This is balderdash-BS, of course, with no context or nuance, but it's the kind of garbage that catches the eye of people driving by. I wish the Democrats were running a more forceful, hard-hitting campaign; so far it seems pretty mealy-mouthed and weak. However, if Biden-Harris are counting on winning because of the horrific alternative, they may be 100% right.

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Well said, Susan!

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It will be worse. Think about it. Inflation. ‘Entitlements’ (I hate that word.) Retribution. The R’s don’t care about the people. At least the D’s are trying. Look at the obstruction they have to battle.

It’s all about power and the billionaires. They don’t care about us. We just keep the place running. But if they could replace us all with robots, don’t think they wouldn’t.

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“Inflation” is really corporate price gouging.

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I have read that inflation was nonexistent until the Industrial Revolution.

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Interesting. I admit I never thought about when inflation became a “thing.”

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Help by getting out the vote:



Fully one-third of those who could vote, DID NOT VOTE in 2020.

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18

Lisa, what we're going through right now is similar to the tail end of a bad case of flu. We're at the part now where we have a fever and don't realize yet that the fever is breaking. It will. In the meantime, like our bodies, we don't feel so well. We have mostly great leaders who will lead us out of this. Republicans have no one. Hang in there and keep doing what you're doing.....showing up.

Meantime https://www.messageboxnews.com/p/bidens-campaign-is-beating-trumps?

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Lisa, I share your concerns but I am placing my fear in President Biden and the Democrats to take care of it. I feel if we can get Democrats in the House, Senate and White House we stand a chance of turning things around for the working class and the poor. I will not lose faith and I will vote blue in November!!!

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The Biden executive needs to do a better job of proposing and implementing good governance and quality policy. That’s what they need to do but it’s not about a fucking message or an optic. God damn whoever coined the “confederacy of dunces” completely underestimated us!

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Infinite Praise, Robert. This is one of the best summaries of what is wrong in the USA today.

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Thanks for publishing the Sununu dialogue. Truly shocking. Stephanopolis (sp?) forgot to ask, would he support Trump if he said Sununu's wife was ugly?

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If DJT said that Sununu's wife looked like 9 month old roadkill that went bad 4 months prior, he'd STILL kiss his tuchis.

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Yep. Reference Ted Cruz, et al.

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and no doubt, much, much, more, the whole GOP, the grand ole poo party, they stink to high heaven..

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And Sununu would have said yes. Of course he would. He said nothing matters except being in power.

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The answer is yes.

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The very fact that sununu responded that people don't like the position that donald trump is in with all it's illegal and crimes, but will still vote for him is even more frightening. DONALD TRUMP IS GOING TO JAIL, eventually, a place that he earned by all the indictments against him. Trump is a liar, a sociopath, and apparently lives in a fantasy world of his own creating. LONG LIVE JOE BIDEN AS PRESIDENT.

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Biden was called " BORING ". Better boring than tantrums, nitpicking, insulting, name - calling, running cons, calling the cops on peaceful protests while holding a Bible, jailing children, criminal negligence during Covid......

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Apr 20·edited Apr 20

Yes, just reading some old notes & watching some pre covid YT videos and had a bit of PTSD recalling the freaking White House/Twitter nonstop roller coaster ride of chaos & stress.

And our media is somehow even LESS capable now than when they started covering Donnie Darko Drumpf & Co.

MSM is still rubbernecking, hanging on his every word with each twist and turn. Now, they're expanding their reach to other "players"--or maybe, possibly unwittingly being manipulated into very expensive but effective fancy soapbox/press conferences/mini-rallies for extreme right MAGA, white Christian Nationalists.

I guess after Ronna McDaniel & NBC, it's pretty obviously coming from the top at most news organizations. Definitely pandering for pay now as most of those new propaganda outlet "media" which all sprouted up about the time Drumpf was preparing to descend the escalator & drag down many individuals & all kinds of different groups with him. (Shame on those who at the outset, were only focused on elections & politics because of flat out greed; amplifying lies, conspiracy theories, & propaganda to cause strongest reactions, division & thus generated more income through outrage!)

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The media seems to be endeavoring to CREATE the news, not just content to " stir the pot ". Their duty is to REPORT the news, not Midwifing it.

I've a mind to move to Canada, Australia, NZ or find a TRULY obscure place on this world if I could afford to uproot everything in another country. Maybe Nauru. They used to be a wealthy nation, but pissed their money away about 20 + years ago.

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Noone really knows where Trump is going.

Better to focus on where America is going if we don't VOTE for Democrats in 2024.

Register Democrats.


