And the Republicans are letting Trump saturate the key departments with his loyalists. Enough already!! Stop this madness!

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I fear that America is nowhere near the point that MAGA is seeing this as anything other than "Elon uncovering government waste and corruption."

Even though EVERY ONE OF US knows that these outrageous lies about "savings" is almost certainly the main reason they undertook this devastation in the first place:

"To blame EVERYTHING that has ever happened in America, or WILL ever happen, on previous (Democratic) presidents, as we work(as if!) to prevent MAGA from realizing that the GOP signed off on ALL these actions and departments."

(Obviously, Musk just wants money, and that WILL cause a rift with PUTIN, and hopefully sooner than later!)

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tRump is too stupid to figure all of this out for himself. Vlad gave him this playbook and set Melon to watch over him and to wreck havoc on the government. Vlad is still bitter over the breakup of the Soviet Union and wants to restore it and become its Tsar. Destroying the US is all part of his overarching plan. And Donnie will unleash his military disloyal to the Constitution and the Country and use them against protestors to show what a very powerful boy he is.

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Your view is dismal but seems a good bet--sadly.

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Putin ain't quite as dumb as Tangerine Palpatine. Once Napoleon Bonespurs lost the election in 2020 and his coup failed, Vlad figured WTF, I was ready for President Agolf Twitler to ignore my invasion of Ukraine, but now I might as well attack anyway. I've already spent the money.

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"Boy" is the correct term here.

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It's not about savings.

Imagine you fire 100,000 civil servants, each making $100,000 per year, your "savings" are $10 billion per year - a rounding error in a country the size of America.

No, this is about cutting government oversight of Project 2025.

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Very few civil servants make close to $100k a year. Contractors and their businesses make much more. Every time Congress or the president tried to cut the payroll, they wound up paying contractors far more to do the same work--and the contractors weren't nearly as efficient as the former employees.

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But you're making the same point. This isn't about saving money, it's about intimidation.

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Turning workers in private businesses against government workers, un-unionized worker against unionized workers turning the lower classes against the upper middle class, etc., is all part of the billionaire strategy.

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It's about many things, that certainly being among the most critical.

Besides, no matter the amount of money that may eventually be "saved (and at whatever that savings will co$t), it will all go directly into the hands of the 3 people Trump needs most to finance his little Banana Republic (and those equally rich) so why does it even matter? Like before, taxes on middle and lower earners will actually be a bit higher.

To us, the money doesn't matter. To the mythmakers at Fox (if there's even anyone left). it matters very much. That's how they create the history that will keep them all out of prison some day for treason.

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Donald Trump is now more powerful and dangerous than ever, and his power will increase as Project 2025 is implemented. Its authors warned us: the Project will be implemented, peacefully if we let them.

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And don't forget the savings from not having to pay any of those people their Social Security benefits, which would have been necessary if they had stayed in their jobs till age 65, or whenever they could have negotiated their retirements. That could come to a lot more moolah.

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Federal employees do not get social security. They get federal retirement benefits. My husband died will in federal service and I get a small amount each month. Any social security he had was transferred over. I fear for those who have no other resources and depend on this month to survive. But those monsters in charge care not.

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I believe it is about the readying for a military incursion. He is itching to announce martial law

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And invade any country where he remembers he once dropped a penny as a child, and now INSISTS on getting it back.

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Good analogy. Just like yesterday when he was accusing Europe of getting their money back from helping Ukraine. He had to be corrected by Macron, yet he repeated the lie after Macron finished speaking and made a childish gesture. He has been ragging on the point about NATO not paying their fair share since at least the 1980s. He is so tight and it goes right with the poor little persecuted Donnie mentality that he has. Ugh.

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Not just money but POWER.

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This analysis by Reich was long overdue. Many of us knew this was coming before Election Day. What we must to is make it clear to the average person why it matters to their lives. It isn’t obvious why someone who isn’t on the enemy’s list should care who controls Ukraine, who the FBI goes after, what journalists are shut down.

begin by extending our analysis into the future to show how many Germans, Russians, Chinese, Cubans etc died because of their dictators.

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Professor Reich and many, many others began warning us of what tRump would do even before he won in 2016. The checks and balances held, but we saw him trying to dismantle them - and knew he would succeed, if given a chance. We shouted at, and pleaded with the voters who didn't believe us.

They were never going to listen until they got what they were promised. They chose to ignore the overwhelming truth - even when tRump told them himself.

Denial is a very powerful force, it can blind people to reality.

People who never felt like they belonged suddenly were members of a large, loud, and proud club.....MAGA. They are far too deeply invested to give up yet. They may never be able to let it go.

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Yesterday MSNBC fired Joy Reid and Katie Phang, is MSNBC obeying in advance and getting rid of "DEI" hires?

Here is what Keith Olbermann has to say:https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/joy-reid-fired-msnbc-reaction-racism-b2703644.html

“Hmm, Melissa Harris, Perry, Tiffany Cross, Joy Reid, Alex Wagner. Four women – what did they have in common?” Olbermann rhetorically asked. “Well, let’s see, they all had their own shows – solo hosts on MSNBC, and they were all women of color, and they’ve all been fired.” He should add Katie Phang

They are also guilty of enraging the right wing machine.

Jan Pslaki is moving into her slot. Jan is about as Vanilla, safe and uncontroversial, as Ari Melber and Chris Hayes.

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I wish to add that Hegseth's firing of the Judge Advocate General (JAG) Corps is preparatory to his ordering the military to deploy against the citizens.

It is JAG that stood in the way of that order. and with Dan (II love you) Cain as Chairman of JCS, the rest of the JCS will be staffed with boot lickers.

Now all Trump needs is an excuse, and that can be manufactured, to declare a National Emergency and deploy the "Heer", aided by The Stewart Rhodes/Enrique Tarrio, Nick Fuentes led Sturmabeitlung.

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The MAGA constitute a powerful weapon at Trump's disposal., but he will not be able to count on their loyalty forever. They may become a loose cannon once he loses control or leaves office.

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When nearly 4 out of 10 Adults of voting age in this country did not even vote, then that points to a much more profound problem, voter alienation from American politics in general.

Yes, the Democratic Party and the DNC are MIA and the MAGA nuts are taking advantage of this, but we need a systemic change given that our current system alienates so many from our current political process. So this requires a deeper dive into the causes of the failure of our current political system.

