Donald Hodgins <silencenotbad@gmail.com>

3:52 AM (0 minutes ago)

The Electoral College--

This conception stands to destroy any idea of a Democracy we hold for this country. To think, a handful of local governments can determine the outcome of a national election is preposterous. The people have a voice and that voice is a reflection of each and every individual vote. The "Electoral College" stands in direct opposition to the American ideal. Gerrymandering, redistricting, and voter suppression are Republican tactics aimed at diminishing the Democratic voice in this country. The only determining factor employed in an election should be the outcome of the popular vote. Give the people back the power to elect the President their ballots have chosen. For too long this antiquated policy of choosing our leader has selected candidates other than who the people have decided upon. People need to get back the voice Trump promised to restore in 2016 and failed so miserably in his attempts, if he tried at all. He is again stating his desire to abolish the Deep State, personally I don't think Trump even understands the concept. We are a Democracy, and the only voice we need to hear is that of the people, not something scraped from the compiled totals of a sick bureaucratic nightmare. Why have the people vote at all if their choices are to be overlooked because of a sick ploy designed to steal an election. Trump will take this country away from us, if given the chance. Let's see who votes for his vision of our new hell.

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Yes, the electoral college is taking away the voice of the people. The popular vote is the answer.

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Margaret - So also is the fact that 2 senators in a state of 4 milllion have the same clout as 2 senators in a state of 40 million. it's simply wrongly undemocratic.

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Yes, my state is under 4 million, at about 3.2 and we have two senators. But Wyoming, North Dakota and South Dakota combined are 2.2 million and have six senators between them. This serves to emphasize what you say, it is wrong and downright undemocratic.

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...and remember to point out to Republican operatives that the inequity cuts both ways: In 2012, Mitt Romney received 900,000 votes in Los Angeles County alone... but all of California's electoral votes went to Obama. If Romney had received 900,000 votes in a less populous state like Wyoming or North Dakota, he would have gotten a handful of electoral votes. That makes no more sense in the 21st century than the 2-senators-per-state system.

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Nobody seems to like the electoral system they live in.Preferential voting here in Australia.Proportional representation in NZ,and first past the post in the UK.

If my team wins the electoral system is perfect,no changes are needed.If my team loses we need changes before the next election.

Pumpkin head takes this to lying extremes.Whatever the electoral system is it will always be wrong if pumpkin head loses. Stolen election,false votes,machines that altered the votes.The really stupid and baseless one.The votes are counted in Italy,then returned to the USA after they have been changed,not a lot of people know that. This is how determined people are to steal elections.

Send me more money to fight for you blah,blah,blah.

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Thank God Obama was on the receiving end of the unbalanced system in this instance! But you are correct about the system that makes no sense. I don't remember, if it was ever explained or not, the reasoning behind the electoral college concept, unless it was initiated in case the voting public was not "educated" in how to vote! How do we eliminate the electoral college?

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With all due respect, that last line was unnecessary.

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Yes, this is a conspiracy to commit election fraud and end democracy. Jack Smith needs to add all of them to his prosecution to demask the continuing fraud in advance of the election so that the actions of the Supreme Court can also be placed into their proper perspective (including Clarence Thomas' refusing to recuse himself despite his wife’s actions.)

This is the end game that Putin masterminded, and it will produce the bloodshed that Trump has promised. We, literally, will be faced with having to arrest and remove them from the House if they follow through, which will only be possible by unmasking the fraud in advance. And this will mean the end of the Pax Americana that has lasted since World War II, as well as civilization, as Putin will put into place Phase II of Putin’s invasion of Europe, and China will take the opportunity to invade Taiwan, and the fight against global climate change will be sabotaged. (Perhaps the good news is that this Summer is slated to be a scorcher that will make the heat waves of the past seem mild, but most people will be unable to connect the dots.)

The survival of the United States, and the world, will all get down to convincing Lachlan Murdoch that the fate not just of democracy but of civilization is in his hands.

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Heather CoxRichardson explain Bill Barr as well as Samuel Alito interpretation of the law in 1986, Theory perfectly today in her writing.

