When I heard this news, my mind went back and forth between feeling that McConnell deserved this moment of confusion and feeling pity. Then I also felt bad for feeling all that. Yes, what McConnell does as a politician is really disgusting. I hope that as he learns about his own fragility that he recognizes and regrets what he has done as a politician has been very cruel and inhumane. But I doubt he’ll learn that.
I should wish him well and hope he does get well. And I also wish that his career as a politician ends like now.
You are right. He will not learn from this, and he will not gain any empathy. He is the same calculated, ruthless, evil, tone deaf, power hungry and cold-blooded and cruel garbage that he's always been. He hides behind the "civility" of "tradition" while having not a single honorable bone in his body. He may even think that the fact that believes he's "doing good" justifies his heartless, vicious, calculated and despicable actions.
He may not be the completely off the rails MAGA, white nationalist proud fascist that infects the chambers of congress these days, but he is the typical "polite Republican" that got us to this point in time.
I refuse to pretend that I feel for him as a human. He deserves and has earned anything bad that happens to him now and in the future, and I will consider the world a better place when he no longer walks among us. Nobody should be judged by their worst or their best moment. But when your whole professional life has been defined by worst moment after worst moment, and horrendous hypocrisy you deserve to be judged harshly.
I cannot show humane compassion for someone who is obviously educated, not ignorant and yet consistently fails to show any humanity himself. Sorry. Not gonna happen.
I feel more compassion for the millions of Americans he cheated out of democracy by his hypocritical power-grabbing. His demons are coming for him and I say good riddance Mitch.
I am by no means a fan of the man who has done so much damage. As for the millions of Americans cheated out of democracy? I am one of those Americans. Your point is not lost on me.
understood. I'm not about "perfect" I'm about humanity which is decidedly imperfect. It's a continuum. But I take your point. I strive to be a better person as I age
Louder for the people in the back! I find it impossible to sympathize with a man who has actively done so much harm to the country he is supposed to serve. Perhaps if the GOP hadn't turned me into a hater--something I'm ashamed of, BTW, but there it is--I would be able to spare a thought for him. As it is, no. My only concern is who's going to replace him? Someone even worse?
He is past 80 and should retire. He is primarily responsible for the 6-3 conservative majority in our Supreme Court, and he did it by cheating, which is what Republicans do on a regular basis. It is too bad the Conservative Supreme Court Justices are not making Constitutional decisions, but political decisions just because they CAN.
Even worse, six of the nine are Roman Catholic, and making decisions based on their religion. This is unconstitutional, and another argument for 1) expanding the court; and 2) NOT making lifetime appointments. What's next, forced conversion and auto-de-fe?
That's my fear as well, that KINtucky is NOT 'turning purple' (like the turkey necked turtle boy did last year, most likely from an over high dose of Plavix??), let alone blue like other formerly solidly rightwingnut states possibly are, and that his replacement WILL be an all-out unabashed fascist wannbe NAZI POS. :( :(
You are right to be concerned. McConnell helped save the country on the evening of Jan 6. He and Pence rendered the country a most valuable service (along with others) by validating the electoral results. Since then the feckless Pence has lost all authority, making McConnell almost indispensable now (pun not intended).
McConnell may have helped save our country on Jan. 6, but he’s also more than partially responsible for what happened Jan. 6. Regarding his health issues, I’m ambivalent.
Well said...totally agree...I will never get over how he packed the SC by refusing to even have hearing for Merrick Garland (Obama's pick for SC). He is evil and his evil is coming for him. Let's get all these old white guys who are lying, self-serving, hypocrites out. We need a new young Congress who gets it...and CARES about the people of our country who need support and not the filthy money-worshippers.
This kind of response really bothers me. Here Roger is, pouring out his heart and you are mocking him for being so forthright. I wish that retort would disappear from our culture and lexicon. It is gleefully mean spirited and reflects poorly on the person who employs it.
It may be that you have only experienced that remark as mean-spirited, but I don't think it is or has to be. I've heard it used in a gentle way, joking but also admiring the passion of the person who spoke. I'm prepared to believe Smiling Guy offered it in that spirit.
