Just imagine! right there in the Capital Rotunda at his

second inauguration, Donald Trump demonstrated

his ignorance of the US Constitution, which he

had just sworn to defend an protect. President Trump

issued several Executive Orders, including one denying

“birth-right” US citizenship to all children born in the

United States of parents who are aliens. Clearly,

Donald never bothered to read the BILL of RIGHTS.

Section 1. of the14th Amendment reads:

“All persons born in the United States, and subject to

the Jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the Unites States.”

No President nor the Congress may change a single word in the

CONSTITUTION. It takes an AMENDMENT to do that.

Trump should have known better!

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What has unfolded is akin to opening the gates of hell and unleashing every malevolent force, selfish intention, and mindless enabler onto a nation that once held a glimmer of hope for the rest of the world.

This is, without question, one of the most disgraceful, horrifying, and monumentally shameful moments in history. The rise of a criminal sociopath to power, enabled by a mass of individuals seemingly devoid of understanding or critical thought, marks the absolute nadir of decency and reason in a country that once aspired to uphold these values.

The situation is not only embarrassing but also profoundly dangerous. The thoughtless decisions of those who support such leadership will inevitably lead to catastrophic consequences—not just for them but for everyone who must endure the fallout. It’s a bleak day, one that underscores the dire consequences of ignorance and the abandonment of principle. While it may be wishful thinking, one can only hope that such recklessness ultimately consumes itself and spares the rest of us from the worst of its destruction.

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Michael: What you said needed saying and you said it so well, Here in the UK we need to hear your comments from the USA. Too many of our politicians are eager to appease the convicted criminal and rapist who pardons himself and his friends for their serious crimes. And how much more serious can you get than violently attempt to overthrow the USA constitution. There are thousands in prison - where Trump should rightly be - for much less. How can justice be administered in the USA in the context of a criminal president.

The mentally unstable Trump seems to have a fading grasp of reality. His paranoid delusions are replacing what is real and leading him to think he is a political genius. His supporters, a sad bunch indeed, will be able to watch him depriving them of basic needs while pouring money and privileges on the existing billionaires.

That a group of criminals, thugs and scoundrels should be placed in power must have very serious consequences for the USA. The wrecking of the environment for one.

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I am also from the UK and agree with Michael and Denis. It is heart-breaking to see the USA's 'great experiment' beginning to fail. I fear that the UK is not far behind. 'Banana Republic' does not begin to describe what the USA is likely to become within a few short months of being 'ruled' by a criminal demagogue who is surrounded by spineless puppets. The world of 'Western democracies' has gone into reverse.

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The history of corpora ions and social responsibility

Corporations are chartered by the states, each state has it's own charter laws

Until the late 19th century each state had a death penalty in their charter laws. Usually 50 years, and to renew the charter the corporation had to prove it was operating in the public interest.

John Davidson Rockefeller who said "Competition is a sin", advertised that the state which produced the most favorable charter for corporations, would receive the headquarters of Standard Oil. Most state politicians were afraid of pushback from the voters, but New Jersey, always corruptible, won the war and Rockie moved and incorporated Standard Oil of NJ.

Delaware saw what NJ had done and came up with an even better, for the corporation, charter and as a consequence it is now home to over 600 corporations, especially, insurance, and finance, and as a result Biden was called, the Senator from Wall Street.

As regards social responsibility. That was killed in 1919 when the Michigan Supreme Court ruled

.Michigan Supreme Court held that Henry Ford had to operate the Ford Motor Company in the interests of its shareholders https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dodge_v._Ford_Motor_Co.

That is not a ruling by a Federal Court, but it was enough for corporations and Milton Friedmen of the Chicago School of Economics, and the Koch Foundation which finances the Foundation for Economic Educatiob(appropriately - FEE for feudal)

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Jan 23Edited
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And now it appears you suffer from an obsession to spam everybody for the rest of your life.

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I agree with you and the previous comments. Let's hope we are all wrong (fat chance)!

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Why did so many people vote for him? Perhaps it was those who don't read much, have little involvement in politics, earn much and resent those who do. Perhaps unemployed. Trump offers revenge and he talks much about that. It is the kind of mindless revenge that says or at least implies, "vote for me and I will smash the system and make them suffer". Immigrants being favourite targets.

There are massive problems that never get mentioned. A current one, and growing is obesity here in the USA and the UK. 42% of the population in the USA and more than 3 million in the UK.

I only speculate and may be way off the mark However, Trumps plans invite consideration about why they are popular. His idea of democracy appears to be: if I lose an election then I have been cheated. If I win than all was perfectly fair. He then promises with no delay to be a dictator.

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Why did so many people vote for him? Because Fox News. Because propaganda. They did not consume media that told them otherwise.

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He won the swing states by as sliver. Without our stupid winner- takes- all custom we would not have swing states. That is not a US law. It not in the constitution. It is nothing but a custom. Two states don't do that.

Winner takes all sets us up for all but the swing states having voters who don't matter at all! As long as those voters who do vote do about the same as usual, all of the electors for the state go with the majority. The majority counts, the minority has no say.

To understand, imagine a tug-of-war. One side pulls to the left. The other side pulls to the right. If after a one contest, the left wins, it decides alone that on the next contest, the right side has to have 1 less people pulling - that is the kind of system we employ.

It makes more sense to have the delegates split up proportional to how the population of the state voted, not winner take all.

On a different note, which group to blame for Trumps win?

The argument goes that Trump won because his base is composed of people who lost their jobs to corporations moving work to China. But the republicans are the ones who support corporations. So that is not mentioned much. Instead we get illegal immigration and the economy. Immigration is a valid point, but Biden did well on the economy.

The real issue is who should know better than to elect a racist, conman, felon, hate monger? I blame the Evangelicals! 30 million, of which 24 million voted for Trump! They should know better. I imagine that abortion was their justification based of 'faith'. Or maybe they are all like Trump?

On the other hand, there is the billions of dollars donated by the billionaires.

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People voted for Trump because the culture war, misogyny, racism, homophobia is more important than their economic well being. Thus that voted for him are well off, for the moment, that is going to change shortly though.

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imo, denis, it's not "Why did so many vote for him," it's why did so many not vote at all, including 7M who voted in 2020.

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What if Trump’s victory was simply due to a new elite that ousted the existing elite from power? At least that’s what Arjun Appadurai, professor emeritus of media, culture and communication at New York University, argues in a French-language article published in the newspaper La Presse on November 15. — https://bit.ly/3B2FCde — (translation available via your browser).

In this article, Professor Arjun Appadurai challenges the analysis that Trump’s victory on November 5, like that of 2016, was the result of ordinary Americans revolting against the elites. What happened, he argues, is that a new elite ousted from power the elite it despises and that had occupied the White House for four years.

The professor mentions that presenting Trumpism as an anti-elite movement is “part of Trump’s propaganda.” And the central message of that propaganda is: We’re going to help you fight the elites who betrayed you. What they don’t say is: We are now the elites who will betray you as well, but we’ll do it in our own way.

The professor’s thesis provides an argument that helps us understand why the working class voted for Trump, and why Vice President Harris, who had a very interesting offer for the working class, did not win the election. Could she have been held back by the elites of her own party, who disagreed with her overly “socialist” program, like Bernie Sanders, the evil “socialist” in 2020?

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To stand up against Trump or any bully, you must be willing to risk all. The question is what am I willing to loose, my values , integrity, money , job? As counties I believe Canada, England , Mexico , Panama , all of Europe, Australia etc should stand together.

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To put it in the immortal words of FDR, "WE HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR BUTFEAR ITSELF!"

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or Freedom is another word for nothing left to lose.

