We must unite and stand up to this by showing up to vote and getting everyone we know who agrees to show up to vote-for President, Senator, House Member, Governor, State legislators, council and commission, mayor, school board up and down the ballot. The politicians who refuse to heed our voices about assault and other guns are the same …
We must unite and stand up to this by showing up to vote and getting everyone we know who agrees to show up to vote-for President, Senator, House Member, Governor, State legislators, council and commission, mayor, school board up and down the ballot. The politicians who refuse to heed our voices about assault and other guns are the same ones who vote the way all the other oligarchs tell them to vote. It’s time to get off our butts-stand up and speak up and vote up. If it takes rewriting the 2nd, so be it or all the way down to the gun safety laws, the most anemic for the safety of our childrens and others lives. And while I write, my own DeSantis and his lapdog legislators are passing permitless open and concealed carry of any type of gun, assault rifles notwithstanding. It has passed the FL House and its companion Bill awaits FL Senste approval which is assured and on to the even-more assured DeSantis signature into Law. Are we too lazy to have not fought harder to keep these nut cakes out of office?
I really feel that FL should test out the open carry and all the other horrible gun laws they want to pass in Congress. If none of them get shot at then they can see if it is safe outside of Congress. But moRon deathSatan wants it the other way. He doesn't want guns near him.
Richard, you are so right about getting people out to vote. I have no idea what happened in Florida in the past couple of elections. You all got a legislature that is full of "yes people" who will go along with whatever Little Ronnie tells them to do no matter who is harmed. They are practiced in just not caring. Why they were elected is a mystery, perhaps. Florida also chose a governor who is crazy with and for power, but hates everyone but people who are like him, but I am not sure who they are since he is Italian-American, once a pariah group that became white when the white population was shrinking. I can't help but wonder if the fraud Republicans are whining about is actually being perpetrated in their own red states to make sure those states stay red. No one checked since those were not "swing states" that could be challenged with some possible success to get Baby Donnie elected. Several of those red states dropped out of the program that helps limit election fraud. I am guessing they are planning to make their power permanent in those states and want to send the infection elsewhere. We need to start vaccinating people against Republican hate, lying, disinformation, fraud, fearmongering, and the rest of the anti-American, anti-democratic germs they are trying to spread.
It seems to me like Florida is a practice state for Republican mass media fakery and gerrymandering. There are too many Democrats in that state for me to explain the votes that Desantis gets, unless of course the media stream is misinformstion central. Its a model for what Republicans would like to bring to the rest of the country. It seemed to me Texas had a good Democrat fighting the governor their and he still lost. I dont see this as not good enough Democrats. Its voter intimidation (see Biden bus attack in Teaxs) and Voter suppression in Florida (see DeSantis willy nilly "voter fraud" arrests and fear mongering. Coming to a nation near you.
I just can't understand how Republicans get away with their bullying, intimidation, fraud, naming things exactly opposite of the intent, constant lying, blaming, working to take away people's rights, and so much more. I honestly don't know how we stop it and keep the disease from spreading to other states. Republicans clearly have the money for the spread, and alas, the common folks who are swamped with work, kids, family responsibilities, and so much more will go with the lies if packaged neatly with just the right amount of their ingredients: fear, hatred of certain folks, blaming, cheating, pretending, conspiracy theorizing, insulting, pseudo-Christianity and picked over scriptures,along with other ingredients as needed. Truth, information, facts, caring, kindness, concern, human rights, don't seem to be strong enough to stand against the Republican brew and they have the money to sell their garbage far more effectively than we the people who actually care do. Because of that, we will all suffer, the rich white ones somewhat later and perhaps less, but the suffering will come to their children and grandchildren too. How is it they don't know it?
We must unite and stand up to this by showing up to vote and getting everyone we know who agrees to show up to vote-for President, Senator, House Member, Governor, State legislators, council and commission, mayor, school board up and down the ballot. The politicians who refuse to heed our voices about assault and other guns are the same ones who vote the way all the other oligarchs tell them to vote. It’s time to get off our butts-stand up and speak up and vote up. If it takes rewriting the 2nd, so be it or all the way down to the gun safety laws, the most anemic for the safety of our childrens and others lives. And while I write, my own DeSantis and his lapdog legislators are passing permitless open and concealed carry of any type of gun, assault rifles notwithstanding. It has passed the FL House and its companion Bill awaits FL Senste approval which is assured and on to the even-more assured DeSantis signature into Law. Are we too lazy to have not fought harder to keep these nut cakes out of office?
We get the government we deserve. Simple.
Legislation like Floridas is Pro Death.
I really feel that FL should test out the open carry and all the other horrible gun laws they want to pass in Congress. If none of them get shot at then they can see if it is safe outside of Congress. But moRon deathSatan wants it the other way. He doesn't want guns near him.
Richard, you are so right about getting people out to vote. I have no idea what happened in Florida in the past couple of elections. You all got a legislature that is full of "yes people" who will go along with whatever Little Ronnie tells them to do no matter who is harmed. They are practiced in just not caring. Why they were elected is a mystery, perhaps. Florida also chose a governor who is crazy with and for power, but hates everyone but people who are like him, but I am not sure who they are since he is Italian-American, once a pariah group that became white when the white population was shrinking. I can't help but wonder if the fraud Republicans are whining about is actually being perpetrated in their own red states to make sure those states stay red. No one checked since those were not "swing states" that could be challenged with some possible success to get Baby Donnie elected. Several of those red states dropped out of the program that helps limit election fraud. I am guessing they are planning to make their power permanent in those states and want to send the infection elsewhere. We need to start vaccinating people against Republican hate, lying, disinformation, fraud, fearmongering, and the rest of the anti-American, anti-democratic germs they are trying to spread.
It seems to me like Florida is a practice state for Republican mass media fakery and gerrymandering. There are too many Democrats in that state for me to explain the votes that Desantis gets, unless of course the media stream is misinformstion central. Its a model for what Republicans would like to bring to the rest of the country. It seemed to me Texas had a good Democrat fighting the governor their and he still lost. I dont see this as not good enough Democrats. Its voter intimidation (see Biden bus attack in Teaxs) and Voter suppression in Florida (see DeSantis willy nilly "voter fraud" arrests and fear mongering. Coming to a nation near you.
I just can't understand how Republicans get away with their bullying, intimidation, fraud, naming things exactly opposite of the intent, constant lying, blaming, working to take away people's rights, and so much more. I honestly don't know how we stop it and keep the disease from spreading to other states. Republicans clearly have the money for the spread, and alas, the common folks who are swamped with work, kids, family responsibilities, and so much more will go with the lies if packaged neatly with just the right amount of their ingredients: fear, hatred of certain folks, blaming, cheating, pretending, conspiracy theorizing, insulting, pseudo-Christianity and picked over scriptures,along with other ingredients as needed. Truth, information, facts, caring, kindness, concern, human rights, don't seem to be strong enough to stand against the Republican brew and they have the money to sell their garbage far more effectively than we the people who actually care do. Because of that, we will all suffer, the rich white ones somewhat later and perhaps less, but the suffering will come to their children and grandchildren too. How is it they don't know it?
DeStinkis cheated and got away with it.
Ruth: What happened? FL Dems had exceptionally weak candidates, including one who was a retread ex-Repooplickin.