Professor Reich: watching the DNC from overseas has been the best, most exhilarating and most optimistic event i've EVER seen on my home big screen. not sure how i'd react if i was one of the lucky ones in attendance, but i do know i'd completely lose my voice from all the joyful sounds i know i'd make if i was there to be a small contribution to the sea of happiness there.
Girl Scientist, I felt the excitement too and I am watching on my home TV in Pennsylvania. I think that's because the whole convention has been as remarkable as it seems, speech after speech beautifully presented. What a week, and we have one more night!
Ruth, I am also in Pennsylvania and am so grateful for the powerful, joyful vibes this convention is exuding. I could not even bring myself to watch the RNC for more than a few minutes as I felt the vengeful loathing for America, women, children and all the rights we hold dear. Hope is the best medicine for what ails us and Kamala Harris is writing a generous prescription.
The sad part is that the majority of MAGA people are not the 1%; They are a bunch of average willfully deluded fools who refuse to understand that they have signed onto their own demise.
That may be true, Ilene, but judging by the popular votes in the elections since 2016 and including 2016, there are a lot more of us than there are of them.
also, I don't know if you've noticed, but the Trump crowds are getting sparse, and the reason is simple: He is boring: he has no fresh material to excite his crowds. It's always the same slogans, attacks, personal insults. Those who live on hatred get their treat, their daily high, but even among Trumpers, some leave before he's done, yawn or fall asleep. I have a Trumper at home, and I can tell you, his enthusiasm is down to a low simmer.
One of the messages resonating with him, besides the abortion question, is the "rich against the poor" with rich folks avoiding jail time but common folks getting hauled to jail. So much so that I might make a Bernie supporter out of him yet!
He is still all in on the border problem, but that's about it, and I have shown him that there was a deal on the table but Trump tanked it to have at least one plank to run on. He replies that it was a very bad deal. Does anyone have details on that deal? [I'm not giving up] On Ukraine, he laments the money going there [but somehow, he is illogically not lamenting on the billions of dollars that we have given to Israel since its inception in 1948.
I’m sorry to hear that you are living with a Trumper; that is a very difficult thing to deal with. Like talking to a wall, but I do hope he will be convinced soon to support the candidates that are running to benefit all of us.
Yep. It can be tough, but it is sometimes very funny, like when he said, in all earnest: "Did you hear? Hillary Clinton is in Gitmo". I started laughing and couldn't stop.
Or this one: "You know, I think Hitler was right on this one: there are 2 kinds of Jews: The white ones and the black ones. The mistake was to send the good ones to Israel. We should have sent the black ones".
I pointed out to him that besides the crass racism, how could Hitler, who died in 1945 have made a pronouncement of any kind about Israel and whether the black ones or the white ones should have been sent there since Israel didn't exist until 1948. Then I laughed and laughed. I still laugh when I think about it.
Whenever he gets caught flat footed in one of those, his standard reply is :" Well, that's what I heard.
I once told him: Well, I hope these are not just "voices in your head". That would be alarming. You could, however, make a note of where you heard it and not listen to that source any more.
Lets not dehumanize Trump supporters. If we do, then we become part of the program used by Trump, Hitler, and all the other dictators alive today who try to separate us.
It is hard to understand how anyone can follow Trump, I know. But very sophisticated psychological tactics have been used. and once your Tribe has its norms, it is hard to stand against your social connections. Lets ush for better education too,,,and more honest education .
Elizabeth, I whole heartedly agree with you. Maybe there is no way to convince many of Trump's followers, but any that we do reach improve our odds for the long run! We must find a way to be welcoming, to offer an alternate "safe place" to the cult they might actually want to leave!
So what do we do about these "sophisticated psychological tactics". Most of the people whom I know that support the Trumper listen to Fox News or something similar over and over again in their car or truck. As people who were once part of a robust middle class they have seen their real incomes (and their prospects for better incomes) eroding for many years and they are upset about it. And Trump gives them someone to blame and re-directs their anger towards Immigrants and Democrats, and gives them a simplistic solution (Elect me and I will fix it). Which sounds great to a lot of these folks, who frequently are not too well educated.
