Unionize America before it is too late!

New Speaker of the House Mike Johnson and his minions are exposing themselves to the public just how corrupt they really are! The House Republicans are trying to pass a stand alone $14.3 billion aid package for Israel by taking $14.3 billion from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Funding for the IRS brings in significantly more than it costs.

The IRS announced on Friday it is launching an effort to aggressively pursue 1,600 millionaires and 75 large business partnerships that owe hundreds of millions of dollars! For each dollar spent auditing the top 1% of U.S. earners, the IRS brought in $3.18; for each dollar spent auditing the top 0.1%, the group that Bernie Sanders hi lighted, brought in $6.29. So I guess that it’s pretty obvious who they are protecting!

You would have to be in a coma not to see who these Republicans are working for!

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When you realize just what these wackos like MJ are all about you have to wonder how in god's name do people like that get elected? Are their constituents that ignorant, uninformed, or just plain stupid.

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No. They aren’t. A lot of them are so busy struggling keep a roof over their heads, food in the refrigerator, heat in the winter, and cope with daily events in their immediate surroundings to have time to watch actual, reality based news.

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Not to mention have the time to do research on the backgrounds, positions and donors of the candidates they vote for. That's why the name recognition of incumbents give them such an advantage. Unless the incumbent does something really egregious, many working folks will mark off that name. Others simply go "straight ticket" and hurry off to do other errands and get supper on the table or get ready for the night shift in their second job.

I'm retired and I barely have time to read just a few substacks and the comments and try to do some follow up on other articles, etc. Information gathering takes TIME!!!! A commodity that I definitely did not have when I was working 40+ hours a week plus a 3/4 hour commute each way, plus grocery shop and house clean (single homeowner).

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Finding out Candidate’s positions for the lower profile jobs is difficult too. Researching Pennsylvania judges on line for the upcoming election revealed little about their politics. The right to lifer Republicans were more up front about their beliefs than the Dems. So, the decision wasn’t ultimately difficult but understanding nuance for legal issues would have been nice. Took several hours on the internet to work thru my ballot. I am retired and have that time. Employed people likely don’t.

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Robert, maybe having a 5 question form for each candidate for each position related to their beliefs and positions would be helpful. I have heard there are organizations that do that and some candidates actually respond. That way, people who don't have the time to investigate every candidate in an election could have a go-to spot for the information they need.

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That used to be the League of Women Voters. Do they still exist?

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Great point! I had the same trouble with my local elections - the candidates websites say very little about their actual stances on any issue. One practically has to rely on reporting and even then bias and spin are prevalent.

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T L, I suspect you were aware of what was going on even though you had a nearly impossible life. At the very least, people can turn on the local news and maybe even the world news. They are not perfect in their coverage and do have biases, but they do try to present a kind of balance. There are 4 major networks and then the cable ones. Each day, one can listen to or watch a different one to get a variety of views. People could do that if they chose to. Many don't want to. They want to hear only what they want to hear so their fears, beliefs, hatreds, and resentments are not challenged. We who care need to find ways to break through the wall they have set up to keep them from dealing with change, maybe even reality, despite the fact that the reality of their own lives is hard enough.

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I'd like to think so but until I got divorced I was pretty ignorant politics in general and how the system favors men--even when they are the instigators of divorce--and how that system can screw over women.

When I went back to college to complete my degree and as an elective, took a womens studies course. With the help of this course and then a few others that I took, I began to learn more about politics and just how unfair the our culture is to women. Ever since then I have politics closely and voted blue almost all the time (rejecting the VERY occasional dem dud in local politics). Thankfully, most of my close relatives and all of my friends are Dems or Repubs who have seen the Light. (Amazing how many old school Repub Mainers are completely disgusted by Trump and the radical MAGAs)

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T L, just read some women's history and that will show how misogyny works and pulls in nearly everyone either through religious "precepts" or social ones to make women seem pathetic and if they tried to be something else, they were put into institutions, drugged, raped, even killed to complete the intimidation. Women are almost as bad as the men in the process. Because there are so few places for women in power, the many women who deserve to have some power compete for the few spaces instead of deciding the whole system is anti-woman and move together for something different and better. Who in their right mind would have voted for a jerk, a creep like Trump over a well-educated, highly informed, experienced, caring woman like Hillary Clinton? Well, 53% of white women voted against her. That is how misogyny works, and it is even more powerful and pervasive than racism and that is saying a lot.

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The disgust is good to hear about. While we hear all the caveats about Biden, there are a whole lot of rural former Trump voters who want to move on from him. I hope Trump is the nominee.

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Well said, Ruth. But when religious leaders and well-funded politicians do everything they can to reinforce people's confirmation biases you need organizations to counter that assault on human rights.

