I said in another post that my grandfather fought against Hitler and the Nazis! It is like spitting on his grave to have that right here in our United States! It was absolutely deplorable!
My father and father-in-law, not to mention many uncles fought in WW2. My father sweated his you know what off as torpedoes whizzed by him in the submarine where he fought in the South Pacific. My father-in-law spent 2 years in a fox hole in Europe where he witnessed and took pictures, which we have, of STACKS of skeleton-like dead bodies of the murdered Jews and others. Eisenhower told the soldiers to "take all of the pictures you can, because some day, some son-of-a-bitch is going to say this never happened." We are witnessing the beginning of a similar movement over the world. For any American to allow for the Hitler gesture in the name of our country should be, as my father would have said, "horsewhipped".
Pamela, your father, father-in-law and uncles have my sincere and heartfelt thank you for their fight to prevent Hitler from causing more harm across the world! My grandfather didn't talk about it much. He would just say that he fought so that his children and grandchildren would not have to suffer the atrocities he witnessed over there. He said Hitler was an absolute monster and needed to be stopped. No true American would ever use that gesture for any reason!
Nope. he is an unreconstructed South African racist who was brought up in a very right-wing racist household. Grab Musk by the scruff of the neck and the seat of the pants and toss him the hell out of this country.
He is an immigrant, perhaps legal. I would love to see his paperwork! Taking credit for the ideas Tesla created shows a tendency to shade the truth. Villanizing immigrants who are refugees is pretty ugly, since being a refugee requesting safety, is legal immigration, which MAGA folks like to forget!
Peggy, it seems that salute was a sign of disrespect for this country that Musk is more often whining about. Musk came here to get richer than he could in South Africa and because he couldn't stand that Black people were rightly gaining power in SA. So, we have a rich, white, racist Nazi-saluting a-hole supporting a Toddler-Trump administration to get whatever wealth he can collect for his efforts. That is simply nuts. Hey! I just can't help but thank those 30% of Americans who thought Trump and Kump were a good choice for president etc. again. It is going to take a long time for me to forgive them when we could have had decent human beings running our nation.
It appears, in this late hour for me and many others, that we were not vigilant enough and/or what I truly think did us in and put one of the last nails in our coffin, was the Citizens United Initiative. The dark money has amped the corruption over the tipping point.
The SCOTUS justices who voted for Citizens United should be horse whipped, and banished from the legal profession. That presidential immunity decision of last summer is equally bad.
Fox news and Citizens United combined to destroy the USA, slowly but surely. I will never forgive those two actions that created the perfect storm for a worm like Trump to bring to fruition.
Pam, unfortunately, none of us had any say in Citizens United. It was a bunch of rich guys bribing our Supreme Court cons and everyone but they ends up paying for their cruelty.
Why, it wasn't his fault grandma and grandpa died of Covid. Just because he told them to not get the vaccine or mask up and to mingle in crowds and to ignore Covid and, if they can't, drink bleach and they did all that, it ain't his fault they died horribly and alone.
Penny, my godfather was at Anzio and would not talk about it. He ended up drinking himself to death. Then, my friend's uncle was on a ship in the Pacific that was bombed by Japanese aircraft and all the men in his gun crew but himself were killed. He too came back damaged. Both were good men as were so many. To me it is an insult to their memory that anyone voted for Trump and Kump and their clear Naziesque leanings. It seems Americans, or at least a third of us have really bad memories and didn't care enough to think clearly before voting for a toddler-man who cares for nothing but himself and is dedicated to do as much damage to this nation as we will permit him to do. He has no sense of history or anything else. We do need to stand up as much as we can. He has already started setting up his goon squad to go after peaceful immigrants so he can get his orgasm for the day.
It is a textbook case of the power of propaganda. We allowed FOX news, the propaganda station and all of the filthy lying gifting outlets like it. We needs checks on propaganda. There are limits to free speech, Can't yell "bomb in an airport or "fire" in a theater. The "Fairness Act" needs to return and, yes, Zuckerberg, we DO need fact-checking.
Yes, how are they really any different than (S)Hitler's Waffen SS, and Gestapo breaking into homes, safe houses, hiding places, etc. to send; Jews, Gypsies, dissidents, 'leftists', et al to their deaths in camps??
(Save for that SCUMp's goon squad victims are not yet actual citizens, albeit innocent as well.)
How many of the putrid orange fuehrer's MAGANAZI faithful criminals, all of whom he just sprung from prison/pardoned and expunged from all wrong doing whatsoever, will fill these Gestapo-like roles?
Or will he just leave them to their own unfettered, and unpunished desires to act as his brown shirt/SA scum against us 'libtards', progressives, current dissenters, and 'others'??
I had two uncles and a cousin who were all in the Battle of the Bulge. Among them they lost an eye, an arm and had other injuries. They returned home after the war to take up ordinary jobs, run a grocery store, become a mayor of a tiny town, drive a truck, become care-givers of ailing wives, lead lives of decency and honor.....
The kind of people that the pure evil one now in All-Power calls "losers."
And contemporary Americans who lived lives enabled to them by your father, my uncles, and all the others in the U.S., the UK, France, Europe, the South Pacific.....almost 50% of those "Americans" decided it was OK to prefer a neo-fascist, a Nazi-fan, an amoral psychopath much like those they fought against as President & Mob & Thug-Army & Gestapo of the United States.
Black Americans, Japanese-Americans, treated so horribly IN and BY this country still fought bravely, patriotically, FOR this country, now under the All-Power of white supremacists, haters of non-whites, women, Hispanics, Indigenous people, exploiters of children, of workers, of the poor.
We can't really say that "evil triumphs when good men do nothing" anymore, can we? GOOD men DID all they could, they gave their lives and limbs and peace of mind and futures. How in the name of god did this country come to this, come to BE this?! To CHOOSE evil?!
And put out on public display, as in the Middle Ages. Rotten eggs, tomatoes, and other items for throwing - a thin unbreakable willow rod for whipping - everyone who wants, once. This is what this "breed" needs.
1) It takes time to organize. From what I've seen people are starting to do it, albeit slowly.
2) They're afraid. Everyone is kissing Trump's fat you-know-what these days, and if they draw attention to themselves, it might cause them great pain. Can't say I blame them.
I don't know how we can fight something like this. WE don't have billions of dollars. Most of us have to work to pay the bills. Or we are simply struggling in our lives already and don't have time to take on an entire political party of Nazis.
Years ago, someone opined that social media would kill this country (and pretty much all the others, too). Despite all the good things it gave to us, I tend to agree. People can't even take a simple walk without staring at their damn phones. How do you get people like that to protest?
I’m 76. I suppose I ought to be afraid. I’m afraid of dying, but not of death. Living in this age isn’t what I call being alive. I write a lot of posts in forums like this, but that’s headwork, sometimes heartwork. What I crave is handiwork. I’d rather be taken away in handcuffs than hit Reply again. ;>)
Christopher Sweet, you wrote, "I’m struck by the lack of organized protest and dissent against Trump and company. This type of forum seems to have driven out organized protest."
I worry about that, too. I think the potential benefit of such forums IS to organize the like-minded, but it seems that too often folks are satisfied to just hit the "enter" button, brush-brush the hands and move on. I keep asking wherever I can, "What can we DO about ....." it, the "it" being the overthrow of our government, the coup that has happened and is accelerating even as we sit here keyboarding!
I have seen the streets full of protesters as far as the eye (and the eye of cameras) can see in Hong Kong, in Moscow, in Israel..... and in many settings where people are in REAL danger, thrown into prison, beaten up, worse.
