Inflation was at 9% when he started raising rates. It’s still at 3.5%. Unemployment is at 50 year lows. If you close the border right before the summer starts, unemployment goes down further, inflation spikes, and Powell either raises rates again or inflation punishes everyone. Lowering rates now is rockstar stupid. Which explains why yo…
Inflation was at 9% when he started raising rates. It’s still at 3.5%. Unemployment is at 50 year lows. If you close the border right before the summer starts, unemployment goes down further, inflation spikes, and Powell either raises rates again or inflation punishes everyone. Lowering rates now is rockstar stupid. Which explains why you would endorse such a course of action. But Robert Reich knows better and it really pisses me off. The economy should be his wheel house. Volker raised rates to almost 20% in the early 80s because they fidle fucked around trying to keep rates low when inflation started getting out of hand. If you and Reich ran the fed we would be Venezuela by Christmas
What is this shit? If you close the border before summer starts, inflation goes down.
Another bullshitter please stand up.
Summer is after crops are planted and before they are harvested. Summer has nothing to do with inflation.
And crops have nothing to do with unemployment as lazy, spoiled Americans want nothing to do with harvesting veggies and fruits, it is back breaking, low pay work, and where you can't find South American migrants, you find kids picking strawberries, raspberries, flowers. The summer school break is a leftoevr from our agrarian past, when schools closed so the children could help on the farm, picking produce and fruit before it rotted on the vine., now Americans are too lazy and spoiled, too rich,andkids would rather flip burgrs than work in the fields.
If you tighten the labor market by closing the border inflation goes up. Close your eyes real tight. Even a mouth breather like you can get a handle on this concept. Be that as it may, using Powell as the whipping boy for 40 plus years of shit economic policy is disingenuous. Powell can buy securities, raise or lower interest rates, print money. After that his tool box is pretty much starring at BLS information. It’s up to congress and which ever president is in the White House to deal with monopolies, taxes, budgets, and yes even bank reform like Glass Steagal you pompous blowhard. Wanna tell the class you were wrong about the Steele Dossier? Like a big boy?
I was worried that you were going to need a safe place tough guy. You see how supply and demand and the border closing work ? Everyone reading this sees that you have no credibility. Since you can’t connect the dots between the supply of labor and inflation. I think you do now that I rubbed your nose in it, but it’s easier to call me names than concede your error. Did you read the article that I sent you? Want to apologize?
Don’t worry billy, you don’t have to respond to me. I’m merely going to share my thoughts about your posts every chance I get in the most Russian bot way possible. Because I hate mouthy bullies that can’t admit when they’re wrong or debate in an adult manner. Even when you’re not talking to me, you can be a somewhat abrasive cunt. Think of me like Santa Claus. I will be watching and pasting that article to my response to your posts. You’re going to learn a valuable lesson. Also, I think you should apologize for calling me a troll every time I dumbfuck you. Make an argument. That’s not too much to ask is it? Or seriously ignore me. But I don’t know if you can. And that amuses me
Did you want to concede that the Steele Dossier was complete crap? And that your condescending dickhead attitude made you look ridiculous? And you were sort of rude while also being totally full of shit? We all make mistakes. Not as frequently as you, obviously. I can post that link in response to everything you post if you’d like . You could call me a bot again. Because clearly, if I am a bot, I’m infinitely smarter than you. And that has to be awkward for someone as arrogant and simple as you. Or did you run away and hide already?
Nope not conceding the SteeleDossier is complete crap.
The only person you are impressing is yourself and other Trumpian trolls.
Trying out for a job on Fox are you?
Don't pat yourself on the back chucky boy., your wasting your time here, you will not find friends or converts, but you aren't looking for either are you, just disrupt and deflect.
But thanks for validating me as a threat. The anxiety and angst you emit are palpable.