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T L Mills, I think you have put your finger on something I've been overlooking. I'm retired too, but I've been chalking up the victories of the horrible Republicans that get elected to just plain stupidity. I've been overly spiteful.

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Ok then. Let me tell you. VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS!!!

Cultists that use to be called Republicans are doing NOTHING to help you!

STOP voting for them!!!

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I doubt that anyone who is participating in this particular discussion votes for Republicans. I we are up against a tremendous miss information machine that has been carefully plotted out by people who are not dummies. Republican voters are not necessarily our enemies, they are cleverly manipulated by those in power, who are actually quite bright, and have almost infinite financial resources at their fingertips. That is why I personally promote a better form of democracy did empowers the workers to own the businesses, rather than simply be employees.

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Something that is rarely addressed is the fact that conservatives own so many *radio* stations. In garages, on the assembly line, in your car, even in hotels, folks listen to radio, not TV or cable News, [which require that you *look*, increasing the danger of a mishap. That medium is OWNED by conservatives. I had studied the phenomenon and came out of it really shocked. There really is a dichotomy between folks that work with their hands and use the radio as background noise and others.

And another thing: Propaganda enters your mind when you are not listening *attentively*. Having the radio on as background noise means that you are really taking in all that is said, even if you are not conscious of it.

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years ago, when i was manual laboring, I was first exposed to lunchtime AM radio. As a born-and-raised democrat, it was jarring, startling. before I became a teacher, russ limbaugh was the choice of my workmates. I'll never forget the glee they expressed the first time he uttered the "feminazi" slur. it was awful. it was genius propaganda, fed into every hate and fear and prejudice of my coworkers.

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Good luck with that! Idiots are voting for idiots! LOOK at them!!!

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Come on, Betty. cool the name calling. It doesn't get us anywhere.

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Jan, you are right about the struggles, yet, they keep voting for the folks who work really hard to keep them struggling. That creates a serious disconnect with reality. I can't think of one thing Republicans have proposed in Congress in 50 or so years that would help those pathetic, mostly white, struggling voters, not one. They avoid reality news because it would shake their world view and they just can't have that. Change scares them even though change is one of the constants in life. Many are racist, misogynistic, homo/transphobic, xenophobic, and often participate in warped brands of Christianity. They simply can't see anything different. They have been conditioned to want to be rich and believe it will happen for them, to fear people who are not like them, and to judge others so they themselves can feel superior to someone. It truly makes me sad to know my fellow citizens have closed themselves off to growing, learning, and dealing with the change which is inevitable. Maybe if their struggles were less serious and uncomfortable, they would be able to take time to get in touch with the world. That is a task for Democrats if we can take the House and keep the Senate and presidency next year. If not, those Republican voters will remain struggling with their economics and holding tight to their hatreds and will blame everyone but the ones who keep them struggling.

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Well said, Ruth. Like good and evil, poverty (physical/mental) and ignorance (willful/inate)are a vicious cycle that may be ingrained in our epigenetic substance.

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Also not teaching Civics in high school and people not understanding we can control how the government is run.

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I worked for a Fortune 100 as a degreed professional. No raise since COVID kept up with inflation. The first year, the company cited that it was because the inflation was temporary. The next year they were slightly more generous but still under the rate of inflation. Same the next. It kills me the hold the R’s have on so many people. They all seem to think Dems created the inflation. I wish there were some data-based ads that compared our rate of inflation to the rest of the world. And I’m no economist but I have also felt the interest rate hikes are hurting folks who need car loans and new mortgages. Dr Reich - please use your voice of reason as loud as you can to influence the Fed! And finally, my question is then, how in the world do we get corps to stop inflating prices?

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The thing is, since when have Americans looked overseas for comparisons?

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Do they have the time to watch football and basketball games? Do they have the time to go to church on Sundays?

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Listen--thinking about politics is too hard. Much easier to watch sports

and relax.

But seriously--many of these folks really do work hard and long and simply don’t have the energy to engage.

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I agree with hard lives impacting voters education, up to a point. But uninformed and plain stupid is a good part of it.

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Johnson's district in Louisiana is the general area won by David Duke (R) for a state office. That region on the border with and including east Texas is, to put it mildly, not very enlightened. It's the kind of place where a person of color could be dragged behind a truck to his death -- for no reason -- as James Byrd Jr was.

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@Thomas. But yeah, that guy has got to go!

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To quote the immortal wrestler, Fred Blassie, from his novelty hit "Pencil-Neck Geek," >> "They say these geeks come a dime a dozen. I'm lookin' for the guy who's supplyin' the dimes."

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Biden will chew Johnson up and spit him out when his ass enters the Oval. Graciously of course.