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I asked this in another substack a few days ago but I also want to ask here: Do others think, as I do, that Sununu is hoping to be the VP pick? He decided last year not to run for reelection as governor this year, so this isn’t a fear of retribution at the polls. I don’t know enough about him to know if he hates Biden, or democrats in general, so perhaps that’s it. Or maybe he’s one of those who thinks they can fix someone else, be a more moderating influence on Trump if he’s the VP. Look how well that worked out for Pence, who was in serious danger of his life by the end. What do others think?

And as always Robert, thanks for the great perspective.

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Sunnunu is trying to stay relevant w/in the party. He's thinking more about a future election. He knows what the deal is w/Trump which is why he supported Hailey.

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i actually think that the fallacy here, which we are all seeing play out in real time, is the ideology that america "needs a strong two-party system in order to survive" ... the fallacy being that a two-party system is inherently endangered to fail ...

if we are to actually try to make this country an actual democracy, we need a healthy, functioning multi-party system ... now, how do we get to that ??? ... that's another story, & frankly, that's where the powers that be really must be focusing on (although they're not -- in part because the focus of this election has to be to prevent america from fully falling into a fascistic regime) ...

we have seen time and time again how americans feel that they must choose between "the lesser of the two evils" ... the real problem is the illusion that there can only be a viable choice between two warring, dichotomous political parties ...

in the meantime, it is essential for democrats to get elected into offices nationwide, particularly in smaller state government positions (hello, arizona) ...

it is up to the people to fight for democracy ... i hope that the people are up to this essential fight ...

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Hear hear for multiple parties. We also need ranked choice voting.

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We need to VET future candidates - background checks, investigations into emotional health, criminal activity, anything else.

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Daniel; add to that list a requirement to show your tax returns when you become a candidate and also ban the legislature from investing in the stock market which essentially makes insider trading legal for Congress.

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Another idea for reform, is to put limitations on lobbying after work in government for five years after leaving. If people want to get rich, stay in the private sector.

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That makes too much sense, so the GOP ain't gonna do it. The GOP wants to be a refuge for the amoral, narcissists, Bible thumpers who are convinced that God talks to them via FLATULENCE, quacks, conspiracy fanatics, all the whackaloons who can't make it outside of the Psycho Circus.

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Daniel; and how could we forget overturning the despicable ruling, “Citizens United”! How in Hell did that become the law of the land?!

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How in Hades did I forget about tax returns ? Thanks !

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Defintely!! I'd say future Vetting should be a must!!

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But it MAKES TOO MUCH SENSE ! We can't have common sense or rationality / critical thinking in POLITICS. God, no !

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Exactly!!! God forbid. 😆

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Lisa, God will be superfluous if TFG wins.

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Unfortunately, just as Sununu stated, the information would be meaningless to the average Trump supporter. Trump and Fox have utilized the Joseph Goebels playbook so successfully that any incriminating information would be deemed a Witch Hunt, and not only increase the flame under the supporters of the candidate but doom any other candidate as some juicy disparaging nickname from the fearless leader.

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When FTC ditched the Fairness Doctrine, led to all hell being broken loose, at FOX, the daily garbage in and garbage out, the so-called news. Robert Murdoch, I have to say, has single handedly done more to damage America with his vitriolic brand of hate and division.

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It's interesting that the Wall Street Journal, which he bought, has far more objective reporting (while the editorial page is as right-wing as ever). He knows his markets, and he just keeps raking in the money.

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Indeed, I too have recently made note of that.

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If you look at multi party nations around the globe fairly and critically, you will see that they are even more of a disaster than ours. Israel is in thrall to minority parties. Peru is a freaking mess. The UK too. There is a lot to be said for a healthy two party system despite its imperfections.

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Was a time, I wouldn't have minded the Green Party counting in the mix, but the "mix" does indeed seem now to run in the range of "horrible fascists" to " religious fascists" to "less horrible religious fascists" and so on up to "not totally hateful," like the top of the range. So that's your parliamentary "coalition." I am not an optimist.

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Was a time a Green Party had a whole lot to contribute, potentially valuable to our society. Until it turned into just another vehicle for ego-driven schmucks, just like Cornel West, who rationalize their quests for relevance and fame as somehow desperately important to our society and worth the risk of throwing the whole country into the crapper. Sorry, boys and girls, find another way to get your message out. We can't afford another Nader these days.

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Remember we are following a line of speculation about multiple parties and ranked choice. Basically, I agree with you. Maybe we should be looking at historical precedence, death of the Whigs, or whatever? There was a process of reorganization, not my bailiwick....

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I think there is a whole lot to like about ranked choice voting. I don’t know how it will play out, honestly. But yeah, perhaps using a mathematical solution to give multiple parties a voice that still yields a consensus for a final result is the answer.