Some are telling me “Don’t just trash our Constitution!” But when our old and frail Constitution can be so easily bypassed we would be well advised to come up with something better.

I believe we are headed for an economic crash and a government unable to deal with it. When the Soviet Union crashed, no one had a vision and plan for a better system to replace it and it defaulted to an oligarchy and kleptocracy.

Project 2025 was established over two years ago by the Heritage Foundation with a goal of fundamentally altering the intent of our Constitution and putting maximum power in the hands of the President. Unfortunately their radical diabolical plan has had astounding success. If we wish to get us out of this mess, we will have come up with a more powerful vision for our future.

The Progressive Utilization Theory and Economic Democracy can be our answer to Project 2025. Whatever we come up with, we should begin this daunting task now for the suffering being brought about by Project 2025 and its current Agent Orange figurehead is and will be immense. It took the Heritage Foundation only two years to come up with their plan. We also need a better and brighter vision for America that does not enrich and empower Oligarchs and lead to Kleptocracy.

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Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” I’d offer as a corollary, “Where there is a flawed vision, the people perish.” We live within a flawed collective story that privileges profits over people and planet. What has this brought us? Runaway climate change, unrelenting concentration of wealth, toxification of the environment, deteriorating ecosystems, unsustainable use of resources, erosion of community and family bonds, rising rates of depression, alienation and addictions, and a growing drift toward plutocracy, autocracy and oligarchy. -Ronald Logan-


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Transitions in times of crisis favor extremists. They are perilous times. We have valuable institutions that have served us well over centuries. A wise person would seek to preserve them by cleansing them of corruption, and by defending them from bigots, tribalists, and ideologues.

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Marc, read the Declaration of Independence.

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I agree Keith. Why are we letting this happen? I’m going out on a limb here, but I believe 90% of

Americans don’t want this at all.

DT isn’t just creating a government of people loyal to him, he’s also cutting off every peaceful means of

holding him accountable. He has already broken numerous laws in just the 4-5 weeks he’s been in office. IF we have an election in 2026, as we normally would, it’s going to be rigged. If we have another presidential election, it will be rigged as well. Who in their right mind thinks otherwise?

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Yes - most Americans don't want this but have to be told what is happening - they don't all read substacks and pay attention like we do. That is why the resistance needs a strong leadership to unite us and inform the rest of America about what is happening - a strong commission made up of good spokemen in positions of power that can get national attention and deliver an alternate "state of the union" to the entire nation to alert them to what is to come. Shine a spotlight on the real motives of Trump/Musk that the whole country can see and that can keep us motivated and get others activated.

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Loyalty to Donald J TrumpMusk and ability to do a certain job generally are mutually exclusive. One bright spot in all this madness is that most of the folks that TrumpMusk is elevating are almost entirely without appropriate experience and will make a hash of their portfolios, and immerse the government in a mess so deep that at some point even the reddest of redhats in Congress will fear for their political futures. They all want to be reelected, and even in redhat districts, folks are starting to complain just one month in. This administration is emerging as a shitshow of epic proportions. The midterms are coming, and offer those who disagree with the madness a chance to right the ship of state. Let’s not waste our chance. Call your elected folks and demand action. Call the DNC and tell them you want a strong message and a coherent plan if they want those contributions that they beg for each day. Let’s substantially weaken the administration in 2026, and take it back in 2028. We can do this.

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We need to start calling a coup a coup, and we need to start calling mafia rule mafia rule.

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COUP should be in the largest, boldest print ever seen as the headline of every paper. That it isn’t tells me all I need to know about our media

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Robert Reich has provided the outline for stopping the steal of American democracy by trump-the terrible. And a book - based on actual experience with brutal dick-taters - provides us a proven effective tool-kit: "Blueprint for Revolution: How to use Rice Pudding, Lego Men, and other Non-violent Techniques..." by Popovic and Miller! "Get up - stand up - stand up for your rights - don't give up!" Bob Marley

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As accurate as Robert Reich describes our current situation, this is not NEW news. We’ve known this for years. And yet, here it is, playing out just as we’ve said it would.

So, now what?

Where do we go from here? What do we do?


In anyway you can, #ResistTrump!

Contact your elected officials

Peacefully protest

Contact your elected officials

Commit to boycotts

Contact your elected officials

Write to your local newspaper

Contact your elected officials

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For 8 years now, Trump has been playing with you, the Americans, like a cat plays with a mouse, and no one has been able to stop him or even want to stop him.

And you really think that the Republicans or the Democrats or even « We the People » are able to stop Trump in his madness.

Given your fear and your disorganization to stop Trump, why not ask Putin, the real President of the United States, to stop this madness?

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In Trump‘s quest for power and protection, the element of bribery is the one that should concern us most significantly. The Nazis used bribery extensively in Europe prior to World War II catching in their net not only politicians, but their closest aides as well. They also bribed politicians in the United States up to and during the war. Trump‘s bribery, backed by a Supreme Court that declared that corporations are persons our politics will be soaked in bribery, and now it only will get worse and more extensive, possibly reaching Democratic politicians, as well as corporate executives and prominent media figures. Bribery will become the norm in the United States, reaching down into practically every component of society as in Russia. When this is accomplished, our entire society will be morally corrupt and enslaved.

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When TRUMP LIED in the presence of Macron (and the WORLD), Macron not only corrected Trump’s MAGA-style (no attempt to provide any truth or detail) lie, MACRON CORRECTED HIM, and with far more (accurate) detail.

Typically, Trump said, “You can believe that if you wanna.” Then told the SAME LIE TWICE MORE!

He’s no longer “lying”, he’s “creating truth on the fly”.

Very commendable for the most powerful madman on Earth, right? (No doubt, this is what Trump and his “sickos=sycophants” consider to be A BIG WIN.)

“Donald Trump Dragged After Being ‘Fully Humiliated On The World Stage’

Donald Trump was “humiliated and exposed in a way that no previous president ever could be," said MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell.”