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Betty, yes, but Johnson is bright enough to know what is really going on when Biden sets him down. He claims to be a "Bible man" or something, but in reality, he uses the Bible as his crutch that lets him "feel" the way he does and treat the people he doesn't like or understand with deep hatred which he claims the Bible justifies. My dad once said anyone can find whatever they want in the Bible because it was written by men who generally showed human weaknesses and strengths, then apply them to God. Johnson is a racist, misogynistic homo/transphobic xenophobic pseudo-Christian fanatic who is desperate to get people to think his positions are rulings by god when they are just his personal and cultural prejudices. He carefully learned the correct behaviors for a "Southern gentleman" which he uses to cover his ignorant hateful behavior. He will do his best as Speaker to do as much damage to the people of the country as he can and his position could let him do a lot of damage. It really speaks to the vacancy of the Republican Party that every single one of them voted for such a disgusting example of American manhood. Shame on them all.

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Betty, and that is what I am hoping for.

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yeah the math prof at east texas state univ didn't know what a vector space is. The librarian assistant in Texarkana never heard of composer Bach.

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I believe, that they are elected simply because they were able to out raise their opponents through their campaign drives. I also believe that the average American is so busy trying to stay afloat, that they don't have time to research the candidate's true qualifications. So, they go to the polls, and vote for the name they recognize.

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If he's a Republican you don't vote for him since that empowers Republicans. Many don't vote in primaries anyway.

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MJ has ran unopposed in his district since 2016.

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Analogy. We, the American people, have been like the cat placed on a slippery table by the vet and spun around because it can’t dig its claws into the surface and is distracted while the vet gives it a shot.

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Nah. MJ speaks for the collective racial subconscious of his constituents.

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Uh Daniel - his primary voters, right? Not his broader district constituents (I hope)

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He's in Louisiana. There's a good chance that the majority of his constituents are true believers like him.

Louisiana is a state where the environment, democracy & fairness have no chance in most parts of it.

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In the same way that the only good thing about the Hamas tragedy was getting Trump out of the news for a few days, maybe the only good thing about climate change is that about 30% of Louisiana will be under sea water in a few years, and the more they deny it the sooner it will happen!

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Should Biden offer Louisiana a sweet deal MJ might switch parties.

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Louisiana. Think David Duke.

As they say , "good ol boys at LSU, go in dumb, come out dumb too."

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"....come out dumber" is the way I heard it years ago.

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Daniel, I never heard that one about LSU. I'm not surprised, though.

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In my district (Virginia 5th -- Bob "Not-So" Good) its both. The Democratic challenger is a sacrifice who will lose by double digits. Why? Because the right wing media (3 radio stations in the area Plus Fox, Newsmax) have convinced people of the BS that the "Democrat" Party is out to destroy America!

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@ Tim. I invented the term reciprocal hegemony to try to describe the situation where the public holds a belief that then those seeking leadership try to play it back to them. Also called a "populist" approach to gaining power. So who is it that harbors all those negative sentiments? The people? The media? The populist wannabes? I'm afraid too many people in this country are either "real" Trumpers, meaning they actually hold those views, or they are seduced (sometimes) into positions they don't fully understand...

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yeah, we have 4 right wing stations in St Louis metro.

DNC seems to have no clue.

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Oct 31, 2023
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Lonny, I am glad that you are neither racist not homophobic, but I wish you would share with others your different ideas. Welcome criticism!

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Harvey, they are all of the above plus desperate to support the white folks who will justify their racism, misogyny, homo/transphobia, xenophobia and messed-up version of Christianity. It is amazing just how deep racism and misogyny are in this nation even though we see both in nearly every election. So many of the Republican women, for example, who get elected spout the white male talking points so they will be acceptable to the current Republican leadership and electorate. Now all the Republican candidate has to do in most places in this country is say something like "I support Donald Trump," because that is now the magic code phrase to let the voters know the candidate is racist, misogynistic, and the rest, and that he/she hates all the right people. Their brand of Christianity allows for the hatred and verbal abuse that those voters want so desperately to participate in, but don't want to be caught saying those words themselves. It's disgusting, but the way it seems to be. So, they elect disasters like Mike Johnson and the entire House Republican caucus voted for him as Speaker, declaring their racism, misogyny, homo/transphobia, xenophobia, warped Christianity, etc., everything Johnson stands for.

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Yes, yes and yes. Ever try having an intelligent conversation with a loyal Trump supporter? Not worth the effort.

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Ilene, Trump made zombies out of them by making them ego-invested in him. Now they are at risking their souls and their democracy also.

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I don't that Trump can be held responsible for zombifying his supporters but he certainly understands how to draw out their worst instincts and hold them in thrall to his twisted agenda.

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it's my understanding that MJ has been running unopposed in the newly formed jerry mandered district since 2016. . In Louisiana all you have to do is put your name on the ballot in their free-for-all primaries.