Looking at your profile, I see you moved to Portugal. I know a married couple that retired there and from what I hear, love it. I do live in the USA. Not sure what you mean about not accepting an expat. My user name has to do with my fondness for the English band Yes.
I’m going to try to remember that I’ve been surprised before when someone I honestly believed was essentially “beyond redemption” - hit a pivotal moment in his/her life when some experience or something someone said “out of the blue,” ... just came at a moment when s/he was open and vulnerable - and a “light went on.” I continue not to trust those whose beliefs & actions have historically been cruel, but I also try to hold the space for a moment when s/he has an experience that "changes everything.”
There is an amazing Buddhist teaching story where a Tibetan monk has been physically tortured by a Chinese captor for several months. When asked about the experience he says: ,"There was only one moment when he felt that he was in danger.... In danger of losing compassion for his torturer". I so admire that story but I must say I am way not at that level of spirituality... Even though I sometimes strive for it. My compassion is strong for the victims of Mitch McConnell's horrible behavior... But I just can't get any for him. More growth on my part may be possible for me, but it's not coming easily.
But for me it's pretty easy to balance. Because my disgust with politicians (or influential oligarchs) is driven by their lack of empathy for humanity. In almost every case. Even when they pretend that they are defending or supporting the interests of their supposed constituency they could really care less about them. The majority of Republican voters have become the true definition of "useful idiots." They vote against their own interest in the name of tribalist and culture war "issues" when it is clear that their interest do not line up in any way with the interests of those they follow blindly.
Yes. McConnell almost redeemed himself with that speech right after the insurrection that condemned Trump. Unfortunately, he neglected to condemn the horse he rode in on.
Agreed, Janet--Beau is right about a lot of this, but the whole "better the devil you know" is a bitter pill to swallow. This "devil" created the worst, most imbalanced Supreme Court, ever by playing fast and loose by the rules, and we're going to feel the deleterious effects of this judiciary for a generation, at least.
Agreed - conditionally. Had the DNC and Hillary exercised better judgement, both in campaign strategy - all the areas they felt no need to campaign in, for example - and candidate selection in the first place, I'm almost certain we'd've had 3 liberal justices seated instead of what that lapse in judgement led to. Yes. McConnel's a snake, not many years away from being a dead snake. But I can't help thinking ol' Tweety didn't win in '16 so much as the Democrats screwed up massively and lost. Their ineptitude made ol' Tweety's win possible in the first place. McConnel would've been marginalized had a Democrat been elected, and his obstructionism and this SCOTUS itself would have been aborted at its conception. Hindsight has 20/20 vision, if you face it. It's necessary to admit mistakes before learning from and correcting them. It's not "all their fault" - or Moscow Mitch's.
Not sure the world has a generation left. Isnt there a song "Have u seen the weather?" If there's not, there will be one on the hit parade....9, 8, 7,.......................
I kinda think the best case would be for Moscow Mitch to refuse to step down, but be "unavailable" for the next few years. His arrogance may just be strong enough to refuse to resign, and if he cannot attend Senate functions, the seat would be effectively empty.
the "liberal" media is only as liberal as its conservative owners allow it to appear. clinton allowed for the concentrated ownership/monooly of our media and it is now the biggest propaganda machine the world has ever known and has enabled those monied interests to steer debate and control the narrative and capture our entire government .
Unfortunately your hope is probably in vain. He had polio and has had lifelong struggles to overcome and compensate for it. So, it’s not likely he’ll see things differently now.
I absolutely concur with Roger L's excellent analysis as well. Mitch McConnell is a cruel, cold hearted human being with absolutely no empathy for the majority of Americans who are not rich, powerful nor a Republican. With that being said however, I do not wish suffering on anyone. He will continue to be a horrible person and I have to admit I will feel no sadness at all when he is no longer among us.
Yes, he and even the ones much much worse than him (I know, that does seem impossible, but it's a SAD, rage inducing reality today :( ) I wish no actual physical harm to, except that they be removed from power, NEVER to return to perpetrate their fascist EVIL on all of the rest of U.S.!