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Of Note: Zelensky, and Macron have Schooled DJT Publicly... This is how You Deal with a Bully... Seems that Resistance to this Putin abetted Regime is Arising... Musk Plays on Putin's Side as Well... Seems that the Feud between Zelensky, and DJT is Personal... It is always personal with DJT... The First Impeachment of DJT was over DJT's attempted extortion of Zelensky to investigate Hunter Biden over his Ukrainian Activites, and to turn-over a fictitious Russian Email Server... A newly elected Zelensky stood his ground, and did not cooperate with a Sham Investigation... "Rejecting the U.S. offer of evacuation, Zelensky replied: “The fight is here. I need ammunition, not a ride.”" .... I can only imagine DJT's answer... Maybe DJT would want to build a Golf Course, and Hotel in Moscow, and have Putin Pay For It... When asked about his opinion of Zelensky, David Petreus relied, "Churchillian"... Zelensky is a Leader, DJT is a Delusional Grifter... The Russians have always been Brutal, and Crude in their Wars, and Enforcement Actions... Putin is now cashing in on his Investment with DJT... 'Foreign Policy' reports that Russia is losing the War with its Economy Collapsing, and its Demographics Collapsing as Well... DJT may yet save Putin by pushing forward a Ceasefire favorable for Russia, and integrating it back into the G-7 with the lifting of the Economic Sanctions... Israel voted against the UN Resolution condemning Russian Aggression? Hmm? ...

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It broke my heart to see Zelenskyy pointing out the truth in Trump's presence, knowing that likely meant that it was Ukraine's "hail mary" play, and that there may be little left to salvage beyond Ukrainians' pride in themselves and their nation.

But with Ukrainian natural resources still in play, perhaps Zelenskyy's courage may yet pay off, and in a significant manner.

I've been curious as to how long it might take for the world to realize that Trump is parroting Putin's every word, and the answer to that is either hopeful, or terrifying:

Apache, I've been curious as to why America isn't seeing terror attacks on almost an HOURLY basis. The only reason I can come up with is that Putin has told "his Taliban" to just wait, that terror beyond what is occuring at the moment simply isn't necessary, and might even detract from Putin's current benevolence(sic) toward Americans.

And Russian media is now saying the quiet part out loud:

"Russian State TV Says It's No 'Coincidence' Trump Is Echoing Putin's Talking Points

This week, Russian media said Trump's shifting stance toward Ukraine is in "total alignment" with the Kremlin."


The only way this makes sense (at least to me) is that Putin feels:

1) That there will never be a time that more Americans will be on Russia's side (specifically because of treasonous Trump), and that:

2) Trump's approval is already dropping, and as such, WAITING to "embrace" MAGA as "friends of Russia" would likely be a mistake.

So Russia says, loudly and to the rooftops, "Trump is OURS, and you Americans will never get him back! He does only what we tell him to do, and he says exactly what we tell him to say."

Of course, to consciously ignorant people, being told what to think and do is practically a gift from the GAWDS!

Thank you for allowing me to rant, Apache. It's always good with my first cup of coffee!

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Don't cry for Zelenskyy until he's ready for you to. Ukraine stands firm.

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Excellent analysis, except for one point: Putin harbors no "benevolence toward Americans", any more than he does toward Russians. He is not a caring person, just a ruthless dictator. He could care less about the fate of us in the U.S. He well knows what our lives would be like under a Tramp regime, just like those of his citizens who dare not raise a voice in protest for fear of the midnight knock at their door.

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Thank you!

BTW, when you see "(sic)", like I typed after the word "benevolence", that basically means "deliberately used improperly".

For example, you may have seen this in articles about Trump's posts...


It means that the word was included as written, even though misspelled. (Unsurprisingly, it seems there is NO ONE willing to correct Trump on this, and he does it pretty frequently.)

I write "benevolence(sic)" to indicate that the word I used is NOT the proper word for the circumstance, but especially to place emphasis on that fact. (It can also be a way to subtly point out sarcasm.)

I'm sorry, Steve. I was reading writers like Homer and Dickens as a small child, and I think I may a bit too much of a language geek for the internet age.

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"Could care less", when surely it should be "could not care less"!

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I think you might be replying to someone else. Never in my life would it have occurred to me to so much as hint at Putin maybe harbouring even the slightest goodwill towards anyone but himself. Not even towards Russia it'self, whcih he professes to love, and whose sons and brothers he's sending to their deaths without a tremor.

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I'm hoping Zelenskyy sees my post as purely being metaphor, and if I ever do actually cry, I'll throw something over the camera so he (hopefully) won't ever know.

If I failed to express my respect for Ukraine in my post, I am truly sorry. There are so many reasons TO support Ukraine, and Putin opposes EVERY ONE of them.

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It's blackmail. Zelensky and Ukraine won't submit to it.

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Blackmail, certainly.

And it's looking increasingly as though Zelenskyy may not survive the experience.

But when there's nothing left for Ukraine (and I mean NOTHING), Zelenskyy won't want to cause even more suffering.

And while that should never happen, my neighbors and relatives have helped this happen. America made this happen. AmericanS made this happen.

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It sure is, but Zelensky made a good move, offering his abdication in exchange foor Nato membership fot Ukraine...

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Zelensky, as said by David Petreaus, is "Churchillian"... Zelensky is a MAN...

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Latest news. New German President Merz said NATO may be dead. He basically said he is not going to cooperate with Trump, etc. He said, "Hope for the best, prepare for the worst."

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tRUMP,s "taliban" can't beat 300million or so humans. There are so many more of US than there are of them.

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But we need leadership of this resistance to form and stand up to shine a light on what is going on so that the Americans who do not read these articles everyday and follow the daily news (remember how many did not vote) know what is going on and how endangered they are. The strong Senators, Governors and AGs, past Presidents and Generals, etc. need to unite us with some leadership now and address the nation in and on every media source outlining what is really happening - expose the plan. Give the resistance some tangible leadership. Do it now - before Trump declares martial law and shuts down the protests and the free press that calls him out.

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Karen Loewenstern : "remember how many did not vote" hard to know when there is no reliable data. There was voter suppression, discarded ' spoiled ' votes, challenged voters purged voters, and hacked tabulators, and no investigation at all. Nothing of substance to "remember"at all.

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We must hound our reps in the House and Senate and demand that he be impeached.

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But I don't know anyone that considers that as a solution.

When we finished fighting, we'd no longer even be living in The United States of America any longer, or any recognizable place. (Especially of foreign enemy soldiers were also brought in to "defend Donald"). And we'd all be living under whatever roof we could hold against daily attack (especially here in the Deep South.)

