What a truly awful human. I have wished for years that a black hole would swallow him up and he would just be gone, never to hear his voice or see his face again. I suffer from Trump exhaustion..

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Join the club. & it is a giant club. The only thing about The Giant Prune that I want to hear is the T.O.D. & maybe funeral details.

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I don’t care to know funeral details for Mango Mussolini at all.

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I want to know how they plan to flush him down the toilet, that's it. Or how far the plume of smoke from his cremation is....

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Problem is that the toilet would back up, leaving a putrifying mess on its outside.

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I think that speaking to an assembly of people who are currently serving in the Armed Force would be SO MUCH FUN to see ! How many groups has he angered ?

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Why would you force honorable service people to endure THAT?

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Perhaps we should solicit advice from MBS on he ordered such a complete dismemberment of Jamaal Khashoggi

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Taking credit--

Donald Hodgins <silencenotbad@gmail.com>

9:55 AM (0 minutes ago)

Trump thinks he should take the credit for having Roe-vs-Wade overturned. How sick can this man get? SCOTUS overturned the abortion precedent that stood as a legal standard for over 50 years, not Trump. Now hold on a minute, Trump was responsible for seating 3 justices during his time behind the Resolute desk. He did make sure his choices were all pro-life, so in essence Trump stacked the court in favor of the Lifers. That isn't really all that bad, I guess. These were professional judges who followed the rule of law, not the whims of a sick President. If Trump stands by what he said, stating he was responsible for overturning Roe-vs-Wade. That would mean the President, being "Trump," applied pressure on the members of the court to render the decision that they did. To me and many others that action was just wrong. However, Donnie Boy is taking credit for the folly, which means he is admitting to influencing the Supreme Court's decision-making process. That is not an American thing to do.

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Nothing he does is an American thing to do; he’s nothing but a flimflam man.

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I still believe that they were representing trump and returning the favor of putting them in the court. Of course, that doesn't explain the others on the bench that went along with stripping women of their rights to their bodies!

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Trump is just lying about that. He didn't DIRECTLY influence them. FOR IF he DID, that would mean their upcoming decision on the immunity deal is doomed!!! Yikes!

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I have often wished that in some cases abortion could be retroactive. If they should have then it will be done. Especially in DJT case.

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Didn’t quite finish my suggestion to solicit tRump’s friend MBS, on just how Washington Post’s Jamal Khashoggi’s body was so finely dismembered that his remains have not been found since his assassination in 2017.

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I forgot to say . . . As horrid as "MBS" is, still the United States goes on dealing with him! Him and his LIV sports events!!! Based on MBS's TERRIBLE HUMAN RIGHTS RECORD, "LIV" is a complete oxymoron!! Horrible, greedy, gluttonous and IMMORAL, the sports people willing to take that guy's money!! If we could just GET RID OF TRUMP, that would be one less worshipper of MBS! TRUMP HAS HELD LIV GOLF EVENTS AT HIS OWN COURSES!! FOR . . . SHAME!!!

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The horror of Jamal Khashoggi's death I could only wish on Trump (or, oh yeah, Putin, or Kim Jong Un, or Assad . . . or, or, or, or, or, any other horrid dictator on this planet!). Otherwise, it is almost sacrilegious to even mention it.

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Don't you like sewer rats? They're innocent, dammit! ..

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Rose, I love it! "Mango Mussolini! If I keep that name in my head every time I hear the word Trump or hear that disgusting voice, I will think "Mango Mussolini" and laugh! Thanks so much!!!

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That moniker has been around for 6 years or so. It's among the dozen or so I've adopted or created. I like how both the name sounds & the image fits.

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I use Cheetolini . . Same basis, but ties in crappy junk food (and/or cheating) which both seem appropriate . .😜

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No just t o d

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Trump looked up because he was asking the powers above why his colostomy bag just over flowed.

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Not finding a WHOLE LOT of goodwill for a guy that recommended bleach, detergent, and UV lights to battle spreading Covid - 19, not to mention repeatedly dissing the military.... Our 4 Years of Insanity & a Crotchless Group of Republicans.

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Daniel--His sporters are dying to try it.

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I found out that my cousin's husband voted for him, I WISH THAT I HADN'T CUT HIS BRAKE LINES.

Seriously - the guy said that he regretted voting for him.

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Daniel--I have a niece and her family who did the same, well-educated and over all a good person. What those people see in that man is beside me. Like I said before, either they are blind, or they just can't see.

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@ Appleton. Ask your cousin's husband to do a video. https://rvat.org/

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Same with my boss. I took into account that he's a recovered alcoholic.

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And they should try it!

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I can't believe there are military and military veterans that will still support him after what he said. I just do not understand.