Of course it’s wrong to dehumanize other human beings. Yet anger and frustration at their obtuseness and unwillingness to consider promoting the common good provoke these feelings. We are up against an internal enemy who appears like the rest of us but who do not want to abandon the toxic goals of the huckster to whom they have sold their souls.
I have to agree. And, I know some of these people. They are uninformed, they've been conned. They actually believe he will help the economy because they get their information from FOX news or Facebook. They are good people who actually believe there is still a Republican party. I ask myself, often, how they can be duped by MAGA and Trump. I keep praying they will have their eyes opened.
And, of course, I know there are others who are right-wing extremists, violent and conspiracy believers who want Project 2025's playbook.
I think you will find that nearly all of them nearly always watch Fox Cable news only. But, I think that human nature is such that they want someone to blame for their own depressing condition, which they have somehow been washed into by the micro invironment of their life.
We all face the task of making sense of life, and our place in it. But we are only human, and herd instincts more often than not guide our beliefs.
I agree. Fox News ought to be shut down by the FCC on the grounds that it is subversive and treasonous to America. Rupert Murdoch are monsters in expensive suits who should be stripped of their fortunes and their power to buy toxic influence.
They share a stunted developmental condition also seen in the population of thwarted development in middle easter captive regiemes.
Abuse mutual abuse hostage situations.
Untie hostages.
Untie the ignorant the beleaguered the preyed upon trafficer dilluded sneering stunted stunting .
Abundant predictable life cycle for human beings here on the only planet known to support life is a 100+/- spin through the sky . Enjoy the ride. Leave it better than when you emerged here too.
I’m in Australia grabbing snatches on YouTube and via Pod Save America’s coverage. It’s been tears tears tears (of joy) every day, to the detriment of my eye makeup. When you fight, you win.
I am also in Australia, watching every speech on YouTube, and the last three days I have had tears in my eyes more often than not. But unlike after the 2016 election, when the tears were of disbelief, frustration and despair, these tears have been tears of joy, elation and hope. Sadness too, hearing the wonderful Mr Biden pass the torch to Ms Harris, but quickly replaced by happiness hearing the wonderful and inspiring messages from so many wonderful and inspiring leaders. I was especially moved by the former Republicans who were endorsing the Harris/Walz ticket…this gave me so much hope, that out there in the 'burbs of the USA, there are many more who have shifted allegiance and will be supporting the Democratic ticket.
Cheering you all on from Perth, Western Australia!
Not a US citizen, but I have visited many times (pre Trump) and have many dearly loved friends there. I am trying to be as active as I can on social media spreading facts to refute MAGA lies and distortions. That is about all I can do apart from sending love and energy to you all for the fight!
Just a slight correction: Those aren't "former Republicans". They are disaffected Republicans. Some of them have left their party and become Independents, but others are still Republicans. However, they recognize the dangers that Donald Trump represents to this country. So, they are patriotically supporting his opponent, whom they recognize as being a good and qualified person who will preserve our Constitution instead of leading this country into Trump’s goal of a dystopian, authoritarian hell.
Robyn, and all you others from around the world, thanks so much for your encouraging messages. The four hours we've watched this conversation every evening have been
Beware of the Corona. When Kamala wins she will be visited by Mitch McConnell: "We will sabotage anything you try."
We will all call him a "dick" for his male caucus. But it's the Corona of the penis responsible for sabotaging previous efforts at procreation.😮🙄🤔😨😝😷🙃😤
Uh, note the difference between comments in reply to the Original Posting (OP), the reply from 'GrrlScientist', and a reply to one's self. (You *whom*?)
GrrlScientists, evidently you overlooked the DNC endorsements of the proxy wars in Ukraine and Gaza. Or maybe you didnt.
Its easy for some people to overlook these atrocities funded with Billions in tax dollars that might have been used to help poor get an education and health care.
I watched on my 13-inch MacBook Pro and the energy, emotions, excitement, joy, and hope on both sides of the screen were not diminished. In this instance, this is too big for size to matter. 😏
@ Janet. Bernie is a good man. But it isn’t this group arbiting his fortunes - it’s millions of Americans and our political process. Say what you may but a vote for Bernie, like for any third party, is a vote for Trump in practical effect.
Benjamin, and, Bernie is a great man and he has endorsed Harris-Walz. People who value Bernie's wisdom should also trust his judgment. He does not give his endorsement lightly.