And Putin and the Billionaires would most likely have everything they wanted.

Of course, that might not be the case. (But I'm close to positive I won't last 3 minutes. They know me.)

But it might go as I describe, and that's likely exactly the way the planning has gone, since Putin is now the BIGGEST part of ANYTHING Trump is involved with.

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We should evaluate how friendly Israel's government really is to the US. I think a good deal less friendly than Bibi professes.

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Humiliation is not effective with these sociopaths ... in fact, they may actually thrive on the additional anger and hatred it wells up in them. Trump is wallowing in his new role as Messiah, with all doing his bidding, no matter how heinous. His minions are, for their own sick reason, bowing to this Zod ..with a full pardon for anything they could possibly do. We are being led into Mount Doom, and no one has The Ring.

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You speak truth, Bob.

But what is also true is that, like most most bullies (as well as many tiny children) they most commonly have ZERO sense of humor. (Trump being an extreme case.)

And that has generally proven quite effective against Trump, as very few things piss him off more than being laughed at.

I don't know if that can be utilized effectively by itself, but it still may end up being worthwhile knowledge about a valuable tool.

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Donald Trump was “humiliated and exposed in a way that no previous president ever could be," said MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell.”

Trump is beyond being humiliated.

Castrated by a four year old, who shushed him then wiped his nose on the resolute desk, (met with silence!), caught being corrected in a lie on the world stage (a shrug), widely distributed toe sucking video (like it never happened). He simply doesn't care because he considers himself (god complex) the "untouchable" Grand Poo-Ba of the global order.

It is Americans who are humiliated by this 'sick' monster on the world stage who cheated and lied his way into the WH - all because he didn't want to rot in prison, where he actually belongs. For trump, the personal humiliations are a small price to pay - he still gets to bully and play golf most of the time.

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Gotta say your imagery is very compelling!

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It's still called lying, though.

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No shit!

I'm still shaking my head in disbelief over "alternative facts".

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Donald Trump is incapable of feeling shame or humility.

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Here’s what we have to do:

We have to mobilize and organize.

I live on the Big Island and back in 2019 they were planning to erect a 30 meter telescope on top of Mauna Kea, the tallest mountain on earth from sea level. It’s so tall we often have snow up there and the skiing is apparently amazing. When the locals and those with Hawaiian ancestry heard about it they said, “Hell no!” and quickly mobilized and organized.

From all over the islands people came to stop this desecration of this sacred mountsin. Soon there was a community of people camping at the base. A literal little town sprang up of campers. Tarp to tarp you’d see little blocks spring up with Hawaiian flags, Save Mauna Kea t shirts for sale, and always lots and lots of protesters every day. To stop the trucks they put lava rocks on the acess road, sometimes huge groups of people would block the road. There was also some damage to the trucks. There were a few arrests. But the movement grew. There were chants and music and ancient hula all telling the story of this glorious sometimes snow capped mountain and the media ran the story most nights. Even some celebrities of Hawaiian descent like Jason Momoa joined the fight and the little community grew.

Everywhere Hawaiian flags flew upside down at homes and on backs of trucks and many artists volunteered to perform and protest. There were court battles won and lost and everyone seemed to be on edge to see what would happen.

Six years later and there IS no 30 meter telescope utop Mauna Kea.

I say this because if we could stop something as big as that on this little island surely we can topple this wannabe dictator.

We have to find the weakest link with the most power which is the corrupt Republican congress. We have to SHAME them.

They know this election was stolen. They know trump and musk are destroying the government. They know all of it is wrong. They know everything trump is doing is illegal and immoral. They know he’s a criminal. They took an oath and they’re turning their backs on their constituents. So we have to shame them. Relentlessly. Thoroughly. Daily.

And I mean SHAME THEM!! Not just emails. We have to find them and wear them out. Constantly, daily, everywhere they go. WE will be their conscience. Protesters calling them out. Lots of them. Set up a community like we did on our island of permanent shamers. Bring celebrities. Find the routes where they come and go to the Capitol and line those streets with protesters. LOUD protesters. Call them out personally. The Lindsey Grahams, the Ted Cruzes. They know trump is a madman. Hell, they hate him too. WE the people have to make them do the right thing. Don’t stop until they remove him because only they have that power.

Now everytime I look up at that glorious mountain as I drive to work each morning, I thank all those protesters for saving it.

We can do it too. Save our country. Let’s mobilize and SHAME some Republicans.

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Agree 100%, Lilly. My only solution to the madness is to NOT rely on elected Dems at this time. They will have to follow us, the grassroots rebellion. The movement will have to be monumental. Anything left of main stream media will not be able to overlook it. Of course, the madman at the top may declare martial law.

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Especially now that he can control the military. Protesting has become much more dangerous. At the very least, we will need gas masks and helmets.

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Paula..I just had that discussion with someone today. Can we actually expect the madman and his goons to "stand down" if the streets are full of protests?

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Perhaps we also need to take just a moment to rest, and enjoy some SCATHING HUMOR!!!

"Jimmy Fallon Taunts Elon Musk With Perfectly Petty Reply To His Demand"


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My dream is to make Kinzinger our leader and for him to do like Zelenskyy and create his own party. Maybe the same one, “Servant Of The People”. Something new and fresh, progressive and above all democratic and free. Dems can be absorbed but I think many conservatives would join too.

Why Kinzinger?

He’s young, energetic, relateable, served the military and especially because it might turn some Republicans. When they’re asked why they support trump it’s always the same answer. They don’t want to wind up like Kinzinger: unemployed.

But if they see their ideal of failure for supporting truth and the Constitution over trumpism thrive and raised up, maybe they’ll jump ship. Trump has them under his thumb. He has dirt on every one of them. I’m sure they’d like to be freed also. And those closeted Republican gays in congress would be able to come out. No one will shame them for their biology anymore.

Anyway. Thoughts?

