It would seem Christian Nationals are on the defensive stating that Christianity is under attack. Not sure by whom as I dont see it. The propaganda machine is in overdrive to convince them that somehow their faith is being threatened. I heard it last week and over the weekend. How can someone who doesnt walk the path of Jesus (Trump) be …
It would seem Christian Nationals are on the defensive stating that Christianity is under attack. Not sure by whom as I dont see it. The propaganda machine is in overdrive to convince them that somehow their faith is being threatened. I heard it last week and over the weekend. How can someone who doesnt walk the path of Jesus (Trump) be considered doing gods work? Thats a real stretch, unless of course the news they are watching doesnt mention or minimizes his discretions and maximizes his fight for White Christian Nationals. To quote the NY Times on Trumps Waco rally. "Trump gets back to grass roots campaigning" Not Trump endorses the Jan 6th insurection, endorses violence and discrimination against AG Bragg and commemorates Branch Dividian David Koresh a known child sex offender and cult leader. Christian Nationalists for Violence, Discrimination and Child abuse. That pretty much sums it up. The ends do not justify the means.
At his height Jim Jones had 3000 followers. 900 of which committed or were forced to commit suicide. The last election saw 74,000,000 people vote for him. If you take the same Jim Jones numbers that means Trump has 22 million people ready to die for him. Yippee.
Oh yes, I think you might have hit the nail on the head with that one. So many people are gullible and easily led by someone who can put on a good spiel. Trump is a greedy charlatan who craves the limelight. He got heady of the trappings of being President and wants to hang on to the feelings he gets from having such devoted followers. Like he once said he could shoot and kill someone in the middle of 5th Ave and his people would still support him. People in general are loathe to admit they might be wrong.
The Evangelical and conservative christians faiths are feeding these lies to their congregation. The followers are brainwashed or a cult. We are in a religious war.
So many of them think in absolutes, so they see the issue of their way of believing as vs other ways of believing, in a zero sum manner. So their logic is - if you don't believe as I do, you diminish my beliefs. If people who don't believe as I do are given the same rights as I have, then I lose my rights. Not logical, pretty childish, but there it is.
Ive heard before "I will do what I want". When it comes to laws they never apply to the selfish person only to everyone else around them when it benefits them. Dare to apply those same laws to them and you are infringing on their rights. In reality telling them they can't do something. Then the adult tantrum comes out. I'm on board with your thinking. One time I had an abortion discussion with a MAGA friend. His opinion was sacrosanct I couldnt budge him in anyway to see it slightly differently or sympathically. It was like he was arguing a position that was already established law and everyone followed it. Perhaps I was arguing with his echo chamber more than with him.
It would seem Christian Nationals are on the defensive stating that Christianity is under attack. Not sure by whom as I dont see it. The propaganda machine is in overdrive to convince them that somehow their faith is being threatened. I heard it last week and over the weekend. How can someone who doesnt walk the path of Jesus (Trump) be considered doing gods work? Thats a real stretch, unless of course the news they are watching doesnt mention or minimizes his discretions and maximizes his fight for White Christian Nationals. To quote the NY Times on Trumps Waco rally. "Trump gets back to grass roots campaigning" Not Trump endorses the Jan 6th insurection, endorses violence and discrimination against AG Bragg and commemorates Branch Dividian David Koresh a known child sex offender and cult leader. Christian Nationalists for Violence, Discrimination and Child abuse. That pretty much sums it up. The ends do not justify the means.
Can't help thinking,'rump is another Jim Jones of Guyana fame.
At his height Jim Jones had 3000 followers. 900 of which committed or were forced to commit suicide. The last election saw 74,000,000 people vote for him. If you take the same Jim Jones numbers that means Trump has 22 million people ready to die for him. Yippee.
Oh yes, I think you might have hit the nail on the head with that one. So many people are gullible and easily led by someone who can put on a good spiel. Trump is a greedy charlatan who craves the limelight. He got heady of the trappings of being President and wants to hang on to the feelings he gets from having such devoted followers. Like he once said he could shoot and kill someone in the middle of 5th Ave and his people would still support him. People in general are loathe to admit they might be wrong.
The Evangelical and conservative christians faiths are feeding these lies to their congregation. The followers are brainwashed or a cult. We are in a religious war.
A relative of mine is an Elder in an born again faith and what I overheard him talking about. Yeap that is exactly how it is going down.
So many of them think in absolutes, so they see the issue of their way of believing as vs other ways of believing, in a zero sum manner. So their logic is - if you don't believe as I do, you diminish my beliefs. If people who don't believe as I do are given the same rights as I have, then I lose my rights. Not logical, pretty childish, but there it is.
Ive heard before "I will do what I want". When it comes to laws they never apply to the selfish person only to everyone else around them when it benefits them. Dare to apply those same laws to them and you are infringing on their rights. In reality telling them they can't do something. Then the adult tantrum comes out. I'm on board with your thinking. One time I had an abortion discussion with a MAGA friend. His opinion was sacrosanct I couldnt budge him in anyway to see it slightly differently or sympathically. It was like he was arguing a position that was already established law and everyone followed it. Perhaps I was arguing with his echo chamber more than with him.