After the shooting in Uvalde Texas, some of the victims were unrecognizable because of the gunshot wounds to their faces. So what did the Texas state legislature do? They did nothing to ban assault weapons, instead they offered free DNA tests so the next time (and they certainly seemed to think there would be a next time) the parents wou…
After the shooting in Uvalde Texas, some of the victims were unrecognizable because of the gunshot wounds to their faces.
So what did the Texas state legislature do? They did nothing to ban assault weapons, instead they offered free DNA tests so the next time (and they certainly seemed to think there would be a next time) the parents wouldn’t be traumatized by having to identify their unrecognizable children’s bodies.
At the Michigan State shooting, there were at least two students that had survived school shootings in another school. One was from Sandy Hook, and the other from a local high school. Imagine surviving one school shooting only to go through that trauma again. What are the odds of that? Apparently it’s becoming more likely for our younger generations.
I would like to see a nationwide strike where students from grade school through college refuse to go to school until at the very least assault weapons are banned. It might take some time but I think it’s the only way to send the message to lawmakers that our schools are unsafe. Students have every right to go to school without the possibility of being shot and killed. It’s time to make lawmakers see the obvious.
David, I did have vision at one time and never thought guns looked cool, only evil, even when used in war. It is clear the reason for guns is killing, whether animals for hunting or people just because hate is allowed to become so powerful, and an excuse. How do we change the perception of guns as cool, a male enhancement (that women sometimes crave too)? How do we protect our precious children when our representatives are so in love with the idea of guns and the money they will receive from gun manufacturers for loving guns or being willing to claim our Constitution permits anyone at any time to carry around loaded weapons while it supposedly denies women bodily autonomy? They make it up as they go along so the money will continue to roll in and they will have a job for life.
Gerrymandering will make sure the people in their district are set to only see a letter "R" while they are supplied with the right people to hate and blame and have guns to protect themselves from. That is not the way democracy should work
high velocity, low mass and inertia projectile, which equals high mutilation due to tumble of projectile. Such a weapon is also known as a "varmint" rifle since the edibility of the flesh is of no interest.
Hence the frequent need for parents to bring DNA records to identify what is left of their children.
My family has owned firearms in this country since the 17th century, and never needed a rapid-fire weapon to defend its homes or livestock from assailants, although some of them have fought in nearly every war fought here since the mid-1600s. Obsession with assault-style rifles is a symptom of genital insecurity.
BS. During the ban numbers dropped. After the ban, rose.
"We identified five qualifying studies that estimated the effects of state assault weapon bans on different aspects of mass shootings. Gius (2015c) found that these bans significantly reduce mass shooting deaths but have uncertain effects on injuries resulting from mass shootings. Using similar models, however, Gius (2018) found that assault weapon bans resulted in significantly fewer casualties (deaths and nonfatal injuries) from school shootings. Using a data set similar to that used in Gius (2015c), Luca, Malhotra, and Poliquin (2016) found uncertain effects of state assault weapon bans on the annual incidence of mass shootings. Blau, Gorry, and Wade (2016) found that the bans significantly reduced the annual incidence of mass shootings. Webster et al. (2020) found uncertain evidence of state assault weapon bans on mass shooting incidents and fatalities. Considering our assessment of these findings and the relative strengths of these studies, we find inconclusive evidence for the effect of assault weapon bans on mass shootings.
We also identified two studies that examined the effects of high-capacity magazine bans on mass shootings. Webster et al. (2020) found significant or suggestive associations between these state bans and lower rates of mass shooting incidents. Klarevas, Conner, and Hemenway (2019) also found that state-level high-capacity magazine bans were associated with fewer mass shootings and deaths in incidents in which a high-capacity magazine was used, as well as suggestive reductions in all mass shooting incidents and deaths (including those that did not involve a high-capacity magazine). Considering our assessment of these findings and the relative strengths of these studies, we find limited evidence that high-capacity magazine bans reduce mass shootings."
Bill, I like the idea of a strike, but alas, college students are vulnerable since they have to pay for their education, often with loans, and their loans keep accumulating interest whether they are in class or on the picket line. It would be a great thing to see, though!
I thought the same thing this morning,every parent in America should jump up and down and SCREAM,perhaps at least100 million petitions would be effective.
I agree Ruth, and that’s another thing we need to take on, the cost of further education. But first we need to make getting an education safe.
I had a student loan that took me over twenty years to pay off. The same money would have bought a house back then. So I do understand.