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" just another vehicle for ego-driven schmucks " I think these schmucks made big money and they do not want to lose that.

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Around the world it seems, the head of fascism is on the rise, scary.

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What I discovered is that they've all globalized this ultra conservative throwback of civil rights to each other, testing out methods of implementation in their respective countries! I thought it was coincidence or even perhaps grew naturally but independently of each other halfway around the globe at times.

But no, look at CPAC, and other conferences for YEARS now.

The US folks consider ORBAN such a success, there have been a few college age conservatives doing what amounts to an intensive year or longer political internship abroad--embedded with these regimes that are an international threat to freedom & rights of individuals, countries, and democracy itself.

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Indeed, there is an intertwining or entanglement between various individuals and organizations to coordinate what they truly seek, a global corporatocracy and therefore autocracy.

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Yeah. What I agree with here is that nobody every really explains for me WHY the "two party system" is the best thing since apple pie. Where is the analysis? And, yeah, what is this thing where we only have two choices? It seems perfectly plausible that the benefits of the two party thing are gone, all gone. Worn out. Because. Once upon a time, there were two basic attitudes a USA/American (not South American, right?) can have: there is a conservative view and a liberal view. That was the system in the past. There is no reason to assume it lasts forever, though. Well! I have put up two long posts onto this Reich article//!

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As I see it, the two party system is for systems that do not have something like rank choice voting. With rank choice voting, a multi party system works.

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It works in a two party system also just not as intended. The access to ballot barriers along with the removal of big dark money are the two most prescient items on the path to restoring our Republic

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Not necessarily without a parliamentary system of government.

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Absolutely. You are so right to mention that. The Congress balances out the president? Not really, because the concept is also that the House Rep.s balanced out the Senatorial geniuses. What about states vs. central/ federal? What about country vs city? Do each get their own party?

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Then you say rank choice is better? In two sentences then --- explain

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It’s a terrible system simply by observation. No one is incentivized to be good. Only, slightly better than. They are easily co-opted by the same donor class. Face it, Ralph Nader was right.

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Robert Reich, this was SUPERB! You have exposed the utter ugliness of the present Republican Party. It has become a festering boil that continues to infect. It reminds me of the words Sen. Joseph McCarthy was asked in the hearing, “Have you no sense of decency?” The Republican party has lost its sense of decency.

Unfortunately, those who could save it are jumping ship in disgust.

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Your "sense of decency" quote is dead on. My evolving perspective is that the Manhattan trial, by forcing truth, will effectively ask the same question. That should finish this horror. (And may it be so!)

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On March 26, 2024, the Monmouth University Polling Institute published a limited survey showing that 34% of Americans would like to settle in another country—up from 10 percent of Americans asked by Gallup in 1974. In 2019, after enduring 21 months of the Trump administration, I decided I would emigrate to Europe out of genuine fear of what the rising power of the Far Right would do to me (a Gay Progressive), to Women, and to ethnic minorities. My instincts have proven correct. At 80 years now, I just can’t risk spending the remainder of my life in an illiberal, authoritarian country, but I continue to vote from abroad and donate to politicians I trust, now only Democrats and a three Independents. The United States is no longer recognizable to me, but I will say that Joe Biden has been the best President in my lifetime and he and the present slate of Democrats have my full support. Support them in any way you can. It’s our future at risk.

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The Republican Party is over and is officially long gone, in its place has become the Fascist Party and they will not be content, till they bring the entire U.S government tumbling down or deconstruct what they call, the administrative state, so the 2024 election will be the pivotal moment of either continuance of the American experiment we call democracy or the end of it.

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They don’t tell their followers what they intend to replace the administrative state with. Their followers do not look at the through-line. They intend to replace it with fascism. If the followers think they have it bad now, what do they think it will be like under fascism?

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Indeed, they sure don't, but it seems many are all too content with having a strongman as President, if it means getting what they want, own the libs? but what they will really own, is the ultimate chaos to their own destruction, as in their own true freedoms.

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I can't remember where but: Trump National Committee was used somewhere online where I thought RNC would typically appear.

I don't know if it's official or whether it supersedes RNC now, but I believe they're doing some work or fundraising with that title; for all intents & purposes Drumpf has definitely replaced Republican as a political party--with or without the official title.

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They feel rewarded by having permission to kick someone. Even just figuratively. Hes not just gonna cut magat social security. Surprise. YOU ARENT HURTING THE RIGHT PEOPLE I WONT VOTE FOR YOU AGAIN 😭

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Two deceased Republican Senators from Arizona: Barry Goldwater, and John McCain would be shocked at Governor Sinnunu's response.

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Everyone needs to read this! When I saw that interview, I was floored! And scarier yet, the look on his face when he said it and repeated it! The big grin. Absolutely, evil.