The moments Mitch lost touch with basically everything should have given rise to some sever apprehension on the part of those caring for him. A rushed trip to the hospital for a talk with a good neurologist would have been an excellent place to start. The fact that this precaution wasn't taken leads one to believe the mental pause Mr. McConnell suffered wasn't anything new. It could be there is more going on in his head due to his recent fall and subsequent concussion then they are telling us.
I thank God he wasn't driving a car, swimming, or engaged in an activity that require you to focus (on what you are doing for safety reasons) when this happened. It could have been fatal to him or others. He should see a doctor to ensure that this is not going to be a recurring event.
If his fellow repubs had had any compassion, they would have gotten an ambulance immediately and called his wife or his neurologist, if he has one. He could also have had a stroke.
A TIA is a stroke, albeit, temporary. Did you notice that NO ONE was surprised?? So I have to wonder how often this is happening. And who the heck lets an orthopedic surgeon "treat" them for a neurological issue??
I was assisting on a bone marrow aspiration. We had just finished. I asked the resident if she could hand me something. She just stood there staring at me. Then she went over to the window and made grand gestures, turned around and started falling down, her eyes rolling back, her mouth open.
If that had happened while she had the blade or Jamshidi 5” needle in the patient it could have caused great damage.
I've had them. First was in 1993 when I was giving a speech. Thought it was a MI, but couldn't establish cause. Had one a couple of weeks ago. Not dementia -- low blood pressure. I have some "senior moments" but so do everyone my age.
And many not your age. Since we are not privy to his general health (and rightfully so) there are many possibilities for this occurrence. I hope this will not add to that “age” conversations for our current president but think of who and what is best to lead this country away from the autocratic path we are on.
Apparently he has fallen not just once or twice but multiple times. He must not be getting the help he needs before he seriously injured himself or others.
Oh, I am sure he has. We only heard about the 2 at home due to the seriousness of his injuries. He needs to retire and spend what time he has left on this earth enjoying something other than trying to destroy democracy.
Your compassion reminds us of the difference between compassion for humanity (which, alas for humanity, McConnell lacks) and criticism of a powerful individual's actions--not the person, but the behavior, including what he says.
I wrote this note as a Brit with a strong interest in US politics and with family in Detroit. Just back from another visit. The U.K. suffers from much the same divisiveness and there are strong links and parallels between our Tories and your Republicans. Both are I suspect an embarrassment to Republicans and Tories of the past. I know enough of McConnell to understand why there is every reason to dislike him. We have politicians I thoroughly dislike over here. However, Robert Reich reminds as that however tempting it is, and mea culpa, we should try hard not sink to their level.
I’m encouraged by just how many people have been supportive of Roberts sentiments.
Yes....empathy Mr. McConnell never shows to anyone across the aisle. I find it ironic and a tad hilarious that Mitch pokes fun at the POTUS for falling when he, himself has taken at least 3 falls in the last 3.5 years...fracturing his shoulder, then a concussion and at the airport not even 2 weeks ago!
I agree! I DESPISE Moscowmitch with every fiber of my being for birthing Bunkerboy and his 1,000,000++ murders, but I still wish him to pass comfortably in his bed . . . What happens after that is up to your interpretation of an afterlife.
More than that, McConnell could run right over to the Office of the Attending Physician of the United States Congress to receive free medical care, no strings attached, paid for by us taxpayers.
Agreed. There's a commonality that all humans share, that when we're physically vulnerable, our reaction should be empathy. It's a little harder to separate that out from our visceral reaction to the ugliness that some humans perpetrate on a daily basis, but it's a bridge to our universal humanity.
I watched the video of McConnell several times and it sure looked like a seizure. His concussion background and recovery yesterday implied it too, as if nothing had happened. Good thing there was a doctor nearby in Sen. Barrasso.
I hope that Dr. Reich has not had a recurrence, because the experience he described must have been terrifying!
True, but after Biden called him to make sure he was okay guess what he said later when ask how he was feeling “It wasn't a sandbag” I didn't know he had any sense of humor, I'm sure some e told him to say that since they'll all puppets of #DonTheCon #DonTheCriminal #DonTheRapist #Don3TimeIndicted
We will all age or fail physically in some way. It is only a matter of time and how. I think as a human being everyone deserves empathy in that regard.