Here? A fascist and thug-army take over, move in, set violent criminals loose, promote predators, criminals, violence, addicts, pedophiles to positions of great power, erase laws and policies of protection and decency, institutionalize corruption, con-games, scams, and crime to displace decency and honorable government, steal the national treasure, defile values, mock all that is honest, humane, decent.
The public reaction? Well, like others, I'm at the keyboard. Some are at their podcasts or other "channels." Some sit at Facebook, X/Twitter, Tik-Tok - or other mindless balms to any possible moment of discomfort. And mostly? crickets.
Thanks, all above. I’ve always seen great moral value in non-violent civil disobedience. It makes a demand on power that commemorative marches, fundraising donations, and targeted forums cannot make. It challenges power to abuse or to stand down. The moment power abuses flesh, it suffers a moral defeat…a Pyrrhic victory or a turnaround of actual revulsion within itself.
These forums generate millions of good ideas each month. But the legitimated opposition, a.k.a. the Democratic Party, does not show any sign of awareness of the energy and thought behind them. From the outside it looks like they count the “likes,” and disregard the content.
They can’t deal with large samples…they prefer a few focus groups. Everybody in the focus group loves New Coke and the Edsel. But nobody knows what to make of all the hours of thought and care that produce so many posts. Words that often don’t conform to predictions of what people want, predictions based on biases and focus groups, perhaps. Or the advice of public relations firms. Dreadful thought.
There’s circumstantial evidence abounding that such forums do not produce change. There is no evidence of any kind that such forums produce change.
Same here. One G-father in WW1 injured with a mustard bomb, and one who landed on Normandy beaches in WW2. Both were lucky to come home but wounded, earned their Purple Hearts. I'm so glad they can't see what is happening to the country they fought for.
I truly believe, Donna, if my grandfather were here to see this, it would be the first time I would have ever seen him cry. Your grandfathers were heroes, Donna, and I am sure you are as proud of them as I am of mine! They were true Americans!
Bear in Mind that NO Trump in DJT's Family has Served this Country in Uniform with the exception of Mary Trump's Father who served in the Air Force Reserve... DJT, 'Cadet Bone Spurs', himself has referred to those that Serve in our Military, as 'Suckers & Losers'... DJT's True Loyalty is to $$$...
Children of wealth and fame do not see combat unless they demand it, like Jimmy Stewart and Clark Gable. If Donnie had gone in, he probably would have been sent to Germany, just like Elvis and would have been up to his ears in fraulines. Daddy Fred would have paid for at least half a dozen abortions, but as it was, Fred paid a doctor to misdiagnose his demon spawn with heel spurs.
In Vietnam when I was there years ago, they have his prison cell open to visitors and a plane in the area he crashed in. They don't hate him. Dump is probably the most jealous man of our time and he seeks to take down everyone he is jealous of. And I wonder what kind of hold he has on the GOP that they are all so afraid of him.
He did that disrespect and disgusting gesture because he is a racist South African by birth and at heart! He’s only using America for the benefits that are being given to him! He’s getting paid billions in taxpayer funded subsidies for his businesses that are largely companies that he never created! Him and his brother came to America with daddy’s money and ripped off smaller companies that were looking for investors to help them expand! He’s a snake that shouldn’t be trusted to do anything in the best interests of America or Americans!
Sorry, since I know that some have bought his POS cars before he actually exposed himself as a full-fledged, all-in, scumbag FASCIST, or even before he bought out that company.
But that said, I give the one finger salute out of my window to ALL driving his cars, and around here, as cold as it is lately I am getting a frostbitten left hand given how disgustingly prolific his crap is in this area.
My father and some of his uncles – he had seven – fought in World War II. My father froze his arse off somewhere north of the USSR, and roasted in the Pacific off the coast of Japan fighting off kamikaze, while providing anti-air for the British Pacific Fleet. He knew what he was fighting for, and Musk would have made him sick to his stomach.
Exactly. Where is the outrage? That's my question too!! Unfortunately I have asked this question of friends and family who voted tRump and they continue to justify every deplorable action and side step the question. I'm feeling battered and bruised, but I won't be silent. Thank you for your words!
And, to add insult to it all, Nazi salute was at Presidential Inauguration event. What was Musk thinking?? Clearly zero understanding of American institutions. Hope Robert is right, gone in a week. And while we're at it, let's cancel lots of his US government contracts. We've had enough.
I am dismayed at my fellow Americans ( yet again! ) that besides electing a felon and madman as the president of the USA to represent and lead the nation, but they will find an excuse for a man who has previously shown sympathies for new nazis making the Nazi Salute, as well as find reasons why it was OK for trump to pardon those who tried to overthrow our elections and government and assaulted the police trying to prevent it.
That is a very good point to remember. His South Africa background corresponds to his familial white supremacist/neo-Nazi raising.
Recalling the protest against apartheid that took several forms: entertainers that would not perform in South Africa, in spite of foregoing lots of $$$. The refusal of many to invest in kruggeraands (spelling), the coin of that monstrous realm, that was yielding big profits. Were the moral compasses made of better stuff then? Was there actually something known as morality? Honor? Decency? then.
Contrast to the here and now: entertainers perform on thump's stages or on TV for him; cryptocurrency linked to the most vile, evil world of crimes is a big profit source for thump and his filthy crowd, even pardoning a major "dark money" crypto criminal today.
Nazi salute? White supremacist South Africa salute? All hail to the thief, the evil personified, the liars and criminals, the predators and monsters.
My dad drove a Higgins Boat (troop carrier) to Omaha Beach on D-Day three times. in all three trips, none of the soldiers made it to to the beach. In 1971, I took time off from college and bummed around Europe for almost a year. In honor to my dad, I went to Normandy and visited the cometary overlooking Omaha Beach where the 9,387 Americans that died there were buried. Very solemn trip.
What gets me is many Jewish people voted for Trump because they think it will be better for Israel. I think they are in for a surprise. I hope I’m wrong!
My ex fellow tribal members had better start worrying about what is happening HERE and NOW where THEY currently live, and less about a land where all of the anti-Semites of this planet would LOVE to place every Jew, the better/easier to commit their own 'final solution'.
There were (some wealthy, corporatist, business) Jews in Germany who supported (S)Hitler 1.0 as well, way back before he compulsively started talking genocide against them, and actually carrying out that agenda.
In my family we often read/see tales of amazing bravery or human accomplishment, acts that are beyond astounding - and always someone will say, "were people different then?"
Many posters here have cited members of their own families and we have all seen/read/know of the long lines of young men - 18, 19, 20 - leaving school or jobs and VOLUNTEERING to join the "service" to fight, knowing full well that death or terrible injury is a strong possibility. Were people different then?
We have all seen the horrifying images of African-Americans marching, protesting peacefully, being beaten, badly injured, dogs sicced on them to be attacked by animals human and canine, all for the basic human rights born into by those that so many of the African-Americans had raised, fed, cleaned up. Were people different then?
There have ALWAYS been reasons to be afraid when faced with danger! That's what COURAGE is about?
They have been called the Greatest Generation. Were people different then? Wouldn't it be better to say "The Greatest Generation, So Far"??
Thump and his whole vile mob and thug-army are THE WORST of us. Aren't there any of us willing to become part of the new great generation?!