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This country needs to wake up fast. Everyone needs to pay attention and vote. The disenfranchised have lost hope and when that happens, the oligarchs win.

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Harvey, to answer your question. YES

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It's obvious to me he's a front man for Scump,maybe has an earplug when he makes decisions.

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Been wondering that for quite some time. We ARE regressing rather than progressing as a society.

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MJ ran unopposed. I'm not sure but probably in a gerrymandered LA congressional district. AZ has several gerrymandered congressional districts where Republicans have run unopposed. Hopefully the populace can squeeze a little time into caring about national politics or caring about voting at all come 2024.

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See my post.

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Oct 31, 2023
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Lonny, so you are calling all Republicans these days 5-year-olds? I am too.

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(August 2023) In fiscal year 2022, there were 401 tax fraud offenders sentenced under the guidelines. The number of tax fraud offenders has decreased by 22.4% since fiscal year 2018.


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Libertarians believe that the income tax is theft, the real fraud.

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Taxes are theft.

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The pro-birthers (I'll not call them pro-life because they don't give a damn about anyone's life) in Congress have been royal hypocrites, but who knew that they would ever come out and admit that it's not about the unborn, being rather about creating as many disadvantaged people as possible so that they will be contented to be low-paid cogs rather than starve, "stay in their place and not demand rights which they don't have."

Chilling in the extreme.

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I have always viewed pro-bithers as people who want to control women. Women out-number men and if they all started voting to protect their bodies and rights. Guess who would be running the country and world.

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Love the fetus but hate the child!

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Edward, I think it's deeper than "love the fetus and hate the child." I thinkit's love all those who look and believe the way we do and fear and hate everyone else. What a truly depressing way to live!

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Ruth, unfortunately that's the way nearly the entire world is right now. Too many people, too much rapid change, political and economic uncertainty. Religious fundamentalism makes things even worse.

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Insomuch as they can love anyone or any thing.

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The dark-skinned child.

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Garret Hardin called it mandatory motherhood. He preached it free and on demand.

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As 6 million invaders cross the border during Bozo O’Bidens Clown Show. As you disparage the pro-life philosophy.

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Couldn't agree more with your comment. Unreal take away the income producer for the government to protect the uber wealthy. I believe the IRS should pay their people equal to the highest paid attorneys/accountants and go after the upper 1% with a level playing field. (Just my opinion)

Look what has been exposed with a lot of attention on Mr. Trump and what is coming out.

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Maybe if the IRS were able to collect the millions/billions of dollars owed by the .01% & tax avoiding corporations, then Congress could spend that money backing Israel & Ukraine. Instead the first thought is cut domestic spending for obviously needed programs & funding needed for our own citizenry. I'm so sick of the Republican bs!

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Why does the IRS need to inform people of their pending actions? Just do it.

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Until billionaires and corporations are held accountable or do the right thing on their very own, we need unions. Unions, however, need to realize that each time a contract comes up, adding birthdays as holidays or other non sensical demands will not help there situation either. Now it's time to bring back the unions so people are not working 3 minimum wage jobs, 24/7, to feed a family

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Congress spent 80 billion to collect 4 billion in taxes people admitted they owed. Awesome ROI.

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Ted, I wish you would back up your claim with actual data. One thing is certain: tax deduction are a racket.

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Yes yes yes yes!

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Oct 31, 2023
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Lonny, ah, so much for not wanting anyone to call names! Everyone who cares about this nation should want to pay taxes to support the things we all need. Even in Russia, people pay taxes even though it is to support someone as hateful as Putin. How is it you don't think you should pay taxes? Is it you are a taker and want other people to take care of you or that you somehow think you are above all that and never use any of the common things like roads, bridges, food and drug safety, safe workplaces, air safety, anti-pollution standards, clean water, etc.? Isn't such a belief not living in reality?

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No one likes paying income taxes. What alternatives do you propose?

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"They continue to believe – wrongly – that inflation is being pushed by wage increases rather than by corporate profits." They don't believe that! They know the truth. Powell is a leader in the class war that Warren Buffet said they are winning. Powell has degrees in politics and the law. He could have used his education for the common good, but instead used it for his own benefit and became an investment banker. As for my exploited colleagues in nursing, even though nursing is a science and an art, stop believing you will be treated as professionals as long as you are paid by the hour and considered an overhead expense instead of the heart and revenue generators of the U.S. healthcare system. Profit shouldn't have anything to do with healthcare. We should have single-payer universal health coverage like other countries. Stop believing you will be treated like professionals until you demand to be valued and treated as professionals. Organize and strike until your patient load is safe for your patients and the stress doesn't break you.

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Agreed, the Fed in general is supporting notions that don't do anything for working professionals and that is bad for the country. Fingers crossed UAW is paying the way for hopefully more of the same to come.