I was about to say something along these lines, but you said it beautifully and all I would add is that one of the things I’ve observed in our politics & our “discourse” is such anger, hostility, and just plain “meanness.” I salute ANYONE who takes an opportunity to “do otherwise.” Thank You. :-)
If this had been a Democrat, I guarantee people like MTG would not be so kind. They attack, attack, attack.
On another note, they just will not let Hunter Biden rest. (I think the Republicans got to that Trump appointed judge. I was shocked she wouldn’t accept the plea and his admission of guilt. It seemed highly unusual and suspicious.
You should read Joyce Vance’s piece on this. I think the judge did the proper thing. The plea agreement required the judge to determine if a charge should be brought later by DOJ should the insane dumpty return to office, which is not the responsibility of the justice department. Apparently there is ongoing investigations in the President's son, which is not the normal state of affairs. A plea agreement is supposed to put everything to rest. The lunatic asylum that is the GOP is hoping to find a fairy in all the pony manure they wallow in, and charge Hunter Biden with some crime. The judge wants all this clarified before a plea deal is finalized.
The stupidity and hatred of this group of idiots is really scary. And they love their guns. Probably all they love, since they apparently don’t love their children enough to do something about climate change.
WHY aren’t the Democrats going after Jared Kushner? He is MUCH MORE of a threat to our country and MORE of a CRIMINAL than Hunter Biden’s who didn’t even work in the White House! It’s unbelievable that after FIVE years they keep investigating him.
I understand your outrage. But the thing is, we’re practical. It would be a waste of time, and really, WHO has the power to “go after”Kushner? We don’t hold the majority in the House, and the Senate has more important things to try to do.
And here’s the thing: this kind of revenge politics can blow up in your face. People do eventually see through the BS. We’re all hoping it dooms the rethugnican party, and so far it seems to be slowly doing just that.
If they nominate drumpf, they will lose If they don’t, I think there’s a good chance he’ll try to run anyway, and they’ll lose.
Let’s just hope there no third party spoiler that’s remotely interesting.
Thank you Robert for showing that it is still possible to show empathy across the aisle, no matter how wide it becomes.
When I heard this news, my mind went back and forth between feeling that McConnell deserved this moment of confusion and feeling pity. Then I also felt bad for feeling all that. Yes, what McConnell does as a politician is really disgusting. I hope that as he learns about his own fragility that he recognizes and regrets what he has done as a politician has been very cruel and inhumane. But I doubt he’ll learn that.
I should wish him well and hope he does get well. And I also wish that his career as a politician ends like now.
You are right. He will not learn from this, and he will not gain any empathy. He is the same calculated, ruthless, evil, tone deaf, power hungry and cold-blooded and cruel garbage that he's always been. He hides behind the "civility" of "tradition" while having not a single honorable bone in his body. He may even think that the fact that believes he's "doing good" justifies his heartless, vicious, calculated and despicable actions.
He may not be the completely off the rails MAGA, white nationalist proud fascist that infects the chambers of congress these days, but he is the typical "polite Republican" that got us to this point in time.
I refuse to pretend that I feel for him as a human. He deserves and has earned anything bad that happens to him now and in the future, and I will consider the world a better place when he no longer walks among us. Nobody should be judged by their worst or their best moment. But when your whole professional life has been defined by worst moment after worst moment, and horrendous hypocrisy you deserve to be judged harshly.
I am reluctant to give your statement a”like “. But sadly my gut is on board with what you wrote and I admire your courage for expressing it. Jay
Because we embrace our humanity we must feel compassion for even the most misguided amongst us.
After they are out of office
Yes, if Mitch were ethical, he’d resign for the good of the Party. We know he won’t resign for the good of the USA.
I cannot show humane compassion for someone who is obviously educated, not ignorant and yet consistently fails to show any humanity himself. Sorry. Not gonna happen.
I feel more compassion for the millions of Americans he cheated out of democracy by his hypocritical power-grabbing. His demons are coming for him and I say good riddance Mitch.