Yes, beyond disgraceful; "an awkward gesture". Well, "never forget" has become "we want to forget". And in classic totalitarian style , "you didn't see what you saw ". The State defines truth and reality
Ask the ADL. I suspect it is because Trump and Bibi are Siamese Twins, and Trump has clearly state with his appointments and with words that he stands firmly with Israel.
The ADL is as much an ethnicist as is the ummah, and Christian nationalists, the Oath Keepers and KKK.
It wasn't my "greatest fear" it's been evident for years that the Republican party is autocratic. It has been also evident that the form of this autocratic party is fascism for at least the last 10yrs
In an active sense it goes back to Nixon only there was no "Fox News" and internet organize a powerful support and propaganda organization. Had that been around then, Nixon would not have had to resign.
I don't think so, Professor. I had no doubt from the moment I read that Vivek Ramaswamy was going to be "working along side" Muskrat, that Vivek would be history as soon as Trump was inaugurated. The idea of Musk working along side anyone is a ridiculous notion. Trump was stroked by a Narcissistic Sociopath richer and more craveneven than himself into Castle Trump and it's going to be very difficult to rid himself of the beast. The one thing that protects Trump from Musk is that Musk has no actual political power. Nonetheless, Musk is going to eat Trump's ego and pride for breakfast as long as he is around.
Musk is in his ultimate fantasy situation and he's to going to give it up.
Well TJ, he DID hold a nazi-esque rally at Madison Square Garden the weekend before the election. And let's not forget the "there are good people on both sides", re: Charlottesville, not to mention countless other examples. It shouldn't be a surprise to anybody.
Michal, I wryly chuckled today when I heard that the policeman's union that supported the convicted felon were shocked, SHOCKED to hear that the felon pardoned the Jan6 insurrectionists.
Nope, they have their pet project or goal and believe this makes anything Trump might do to others okay--until they realize they are also being tossed into the bonfire of his vanity. Fools.
Pamela, it's an excellent question. I figured the demographic changes between 2016 to 2020 to 2024 -- old folks dying (including a lot of anti-vaccine trumpers), more young people coming of voting age, increased population of people of color, trump fatigue, etc. would have resulted in a massive win for Harris.
We need more brave people like her to publicly stand up and call out the absurdities! I couldn't think of a better word just now, but I'm so glad I followed the link. Thank you for sharing it.
TJ, and they are not wrong about that salute. Musk would have been one of Hitler's guys, until he tried to be smarter than Hitler, or at least until Hitler noticed what he was doing. Trump won't notice anything else but that Toddler-Musk is getting more attention than he is in the playground. Can't have that!
Yeah, it's entertaining but not as significant as we would like it to be. There will be endless infighting, jockeying for power etc. It won't change the awful reality of autocracy
Trump is using Musk's cash as the usual "obey or get primaried" that has turned most of the elected Republicans into spineless jellyfish, so much more dedicated to their reelection than, say, constituents or democracy. The NRA did this with a bankroll of under $20 million... Easier to threaten than actually do it. Musk could buy any number of races in 2026.
I also think that Musk ultimately wants to own MAGA, post Trump, and play kingmaker for decades to come. Trump will willingly hand over they keys when Musk buys Truth Social / TMTG sometime in 2029, for way more than it's worth, making Trump a real billionaire again. Only works if Musk and Trump maintain their evil empire together.
Though, if he truly worships Putin, let’s assume all of his oligarch buddies will be in jail within the year…assets seized. This is Armageddon considering the release of the J6 crowd. Nothing would surprise me.
Just this morning it was announced that Musk was unhappy with his office in building next door and has been reassigned to an office in the WH itself (the West wing). That doesn't sound like he is on his way out.
NYT reports that Elno will actually get office space in the WH West Wing, moving his sorry arse even closer to his puppet...it appears that Elno has established a well-defended beachhead here.
Republicans aren’t concerned with conflicts of interest. Vivek left because trump wanted to distance himself from vivek’s comments about how lazy and stupid American workers are. Running for governor just gives him cover, like it was his idea, that he hasn’t been cast aside.
However it happened, it certainly wasn't his choice. (oh, boo hoo, right?). He was an obnoxious, arrogant little punk when on the campaign trail and in no way capable of surviving the orange circus. One down; who's next?
Ohio needs to keep their eyes open. Vivek has the money to topple whomever he runs against, and it won't be fair. They need to put someone up who has integrity and courage, and is not afraid of people with money.
Although the MAGANAZI faithful do seem to 'accept' southwestern Asians as long as they are zealously, dutifully and devoutly fascist enough, and deify their putrid orange fuehrer-god-savior.
Yes, we lost our beloved multi-term Senator Sherrod Brown to a friggin' used car salesman who campaigned on the ConOld bandwagon of hate and fear targeting immigrants and transgender people.
Make a thread. I don’t live in OH. That’s what I read and chose to reiterate it on here rather than do a Trump and make sh*t up as I go along creating one’s own narrative.
I jettisoned the NYT after their despicable treatment of Biden throughout his entire term. They used so much loaded language to point out how old Joe Biden was old, and did we mention, old? All while sane-washing Turnip with the rest of the capitulators.
I thought Politico was still a good resource. Then I read something that absolutely blew the socks off of me: there was a gigantic, headline story saying that the orange sadist was THE right choice for America. I thought it was a joke. It wasn't. Never again.
Yes, while they occasionally published things that were actually accurate and well reasoned, they more frequently twisted themselves into pretzels with some "fair and balanced" s*** that was truly appalling. It seemed to be their way of maneuvering to try not to lose the Turnip-bent section of their readership.
A few years ago, they were great. I've found multiple other news sources in recent years so haven't paid any attention. I guess things changed BIG-TIME when Axel Springer took over. Timothy Snyder, in his excellent little book "On Tyranny", wrote that the takeover of the media is an early stage in fascism. Obviously, we're there. (NYT, WaPo, and IMO CNN. Muskrat wants to buy MSNBC. Whoever owns that, I can only pray that if that day comes, they say "Get thee behind me, Satan!!!"
A loose cannon among loose cannons all working for a loose cannon. Did I leave out judge Cannon? Let's include her too. It would be grand if you're correct.
She doesn't deserve to wear those robes. I don't understand why her own "organization" doesn't do something about her but I guess the forces that have gotten control over some scotus "justices" control what happens to her as well. Sickening.
Not likely, because.... money! That's what I've thought each time people say Musk will be out. No, Donald Trump will not separate himself from the richest man in the world. Even though I hope you are right, against the odds.
It is interesting to watch. He has mammoth psychological needs for continual adulation and for keeping the limelight solely on himself ... and I think his needs for $$$$ are similar in that the size of his bank account supports his also psychological needs to appear superior - a real WINNER, not a LOSER. Such a conflict for such a tormented soul, also suffering increased dementia. So much for the "stability" of an entire nation...
I was so proud of her.... and looking them straight in the eye as well. Afraid for her at the same time; I am dying to know what the 4-5 words the orange sinner leaned over & said to vance as she was talking... (UPDATE - If anyone would like to support the bishop, they can send a donation to her diosece: https://edow.org/give/# . . . I just did and it felt SO SATISFYING!!)
And let's not forget how many Jews were there in attendance not to mention Scump's own daughter (converted) and SIL. Did anyone notice that Elame was standing at the podium that says "President of the United States of America" on it while he was doing it?
