Neither will work in 'Murica though. 'Muricans cling DESPERATELY to their THOUGHT that The Second Amendment, which exists SOLELY for Militias, ACTUALLY gives us 'Muricans the OBLIGATION to have a gun to kill . . . those different than us??? I really cannot fathom their reasoning, as I DID go to a New York college.
Neither will work in 'Murica though. 'Muricans cling DESPERATELY to their THOUGHT that The Second Amendment, which exists SOLELY for Militias, ACTUALLY gives us 'Muricans the OBLIGATION to have a gun to kill . . . those different than us??? I really cannot fathom their reasoning, as I DID go to a New York college.
Neither will work in 'Murica though. 'Muricans cling DESPERATELY to their THOUGHT that The Second Amendment, which exists SOLELY for Militias, ACTUALLY gives us 'Muricans the OBLIGATION to have a gun to kill . . . those different than us??? I really cannot fathom their reasoning, as I DID go to a New York college.
It makes them feel valid,'cos they know they're not!