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No one wants to admit where the US is now heading with a sociopath at the helm, who wants it all, forever.

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The thought of making more Money over rides any reasonable thought for the planet, for the less fortunate and for our veterans. Before Biden left he did sign Elizabeth Doles veterans home health care bill and caregivers for vets and I hope the vets who voted for him, t-rump know that any benefits do they receive did not come from t-rumps administration-actually they took those benefits away in 2018 so it reverses their bull shit act that cost some vets over two thousand a month. Trump not only doesn’t like veterans he can’t stand them. How any of them voted for him I’ll never understand and includes my brother a three tour Vietnam marine vet who I lost to t-rump at the beginning of his first run-I’ll never see or speak to him again because his insults of me on trumps behalf were beyond forgiveness-not that he’s asked for it. He never will. He’s not the steroids typed MAGAot, he’s educated as are many who voted for Trump as I tried to tell folks on Tribal who only believed the red hat wearing rally going tobacco chewing undereducated red necks were for t-rump. Many did and that was a mistake. The gazillionaire’s of Silicon Valley, who wouldn’t be seen in his photo ops or out their name out there with him until after he won and they’re certainly educated and above all greedy. They’ll never have enough.

My husband graduated Magna Cum Laude from the university of Silicon Valley is also a t-rump fan and I’d leave him if my grandchildren didn’t need him and no he’s not from the south. I am. He’s from Chicago I’m from the ole North State we’re now in CA and can’t discuss these things but I did tell him that he knew better. He knew Trump was a liar. He had to know. These white men like my brother and husband are getting older, my bro grew up in a world that catered to him. He worked since 15 but so did I. He said he was tired of being treated like a second class citizen. Welcome to my world big brother. You’re not in it any longer or ever will be and you made that decision. Not me.

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What a thought process. As though voting for Trump is going to change the fact that he is being treated like a second class citizen???????????????? Quite the contrary. These spoiled, sour little men will find out. So will the uninformed women.

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They and their friends were subject to years of intense propaganda. Propaganda works.

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Propaganda does work, on the mind of those that lack native intelligence, critical thinking skills, perception and who are conditioned into belief.

It is not so easy to brain wash perceptives, skeptics, rational thinkers

Those with intelligence in the Trump orbit are there for purely self aggrandizement reasons. The rewards of being next to power and being on the winning team.

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Tired of being treated like a second class citizen? That's the way white males treated the rest of the population until very recently. As Amanda Gorman noted, they would destroy the country rather than share it (on equal terms). Their willingness to submit to a white bully so that they keep the rest of the people as second class citizens is contemptible, and, as they well know, incompatible with our Constitution.

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"Treated like a second class citizen?" He has no clue how good he's had it, does he? Well, unless I miss my mark, he may well find out in the next few years as Trump destroys everything.

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Treated like a second class citizen? Over 80% of wealth in this country is held by White Americans. And in 2020 they were 63% of the population. So they control more wealth than their actual population. Too many white people blame black and brown people for their personal circumstances.

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You mention grandchildren: it is advisable for all to step up toward family planning of zero family. Main reasons being Planet Earth is overpopulated with humans; & climate change shall exacerbate, hence you place your progeny into conditions of future suffering.

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Jan 22
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What god? The one that has given us trump & his troop? The one that has allowed corporations to lie an steal us blind? Please, save this foolishness for you favourite pulpit or religious service. Thank you

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We certainly have multiplied! To far beyond the Earth's capacity to feed & otherwise provide for us, especially the greedy opulent billionaires in control of everything.

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Yes he may have. How ever this was 2500 yrs ago when the life expectancy was 37 or less. So in the words of a wise man wrap that rascal.

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Timothy, did she tell you that in person? Reading it in a book, doesn't make it true. Just as Washington never said "I cannot tell a lie."

Did you know that many people in the world aren't monotheists?

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It's all about how much he can enrich himself and family and its not really about the family. They are just props for his illusion of being a normal family man 👨‍👧‍👧a total sham.

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You stated what many of us are feeling. Well said!

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Yes, but the price of eggs…

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Graeme--H5N1 caused that, nothing else. Only stupid people blame something other than the truth.

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And the truth about H5N1 reflects horribly on the Biden administration.

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Give me a break with that tired old mantra.

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Sarcasm, folks

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"Bird Flu Is a National Embarrassment"

Katherine J. Wu -- The Atlantic -- Jan 10, 2025. Not so "old."

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Surely you can recognize sarcasm.

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Don’t worry about the egg prices - go vegan😉

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Last week when I visited Costco (California) eggs were still about $3.00 a dozen; but you had to buy $$17 worth. The up side of that is that eggs keep in a cold (36F) fridge a couple of months and Costco eggs are pretty fresh because they move a lot of them. My puppy dog gets 15 grams of cooked egg every morning 6 days a week and a whole uncooked egg on the 7th day. (There's an important protein in chicken eggs that is destroyed by heat over about 100F)

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Bird flu will fix the price of eggs - don't worry. If you thought eggs were pricey wait.

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The felon may not need to do the Turkey Pardon coming November. We may not have turkeys due to the bird flu & what are the chances of felon's people 'handling" this correctly?? FOX non-news will report, "Be grateful for your mashed potatoes, & enjoy a side of borscht."

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It was far more PC than admitting they could never vote for a woman, much less one with enhanced melanin.

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Neatly phrased, Natalie. 😊

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🤣 Right!

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Graeme, on other site I have learned to use


to denote "sarcasm"

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Thanks for the tip.

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I guess sometimes sarcasm can be a bit too subtle or even obscure. Yet i'm often surprise at how often it's missed. It's not a big deal, but personally I really appreciate well done sarcasm without having it "announced". I suggest dropping the /s a few lines to give some sillies like me "get it" without needing to be told. Cheers

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Were over 7 dollars at the store yesterday

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There was a long article on Sunday's local paper's front page about the cost of the eggs. Something that a lot of people don't know is that the chickens don't lay as many eggs in the cooler months as the warm ones. The egg farmers have lost hundreds of thousands of chickens to the bird flu. The wild birds spread it hence stopping it is impossible. As for the prices here in CA, it's as bad as the rest of the country but Trader Joe's has kept them reasonable when they are available. There is really no way to fix the problem since it's several things we don't actually control.

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Eat beans, for goodness sake!

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It’s been said that you can live for a long time on beans and rice.

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Also, I heard that 1 poultry producer (live chickens-pullets) declared bankruptcy then abandoned their live animals to starve. My family raised chickens years ago and chickens do not lay in the winter months + they have an age issue, the older the hen the closer to not laying at all.

Also, here in WA a big cat rescue org/sanctuary lost 20 big cats, tigers to Mt. Lions to bird flu, then put small mesh (1/2") to keep wild birds out. But by that time the damage had been done ~

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$5.49 a doz at Stop and Shop in RI this week. I'm buying several dozen since I fear the price will go up from this point.

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I was never paying more than $3.25 a dozen, they were mostly sold out with limited to 1 per customer. I know it was due to the bird flu, they were labeled cage free eggs.

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Well said and very insightful. This is a historical moment that will separate the wheat from the chaff. The MAGA movement has exposed a fearsome type of depravity walking among us. Only a few have the moral character and strength to withstand the savage forces threatening us.

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'Don't get angry' Michael - and this respectfully so following your herein long winded proselytizing - while rather, as a former well known and somewhat popular Australian Prime Minister, and one who now lives not far from me, would instead say, 'get even'! i.e. we now need to get out there and 'oppose' this guy and everything he represents.

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And to think, he only missed by millimetres...Nah, not the assassin, but Donald. himself when he went to kiss Melania, while that hat now needs to be arrested!