I am by no means a fan of the man who has done so much damage. As for the millions of Americans cheated out of democracy? I am one of those Americans. Your point is not lost on me.
He's not misguided. He's amoral and evil. there's a difference.
maybe in a perfect world, definitely not this one.
understood. I'm not about "perfect" I'm about humanity which is decidedly imperfect. It's a continuum. But I take your point. I strive to be a better person as I age
So you're good with "folks" like Jeffrey Dahmer and Hitler?
To be fair, they are human. But just SEVERELY DAMAGED humans! Just like Bunkerboy and Moscowmitch.
Actually I thought I this was about Mitch McConnell but okay take my words where you will.
Even Hitler?
Louder for the people in the back! I find it impossible to sympathize with a man who has actively done so much harm to the country he is supposed to serve. Perhaps if the GOP hadn't turned me into a hater--something I'm ashamed of, BTW, but there it is--I would be able to spare a thought for him. As it is, no. My only concern is who's going to replace him? Someone even worse?
He is past 80 and should retire. He is primarily responsible for the 6-3 conservative majority in our Supreme Court, and he did it by cheating, which is what Republicans do on a regular basis. It is too bad the Conservative Supreme Court Justices are not making Constitutional decisions, but political decisions just because they CAN.
Even worse, six of the nine are Roman Catholic, and making decisions based on their religion. This is unconstitutional, and another argument for 1) expanding the court; and 2) NOT making lifetime appointments. What's next, forced conversion and auto-de-fe?
Who expects the Spanish Inquisition?
That's my fear as well, that KINtucky is NOT 'turning purple' (like the turkey necked turtle boy did last year, most likely from an over high dose of Plavix??), let alone blue like other formerly solidly rightwingnut states possibly are, and that his replacement WILL be an all-out unabashed fascist wannbe NAZI POS. :( :(
It may be they have already taken his seat and he is a place holder. This would explain his lack of engagement.
You are right to be concerned. McConnell helped save the country on the evening of Jan 6. He and Pence rendered the country a most valuable service (along with others) by validating the electoral results. Since then the feckless Pence has lost all authority, making McConnell almost indispensable now (pun not intended).
McConnell may have helped save our country on Jan. 6, but he’s also more than partially responsible for what happened Jan. 6. Regarding his health issues, I’m ambivalent.
Mother Nature knows best.
Tell it like it is!!!
Well said...totally agree...I will never get over how he packed the SC by refusing to even have hearing for Merrick Garland (Obama's pick for SC). He is evil and his evil is coming for him. Let's get all these old white guys who are lying, self-serving, hypocrites out. We need a new young Congress who gets it...and CARES about the people of our country who need support and not the filthy money-worshippers.
When he's "gone" really won't solve anything. There are countless others like him and worse ready to fill the void. It's always that way.
Fantastic comment the only comment that i will make is that you were much to nice to him.
So, how do you really feel Roger?
As with any human I have plenty of faults. Probably more than many. But one fault I don't possess is that I will not fail to tell the truth.
Roger, I have even used truth as a weapon!
This kind of response really bothers me. Here Roger is, pouring out his heart and you are mocking him for being so forthright. I wish that retort would disappear from our culture and lexicon. It is gleefully mean spirited and reflects poorly on the person who employs it.
It may be that you have only experienced that remark as mean-spirited, but I don't think it is or has to be. I've heard it used in a gentle way, joking but also admiring the passion of the person who spoke. I'm prepared to believe Smiling Guy offered it in that spirit.
How can such a comment be gentle? Joking is even worse. If you poured your heart out and someone said that to you, how would you feel?
(I'm interested in your user name. Do you live outside the USA, like me, and do not accept the lanle "expat" ?
Looking at your profile, I see you moved to Portugal. I know a married couple that retired there and from what I hear, love it. I do live in the USA. Not sure what you mean about not accepting an expat. My user name has to do with my fondness for the English band Yes.
Roger L: BRAVO!! .. I Absolutely And Unequivocally Agree With Your 100%
Excellent Statement!! .. Thank You!!!