I've seen several article written by Jews who are coming down on Mark Zuckerberg. They're really angry that he would bow to DonOLD who is definitely a racist bigot who hangs with Musk an even bigger racist bigot. Don't think shaming Zuckerbeg is going to work tho...he's in too deep and is too afraid of DonOLD. DonOLD is planning on concentration camps to hold those he wants deported. How can Zuckerberg ignore that and forget about those camps in WWII? How will he explain his part in the racist circus to his children when they're old enough to understand?
zook has been in over his head for YEARS.... now trying to swim with the sharks and looks like an idiot doing it. These guys all have so much $$$$$$ they'll never be able to spend it in a lifetime. For the life of me I don't know why they weaken, and so quickly. What if their individual businesses were to fail 100% immediately? They'd suffer NO financial set back. Does it all really depend on the size of their youknowwhats??
I believe if Musk continues to try to grab headlines and credit for his ideas, the orange one is going to explode. He wants all the glory. Watch and see. Two narcissistic pompous asses competing for attention. Musk is even being attacked by gamers for hiring people to play his games and get him to a top level. Then when he actually plays he does not make the game moves a real gamer would. So he cheats at games with gamers? Who else do we know cheats at everything? They are going to cheat each other until people see it for what it is.
Yeah no, Musk has 460 billion reasons for trump to keep him around. And let's not forget trump backed musk in his little tiff with the unwashed maga faithful.
Plus musk is just as thin-skinned as trump is, cutting him off would create a whole new level of petty backstabbing.
Keep your enemies closer? Orange clown may no longer be capable of running such a strategy. Not sure muskrat is either - ego stuff gets in his way. But $ has its ways to trump the clown and he kinda knows it. Muskrat's $ can bait the clown into all kinds of traps..we could have thread on that alone! Dinosaurs beating up on each other while the globe cooks.....
Because if it really WAS meant to be the Hitlergruss, he did it incorrectly. It was more like a football player's end-zone arrow-shot pose (straight arm elevated to the side instead of to the front). Who knows what The Great Genius had in mind, if anything other than a way of acting like a juvenile?
If Musk is not out within a week, then we will have absolute proof that TrumpMusk’s cognitive decline is complete. He is not in the habit of letting underlings appear to be shaping his policy or personnel decisions.. Bad combination with ol’ Elon, who never sees himself as an underling and likely thinks that he is TrumpMusk’s brain.
Trump has used him for what he needs. And Musk will get mega contracts in the future. Win-win for both. Lose-lose for us. We lose the distraction and attack point.
I hope you're correct. The sooner Musk is gone, the better.
That “salute” confirms many people’s greatest fears about the Administration.
I said in another post that my grandfather fought against Hitler and the Nazis! It is like spitting on his grave to have that right here in our United States! It was absolutely deplorable!
My father and father-in-law, not to mention many uncles fought in WW2. My father sweated his you know what off as torpedoes whizzed by him in the submarine where he fought in the South Pacific. My father-in-law spent 2 years in a fox hole in Europe where he witnessed and took pictures, which we have, of STACKS of skeleton-like dead bodies of the murdered Jews and others. Eisenhower told the soldiers to "take all of the pictures you can, because some day, some son-of-a-bitch is going to say this never happened." We are witnessing the beginning of a similar movement over the world. For any American to allow for the Hitler gesture in the name of our country should be, as my father would have said, "horsewhipped".
Pamela, your father, father-in-law and uncles have my sincere and heartfelt thank you for their fight to prevent Hitler from causing more harm across the world! My grandfather didn't talk about it much. He would just say that he fought so that his children and grandchildren would not have to suffer the atrocities he witnessed over there. He said Hitler was an absolute monster and needed to be stopped. No true American would ever use that gesture for any reason!
musk ain't 'merican
Nope. he is an unreconstructed South African racist who was brought up in a very right-wing racist household. Grab Musk by the scruff of the neck and the seat of the pants and toss him the hell out of this country.
He is an immigrant, perhaps legal. I would love to see his paperwork! Taking credit for the ideas Tesla created shows a tendency to shade the truth. Villanizing immigrants who are refugees is pretty ugly, since being a refugee requesting safety, is legal immigration, which MAGA folks like to forget!
Musk does ketamine.
Peggy, it seems that salute was a sign of disrespect for this country that Musk is more often whining about. Musk came here to get richer than he could in South Africa and because he couldn't stand that Black people were rightly gaining power in SA. So, we have a rich, white, racist Nazi-saluting a-hole supporting a Toddler-Trump administration to get whatever wealth he can collect for his efforts. That is simply nuts. Hey! I just can't help but thank those 30% of Americans who thought Trump and Kump were a good choice for president etc. again. It is going to take a long time for me to forgive them when we could have had decent human beings running our nation.
I'm not sure if I can forgive them for this.
And let's face it, reviving Bannon's lying ways is just a different kind of malfeasance.
My father didn't talk about it much either. He told us a few pertinent stories and left it at that. I'm sure they were memories best left unsaid.
And here we are, the son-of-a-bitch is president. Memory is apparently really damned short.
It appears, in this late hour for me and many others, that we were not vigilant enough and/or what I truly think did us in and put one of the last nails in our coffin, was the Citizens United Initiative. The dark money has amped the corruption over the tipping point.
The SCOTUS justices who voted for Citizens United should be horse whipped, and banished from the legal profession. That presidential immunity decision of last summer is equally bad.
Fox news and Citizens United combined to destroy the USA, slowly but surely. I will never forgive those two actions that created the perfect storm for a worm like Trump to bring to fruition.
Pam, unfortunately, none of us had any say in Citizens United. It was a bunch of rich guys bribing our Supreme Court cons and everyone but they ends up paying for their cruelty.
No doubt about that!
Why, it wasn't his fault grandma and grandpa died of Covid. Just because he told them to not get the vaccine or mask up and to mingle in crowds and to ignore Covid and, if they can't, drink bleach and they did all that, it ain't his fault they died horribly and alone.
My father was in France and never came back the same.
Penny, my godfather was at Anzio and would not talk about it. He ended up drinking himself to death. Then, my friend's uncle was on a ship in the Pacific that was bombed by Japanese aircraft and all the men in his gun crew but himself were killed. He too came back damaged. Both were good men as were so many. To me it is an insult to their memory that anyone voted for Trump and Kump and their clear Naziesque leanings. It seems Americans, or at least a third of us have really bad memories and didn't care enough to think clearly before voting for a toddler-man who cares for nothing but himself and is dedicated to do as much damage to this nation as we will permit him to do. He has no sense of history or anything else. We do need to stand up as much as we can. He has already started setting up his goon squad to go after peaceful immigrants so he can get his orgasm for the day.
It is a textbook case of the power of propaganda. We allowed FOX news, the propaganda station and all of the filthy lying gifting outlets like it. We needs checks on propaganda. There are limits to free speech, Can't yell "bomb in an airport or "fire" in a theater. The "Fairness Act" needs to return and, yes, Zuckerberg, we DO need fact-checking.
No one.is left unscathed after returning from war, Ruth.
Unseen ...healed scars shout out the real stories that remain forever.
Yes, how are they really any different than (S)Hitler's Waffen SS, and Gestapo breaking into homes, safe houses, hiding places, etc. to send; Jews, Gypsies, dissidents, 'leftists', et al to their deaths in camps??
(Save for that SCUMp's goon squad victims are not yet actual citizens, albeit innocent as well.)
How many of the putrid orange fuehrer's MAGANAZI faithful criminals, all of whom he just sprung from prison/pardoned and expunged from all wrong doing whatsoever, will fill these Gestapo-like roles?
Or will he just leave them to their own unfettered, and unpunished desires to act as his brown shirt/SA scum against us 'libtards', progressives, current dissenters, and 'others'??