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I'm ok with the shaming and relentlessly reminding but wonder if (thanks to gerrymandering, and our primary system and 2 party binary elections), they are beyond the reach of shame. Maybe its all about $$$... so might a boycott of all goods/services that support the "powers that be" bring the message home. Hit em where it hurts, in the pocketbook. This will be less likely to trigger the martial law law & order response that might make things worse for those who seek real change. Unfortunately, protests often take a violent turn generating an unintended backlash. Lets all get behind the Economic Blackout Day on Feb 28th so it makes a big impact and keep extending this till the message for change gets delivered. On a personal level, I'm rethinking all commercial transactions to make sure that whomever I exchange my hard earned money is someone that I trust and identify with politically, morally and philosophically. Longer term, we need to start developing alternative financial and lifestyle sources so we become more self-sufficient and less beholden to those who work against our interests, our values and our democracy. I'm suggesting mutual aid societies, cooperatives relative to housing, employment, banking, gardening/food sources, etc.

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YES, YES, and YES ! If the Republican Congress was capable of shame, we wouldn’t be here. They’ve suppressed and gerrymandered away our votes and the only “vote” we have left is our wallet. Consumer spending is over 65% of our GDP so a massive boycott on spending is at this point the largest muscle we have to flex. It’s also essentially zero risk to those who participate. Focus rallying on this rather than on the demonstrably futile exhortations to our representatives in Congress

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February 28th, economic blackout for 24 hours.

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Yes, we will need to make a radical change in the way we live. So what? Nothing is too hard if it means retaining my dignity as a human being. That’s where real freedom lies,

Today i was reminded of Nelson Mandela’s story about walking down muddy streets in a Johannesburg suburb. The sidewalk narrowed and Desmond came face-to-face with a white racist, who said to him, “I never step aside for a gorilla.” Desmond stepped into the mud and smiled. “I do!” He answered. That’s freedom!

We express our dignity and freedom when we deny Project 2025’s plan to rob us, demean and enslave us. As if we can be bought! As if we are so weak and spineless that we would bow to tyranny! As if we would give up our rights and our humanity!

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February 28th, there is an economic blackout for 24 hours. It's purpose is to show that we can hurt them in their pocketbooks.

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Shame will not work with these people. Although I agree with calling them out. They will have to fear the people.

My rep MO_2nd Ann Wagner made derogatory statements about Trump when he first ran. Now she's down at Mar a Lago kissing his derriere like everyone else.

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Dear Prof. Reich -

Yes, Trump wants authoritarian power, but you remain too focused, too obsessed on Trump and the oligarchs and do not look deeply enough at Trump's ultimate source of power that lets him get away with it: his White Christian Nationalist-white supremacist MAGA electoral base.

Trump has 90% approval rating among Republicans. This is what counts to him - the rest he ignores. Without them, Trump is nothing. His base wants him to have this power. And what you consistently miss is that Trump is exactly implementing the White Christian nationalist / white supremacist agenda that these people have been fantasizing about for decades even before the advent of Trump and Musk. The Dems are in trouble because too few in the political punditry grasp this, yourself being one of the foremost of the deniers of what is really going on.

The big question for Democrats is: how do they win against this White Christian nationalist-white supremacy base?

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You are correct about the WCN base being the "base" cult behind Trump, but I do believe Robert Reich is well aware of this. I saw a flag flying yesterday. GO TRUMP! IT'S TIME FOR CIVIL WAR!!!!

Folks, this is the mentality of the masses. We must face the fact that in our communities, our families, our local governments, and people we thought we knew had values and "common good" like we do, don't. This is who we are? God help the USA. What an embarrassment.

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It was "embarrassing" when 1,000,000+ Americans died (often unnecessarily) of Covid. (Well, to everyone not in the GOP it would have been embarrassing. To the GOP it was "Trump's POWER MOVE!", or maybe "Trump's good faith attempt to raise a zombie MAGA army!")

When prison camps are set up for those exercising constitutionally protected free speech, we just may need a new word...

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Jesus would never recognize his teachings in ANY of these so-called "Christians". They actually 'bat for the other team'.

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They are the emperor's team.

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I refuse to call them Christians, they’re treasonous heretics

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okay, but let's not overestimate. Most people do not want civil war. There will always be some who have desires for chaos and death.

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That's true, but it only takes one side to wage war. If they decided to declare war on us (which I believe they already have), we must defend ourselves and our democracy.

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A lot of those Republicans are turning away from Donny, since they see that they are being affected. Many farmers who were for him are now against him. It will swell in the next month, when tariffs make it too expensive to live.

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And THIS won't help Trump much (but will make PUTIN very happy):

"Trump funding freeze includes payments to keep the Colorado River flowing"

" at least $4 billion was set aside to protect the flow of the Colorado River, which supplies about 40 million people with drinking water, is the foundation for a massive agricultural economy across the Southwest, and generates significant hydroelectric power."


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Water as weapon against California perhaps.

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The white Christian Nationalists are organized with billionaires bank rolling this whole shit show. They're the grease in the wheels. We know who they are. They picked Agent Orange. When he drops dead they'll pick another. They're all playing the same game.

Please people, call all the Senators and Representatives. Andra Watkins, on Substack tells us a Senator told her don't bother with emails and letters. They get thrown in the trash. Republicans call their representative 10x more than Democrats do. Give them your zip code. They look to see if your coming from a red or blue district. They listen to the calls. Stay on topic, make it personal. Each person should make 6 calls a day. It's very easy to do. I start with their Washington DC offices. I call my reps and those across the country. Don't be intimidated by these useless asshats. They're fucking cowards. They work for you. Not the other way around. Call the bastards.

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I had a thunk once that I never finalized. Now I hand it off to you, or whoever may have an interest. (This idea was one I took very seriously at the time. This is not a joke. It is a bit off-topic, but if someone can make use of the idea, I'll consider my time and effort well spent.)

It was for a "Raptured Person Agreement". EVERYONE(sic) knows that the rapture could happen any day now. And for Christians to simply vanish would leave many things unsaid and undone.

So, they agree to pay me a monthly fee starting immediately, and continuing UNTIL rapture takes place. (Meaning, subscribers would presume to receive a LOT for very little money that would be useless to them post-rapture anyway.) Then I perform the tasks contracted for. (Why would they trust someone who is not themselves "raptured"? FAITH! Besides, they expect to pay very little, and money will be worthless to them afterward.)

