Unfortunately due to CNN’s so called “balanced” reporting I think it will avoid the most inflammatory lines of questioning. Even though people desperately need to hear the truth.

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He should be asked to explain why he keeps saying the election was stolen when his own advisers testified they told him that no proof exists. Is he so delusional that he keeps repeating a lie that he knows is a lie? By repeatedly stating a lie to his supporters, does he understand that he is tearing apart our democracy? Does he understand that our enemies like Russia want him to tell lies about the election being stolen to weaken our democracy? Does he understand that J6 was a failed coup and attack on our democracy and the rule of law caused completely by his stolen election lie? Trump must be asked why he keeps telling the most damaging lies to ever threaten our Democracy.

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He knows he's lying. He IS trying to end democracy.

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Also, he knows exactly what the MAGAs will swallow.

Remember he did say he could stand on Fifth Ave., shoot somebody and get away with it.

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Yes, everything he dishes up.

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He has uncontrollable crap coming out both ends all the time.

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Good one💩

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Yup-true statement, but nobody likes to be forced to look in the mirror. I think it cost her. That, and several bad decisions by her campaign folks…But speak truth to power!

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He and many of his cult have stated outright that this is their plan. We don't know yet how he will be stopped, we just know he must be. Our beautiful country and her beautiful people have never been in such peril.

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I prefer to call it by an accurate term - Project Destroy America. Benign sounding euphemisms are just aiding & abetting, the Republithugs and regressives do that automatically, lacking any ability to discern reality.

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Yes, Kali! Or Project to Destroy the Sanctity of Democracy: PTSD

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Like Bush II’s “Blue Skies Initiative” paint a destructive, protective regs destroying order with a name that says the opposite.

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Lynne - Maybe. Or maybe his 'policies' are designed to please his constituency. Once he's won in November, he may well focus on other things. Fear wins elections.

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I’d point out to Trump, that in 60 court filings challenging the results of elections, that he was 0 for 60. And if I recall, even his own Supreme Court rejected his arguments. And, let’s not forget his own MAGA Cyber Ninjas finding Arizona’s election fair and square. So how does he explain those facts? Then I’d suggest that a conspiracy that vast, would ultimately end up having at least one credible whistleblower saying there was a conspiracy, backed by actual evidence. He’s the genius, right? He should be able to calculate the probability of such a vast conspiracy not having a single leak. All simple questions that any journalist worth their salt, should ask. If such questions were asked, we’d end up seeing him looking like a deer in the headlights, just as he did aboard Air Force One, when asked about the hush money payments. How hard is this? Apparently too hard for actual journalist to contemplate.

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Or a judge or a Congressperson, for that matter. I watch what is happening every day, and I feel as if I'm living in another realm. I watch a do-nothing Congress and wonder if I'm in another universe. How is it that the filth. dishonesty, and incapability that is trump allowed to continue? How do people who know his absolute amorality allowed to voice their lies with no retort, when we know they know that we know he is no higher ranking than a complete reprobate. but they are still allowed a forum. I understand the premise of the 1st Amendment, but supporting trump is the moral and actual equivalent of shouting "Fire" in a crowded theater and is expressly forbidden. I have never been as ashamed of my country as I am now. Do we sit by, Congress, and let him take it all. How about you, journalists? I'm trying to avoid profanity here, so I won't tell you how I feel about your "fair and balanced.

And while we are on the subject, Fox needs to go the way of Alex Jones and all other of their species who would try to squat in Our House. Quickly.

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New Zealand kicked the Murdochs out. Said they were not a news organization. How enlightened!

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Many share your sentiments. I just hope it’s enough to stop Trump from being elected. I fear there a too few who actually pay attention to what’s going on in a daily basis.

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Yes Linda... for years I have been saying we need to revoke their naturalized citizenship and deport the entire Murdock clan back to Australia as they have been fomenting a hateful violent course of action for our country with their newspapers and TV stations. Get rid of that loser Musk too. We have enough home-grown haters here without importing more. Cheers... GH

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Danny, this is a man who had all his life the taste for Greed, and then became president and tasted Power and he cannot accept anything less than absolute Power. “Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely is an observation Lord Acton made in a letter to Bishop Creighton on April 5, 1887. “

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While I don't doubt that he IS delusional, he doesn't have to be, to repeat statements he knows to be lies. All the best grifters do it!

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Because he knows his people will accept anything he says, even if they knew he was lying they wouldn’t care, they have to know he’s a liar by now.

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The lies are a feature. His cult admires his audacity.

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Xee we

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Among many other noxious and illegal pursuits....

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He's doing what his handler, Putin, told him to do.

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Danny - I agree. But Trump has one big advantage: he stands for MAGA. At least, this is what his followers pick up. Once Trump has ended the two current proxy wars, he is perceived by his contituency as likely to withdraw the U.S. from world affairs and focus on the 'swamp', or whatever. This may win him the election.

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Please share your evidence? Trump"s Chief of Staff told him they had nothing. It's ludicrous to think undocumented people walk into a government polling place and commit a felony so Biden can get one vote. I've been a poll worker. We do not have to worry about retail voter fraud. Wholesale fraud is possible with electronic voting, but it's harder now because Democtas demanded a paper trail after Kerry and Bush in 2004.

If Trump and Fox News had ANY proof of election theft or voter fraud, we would know. Or maybe they are keeping it a secret, and you'd like to share how the election was stolen?