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We are at the mercy of foreigners, especially the OPEC/Saudi/Russian faction that has been undermining our economy and is also a national security problem.

We, including the Treasury, should be able to recoup trillions for price fixing and price gouging.

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Amen. I see it every day. As profit driven (they call it other things...efficiency, quality, through put) I see nurses and doctors turned into cogs, "producers", team members not professionals. They give out awards for "Professionalism" which is defined as bland, cheerful obedience to production goals. Which is the opposite of it's traditional meaning. They frack for Medicare by moving old people along an assembly line from acute to post acute to long term care unless they can hop off the conveyor belt into expensive assisted living. Once in LTC, and they have spent down to Medicaid, serial VCs buy and sell nursing homes and the down on their heels residents...a form of human trafficking. See my post up top about "enforcing" mental health.

I was thrilled when nurses at our hospital went on strike. They struck for the right to be professionals and better pay and respect from the C-suite. I got daily updates from management on what to tell "my team" to dis the nurses. Along with the instruction not to share it outside "leadership."

No wonder people are disgruntled and too exhausted to "research" the issues.

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This is the reason I am finding another primary physician. She was thrilled years ago when her three-partner practice decided to join a corporate led healthcare group in the Chicago area. It's tough for a private practice to handle staff, hiring, billing and insurance requirements, so I was happy for her. A supposed plus was that the CEO of the corporation was also a physician.

Fast forward, and a new CEO is chosen every year to run the corporation that her practice joined. My primary physician is no longer happy. Both she her peers notice suspicious or questionable policies. Each new CEO seems to be rotated out of the Board of Directors to serve one year, and then they rotate back into the Board. Each seems to take a turn in earning the CEO salary. A corporate representative visited her practice a couple years ago and told her they were implementing a policy to no longer accept Medicare patients, but Medicare Advantage would be allowed. She has many patients on Medicare. She was told to tell them to find another doctor. She has enough enough clout as a popular successful physician to refuse the corporate directive, and she continues to take Medicare patients.

At my last checkup, I gave her a thank you card for being my physician for almost 20 years, and told her I decided to switch to another doctor, due to my concerns about the corporate owner of her practice. My newly chosen doctor is with a long-time, highly regarded institution.

I could not independently verify everything I was told by my former physician, but based on recently publicized scandals in the company that took over her practice I am confident that the gist of it is correct.

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Margaret, thank you for sharing your experience. Patients and medical practitioners are now tools of the medical-industrial complex, an extractive industry in essence. It systematically violates human rights.

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Yes, I think it is difficult for medical practitioners to maintain what used to be reasonable independence based on trust and medical knowledge. Some medical oversight regarding proper medical treatment is needed, but the only oversight my doctor was receiving was to seek patients who represent the highest profits for the corporate practice.

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Absolutely. Healthcare professionals and patients have become commodities for profit.

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Right on!!

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Yeah it's pretty clear that Powell thinks that any rise in wages whatsoever is a personal failure, no matter what happens to productivity and profits.

He's tilting against the windmill of a post-Boomer labor market and it ain't working, Jerry, sorry

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Have you heard of the concept of supply and demand?

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Supply and demand is a static model. It is in equilibrium and closed, conditions that rarely occur in the real world with infinite variables. I'm kind of rusty on this.

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Oct 31, 2023
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The price goes up and poor people won't be able to afford it which is ok if it's a luxury, but not if it's food or housing. Explain how inflation is caused by higher wages and not by corporate greed or price gouging. A monopoly can lower prices when the demand goes up to force small companies out of business.

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Thank you, Professor Reich (Bob). I feel as if I am getting a new college education reading your articles. Of course I particularly enjoy & trust because I am very progressive in my views. Among other credentials, your UC Berkeley years add credibility in my view. Keep writing and we'll keep reading!


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The inequality doc he did is excellent if you haven't seen it yet

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Professor Reich, thank you for highlighting some good news in these troubling times. The House, now run by crazy ultra-conservatives are exposing themselves more and more as a bastion totally in favor of protecting the privileges of the Ultra-Wealthy billionaires by defunding the IRS. They are also demonstrating their active role in attempting to exploit the divisions between those that support Israel to defend itself and those who demonize Israel for responding to Hamas’ first strike of the war with devastating death and kidnapping. This fuels Antisemitism and and that division in our own country. they are also demonstrating that they will take no bipartisan action without attempting to hold up legislation for ransom such as defunding the enforcement arm of the IRS.

Just yesterday, our forum for deep and open discussion was invaded by a Troll, likely paid by an inimical enemy, attempting to stoke anti-semitism among our participants. (Thank you for deleted his posts.) Fortunately based on the data, those in favor of the actions of our Unions and in favor of a functioning government are still the majority of the population. Thank you for the good work in education us and bringing these troubling events into clearer and clearer focus. DEMOCRACY WILL PREVAIL.