College students went on strike all the time to protest the war in the sixties. This is a war. It’s a war on unarmed children. It’s a matter of solidarity, strength in numbers.
This is all a big ask and will take major planning. It’s in the germination stage but please everyone, be thinking on it.
sorry I’m using my phone and cut myself off. This article is a must read.I’m hoping there isn’t a paywall. I’m seriously starting to work out the strike plans. There’s much to be done, anyone have any thoughts? Please if you possibly can check out the WaPo link.
Also, last night I watched "The Movement and the Madman" on "American Experience" on PBS... about the organizing of the 1969 Vietnam Moratorium and how it prevented Nixon from carrying out his plan to nuke Vietnam. It's a graduate class in grassroots organizing. Makes me proud I was there. (Saw a few old comrades in the video!)
A major take-home from the experience was said to be that even though it seemed like nothing was changing in Nixon's policies, but the impact of the movement - even that early - was enormous. The participants never knew that until years later when the full history was revealed.
I highly recommend it, Keep your eye out for it, or look for it on PBS Passport.
Another technique that was crucial to building the early anti-war movement among students (which I was at the time) were the Teach-Ins that proliferated across hundreds of campuses in the late '60s.
Of course, the murders at Kent State and Jackson State did more to galvanize the student movement than anything else. Nowadays, sadly, it seems like it takes a lot more bodies to get politicians' attention.
Nationwide strike- yes. But it needs to be adults and not the kids. If kids strike, the Republican state governments would just use that as an excuse to end all public education. Besides, it shouldn't be the kids responsibility- it is adults who conceived them into a world that uses them as a shooting gallery.
Project: I am sure kids, especially Black kids, will feel perfectly safe and ready to learn while surrounded by armed cops, like Uvalde’s finest, who were afraid to respond when they found out the shooter had an AR-15… just like them.
After the shooting in Uvalde Texas, some of the victims were unrecognizable because of the gunshot wounds to their faces.
So what did the Texas state legislature do? They did nothing to ban assault weapons, instead they offered free DNA tests so the next time (and they certainly seemed to think there would be a next time) the parents wouldn’t be traumatized by having to identify their unrecognizable children’s bodies.
At the Michigan State shooting, there were at least two students that had survived school shootings in another school. One was from Sandy Hook, and the other from a local high school. Imagine surviving one school shooting only to go through that trauma again. What are the odds of that? Apparently it’s becoming more likely for our younger generations.
I would like to see a nationwide strike where students from grade school through college refuse to go to school until at the very least assault weapons are banned. It might take some time but I think it’s the only way to send the message to lawmakers that our schools are unsafe. Students have every right to go to school without the possibility of being shot and killed. It’s time to make lawmakers see the obvious.
These "assault" weapons were manufactured to maim, NOT for self-defense...
Oh, pardon me, but marketed to "look cool!"
David, I did have vision at one time and never thought guns looked cool, only evil, even when used in war. It is clear the reason for guns is killing, whether animals for hunting or people just because hate is allowed to become so powerful, and an excuse. How do we change the perception of guns as cool, a male enhancement (that women sometimes crave too)? How do we protect our precious children when our representatives are so in love with the idea of guns and the money they will receive from gun manufacturers for loving guns or being willing to claim our Constitution permits anyone at any time to carry around loaded weapons while it supposedly denies women bodily autonomy? They make it up as they go along so the money will continue to roll in and they will have a job for life.
Gerrymandering will make sure the people in their district are set to only see a letter "R" while they are supplied with the right people to hate and blame and have guns to protect themselves from. That is not the way democracy should work
Yeah, that Rittenhouse punk really looks cool.
high velocity, low mass and inertia projectile, which equals high mutilation due to tumble of projectile. Such a weapon is also known as a "varmint" rifle since the edibility of the flesh is of no interest.
Hence the frequent need for parents to bring DNA records to identify what is left of their children.
The AR-15 and its clones ARE varmint rifles. The .223 cal. round MUST be banned.
My family has owned firearms in this country since the 17th century, and never needed a rapid-fire weapon to defend its homes or livestock from assailants, although some of them have fought in nearly every war fought here since the mid-1600s. Obsession with assault-style rifles is a symptom of genital insecurity.
Yes. Nothing like a long cylindrical object that propels projectiles at high speed to help with the shooter's insecurity.
Anything with a trigger. End of discussion.
high velocity, high capacity
And semi- or full automatic, or capable of being converted to full automatic, including by "bump stocks" and other gadgets.