We survived that, while now the question is, will ‘we’ survive the next four years?

Mein Gott, it was the vulgarity and assault on decency that was the first casualty in today's ‘spettacolo’ (as Mozart’s librettist, Lorenzo de Ponte might have called this) following what looked far more like a scene that had been written by Mario Puzo further to his executive order signings and the thereafter ‘Entry of the gods into Valhalla’, while we really do now need a production of The Ring Cycle that is inspired by this Mafioso family, and especially after ‘he’ tried to sing when doing his pirouette with ‘Mel’! Can it get any worse?...Well, yes, it will! God help us!! :-(

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Oh, yes, I wanted to talk about Melania's Zorro costume but was waiting for someone else to bring it up. I have always been a Zorro fan but what feelings was she demonstrating with that outfit? The woman has a way of showing her real thoughts with her dressing. You could not see her eyes, the hat was glued on. She was indoors - why a hat? And the fixed smile was so telling. I bought a "Free Melania" t shirt a few years ago out of sympathy for her. Now she has her own memecoin and is worth 5 billion $ (on paper) Something is afoot with Melania?!? I doubt the WAPO - which usually covers the first lady's wardrobe choices - will utter a word. Also, were there no balls - did anything elegant or traditional happen yesterday? Well, the society pages are gone anyway and maybe that's good riddance. The times they are a changing....no inaugural ball gown in the Museum of American History for the 47th president of the USA.

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Melania wore that hat precisely so her eyes could not be seen. She wanted to be able to go to her happy place without creating similar pictures of her unhappiness that were snapped during the last inauguration. She did not want to be there but I’m sure her presence was required as noted in her contract. Melania, just like her husband, is fully out for herself. She may have some regard for her son but that’s all.

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If Melania cares about her son she should speak about climate change, because Barron is likely to inherit a living hell.

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I'm wondering about the all black look...I think she looked more like she was going to a funeral.

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Also to prevent 'Tha Donald' from planting a 'smooch' on her - personage. Too bad the hat rim wasn't razor edged (or was it ?)

I saw a pic that he tried and she slightly shied away from him so it wouldn't land ~ smack on ~

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Re: Melanoma Trump

As far as I'm concerned, she does not exist. I will neither think of her nor look in her direction. I refuse her. I will withhold my regard indefinitely. I will not be dragged into voyeuristic subjugation through vanity and fashion. My eyes will not look upon these, my enemies' Stepford wives, nor legitimize them in any way. Beware the stirrings of a fuedalist ecosystem.

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Did you notice that Donald's lips did not touch her face? Was it to avoid her noxious mascara, or something else?

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No. She wore that ht for multiple reasons, one being that no one could get near her face.

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Good luck with that given everyone who owns social media and most of all media is fully in trump’s pocket. Those not fully in trump’s pocket already have a high chance of crumbling or jumping into his pocket before they crumble. I’m just glad I never had kids.

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I agree with what you have to say but (as someone who generally leans to the left) it’s unfortunate that one could say many of the same things about the Democratic Party and the mainstream media.

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One could but one would be wrong if one did. This idea of bothsidesism is what is largely responsible for yesterday’s debauchery of the Constitution that took place in the Rotundra! One Party and one party alone is largely responsible for the enabling of the Republican mischief that has comprised the bulk of their activity. And in particular Mitch McConnell (R KY) is the single most reprehensible Republican in Congress for he alone stopped both Impeachment trials from Convicting the now 47th President!!

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Don't forget McConnell's worst act. Withholding appointment of one Supreme Court nominee and cramming through a second giving us arguably the most partisan SCOTUS ever. Unleashing the unchecked power of the most powerful individual on the face of the earth, an easily diagnosed psychopath. No words available to describe a proper hell for him.

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McConnell’s worse act is a debate as there are so many. I think, today anyway, his worse act was not voting for the second impeachment which would have barred trump from ever running for any office. Trump could have been in jail by now.

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True, but SCOTUS judges and their rulings will far outlive Trumpsk. Sad that we're discussing what are the worse things about McConnell, that the list is so long.

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He is a traitor to this country,

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I wondered at the time if there wasn't something the Dems could do, as it was obviously wrong.

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so wrong

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So true. Not to mention the traitorous behavior when he manipulated the judge selection process. He should be prosecuted along with the sociopath Trump.

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McConnell is owned by Wall Street and the Koch Bros.

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I largely agree with what you have to say but the fact that the majority of the Democratic Party was complicit in the brutalization of children in Gaza will go down in history as being truly shameful. The choice we had in the 2024 presidential election was between horrendous and horrendously horrific. We wound up with horrendously horrific because the democrats are horrendous. …The Democratic Party needs to completely change the way they conduct themselves otherwise they’ll continue to loose to those who are even creepier…

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Thank you, the brainwashing has been all too effective in the "both-sides" nonsense.

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MAGA will succeed. EVERYTHING will be destroyed that isn't directly in the Constitution and many things that are will be viciously attacked and possibly defeated by our crooked Supreme Court.

A vote for Harris was a vote for the usual state of things, with a few twists to improve things for the middle class and perhaps even lift some from poverty. The underbelly would have continued, because eight years isn't long enough to change anything through existing institutions. Let's just pray, four years isn't long enough to tear everything down. Mid terms, I fear will be, our last chance. Yet...I do believe honest and fair elections may no longer exist, by then.

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I fear they are completely lawless. If dump wants to end birthright citizenship, for example, who will stop him?

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Now, we shall see if the Democrats can/will take him on

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The ACLU is filing a lawsuit. This is a constitutional issue, so the Dem Party isn't directly involved.

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I'll be shocked if they do very much.

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Imo that's a big reason Trump won, Kevin. MANY people DO say the same things about Dems. And media has been hyping Trump ever since he came down the golden stairway. As Les Moonves said before Trump even had the nomination in 2017, "It may not be good for America, but it's damn good for CBS."

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Really well said. My oversimplification equates this past election to letting the devil himself take over.

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The catastrophic consequences will fall on ordinary families just trying to keep a roof over their heads, not the fat cats.

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These "cats" are fat and foolish. Like all criminals, they believe that they will get away with it.

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What has unfolded is akin to opening the gates of hell and unleashing every malevolent force, selfish intention, and mindless enabler onto a nation that once held a glimmer of hope for the rest of the world.

This is, without question, one of the most disgraceful, horrifying, and monumentally shameful moments in history. The rise of a criminal sociopath to power, enabled by a mass of individuals seemingly devoid of understanding or critical thought, marks the absolute nadir of decency and reason in a country that once aspired to uphold these values.

The situation is not only embarrassing but also profoundly dangerous. The thoughtless decisions of those who support such leadership will inevitably lead to catastrophic consequences—not just for them but for everyone who must endure the fallout. It’s a bleak day, one that underscores the dire consequences of ignorance and the abandonment of principle. While it may be wishful thinking, one can only hope that such recklessness ultimately consumes itself and spares the rest of us from the worst of its destruction.


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John, I just hope enough of the people who voted for him figure out what they did. Not sure they will (witness the RW approval for Muck's viral raised arm yesterday).

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Indeed, or perhaps when it is said finally by them and then, it's too little, too late

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Always a possibility, John.

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I don't think we've reached the nadir. Hitler possibly reached the nadir: concentration camps, a Holocaust, millions dead, himself and Eva suicides, Germany in ruins.

If we see concentration camps we're on our way.

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Well stated. Thank you for your post.

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Say it!

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Well said, Michael.

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Agreed & well stated, TY!

But this is to be expected from a criminal. I just have to find a way to keep any hope for our future .

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Let's find someone to assassinate him -- then we can breathe again!!!!!!