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Yes, I recall those trollish antisemitic comments coming surprisingly from the account of JerryM, who has been a longtime commenter here. Although known for his sometimes facetious comments, he'd never shown any signs of bigotry that I can remember, nor do I recall his comments being in ALLCAPS like those were, which makes me think his is yet another account who's been hacked.

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Who ever used the name JerryM has been outed and Robert Reich, or one of his staff has deleted all of his obnoxious comments. I have a suspicion that there are automated bots that search for words like “antisemite”in online forums, and then assign a troll to try to heat up the discussion. We can use this as a good insight into how Russia or other malcontents are utilizing trolls to create greater division in otherwise rational discussions. It also warns us not to call each other names in our own discussions that are then discovered by bots, which then notify a troll to get to work. It is one of the many ways that Putin and others meddle in our political discourse.

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Outstanding article, Professor. Thank you again for your thorough research and understanding of the issues. I learn so much by reading you.

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I am delighted to see that unions are speaking up and speaking out against these corporations that take all the profits and expect their workers to continue on with absolutely nothing. Naturally, I expected to see someone claim that it is workers wages that is causing inflation. That is probably because Jerome Powell and his colleagues might be getting a little something, something from these corporations. Too late!! America is waking up to these lies and corruption!! The UAW and other labor unions are pulling the mask off these horribly selfish, money hungry corporations and I am so glad. Unionize America!!!

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"I dreamed I saw Joe Hill last night,

Alive as you and me.

Says I "But Joe, you're ten years dead"

"I never died" says he,

"I never died" says he."

Unionism is still alive, and getting stronger once more.

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Wobble on Bro

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You know about the Wobblies? Quite a bunch!

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Peggy Freeman ; It would not surprise me to learn that Mr. Powell is very wealthy himself,

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Laurie, he's 1 of at least 3 holdover Trump appointees whom Biden for some reason hasn't gotten rid of who's done a fair amount of damage in this administration, the others being the FBI Director Christopher Wray & the Postmaster General (is that what they call the head of the Post Office?) um... forgot his name.

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@ Jaime. DeJoy. His job is to de-joy the Postal Service...

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I made a point of appreciating my mail person..cold drinks on hot days, warm drinks on cold and nice Christmas gift card

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Ah, that's it! I kept coming up with DeVos & I knew that wasn't it.

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@ Jaime. DeVos. The Education Secretary who didn't believe in public education. Betsy...

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Well, at least Biden didn't retain her!

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I call him General Nuisance. I hope to forget his name some day, but as yet I have been unsuccessful.

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Louis DeJoy.

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Your right, Laurie. Now who do you suppose his allegiance is to? These corporations buy people with influence. It's going to be hard to break the strangle hold, but unions are waking up and I hope changes will be made for the better!

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We should also unionize more workers - and cover things other than pay. Vacation, health care, and sick leave are examples.

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There's a reason that foreign manufacturers and companies like Tesla crave the sunshine.

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It is easier to hide things in the dark there.

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"At will" states. Employers can generally fire people-- even without a reason. Hire workers who are "compliant."

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RE: Resolving 30% Inflation

October 27, 2023

Joe Biden, President

United States of America

1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW

Washington, DC 20500-0005

RE: Resolving 30% Inflation


I recognize the climate strategy to transform our energy systems away from fossil fuel to clean energy. However, allowing Oil and Gas industries to continue selling domestic oil at “Cartel” prices to American citizens, extends their exorbitant profits, adversely affects our economy, and makes it that much harder to transform our energy systems.

Perhaps you will see the need in the enclosed to balance our economy and avoid economic and political upheaval. Also, actions taken here will not adversely affect any strategy to transform our energy systems.


Tom Berry

3124 San Jacinto St.

Dallas, TX 75204-5525


October 20, 2023

Joe Biden, President

United States of America

1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW

Washington, DC 20500-0005

RE: An Executive Order to Clear the Deck to Win in 2024


Jimmy Carter lost to Ronald Regan due to inflation in our economy being the key issue.

Today, you face a similar situation, where wage and social security increases cannot keep up with inflation, and regardless of what is done society remains in gloom, due to economic conditions.

Enclosed is a previous letter of October 14th to you outlining steps that can be taken to vastly reduce our inflation, improve social outlook, and put you in far better position to win over any opposition in 2024.

An Executive Order should be enough to clarify competition being essential for all businesses to operate in our domestic economy, which takes precedence over any alleged removal of restrictions on exporting goods.

Also enclosed is an excerpt “As of October 23, 2023” that illuminates the point.