I’m going to try to remember that I’ve been surprised before when someone I honestly believed was essentially “beyond redemption” - hit a pivotal moment in his/her life when some experience or something someone said “out of the blue,” ... just came at a moment when s/he was open and vulnerable - and a “light went on.” I continue not to trust those whose beliefs & actions have historically been cruel, but I also try to hold the space for a moment when s/he has an experience that "changes everything.”
I think most of us can agree that the man is despicable. As a nurse, I am very concerned by what I saw.
Schadenfreude. I commiserate with you.
There is an amazing Buddhist teaching story where a Tibetan monk has been physically tortured by a Chinese captor for several months. When asked about the experience he says: ,"There was only one moment when he felt that he was in danger.... In danger of losing compassion for his torturer". I so admire that story but I must say I am way not at that level of spirituality... Even though I sometimes strive for it. My compassion is strong for the victims of Mitch McConnell's horrible behavior... But I just can't get any for him. More growth on my part may be possible for me, but it's not coming easily.
But for me it's pretty easy to balance. Because my disgust with politicians (or influential oligarchs) is driven by their lack of empathy for humanity. In almost every case. Even when they pretend that they are defending or supporting the interests of their supposed constituency they could really care less about them. The majority of Republican voters have become the true definition of "useful idiots." They vote against their own interest in the name of tribalist and culture war "issues" when it is clear that their interest do not line up in any way with the interests of those they follow blindly.
If he retires, would his replacement be any better? Ted Cruz or Lindsey Graham? God save us from those two!
"Better the devil you know," for now, at least.
Yes. McConnell almost redeemed himself with that speech right after the insurrection that condemned Trump. Unfortunately, he neglected to condemn the horse he rode in on.
A little, more thoughtful reflection on the devil we know:
In case ol' Beau's use of the term "accelerationist" caught your ear and perplexed you as it did me:
What the devil misbegotten ideology will the psycho-extremists - on either side - try to hustles us all with next ‽
Whoa! This is exactly what I was thinking. Thanks for posting.
Agreed, Janet--Beau is right about a lot of this, but the whole "better the devil you know" is a bitter pill to swallow. This "devil" created the worst, most imbalanced Supreme Court, ever by playing fast and loose by the rules, and we're going to feel the deleterious effects of this judiciary for a generation, at least.
Agreed - conditionally. Had the DNC and Hillary exercised better judgement, both in campaign strategy - all the areas they felt no need to campaign in, for example - and candidate selection in the first place, I'm almost certain we'd've had 3 liberal justices seated instead of what that lapse in judgement led to. Yes. McConnel's a snake, not many years away from being a dead snake. But I can't help thinking ol' Tweety didn't win in '16 so much as the Democrats screwed up massively and lost. Their ineptitude made ol' Tweety's win possible in the first place. McConnel would've been marginalized had a Democrat been elected, and his obstructionism and this SCOTUS itself would have been aborted at its conception. Hindsight has 20/20 vision, if you face it. It's necessary to admit mistakes before learning from and correcting them. It's not "all their fault" - or Moscow Mitch's.
Not sure the world has a generation left. Isnt there a song "Have u seen the weather?" If there's not, there will be one on the hit parade....9, 8, 7,.......................
I kinda think the best case would be for Moscow Mitch to refuse to step down, but be "unavailable" for the next few years. His arrogance may just be strong enough to refuse to resign, and if he cannot attend Senate functions, the seat would be effectively empty.
Thanks for the article. I still keep wondering what's so liberal about the liberal media - so called!
the "liberal" media is only as liberal as its conservative owners allow it to appear. clinton allowed for the concentrated ownership/monooly of our media and it is now the biggest propaganda machine the world has ever known and has enabled those monied interests to steer debate and control the narrative and capture our entire government .
Americans around the country are praying that you and your neighbors “boot Bieber” in 2024!
Exactly right!
Time to pass the baton, Mitch.
I would absolutely yes! Moscow is a SPECIAL kind of pure evil that America has NEVER seen.
I think we say some very potent evil in Mussolini, Hitler, Franco, and Stalin, just to mention the Europeans.
Well, AMERICA has never seen anyway.