I'm so sorry, but I do understand to the extent someone who didn't have to endure it can.
Well said, Pamela.
That happens a lot. It took Korea to give my Dad screaming nightmares.
So many men got PTSD from war....and the unnatural cruelty it requires. Tragic....
Mine after home from the war had a nervous breakdown. I was 9 and remember it well
I had two uncles and a cousin who were all in the Battle of the Bulge. Among them they lost an eye, an arm and had other injuries. They returned home after the war to take up ordinary jobs, run a grocery store, become a mayor of a tiny town, drive a truck, become care-givers of ailing wives, lead lives of decency and honor.....
The kind of people that the pure evil one now in All-Power calls "losers."
And contemporary Americans who lived lives enabled to them by your father, my uncles, and all the others in the U.S., the UK, France, Europe, the South Pacific.....almost 50% of those "Americans" decided it was OK to prefer a neo-fascist, a Nazi-fan, an amoral psychopath much like those they fought against as President & Mob & Thug-Army & Gestapo of the United States.
Black Americans, Japanese-Americans, treated so horribly IN and BY this country still fought bravely, patriotically, FOR this country, now under the All-Power of white supremacists, haters of non-whites, women, Hispanics, Indigenous people, exploiters of children, of workers, of the poor.
We can't really say that "evil triumphs when good men do nothing" anymore, can we? GOOD men DID all they could, they gave their lives and limbs and peace of mind and futures. How in the name of god did this country come to this, come to BE this?! To CHOOSE evil?!
Who are we. What are we.
Tarred and feathered!
And put out on public display, as in the Middle Ages. Rotten eggs, tomatoes, and other items for throwing - a thin unbreakable willow rod for whipping - everyone who wants, once. This is what this "breed" needs.
And again, in public and televised.
Retarded featherbrain?
Not that word, please. Don’t use people as an insult to other people.
This resonates with me; I have many ancestors who fought against fascism in World War II.
I’m struck by the lack of organized protest and dissent against Trump and company. This type of forum seems to have driven out organized protest.
1) It takes time to organize. From what I've seen people are starting to do it, albeit slowly.
2) They're afraid. Everyone is kissing Trump's fat you-know-what these days, and if they draw attention to themselves, it might cause them great pain. Can't say I blame them.
I don't know how we can fight something like this. WE don't have billions of dollars. Most of us have to work to pay the bills. Or we are simply struggling in our lives already and don't have time to take on an entire political party of Nazis.
Years ago, someone opined that social media would kill this country (and pretty much all the others, too). Despite all the good things it gave to us, I tend to agree. People can't even take a simple walk without staring at their damn phones. How do you get people like that to protest?
I’m 76. I suppose I ought to be afraid. I’m afraid of dying, but not of death. Living in this age isn’t what I call being alive. I write a lot of posts in forums like this, but that’s headwork, sometimes heartwork. What I crave is handiwork. I’d rather be taken away in handcuffs than hit Reply again. ;>)
Thousands showed up to participate in the MLK day March in San Francisco on Monday!
I believe joining established rights groups, like the ACLU, and Refugee Organizations is a good way to start resisting. Then actually volunteer!
Christopher Sweet, you wrote, "I’m struck by the lack of organized protest and dissent against Trump and company. This type of forum seems to have driven out organized protest."
I worry about that, too. I think the potential benefit of such forums IS to organize the like-minded, but it seems that too often folks are satisfied to just hit the "enter" button, brush-brush the hands and move on. I keep asking wherever I can, "What can we DO about ....." it, the "it" being the overthrow of our government, the coup that has happened and is accelerating even as we sit here keyboarding!
I have seen the streets full of protesters as far as the eye (and the eye of cameras) can see in Hong Kong, in Moscow, in Israel..... and in many settings where people are in REAL danger, thrown into prison, beaten up, worse.
Here? A fascist and thug-army take over, move in, set violent criminals loose, promote predators, criminals, violence, addicts, pedophiles to positions of great power, erase laws and policies of protection and decency, institutionalize corruption, con-games, scams, and crime to displace decency and honorable government, steal the national treasure, defile values, mock all that is honest, humane, decent.
The public reaction? Well, like others, I'm at the keyboard. Some are at their podcasts or other "channels." Some sit at Facebook, X/Twitter, Tik-Tok - or other mindless balms to any possible moment of discomfort. And mostly? crickets.
Thanks, all above. I’ve always seen great moral value in non-violent civil disobedience. It makes a demand on power that commemorative marches, fundraising donations, and targeted forums cannot make. It challenges power to abuse or to stand down. The moment power abuses flesh, it suffers a moral defeat…a Pyrrhic victory or a turnaround of actual revulsion within itself.
These forums generate millions of good ideas each month. But the legitimated opposition, a.k.a. the Democratic Party, does not show any sign of awareness of the energy and thought behind them. From the outside it looks like they count the “likes,” and disregard the content.
They can’t deal with large samples…they prefer a few focus groups. Everybody in the focus group loves New Coke and the Edsel. But nobody knows what to make of all the hours of thought and care that produce so many posts. Words that often don’t conform to predictions of what people want, predictions based on biases and focus groups, perhaps. Or the advice of public relations firms. Dreadful thought.
There’s circumstantial evidence abounding that such forums do not produce change. There is no evidence of any kind that such forums produce change.
in the borowitz report mon.or tues.there were pics of several people making that 'salute,most notably trump and vance
I saw those too. AWFUL
My Dad fought in Europe in WW2 and got shrapnel in his head from a German potato masher that left scars.
In public and televised.
Same here. One G-father in WW1 injured with a mustard bomb, and one who landed on Normandy beaches in WW2. Both were lucky to come home but wounded, earned their Purple Hearts. I'm so glad they can't see what is happening to the country they fought for.
I truly believe, Donna, if my grandfather were here to see this, it would be the first time I would have ever seen him cry. Your grandfathers were heroes, Donna, and I am sure you are as proud of them as I am of mine! They were true Americans!
Bear in Mind that NO Trump in DJT's Family has Served this Country in Uniform with the exception of Mary Trump's Father who served in the Air Force Reserve... DJT, 'Cadet Bone Spurs', himself has referred to those that Serve in our Military, as 'Suckers & Losers'... DJT's True Loyalty is to $$$...
Apache..." Bone Spurs..."....to the.Drumpf.Family...it's the grift.(sic) that keeps on giving...generation after generation.
John McCaine would weep. God Bless his.honorable.heart.
Children of wealth and fame do not see combat unless they demand it, like Jimmy Stewart and Clark Gable. If Donnie had gone in, he probably would have been sent to Germany, just like Elvis and would have been up to his ears in fraulines. Daddy Fred would have paid for at least half a dozen abortions, but as it was, Fred paid a doctor to misdiagnose his demon spawn with heel spurs.
John McCaine was a True Hero... Read up on his Military Record even before he was Captured... Maybe that is why DJT hated him...
In Vietnam when I was there years ago, they have his prison cell open to visitors and a plane in the area he crashed in. They don't hate him. Dump is probably the most jealous man of our time and he seeks to take down everyone he is jealous of. And I wonder what kind of hold he has on the GOP that they are all so afraid of him.
Beautifully articulated, Peggy!😔
Thank you, Lynn. It sickens me that any American would use that salute! We simply cannot make that normal because it is NOT!