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Unfortunately trump is only the front man. He’s done his job. He was elected. He won’t last long as they all hate him too and really want Vance in that position. He’ll be removed in some way as to not anger maga as they still need those votes. Turning trump into a martyr could be what they’re planning. Getting him out via amendment 25 won’t appease the faithful as trump can never be too brain addled for them.

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NO KLARE K! Assassinations only add to disorder. They are an old idea. PLEASE lets be smart and propose ways to fix this that are SMART and NEW. I understand your wrath, but please no talks of Assassinations. Humiliation of any kind hurts him worse. Let's do that instead, but we can call it instructing him rather than humiliating him on purpose.

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...Well now, you're obviously the one to do it Klare, while I'll look forward to you extolling the words declaimed by the great Charlotte Corday when she killed the bloody Jacobin revolutionary, John-Paul Marat (while see David's famous painting) in his bath, 'I have killed one man to save thousands' (sic.).

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Do you want him to become a martyr? An anti-Lincoln revered by posterity?

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A martyr would keep the trump cult firmly in the hands of the republicans. I predict that is how trump will meet his demise. If I were a betting person, I would say, it would probably happen soon. The republicans would retain all levers of power and they would no longer have to deal with smelly diaper don anymore. Win win.

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The authors of Project 2025 warned us that they intend to implement the Project, peacefully, if we let them.

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The Republicans also want to acknowledge only two genders. They are also ignorant of the scientific fact of the intersex gender. Also, transgender folks are not going anywhere. They have existed in many different cultures throughout human history.

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Trump probably personally couldn’t give a shit about it, he’s playing to the masses. He’s pushing as hard as he can. We all know he wants a war all in his name to take down in history and he’ll do everything he can to help bring it about. I couldn’t bring myself to watch the sham swearing in of a piece of maggot shit like him but later his remarks in the Cap One building I spent a minute watching was all, very much all about himself. All about the attendance there, about how much he beat others by, and talking shit about Joe Biden. He wishes he would ever be the man Joe Biden is. That day will never come.

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T-word had a war on his first term - COVID-19. It was a worldwide war. He lost it. Badly.

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They won’t get what they want. There has been too much freedom in gender identification for them to turn back now. Fuck em

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amd they represent about .1% of the population...not even a blip of a "threat" to their ignorance...

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They just hate to know the others exist in their world. It’s not their world alone.

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"NO THEY DON'T NO THEY DON'T NO THEY DON'T!!! There! Now they don't exist! Phew, now I can't get aroused by-DAMMIT! WHO KEEPS PUTTING THESE SITES UP?!?" - You just KNOW 99% of those upset by those not male or female get excited by those that are not! Losers.

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Democrats should’ve included more in the economy along with human rights and maybe gained a few more votes. We’re at a place where it’s established that people have a basic human right to be who they are so more emphasis could have been focused toward all around suffering the post Covid crisis.

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I don’t. I know no one can stifle who they are. I have things close to home to be concerned about.

I’m for human rights and that covers everything.

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New math: 45 + 47 = zero!

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Actually 45+47= -451 (degrees F). ABSOLUTE ZERO!!!

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Actually, it is -459.67 degrees F. But I like your comment!

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Thank you Tim! I guess I confused it with "Farenheit 451" in the "heat" of the moment LoL. I'm old. tRump makes me cranky

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451 works great!

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Like it

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Now let's see if anyone will enforce it.

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You’re generalizing as if every white person was born into wealth. My father worked in a cotton mill. I used to start school late in the year because I had no shoes. We had to heat with black coal in winter. There were a select few in town who owned and ran everything, they were in charge. All I knew was that I never had the clothes or book satchels many kids had in school. It was unheard of to apply for any gov benefits in our town and we wouldn’t have anyway. We always had a huge garden we mostly ate from. In winter it was beans and biscuit or greens and corn bread-never meat except sometimes on Sunday.

I was so ashamed at times to go to school In dresses that had been mended.

Only one do I remember anything under the Christmas tree. A basketball and I nails the net to a tree.

I can’t stand to be generalized and assumed to have been privileged because I’m white. That was never the case for me but we all worked hard for a better life, 7 siblings. None of us got rich, but we did better than our parents. I never heard my parents blame it on anything. But we were the

very definition of poor so yes I get very pissed when I hear the assumption of white taking all the wealth.

I’m sure the top percent who held the wealth in the beginning were white but it sure wasn’t us and many other family’s that grew up in cotton mill towns owned by JP Steven’s and Morgan mills etc…

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While neither of your replies to me, especially this one, has any relevance to my post, I do find your story interesting & worth telling.

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Oh right. I was on a different thread and crossed over somehow. I had hoped no one would notice. I guess you do read replies. 👍

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White privilege is not applicable to only rich white people. Professor Ibram Kendi provides a more complete description: “White privileges are the relative advantages racism affords to people identified as white, whether white people recognize them or deny them. To be white is to be afforded one's individuality. Afforded the presumption of innocence. Afforded the assumption of intelligence. Afforded empathy when crying or raging. Afforded disproportionate amounts of policy-making power. Afforded opportunity from a white network. Afforded wealth-building homes and resource-rich schools. Afforded the ability to vote quickly and easily.”

—Ibram X. Kendi

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Whether left or right, white supremacy has infiltrated the American mind and perverted it forever. It's impossible for most non-Black people to even comprehend white privilege. I strongly believe that the concept is perceived as an aggression and a threat originating from Black hatred. There is a blindness that prevents this "prise de conscience." Tragic.

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You’d have to have been in my shoes or sometimes my bare feet to know what life for me was like but okay I’m not going to argue about it since you’ve read a book that explains it all.

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I totally agree with you. However, as much as I hate to say this, the net effect of Joe Biden’s foreign policy blunders can’t be underestimated.

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It’s just one of those tid bits that Trump throws into the pot of things he will change to make his people happier. Unless laws against it come into play it won’t be a big deal.

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Four of chump’s children were born to aliens. When will they depart the country?

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No. Their father was a citizen. Too bad the US took Gramps back in when Germany declared him personal non grata and refused him reentry.

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Good question

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But they had become citizens by the time their children were born, no?

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I don’t think the mothers were citizens the time their kids were born. 🤔

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They weren't

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Anti-Christ! The religious right are flirting with and being fooled by what they would call the anti-Christ. Trump held the Bible upside down during his first term. He publishes a Bible that celebrates Trump himself more than Jesus. Trump would not put his hand on the Bible during his second inauguration. Trump claims God saved him from a bullet so Trump could be re-elected. For the religiously-minded and Christian believers, Trump personifies everything you would expect of the Devil...

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Benjamin, what this shows is that these are low-information voters. Heck, they don't even understand the Scriptures! We have to find ways of reaching them in a way they understand.

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@David. I fear that may be an impossible mission. However, all we really need to do is convince the 3% of people who know better, and perhaps another 3% of voters who stayed home in 2024. Trump won by such small margins changing a few minds will put sensible, secular public servants back into the majority in government.

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The issue is getting people's attention. GOP/Trump understood this, Dems are way behind. ANY attention is good, particularly negative--it motivates voters. Listen to Christ Hayes/Ezra Klein discuss this. Chris has a new book on the subject.


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He does not care what the Bill of Rights or our constitution says and he’s proved it time and again. If our so called checks and balances worked he wouldn’t have been allowed to run in the Republican primaries. Limitations and rules regardless of who wrote and signed them are just flicked away like a pestering fly and that’s the new precedent he’s set for the country and even the world. Yes I thinking

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he doesn't care-he knows delaying tactics in the legal system better than anyone

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John--Trump has the power; he owns the Government.