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Responsible people wanting to play Rambo for a weekend, they're supposed to keep people such as this reined in.

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This would lead us to wonder exactly what the man is so full of. Good will or "Crap."

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Perhaps it was due to the source being full of it.

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I want a post -stroke video of him, paintless, drooling not his lap in a wheelchair.

Unkind, I know.

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Au contraire, I think that we deserve to see The Gross Trumpkin humbled & abased. It's the closest we'll ever come to some degree of closure.

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Melania plans to bury him on the 1st hole next to his first wife I guess. Trump wants to be buried at Bedminster Golf Club.

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Bury him upside down for good luck, Mrs. Melania.

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What a capital idea.

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Right on Dan, see my comment.

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While you’re waiting, work like hell to crush him at the polls under the biggest landslide ever. We cannot control his T.O.D. or when he goes to prison, but we can all be part of the tsunami that sweeps him and his ilk forever out of public life.

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@ Cup. To do something about it reach out to millions of unregistered likely Democrats using a dedicated database using every outreach method possible (phone and text, postcard, email and targeted ad, and in-person too), where new Democratic voters will make the most impact – in the most flippable states and districts.


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I will be sending post cards soon, as I did in the last election.. this is getting to be repetitive stuff because of that horrible person.

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Then there’s Post Trump Stress Disorder.

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Present Trump Stress Disorder is what we're dealing with. Remember, Fred lived into his early 90's.

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I'm going to start using this one 🙊😂

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I'm going to start using this one 🙊😂

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Gooood, wishful thinking... But, so sorry to bring it up, not being a party pooper, really not... Unfortunately, a black hole has an event horizon...so the turd45's silhouette would still be.... kinda...visible. Ugh!

Happy eclipsing. Clear skies, y'all 😎👍😁🌌🧘🏻‍♀️

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Is there a LIGHT at the end of the tunnel ? For Jabba the Trump the light is the flames of Perdition !

I know, I've been chastised for not turning the other cheek, etc. If it was only ME that has suffered losses due to the horrible administration, I COULD BE FORGIVING. but other people have suffered hardships.

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There are only so many times to turn the other cheek.

Any time thereafter you will be the fool to tolerate their behavior.

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Eight years of noise and dysfunction. Any normal democrat has had enough of the bipartisan rejections to normal governance. Pardon my French but Phuck these people. Blue Tsunami required. 🌊🗳️🇺🇸🧢

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He’s pretty much used up my reserve of charity. Now it’s just a struggle to hold on to my temper. I strictly limit minutes of exposure to protect my blood pressure.

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Many of us are sick and tired of hearing the name trump. I honestly hope he loses the election and gets sent to jail. That should shut him up for a while!

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That would be sheer bliss

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Work for a Biden landslide!

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A warm cell, peace and quiet. Trump will be rewarded for all the chaos he gleefully unleashed. Avoidable covid deaths as a big one. Imagine how much good he might have done?, if he were kind, a person that seeks the wisdom of experts? Trump's followers applaud rudderless-ness, a feeling they find familiar, accustomed to American society without a health and social safety-net that made them victims of 2008 as defrauded borrowers or shareholders, and jailed victims of leadership that is vicious rather than equitable.

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I would not denigrate the rest of us by calling him human.

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As do MOST of his (it's?) supporters! SAD!

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A simple massive stroke would do it... he's a physical wreck, and one is long overdue.

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You said it beautifully Mary. Thanks

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Mary H

Aren’t we all totally burnt out on the former?

I do think that he is a symptom of the problems we face as a nation.

He will go away but the problems remain. As the professor says the inequality issue is a huge factor in finding the America we all deserve. I too long for the day he will disappear. I long more deeply for a feeling of relief when we all can call ourselves brothers and sisters.

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We all are suffering..and once gone, MAGA will die too..a win win situation

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Hopefully, we can get the obscenely wealthy taxed fairly and regulated. They are responsible for tRump, and some of his supporters in Congress, the Senate and, of course, The "Supreme Court"! Leonard Leo and his Federalist Society MUST be brought down! And the "Heritage Foundation"! and many More of these groups that want to stack the deck against Democracy, decency and the Common Good! We do not need dynastic wealth! that is why we are the United States of America! We beat back the monarchy, long ago! It's time to oppose them with intelligence, sanity, and a rule of law that is truly Justice, not bought and paid for oppression! NO MORE CROOKED JUDGES!

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You could have TDS

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What helps me deal with trump exhaustion is to picture his face after President Biden has crushed him under the biggest landslide ever, in both the popular vote and the Electoral College, and when he starts to whine that our side cheated, and his own children laugh in his face. Visual the eldest 3 + Jared laughing out loud, and telling him, “Put a sock in it, Dad. It’s over. You lost.”