Oh hell yeah.
Graham or Cruz 🤔 one is syphilis, and the other is gonorrhea.
Guess we’re gonna get “screwed”, either way.
Unfortunately your hope is probably in vain. He had polio and has had lifelong struggles to overcome and compensate for it. So, it’s not likely he’ll see things differently now.
You summed up my own feelings precisely.
I absolutely concur with Roger L's excellent analysis as well. Mitch McConnell is a cruel, cold hearted human being with absolutely no empathy for the majority of Americans who are not rich, powerful nor a Republican. With that being said however, I do not wish suffering on anyone. He will continue to be a horrible person and I have to admit I will feel no sadness at all when he is no longer among us.
He could have stopped tfg back in the beginning and did nothing.
Yes, he and even the ones much much worse than him (I know, that does seem impossible, but it's a SAD, rage inducing reality today :( ) I wish no actual physical harm to, except that they be removed from power, NEVER to return to perpetrate their fascist EVIL on all of the rest of U.S.!
I wondered if the demon that possesses McConnell has narcolepsy.
The moments Mitch lost touch with basically everything should have given rise to some sever apprehension on the part of those caring for him. A rushed trip to the hospital for a talk with a good neurologist would have been an excellent place to start. The fact that this precaution wasn't taken leads one to believe the mental pause Mr. McConnell suffered wasn't anything new. It could be there is more going on in his head due to his recent fall and subsequent concussion then they are telling us.
He won't learn anything
I thank God he wasn't driving a car, swimming, or engaged in an activity that require you to focus (on what you are doing for safety reasons) when this happened. It could have been fatal to him or others. He should see a doctor to ensure that this is not going to be a recurring event.
If his fellow repubs had had any compassion, they would have gotten an ambulance immediately and called his wife or his neurologist, if he has one. He could also have had a stroke.
A TIA is a stroke, albeit, temporary. Did you notice that NO ONE was surprised?? So I have to wonder how often this is happening. And who the heck lets an orthopedic surgeon "treat" them for a neurological issue??
Absolute madness.
I was assisting on a bone marrow aspiration. We had just finished. I asked the resident if she could hand me something. She just stood there staring at me. Then she went over to the window and made grand gestures, turned around and started falling down, her eyes rolling back, her mouth open.
If that had happened while she had the blade or Jamshidi 5” needle in the patient it could have caused great damage.
I've had them. First was in 1993 when I was giving a speech. Thought it was a MI, but couldn't establish cause. Had one a couple of weeks ago. Not dementia -- low blood pressure. I have some "senior moments" but so do everyone my age.
And many not your age. Since we are not privy to his general health (and rightfully so) there are many possibilities for this occurrence. I hope this will not add to that “age” conversations for our current president but think of who and what is best to lead this country away from the autocratic path we are on.
That describes a temporal lobe seizure......easily treated but wow....yeah. That is SO scary.
Apparently he has fallen not just once or twice but multiple times. He must not be getting the help he needs before he seriously injured himself or others.
Oh, I am sure he has. We only heard about the 2 at home due to the seriousness of his injuries. He needs to retire and spend what time he has left on this earth enjoying something other than trying to destroy democracy.
I doubt he knows of anything else that will fulfill him like sticking it to the voters and rewarding all his donors. Power is all he knows.
Ha ha! He hasn't driven a car in a half-century and likely has NEVER exercised like his child, Bunkerboy!
Your compassion reminds us of the difference between compassion for humanity (which, alas for humanity, McConnell lacks) and criticism of a powerful individual's actions--not the person, but the behavior, including what he says.
I wrote this note as a Brit with a strong interest in US politics and with family in Detroit. Just back from another visit. The U.K. suffers from much the same divisiveness and there are strong links and parallels between our Tories and your Republicans. Both are I suspect an embarrassment to Republicans and Tories of the past. I know enough of McConnell to understand why there is every reason to dislike him. We have politicians I thoroughly dislike over here. However, Robert Reich reminds as that however tempting it is, and mea culpa, we should try hard not sink to their level.
I’m encouraged by just how many people have been supportive of Roberts sentiments.