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Trump has enormous power now, and that power will increase with the implementation of Project 2025.

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The ACLU has already filed legal action against Trump for this.

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Trump doesn't obey any laws. He is a convicted felon. His swearing an oath to the Constitution will not stop him from doing whatever he wants to do.

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I'm sorry Trump never swore to defend the Constitution and he didn't put his hand on the Bible either. I guess he was pissed because it was not his bible. As far as the Constitution goes he's promised to shred it.

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What do you mean, S? The presidential oath says "swear (or affirm)... to preserve, protect, and defend..."

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The fucker can't read. I hope judges overturn this nonsense.

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Only when enforcement exists does anything mean what is said.

Meanwhile, Project 2025 will be working behind the "background noise" and Constitutional amendments already are under consideration as needed.

This SCOTUS has said that Presidents are immune for all actions that are within the scope of official acts, the definition of which they claim sole right on a case-by-case basis now. They have also said that charges of criminal actions against a President can not be based on evidence of intention, making Presidents above the law.

Therefore no action - no action- that this President today takes is subject to legal scrutiny unless SCOTUS agrees it is not a Presidential act, without regard to intention.

SCOTUS has also designated the President's authority over cases DOJ should take for the people during discussion of immunity.

The oligarchs have aligned themselves and every inaugural speech AND PRAYER kissed the ring with praise for the American dictator elected on a platform to destroy our Constitution with its primary ideal of equal rights. The business of evangelism waves its ugly bible behind them.

There is absolutely nothing the person sitting in the White House today can't do, provided that the Republican loyalists stay unified in Congress and SCOTUS. Absolutely nothing.

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who in our gov't will fight back for our constitution? Who's job is it?

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It’s trump who is a narcissist and ignorant and racist and greedy and a lying cheat and who has no understanding of anything legal, human, honest or even constitutional.

But, you have to admit - if you’ve been paying any attention for a decade now - he’s done nothing that he hasn’t proclaimed he would do, every chance he got.

Anyone who is ~surprised~ by anything he has done this week - needs to start drawing attention to the myriad of grand-old-poops standing on his coat tails enjoying the fee ride.

Use your words to bring attention to ~them~ .

Don’t use his name or his likeness.

Photograph/screenshot/video the people next to him and talk about how ~they~ have enabled and given him ideas.


Hit him where it will hurt the most -

his overgrown ego.

Talk about his enablers, the senators and Congress people who lurk on the side lines - disparaging him to others then voting with him because they have no spines - nor sense of duty to their constituencies.

Make him disappear. He’ll get even angrier than he is already.

From my point of view - if this country, and perhaps the rest of this world - is doomed to live in hell on earth at his hand - we should take every opportunity to make their messiah squirm in his own feces …..

and give someone else all the credit.

Now, there’s a job for the Muskrat -

tell them, “Elon did it. Elon can do anything!”

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Professor Reich: i hate to be the bearer of bad news -- of the TRUTH -- but there will be very few "future years" for humans to look forward to. maybe 50 more years AT BEST before we find ourselves as the proud occupants of the seventh circle of hell. at the very best, this beautiful planet will be decimated by climate change, famine, pandemics, homelessness, floods and wildfires. if -- and that's a BIG "IF" -- the planet recovers, it is a recovery that will take somewhere in the neighbourhood of 3 to 5 MILLION YEARS to recover to levels that somewhat resemble the biodiversity before humans arrived on the scene. TRUTH: neither we nor our offspring will be here to see it. i should also point out that all your favourite animals will be gone too -- extinct, fossils -- there will be no more lions, tigers or bears. or giant sequoias or mighty oaks or redwood trees. or elephants or giraffes. or lizards and snakes. or bumblebees or parrots or birds of paradise. no birdsong.

not sure about you, but any and all chances that the few responsible humans amongst us had to stop this catastrophe are gone, and my heart is utterly irretrievably broken.

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What has unfolded is akin to opening the gates of hell and unleashing every malevolent force, selfish intention, and mindless enabler onto a nation that once held a glimmer of hope for the rest of the world.

This is, without question, one of the most disgraceful, horrifying, and monumentally shameful moments in history. The rise of a criminal sociopath to power, enabled by a mass of individuals seemingly devoid of understanding or critical thought, marks the absolute nadir of decency and reason in a country that once aspired to uphold these values.

The situation is not only embarrassing but also profoundly dangerous. The thoughtless decisions of those who support such leadership will inevitably lead to catastrophic consequences—not just for them but for everyone who must endure the fallout. It’s a bleak day, one that underscores the dire consequences of ignorance and the abandonment of principle. While it may be wishful thinking, one can only hope that such recklessness ultimately consumes itself and spares the rest of us from the worst of its destruction.

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To quote William Shakespeare … “Hell is empty and all the devils are here.”

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Humans missed the first Jurassic era, but anew one is downing on us, and it is of our own making.

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A horribly accurate assessment

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listening to it now. irish gaelic is such a gorgeous language.

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Although I write these words surrounded by the natural beauty of the Scottish countryside, I am a bit ashamed to admit that I’m unable to speak any of the language spoken in these parts at one time. I do know words, phrases and small bits and pieces. The McLouds, as I know them in the modern parlance are part of my mother’s family.

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The planet will be fine without us. So there's that.

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It will be better without us. I hope cats survive 🐈

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cats will not survive. nothing that we are familiar with will survive. IF live survives, it will start all over again from microbes and fungi and evolve into new life forms. but nothing that we love or are familiar with will survive.

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Is there any truth in the theory that once we're extinct, the nuclear reactors will melt down and boil off the atmosphere, leaving Earth like Mars?

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I think the Earth climate will be like the one in the book "The Road". It seems less fictional now.

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What a terrible time to be alive!

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no idea what the nuclear reactors will do, but i do know they are terribly unsafe. but i have heard the mars-like earth ideas for quite some time. if this is to be earth's fate this time, it would not be at all surprising to me.

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The key words being "without us".

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NO ONE IS WORRIED ABOUT "THE PLANET". We are worried and mourning the biosphere. Actual billions of species, trillions of innocent lives.

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I thank you for keeping this perspective public in this context. I grieve we are losing the opportunity to change business as usual. And now on to Davos, where our crazed business leaders jet away from the inauguration to drop any previously- made “commitments” to environmental and social responsibility.

The truth be told, I have given up hope that government or business will make the world a safer better place. We will have to make whatever effort we can conceive to mend and preserve the fabric of life on our own. I read your articles and admire your thoughtful efforts.

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Yes, Trump's/Republicans' policies accelerate an already-accelerating global warming.

SHOCKING: many (oil company engineers et al., scientists at many other companies et al.) KNOW, and support him and his destructive greenhouse pollution anyway.

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Maryk, haven't you heard? They and theirs are all moving to Space and leaving the peasants behind to perish on Earth. It will be grand, only "intelligence" and "merit" reproducing in the new civilization in Space. What could possibly go wrong?

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I just wish they would GO.......and leave us alone...I wouldn't even mind paying for the rocket...Jam them in!

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Totally agree with you! Scotty- beam them up!!

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Not only that, they’re going to use public money to try and achieve that.

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Where's a B Ark when you need one?

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They knew in the 1950s, vehemently denied it, and went full speed ahead (as did most of America) in embracing the car culture. This is abominable but unfortunately normal for American corporations (think cigarettes, chemical fertilizers and processed foods) who only take action-limited at best, when the citizens start dying in significant batches.

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CARS are not the problem, fossil fuels are the real destructive force. Remember London in the coal era.

Actually one real problem is too many humans

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The other real problem, and the more pressing one, is that too many of us want to have too much of everything, even at the expense of the "too many.".