That picture energizes me like nothing else to work hard for President Biden’s landslide.

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It is shameful and inexplicable that Americans of any number are choosing to support and fund a con-man, a huckster, a charlatan, a racist, a demagogue, a sociopath, a liar, cheat, thief, sexual predator, a traitor, an un-American fraud.

Does anyone else remember when trump lined up some of the women who had accused Bill Clinton of sexual abuse to, presumably, discredit Hillary Clinton? Taking his vulgar behavior as a guide, temporarily, a conference and panel discussion showcasing the many people he has conned and cheated. Reading the good read by Tristan Snell, the lead attorney in the fraud case, called Taking Down Trump, those who were conned by the Trump University (gag, cough) might be one cohort. Then there are the years worth of reports about trades-people he cheated, people he sued to avoid paying them or to intimidate them into submission to whatever he wanted from them, cities he didn't pay for campaign costs to them.... just for starters.

He's a bully, a blowhard, and a coward who seduces others to do his dirty work. Shouldn't America hear from them?

And how much is trump costing American taxpayers every single day, even now? Let's see an accounting of that every day on mainstream media: Secret Service, lawyers for the government, traffic control, courtroom costs..... for starters. Let's see a big screen for THAT, all of the wasted $$$ on that foul excrescence. And add in the lost $$$ due to his misuse and abuse of everything in OUR government, including the abhorrent tax gifts to the uber-wealthy, with more to come promised by the con-man.

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Well since we're dealing in fantasy, couldn't we add in some solutions? What about publicly funded elections alone? What about closing the electoral college? What about requirements for presidential candidates to disclose their finances? Dream Bigly!!

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And their real medical records, not some opinion piece by a doc who's a member of Mar-a-Lardo.

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I enjoyed the "Mar-a-Lardo" as I enjoy any clever jab at that - one.

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Now you’re talking!

Public financing of political campaigns number one in better government. It would cut down the duration of campaigns from years to months. What a blessing!

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Unfortunately, "public funding" doesn't win elections!

Dig deeper and you will find everybody is grifting somebody else!

Like it or not, this is the first lesson of politics, I'm afraid!

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Apr 8Edited

So then couldn't a law be written so that a person with millions cannot finance a campaign? Couldn't it be written to exclude forcing employees to vote for a candidate? Couldn't penalties be attached to infractions of this law, such as forfeiture of one's candidacy? The law could be written so that it would nullify corporate personhood and Citizen's United. We can't stay inside the circled wagons if we want to move forward. So this is OUR LAST chance to move forward! Mr. Reich has offered us a platform for brainstorming. Let's use it!

I would have written more, but I'm not a lawyer or a politician. My ideas are crazy I'm sure. But I look forward to seeing fruitful discussion about these things.

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The cynic speaks.

In order to make change first comes the vision of how it can be.

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Very interesting suggestion. And a really good list of many who he has conned. Run their stories in campaign advertisements????

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Oh that would be good! A constant stream of his cons from the very people he conned!!

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What about the Lincoln Foundation - they are trying to do PSA - type things just to get under their collective skin. I hope it doesn't backfire. Uggh.

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Add the many small(er) businesses he never paid to show the harm he’s done at a level with which more can identify.

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Well said!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

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Lisa, where do the 6 "boxes" come from after your comment? I don't know how to do that. I also don't know what it means, or why you or anyone else would want to use them. I occasionally see those used here, but I don't know why. I just don't get it. What am I missing? Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

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Lisa is using a “hand-clap” emoji. If you see boxes instead of a graphic, your device may not have the font set to display them. If you see the images, I’m not sure what’s going on.

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Phil, thanks but all I see are boxes. No other "images". I don't know anything about "font set". Sorry, I just don't understand.

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It depends on some varying factors. The poster’s device may be different from yours and uses a code for the emoticon (sorry, not “emoji”) that your device doesn’t recognize. This is a smiley face from my iPhone: 😊

If you see a box or a question mark, your device doesn’t understand the code the iPhone uses.

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Phil, I use a laptop computer. I see the smiley face you sent from your iPhone.

I originally saw 6 boxes in a row (instead of smiley faces) on someone else's post not knowing the device used.

You are saying possibly my device doesn't understand the code their "iPhone uses". Yet you are using an iPhone and I do see the smiley face you sent. What is the difference?

I hate to ask for any more of your valuable time, but man oh man, I don't understand what is going on. Any other thought you might have would be greatly appreciated! Thank you very much.

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What I see is three sets of clapping hands. Perhaps your phone software doesn't recognize those emojis?

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Betsy, thanks for your reply.

(Incidentally, my deceased sister's name was Betsy. I chose her name when my mother asked me whether my new younger sister should be named Beth or Betsy. I said Betsy without any hesitation! I like your/her name.)