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Danny... I too am an Election Judge in my county and electronic fraud is impossible. None of our computers are connected to the net. it is a closed system. The tabulating machines at the poling place aren't connected to the computers. There are so many checks and cross checks with both D and R folks working together to be sure it is a TRUE vote it would be laughable to charge voter fraud... except for the MAGA morons. There are a hundred regulations and rules to follow in every county and at every polling place and with every mail-in ballot that the fraud T barks about can't happen. I challenge all MAGA folks to actually volunteer to work at the polls or maybe you will be assigned to the court house and help with the vote tally. In our county a poling place cannot legally and will not open unless there are both D and R judges present. We audit the process several time during the day and we cannot go home after the polls close unless we have justified the number of people who voted with the number of ballots cast. The tabulator is turned off and a security seal is attached. The computers are turned off and cannot be restarted until the next AM when the polling place opens. They can only be opened by typing in a random 7 number code that changes every couple minutes. Even if you broke into the polling place at night you couldn't open the computers because the code system only starts generating code at 7 AM when the polls open. There are no "stacks" of blanks ballots laying around for you to fill out because each ballot is only printed out after a citizen fills out a ballot request form and their signature is cross checked with their signature on their original voter registration card which is logged in the computer at the courthouse. You could put all of the micro-drives in the computer you care to. They won't work! It doesn't matter if you are a D or an R Election Judge you can't cheat or game the system. We are all sitting together and we have been working together for years and fully trust each other to abide by the rules. There are thousands and probably millions of loyal American professionals of both parties in all of our 3,143 counties who have spent their careers working to make our election system work. To make the claims against them that DJT does is the highest insult to them one can imagine. The sad part is the are so many cry baby sore losers in this country that believe him. When I ask them to actually go out and become a poll worker they always answer that they think the system is so corrupt why should they bother. Stupidity knows no bounds. Cheers... GH

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Hasn't it already been established that CNN made this concession TO TRUMP not to ask, to get him to agree to debate? (Anything to placate baby, sucking his thumb over in the corner. Wonder if Trump will bring his blankie with him tonight?)

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And what's to stop CNN from, Trump-like, disregarding their agreement?

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Umm, they're CNN? We could hope for that, I suppose. EVERYTHING remains to be seen right now! 15 hours to go . . . Trump could have a plateful of hot dogs for lunch, two Diet-Cokes, and a big bowl of French fries, and suffer a massive stroke! 😉 Many people are hoping Trump is soon going to have some kind of massive meltdown . . . God, I've been waiting for that day for 9 years now!

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Klare, you are not alone!

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Do I get a vote? Talk about answered prayer!

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>>Trump could have a plateful of hot dogs for lunch, two Diet-Cokes, and a big bowl of French fries, and suffer a massive stroke! 😉 <<

Oh, don't tease me!

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Anecdotal, I know, but last week, a trauma nurse pointed out that, given his felony convictions, rape adjudication, defamation judgment, the pending federal cases and Georgia RICO case, plus the fraud judgment against his company, AND the election, Rump, like any other human, is bound to crack under the strain. Even more likely, given his horrendous diet and sedentary habits. This nurse is predicting a major physical breakdown between now and November. I won't be sorry if she's right.

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For "normal" people, that would be true. But Trump is wired differently. As a malignant and narcissistic psychopath who is a master at denial, he does not suffer because of his legal woes. The only thing that tortures him and will ultimately break him is loss of money, which he ties directly to status and self-worth.

I have been convinced for years that the reason Trump is cozying up to Putin and other dictators is not because of policy issues (he could give a sh*t), but because those dictators have unfettered access to vast amounts of wealth that they rob from their countries. And if he scratches their backs, they'll scratch his. Capiche?

It's always about being obscenely rich, and therefore, by extension, admirable and powerful.

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I agree about Rump's psychological make-up and his utter lack of guilt or concern with his many crimes. Also his obsession with money. But I think that's the crux of it: he stands to lose all that money. AND his freedom, and his certainty of his own invincibility. He may never see the inside of a jail cell, but in his heart of hearts, he must fear prison. After all, he's lost four separate legal battles thus far (including two with E. Jean Carroll, one with Letitia James, and one with Alvin Bragg), so he must fear other losses and their consequences. He may talk a good game, but I think he's terrified.

As for Putin et.al., yep, it's gotta be the money. But as soon as he's no longer a useful idiot to those guys, the tap will be shut off.

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From your lips to Gods ear…while I try not to wish I’ll, Dumpty dying would do EVERYONE has gigantic colossal HUUUUGE favor🤪

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I vote 🗳 melt down

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Too funny!

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That would be a hoot wouldn't it?

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It would be cause for celebration on the day it occurs and every day for the rest of my life until the last day. I would never stop celebrating his absence.

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Or tRUMP simply not showing up? Or walking out?

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My fantasy for tonight’s debate would be to see Trump’s nose grow longer, ala Pinocchio, with every lie that spews from his nasty little mouth.

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I'm pretty strongly hoping for the "pants on fire" one.

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That would be ALOT OF FUN and great for some healthy chuckles.

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Goodness knows we could use a few.

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Ilene Winn-Lederer 🤣👍

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His narcissism would slow him down , and maybe even stop him from lying altogether."🥕 Oh no! I can't look like THIS with a big nose!"

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Troll. Get lost and take your Kool-Aid influenced death wish with you.

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The most likely scenario is he will claim illness, with an excuse from his favorite DUI pill-dispensing doctor, Ronny "Johnson" (Jackson), now a Senator.

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Pinching his butt cheeks together and clutching the seat of his pants ! OOPSY!

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From what I hear, he's pretty used to it now....just goes with the flow....

like it never even happened. Thank goodness they haven't invented smellivision!

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My sympathies to the commentators.

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like CNN having a sudden burst of conscience?! That would be so great! It's live, so why not, right??

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CNN is Fox Lite

CNN is owned by Warner Brothers Discovery, which is owned by Advance Publications, which is owned by Samuel and Donald Irving Newhouse Jr.

Without Si Newhouse (Sr) there never would have been a President Trump


That alone makes it disinfo that CNN is left leaning.

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IMO, they are required to, or cancel the entire dog and pony show. If this isn't going to be real, then it shouldn't be. Does anyone else see the absolute absurdity of "an agreement with trump." He is a mentally flawed terrorist who has stated outright that he and his slug cult following intend to destroy Democracy and the US. Am I the only one who hears this?

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Depends whether or not their agreement was formalized in writing or not. If formalized, what could stop CNN is a defamation charge.....

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I have to ask, if you were in that position, would you gladly break that agreement, and damn the result? I couldn't wait to do it, but I tend to err on the side of what is "right". Remember that old fashioned word, CNN?