Janet, I love Bernie Sanders too. I donate to him monthly, but in support of the very important work he's doing as Senator. Bernie has asked me to support Kamala - and I am very happy to do so! I hope you will change your mind and do the same, Bernie would thank you!
Sorry Janet. Nothing I said is false. I didn’t say a vote didn’t count - that is you projecting what you know in your heart, the practical effect is a vote for Trump, the polar opposite of what you claim to espouse.
@Janet. You seem like you care? But you seem also naïve - what Kamala needs to emphasize during the election MUST align with her real policies in the long term. Closer to Bernie than you seem to think. However, Kamala does not need to rub everybody's nose in the details during the campaign cycle, particularly when many swing state voters are low information people with low interest in politics. I wish you would wise up - Bernie endorsed Kamala. AOC endorsed Kamala. Your search for "perfection" is the enemy of helping the country do much better. Just for effect, not really trying to be rude, but to paraphrase one sophisticated political operative, shut up and vote Kamala for President.
I'm a little concerned about the Democrats’ official platform just released which says nothing about the genocide in Gaza, and promises MOREunconditional military aid to Israel allowing it to continue Israel's slaughter in Gaza and the West Bank, and legitimizes Israel’s attacks against Iran, Lebanon, and Yemen.
Joe Biden has given Israel how many Billions in military aid to continue these proxy wars?
Stumping for Trump again are you Janet. I know you realize that there are only two possibilities,thus two choices, Trump or Kamala, So you stump for Trump, and who is Trump's butt buddies? None other than Putin and Netanyahu..
I really don't care what you think George. I really don't. But what I know from your responses are that you are angry and bitter.
The only thing you got right is that I am an old man, otherwise I have absolutely no reason to be angry or bitter, because I have no skin the game, no emotional connection, no ideological connection,.
I am as detached as say a visitor from another planet, watching the affairs of a puny species beat the hell out of each other. How about a cameraman on the Serengetti, filming wildlife.
What I do care about is Trump and his base of theocratic fascists, because that does affect me. Other than that, you guys can have at each other, and yo will, because the species hasn't learned anything, and probably can't thus won't.
What specifically do you want us to hear? He has brilliantly repeated his views for decades to the point where we finally get it. Trump lived it out. At any rate, Bernie spoke on behalf of the Democratic nominee because he is a valiantly smart and experienced man who has also set aside his ego so this country wins against oligarchy and fascism.
I voted for Mr. Sanders in 2016 with no regrets now, but President Biden was the man WE needed. He linked ALL Americans together! (No, I don't consider Insurrectionists American until they begin VOTING like one.)
I have been checking the ppl who are making comments and you are one of the few who is not a bot. The belligerent comments are not from actual people. Just click on a few of the ppl and you will see they have zero followers or subscribers. Free speech has never been more important!
Dear Mr. Reich: I have never fully recovered from the shock of watching Donald Trump elected to the presidency in 2015. If anyone had ever told me so many Americans could be fooled so easily, I would have just laughed and walked away. Witnessing what is happening now has renewed my faith in not only the glorious dream of democracy, but restored my belief that most of our citizens understand and embrace what lies at the heart of this magical experiment in self rule. Kamala Harris has not lit a candle in the dark. She has kindled a raging wildfire that will burn the most extreme, ugly pillars of the Maga movement to the ground. God bless the joyful warriors. Ellis Johnson M.D.
After having been fooled, why has it taken so long to get rid of the guy? Obama famously laughed at Trump and that only made things worse - Trump decided to run for President partly based upon being laughed at.
It may take 30+ years, if ever, for our country and the world to recover from the damage Trump caused and still is causing. Harris gives us much more than just a flicker of hope for recovery.