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I called "speaker" Johnson 7 times yesterday, leaving messages that they need to yank Trump and then assassinate him. Just trying to do my part for this nation AND the world!

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I expect you may be getting a visit from the fbi soon. Be careful. Remember how they abused Kathy Griffin for only showing a picture of a decapitated head of trump.

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We NEED MORE Kathy Griffins! I'd forgotten all about her! I don't even own a gun. And with a family member high up in the FBI, I'm not too worried about it. I can guarantee you there are a few of them who'd like to see Trump go the same way!

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I totally agree about needing more Kathy Griffin. She is a national treasure. Did you ever hear her talk about how she was so badly treated when the government came after her? Now that he is back in office I worry venues will go back to not allowing her to perform again.

Even though you have friends high up in the FBI, I don’t think it’s a good idea to poke the bear. Trump’s narcissism has no bounds. Did you know people in government employ were fired because they “liked” comments on Facebook or tweets on Twitter that disparaged dear leader? For real. Be careful.

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KLARE - please put your thinking cap on and come up with a better solution. After you recover from your anger, which I share.

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Adolf Hitler committed suicide in 1946 at the end of WWII by taking cyanide tablets, in order to avoid being caught by any of the Allied forces. Donald Drmpf was born in the summer of 1946, June 14, exactly . . . You do the figurations -- Hitler immediately reincarnated.

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That's a bit scary, Klare. Please keep in touch!

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You’re going to get on a list that way.

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Good -- if more of us would start "getting on lists," the "powers that be" would start realizing we are right, and they would WAKE UP AND PAY ATTENTION! GEORGE W. BUSH MADE THE HORRIBLY MALJUDGED DECISION THAT AMERICA NEEDED TO ATTACK SADDAM HUSSEIN AND THE SOVEREIGN NATION OF IRAQ . . . WRONG! LOOK AT THE MESS AND MALFEASANCE THAT CAME OUT OF THAT. There were no WMD, that nation and its national treasures destroyed, many, many people on both sides killed or maimed for life for absolutely no reason, and Bush hides away, rarely showing his face, an international pariah, the perpetrator of such unnecessary devastation and destruction.


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It is not as hopeless as that, though it's really really bad from a human point of view. Emotionally, we stand to lose our home.

We did indeed lose our big chance on climate change with Trump's election. Re-election.

4 lost years under Trump mean we surpass with near certainty by 2030 the danger thresholds presaging unprecedented calamity.

But there are further levels of calamity/GHG levels beyond that (whatever "that" refers to exactly) we can work to prevent.

We could also get lucky on tipping points and technology, not to mention public opinion. Too many uncertainties in the science and in the human response to say this is the end, my friend.

Taking a longer more detached non-anthropocentric view, life will likely find a way to make a major come back from a 6th extinction. Seeing as how life originated on earth some 4 billion years ago, 3 or 4 million years to make a comeback is nothing!

Charles Darwin "The Descent of Man"

“Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science.”

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GHG = greenhouse gases, principally carbon dioxide and methane. I like your Charles Darwin quote.

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And the likes of Musk and his SpaceX will increase the process, while he and his comrades escape to Mars.

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Musk used to say that there would be one million people living on Mars by 2050. He has scaled that back to the year 2120. So he admits doing it is impossible in any realistic time frame. Still the government is paying him billions to develop these stupid rockets while this planet is on fire.

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It is Musk's and Bezos' rocket launches that are constantly adding more and more pollution to the atmosphere!!

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Where they will be eaten by "Broncosaurus" was it in the fun and allegorical "Don't Look up!" movie with Merle Streep. If you have not seen it, it's therapeutic

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The sooner the billionaire class rockets off to Mars the better off the rest of us will be. Just one problem - not a one of them wants to leave their creature comforts and power base to spend a year or so in weightlessness, after which their bones may be too fragile to support their weight even on a lower-gravity planet like Mars. I can see them tumbling out of their lander, gasping for breath like fish out of water, wondering why in hell they ever got on a crazy space boat to a desert planet.

So of course they will send willing expendables to "pave the way" while they grow old in the balmy comfort of the South of France, or wherever is still above water and at a livable temperature..

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Unfortunately, I think you’re exactly correct.

I also think that we as humans have the capacity to be able to write our own history, but I agree with you that collectively we won’t be able to pull it off.

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I agree! Humans have ruined this beautiful planet! How sad……

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Well Robert, it was true 30 years ago and if not truer today, much more urgently distressing now. We should have used the 30 years differently, but that can’t be changed now. I’d be willing to discuss this further if it would be helpful.

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Your topic today of corporate irresponsibility is so right on. It is the billionaires who are most responsible for having Trump elected, not the 1/3 of the US population that voted for him. It’s like the Wizard of Oz when the curtain is drawn back you get to see who is really pulling the levers. We would never be burning up in forest fires, choking on polluted air or running out of potable water were it not for the mega corporations total disregard for our very fragile and dear planet earth as well as human, animal and plant life itself.

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As far as what occurred yesterday, “it is all sound and fury, amounting to nothing.“ - Shakespeare- I understand, that utilizing this quote now might seem ridiculous and irresponsible. Donald Trump is fueled by anger like a drug. His constant expression of rage against anyone and everyone who gets in his way is what gives him the energy like shots of caffeine and adrenaline to pump himself up.

But, I consider this time to be “the great uncovering.” Corporations that were hiding behind their public relations departments are now out in the open. Hidden racism and misogyny is no longer hidden. It’s pretty ugly, isn’t it? But it has always been there with a veneer over it. Ask anyone who is a person of color and has experienced being pulled over by the police for a minor or nonexistent infraction. If we believe the police are here to “serve and protect,“ we are delusional, particularly in regards to people of color or Hispanic origin. We cannot win the battle for environmental protection, when the worst polluters pretend that they are out for the common good. Our lives and the lives of our children, grandchildren, and offspring to come are what is truly important as we teeter on the edge of environmental collapse.

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“We shall overcome,” when we know who and what it is, that we must overcome. In a sense, what will be occurring at Davos is a bunch of emperors who are no longer wearing clothes. The naked truth is out. We wanted to believe that at least some mega corporations cared for the environment, and were willing to sacrifice a little bit of their huge profits to save the planet. But, as you said “ THE JIG IS UP!” Amen.

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Marc Nevas, some police do serve and protect everyone. How many? What percentage? I don't know. But I do know that based on my life experiences, I can't make a blanket generalization.

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M Tree, you make a good point. However, the behavior of police with people of color has been deteriorating over time. Several years ago, a black Reverend was giving the sermon at our synagogue in Connecticut, he shared the sense of anxiety he and his wife felt when they drove into it all white middle class neighborhood in the evening to stay at the rabbi‘s house and how this anxiety was a typical situation for a person of color. He also mentioned how a father of a child of color gives what he called “The Talk” after his son or daughter gets their drivers license. The talk consists of items, such as always keep both hands visible on the steering wheel, always be polite and respectful to the officer no matter how disrespectful that officer might be and when being pulled over by the police always try to pull into a well lit area that has cameras such as a service station.

As a father of four sons, two decades ago I never had to give them “the talk,“ about how to behave when pulled over by a police officer. Now for many families that has changed. When we moved to rural Montana, my son‘s schoolmates would tell them to never wear a baseball cap when they were driving a car. For some reason, the police were much more likely to pull them over to check their license, registration and insurance if they were wearing a baseball cap.

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Marc Nevas, true, I've watched and listened to many personal stories of racial discrimination and brutality by those who swore to protect and serve. My point is that there are good officers who value all people and treat everyone with dignity. I think it's important we say that, because by not doing so, by just generalizing, we demoralize and drive out all the good officers we need. And/or our words become self-fulfilling prophecies. Either way, generalizing sabotages our honorable misson of dignity for all.