Tom Berry

3124 San Jacinto St.

Dallas, TX 75204-5525 214-738-3386 CC: Kamala Harris, Vice President, Other Interested Parties

October 14, 2023

Joe Biden, President

United States of America

1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW

Washington, DC 20500-0005

RE: Resolving 30% Inflation


The Oil Companies, by act of Congress, have been allowed to sell oil and LPG gas on the international market. No one considered that it is not a restriction that oil companies be regulated on domestic price or continue to compete on domestic price as they did before they were allowed to sell oil and gas on the international market.

Instead. Oil companies are selling oil to American consumers at the International Cartel price. Their only argument can be that if they must continue to live with competition domestically, then because there is more profit in exporting oil, the domestic market will suffer shortages and mayhem will be the result.

The obvious answer is to impose a regulation that domestic markets must be satisfied (which is the case today) before oil or LPG gas can be exported. This will restore domestic competition to the oil and gas industry, which is the very foundation on which all business enterprises are supposed to operate in our domestic economy.

Charging “Cartel” prices for domestic oil and gas, creates great inflation, which is further doubled by the increase of cost of goods being transported, along with increased heating costs, manufacturing costs, insurance costs, and ultimate cost of living, and has our economy overinflated by at least 30%, which is “why” society is in gloom and wage and social security increases cannot keep up with the cost of inflation.

Moreover, maintaining this hyperinflation works against our ability to keep the dollar as the world currency, works against our ability to shorten the workday and workweek, without cutting the daily, weekly, or monthly pay, while increasing overtime to outweigh the cost of fringe benefits, to have more people paying taxes, less people draining taxes, and provide for a sharing in the wealth of productivity. Also, it works against our ability to raise taxes on those earning over $400.000.00 a year, to help pay down our enormous National debt, which is no different than a war debt. recognizing that we can have a handful of people making a fortune, or we can have democracy, but we can’t have both.

Tom Berry

3124 San Jacinto St.

Dallas, TX 75204-5525 214-738-3386

CC Kamala Harris, Vice President, USA, Other Interested Parties

NOTE: Tom Berry is a former Illinois State Legislative Director for the United Transportation Union, now SMART-TD

September 14, 2023

Joe Biden, President

United States of America

1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW

Washington, DC 20500-0005

RE: An Effective Approach


I’ve written you several letters on regulating domestic gas and oil, and thus far you have not directly answered any letter I have sent you. Thus, I am at a loss as to whether you are on the path to regulating domestic rates of return, or prices on oil and gas

But in any case, before Congress acted to allow oil companies to export oil, competition was the watchword of oil companies competing, and gas was no exception in the domestic market.

Allowing oil and gas to export out of the country, and for them to comply with OPEC set price standards, does not mean that they can charge American customers at cartel prices for oil and gas extracted in the United States. Allowing them to do so destroys competition and enriches the oil and gas companies at the direct expense of US Taxpayers. Also, it compounds into other areas in our economy, and wage and social security increases cannot keep up with the resultant inflation.

A simple rule imposed that oil and gas cannot be exported unless the domestic market is first satisfied, (which would include any action taken to replenish strategic oil supplies), will restore domestic competition, engender a better tomorrow, and insure your reelection in 2024.


Tom Berry

3124 San Jacinto St.

Dallas, TX 75204-5525


CC: Kamala Harris, Vice President, Other Interested Parties

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Wow! Common sense. I read that that US crude oil production climbed to a record high in July. As you suggested in your letter, "A simple rule imposed that oil and gas cannot be exported unless the domestic market is first satisfied, (which would include any action taken to replenish strategic oil supplies), will restore domestic competition, engender a better tomorrow, and insure your reelection in 2024."

I hope someone in the administration takes note of your suggestions.

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A windfall profits tax is in order for those exorbitant prices they're charging. I recall Dr. Reich advocating for it.

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Inflation is defined as rising prices and falling value of ones purchasing dollar. It is businesses that control prices and they need to stay profitable. So they raise prices to keep up with increase demand and increase cost of supplies and increase wages. But it is a whole lot easier to raise prices than for workers to get better pay. We have price inflation way ahead of wage inflation.

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Another example of callous, craven corporate corruption in our Manipulated Market economy is this:

In 1950, 26.6% of total federal revenues came from corporate taxes, while 39.9% came from citizen taxes. By 1983, 3 years into the voodoo, Trickle-UP tax "reform" shoved through Congress - on a party-line (R) vote - by (R)onald the Dim (are there any of our societal woes that cannot be traced to Bonzo's co-star??), the corporate share had dropped to 6.2% (yup, that's correct!) while citizen's share grew to 48.1!

Fast forward past Chickenhawk George's corporate tax cut, partly offset by increases by Clinton and Obama, to Der Gropenfuhrer's massive tax windfall for Big Biz - again, by (R) party-line vote - and the corporate share was 6.6% while we Little People were coughing up 49.6%.