I just want to say there are several republicans that have used Trump and his followers to put a very well thought out and long planned agenda into motion. It isn’t just this malignant pig of a human that is leading our country into the abyss. And they will not be pushed aside- at least not without a nasty fight. They have prepared the groundwork to reject any outcome other than their victory. The attempted coup was just a dress rehearsal. In the meantime, the convention has been uplifting and professional. A glorious change from the doom, gloom and hatred
You are exactly right, Elissa. tRumPutin is a dumb-luck figurehead for the Heritage Foundation who appealed to the angry, frustrated and uneducated base, but it could have been anyone who would be willing to lie, cheat and steal to get power. "Mandate for Leadership", aka Project 2025, has been in the works for decades. They have infiltrated the courts, the House and Senate, and since tRump...many State legislatures and election officials. They know they will never win the popular vote because they are still....and hopefully always will be in the minority, so they have to use shadow maneuvers and back channels to gain power. They are paying the long game, and tRump is only the tip of their evil iceberg. Beating them will not be easy or quick. Getting big money out of politics is necessary as well.
The billionaire class of sociopaths that are financing Trump are making the same mistake that German financiers and industrialists like Fritz Thyssen made, they believed that they could control Hitler. Jamie Dimon, Pete Peterson, Elon Musk et al think they can control Trump.
William, they don't need to - - they are putting into place work-arounds to ensure that the actual voter tallies won't stand. I really do believe they are just smugly biding their time, and spending (some of) their money, believing they will soon make it all back multiple times over...
It's important to point out your saying "they" and "followers". You are right. It's not just Trump. One problem is, we are dealing with a nasty and vicious cult with a "malignant pig" (appropriate phrase; I like it) as you said, or "subhuman" (my word) being the cult leader. Perhaps Trump is a "subhuman malignant pig"?
tRump so lacking in character with zero positive qualities, is being used as a figurehead for the evil monied interests that are pulling his strings. They are trying like hell to keep him on message, but his retarded infantile ego won't let him behave like a normal person, he has to rage like a baby who needs to be pacified.
Harvey, you raise a point that really causes me concern: "They are trying like hell to keep him on message, but..." "They" really AREN'T trying hard at all to steer Trump. I'm worried "they" are convinced it doesn't matter, that their planning has been, and is being implemented sufficiently to negate whatever actual outcome the voting produces: manipulation of voter registries, pole site access, ensuring the ability of State registrars to NOT certify election outcomes - - oh so many other insurances "they" are putting into action. I fear there will be no way to counter the effectiveness of the dirty tricks until the magnitude and frequency is realized, and by then, too little time will remain to counter "their" efforts...
We expect a landslide victory, what is of greater concern is that they will try again to steal the election by any and all means. The "brownshirts" are willing and armed. MAGAts have scared politicians into voting against their will; they have no boundaries. Every single poll needs to be manned by partisan Dems to make sure all is legit. And the state election officials need to be watched like Hawkes. We will need an arm of lawyers watching all segments of the election process. We can't take anything for granted. As we know, fascists will stop at nothing.
Professor Reich: watching the DNC from overseas has been the best, most exhilarating and most optimistic event i've EVER seen on my home big screen. not sure how i'd react if i was one of the lucky ones in attendance, but i do know i'd completely lose my voice from all the joyful sounds i know i'd make if i was there to be a small contribution to the sea of happiness there.
Girl Scientist, I felt the excitement too and I am watching on my home TV in Pennsylvania. I think that's because the whole convention has been as remarkable as it seems, speech after speech beautifully presented. What a week, and we have one more night!
Ruth, I am also in Pennsylvania and am so grateful for the powerful, joyful vibes this convention is exuding. I could not even bring myself to watch the RNC for more than a few minutes as I felt the vengeful loathing for America, women, children and all the rights we hold dear. Hope is the best medicine for what ails us and Kamala Harris is writing a generous prescription.
The sad part is that the majority of MAGA people are not the 1%; They are a bunch of average willfully deluded fools who refuse to understand that they have signed onto their own demise.
That may be true, Ilene, but judging by the popular votes in the elections since 2016 and including 2016, there are a lot more of us than there are of them.
also, I don't know if you've noticed, but the Trump crowds are getting sparse, and the reason is simple: He is boring: he has no fresh material to excite his crowds. It's always the same slogans, attacks, personal insults. Those who live on hatred get their treat, their daily high, but even among Trumpers, some leave before he's done, yawn or fall asleep. I have a Trumper at home, and I can tell you, his enthusiasm is down to a low simmer.
One of the messages resonating with him, besides the abortion question, is the "rich against the poor" with rich folks avoiding jail time but common folks getting hauled to jail. So much so that I might make a Bernie supporter out of him yet!