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Dumpty wipes his huge butt with contracts. Loves to flaunt his belief he is Teflon. He has shown a fundamental lack of care or recognition of ANY rule, code, law, etc. thay applies to “The Donald”…what perverse wanker calls himself that?

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what color is his blanket?

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Change that to "shit brown"

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Well, like me, orange IS his favorite a-color! But I'm going with "fecal brown" too.

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Baby-shit Orange??

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good ones

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It's somewhere between Trump blue suit blue and powder blue with little red American flag lapel-like pins and tiny red tie graphics silk-screened into the soft fluffy material. It has an elastic band sewn into one corner so that the maggot baby doesn't actually have to hold it, he can just hang it around his neck and stroke it while he sits in the corner and cries, "Waa-a-ah, waa-a-ah, waa-a-ah, someday I just wanna be president!"

And of course it has orange stains all over it from baby playing in the bronze make-up drawer.

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He didn’t bring his wife that’s for sure 🤣🤣🤣

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Which prompts a question-are these two old white geezers the best choice we get? Crickey we ARE in trouble! WHAT HAPPENED TO REPRESENTING THE PEOPLE?! We the people are multi colored, multi-ethic, multi-everything!

And two ancient blustering bombastic buffoons is our choice?! No thanks!


Crickey! Small wonder our allies are worried….

The USA -that “shining city on a hill” has the lowest participation in elections of ALL democracies anywhere!

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"Crickey" - is that like in Jiminey Crickets or like in Jesus Christ? lol - Houston I think we've gotta problem. Maybe we could just leave the old unhinged geezers in pampers on oxygen in orbit somewhere. No such luck. Crickey!

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An old expression of Australian origin, if Crocodile Dundee is to be trusted.

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Who can we trust if we can't trust Crocodile Dundee? 🐊

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Or is it Crikey? Let's debate 🤪

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So-called ‘Art Lover’— You are either lying or you’ve limited yourself to party sponsored media.

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Uh, please…HOW do you explain away a legally formed jury of his peers finding DJT guilty..of how many was it? Felony charges. And the jury is still out, literally, on several others. Either we are a society of laws, or we are a mob -decide with your vote. Exercise the franchise people bled and died to win and keep. If you can vote, and you don’t? You really don’t matter.

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They must ask him why he wouldn’t allow republicans to work with Biden on the border crisis or allot money for extra agents leading Biden to shutting the borders. How will answer that question when it’s his main concern for years.

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He will say : 'person woman man camera shark'

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What about those electric speedboats; won't they get dropped into his word salad somehow?

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with shark stew

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Gas stoves and our joy!

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Sharks fighting monkeys.

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He'll just lie.

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HE won't.




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No. It’s because the Trumper needs something to campaign on and all he knows is how to say “border” so he pulled the puppets back.

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🤣🤣🤣 hey artsy please go down to the docks and get your mother, the police are doing all they can but she insist on taking off all her clothes and parading up and down and sailors are throwing empty cans and bottles at her even though they could return them and get a deposit back. Come on now while they have her cornered.

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Derek, Regrettably, I believe you’re right. Rather than subjecting the candidates’ words and deeds to critical scrutiny, sifting the truth from their campaign rhetoric, I imagine Tapper and Bash will stay within parameters broadly considered professional and neutral.

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...professional and neutered.

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Russell, By “neutral,” I was referring to a longstanding problem in MSM to err on the side of objective so not to be accused of being ideological. Indeed, I did not mean “neutered.”

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Barbara, sincerely, I apologize. I might have been clearer. My intention was to be snarky about the MSM's "objectivity" problem — wanting to appear ideologically neutral — that you identify. My snark derives from my frustration and impatience with the MSM that they've abandoned, to a great degree, their fading, Fourth Estate responsibility; especially when a despot lurks in the wings of government.

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MSN is not objective. Particularly in how they filter comments. They blatantly allow all manner of "violates our community standards" comments to survive censorship from trump supporters and never from humans. I tried to post one yesterday which was censored while the post I was responding to was literally right above my post and committing the same "error" I was. I pointed it out to them, and they refused to allow mine, as I'm reading the one from trumpland. Who of those who's task it is to govern us, is caring for us?

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I’m not sure media has ever been unbiased…a free press is a constitutional guarantee and foundation of effective self governance. But ALL media throughout our history has been a megaphone for the opinions of the owners, editors, etc. “yellow” journalism has been a thing forever…and from Hearst to the Murdochs…

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Oh, yes, Russell, MSM definitely have abandoned all pretense to objective journalism. Neutered, indeed.

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I went cold turkey on all television or radio news right after tRump was elected, I couldn’t take it, his voice his stupidity any longer. I used to record morning Joe after moving to the west coast, my favorite show, but I gave it all up and get the AP associated press and from other reputable sources. No talking heads and stupidity that was driving me nuts.

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Freudian slip.

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It is possible, Derek. Hopefully, Tapper and Bash will have done their homework!

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Unfortunately you are correct in your assessment. American reporters are way too kind and never ever seem to be able to ask follow on questions that hit back at unacceptable answers, or no answers. I’ve said this many a time. Professional journalists could learn a thing or two from how John Stewart conducts interviews.

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Or good British ones -- I think they have brass cajones.

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Funny you should say that. That is essentially what I wrote to one of The Atlantic’s British journalist contributors 😉.

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Worse, they won’t be fact checking in real time

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They'll just cut away to a hack analyst when President Biden starts to SLAUGHTER Bunkerboy as he flails and rambles like the demented old fool he is.

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I agree, Mr. Wessner. CNN won't ask controversial questions. And since they have made such concessions to Trump, the entire beanfest will be mostly political kabuki theater, although either one or both will get some sound bites from it.

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I think -but could be wrong-Jake Tapper will be there. He has a pretty good bullshit detector and seems a tenacious interviewer? But again, I could be wrong.

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I don't envy the people devising the questions. On the one hand, the questions should cover topics that touch on both the past and the future actions of the candidate as President; on the other hand, Trump will use ANY opportunity to spew lies and rant about what he wants to focus on regardless of the question asked. How do you protect against that? It seems impossible.