Project. We had a ban and it was effective.
" limited and inconclusive."
BS. During the ban numbers dropped. After the ban, rose.
"We identified five qualifying studies that estimated the effects of state assault weapon bans on different aspects of mass shootings. Gius (2015c) found that these bans significantly reduce mass shooting deaths but have uncertain effects on injuries resulting from mass shootings. Using similar models, however, Gius (2018) found that assault weapon bans resulted in significantly fewer casualties (deaths and nonfatal injuries) from school shootings. Using a data set similar to that used in Gius (2015c), Luca, Malhotra, and Poliquin (2016) found uncertain effects of state assault weapon bans on the annual incidence of mass shootings. Blau, Gorry, and Wade (2016) found that the bans significantly reduced the annual incidence of mass shootings. Webster et al. (2020) found uncertain evidence of state assault weapon bans on mass shooting incidents and fatalities. Considering our assessment of these findings and the relative strengths of these studies, we find inconclusive evidence for the effect of assault weapon bans on mass shootings.
We also identified two studies that examined the effects of high-capacity magazine bans on mass shootings. Webster et al. (2020) found significant or suggestive associations between these state bans and lower rates of mass shooting incidents. Klarevas, Conner, and Hemenway (2019) also found that state-level high-capacity magazine bans were associated with fewer mass shootings and deaths in incidents in which a high-capacity magazine was used, as well as suggestive reductions in all mass shooting incidents and deaths (including those that did not involve a high-capacity magazine). Considering our assessment of these findings and the relative strengths of these studies, we find limited evidence that high-capacity magazine bans reduce mass shootings."
The elephant in the room is too damn many guns- mental illness exists all over the world.
A strike. Yes. With parents showing kids how to make signs, walk picket lines and writing to and calling their politicians.
Bill, I like the idea of a strike, but alas, college students are vulnerable since they have to pay for their education, often with loans, and their loans keep accumulating interest whether they are in class or on the picket line. It would be a great thing to see, though!
Good point. But I was actually thinking of a K -12 strike. Parents and kids. Hand in hand. Signs that shout "Enough!".
"Ban Personal WMDs!"
Israel could inspire us...
I thought the same thing this morning,every parent in America should jump up and down and SCREAM,perhaps at least100 million petitions would be effective.
I agree Ruth, and that’s another thing we need to take on, the cost of further education. But first we need to make getting an education safe.
I had a student loan that took me over twenty years to pay off. The same money would have bought a house back then. So I do understand.
College students went on strike all the time to protest the war in the sixties. This is a war. It’s a war on unarmed children. It’s a matter of solidarity, strength in numbers.
This is all a big ask and will take major planning. It’s in the germination stage but please everyone, be thinking on it.
There is an article in todays Washington Post
sorry I’m using my phone and cut myself off. This article is a must read.I’m hoping there isn’t a paywall. I’m seriously starting to work out the strike plans. There’s much to be done, anyone have any thoughts? Please if you possibly can check out the WaPo link.
Susan: The French left has been a master of this for decades.
I see that Daniel Cohn-Bendit is still alive.
Also, last night I watched "The Movement and the Madman" on "American Experience" on PBS... about the organizing of the 1969 Vietnam Moratorium and how it prevented Nixon from carrying out his plan to nuke Vietnam. It's a graduate class in grassroots organizing. Makes me proud I was there. (Saw a few old comrades in the video!)
A major take-home from the experience was said to be that even though it seemed like nothing was changing in Nixon's policies, but the impact of the movement - even that early - was enormous. The participants never knew that until years later when the full history was revealed.
I highly recommend it, Keep your eye out for it, or look for it on PBS Passport.
Another technique that was crucial to building the early anti-war movement among students (which I was at the time) were the Teach-Ins that proliferated across hundreds of campuses in the late '60s.
Of course, the murders at Kent State and Jackson State did more to galvanize the student movement than anything else. Nowadays, sadly, it seems like it takes a lot more bodies to get politicians' attention.
Nationwide strike- yes. But it needs to be adults and not the kids. If kids strike, the Republican state governments would just use that as an excuse to end all public education. Besides, it shouldn't be the kids responsibility- it is adults who conceived them into a world that uses them as a shooting gallery.
Project: I am sure kids, especially Black kids, will feel perfectly safe and ready to learn while surrounded by armed cops, like Uvalde’s finest, who were afraid to respond when they found out the shooter had an AR-15… just like them.
I think that's an excellent idea.