Yes....empathy Mr. McConnell never shows to anyone across the aisle. I find it ironic and a tad hilarious that Mitch pokes fun at the POTUS for falling when he, himself has taken at least 3 falls in the last 3.5 years...fracturing his shoulder, then a concussion and at the airport not even 2 weeks ago!
What’s that old joke about Cleopatra and de-Nile?
It is like the playground bully. No one really likes the kd, they just don't want to be his enemy.
Hypocrisy IS the number 1 character trait of the current crop of republican politicians.
I agree! I DESPISE Moscowmitch with every fiber of my being for birthing Bunkerboy and his 1,000,000++ murders, but I still wish him to pass comfortably in his bed . . . What happens after that is up to your interpretation of an afterlife.
There but for fortune.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6omDSxTCXE
More than that, McConnell could run right over to the Office of the Attending Physician of the United States Congress to receive free medical care, no strings attached, paid for by us taxpayers.
He might be a friend of socialized medicine (for the few).
I agree. Thank you.
Agreed. There's a commonality that all humans share, that when we're physically vulnerable, our reaction should be empathy. It's a little harder to separate that out from our visceral reaction to the ugliness that some humans perpetrate on a daily basis, but it's a bridge to our universal humanity.
I watched the video of McConnell several times and it sure looked like a seizure. His concussion background and recovery yesterday implied it too, as if nothing had happened. Good thing there was a doctor nearby in Sen. Barrasso.
I hope that Dr. Reich has not had a recurrence, because the experience he described must have been terrifying!
Empathy across the aisle ... at least from left to right.
True, but after Biden called him to make sure he was okay guess what he said later when ask how he was feeling “It wasn't a sandbag” I didn't know he had any sense of humor, I'm sure some e told him to say that since they'll all puppets of #DonTheCon #DonTheCriminal #DonTheRapist #Don3TimeIndicted
We will all age or fail physically in some way. It is only a matter of time and how. I think as a human being everyone deserves empathy in that regard.
I was about to say something along these lines, but you said it beautifully and all I would add is that one of the things I’ve observed in our politics & our “discourse” is such anger, hostility, and just plain “meanness.” I salute ANYONE who takes an opportunity to “do otherwise.” Thank You. :-)
Thank you indeed Mr. Reich for reminding us that empathy and civility must be present even in the fiercest of political discourse.
If this had been a Democrat, I guarantee people like MTG would not be so kind. They attack, attack, attack.
On another note, they just will not let Hunter Biden rest. (I think the Republicans got to that Trump appointed judge. I was shocked she wouldn’t accept the plea and his admission of guilt. It seemed highly unusual and suspicious.
You should read Joyce Vance’s piece on this. I think the judge did the proper thing. The plea agreement required the judge to determine if a charge should be brought later by DOJ should the insane dumpty return to office, which is not the responsibility of the justice department. Apparently there is ongoing investigations in the President's son, which is not the normal state of affairs. A plea agreement is supposed to put everything to rest. The lunatic asylum that is the GOP is hoping to find a fairy in all the pony manure they wallow in, and charge Hunter Biden with some crime. The judge wants all this clarified before a plea deal is finalized.
The stupidity and hatred of this group of idiots is really scary. And they love their guns. Probably all they love, since they apparently don’t love their children enough to do something about climate change.
WHY aren’t the Democrats going after Jared Kushner? He is MUCH MORE of a threat to our country and MORE of a CRIMINAL than Hunter Biden’s who didn’t even work in the White House! It’s unbelievable that after FIVE years they keep investigating him.
I understand your outrage. But the thing is, we’re practical. It would be a waste of time, and really, WHO has the power to “go after”Kushner? We don’t hold the majority in the House, and the Senate has more important things to try to do.
And here’s the thing: this kind of revenge politics can blow up in your face. People do eventually see through the BS. We’re all hoping it dooms the rethugnican party, and so far it seems to be slowly doing just that.
If they nominate drumpf, they will lose If they don’t, I think there’s a good chance he’ll try to run anyway, and they’ll lose.
Let’s just hope there no third party spoiler that’s remotely interesting.