He is still all in on the border problem, but that's about it, and I have shown him that there was a deal on the table but Trump tanked it to have at least one plank to run on. He replies that it was a very bad deal. Does anyone have details on that deal? [I'm not giving up] On Ukraine, he laments the money going there [but somehow, he is illogically not lamenting on the billions of dollars that we have given to Israel since its inception in 1948.
I'll keep working on him...
I’m sorry to hear that you are living with a Trumper; that is a very difficult thing to deal with. Like talking to a wall, but I do hope he will be convinced soon to support the candidates that are running to benefit all of us.
Yep. It can be tough, but it is sometimes very funny, like when he said, in all earnest: "Did you hear? Hillary Clinton is in Gitmo". I started laughing and couldn't stop.
Or this one: "You know, I think Hitler was right on this one: there are 2 kinds of Jews: The white ones and the black ones. The mistake was to send the good ones to Israel. We should have sent the black ones".
I pointed out to him that besides the crass racism, how could Hitler, who died in 1945 have made a pronouncement of any kind about Israel and whether the black ones or the white ones should have been sent there since Israel didn't exist until 1948. Then I laughed and laughed. I still laugh when I think about it.
Whenever he gets caught flat footed in one of those, his standard reply is :" Well, that's what I heard.
I once told him: Well, I hope these are not just "voices in your head". That would be alarming. You could, however, make a note of where you heard it and not listen to that source any more.
Lets not dehumanize Trump supporters. If we do, then we become part of the program used by Trump, Hitler, and all the other dictators alive today who try to separate us.
It is hard to understand how anyone can follow Trump, I know. But very sophisticated psychological tactics have been used. and once your Tribe has its norms, it is hard to stand against your social connections. Lets ush for better education too,,,and more honest education .
Elizabeth, I whole heartedly agree with you. Maybe there is no way to convince many of Trump's followers, but any that we do reach improve our odds for the long run! We must find a way to be welcoming, to offer an alternate "safe place" to the cult they might actually want to leave!
So what do we do about these "sophisticated psychological tactics". Most of the people whom I know that support the Trumper listen to Fox News or something similar over and over again in their car or truck. As people who were once part of a robust middle class they have seen their real incomes (and their prospects for better incomes) eroding for many years and they are upset about it. And Trump gives them someone to blame and re-directs their anger towards Immigrants and Democrats, and gives them a simplistic solution (Elect me and I will fix it). Which sounds great to a lot of these folks, who frequently are not too well educated.
Of course it’s wrong to dehumanize other human beings. Yet anger and frustration at their obtuseness and unwillingness to consider promoting the common good provoke these feelings. We are up against an internal enemy who appears like the rest of us but who do not want to abandon the toxic goals of the huckster to whom they have sold their souls.
Exactly!!!! Deluded fools that don't understand that this guy and his financial supporters don't give a damn about anyone but themselves.
Yes! We must all work together to ensure that these idiots don’t get their wish. vote, blue and spread the word!
I have to agree. And, I know some of these people. They are uninformed, they've been conned. They actually believe he will help the economy because they get their information from FOX news or Facebook. They are good people who actually believe there is still a Republican party. I ask myself, often, how they can be duped by MAGA and Trump. I keep praying they will have their eyes opened.
And, of course, I know there are others who are right-wing extremists, violent and conspiracy believers who want Project 2025's playbook.
I think you will find that nearly all of them nearly always watch Fox Cable news only. But, I think that human nature is such that they want someone to blame for their own depressing condition, which they have somehow been washed into by the micro invironment of their life.
We all face the task of making sense of life, and our place in it. But we are only human, and herd instincts more often than not guide our beliefs.
I agree. Fox News ought to be shut down by the FCC on the grounds that it is subversive and treasonous to America. Rupert Murdoch are monsters in expensive suits who should be stripped of their fortunes and their power to buy toxic influence.
They share a stunted developmental condition also seen in the population of thwarted development in middle easter captive regiemes.
Abuse mutual abuse hostage situations.
Untie hostages.
Untie the ignorant the beleaguered the preyed upon trafficer dilluded sneering stunted stunting .
Abundant predictable life cycle for human beings here on the only planet known to support life is a 100+/- spin through the sky . Enjoy the ride. Leave it better than when you emerged here too.