And I disagree with Robert Reich's suggestion to ask about Moms for Liberty. If the moderator is going to ask about them, at least genericize the group's description in the question. Recent history has shown that these glory-seeking right-wing groups are absolutely *elated* when called out by name -- especially during a high-profile event. For them, there is no such thing as bad press.

I do believe that the Proud Boys would not have had as large and committed a turn-out on Jan6 if they hadn't been acknowledged by name during the 2016 Trump-Biden debate. Don't empower Moms for Liberty with the same ego boost.

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I am so horrified and depressed by the fact that we’re even dealing with a potential dictator running for president that I can’t watch media coverage without the stress overwhelming me. I follow Dr. Reich’s posts and the comments, hoping for comfort knowing that there are still sane, intelligent, and moral people in this country.

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Completely understand, Patricia! It has gotten to the point that I have to either turn the channel or turn off the tv when I hear that orange stain's voice!! He absolutely disgusts me! Let's hope really hard for a giant blue tsunami in November! Vote Blue, America!

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PEGGY ; When I see TFG. I immediately fast forward his ass. So tired of the obligatory full screen 😒 of him! His scowling jail picture.

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His voice absolutely is like fingernails on a chalkboard for me!! He always looks angry!

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He always looks like thwarted two year old, to me. Always on the cusp of a tantrum or a heel-drumming fit.

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Peggy, I’m with you! The sight of the “repulsive one” makes me sick to my stomach. And that “disgusting voice” just as bad, if not worse, so irritating, I instantly must turn volume on my hearing aids to Zero. And truly give thanks for Ease of Volume Control! If “it” appears on TV, I change channels, fast as I can get remote to change the screen.

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Tonight and for the last debate,I tape a paper towel on the screen.

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RedElisa Mendoza ; I may use your idea ; taping it to cover the part of the screen where the orange dictator is.

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That's what I meant,we have a wonderful handsome President!

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Especially if he is unseen! We should not see the NAZI!

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We can do more than hope. Refute gloom and doom sayers where ever possible (I keep a couple of index cards in my purse with a convenient list of refutations, numbers, statistics, facts jic), get involved with local politics or become an election worker (ballot clerk, poll watcher etc.), write postcards or volunteer for phone banking. Doing stuff helps. Maybe one single person's effort is small, but together we are mighty!

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I pray about it!

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Patricia said "I follow Dr. Reich’s posts and the comments, hoping for comfort knowing that there are still sane, intelligent, and moral people in this country."

Me too.

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Art L - I have responded to another of your comments already.

You've made your point and can go home now. Most of the people commenting here are seriously worried about the torrent of lies, streaming from the Right-Wing media and Trump himself. You, on the other hand, listen to that stuff and are apparently a True Believer. Sadly, you have been duped.

BTW I appreciate that you feel I am pathetic -- it's wonderful that someone I don't know cares so deeply about my state of mind.

Have a Blessed Day.

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He needs to come down to the docks, it’s on the news, his mother’s down here and the police have her cornered but can’t hold her long. Come get your mama Arty

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I replied to him too after he called me a moron when he knows nothing about me. I told him to come get his mother from down at the docks before she’s arrested. He’s a troll and not a very good one.

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Your mama

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I am sorry to hear that you believe such terrible things about Democrats, Art. I know a good many who are devout Christians.

I have voted for Republicans back in the day when the GOP policy stood for things like fiscal responsibility and personal moral rectitude -- at least, that's what I thought they stood for, amongst other things. That was before Nixon got elected on the promise of his "secret plan to win the VietNam War", which

I can't answer for anyone else, but I am supporting Joe Biden because I believe Donald Trump was and is unsuited for office, and Joe Biden, despite his age, has shown himself to be capable and decisive (I don't have to agree with every single decision, though). I see Donald Trump as an impulsive person who sees all policy decisions in terms of "winning" as opposed to "doing the right thing". I believe Donald Trump is ill-prepared to lead the country and deal with the serious global problems we all face, together.

I don't demoize Republicans - I know too many who are good people. I can't help it if we don't automatically agree on everything, but that's life.

As I said earlier, I hope you have a Blessed Day, and thank you for this exchange of views.

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Then you’re a liar too.

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I'm with you Patricia....but I do watch some news clips from CNN and MSNBC on You Tube,....but even here is not safe as some Nasty Nate like that "Chuck Cambell" starts posting propaganda straight out of Russia and our friends on here debate him as if he were sane...if it is not a bot, it is surely a person with nothing to do but spread more lies ....

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More than you know,and remember it's our beloved nation,not his to filth up.Most of his 'agenda' and what he's proposing is way too nasty and radical,enough to scare anyone.

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Tsk Tsk Tsk Tsk Tsk, Artie, let's not have any more insults or we'll have to send you to the time out corner.

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Art L says, "Do you think you can treat me like a child? ".

Yeah, I do, a) because this is a comments section and I have no idea how old you are, chronologically speaking, and b) your intemperate comments suggest to me that you are immature and have trouble formulating clear, concise arguments (which may be why you fall back on calling people names, which is neither polite nor very effective argumentation).

Look, Art, I obviously won't agree with you that us guys here "deserve nothing but derision and insults." I do however partly agree with you about your point (i guess) that Putin and Xi are threats and some bad decisions could push us into a direct confrontation -- and yes, there is a chance that there could be a war that would cause widespread destruction. Elections are about more than personalities, or how candidates raise their kids. If we can stick to matters of substance we can have a serious exchange of views.

I'm sorry if I sounded patronizing, but as you chose to throw a bunch of childish insults at me, someone needed to step in and act as the 'responsible adult in the room.'

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Replying to Art L who says, "To me Biden is the one that is the dictator...He's going after his political enemies with his (sic) department of justice like a dictator."

Art, Joe Biden has used executive orders in a perfectly proper and legal manner to implement policies of his Administration. His actions were not illegal or unconstitutional. There is exactly zero evidence that the anyone at the White House has influenced DOJ regarding prosecutions: if anything, Democrats generally are frustrated with the slow, cautious pace set by Merrick Garland.