Anyway, it's interesting and helpful to know you see "three sets of clapping hands". All I see are six boxes. I don't know about phone software. I'm using the same old laptop computer I have used for years now, and have never before seen boxes. Maybe someone has "boxed me in" for some reason? I don't know. Ha Ha

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Annie seems to me, you’re on the right path to how Democrats must campaign: with genuine Caring, Honesty, Integrity, and Respect for America. With so much outstanding talent, providing Campaign Videos merely revealing as a powerful antidote, a visual reminder, of the Nefarious Episodes of the addiction to Abusing, Conning, Stiffing & Thieving, #45 has in his Resume. One might say, as effective, as the “oh so sly, glide Down That escalator, a “Tell” of just where he was Really gonna “take us” if you were listening carefully, and believed what the known con man was saying, and were savvy enough to take him at his word.

Yes, that’s correct, the guy tutored by the mafia’s lawyer, master conman, Donald’s bestie, Roy Cohn was showing you, and had told all of he was taking us, The U.S. down, Down, Down, smirking all the way. Millions of us, knew his history, tried to warn the public. It is time for Biden’s Campaign to take the gloves off, in this campaign.

Our beloved nation’s life depends on winning, to assure Freedoms Continue.

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There is one thing to keep in mind: the many billionaire con men who don't give a flying f... about his moral depravities because their moral compass isn't any better. BUT. They support him because he nicely plays into their long-standing fantasies of a white-supremacist, autoritarian republic. Look at Project 2025, every rich white con man's wet dream.

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He's a rapist

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excellent points, Annie Cross. the more we promote transparency in how much time and taxpayer money he wastes, the sooner we can get rid of him. Our global allies are questioning our integrity.

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Excellent post. Hard to believe so many people can’t see how much of a con this man is.

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"who seduces others to do his dirty work"

um, probably not "seduces". Maybe "forces" or "has something over on others and gets them to do his bidding that way"...

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Don’t forget the people who caught COVID following his advice that it was just a bad cold. I don’t know of anyone that actually injected themselves with bleach, fortunately.

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Michael Cohen, the attorney who made payments to Stormy Daniels, wrote a book about Trump while in prison. I have read it, AND about 30 others, all of which contain the cons you allude to. And his Trump Organization business overseer, Weisenstein, isn't that his name? -- testified already and served his prison sentence too. There are so many people who have done Trump's dirty work, it is all a blur. I'D LIKE TO SEE HIS ROTTEN KIDS TESTIFY AGAINST HIM, A-N-D GO TO JAIL -- ALL OF THEM, INCLUDING IVANKA AND JARED KUSHNER!

Somewhere in these comments someone said that Trump wants to be buried at his golf club in New Jersey ("next to his first wife, Ivana, at the first tee!"). I've said over and over, AND even called the DOJ Comments line about it, that I think they ought to exhume her body and do another autopsy. Doesn't it seem awfully fishy that she died from falling down a flight of stairs?? The woman was only 73. She knew an awful lot about him, including revealing his favorite bedside reading material to the public, THE SPEECHES OF ADOLF HITLER! I feel 150% certain she might have revealed a heck of a lot more had she lived, during this, his third try for the presidency! What I want to know is, Who pushed her??? Was she wearing high heels? Who was with her? Was she talking on her cell phone? What are the DETAILS surrounding that fall? I never even heard anything about her funeral on the news. It's as though the family made quick work of her burial!

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I don't know why you find support of Trump "inexplicable." It's obviously human nature to gloss over the bad points of those you like, and the good points of those you don't like. This is just a fairly extreme case of that: finally the "conservatives" (actually, reactionaries) are winning again, and they'll go with anybody who can take them down that path.

Stalin was, I think most of us can admit, a nasty piece of work. Yet pretty much everyone on the Allied side in World War II supported Stalin during the war because there were bigger fish to fry, and Stalin was helping with that. Even before and after the war, many left-wingers who really should have known a lot better (George Orwell being a notable exception!) supported Stalin because he was anti-capitalist, and that's where they thought their battle was. (Stalin killing workers even faster than capitalism could was apparently something they could gloss over, despite being a truly impressive feat.)

Support for Trump is no different from that.

Evangelicals have a bigger battle than just who in particular is in the presidency right now; they have a society to change in fairly radical ways. Trump has started getting them there; with luck (for them) this will have progressed enough by the time Trump flames out or dies that they will be able to put someone more to their taste in the presidency. They seem to me to be clearly following the correct path for their goals, assuming that achieving their goals is a little more important than the means by which they achieve them.