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Agreed and point well taken

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That video is great but he missed the biggest tip of all, be white. I’m not familiar with John Derbyshire and his troubles. Might you have a link?

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Great video, I recommend it.

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I had the same reaction. We do need to guard against simple binaries.

Carnapian view of concepts and a progression toward their use in science.

black versus white (Neanderthalish)

white, dingy white, grey, dark grey, black (relational ranking- so called pre-science)

continuous spectrum - The visible spectrum ranges from about 400 nm (nanometers) for violet light to about 700 nm for red light. A mathematical treatment of what originated as a binary concept.


hot frigid

hot warm cool cold frigid -an ordinal ranking

temperature with a numeric metric

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Trump finds treason a favorable activity in his second attempt at being President

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He has ever since his first term. But more openly & forcefully now that it's clear he can get away with saying & doing whatever he wants with no consequence.

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"'Tis the treason to be jolly, fa-la-la-la-la..."

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I recommend that we all read and consider these recent thoughts from Bernie Sanders

Dear Francois,

Inauguration day is approaching, a day that many of us have dreaded.

Our opposition to Trump is based not only on our profound disagreement with him on most of the important issues facing our country but, even more importantly, the lies, fear mongering, bigotry and xenophobia which underlay those policies. Democracy flourishes where differences of opinion are respected and debated. Democracy is severely undermined under the barrage of bigotry, hate and disinformation that Trump and many of his acolytes propagate.

Further, as Trump returns to the presidency, there is deep frustration with the inability of the Democratic Party to provide a clear alternative to Trumpism. It appears that most Democrats have learned little or nothing from the recent disastrous elections. It’s just not good enough to critique Trump and right-wing Republicans. That’s been done for the last 10 years. You have to stand FOR something. You have to provide an alternative to a status quo economy and political system which is just not working for the average American.

This is the wealthiest country in the history of the world and major advances in technology can make us even wealthier. There is no rational reason why 60 percent of Americans should live paycheck to paycheck or why we have massive and growing income and wealth inequality. There is no rational reason why we are the only major country not to guarantee health care for all, and why we pay the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs. There is no rational reason as to why 800,000 Americans are homeless and millions of others spend more than half of their limited,income to put a roof over their heads. There is no rational reason why 25 percent of seniors in America are trying to survive on $15,000 a year or less, why we have the highest rate of childhood poverty of almost any wealthy nation, why young people leave college deeply in debt, or why childcare is unaffordable for millions of families.

We can do better. We must do better. But, in order to effectively move forward, we need to explain to the American people the role that Oligarchy and corporate greed have played in destroying working class lives in this country. We need a progressive agenda that addresses the many crises that working families face and points us forward to a better life for all.

Short-term, as Trump comes into office, we must call his bluff. In the recent campaign he ran as an anti-establishment populist prepared to take on the political class and act on behalf of working families. Well, let us hold him to his words and demand that he do just that. If not, we must expose him for the fraud that he is.

During his campaigns Trump has said that the pharmaceutical companies are "getting away with murder" and that he wanted to lower the cost of prescription drugs in this country. If that is true, we should be willing to work with him to make that happen. We have made some good progress under Biden in this area but much more needs to be done. If Trump is unwilling to stand up to the power of the pharmaceutical industry, we must make that clear.

At a time when many financially strapped Americans are paying 20 or 30 percent interest rates on their credit cards, President Trump stated that he wants to cap credit card interest rates at 10 percent. I agree and will soon be introducing legislation to do just that. Let’s see if he supports that bill.

Trump has rightfully pointed out that disastrous trade agreements like NAFTA and PNTR with China have cost us millions of good-paying American jobs as corporations shut down manufacturing in this country and moved abroad to find cheap labor. As someone who strongly opposed those agreements I look forward to working with him on new trade policies that will protect American workers and create good paying jobs in our country. Is he serious about this issue? Let’s find out.

Some of Trump's nominees have also made important points. Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. says that food corporations are “poisoning” our young people with highly processed foods that are causing obesity, heart disease and other serious health problems. Is Trump willing to take on the greed of major food corporations that are making record breaking profits? I doubt it, but let’s give him the opportunity.

Trump’s Labor Secretary nominee Lori Chavez-DeRemer has been supportive of the PRO Act, which would protect a worker’s right to join a union and bargain for better pay, benefits and working conditions. She is right. Workers must have the right to join a union without illegal interference by their bosses. Will the Trump Administration stand up to corporate interests and work with us to pass the PRO Act into law. Stay tuned.

No one denies that we must end waste, fraud and abuse in the federal government. Elon Musk, for example, is correct when he points out that the Pentagon has failed seven audits and cannot fully account for its budget of over $800 billion. We must make the Defense Department far more efficient. If we do that we can save taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars a year and cut Defense spending.

While we should be prepared to work with the Trump administration in areas where we can find agreement, we must also be prepared to vigorously oppose them in the many areas where they are not only wrong, but are bringing forth extremely dangerous policy.

We must vigorously oppose Trump, his multi-billionaire cabinet and Republicans in Congress when they try to pass massive tax breaks for the rich while cutting Medicaid and other public health benefits desperately needed by working families.

We will oppose them when they try to privatize or cut Social Security, the Veterans Administration, Medicare, public education, the postal service and other important public agencies.

We will oppose them why they try to repeal the Affordable Care Act and take away health care from millions of Americans.

We will oppose them when they represent the needs of the fossil fuel industry and try to rollback climate protections that put at risk the very habitability of our planet for future generations.

We will oppose them when they try to further take away the rights of women to make health care decisions about their own bodies.

If there were ever a time when progressives need to make their voices heard, this is that time.

We must oppose them as if we were fighting for our children, for future generations, for democracy and for the very well-being of our planet -- because that is precisely what is at stake.

Let us not forget that Republican margins in the House and Senate are very slim. If we mobilize effectively we CAN stop some of their worst proposals. It was not that long ago, for example, that people making their voices heard all across the country saved the Affordable Care Act from Trump and a Republican majority.

It is also critically important that we never stop fighting for our vision for the future -- one in which we have a government that works for all of its people, and not just a wealthy few.

Can we, one day, create an economic system based on the principles of justice, not greed? Yes, we can.

Can we transform a rigged and corrupt political system and create a vibrant democracy based on one person, one vote? Yes, we can.

Can we make health care a human right as we establish a system designed to keep us healthy and extend our life-expectancy, not one based on the profit needs of insurance companies and the pharmaceutical industry? Yes, we can.

Can we, in the wealthiest country on earth, provide free quality public education and job training for all from child care to graduate school? Yes, we can.

Can we combat climate change and protect the very habitability of our planet for future generations, and create millions of jobs in the process? Yes, we can.

Can we make certain that artificial intelligence and other exploding technologies are used to improve the quality of life for working people, and not just make the billionaire class even richer. Yes, we can.

And even though we are not going to succeed in achieving that vision in the immediate future with Trump as president and Republicans controlling Congress, it is imperative that vision be maintained and that we continue to fight for it.

Let’s not kid ourselves. This is one of the most pivotal and difficult moments in the history of our country. What happens in the next few years will impact this country and the world for decades. Despair is not an option. We must aggressively educate and organize and go forward together.

Thank you for standing with me in that fight.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders

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Good words from Bernie. The challenge is making our voices heard sufficiently. The opportunities to be heard will be greater as Trump policies hurt more people.

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Bernie might have won, if the Dem establishment hadn't forced Killary on us as a losing candidate.