We are in deep shit even more than a deep state if T.Rump & Mega Terrorist get in 2024 for sure. They will definitely cheat to win so maybe we need to cheat too. Register Independent or Republicans and VOTE BLUE.🤔😃

One thing I pretty sure of if Trump get in , it won’t be long before Putin kills him. As for the rest of Mega they’ll sink into their own pile of “QuickShit”

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HCR was excellent today, I agree. I disagree that we can cheat. This is a problem. Then it's not the rule of law and the Constitution anymore and we have aided that demise. I do think people can legitimately register R and vote D.

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Registering Republican and voting blue is an iinteresting concept that leaves me with one question: when ballots are inspected during a final vote count, will those ballots of registered Republicans be disqualified for their blue votes?

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No. Your ballot does not identify you, nor your party. The envelope containing your ballot identifies you and has your signature (biometic proof), but the ballot does not.

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That's where vigilance on the part of honest watchers is necessary

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I hadn't thought of that, but that's a great idea.

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Nothing Putin does surprises me anymore. In the long game that Moscow is playing, disposing of Trump would be just another minor casualty in their plan for world domination. The Murdochs would just find another terrible person to fill their poisoned pages.

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Amen Tweedleee-that was a hair-raising article! That obese POS buying into the subversion is nauseating, an leaves me wondering if he has already secured a position in trump's potential new government. And we will all be rounded up for these posts!

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Why would Putin kill his "useful idiot?

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Incredibly depressing.

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Just go away. Have your tantrum elsewhere.

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We know it, They know it, Everybody knows it. So why can't it be changed?

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The Constitutional effect of the two Senators to a state law is to entrench rural and smaller states having a huge advantage over states that are larger with more urban areas. They will not vote for a change; it won’t happen.

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The move to abolish (side-step in this case) via the states is already in motion and stands at 209 electoral votes going to the candidate winning the popular vote. 18 states and D.C. have enacted the legislation. Let us hope this movement can get to the 270 number!

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The Red states will never vote for it.

The only hope we have is to vote in overwhelming numbers.

The youth, especially women, must vote. This their future.

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There are still enough non-red to make it happen, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Otherwise I totally agree-women and youth need to vote, and in person. Avoid mail-in voting.

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yes.. this is the way.

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I hope this happens - it may as more states trade rural areas for cities but I doubt that it will be soon.

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It takes a constitutional amendment to change it, a

An amendment may be proposed by a two-thirds vote of both Houses of Congress, or, if two-thirds of the States request one, by a convention called for that purpose. The amendment must then be ratified by three-fourths of the State legislatures, or three-fourths of conventions called in each State for ratification.

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You should lose that screen name. Iknow why you chose it, ; "to own the libs". There is one thing that both sides share and that is visceral idiots, including right wing boobs like you.

Me, I stay with the facts, with reality, and the logical consequences of actions and policies, and I am not a centrist, nor leftist, nor rightist.

Just and old fart that tries (I said tries) to use the critical faculties our species is suppose to have, evidence is that said faculties area rare commodity.

I am surrounded by emotional idiots who are either fearful, hateful, venal or greedy or so open minded that the brain is exposed o the air and rots.

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Please do your homework. Such a change cannot be made by one Party. And even if there was BIPARTISAN support in Congress, there would have to be BIPARTISAN support among the great majority of all states.

So who are the "you guys" that could pull this off if they/we wanted?

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With a national popular vote for president, Trump would have had to ask state officials to "find" about 8 MILLION more votes for him, not just a few thousand in one state. And as Hillary Clinton said after 2016, "If Democrats were stealing elections, I'd be your president now." Regardless of any opinions about her, she was right.

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I'm afraid that even with 8 million more popular votes it will never do us any good with the electoral college in place. It was set up like that in a different era when only white men who owned property could vote. The Supreme Court seems to think that this is the way it should be even now. With their mindset we are doomed!

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Oh, honey. You are just showing your own ignorance. Find another blog where people would love your tirades.

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Margaret--Check, check, and check some more, yes.

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Gerrymandering plus electoral college has already spelled disaster for Congress and the SCOTUS. It may soon put the nail in the coffin to fair elections.