The beliefs of Republicans for the last 45 years have tended more towards religious (lower-case 'r') ones, à la Ayn Rand, than principled: "lower taxes," "trickle-down economics" and so on have become aims rather than means to aims. And lately getting power and staying in power (i.e., being the overtly "winning team") has become a prime goal, and Trump helps with that. So if Trump doesn't agree with their ostensible principles, that's fine; he's still helping them to "win."

This sort of practicality is not unique to the right. I'm a Canadian, and a rather left-wing one at that, so from my point of view (not to mention that of many outside the U.S.) the Democratic party comes down somewhere on the right of centre. (This is not a new thing. Back in the '60s a British comedy group Beyond the Fringe explained America this way: "Americans have two political parties. The Republicans, who are the equivalent of our Tory [conservative] party. And the Democrats who are the equivalent of our Tory party.") But I fully support Biden because, despite being well to the right of Bernie Sanders or other Americans more to my taste, he's at least moving the country in the direction I'd like to see the world go.

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Be careful what you wish for.

Without Trump the Hydra that is the current GOP will simply grow another head.

A head probably just as evil as Trump - but almost certainly more competent.

The best case would be for Trump to survive until he has squeezed all of the money and resources from the GOP so it dries up and blows away.

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The GOP dried up. I'd love to see that happen. I'd pay to see it ! They've become a sanctuary for the mentally - ill & emotionally unstable in addition to the terminally sanctimonious & corrupt.

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The political duopoly needs to be shattered to give the voters more real choices at voting for a party better aligned at their interests and values.

That is a long term project.

For the moment voting Democrats is the only sane thing to do.

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"for the moment voting Democrats is the only sane thing to do."

That and working to get progressive Democrats into office down ballot, or at least voting for them in the primaries. If I knew in 2003 what I know now I would have stayed in DC and fought the good fight to try and make a difference. But few knew things would turn to crap. I certainly didn't. But in the back of my mind I felt people's ignorance of, not to mention antipathy towards, their government might some day cause a real problem. So, I like others here fight the problems downstream in lands suffering from disinvestment and plundering.

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I only voted for Joe because the alternative was pretty much UNCONSIONABLE to anyone with even a SHRED of a conscience & any decency.

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Seems like we already have at least 4 parties. The sane Main Street Republicans (Mitt Romney eg)have already left the Coalition of the Right. The Freedom Caucus Confederates will break off.. even from the country. if they don't get everything they want when they want it now. That just leaves the morally bankrupt careerists who will say anything do anything to stay in office. Hawley. Cruz. Graham Didn't Rubio just show a glint of spine? Nah.

Democrats. Mainstream sorta liberals like Durbin and Biden pre-presidential, both probly more liberal that Obama. Good ol' fashioned Progressives (Roosevelt?) Bernie and Liz W vs the culture warriors of the so-called "squad" who do in fact represent the mirror image of the Freedom Caucus, some very angry mostly young people who hopefully will mature as did the John Lewis's of his generation.

It's all about whether the parties can manage their own coalitions. No I don't think a parliamentary system is better. Look at Bibi.

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The resources of the GOP are drying up. They are being used to pay for tRump's tremendous legal bills.

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It COULDN'T have happened to a more deserving bunch of subhuman sewer - dwelling troglodytes, If they want sympathy, I could make sport of them for a while. I'll make a GAME out of it. & of COURSE I'll laugh at their drooling round faces.

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I think it’s already gone! Just like CPAC Bill Maher called it Woodstock for the mentally impaired!

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A more accurate appellation for the Republican Party maybe GOPutin Party: most likely if worst case scenario, “the former guy “wins 4 more yrs,” for what once was the party of Lincoln, savior of our beloved nation and General Eisenhower, honorable military Officer of the highest rank, Leader of the WWII Joint Command Forces, both Republican Presidents, of a party now so sullied and fractured and disintegrated into a cesspool of Bible thumpers, conspiracy theorists, corporation corruption, insurrection insurgents, anti-feminist/control women’s bodies fanatics, government/disrupters/shrinkers as to be non-functional.

Currently I’d leader has a bromance with communist President Putin, makes adoring puppy eyes at him, waxes poetic about his attributes. Along with his admiration for all autocrats, promises his intentions to rule like them. believe him. He may be an habitual liar, his Actions Always give away what he has down and Always will do. Once a Thieving Con-man and Destroyer, Always Will Be! A Powerful Campaign Slogan…You can use it, it’s the Truth.

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You have a point. True evil is using him. To be sure, they are using each other. Even Hitler was a good gig for a while if you were IG Farben, Volkswagen or Bundesbank.

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The local & state elections should be an even greater focus. Through those, the heads are multiplying.

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"All politics is local".