You of course are free to choose what you want to believe. If you accept falsehoods and reject factual reporting, that is unfortunate for you and for our political system.

Regarding the people "hanging out" on this substack, I would agree that over 90 percent of the posts I have seen so far are indeed supportive of Joe Biden, as I am, but there are also some critics and people like yourself who challenge what you might call 'group think.'

But here's some friendly advice - "Hey moron" is not the proper way to address anyone. You are welcome to challenge my comments -- none of us can claim to be an oracle -- but let's dispense with the epithets.

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I think we can safely say art lover is a troll and doesn’t deserve our time.

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To sharpen a blade you need a rock to rub it against.

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Your mention of Trolls -- which I define as people who come online looking for an argument -- reminds me of a Monty Python sketch from the 1970's, the Argument Clinic. https://youtu.be/uLlv_aZjHXc. Enjoy!

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Haha! Too funny!

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“Mr. Trump, what policies do you advocate for that best exemplify the Golden Rule?”

Then duck because his head will explode.

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"Mr. Trump, what policies do you advocate for that best exemplify the Golden Rule?”



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Maybe they could ask Biden why his daughter felt uncomfortable with him being in the shower with her?

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Then will they also ask Donald why his daughter felt uncomfortable when his response to what they had in common on national television was "sex"? Oh wait, there's actually video proving all of the disgusting things he has said about Ivanka...

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Did his daughter say she was uncomfortable? I’m pretty sure Robert Reich sycophants are well aware of accusations against Trump. I just want to make sure that they know Biden is a fuckin sicko as well. Consider RFK jr. Don’t throw away your vote on the uniparty

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go back to Russia you bot!!

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Is your profile pic Jesus ?

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a white jesus at that!

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Actually, it is a picture of Jesus smoking a joint! With a silly caption that says if you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing!

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It's a two party system, even if you vote for a 3rd party. Biden is uniquely qualified and doing great. The USA is doing great. Kennedy is a moron who cannot win. 3rd party candidates are spoilers, like Nader and Stein. Voting for a 3rd party is weak. Changing the game and helping workers like Biden, Sanders and Warren are the real heros. What have YOU ever done to get millions health care like Biden? Show some respect where respect is due.

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The two parties seem to be in agreement about all the wars, pharmaceuticals, Wall Street grift, homelessness etc. The only democrats that actually seem to be concerned about citizens United, unions, bank reform, Wall Street reform, regulatory capture, finding peace in Gaza or any where else, are candidates. Once elected they gravely disappoint. And democrats have broadly embraced censorship so as to avoid the unbearable lies of Trump or whichever boogeyman scares people who would broadly label their enemies bots trolls etc. I don’t like that because we should be able to refute ideas we don’t like with logic. But the saddest thing is, all that censorship or chilling of free speech will be weaponized by the right against the left someday. Probably with more effective pernicious and Orwellian results. I’m voting third party. If it causes Biden to lose, I don’t care. I doubt very much he will be alive in 2028. I’m hoping the rest of us will be. And there will be something resembling mea culpa by all Americans for our collective demise.

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Memo to Reich substack readers: despite Chuck C's slurs against Joe Biden, DON'T take Chuck's advice about Kennedy, jr. Spending time reading his drivel would be a total waste of your time.

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R hodsdon

A vote for whoever the DNC replaces Biden with is a vote for Trump. Trump appears to have murdered the GOP. And the DNC looks like it is going to shoot itself in the back of the head. Twice.

Vote for RFK jr!

Do you think people shouldn’t read my posts because they’re accurate and after genocide Joe figuratively craps his pants tonight people might be looking for an alternative candidate? If the answer is yes then this is where you call me a bot, troll or Putin puppet. Extra sycophant points for all three. Don’t be afraid of free speech. It’s part of democracy.

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Check out the RFKJr red journal/diary - all you need to know about the morality of your go-to guru rfkjr:


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Oh no! A 3 paragraph smear from 2013! I am definitely going to vote for genocide Joe no matter how many times he exhibits behavior consistent with continuing cognitive decline. I will vote vote blue no matter how many times he poops his pants, lies about his college education, showers with his daughter, decries the hazards posed to his wonderful children by a “racial jungle “, commemorates the stellar service of kkk member strom Thurmond, or sponsors a crime bill incarcerating drug users like hunter provided they are black. Thanks for raising awareness

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Here’s the difference. Trump will surround himself with unqualified degenerate haters, butt kissers, white nationalists and Chriisto Fascists. He doesn’t take advice. He looks for a stooge to back up his worst instincts. He calls it loyalty. He has the instincts of a dictator snd an ego that can countenance nothing less.

Biden will surround himself with qualified experts who might not agree with one another. They will come with experience and rational proposals so that he can understand and make wise decisions.

Remember, no choice will ever be perfect. Old or young. I.e. There is no road to heaven. But there is a road to hell…Trump is the road to hell.

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Experience matters. I believe we are blessed and very lucky to have an experienced President. By serving decades in the Senate and 8 years as VP, Biden has learned more than anyone about the world and US government. In fact,Biden is uniquely qualified to be President. I don't understand the ageism. As if youth is better then experience. Show me someone who thinks youth is better than experience, and I'll show you someone who is less experienced and qualified.

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I don't look at numbers,I look at performance and his good mind and heart!

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Danny - You call attention to Joe Biden's experience ... Interesting! ... So, his blind support for Israel's genocide in Gaza is based on Biden's experience? Doesn't Biden's experience tell him that his policy of submission to Israel is turning voters against him? Mayny are saying, "What is the point of voting for either candidate; neither of them actively oppose the genocide. Biden will have lost the one natural constituency he so badly needed, namely the young.

There is little evidence of Biden having learned anything from his long political experience.

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Maybe you should stop believing BS fed to you by the echo chamber that is Fox “news” it was stolen and then handed to Project Veritas.

Which then forged entries and then published them as truth.

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Apologies for what, yes that’s what the published diary says but it went through multiple hands who could have edited it.

That said if it is true shame on him.

Also ask Trump about the inappropriate things with Ivanka.

As for RFK, Mr anti vax brain worm conspiracist? No thanks.