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We must isolate the revanchist Confederates, for they are the ones primarily concerned with white supremacy, and they are the ones who control the legislatures of Southern States..

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I find myself totally scared.. Can someone let the mainstream media know so they can report on the fact that Instagram has just removed and blocked the hashtag Democrat from their site and labeled it sensitive information.. I am beyond speechless at this point I don't know why that just freaked me out more than anything

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I was on a week-long boycott of IG, logging out. Maybe better make it permanent.

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Thank you for bringing this up

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and "Republican" ?

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Wow, I did not know that.

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I listened to and read the transcript of UnitedHealthcare's shareholder meeting last week and thought they were still spreading the B.S. pretty thick about their mission to improve our health. Would they have taken the same approach after today since Dr. Reich thinks the facade of working for humanity has been removed from the morbidly rich, as Thom Hartmann likes to call them? Today, I'm writing about it and what they are planning for our healthcare future. Yesterday, I heard what Elon is planning for our future. Did anybody else think he seemed higher than a kite?

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I think he's either manic or so insecure socially that he falls all over himself trying to get attention.

Of course, he's racist. His upbringing in S Africa is hardly ever mentioned.

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And apparently gave the Nazi salute twice at the inauguration. I refuse to watch any footage of them.

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UHG bought Landmark Health a couple years ago. And ever since has been laying off the medical staff. 2 days ago was my turn. Landmark was doing well until UHG bought it. Since then they had to pay hackers millions of dollars and then this past Dec they lost $110 billion after CEO was killed. But then regained profits. The day I was canned they announced their new CEO who makes probably what Brian was making, $10 million. ANDREW WITTY, above him makes $23 million. Why? I’m not begrudging that a CEO make decent money but $23 million is gross. Nobody’s worth that.

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Looks like Davos has accepted that humanity itself won’t last into the next century, so why pretend to plan for the future when the actual goal is extract what you can while you can.

Why recycle plastics when the fuse is lit on civilization itself? Looks like it’s time to embrace the entropy and stash all you can.

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He who dies with the most stuff is still dead.

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Presumably, most of these fat cats have children and grandchildren. I guess they think money will insulate them from the future disaster. Not very smart, responsible or loving. Are they all psychopaths?

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If you’re on the comfortable side of the ledger for the Hunger Games, you still have a dying civilization. And if you don’t lament the loss of all that is grand about humanity, you are the worst kind of evil.

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We need a new approach. The far right has full control of mainstream and social media. 3 headed hydra.

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That’s the issue right there. We act like people are going to “wake up” and realize what Trump did. Half of the people don’t have the intellectual capacity to understand these things. They believe what they are told and the media is bought and paid for. They tell them what they want them to know.

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Yeppers. It was bad enough when Fox News and talk radio were the main culprits. Then Sinclair bought a bunch of TV stations. Then Musk bought 300 million Twitter users. Now, the rest of the tech ghouls are on their knees asking him what they can do for him next.

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Yes, we always suspected their words as actions failed to follow. It’s out in the open now….and Snoop Dog, who charmed the world at the Paris Olympics, said at the FOTUS ball that he was never harmed by #45. Go for the gold all who already rake in the booty.

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Even rappist Nelly joined in singing at the Inauguration. Said it was apolitical.

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Now that Trump has taken us out of the Paris Accords, do you think any of these corporate leaders will stand up for initiatives that support climate action? Doubtful but a girl can always hope. How about clemency for the rioters? What a perfect way to encourage a new militia— kinda like raising Trump Terrorists.

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His own private army to terrorize citizens (like the Brown Shirts - also brutal and willfully ignorant!)

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See: Proud Boys

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More women have advanced for sleeping their way to the top than their ability to do the Job.

Gender politics is wrong just ask the losers in that social experiment.

When voting for Democrats leadership positions you are forced to have a percentage of women in your selection process. Stupid social goals result in a lack of representation and deep resentment.

Kamala Harris secured the votes of trans prisoners in jail but most people are not in that segment of the voting public Yet we Wonder Why the Election was Lost…

We need a constitutional convention to rewrite the Constitution and eliminate Corporate Person Hood and the Electorial College…

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Not sure how gender politics or women sleeping their way up has to do with what I said.

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Hateful misogynistic BS about women.

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Don’t make a specific instant, into a condemnation of women.

In my experience most condemnations about women come from women.

I like women getting beat because their sleep 🛌 habits. It happens and eeo covers their tracks because they can.

Your problems are not my problems .

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and secure white male supremacy, not so, J? By the way, are you aware that the Constitution is what makes your citizenship so valuable? You want a convention that may shatter everything you value.

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The values you have whatever they are; are different than mine because we are not the same person.

I wish you well in your existence

Live long and Prosper ...

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I want the constitution to reflect the will of the people alive not what life was like 300 years ago.

The electoral college has no reason to exist other than to perpetuate land ownership in charge …

A constitutional convention with 100% mandatory voting for all .

Perhaps direct elections the technology exists. Most states could go back to being in session for only a few months a year. The government should represent the people’s interests companies are not people and should not have the same rights as a person.

White Supremacy will exist as long as white people make up the majority; when others of any other ethic or color range of skin have the majority that’s what we will become.

Wait long enough and the religious majority will change unless we have a purge of some kind or another to preserve the status quo.

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I fear that we are going to lose the right to vote in the next 4 yrs. He and his bootlickers will pack the courts, take away no fault divorce, keep forcing women back into the home with no means of escape, as we watch our farms and food source rot with no skilled workers. So unless you are a rich land owner, he is working to strip us all of everything we have worked for. I have yet seen any leadership come out of the Dem. 10 Dem congress people voted with the r for Laklin…10 people I felt had most peoples best interest in mind, just sold out.

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Yes, but they forget that Trump is in it for 4 years, and in 10 years he may well be dead from natural reasons due to his old age. Rationally, he needs not to care about environment or whatever; he cares about his wealth and prestige, popular admiration. But corporations WANT to be here in 10 year, in 20 years... They are showing an ultimate short-termism here (and therefore a long-termism might a vector for fighting them back).

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The present or near term gratifications outweigh rationalized calculations of future harm.

This is a feature of humans and the way we have structured corporate incentives. We can change corporate incentives for long-termism. Reich should talk about legislation for that, which would also includes bennies for the legislators at the same time.

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“They used to trumpet their cooperate responsibilities.” Now they bow to Trump.

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What has unfolded is akin to opening the gates of hell and unleashing every malevolent force, selfish intention, and mindless enabler onto a nation that once held a glimmer of hope for the rest of the world.

This is, without question, one of the most disgraceful, horrifying, and monumentally shameful moments in history. The rise of a criminal sociopath to power, enabled by a mass of individuals seemingly devoid of understanding or critical thought, marks the absolute nadir of decency and reason in a country that once aspired to uphold these values.

The situation is not only embarrassing but also profoundly dangerous. The thoughtless decisions of those who support such leadership will inevitably lead to catastrophic consequences—not just for them but for everyone who must endure the fallout. It’s a bleak day, one that underscores the dire consequences of ignorance and the abandonment of principle. While it may be wishful thinking, one can only hope that such recklessness ultimately consumes itself and spares the rest of us from the worst of its destruction.

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It strikes me as the most bizarre day I have seen in my life. I did not pay it much attention having seen the previews.

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And why?

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Corporations and all their related financial instruments and structures were allowed to be created by Government. Without government they don't exist. Since democracy is of the people, by the people, and for the people, we the people should demand fair compensation for allowing them all the advantages they have, and stop the massive transfer of unwarranted $trillions into their owner's dividends and bankbooks.

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I weep for our country. However, I will not bow down, I will not surrender, I will never give up.

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