So after the rapture, I go around freeing pets trapped in homes, or delivering elderly persons to their new residences with new families, or in nursing homes. Putting beloved plants outdoors to go back to nature. (Lisa, I don't have a clue what ANY of these people really want.) What I saw as almost certainly being the most common request would be to deliver the mail. I'd guess most of it along the lines of, "I'm RAPTURED, and you're NOT, asshole!" Whatever. Not for me to judge, only to spend their money and mail their letters.

I actually drew up a website, including stock photos. I even "courted" an investor. (A prominent local Christian, no less!) Then I realized it really wasn't for me.

So, whoever, whatever. These people will go for pretty much any crazy shit...

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What the warriors of those fighting spiritual warfare want is order and conformity in a white world. These so-called warriors are an aging population who get their news from James Dobson's Focus of the Family and Fox News. They don't like change. These are the same communities who supported the KKK. They saw them as defenders of the faith. Religion is a grifters paradise. Where in a church the leaders can commint molestations of their parishioners and say 3 Hail Mary's and they're forgiven. It's fucked. Good luck with the Rapture thing.😅😅😂

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Living in the midst of more of them than can possibly be counted, I couldn't agree more.

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I tried to explain white privilege to a few of them. I just got a deer in the headlights look. Christ on a cracker. 🫣

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They feel entitled and have no desire to share their entitlement. You have to approach them from a different angle.

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(NEVER a quiz...):

"“Thoughts and PLAGUES!” Why Do 1/6 Hearing GQP Monsters Pray?"


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I think this may help identify the problem:

"How Trump Twisted DEI to Only Benefit White Christians

Trump’s crusade against “wokeness” is co-opting the language of the civil rights movement to undo its legacy."


By making white Christians in America the VICTIMS, it makes the FBI's job of PROTECTING the resulting "combination of church and state" from anything they might call an "attack" much easier, and punishment of those of us Americans expressing our first amendment rights far greater.

While at the same time, allowing white, racist Christians to perform acts of discriminations (and even violence) against others, and for those violent acts against innocent Americans to be considered "self-defense", a la Kyle Rittenhouse.

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Their rifles testify to their insecurity, envy, and resentment, constantly fed by Fox News, enabled the rise of Trump.

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Drumpf needs this base as an excuse and as a smokescreen. They need to be convinced that Drumpf isn't acting in their interest, and is actually using them. That might happen if he overplays his hand. But it is crazy that they do not see through his con.

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Not true. Reich has recognized the role of white Christian nationalism many times.There are many people and organizations with all sorts of agendas who have foolishly placed their bets on Trump. Most will be disappointed in the end.

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Yes Robert, those people are his base, but here’s what I’ve noticed—he no longer cares about polls & approval. He’s not pulling his punches any more with the exception of Macron. Macron went out of his

way to be charming and polite to Trump, yet still corrected his obvious lies. Bravo to Macron! He has perfected the art of appeasing a tyrant without capitulating!

Nevertheless, Trump went out of his way to nastily crush the Governor of Maine the other day when she more or less defied him. That’s a signal that he doesn’t think he needs to pull his punches anymore, and what that means is, he feels like he doesn’t need to worry about getting votes anymore, and what that means is, he’s not planning to leave office or have another election that isn’t thoroughly rigged in his favor. As president he can do that. He already has all of the power he needs to never leave the Oval office.

He already tried to stay in office by inciting an insurrection when he lost the election in 2020, so

it’s more than reasonable to assume he will try to

stay in power again. His supporters are now busily passing state laws to enhance voter suppression. He’s working on destroying the post office so no

one can vote by mail. He literally no longer needs white Christian supremacists. They will still be his base and will do what he wants, but that’s icing on the cake he has already baked.

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This is a more perceptive viewpoint, i think, Susan.

The 2025ers who are holding trump up like how he turns people against one another, inflaming the desire to tear each others’ throats out. What better arena than religion?

When the greatest damage has been done, without Trump lifting a finger, he indeed will use the typical narcissist discard against his “Christian” base.

What he may be realizing is that Project 2025 is going to quickly discard him when he is no longer useful to them.

Stay calm. Don’t get hooked. Don’t be played by matching their emotional reactions—and MAGA/white “Christian” Nationalist/Evangelicals are 100% emotion. Fighting fire with fire creates a conflagration. Then tump or whoever’s next can call out the military—and the redhat militias. Our job gets riskier then, with a lot more to lose.

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I think that you are right: at this point point his billionaire pals matter more to him than the MAGAs.

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Absolutely! I just released a book detailing all the ways the WCN movement started taking over the GOP, and the damage it caused, starting in the 80s on up to today. Check it out if you're interested: https://www.amazon.com/DUMOND-AFFAIR-Politics-Freed-Killer-ebook/dp/B0DVKQ5DRX?ref_=ast_author_mpb

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Kash Patel is neither white, not Christian. Trump knows where to put his chess pieces.

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Professor Reich: i personally, am a pacifist, BUT is PEACEFUL protest enough, especially when those who oppose any protests are themselves violent? (i'm thinking of the coeur d'alene protest here, which is still bothering me this morning -- how could NO ONE step in to protect that woman who was peacefully protesting?)

i also am completely outraged that the democrats are NO WHERE with a supposed "resistance". they are OUR elected officials, who are supposed to serve the needs of their constituents, of the people, and yet, they are hiding behind closed doors. WTFH?

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When nearly 4 out of 10 Adults of voting age in this country did not even vote, then that points to a much more profound problem, voter alienation from American politics in general.

Yes, the Democratic Party and the DNC are MIA and the MAGA nuts are taking advantage of this, but we need a systemic change given that our current system alienates so many from our current political process. So this requires a deeper dive into the causes of the failure of our current political system.

Some are telling me “Don’t just trash our Constitution!” But friends, When our old and frail Constitution can be so easily bypassed we would be well advised to come up with something better.

I believe we are headed for an economic crash and a government unable to deal with it. Unlike the Soviet Union when it crashed, we need a vision and plan for a better system to motivate us. The worst of the Republicans and ultra wealthy have proven to us that long range goal centered planing such Project 2025 works!

Project 2025 was established over two years ago by the Heritage Foundation with a goal of fundamentally altering the intent of our Constitution and putting maximum power in the hands of the President. So far it has had astounding success. If we wish to get us out of this mess, we will have come up with an equally or better than equal vision for our future.

Friends, The Progressive Utilization Theory and Economic Democracy can be our answer to Project 2025. Whatever we come up with, we should begin this daunting task now for the suffering brought about by Project 2025 and its current Agent Orange figurehead is and will be immense.