He did that disrespect and disgusting gesture because he is a racist South African by birth and at heart! He’s only using America for the benefits that are being given to him! He’s getting paid billions in taxpayer funded subsidies for his businesses that are largely companies that he never created! Him and his brother came to America with daddy’s money and ripped off smaller companies that were looking for investors to help them expand! He’s a snake that shouldn’t be trusted to do anything in the best interests of America or Americans!
Beverly...birds of a feather grift together....
and they came illegally I read. So did Trump's mother and wife overstay their visas. Crooks of a feather
Sorry, since I know that some have bought his POS cars before he actually exposed himself as a full-fledged, all-in, scumbag FASCIST, or even before he bought out that company.
But that said, I give the one finger salute out of my window to ALL driving his cars, and around here, as cold as it is lately I am getting a frostbitten left hand given how disgustingly prolific his crap is in this area.
Exactly. My Dad was at Omaha Beach. This is NOT what he fought for.
My father and some of his uncles – he had seven – fought in World War II. My father froze his arse off somewhere north of the USSR, and roasted in the Pacific off the coast of Japan fighting off kamikaze, while providing anti-air for the British Pacific Fleet. He knew what he was fighting for, and Musk would have made him sick to his stomach.
I’d like to know where the outrage is amongst the Republicans who witnessed Musk’s vile salute.
That should have caused a stampede of outrage and condemnation. No? It’s just business as usual.
One bipolar fascist gleefully exposing his ugliness is an outrage but the silence of our government representatives who witnessed it is terrifying.
The whole lot of them has shown us who they are. We need to show them who we are. Don’t be silenced. Speak up, speak out.
Exactly. Where is the outrage? That's my question too!! Unfortunately I have asked this question of friends and family who voted tRump and they continue to justify every deplorable action and side step the question. I'm feeling battered and bruised, but I won't be silent. Thank you for your words!
And, to add insult to it all, Nazi salute was at Presidential Inauguration event. What was Musk thinking?? Clearly zero understanding of American institutions. Hope Robert is right, gone in a week. And while we're at it, let's cancel lots of his US government contracts. We've had enough.
On MLK, Jr. Day at that.
What is more deplorable is the number of people, including the ADL and Rabbi's here in lower hudson valley , DEFENDING his Nazi salute ( not sure this link will open https://www.lohud.com/story/news/local/rockland/2025/01/21/elon-musk-salute-westchester-rockland-ny-jewish-community-muted-on-gesture/77847817007/ )
I am dismayed at my fellow Americans ( yet again! ) that besides electing a felon and madman as the president of the USA to represent and lead the nation, but they will find an excuse for a man who has previously shown sympathies for new nazis making the Nazi Salute, as well as find reasons why it was OK for trump to pardon those who tried to overthrow our elections and government and assaulted the police trying to prevent it.
Deplorable is too kind a word for them.
Keep in mind, this was also the salutation of the anti-apartheid crown in South Africa - not any better - just another horde of white supremacists'.
That is a very good point to remember. His South Africa background corresponds to his familial white supremacist/neo-Nazi raising.
Recalling the protest against apartheid that took several forms: entertainers that would not perform in South Africa, in spite of foregoing lots of $$$. The refusal of many to invest in kruggeraands (spelling), the coin of that monstrous realm, that was yielding big profits. Were the moral compasses made of better stuff then? Was there actually something known as morality? Honor? Decency? then.
Contrast to the here and now: entertainers perform on thump's stages or on TV for him; cryptocurrency linked to the most vile, evil world of crimes is a big profit source for thump and his filthy crowd, even pardoning a major "dark money" crypto criminal today.
Nazi salute? White supremacist South Africa salute? All hail to the thief, the evil personified, the liars and criminals, the predators and monsters.
Heil. hail. Hell.
My dad drove a Higgins Boat (troop carrier) to Omaha Beach on D-Day three times. in all three trips, none of the soldiers made it to to the beach. In 1971, I took time off from college and bummed around Europe for almost a year. In honor to my dad, I went to Normandy and visited the cometary overlooking Omaha Beach where the 9,387 Americans that died there were buried. Very solemn trip.
What gets me is many Jewish people voted for Trump because they think it will be better for Israel. I think they are in for a surprise. I hope I’m wrong!
My ex fellow tribal members had better start worrying about what is happening HERE and NOW where THEY currently live, and less about a land where all of the anti-Semites of this planet would LOVE to place every Jew, the better/easier to commit their own 'final solution'.
There were (some wealthy, corporatist, business) Jews in Germany who supported (S)Hitler 1.0 as well, way back before he compulsively started talking genocide against them, and actually carrying out that agenda.
Time to round up our grandfathers and get to work.
In my family we often read/see tales of amazing bravery or human accomplishment, acts that are beyond astounding - and always someone will say, "were people different then?"
Many posters here have cited members of their own families and we have all seen/read/know of the long lines of young men - 18, 19, 20 - leaving school or jobs and VOLUNTEERING to join the "service" to fight, knowing full well that death or terrible injury is a strong possibility. Were people different then?
We have all seen the horrifying images of African-Americans marching, protesting peacefully, being beaten, badly injured, dogs sicced on them to be attacked by animals human and canine, all for the basic human rights born into by those that so many of the African-Americans had raised, fed, cleaned up. Were people different then?
There have ALWAYS been reasons to be afraid when faced with danger! That's what COURAGE is about?
They have been called the Greatest Generation. Were people different then? Wouldn't it be better to say "The Greatest Generation, So Far"??
Thump and his whole vile mob and thug-army are THE WORST of us. Aren't there any of us willing to become part of the new great generation?!
For me, it was just the rotten cherry on top.
Most distressing and disgusting is that the ADL rationalized and downplayed it.
That there is one heluva tell.
Yes, beyond disgraceful; "an awkward gesture". Well, "never forget" has become "we want to forget". And in classic totalitarian style , "you didn't see what you saw ". The State defines truth and reality
Why would the ADL defend this and trash AOC??
Ask the ADL. I suspect it is because Trump and Bibi are Siamese Twins, and Trump has clearly state with his appointments and with words that he stands firmly with Israel.
The ADL is as much an ethnicist as is the ummah, and Christian nationalists, the Oath Keepers and KKK.
But Trump ‘s First buddy admires Hitler and Trump has stated clearly he admires Hitler … is admiring Hitler not inconsistent with supporting Israel??!
Yes, Musk now owns US and Israeli security. He may move, but his technology threatens us with annihilation, and it is here to stay.
iwant to agree with you, but I don' understand your sentence.
How does Musk own US and Israeli security? Because of Starlink and SpaceX.
How does his technology, and the only technology which is his, the Shitter algorithm, threatens US annihilation?
It wasn't my "greatest fear" it's been evident for years that the Republican party is autocratic. It has been also evident that the form of this autocratic party is fascism for at least the last 10yrs
In an active sense it goes back to Nixon only there was no "Fox News" and internet organize a powerful support and propaganda organization. Had that been around then, Nixon would not have had to resign.
I don't think so, Professor. I had no doubt from the moment I read that Vivek Ramaswamy was going to be "working along side" Muskrat, that Vivek would be history as soon as Trump was inaugurated. The idea of Musk working along side anyone is a ridiculous notion. Trump was stroked by a Narcissistic Sociopath richer and more craveneven than himself into Castle Trump and it's going to be very difficult to rid himself of the beast. The one thing that protects Trump from Musk is that Musk has no actual political power. Nonetheless, Musk is going to eat Trump's ego and pride for breakfast as long as he is around.
Musk is in his ultimate fantasy situation and he's to going to give it up.