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The article attached clearly states that Ashely and fact checkers at snopes concede that the diary is authentic. Trump is almost as bad as Biden so I would not want to ask him anything. The Covid vaccine was more dangerous than Covid. Particularly if you didn’t have any co morbidities.

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Ok: Here's another one for you: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Dark Side of the Dream, written by Jerry Oppenheimer, published in September 2015 claimed RFK Jr. was a serial cheater who proposed to second wife Mary Richardson while still married to first wife Emily Black, among other bombshells.

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And what about jfkjr's sex diary. His wife found it and also committed suicide that same year. Not saying the two are causally related - above my pay grade:


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Chuck here's a quote from your hero rfkjr's diary:

"narrowly escaped being mugged by a double team of [two women]. It was tempting but I prayed and God gave me the strength to say no,” he writes on Feb. 6. A few days later, on Valentine’s Day, he gives his pregnant wife orchids, he notes."

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He likes to swing... But not vaccine. 🤣

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Was that really a thing?

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It sure is a thing. But it’s barely reported on because it wrecks the Biden is the lesser of evils narrative. Genocide is not helping, either

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Twisted, aren’t you

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It isn't reported on except in scandal sheets because reporters with journalistic standards don't consider it to be worth reporting. A person's private thoughts recorded in a diary subsequently lost and then published without permission is not something reputable news outlets want to touch. Using a diary entry to lambaste Joe Biden as evidence of deviancy is partisan propaganda.

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Is accusing Russia of interfering with our elections and colluding with trump for three years a more noble endeavor? Maybe Biden’s kids need to keep track of their belongings? Like laptops? Or maybe it’s all a cry for help by both kids to expose a criminal family? Who knows?

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His cerebrum will trickle out of his ears !

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If only.

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Too funny!

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That would be wonderful to see, but I’m sure he thinks that the only golden rule is “he who has the gold makes the rules.”

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You know the history behind the Golden rule?

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Project 2025 is chilling, no typical viewer would agree with its extremist agenda. However, the first questions I would ask the disgraced ex president is "Do you believe you won the last election"? and "Will you abide by the results of the upcoming one?" The president should press him on this and not allow him to evade these questions as he will inevitably attempt to do.

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Most Americans know nothing of project 2025 … just like most Germans knew nothing of Hitler cooking Jews in ovens

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msnbc is trying to get the word out sometimes....it's not enough though. It needs to hit the local news.

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Yes : Remember the shock when we saw images of what was going on at Gitmo? I'm not suggesting that both horrors are equivalent, but only that what was happening in Guantanamo was against any decency, and most likely was war crimes. The fact that there was actually a debate on GWB's watch,, whether torture was OK, was scary, disgusting. And mindblowing. Of course. It was nothing new. We had *Vietnam and other offensive assaults on unarmed civilians (*Mai Lai massacre:(

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Reminder: Guantanamo still has vacancies. Trump would almost certainly place it outside the courts' jurisdiction. Billionaires for

Trump warning: your money will not protect you there.

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Good questions, George.

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He might Walk out in a huff!,

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I would love for that to happen!! If President Biden could hit that nerve that sends the orange stain into a blithering idiot, everyone would see what an absolute ass trump is!!

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If so, Biden should debate the empty chair.

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Did you ever hear the sound of one hand clapping?

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Then, the MAGAs would say "look at Biden debating with an empty chair! 🤔 He has lost it completely!"

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We, the U.S. citizens, should be so Fortunate to have “djt” walk off the set of the debate and keep going, all the way out of country… until he leaves AND STAYS AWAY FOR GOOD, FOREVER. RENOUNCES CITIZENSHIP. BECOMES AN Emmigrant-joins one of his best buds, either Un in N. Korea, who wrote him “ love letters.” Or his “bestie bro, Vlad Putin” who he seems to think gets him. Good riddance. Both of them implement his favored type of government.

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Kali Higgins ; But neither Kim Jon un, nor Vlad Putin would find him useful if he is not the U.S. president who can do them 'favors', and grant them access, (like allowing them to annex our Country). Likewise, tRUMP would not be as happy being a subject to a dictatorship, as being the head honcho of one, and all of it's ill gotten gains. Also the ability to elicit worship of his "perfection" by adoring (they had better be) subjects. He wants US to show deepest respect and awe of him, like Kim jon Un's . He has said that he wants to be "respected". Too bad he does not understand that this respect must be earned. Otherwise it is just fear. Which he would take, if that was all he could get. As long as He is "on top".

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the jerk will just say, if the election isn't fraudulent or some other bs like that...they have the spreadsheet, or the tapes, yadda yadda yadda...

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George Manos : TRUMP has said many things that more than suggest that his answer, if he was "honest", will be "yes" he won the last election and " no" there will be a bloodbath if I lose".

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I don't think he would evade. I think he would double down and say he's the only one that can restore election integrity and fair elections after the terrible "stolen election" of 2020. He flips the script and accuses his opponent's of what he himself is guilty of. The audacity of the lie makes many people - even ones who are not MAGA - hesitant to dismiss what he says. That's the goal of Big Lie propaganda. Regular people wouldn't feel able to lie so boldly so they are inclined to believe him.

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Lynne, you have an important point: the brazen lie can stun you. Trump is a brazen lier. This ""debate" will give him the exposure he so desires and needs. Hopefully, the undecided will see through the lies.

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trump has clinical-level narcissism & Biden should use that psychology to expose him too. https://samray.substack.com/p/triggering-the-narcissist

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Verbal Akido.

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Exactly, but perhaps more psychological Akido because verbiage is just one form.

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TRUE. Non sequitur, I can't wait until I can scroll through news without seeing 30 stories about Jabba the Trump.

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Just think of this Jabba reference whenever you see one. I do.

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There's 20 dozen MORE where that came from ! Humor cushions anger & despair.

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Anger and despair are appropriate for the thin-icy situation of potential danger we feel ourselves to be in right now. They're not the only feelings that are understandable but they're certainly among the most familiar. Women are already being hunted and hounded, policed and controlled in many states and that's just a hint of what's to come if the revenge of the sociopaths gains any more of a foothold.