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True. But we have to dislodge those in power who cling to tfg. Apparently, there is a network of Christian nationalists leaders - leaders who are prophets. They prophesize events that will happen such Jan 6. Theirfollowerd werec Per the author, their

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Delete last line. The author believes they are.a real threat to our democracy and we should engage their leaders in open dialogue.. There is a spectrum of difference among the leaders who could be persuaded to detach from the more radical hard. right believers and tfg and hid ilk.

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I too, agree that the electoral college is an unnecessary obstacle to our voting rights and should be abolished. However, the one thing that disturbs me is, if this should happen and the election were decided strictly by the numbers of voters, do we even have an accurate headcount of how many MAGA voters are out there compared to those who will vote blue? I would hate to think that Maga voters are so numerous that the election results might, God forbid, end up in their favor.

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No worries on that score, Ilene. The Rs are in the minority to begin with, and not all Rs are MAGAs. Also, most independents skew toward the blue side.

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We are I think 44 electoral votes away from achieving the agreement of the National popular vote compact, with Maine joining about a week ago.

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Jen--Where can we find 11,780 --you know.

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Thanks. You just answered my question. Can we collectively help this group get other states onboard before November?

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I guess I forgot what I wrote, because I have no clue what you mean by "a Civil War" lady. Sorry.

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Can we all push to get those last 44 electoral votes so that the national popular vote wins? There are 1 or 2 organizations working on getting this accomplished, but I forget who they are. Do any of you know?

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I think Common Cause is one of them.

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They may be. I'll have to check. They do good work in any case. Thanks.

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Jen, will this need a consitutional amendment?

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The actual verbiage is on the site, but no, it's an agreement between states, which have sole authority to assign electoral votes. Most are winner take all in each state as you know, with the exception of Nebraska and I think Maine. So candidates only campaign where the voters never can make up their damn minds.

Under the agreement, once enough states ' legislatures have ratified this agreement, its rules kick in, which are that the state will assign its electors to the winner of the national popular vote. Which would make candidates campaign everywhere, and certainly in populous states like New York California Texas and Florida as well as the dumb "swing" states.

We all pretty much know we won't ever get an electoral college removal from the constition; you can't get an amendment through the Senate probably ever again.

But this agreement, had it been in place would have prevented the disastrous presidencies of W and drumpf. It's time.

The map shows we can get there with just 4 more states whose legislatures have passed this in one congressional chamber.

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Jen the Republican legislature of Nebraska, just changed the vote, all electoral votes will go to the winner of the states popular vote. If Nebraks flips over abortion, then they could go to Biden, otherwise Trump.

The Democrats need to play up the abortion issue in every state, big time.

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I thought it hadn't been finalized yet.

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Piece of advice. Stay away from the keyboard when drinking, or more likely high on oxicotin or meth.

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What the fuck are you ranting about? Your out of your fucking mind. Wait, I misspoke, I assumed that you had a mind. Xin loi.

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You just provided an example of my previous comment. Here you resort to emotion to advance your cause and "own the libs""

We know that you and your kind could care less about "babies", born or "unborn", especially after they are born.

Babies are just a tool to use to dominate women, keep them submissive and under male control. Women who have power and control over their own bodies, are a threat to weak males,and there ability to erect and penetrate.

And the women who support the patriarchal misogynistic agenda, are the very type that these weakling need, morons who have no mind of their own, or schemers who think that their bread is buttered by supporting a male, that they don't have to work,.

A fact that pleases no one. The 19th amendment gave women the vote, and it was passed by men. Why would men, practically all of whom were misogynistic patriarchs, give women the vote. , it was brought before the Senate and, after Southern Democrats abandoned a filibuster, 36 Republican senators were joined by 20 Democrats to pass the amendment with 56 yeas, 25 nays, and 14 not voting. The final vote tally was: 20 Democrats Yea. 17 Democrats Nay.

But why? Because the Senators, and those that ratified it believed that it would double the vote of the party that passed it, in other words they believed, and rightly so at that time, they women had no brains and voted as their husband told me.