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They are doing the legal stuff that we don't have the money to do. They are working against this, but we don't hear or see it. Don't give up, everyone is doing what they can and it is starting to show. DON'T GIVE UP!!!

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i'd like to believe that, but this was the rumour that was being spouted after the election and before the inauguration, too. and nothing came of that, so ... i dunno. this silence is rather freaking me out, actually.

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We might need to do some non-violent direct action, like occupying a building or other relevant site, to demand #DisbandDOGE, #ArrestElon, and #ImpeachTrump!

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believe me, despite being overseas, i am considering travelling half the length of the country to "occupy" the US embassy in protest, although i don't know anyone here who could (or would) accompany me in this protest, so it'd be just lonely little me, not taking up very much space at all -- until i was arrested and locked up. or worse, deported back to nazi-land.

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Thank you for your concern. We need all the help we can get.

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The mess surrounding the E-mails directing employees to describe what they did during the last week they worked is basically stupid. Why not ask the supervisors "How many employees work for you that don't exist." That makes more sense. With Patel and Bongino sitting at the head of the FBI's think tank, Trump's Gestapo is taking shape.

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But I do agree that the responses will be saved and likely used in some way, perhaps in the event they wish to build a case against an individual at some point in the future.

And what the OLD FBI did to civil rights leaders like Dr. King will fail to match what THIS FBI will do to basically the people filling the same vital spots in today's America. And by a magnitude of MANY!

And what happens when Trump actually causes some innocent protester to be "shot on 5th Avenue" by some random MAGA that Trump points at and says, "Shoot that guy! I'll pay your legal bills!"

We know what the Supreme(sic) Court will say...

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All your comments are absolutely right on. Agent Orange sees his supporters as idiots. He's already proven that point. He can just feed them their bigorty and they will bite. Like his supporters who wear t-shirts that say, 'I'd rather be a Russian than a Democrat.' He knows the the trigger words to use. They aren't looking for fraud. They're looking for gaffes and vulnerabilities in the systems to enrich themselves. To hand our private information to Russia, for a price. It's very KGB. It's all a show. He doesn't like governing. He likes ownership.

It's the circle jerk of the most incompetent loyalists to perform his desires to become King of the pile of burning ash. King Shitpants' ego has to be stopped. Because he won't. Next, he'll try to fire elected Democrats in House and Senate. He won't fucking stop.

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Of course he won't stop. The only thing that might stop him from some actions is popular revulsion on a mass scale. He still fears the courts even as he is in noncompliance. He needs to be held in compliance. Not enough stink about this.

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But it sure stinks. What happened to our military, which is charged with the responsibility to " Defend US against all enemies, foriegn and domestic". ? We have both.

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Indeed , but I dread that option.

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'I'd rather be a Russian than a Democrat.'.....


CHEESE WHIZ!!! New to me, and NOT the way I wanted to enjoy my second cup of coffee this morning. (But truth is ALWAYS best, so I thank you, Lisa.)

I'd guess there are entire container-loads of these shirts being shipped from Russia as we speak, to be given free of charge (but NOT OBLIGATION) to anyone willing to abandon their SS check for a Russian pat on the butt.

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Justice Roberts stated that the president enjoys immunity from the courts in his relationship with the attorney general. In other words, it is up to Congress to stop the president if he goes on a shooting spree.

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It's not about the replies actually being sent, even if they MIGHT BE honest and/or accurate.

It's about confusion and CHAOS, and being able to tell the most OUTRAGEOUS lies about the "terrible acts of corruption and waste that we've uncovered", but ALWAYS the result of a previous DEMOCRATIC administration. (They can keep this up, literally, FOREVER by just allowing Musk to go "just a little bit deeper", over and over.)

And I suspect the whole "don't respond" thing from new department and organization heads is just part of the same very deliberate scam, and everyone getting paid more than a pittance is FULLY AWARE it's all just a scam. (After all, most of the "savings" will go to the 3 billionaires that have proven themselves most helpful to TrumPutin, not to lowering the deficit or keeping red-state MAGA from literally starving to death.)

Like the "waste" of $560,000 that Musk claimed was $251,000,000. And the HAMAS CONDOMS. Would the final amount have ended up being $1,000,000,000,000 if no one had finally said something? It certainly jumped from $50M to $100M in a heartbeat...

(And I knew the truth weeks before MUMP claimed to. But of course they knew the truth, having been the ones to CREATE the rapidly evolving lie.)

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Foo==My apologies, old eyes, no sleep, political chaos churning in my mind.

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It's OK..

I admire your passion.

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The condom thing for Hamas is a lie, just like everything else Trump stands for. You being led by a man who couldn't tell the truth if his life depended upon it. Wake up and don't believe what you hear, look things up, you might just find the truth.

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I'm 67, and I've never voted for ANYONE in my life other than Democrats. I've made HUNDREDS of posts here, ALL supportive of Trump NEVER having power in America.

Please reread whatever post convinced you I mean harm towards America, or Americans. And then please read it again.

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Patel is a black dog among a flock of white sheep. He will keep them terrified.

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Go back and reread Project 2025 and Schedule F. Trump did. And now, Robert is correct. Trump is using these plans to confuse and lie while being reinforced by podcasts and troll sites. Hitler's propaganda operation could have only dreamed of having the technology of the internet. Hitler took control over government in 55 days, Trump is actually moving much faster. Trump's next horrific move? He will ignore any court decisions against him and he will use the military to squash any protest and rebellion. Just like his buddy does in Russia. I wonder if Americans will then realize whether voting for Trump because the price of eggs were too high was worth this? This is not a joke. We are in for some serious trouble folks.

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I didn’t know the 55 days bit.

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So let's put a period on the end of the sentence -- Trump is surrounding himself with people who will fire on the crowd when commanded.

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And the Supreme(sic) Court will consider that a valid use of presidential power.

Even if he told someone in a public event to climb on stage and eat a baby...and they did.

(And they'd still be calling Dems the "baby eaters", AND making fun because many of us are vegetarians.)