Well TJ, he DID hold a nazi-esque rally at Madison Square Garden the weekend before the election. And let's not forget the "there are good people on both sides", re: Charlottesville, not to mention countless other examples. It shouldn't be a surprise to anybody.
They absolutely flaunt the symbols and they are using all the propaganda tools. It is truly horrifying that people don't recognize it for what it is.
Michal, I wryly chuckled today when I heard that the policeman's union that supported the convicted felon were shocked, SHOCKED to hear that the felon pardoned the Jan6 insurrectionists.
Are people wearing blinders???
You can't make this stuff up.
Nope, they have their pet project or goal and believe this makes anything Trump might do to others okay--until they realize they are also being tossed into the bonfire of his vanity. Fools.
Tools, fools and the rich and obscenely rich.
I like to believe that about half of us do. I am not really sure why the Americans who voted for Biden didn't come out to vote?????
Pamela, it's an excellent question. I figured the demographic changes between 2016 to 2020 to 2024 -- old folks dying (including a lot of anti-vaccine trumpers), more young people coming of voting age, increased population of people of color, trump fatigue, etc. would have resulted in a massive win for Harris.
But 90 million failed to vote.
Surprise? No just more conformation to what we all suspected anyway.
Who is surprised? Really.
Thank you for this link. Senator Dayna Polehanki is amazing!
Wow! Thank you, I really needed to hear that! 👍
We need more brave people like her to publicly stand up and call out the absurdities! I couldn't think of a better word just now, but I'm so glad I followed the link. Thank you for sharing it.
Trump’s daughter and son-in-law are Jewish. What the hell do they think about Muskrats salute!!!
Felon47 doesn’t mind the seig heil. It trolls the libs and energizes the deplorables. What he hates is that it takes attention away from him.
TJ, and they are not wrong about that salute. Musk would have been one of Hitler's guys, until he tried to be smarter than Hitler, or at least until Hitler noticed what he was doing. Trump won't notice anything else but that Toddler-Musk is getting more attention than he is in the playground. Can't have that!
the salute looked more like a Roman salute.
"Gone" is never gone in that hideous world. Ask Paul Manafort, or Roger Stone, or Steve Bannon.
And how messed up is it that I’m rooting for Bannon right about now? We’re in upside down world.
Yet it is delicious that Trump's lap dog Bannon is sniping at Trump's wannabe puppet master Musk.
Yeah, it's entertaining but not as significant as we would like it to be. There will be endless infighting, jockeying for power etc. It won't change the awful reality of autocracy
That is true, but I'll take what I can get. Anything that causes Trump even the slightest irritation with his minions is fine with me.
(Very slightly) lesser of two abject, scummy evils??
But Mike, there's always a Scaramucci who has become a measure of time.
Doug Gagne, I was just thinking about Scaramoucci.
I wish he takes Felon47 with him
I'm surprised Musk has lasted this long. You will enjoy this gif.
BUT trump has a big weakness for anyone with more power (Putin) or more money (Musk) than him.
Trump is using Musk's cash as the usual "obey or get primaried" that has turned most of the elected Republicans into spineless jellyfish, so much more dedicated to their reelection than, say, constituents or democracy. The NRA did this with a bankroll of under $20 million... Easier to threaten than actually do it. Musk could buy any number of races in 2026.
I also think that Musk ultimately wants to own MAGA, post Trump, and play kingmaker for decades to come. Trump will willingly hand over they keys when Musk buys Truth Social / TMTG sometime in 2029, for way more than it's worth, making Trump a real billionaire again. Only works if Musk and Trump maintain their evil empire together.
Though, if he truly worships Putin, let’s assume all of his oligarch buddies will be in jail within the year…assets seized. This is Armageddon considering the release of the J6 crowd. Nothing would surprise me.
No matter what, he won't be "gone". He'll be somewhere else and just as destructive
My thoughts exactly. The only way Musk will be gone is when he dies.
Get out, Mister Mush! And take that miserable President HatRed with ya!
Just this morning it was announced that Musk was unhappy with his office in building next door and has been reassigned to an office in the WH itself (the West wing). That doesn't sound like he is on his way out.
The sooner Trump is gone is even better
NYT reports that Elno will actually get office space in the WH West Wing, moving his sorry arse even closer to his puppet...it appears that Elno has established a well-defended beachhead here.
Me too.
He won't be gone, that's sure as sure that S Bannon is concedeing to Musk
Absolutely NO trust in Muskolini.
Great moniker! Or should I say "musknikeer"?
I’ve always used the term, trumpolini. 🙂
good one
Let’s hope you’re correct. Trump got his money so time to cut him loose-just like Vivek.
I thought Vivek left due to conflict of interest since he is planning to run for Governor in OH.
Republicans aren’t concerned with conflicts of interest. Vivek left because trump wanted to distance himself from vivek’s comments about how lazy and stupid American workers are. Running for governor just gives him cover, like it was his idea, that he hasn’t been cast aside.
Per reporting in the Guardian it was not a clash with Trump but with Musk that saw him pushed aside.
However it happened, it certainly wasn't his choice. (oh, boo hoo, right?). He was an obnoxious, arrogant little punk when on the campaign trail and in no way capable of surviving the orange circus. One down; who's next?
That's what I read as well on BBC.
whatever the case, good riddance!
Ohio needs to keep their eyes open. Vivek has the money to topple whomever he runs against, and it won't be fair. They need to put someone up who has integrity and courage, and is not afraid of people with money.
Wrong skin tone
And let’s not forget he’s brown.
Although the MAGANAZI faithful do seem to 'accept' southwestern Asians as long as they are zealously, dutifully and devoutly fascist enough, and deify their putrid orange fuehrer-god-savior.
Witness; 'Cash' Patel. ;)
I thought he was out because he wasn’t rich enough. Small potatoes next to the others.
Are you pulling a Trump where you are creating your own narrative on what you think happened?
We don't want him in Ohio!
Yes, we lost our beloved multi-term Senator Sherrod Brown to a friggin' used car salesman who campaigned on the ConOld bandwagon of hate and fear targeting immigrants and transgender people.
It was soooo sad. People once again voting against their own best interests.
Now that they are "getting rid of" immigrants and transgender people, what is he going to run on? They need new villains.
Benten - they've still got us - the "vermin" that dumpster referenced last summer.
"Dumpster"! I love it.
Then, Ohio, you all better get out and vote! Maybe this time folks will realize that every vote absolutely makes a difference! Good luck!
Make a thread. I don’t live in OH. That’s what I read and chose to reiterate it on here rather than do a Trump and make sh*t up as I go along creating one’s own narrative.
I hope you’re right
And Ramaslimey didn’t know that until a day after “insloguration”?? I think not.
Perhaps read about it - you’ll see how it came about and that he had to wait. Luckily, everything doesn’t fall in place for every billionaire.
And conflict with Elame.
No. He's planning to run for Governor of Ohio BECAUSE he got cut loose! (or kicked out -- your choice)
Funny how the major networks don’t mention the “icing out” by Musk. I found it on Politico. I wish they would all just report the same truth.
all the real news these days is on Substack, The Guardian and the BBC. Legacy media has caved, sadly.
Just like they do in fascist countries. Oh yeah, we're becoming a fascist dictatorship. My bad. I forgot.