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As a voter-rich New Yorker, I see the power of the NY voter diminished at every national election at the same time that the power of the average voter in low-population states like North and South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana and others is increased. This is working against democracy and tilting the Electoral College toward right-wing so-called conservatives and against generally more and better educated liberal voters. This anti-democratic imbalance favors wannabe despots like TFG, and that just isn't OK with me, and with citizens in traditionally Democratic or even 'toss-up' states. If you don't have a majority of the votes, then you shouldn't win because the voters prefer someone else.

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Porter--Everyone has but one vote to stand as their selection in any particular election, at the end of the day all the ballots are tabulated, and a winner is determined by whoever received the most votes. No other determining factor need apply. We the People.---

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But as you know Donald, that is not the way at it is. BTW how does it feel sharing your name with Trump?

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William--Donald was my father's name, I was raised as a Bob. The name means great chief, Donald that is, don't know about that, but Bob has served me well all these years. Just ask our mentor, Mr. Reich. As for Trump sharing mine, he should feel special. I don't cheat while playing golf, my bridge skills would leave Donnie Boy shuffling the cards. Sitting across from me for a good game of chess might leave him wondering what he was thinking. Trump can't think, he even has trouble reading a teleprompter.

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Donald (Bob) - I think that you might also like dogs too….

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Anon--What do you mean, I am a dog. 💕Thanks for the "Bob"

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Who the fuck are you talking to. You can't even follow a thread, not a sign of intelligence. This comment wound up in my in box.

And speaking 8th grade morons. Your insult that someone is an 8th grade girl, is puerile, infantile and what is expected of an 8th grader, and best of all it shows what you think of the female gender. a real misogynist, but we know that from your previous comments.

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But it does. Look at the Senate. Porters comment is about states without enough voters to have more than the minimum of a single House representative. Yet they have two senators. Absurd.

We can't take away their statehood. But they get to prevent statehood for DC and Puerto Rico. Considering they were made states to begin with -- hell, they couldn't even come up with two names for the Dakotas-- to balance more slave states, we're still here. Still in a power bs situation.

I think it's time we start considering the Constitution to be what it is: a deeply flawed document that needs desperately to be interpreted in light of current moral standards, not the stupidity of its founding days.

But that means starting over and wow what a nightmare that would be.

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Jen--What the constitution was and is stands as a foundation for other countries who have been held under some jerk's boot for far too long. I agree what we have needs some serious reconsideration with regards to an upgrade. Times will change and we must also if we are to compete on the world's stage.

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It would be a nightmare. We could practically end up with a civil war about whether we are a Christian Nation mandated the Ten Commandments and prayer (Christian only) everywhere.

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About asking Congresspeople to say they’ll certify the election — yes, I want to know who accepts the 2020 count, after all the court cases and reassurances. That should be a given, at this stage. Every person in Congress should have to agree that the 2020 election was certified, and challenges were successfully addressed through recounts AND hearings in our courts, and Biden was the winner. That should be without question.

But, if we’re asking them to commit to certifying the 2024, are we just giving them an opening to make MORE scary predictions? Are we going to specify what assurances we all have that the 2024 counts will be accurate, so they can agree to certification? We DO have a great many assurances … I am not saying the votes will be derelict, but people are already afraid. Can we reassure our electorate that we have checks in place to catch votes by dead people or non-citizens or people voting multiple times? Can we assure our electorate that we HAVE poll watchers who actually CAN see what’s going on? That verification of voter eligibility DOES exist? That the vote IS secure?

If a Congressperson refused to agree to certifying the election before it even happens, can they make a credible case for withholding that promise until they “see” the facts on the ground? [Florida’s count was WRONG, after all, and if the recount were not so intensely impeded, we’d have known it was wrong BEFORE the Supreme Court got a chance to stop it!]

I totally think we need to get anybody in Congress to agree that 2020 was an accurate and fair election, and Joe Biden won.

I worry that asking them to certify 2024 before it happens just gives them a chance to make us MORE scared, not less.

We do need to talk to people about WHY we think our vote tallies are accurate. {When you think about it, Republicans KNOW our vote tallies are accurate, too, but they also know that they never win a majority, which is WHY they need all these schemes to get around the popular vote.}

Still, American voters have had our confidence shaken. That is part of the scheme to take elections out of our hands!