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Yes, and with so much focus on the Presidential, too many are forgetting that municipalities and states are setting some pretty heinous laws that impact too many. Consider school board elections and the states where judges are elected a prime area of interest.

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I think that's happening. The RNC is recognizing that 10 threatening emails a day, every day, to MAGAts ordering them to send money or they'll be called RINOs isn't working very well any more. That well is drying up. Plus, the people that donated money to Dumpy at that fundraiser are either at or close to their donation limits, so Dumpy will have to find more rich suckers to donate.

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I’m hoping that if Trump loses the party will come to its senses - but I’m afraid of what will happen if he loses - what will those millions of TrumpTards do?

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They will weep and moan. Those with military training will no doubt attempt violence of some sort. Just imagine that motley crew facing battle-ready battalions of soldiers who didn’t like being called “losers and suckers.” Hah!

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He is working on depleting the GOP coffers daily.

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I think it’s already gone! As Bill Maher says about CPAC … it’s Woodstock for the mentally impaired.

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Now that would be a blessing, wouldn't it?

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Professor Reich: with so many grifts that trump is now running, and so few buyers, where are all his voters/votes coming from? surely, if a person thinks trump is their soon-to-return king, they'd be on board with spending their last pennies on his souvenirs? so one would think that he is still stealing these peoples' funds? or am i making a mistake in logic here, namely, trump voters = buying trump's overpriced trinkets

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Everyone who throws their lot in with that guy winds up in the shit. Just think of Mike Pence with a mob looking to hang him or Rudy Giuliani with his face face falling off, indicted and so deep in debt hell never climb out. And twas ever thus, from the "students" at his "university" to the contractors he stiffed. And yet, they keep lining up.

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FYI: trump has ripped off more than 3,900 people and is suing them so he doesn't have to pay them what he owes (this does not include those who are trying to force him to pay them using the courts, which are bloody damned expensive and SLOW)

here's a rather astounding graphic on twitter showing just this: https://twitter.com/JamesFLoveIV/status/1776980698932433364

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That's an incredible graphic, even though I can't read the small print. Sometimes images are better than words.

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I don't understand the lawyers who assist in this madness. How do they get paid? Does the most recent lawyer initiate a case against paying the previous one?

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🤣 A lawyerly "Mexican stand off".

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I should have known you'd have data!

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Donald Hodgins

Donald’s Substack

10 mins ago


A couple of minutes--Just ask any of the women unfortunate enough to have firsthand knowledge on the man himself. Word has it that they all would affirm that Trump was good for just about that period of time, nothing more. Like the eclipse the shadow you see during the event is really all there is to Mr. Trump. One minute he was there the next history said he just passed away leaving the sun to shine and our lives to reflect a period of truth, with a future so much brighter.

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I like the way you said that!

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Peggy--Thinking of terrible things to say about Trump is easy. All I have to do is consider the source.

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Hahahahahahaha!! That's so true!!

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collectibles for when he is but a weird memory?

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Apr 8
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William, bullies will never be allowed to take over our country. When you stand up to them, they wither and slink away!

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Apr 8
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Yes, but not a problem we can't handle!! Keep the faith!! Vote Blue in November!!

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Why is this man not in prison for at the very east Contempt of Court?

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I suspect he is not in prison because he has enough money to pay off people to keep him out of jail. Relatively poor people, such as myself can not afford to do that.

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They've been way to EASY on him. Is it because they see a fragile old man who only has a few years left ? A granddad ? A jolly old prune ?

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Oh gosh! There is not one thing jolly or fragile about that snake oil salesman!! I wish they would stop bending over backwards for that worthless idiot!!

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Donald may be an idiot but he is a dangerous man. He has caused the deaths of others (delayed/inept response to Covid, Jan 6th insurrection, attack on Paul Pelosi) to forward his causes. He wants to do so again. He will do so again.

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He is getting very desperate and the stress has to be getting to him; with that being said, I’m just hoping his black heart explodes and he keels over. ⚰️ time!

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An UN - Jolly old gargoyle. And an apology to ALL hard - working, God - fearing, gargoyles for not trying more to get with their cause !

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Hahahahahaha!! Good one, Daniel!!

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I was searching for a way to push another gargoyle reference, got nothing. I'm off my game or else had very little game to start with.

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You got game, Daniel! I enjoy reading your comments!!

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Excuse my French but they're not bending backwards....

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Because in America you still have to be convicted of an actual crime before you can be sentenced for it. No, hurting feelings doesn’t count.

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But disobeying a judge's orders, as he has done repeatedly, would send a poorer man to jail.

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The stolen secret documents alone should have ended his freedom.

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There are the threats and his thugs to carry some of them out!?