Hopefully, the collective protectiveness of democracy defenders will become a tsunami of grassroots activism, preserving our rights and freedoms from the small-minded lemmings who think it would be so much fun to recreate the third reich. The Drumpf family is German, after all, and Donald is under the delusion that he has superior genes.

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Darn, was thinking of Notes with pics. Just imagine Lady Justice as Leia choking him.

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Hahahahahahahaha!! The orange man is Jabba the Hutt so Leia wouldn't be able to get her fingers around his neck!! He's a slug!!

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Who's Leia?

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I could use that image for digital art. MAY I ? Really.

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On November 5, 2024, David Sea, we must make sure that Trumplestiltskin never gets anywhere near the White House ever again. Why, if it were not for the Electoral College and Vlad Putin, he would never have even begun his destruction of America in 2016: 1 million MAGA-deaths from Covid-19, for instance. Just to ensure he's not kidding when he says things like "drill, baby, drill", which will lead to 1 billion MAGA-deaths all over our planet because of global boiling, be sure to vote for Joe and Kamala and tell your relatives, friends and neighbors to do the same. Remember: he lost by 3 million votes in 2016, 7 million in 2020, and my prediction is that he'll lose by 11 million this time.

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Let's so hope you are right!

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It is impossible to support the political lies of White Christian Nationalists and also follow the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. Whatever happened to belief in the core principle of the teachings of Jesus, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" and "I was a stranger and you took me into your home"? Were he in America today, Jesus of Nazareth, a Samaritan immigrant, would be in a "deportation camp".

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I really hope people are paying attention to this. The F.U.D. strategy has been in full swing since EL Trumpo started his terrorizing campaign. As an 'Emotional Terrorist' Trump has been abusing the American people from day one. Too many people just tune it out because it's overwhelming for many people. That's a feature, not a bug. It is by design. To flood the airwaves and news with unending noise makes it easier for people to believe the lies rather than expend the energy looking for the truth. Sewing hate, fear, division and confusion opens the doors for authoritarian oriented people to sneak in and take over. They are intent on destroying American society as we know it and that means your rights will be gone. Unless you are 'white' you will find yourself being treated as 2/3d's of a person.

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What is the F.U.D. strategy? Please explain? Who's to say that "being white" is going to save anyone? Trump often has said of women, when accused of sexually harassing someone, "That's a lie -- she's not my type!" If Trump doesn't like your face or your personality, he might have you killed! WHY ISN'T THE DOJ DOING ITS JOB AND ARRESTING THIS DANGEROUS, DANGEROUS LUNATIC???????? WHAT ROCK HAVE THEY CRAWLED UNDER??

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Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. F.U.D. is a strategy that was used by corporations against their competition. The DoJ hasn't arrested Trump because he has the right to be a lunatic. He's seriously mentally disturbed and he's getting worse. I know there are mental health professionals who have teamed up and are trying to have him forced to undergo a psychiatric examination where he would be placed in a secure psyche ward and examined by psychiatrists. That's a long shot but I hope they are successful. The other thing to keep an eye on is his 'word salad'. When he goes off script, when his teleprompter stops working, what he has to say is jibberish and total nonsense. His dementia is becoming as clear as day to many people and some of us are hoping for an intervention or his complete and total mental meltdown.

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Bill, we need to check for little microphones in his ears. He may be told what to say.

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We'd probably find a swarm of dead worms.

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maybe the same type that RFKJr. had in his brain?

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Bob, he couldn't process that.

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Thank you for explaining all of this. I appreciate it. And thank you for the reassurance that there ARE people strategizing against Trump (the psychiatrists). As for the DOJ, that has been a lament of mine since Jan. 7, 2021. In my opinion, if they had grabbed Trump right then (much of what happened was actually recorded live on television), they would have been doing their jobs! Trump is not just a lunatic, he is guilty of plotting an Insurrection, staging a coup, obstructing the results of a free and fair election, people including Capitol police officers were killed . . . ALL actionable crimes for which they would have been completely justified in grabbing him that very evening of Jan. 6! In many crimes, the perpetrator is immediately arrested!

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Brazil and Germany wasted no time when they had attempted Coups. They involved fewer people, but they were dealt with immediately. Loaded on busses and taken away.

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Damn straight they did! That's because Germany has a history... and Brazil is like most So. American countries -- short on first amendment rights. But in these two cases, I completely agree with the authorities in these two countries. In my opinion of these kinds of issues, I've been very influenced by Karl Popper's The Open Society. Some people, groups use the freedoms inherent in an 'open society' -- like first amendment rights to promote situations that are authoritarian.

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Why did it take so long after Jan 6 for Congress to act on bringing Trump to justice ? Why after the J6 committee recommendations did it take so long for DOJ to act? All of those delays were not necessary… Trump could be behind bars or at least banned from running if Congress would have acted timely - if we are attacked by our enemies … would Congress be slow walking an action? This scares me.

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Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray of the FBI chickened out, is all I can say. They thought, is my understanding, that it would provoke more retaliation and uprisings by Trump's many bands of followers, many of them scary militant groups, like the Oath Keepers, the Proud Boys, the 3 Percenters, people who'd fought in the military and gone ult-rightward and rogue; just all the hideous deplorables like the ones who'd participated in Charlottesville; all kinds of hate groups. Merrick Garland slow-walked everything he did, like appointing Jack Smith to come in as Special Prosecutor to investigate. They've spent $12 million on Smith's investigators in his two cases, only to have that wretched joke of a judge in FLA. Cannon purposely stall on the Documents case, and the gone-rogue SC screw around royally over deciding Trump's "immunity" from prosecution, which of course he does not have! There is a great travesty of justice going on in this country, all for this POS who should NEVER have been president in the first place! In my opinion, these are crimes in themselves, and Loose Cannon ought to be debenched and disbarred, if not arrested for collusion and aiding and abetting in what amounts to an espionage case. And Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito ought to both be defrocked and yanked from the Supreme Court. It is just DISGUSTING all the dereliction surrounding Trump! Of course, what it amounts to is that the Republican'ts and all of their minions want to hang onto their stooge!