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An amoral group of savvy political manipulators hired by the Trump private team of oligarch supporters (exemplified by Musk of course) are setting up for a powerful and likely permanent dictatorship to create a vastly wealthy, exploitative crony capitalist enclave in Washington. The levers of power - economic, military, nuclear, political - all will be in the hands of this evil coterie of vastly wealthy despots. Soviet style surveillance, restrictions and intimidation will again be the purveying theme. It will probably functionally resemble Hungary or Singapore. It is not what we want to see happen, but for Western bourgeois white men it will, on a day to day basis, not be that different from life today, but for people of color and the less powerful unwashed masses it will likely be hard going. The lambs seem to be completely oblivious that they are on their way to the slaughter. Needless to say, there are plenty of folks out there who think that my description applies to our current system already. What sort of retribution, persecution incarceration or silencing will reign down upon folks like Mr. Reich or loud-mouthed progressive commenters like me remains to be seen.

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Yes, tyranny aka dictatorship is increasing personal power and wealth through violence. Often we just think of physical violence, but making threats, creating emotional and mental trauma, and neglecting the suffering of others are forms of violence also..

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As well as the threat - or the actual use - of arrest, imprisonment, or even large civil fines.

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Can Dem state governors mobilize their state militias to protect their citizens or can Trump, as Commander in Chief, override them?

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"Posse comitatus" makes that a bit tricky for HONEST leaders...

"Limiting the Military’s Role in Law Enforcement

The Posse Comitatus Act bars the armed forces from serving as civilian police, but loopholes and exceptions undermine its effectiveness."


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Since when has any law kept Trump from doing what he wants to do?

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But it would largely take place in states with Democratic governors, and there has been no shortage of judges willing to take the wind out of Trump's sails over the past couple weeks...even if most restraining acts are only temporary.

And it seems pretty clear Trump's BIG GOAL is to take something to the Supreme Court. (It was meant to be birthright citizenship before the SC first, but perhaps that's being rethought, with so many judges ruling again it, and in language sometimes past condescending.)

Now it may be whatever can be done quickest, considering that even Putin seems to be acting based on Trump's newest, shorter "shelf life" as determined by the most recent polls.

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He will do that if he is allowed to.I think violence is not a great idea though. There are a few crooks who have violated laws, who should be jailed. They should have been kept in jail, too.

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I thought State's rights were real. Only if the Republicans find it useful to them? Wait; where are the Republicans, who used to be strong on defense? Who believed in the rule of law under the Constitution?.who respected the military and supported the police?

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Ha Ha Ha Ha !

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Musk should be required to justify HIS work week. Or lose his subsidies and his position as a defender of our countries ' interests and security. As a buddy of Putin and other monsters can he even get a security clearance? What the hell is he doing as a member of our defense team!!!??? And tRUMP! Is his millions of dollars worth of cheating at golf not waste? His hobnobbing with autocratic murderers serving our country?. He must be impeached!

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Won't happen while both houses are GQP--unless he goes so far even some of them can't stomach him--like maybe nuking San Francisco.

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Does tRUMP have a hotel or casino in 'Frisco?I f he nuked 'Frisco a lot of red states would suffer . CA would be devastated. It is one of three blue states that support red states, since those blue states pay more in taxes, which allow benefits for those in red states.

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Trump can nationalize the state national guards so they are no longer under the governors control, like Ike did at Little Rock AK. I think that is quite possible at some point.

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That's what I feared.

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The national guard have to act lawfully. TRUMP Is an illegitimate, disqualified and disabled "president".

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Yeah, but Trump will appoint JAGs who will tell them that whatever Trump wants is lawful.

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We, the people will know it's all B.S. From there, the worse it gets the more heat the perps will feel. It Will get worse , if things don't get better.

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I read parts of this enormously important column to my husband this morning. (I had some temp creds to cash in because I baked him a chocolate on chocolate bundt cake yesterday). Normally, he does not tolerate listening to things which spike his anxiety, and I've been saying, in a toned down way, just what you laid out this morning for months now. He did not push back this time. He is the son of Scottish emigres, and a naturalized citizen of the US. My family started their journey in this country in Jamestown. Both of us have reasons to suspect autocracies, and we just pledged to each other to fight. Our fight is not like Trump's 'fight fight fight.' It's real, it's based on love of country and our fellow humans, not a performative attempt to shore up a bloated ego and fool the gullible into getting in line behind that.

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I had a TRUMPER IN MY HOUSE yesterday! But it was to (hopefully) help find solutions for my mother’s care. And at least THIS TIME, the TC (trump cultist) was willing to acknowledge that she simply DID NOT KNOW what government programs are currently available, or will ever be again.

But that didn’t keep her from raving about “all the waste Elon has found.” I explained the difference between $251,000,000 (the lie) and $560,000 (the truth), but I suspect that by that point she had forgotten I was even in the room.

(Typically, if a TC does little more than giggle, you are as “made” by them as they are by you. And soon they’ll very likely be getting PAID for reporting this sort of “liberal transgression”.)

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Why is there so little pushback - in the military, in the FBI? There was some pushback in DOJ - from prosecutors ordered to do things contrary to rule of law or ethics - but no general pushback from DOJ lawyers. Why aren’t there large scale retirement threats from top military leaders? We need more revolt in the ranks against this mass purging!

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it might be better for the decent people to publicly pledge to Trump and stay inside the system for now. I reckon some have.

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Steve reed : How can one pledge publicly to tRUMP and be "decent"?

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Bob, you're absolutely right. But what to do about it?

Resistance is growing and organising itself, which is good. The war in Vietnam did not end through political action, but in the streets and on the campus.

But I remember the speech of 6/1 of mr. Trump very well: "fight or you don't have a country any more". He still believes in this wharped picture of reality: he is fighting to save the U.S.

So the use of violence is justified for him. Moreover, he is sent by God, who deflected the bullitt of a killer. And by the electorate.

So, this is his road to the final battle and Endlösung. Think about Dr. King's march of 1963, as a political expression and Trumps military. Shivering...

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The only one that tRUMP wants to save is himself. He talks like HE is America.

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He talks like he is America, indeed, ample proof that he is a traitor to the United States of America.

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I fully expect there to be a declaration of martial law in the near future, which trump will fabricate a reason to justify.

Sorry. But both my brain and my gut tell me that this is what we can expect to happen relatively soon.

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That is my take too.

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Could be soon, Could be a little while longer. But I agree that's the trajectory here.

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