Tonight is the best to come. Kamala you go girl!
I’m in Australia grabbing snatches on YouTube and via Pod Save America’s coverage. It’s been tears tears tears (of joy) every day, to the detriment of my eye makeup. When you fight, you win.
I am also in Australia, watching every speech on YouTube, and the last three days I have had tears in my eyes more often than not. But unlike after the 2016 election, when the tears were of disbelief, frustration and despair, these tears have been tears of joy, elation and hope. Sadness too, hearing the wonderful Mr Biden pass the torch to Ms Harris, but quickly replaced by happiness hearing the wonderful and inspiring messages from so many wonderful and inspiring leaders. I was especially moved by the former Republicans who were endorsing the Harris/Walz ticket…this gave me so much hope, that out there in the 'burbs of the USA, there are many more who have shifted allegiance and will be supporting the Democratic ticket.
Cheering you all on from Perth, Western Australia!
Even from Australia you can help. If we get out the millions of unregistered folk who trend Democratic, and those that failed to vote in 2020, we win.
Need help phone banking today.
If you are a US citizen,
Not a US citizen, but I have visited many times (pre Trump) and have many dearly loved friends there. I am trying to be as active as I can on social media spreading facts to refute MAGA lies and distortions. That is about all I can do apart from sending love and energy to you all for the fight!
You can call, text, write letters, etc.
Thank you for the links.
Just a slight correction: Those aren't "former Republicans". They are disaffected Republicans. Some of them have left their party and become Independents, but others are still Republicans. However, they recognize the dangers that Donald Trump represents to this country. So, they are patriotically supporting his opponent, whom they recognize as being a good and qualified person who will preserve our Constitution instead of leading this country into Trump’s goal of a dystopian, authoritarian hell.
A shout out to beautiful Perth, hometown of my WWII war bride mum! I love Perth.
💙🇺🇸💙 Thank you world for the support! You know we all need it!!!!
We need all the positive energy we can get right now, so THANK YOU for rooting on DEMOCRACY!!!
Robyn, and all you others from around the world, thanks so much for your encouraging messages. The four hours we've watched this conversation every evening have been
Thank you!
And you are clearly a kind and hopeful person! I'll bet you're just as kind and hopeful and beautiful even without makeup!
Thank you!
Reich:"I’m also amazed at how quickly it happened."
"I’m also amazed at how quickly it happened."--recently former virgin that moved into the dorm yesterday.😮🤔😁
@ PowerCorrupts. You are icky-er than usual today.
Beware of the Corona. When Kamala wins she will be visited by Mitch McConnell: "We will sabotage anything you try."
We will all call him a "dick" for his male caucus. But it's the Corona of the penis responsible for sabotaging previous efforts at procreation.😮🙄🤔😨😝😷🙃😤
Science:"Semen Displacement as a Sperm Competition Strategy in Humans"
Science:" The human penis as a semen displacement device "
Hidden within our Joy for Harris may be the Joy of "Sabotaging" Biden?🤔😮😱(How did Freud miss this?🌝🌝)
Uh, note the difference between comments in reply to the Original Posting (OP), the reply from 'GrrlScientist', and a reply to one's self. (You *whom*?)
Uh, he wasn't a biologist.
Ha! Ole' Moscow has been more lady than man for YEARS!
Spectrum *vitamins*
*ahem* You have that on good authority, sir? (Please quote your source!)
GrrlScientists, evidently you overlooked the DNC endorsements of the proxy wars in Ukraine and Gaza. Or maybe you didnt.
Its easy for some people to overlook these atrocities funded with Billions in tax dollars that might have been used to help poor get an education and health care.
GrrlScientist, I wish I was there, too! I have looked forward to watching every single night!
I watched on my 13-inch MacBook Pro and the energy, emotions, excitement, joy, and hope on both sides of the screen were not diminished. In this instance, this is too big for size to matter. 😏
I agree. The view from here in Portugal is breathtakingly hopeful.
I share some "words about birds" about last night's convention...We will have a "Blackbird singing" tonight...on her 10th anniversary no less...
GrrlScientist - “Like”
@ Janet. Bernie is a good man. But it isn’t this group arbiting his fortunes - it’s millions of Americans and our political process. Say what you may but a vote for Bernie, like for any third party, is a vote for Trump in practical effect.