American voters need reassurance that our votes are protected, the counts will be accurate, and we will be able to verify them in court, if challenged — as was done in 2020 —

These reassurances DO exist, though Republicans don’t want us to trust the process.

It is imperative that we help our electorate regain confidence in our elections.

Then we can demand that our elected officials will certify, too.

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Pat--I hear you.

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Urf, I too often wonder if it is not all more arcane and twisted than we can manage — SO many people to keep track of. SO many votes to count.

But this is where we are, and who we are. Our people need to find a modicum of trust in our system, and vote for democracy. When we see it from closer to home, we can see what we trust.

Blue! Through and through.

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Pat--Every society reaches a precipitous, at which point they either progress and move on or they succumb to the elements and simply fade into time. It's very possibly we could have reached ours.

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Eeek, can’t “like” that, but it’s a thought I’ve had often, too, Donald.

We can make it over this precipice, and we can pull ourselves together, or we can plunge like lemmings into the void. {I often marvel that the QAnon people love their lemming motto, “Where we go one, we go all.”}

That’s why we have to try so hard … Our fate has been taking us by the hand and dragging us down the road for a while now. Where are we headed? Are we paying attention? Are we choosing or just dragging along? The Oligarchs want to drag us to Aristocrat Heaven….

Where do we really WANT to go …? Most of us, anyway…?

We’ll see

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Pat--Did you hear the skinny about the Lemmings?

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At least 20 mainstream Republicans have left Congress, and with good luck (I don't believe in luck BTW) most of the vacancies will be filled by Democrats, And if there is a blue wave (because of Dobbs and the now open despicability of the basket of deplorables) the Republicans who survive will get the message, and change their tune and votes.

Quite the ask isn't it.?

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From your keyboard to the ears of the Gods of Luck.

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Matt Seligman and Larry Lessig wrote this book HOW TO STEAL A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. to be a wake up call for Americans. There are still far too many ways for bad actors to subvert the results of a legitimate presidential election.

It’s not too late to defend our elections. Step one is to get informed and spread the word.

That’s why they hope you’ll join them tomorrow night. Tuesday 4/30 at 7PM EST . you can also share the event page with family and friends, and on social media.

Sign up here https://equalcitizens.us/how-to-steal-a-presidential-election/

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Also I think FartManTrump threatened the crap out of Barr. On that CNN interview he was so beaten looking, slummed over no eye contact. It was weird even for him.

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Sure seems like it since that despicable toad Barr said recently he would vote for Trump in November. A lot of what's happening today can be blamed on Barr not doing his job when he was AG and he still continues to be that same spineless, controlled lapdog for that demented criminal.

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Barr is neither spineless or a controlled lapdog. Barr is a trad rad Catholic, a misogynistic patriarch, and Trump is his ticket. Liberals are the enemy of theocrats, everywhere, be they Muslim, Christians, Jews or Hindus, and in the USA Democrats are the enemy, because Democrats are by and large liberal and pose an existential threat to male domination, and serendipitously to white supremacy.

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I'd say we're a threat to Religious Nationalists everywhere.

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Non believers are a threat to believers, even if the non believers are believers in another ideology. For instance Capitalism believers and Communism believers.

The same applies to religion, because religion is an ideology as well, a sectarian ideology, but an ideology known the less.

Islam, where it is dominant, requires conversion to Islam, they make an exception for Peoples of the Book, Christians and Jews in Sunni Islam, includes Zoroastrians in Shia Islam.

There is a catch though, they can practice their religion but only as dhimmi's, that is second class citizens and are required to pay the jizzyah, an onerous poll tax.

Atheists, agnostics, polytheists like Hindus, have no choice other than conversion or losing their heads.

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Fascinating, thanks! I guess I’d better keep my mouth shut to avoid losing my head!

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Even the freaking idiot Bolton won't cross him completely .

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Seems like that’s one description that maybe Trump got right!

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Tweedle--Something isn't right, Barr seems to have done a complete 180 in his position on Trump. Maybe what caused Bannon to succumb to Trumpism has infected Barr.

