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Derek, heck, Republicans don't even really care about the fetus. If they did, pregnant women would have accommodations at work, paid sick leave, their prenatal care covered, etc. Republicans only care about white power and as much money as they can accumulate. Women in public life are just one of the problems they want to get rid of or use to get themselves more money and more power. Force women to be pregnant, don't provide for health care or child care, think rape and incest are OK(as long as it's not done to someone they love), etc. works well for those supposed family loving Republican men, and their women go along so they can bathe in their men's glory. Republicans are so used to lying, dismissing, pretending they are not the problem, and the rest that they are programming themselves and those in their spheres to vote for a letter "R" rather than examine the person with that letter next to their name. Guns are a powerful issue because many Republican men are afflicted with toxic masculinity for which they see AR-15s and other assault weapons as an enhancement, an extra member.

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Ruth-- Be nice, women couldn't get pregnant in the first place without that special member. But you are so right. Pregnancy isn't given the level of basic consideration it needs so badly. The death rate surrounding women under going this special event is exceptionally high in this country, maybe "men" in positions of power should reassess their positions on the subject. After all it's their children the women are giving birth to.

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Some excellent points!!!

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