I only read Robert Reich and Dan Rather on Substack. Else I read NYT, the Economist, and BusinessWeek.
i really like the Economist. Cancelled my NYT subscription, though, for their treatment of Biden, & switched to Meidas Touch News
I jettisoned the NYT after their despicable treatment of Biden throughout his entire term. They used so much loaded language to point out how old Joe Biden was old, and did we mention, old? All while sane-washing Turnip with the rest of the capitulators.
No more NYT for me.
I thought Politico was still a good resource. Then I read something that absolutely blew the socks off of me: there was a gigantic, headline story saying that the orange sadist was THE right choice for America. I thought it was a joke. It wasn't. Never again.
Yes, while they occasionally published things that were actually accurate and well reasoned, they more frequently twisted themselves into pretzels with some "fair and balanced" s*** that was truly appalling. It seemed to be their way of maneuvering to try not to lose the Turnip-bent section of their readership.
A few years ago, they were great. I've found multiple other news sources in recent years so haven't paid any attention. I guess things changed BIG-TIME when Axel Springer took over. Timothy Snyder, in his excellent little book "On Tyranny", wrote that the takeover of the media is an early stage in fascism. Obviously, we're there. (NYT, WaPo, and IMO CNN. Muskrat wants to buy MSNBC. Whoever owns that, I can only pray that if that day comes, they say "Get thee behind me, Satan!!!"
I read Politico articles often for just that reason.
Well . . . the longer that loser stays in Bunkerboy's ALREADY-failed adminstration, the more damage he'll do.
Great idea!
A loose cannon among loose cannons all working for a loose cannon. Did I leave out judge Cannon? Let's include her too. It would be grand if you're correct.
She doesn't deserve to wear those robes. I don't understand why her own "organization" doesn't do something about her but I guess the forces that have gotten control over some scotus "justices" control what happens to her as well. Sickening.
I suspect they don't dare.
Well...she did split with Thrombus and Alito on a couple of things....
Not likely, because.... money! That's what I've thought each time people say Musk will be out. No, Donald Trump will not separate himself from the richest man in the world. Even though I hope you are right, against the odds.
It is interesting to watch. He has mammoth psychological needs for continual adulation and for keeping the limelight solely on himself ... and I think his needs for $$$$ are similar in that the size of his bank account supports his also psychological needs to appear superior - a real WINNER, not a LOSER. Such a conflict for such a tormented soul, also suffering increased dementia. So much for the "stability" of an entire nation...
Until you mentioned dementia I thought you were talking about musk😂
For him the term is "ketamine-addled."
And as stupid as Trump is, he knows that Musk will turn on him the moment he sends him packing.
Meh. I'll believe it when I see it, but if you think anyone in Trump World is put off by a Nazi salute, think again.
Sadly true!
I read a blurb from a far right source that called out the Hitler salute and praised it.
"There are good people on both sides."
This is my thought too.
Maybe he can plant *himself* on Mars.....
Meanwhile, one down & how many more to drain the swamp?
At the very least we have Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde fearlessly speaking truth to power in a clear, concise and compassionate manner.
I've not lost hope - I've not even misplaced it.
Thank you!
Malania was sure making faces as the Reverend spoke.
The alien-demon-thing under the Melania mask was feeling triggered.
well yeah, she thought she was rid of the turd, then putin sent her back in. she should know better than to trust the man who trained her.
M understands English???
I was so proud of her.... and looking them straight in the eye as well. Afraid for her at the same time; I am dying to know what the 4-5 words the orange sinner leaned over & said to vance as she was talking... (UPDATE - If anyone would like to support the bishop, they can send a donation to her diosece: https://edow.org/give/# . . . I just did and it felt SO SATISFYING!!)
SPOT ON, MM!🇱🇷🇱🇷
How DARE he strike this pose of a Nazi salute!
And let's not forget how many Jews were there in attendance not to mention Scump's own daughter (converted) and SIL. Did anyone notice that Elame was standing at the podium that says "President of the United States of America" on it while he was doing it?
I've seen several article written by Jews who are coming down on Mark Zuckerberg. They're really angry that he would bow to DonOLD who is definitely a racist bigot who hangs with Musk an even bigger racist bigot. Don't think shaming Zuckerbeg is going to work tho...he's in too deep and is too afraid of DonOLD. DonOLD is planning on concentration camps to hold those he wants deported. How can Zuckerberg ignore that and forget about those camps in WWII? How will he explain his part in the racist circus to his children when they're old enough to understand?
zook has been in over his head for YEARS.... now trying to swim with the sharks and looks like an idiot doing it. These guys all have so much $$$$$$ they'll never be able to spend it in a lifetime. For the life of me I don't know why they weaken, and so quickly. What if their individual businesses were to fail 100% immediately? They'd suffer NO financial set back. Does it all really depend on the size of their youknowwhats??
Every Jew should be walking away from that POS, after what Elame Muskolini did. Reprehensible.
Want thing money
Tell that to the Anti-Defamation League, they think we need to "extend some grace"
I can't even make myself read that. So sick of the utter lack of push-back from everywhere.
Sorry. All outta grace.
I believe if Musk continues to try to grab headlines and credit for his ideas, the orange one is going to explode. He wants all the glory. Watch and see. Two narcissistic pompous asses competing for attention. Musk is even being attacked by gamers for hiring people to play his games and get him to a top level. Then when he actually plays he does not make the game moves a real gamer would. So he cheats at games with gamers? Who else do we know cheats at everything? They are going to cheat each other until people see it for what it is.
Two scorpions in a bottle
Let’s hope he’s out… and they toss him out of the country too.
Should have been deported years ago!
I hear Guantanamo is nice this time of year...
Yeah no, Musk has 460 billion reasons for trump to keep him around. And let's not forget trump backed musk in his little tiff with the unwashed maga faithful.
Plus musk is just as thin-skinned as trump is, cutting him off would create a whole new level of petty backstabbing.
Keep your enemies closer? Orange clown may no longer be capable of running such a strategy. Not sure muskrat is either - ego stuff gets in his way. But $ has its ways to trump the clown and he kinda knows it. Muskrat's $ can bait the clown into all kinds of traps..we could have thread on that alone! Dinosaurs beating up on each other while the globe cooks.....
This is great, exactly what I was waiting for. By the way, where’s the universal condemnation of Musk’s Nazi salute?
Mike Hammer, there isn't any because about a third of Americans are Nazi sympathizers. Sad but true 😞
Because if it really WAS meant to be the Hitlergruss, he did it incorrectly. It was more like a football player's end-zone arrow-shot pose (straight arm elevated to the side instead of to the front). Who knows what The Great Genius had in mind, if anything other than a way of acting like a juvenile?
If Musk is not out within a week, then we will have absolute proof that TrumpMusk’s cognitive decline is complete. He is not in the habit of letting underlings appear to be shaping his policy or personnel decisions.. Bad combination with ol’ Elon, who never sees himself as an underling and likely thinks that he is TrumpMusk’s brain.
I used to think I would suffer from brain fog for the rest of my life..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/Zv5mfWxYol
Trump has used him for what he needs. And Musk will get mega contracts in the future. Win-win for both. Lose-lose for us. We lose the distraction and attack point.
I hope you are right and that the bromance breakup is imminent.
Well, drumpt is going to keep his 'genius' Elonia around because he is rich and DonOld worships money and those who have it. He cannot replace Elonia.
A split might reveal how Musk got Trump elected. Dangerous for Musk and Trump.
That would be a good can of worms to open!
If I were Musk, I'd hire a food taster and stay away from the top floors of tall buildings.
You must have this place confused with Ru...oh, wait...never mind.
And the back doors of airplanes