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Nope Barr hasn't done a 180 on Trump. He jumped the Trump Train in December a couple of weeks before the insurrection. He knew what was a foot, and he didn't want to be caught up in the aftermath, neither did he warn us.

He has enjoyed the lionization by his hated liberal enemies, and has relished wearing a mantle of a constiutionalist, but he has his own agenda

As I posted above

Barr is neither spineless or a controlled lapdog. Barr is a trad rad Catholic, a misogynistic patriarch, and Trump is his ticket. Liberals are the enemy of theocrats, everywhere, be they Muslim, Christians, Jews or Hindus, and in the USA Democrats are the enemy, because Democrats are by and large liberal and pose an existential threat to male domination, and serendipitously to white supremacy.

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William--If Trump jumped ship why degrade Biden the way he did, when it's obvious he was wrong in his assessment.

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I agree that why I think these people are threatened . I

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Tweedle--Something has been threatening people for a long time now, Trump had a mentor in Capone. Hitler was his idol while the tactics of good old Al held a special appeal to our orange friend. You don't get into the Casino business without rubbing elbows with some different types of people.

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I agree that Trump has the goods on every powerful enemy AND friend. His dementia means he didn't gather the dirt himself. But he had plenty of hard core supporters with shovels (and laptops).

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Donald, I know that you know that this country was not founded as a democracy, but as a Republic and a Republic is rule by "wise men" as in Plato's Republic, which means rule by those with a vested interest in the state, and that means those who own property. The Roman Senate was composed of wealthy land owners, and the plebes simply voted for them.

Thus was founded the governing body of the newly minted United States, only landed free men, which at the time included non whites (that didn't last) could vote and as a consquence hold office.

It took at least three amendments, the 15th, 17th and 19th to make us a democracy.

At first not all men could vote and hold office, only those who owned property.

But the various state quickly realized that they could expand their power by enfranchising all free white men, and so it stood until the 15th Amendment.

There were only three state constitutions from 1776 to 1790 — Georgia until 1789, South Carolina, and Virginia — that defined voters as “white.” By 1807, Delaware, Maryland, Ohio, and New Jersey were added to that list.

There were some property owning free blacks, and unless prohibited by law were able to vote in our first elections.

For instance: Under the 1780 Massachusetts constitution African-American men had the right to vote.

Article 9, 1780 Constitution of Massachusetts

All elections ought to be free; and all the inhabitants of this commonwealth, having such qualifications as they shall establish by their frame of government, have an equal right to elect officers, and to be elected, for public employments.

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1 of 780

Regester voters--

Donald Hodgins <silencenotbad@gmail.com>

10:49 PM (0 minutes ago)

CNN just had a new dweeb on their program, this lost soul said we shouldn't encourage new voter registrations because we might be asking Trump supporters to register as well. Really, and this guy is out in public without an escort? If I was asked, I might infer that this opinion was fostered by a Trump loyalist, not a true Democrat. We should encourage everyone to register, the vote is how we keep this country free.

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Well said D Hodgins.

It is a surprise to me that so many politicians are willing to reinforce the lie about the 2020 election. There is a wealth of knowledge and information available that totally contradicts that false narrative. The media regularly disappoints us when it comes to the issue while chasing the buck. Add to that politicians like Sanunu who does a 180 and makes up his own lie that this election is about politics and not about keeping our form of government as we know it. With the current group of republicans pitching curve balls like that and further claiming it is the Biden administration that is destroying our country it is a call to action for we the majority. Many of the “deniers” are up for reelection or are opposing incumbents who know and put out the truth. Our work will put this right. I believe that we will in the coming months set a course for America away from those who would support the jackass for president.

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M J--Sign me up! Well said and might I add, Netanyahu is obviously unstable, and seen as a deterrent to peace as long as he is in charge. And we have Trump to contend with. The world is watching to see how we handle our countries with two crazy men in our respective crow's nests.

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There is a movement afoot to get a commitment from states to allocate their Electoral votes to the person who receives a majority of votes OVERALL in the country … Some states have agreed to that. We’ll see if it helps.

The shenanigans being used to subvert the popular vote are gobsmacking …

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Pat---The simplest and best way to satisfy the needs of the people is to make the popular vote the determining factor in all elections.

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