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I just can’t with these people who support this fraud. I’ve quit on so many friends and neighbors who are only still enamored of him because they just won’t admit they’ve been duped. Facts support Biden is getting the job done, yet these aggrieved shmucks refuse to see it or approve of it. Where in the house history of our nation has an ex president under criminal indictment ever been seen hawking trinkets to the public? It’s literally bizarre and pathetic at the same time. This deplorable and soulless silver spoon lowlife must never darken the doorway of the people’s house ever again.

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He should not be on any ballots!

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Sadly, he runs the House now through his minions!

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I watched the entire episode of January 6, 2021, on TV in Slovakia.



"If you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore!"

The mob then marched on the CAPITOL and engaged the CAPITOL POLICE.

It was violent combat. I was a soldier for six years, and I know combat when I see it.

Senators and Congressmen were escorted to safety as the mob took possession.

of the Capitol, occupying offices of senators and representatives.

The mob had successfully interrupted Congressional certification of the

electoral vote count of the 2020 Presidential Election. Trump then appeared on

TV to thank the mob for what they had accomplished. He told them they were

special, that he loved them. But when the mob left, and order had been restored,

then Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, reassembled the CONGRESS. All the

Senators and Representatives returned to the chamber, and they resumed the

electoral vote count and the certification of the results of the 2020 Presidential Election,

declared Joe Biden the winner, on January 7, so that Biden could be inaugurated as scheduled January 21, 2021.

Trump had incited a violent insurrection, and many members of the mob he assembled.

have been arrested, tried, convicted, sentenced and imprisoned for what they

did on January 6, 2021. TRUMP himself has been indicted, but he has not yet been

tried. He will ultimately be held accountable and sentenced to prison.

And that is the TRUTH! The GOP knows it, but lacks the courage to

admit it. The GOP has made Trump the nominee in the 2024 presidential election.

This is a disgrace of the first magnitude. A Fascist is now at the head of the GOP.

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John Hudanish ; t rRump purged the party of any reasonable Republicans with death threats to them and their families. He does this to our prosecutors and Judges! He has created his own "party", which he is now eviscerating! He does not need a party! Not with what he is planning!

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Money grubbing is Trump’s M.O.! Now that he’s had a taste of power to go along with it he is pushing the limits of our laws to stay in power! It’s truly amazing how this guy can continue to get away with everything he’s done to our country!

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One of the reasons Donald wants to be president again is to escape justice. Others are his love of money and power.

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$59.99 for a Trump Bible! Knowing Trump, I bet it's cheaply made and quickly falls apart!

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You know it. And that's if it is even delivered.

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No kidding!!

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Keith ; and he continues to do!

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I will NEVER want to DJT's image anywhere after this. Getting bombarded with images of that bloated yet withered anus - faced THING that MAGATs have claimed as their " Messiah " every time I go online for anything got very old VERY quickly.

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"They" use it the same way they use images of snakes or spiders- to get an emotional reaction. Mine is disgust with MSM, not what they were going for.

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Can’t happen soon enough for me. I’m choc full of trump. Ready to see him go down that big escalator in the sky. Only gold I want to see is a couple of coins on his eyes. And as for the rest of the grift, your days are numbered. Don’t know if I had my head up my ass or what bit I didn’t see a Trump kind of candidate as possible. Didn’t know we were in a place to make it possible. Truth is Trump has been able to snooker so many folks because of prejudice, I’m talking about hate, pure and simple. There is a constant undercurrent of racism that gives Trump life, makes him much more dangerous and shows how backwards a lot of Americans are. Biden/Harris 2024

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Oh I love you Professor Reich!! You give me hope for the future. While I know we are still facing incredible dangers and there is still a long slog ahead of us to get to November, I can't help but laugh at all his idiotic schemes and cons as he desperately clings to power. Meanwhile in ONE week from today he goes to trial. I'm focusing on that too!!

Also here in the Hoosier state I am enjoying a respite today from the daily grind of political news. Hopefully a beautiful eclipse and then a wonderful win for my beloved Boilermakers!! 💛🏀🖤

Thank you again for a very uplifting post. Maybe we'll get lucky and he'll look skyward again. You just never know. Hope you get to see the Eclipse too. ❤️🇺🇸💙

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He’s not a professor. Just a pompous shitbag. You stupid twit.

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Why don't you get lost? Those of us who want to read Robert are in this space -- no one wants rude people like you. You can disagree -- that is your right, but be polite and give logical reasons, not such vituperative nonsense. I often don't agree with Robert, as I am and was a Bernie man -- but that doesn't mean I should be disrespectful.

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Thank you. ❤️

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Well said, Lokhi!

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I wanted Bernie to run. BUT he's not exactly a Spring chicken hence maybe not up to the stresses & strains of pursuing political office.

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I'm glad that Bernie is still in Government!