Benjamin, and, Bernie is a great man and he has endorsed Harris-Walz. People who value Bernie's wisdom should also trust his judgment. He does not give his endorsement lightly.
Janet, doesn't it matter that Bernie has endorsed Harris-Walz? I would think it a good support for him to trust his decision.
Janet, have you seen this article?
Janet, I love Bernie Sanders too. I donate to him monthly, but in support of the very important work he's doing as Senator. Bernie has asked me to support Kamala - and I am very happy to do so! I hope you will change your mind and do the same, Bernie would thank you!
Sorry Janet. Nothing I said is false. I didn’t say a vote didn’t count - that is you projecting what you know in your heart, the practical effect is a vote for Trump, the polar opposite of what you claim to espouse.
@Janet. You seem like you care? But you seem also naïve - what Kamala needs to emphasize during the election MUST align with her real policies in the long term. Closer to Bernie than you seem to think. However, Kamala does not need to rub everybody's nose in the details during the campaign cycle, particularly when many swing state voters are low information people with low interest in politics. I wish you would wise up - Bernie endorsed Kamala. AOC endorsed Kamala. Your search for "perfection" is the enemy of helping the country do much better. Just for effect, not really trying to be rude, but to paraphrase one sophisticated political operative, shut up and vote Kamala for President.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... please? ! ?
You don't care that your action could elect Trump, Janet?
Of course not, it isn't really Trump who you sponsor. it is Putin who sponsors you.
Well Janet, talks like a 3rd Party supporter, walks like a Trump supporter...
Janet, your writing is getting obviously redundant and demonstrably mean. Please, spare us your self-centered diatribes! It must be almost nap time...
I'm a little concerned about the Democrats’ official platform just released which says nothing about the genocide in Gaza, and promises MOREunconditional military aid to Israel allowing it to continue Israel's slaughter in Gaza and the West Bank, and legitimizes Israel’s attacks against Iran, Lebanon, and Yemen.
Joe Biden has given Israel how many Billions in military aid to continue these proxy wars?
This doesnt seem quite right to me.
I'm a LOT concerned, and it isn't at all right.
Stumping for Trump again are you Janet. I know you realize that there are only two possibilities,thus two choices, Trump or Kamala, So you stump for Trump, and who is Trump's butt buddies? None other than Putin and Netanyahu..
I really don't care what you think George. I really don't. But what I know from your responses are that you are angry and bitter.
The only thing you got right is that I am an old man, otherwise I have absolutely no reason to be angry or bitter, because I have no skin the game, no emotional connection, no ideological connection,.
I am as detached as say a visitor from another planet, watching the affairs of a puny species beat the hell out of each other. How about a cameraman on the Serengetti, filming wildlife.
What I do care about is Trump and his base of theocratic fascists, because that does affect me. Other than that, you guys can have at each other, and yo will, because the species hasn't learned anything, and probably can't thus won't.
You mean planned. If he isn't elected.
Yeh I hate Trump, I will admit. I wish to spread that hate far and wide to keep him away from the White House again.
Oh I am not deranged, but Trump humpers are. If they weren't deranged they would not be MAGAts.
@Janet. Maybe update your shit Janet? The DNC snub of Bernie is OLD news. Even Bernie has gotten over it and has endorsed Kamala.
Cussing means that they got tired of your shit.
What specifically do you want us to hear? He has brilliantly repeated his views for decades to the point where we finally get it. Trump lived it out. At any rate, Bernie spoke on behalf of the Democratic nominee because he is a valiantly smart and experienced man who has also set aside his ego so this country wins against oligarchy and fascism.
I voted for Mr. Sanders in 2016 with no regrets now, but President Biden was the man WE needed. He linked ALL Americans together! (No, I don't consider Insurrectionists American until they begin VOTING like one.)
Then PLEASE go away! STOP telling us you don't care!
There you go in the past instead of being in the exciting present. Poor bored lady - as I said before. Get a life.
I am convinced Bernie would have beaten rump. But oh the delight of having Momala and Coach!
I have been checking the ppl who are making comments and you are one of the few who is not a bot. The belligerent comments are not from actual people. Just click on a few of the ppl and you will see they have zero followers or subscribers. Free speech has never been more important!