Inflation was at 9% when he started raising rates. It’s still at 3.5%. Unemployment is at 50 year lows. If you close the border right before the summer starts, unemployment goes down further, inflation spikes, and Powell either raises rates again or inflation punishes everyone. Lowering rates now is rockstar stupid. Which explains why you would endorse such a course of action. But Robert Reich knows better and it really pisses me off. The economy should be his wheel house. Volker raised rates to almost 20% in the early 80s because they fidle fucked around trying to keep rates low when inflation started getting out of hand. If you and Reich ran the fed we would be Venezuela by Christmas
Good news boomers. CD rates are smokin.
What is this shit? If you close the border before summer starts, inflation goes down.
Another bullshitter please stand up.
Summer is after crops are planted and before they are harvested. Summer has nothing to do with inflation.
And crops have nothing to do with unemployment as lazy, spoiled Americans want nothing to do with harvesting veggies and fruits, it is back breaking, low pay work, and where you can't find South American migrants, you find kids picking strawberries, raspberries, flowers. The summer school break is a leftoevr from our agrarian past, when schools closed so the children could help on the farm, picking produce and fruit before it rotted on the vine., now Americans are too lazy and spoiled, too rich,andkids would rather flip burgrs than work in the fields.
If you tighten the labor market by closing the border inflation goes up. Close your eyes real tight. Even a mouth breather like you can get a handle on this concept. Be that as it may, using Powell as the whipping boy for 40 plus years of shit economic policy is disingenuous. Powell can buy securities, raise or lower interest rates, print money. After that his tool box is pretty much starring at BLS information. It’s up to congress and which ever president is in the White House to deal with monopolies, taxes, budgets, and yes even bank reform like Glass Steagal you pompous blowhard. Wanna tell the class you were wrong about the Steele Dossier? Like a big boy?
Chucky boy. The only mouth breathers around these parts are phuckwits like you.
It is a waste to discuss econ and finance with an ignoramus such as you
I was worried that you were going to need a safe place tough guy. You see how supply and demand and the border closing work ? Everyone reading this sees that you have no credibility. Since you can’t connect the dots between the supply of labor and inflation. I think you do now that I rubbed your nose in it, but it’s easier to call me names than concede your error. Did you read the article that I sent you? Want to apologize?
Meathead, You have an overblown image of self importance.
You actually reveal a weakness, by projecting. I really don't give a shit what you or anyone else thinks, but you do.
What is there to argue with. Waste my time quibbling with a child?
Don’t worry billy, you don’t have to respond to me. I’m merely going to share my thoughts about your posts every chance I get in the most Russian bot way possible. Because I hate mouthy bullies that can’t admit when they’re wrong or debate in an adult manner. Even when you’re not talking to me, you can be a somewhat abrasive cunt. Think of me like Santa Claus. I will be watching and pasting that article to my response to your posts. You’re going to learn a valuable lesson. Also, I think you should apologize for calling me a troll every time I dumbfuck you. Make an argument. That’s not too much to ask is it? Or seriously ignore me. But I don’t know if you can. And that amuses me
Share your thoughts Chucky boy, no one is listening. You are howling at the moon, you have been exposed.
But I am flattered, you do perceive me as a major threat don't you, that is why you spend so much time on me and have made me a priority.
You and who you work for, have to neutralize threats. So blast away.
As FDR said, I welcome your hatred. I have better things to do than chase down your snipes.
Did you want to concede that the Steele Dossier was complete crap? And that your condescending dickhead attitude made you look ridiculous? And you were sort of rude while also being totally full of shit? We all make mistakes. Not as frequently as you, obviously. I can post that link in response to everything you post if you’d like . You could call me a bot again. Because clearly, if I am a bot, I’m infinitely smarter than you. And that has to be awkward for someone as arrogant and simple as you. Or did you run away and hide already?
Nope not conceding the SteeleDossier is complete crap.
The only person you are impressing is yourself and other Trumpian trolls.
Trying out for a job on Fox are you?
Don't pat yourself on the back chucky boy., your wasting your time here, you will not find friends or converts, but you aren't looking for either are you, just disrupt and deflect.
But thanks for validating me as a threat. The anxiety and angst you emit are palpable.
You are indeed insecure.
That’s probably it.😘
Glad that you admit it. A positive sign of maturation..