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I think that maybe Bernie realized that his spirit may have been willing but he really wasn't up to the routine anymore. I'm thinking that he would be a great advisor, if nothing else.

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Daniel Appleton: Wall Street and the wealthy owned media did not want any part of Bernie Sanders. Ever. They had company in government. And the corporate business sector. Fear of the " Socialist", along with ignorance, of the voters sealed the deal. The greedheads did not want him, even though he was wildly popular wherever he went. More popular than The " Heiress apparent:" Hillary Clinton. He turned Red Red Vermont Blue!

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I just reported the troll so I don't have to look at his nasty post! I reported it to Substack ; not to Robert Reich, because this troll broke Substack's rules.

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I did as well yesterday. I don’t think they really care Substack like every other site, just want’s clicks.

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While I normally don't engage with trolls I will correct you. He is a Professor and does have his Doctorate degree.

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No. He does not. He is a “Lecturer”. And being a Pompous Asshole does not mean he has a Ph.D. What field is it in? What institution is it from?

He doesn’t have one. He’s just a smug, arrogant wannabe.

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Professor Reich received a National Merit Scholarship attended Dartmouth College majoring in history. He graduated with an A. B. - Summa Cum Laude and won a Rhodes Scholarship attending University College, Oxford where he studied philosophy, politics and economics. He earned a J.D. from Yale Law School and was editor of the Yale Law Journal. I believe his vast knowledge and credentials trumps your nasty comments, don't you? (see how I used trump there?)

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Love it Peggy!! Thank you!!! ❤️

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So not a professor and no Doctorate. Just a pompous ass.

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You go ahead and do you, Scott. It must be very sad and depressing for you in order to maintain that anger and rage. Here's a thought, find some humor each day, go out and smell the flowers, be kind to a neighbor. It goes a long way to diminish that 'stinkin thinkin' you are drowning in. Have a good day and may fortune hopefully smile on you.

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Oh excuse me I was incorrect. He has his Masters degree, and his J.D. if you even know what that is. Get on Google and find out. He is highly intelligent and worked in more than one Administration. I agree with the other person. Go take your hate somewhere else. Like "Truth" social maybe.

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Scott, that was extremely rude! Professor Reich is not what you said. He is smart and is working hard to inform us of things that are happening that we should be aware. Calling those of us on his feed names is just not nice. If you don't like what is being said, it is possible to discuss your opinions in a civilized manner without resorting to name calling.

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Reich is a tiny little agitator whose comments are always redundant and useless. Everything is always the fault of Republicans and the Big Orange Meanie. It’s facile and hateful reporting, all he wants is attention.

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Don’t respond to this troll who calls himself, Scott. Just click on the three dots and report him.

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Getting rid of Trump is only the start of the great CLEAN UP.

Removing all the messes he leaves behind and reforming government to make it a lot harder for the next wannabee dictator/ authoritarian to succeed at fetching the reins of government.


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The only things that ever stop malignant narcissists are firm barriers like prison or death.

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We can't put him in cryonic suspension. Somebody might thaw the c--ksucker out.

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Suck my dick tiny little shitbag.

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I'll take "What a malignant narcissist says" for $1000, Alex.

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I’ll take “what an inbred moron says when they aren’t busy trying to suck their own tiny manhood” for $0.

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Who hurt you?

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Feeling vulgar, today?

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"even Republican lawmakers demand he step down." Good luck with that.

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The cult of # 45 doesn't like pissing off their faux Messiah.

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He is a creation of media. The one thing that Americans now days do not generally understand. At 65 years old and being from the era before all of this I take comfort in the fact. Joe Biden is not from that world. The smart money is on Biden and Scranton PA.

Not Las Vegas.

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I very much welcome your optimism that Trump is in eclipse and that we will soon be rid of him for good. But last night I watched the frightening documentary "Against All Enemies." We may get rid of Trump, but these tens-of-thousands of Far Right Extremist armed militants will still be with us. These people, mostly Veterans, are religiously serious about a future insurrection. They are prepared for battle and war, and I don't see them disappearing.

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Im surrounded by them. As neighbors and “friends”. They took the same oath as I did when i served. It makes me sick, their hypocrisy and their lack of empathy. Can’t wait to laugh in their faces when we mop the floor with them in November

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Do what I did: flee the country!

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Lucky! Where did you go?

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Portugal and, outside the difficulty of the language, it’s wonderful. It’s the EU secret.

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I don’t know how much of a secret it is. I know three people who have expatriated there. I’m considering Southeast Asia.

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It is quite scary, Joe!

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It sure is Peggy!

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Oh don't tell me that. I'm just getting ready to watch that movie. I'm scared enough as it is. Lord help us all. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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It alarmed me!

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