I was a Bernie Bro Janet, But a vote for Bernie is a vote for Trump, therefore your a Trump humper.
Dear Mr. Reich: I have never fully recovered from the shock of watching Donald Trump elected to the presidency in 2015. If anyone had ever told me so many Americans could be fooled so easily, I would have just laughed and walked away. Witnessing what is happening now has renewed my faith in not only the glorious dream of democracy, but restored my belief that most of our citizens understand and embrace what lies at the heart of this magical experiment in self rule. Kamala Harris has not lit a candle in the dark. She has kindled a raging wildfire that will burn the most extreme, ugly pillars of the Maga movement to the ground. God bless the joyful warriors. Ellis Johnson M.D.
After having been fooled, why has it taken so long to get rid of the guy? Obama famously laughed at Trump and that only made things worse - Trump decided to run for President partly based upon being laughed at.
It may take 30+ years, if ever, for our country and the world to recover from the damage Trump caused and still is causing. Harris gives us much more than just a flicker of hope for recovery.
I just want to say there are several republicans that have used Trump and his followers to put a very well thought out and long planned agenda into motion. It isn’t just this malignant pig of a human that is leading our country into the abyss. And they will not be pushed aside- at least not without a nasty fight. They have prepared the groundwork to reject any outcome other than their victory. The attempted coup was just a dress rehearsal. In the meantime, the convention has been uplifting and professional. A glorious change from the doom, gloom and hatred
You are exactly right, Elissa. tRumPutin is a dumb-luck figurehead for the Heritage Foundation who appealed to the angry, frustrated and uneducated base, but it could have been anyone who would be willing to lie, cheat and steal to get power. "Mandate for Leadership", aka Project 2025, has been in the works for decades. They have infiltrated the courts, the House and Senate, and since tRump...many State legislatures and election officials. They know they will never win the popular vote because they are still....and hopefully always will be in the minority, so they have to use shadow maneuvers and back channels to gain power. They are paying the long game, and tRump is only the tip of their evil iceberg. Beating them will not be easy or quick. Getting big money out of politics is necessary as well.
Paula, excellent comment.
Thank you Harvey
The billionaire class of sociopaths that are financing Trump are making the same mistake that German financiers and industrialists like Fritz Thyssen made, they believed that they could control Hitler. Jamie Dimon, Pete Peterson, Elon Musk et al think they can control Trump.
William, they don't need to - - they are putting into place work-arounds to ensure that the actual voter tallies won't stand. I really do believe they are just smugly biding their time, and spending (some of) their money, believing they will soon make it all back multiple times over...
I agree see for example:
Oh, dear...
Yes, yes and yes; doom, gloom and hatred.
It's important to point out your saying "they" and "followers". You are right. It's not just Trump. One problem is, we are dealing with a nasty and vicious cult with a "malignant pig" (appropriate phrase; I like it) as you said, or "subhuman" (my word) being the cult leader. Perhaps Trump is a "subhuman malignant pig"?
tRump so lacking in character with zero positive qualities, is being used as a figurehead for the evil monied interests that are pulling his strings. They are trying like hell to keep him on message, but his retarded infantile ego won't let him behave like a normal person, he has to rage like a baby who needs to be pacified.
Harvey, you raise a point that really causes me concern: "They are trying like hell to keep him on message, but..." "They" really AREN'T trying hard at all to steer Trump. I'm worried "they" are convinced it doesn't matter, that their planning has been, and is being implemented sufficiently to negate whatever actual outcome the voting produces: manipulation of voter registries, pole site access, ensuring the ability of State registrars to NOT certify election outcomes - - oh so many other insurances "they" are putting into action. I fear there will be no way to counter the effectiveness of the dirty tricks until the magnitude and frequency is realized, and by then, too little time will remain to counter "their" efforts...
We expect a landslide victory, what is of greater concern is that they will try again to steal the election by any and all means. The "brownshirts" are willing and armed. MAGAts have scared politicians into voting against their will; they have no boundaries. Every single poll needs to be manned by partisan Dems to make sure all is legit. And the state election officials need to be watched like Hawkes. We will need an arm of lawyers watching all segments of the election process. We can't take anything for granted. As we know, fascists will stop at nothing.