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I could send this to my cousin, who kowtows to ANYONE holding a Bible & / or waving a flag, no matter if it's Fatass # 45 or someone else.

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Nobel Prize-winning author Sinclair Lewis allegedly warned that when fascism comes to America it will be "wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."

(Usually attributed to Sinclair Lewis, but apparently not verified; I'm OK with accepting that Sinclair Lewis said it as he said many wise things on such topics.)

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I was ordained online by the Universal Life Church 15 - 20 years ago. I'm glad that I got away from religion. The late Ann Rice inspired me. I don't want to get their offal on my shoes.

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Simply put, your cousin loves (unquestioned) authority. He/she is not alone....unfortunately.

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I'm not 100% sure if my cousin specifically supports the Hominid Hemorrhoid, but she breaks the freaking SOUND BARRIER rushing to take the side of a political / religious conservative. She's so bloody gullible that she'd believe her fellow Rethuglicans if they said that Jimmy Carter sacrificed kids to Satan. To her, Democrats embody EVERYTHING to be suspicious, wary & fearful of.

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How else did Jimmy Carter reach 99 and counting? :)

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OK, I DON'T believe in a Supreme Being, Higher Power, Benevolent Heavenly Father, etc., BUT SOMEBODY must have need of a kind, gentle, even TRULY CHRISTLIKE person to be a voice of reason & PEACE in the midst of this septic maelstrom.

We need reasonable, kind, level - headed people instead of people ( I use the term loosely ) who promote division, ignorance, distrust, paranoia & HATRED.

I sent my cousin an article about his involvement with Habitat for Humanity - she reacted as if I sent her an invitation to have lunch with Satan & attend a Satanic orgy after.

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Your cousin didn't reason her way to where she is now and you're not going to reason her out of it.

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The GOP is a CULT. Indoctrination probably consists of a powerful vacuum with a tiny attachment to suck out the tattered remnants of their sub microscopic cerebrums.

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Indoctrination is aided by right wing media.

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My hope is that eventually, when Trump is gone and his enablers have no one to bend the knee to, that they will cannibalize themselves out of existence.

This would hopefully open up the possibility of a new party more akin to the Republicans of yore, for as much as I disagree with their ideology at least they wouldn’t be trying to destroy democracy and the foundation of our country as a whole.

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There is far too much unfounded nostalgia for "Republicans of yore".

The undermining of democracy by what we now call the Republican party started far before Nixon...the America-first movement of the 1930s, the Civil War, the Know-Nothing party, etc, etc.

This autocratic movement won't stop with Trump...they hold powerful political offices, backed by billionaires, supported by think-tank with detailed plans to unravel institutions, with millions of Americans in their thrall.

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And then we get to Reagan. I can't help but wonder how different things might be if not for Iran-Contra.

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The Republican party started as an anti-slavery, anti-succession party, composed of the more radical branch of the Whig party, of which Lincoln was a member. Doris Kearns Goodwin goes into its formation in detail in her Team of Rivals book. By the time of the McKinley administration it had become the party of Northeastern industrialism (I'm guessing)

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So, how do we finally put the Zombie Party down?

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they're doing it to themselves; we just have to stand out of their way (hopefully, they won't take the country and western democracy down with them) ...

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these TROGLODYTIC CHUDS want to DESTROY everything the US stands for.

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Crosses, garlic & holy water don't work. A lot of these spuds are Evangelical, so maybe crosses & holy water don't get the job done.

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Maureen ; I thought the justice system would help, but it looks bought and paid for by the bad guys. Let's see what happens.

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The majority of the Supreme Court and some of the lower courts certainly seem to be, but I still have hope. Maybe convicting Trump will be the stake in the Zombie Party's heart.

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Maureen ; That would be sweet!

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Sweeter than honey.

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18

If I were to write here what I REALLY THINK, I would probably be arrested.

I will say, however, that Sununu is disgusting. He said he would support Trump if nominated, way back during the New Hampshire primary. I was dismayed then! Gov. KEMP of Georgia said yesterday, in defense of Speaker Mike Johnson, that "the bickering must stop. Enough is enough." That made me want to call him up and thank him for being a sane voice. He also said, in an interview in February, that Trump does NOT have immunity, that no one is above the law. One semi-sane Republican . . .

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Klare K; ; Senioritis? At least you remembered that you forgot, and know where to look!

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See my repost, Laurie. I hear so much on NPR, it is easy to forget all the details sometimes. Yes, I knew where to look, I found it, and I posted it. (Not in the mood right now for snarky comments.)

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KlareK ; I never intended my comment to be snarky, just maybe humorous. I am a senior , and my husband and I often laugh at these memory 'hiccups'.

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