In 2023, thanks to the efforts of Biden and the Dems to, once again, pull citizen's fat out of the fire, the corporate share is projected to grow to 11.3% with the People's share down to 48.5%.

All of this corporate conniving has, of course, been abetted by Citizens "United" which was, one more time, shoved through Congress by (R) vote, then blessed on a 5-4 vote by (R) Justices, all of whom were appointed by (R) presidents.

And yet, the smooth-brained (R) base of TFG's beloved "poorly educated" citizens continue to vote (R) because (D0s support providing Unalienable Rights to ALL citizens.

Vote (D) - it's our only hope of restoring citizen control of our gov't.

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What can be done about Jerome Powell? The constant interest rate hikes are devastating to mortgage rates🤮

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Jo Ann Crouch ; My twins are now both married and will be buying homes. They face 9% interest (most recent number; it will most likely rise). If the 'right' want to see birth rates decline along with morale (and 'consumer confidence'), they should just keep on gouging and doing wage theft! The shithole country status is already rearing it's ugly head. I read that the life expectancy of Americans in the U.S. is getting lower? I wonder if Biden could fire Powell and the current Feds? ( hire Robert Reich! at least as a consultant!) tfg would have no problem firing people, would he? not that we should have him as our leader!).

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And a Windbag Prophets tax on politicians and pundits spewing bullshit by the cubic yard.

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There are 2 things that make authoritarian rule impossible.

The first is a United population where individuals gather for the common good at the individual level. That's unions.

The second is an educated population. The GI bill, even though segregated did educate a huge number of people with free university and funding that continued with $200.00 tuition at some state universities or nothing at all.

The 1960's and 1970's terrified oligarchs who knew their control was slipping and when the writing was on the wall for the Soviet Union collapse during the Carter administration, they knew they had to step in so the bought a few judges and with Buckley vs Valero and citizens United, bribery was legalized with a tax deduction for politicians

The first thing their actor did was end unions.

Their actor had already ended free university in California but tripped up badly when black Panthers scared him into regulation of firearms by showing up armed in the California state house.

The actor began his campaign whetr the KKK was the strongest because a message needed to be sent, "we hate all the same people you do" and that was enough to guarantee poverty in every red state and the undying support of the very people they're making poorer every year because "we hate the same people cuz we're better then them" while cashing an ever smaller social assistance check and certain the lottery will make them millionaires any day now🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️

Now foreign governments can completely buy US policy and create world wars.

Corporations are going to be pissed with the competition 😏

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The actor and oligarchs are working very hard to dumb down American children so that as they grow the propoganda they are trying to teach now like PragerU and whitewashing Black History will be the only thing they learn and they won't know any better!! Look at the Russian people who have been under a dictator for so long they don't question his rule!

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The actor in question is worn chow so he's done all the harm he can, beyond indigestion 😏

The system is still making the rich richer and the poor poorer and for totalitarian rule, look no further than a recent video "we need to talk about authoritisim" by second thought.

It's an eye opener in a truly disturbing manner 😬

Things are changing fast and fascism is being recognized for what it is, anti-human. 🤔🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

Billionaires love fascism because it's free labor but they always forget, whose buying their cheap shit if the customers are impoverished slaves🤬

It's the time to shake off the chains of capitalism and choose to end want by ensuring everyone has food, shelter@30% of income, Guaranteed Livable Basic Income for all and education to that individual's maximum potential are no charge for any student.

..just by deciding globally that war is to dangerous to play with anymore and needs to end.

Israel can start WW3 by nuking Iran and its becoming more possible every day the liquidation of gaza for religious purity and living space seems very familiar and terrifying way of never forgetting and reliving 🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

There's the money to pay forever in defense budgets alone🤑

Maintain armies for internal security, not invasion

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I agree! If every large to moderate sized company were unionized it would be a huge win for democracy. I would settle for 30 percent. We are on the cusp of something but, I’m not sure which way the stats will go. A few years ago long before trump, I felt a black evil cloud was descending on the world. This time I’m not sure if this new cloud is really good or really bad. We are on the cusp of oblivion or a real change in the world.

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Imagine how great it would be for unions to once again take hold and put the brakes on these runaway companies!! Middle class America needs to stand up and be heard and counted!

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Oh hell ya!

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My sentiments exactly!! Go unions!!!

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Robert Reich -

Thank you for continuing to write so clearly and convincingly.

It seems it is widely held that UAW's wage increases will be added to the cost of autos. Can you write something to show otherwise?

Charlie Kennedy, Scotsburn, NS.

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The Re Birth of the UAW Union and its Stand On Living Wages wages hopefully portends a new age of a real middle class. 👍👍👍

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Someone needs to bankroll an ad campaign in right-to-work states aimed at non-union autoworkers, with TV spots, social media ads and billboards asking “Well, how do you like seeing your union brethren leaving you in the dust?”

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