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Republicans blocked Trump impeachment even after Jan. 6!

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The Senate was created to prevent a tyranny of the majority (Lower House), but it has become an enabler of the tyranny of a minority (the wealthy) headed by Trump.

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Bill Conlon: plus, he is a criminal several times over. That he is : Against the Constitution, allowed to even run for President. Is frightening to me, and most sane voters.

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and where is the Insurrection act? another pathetic artifact?

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For the third time, get your fucking shit out of my face, LOSER TO THE MAX! THIRD TIME REPORTING TO SUBSTACK, TROLL!

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Yes, I tune out to the media coverage of the orange demon, but actively research his agenda and the facts.

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Sorry ; Bill Conlon ; my kids used to say I was OCD.

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I think your kids were teasing you. I have really bad rheumatoid arthritis in my hands and my fingers are always tripping over each other. I usually proof read before I press enter but sometimes I forget. I don't think you have OCD. I apologise for teasing you. I meant in a fun way.

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My husband types madly on the little smartphone keypad, and sometimes makes hilarious mistakes! It's even better if he speaks into the phone to dictate a message. Often, I must ask him to clarify a message, it is so unreadable.He has arthritis that 'acts up' .

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I was relating a funny thing about my kid's telling me that I was OCD whenever I was trying to "get it right". I meant my correction 😅 as a fun thing, as well. My kids were unserious (well, only a little bit). Hehe

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IBill Conlon : t's sowing not sewing.

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I'll tell that to my seriously disfigured hands who seem to like to think for me. and It's It's not 's :) just saying.

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See? My hands did it again. It's just not my day.

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Arthritis affects those of us who are older.

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Under direct questioning he'll simply lie and evade; feignt, then punch. It's what he's done his whole life long.

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I’d like to hear Trump describe his plan to destroy the civil service and replace them with individuals loyal to Donald Trump.

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"Real Patriots."

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I’m behind on my euphemisms, I guess.

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It’s all the fault of Biden and the immigrants! Of course! That would be his “answer”

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Professor Reich: it's almost a dream, a nightmare, really, that this day has finally arrived. my questions:

The United Nations says a record 117 million people around the world have been forcibly displaced at the end of 2023. Global conflict, crime, and climate are all pushing people from their homes. What can the United States do both to help refugees and to minimize the potential disruptions that such flows can create globally?

The surgeon general recently pushed for social media to carry warning labels aimed at minors, inspired by warnings on cigarette packs. Do you support this? What restrictions, if any, should there be on minors using those popular apps and sites?

If elected, what will you do to help ease the emotional and financial burden on family caregivers?

Should the federal government take steps to make child care more affordable? If not, why not?

i hope to join you and heather live, but since i'm overseas, i think it'll be almost 0300 where i currently live, so even if i'm awake and in your audience, i suspect my brain won't be working very well.

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and what would you do to reduce maternal mortality and child poverty? Also, blaming big pharma for children's chronic diseases ignore pollution, especially from fossil fuels, isn't this dishonest?

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GrrlSci: Good questions as usual. Am overseas also - Greece - lots of refugees with lots of sad stories - have taught English with one of the NGOs over here. Hope we can wake up and make it to the debate party!

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Why not ask Trump if he would have organised public burning of books he didn't like?

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I am in UK so not able to watch, but for the sake of the future of all the planet: animal, vegetable and mineral, I hope this goes as you wish, sir. I look forward to your post programme assessment.

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Excellent questions, Professor Reich! Let's hope Jake Tapper and Dana Bash use those. Also, I would like the moderators to stick to the rules consistently. I want President Biden to absolutely shine and show this country why we need him back in the White House!! Vote Blue, America!!

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Trump is a liar so it will do no good asking him any questions. You cannot believe what he says anyway and he doesn't even know what he's talking about most of the time anyway.

I think Biden should expose him for the fascist that he is. He will not only persecute unhealthy illegal immigrants, but will persecute healthy American citizens who disagree with him. Their goal is to steal all of the wealth of the people they despise and hate.

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I've a feeling many Americans are gonna say, "Uhhhh ... you're kidding, right? What's he gonna do for our Country??"

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What's he gonna do TO our country.

As a public service I reiterate:

Daniel Solomon

Notes from Baghdad by the Sea

17 hrs ago

The real problem is how the media reports the debate. What parts they highlight. In general the image is more important than the argument. Turn off the sound. It should be obvious.

Olfactometers are cheap. #trumpstinks.

HRC wrote a NYT op ed. "in 2016, he unleashed a blizzard of interruptions, insults and lies that overwhelmed the moderators and did a disservice to the voters who tuned in to learn about our visions for the country — including a record 84 million viewers for our first debate.

"It is a waste of time to try to refute Mr. Trump’s arguments like in a normal debate. It’s nearly impossible to identify what his arguments even are. He starts with nonsense and then digresses into blather. This has gotten only worse in the years since we debated. I was not surprised that after a recent meeting, several chief executives said that Mr. Trump, as one journalist described it, “could not keep a straight thought” and was “all over the map.” Yet expectations for him are so low that if he doesn’t literally light himself on fire on Thursday evening, some will say he was downright presidential."

HRC lost the debates because she did not tell Trump to keep his distance. She obviously never learned the "dozens" in school.

And anyone who has tried cases to a jury knows that the play's the thing. Demeanor. Posture. Body image. Stage presence.

Giving direct answers. In summary to the jury. "you saw the same case I did, the defendant would not answer a question directly!"

Trump has a track record. He lies. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_or_misleading_statements_by_Donald_Trump

He "tells" when he lies. He sweats. He blinks. He sniffs - a lot. "How many times did Trump sniff when he said he never raped that woman?"

He makes strange gestures with his fingers. He has facial ticks.

What do body language experts say about Trump’s waving his arms back and forth as if he’s playing an accordion?

Also he kind of tilts his head and sways a bit at times. And his mouth when talking reminds me of the pictures with actual lips on them"

"Does his mouth form an "O" shape when he lies?"

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Hillary Clinton just wrote that op ed? That is fantastic. I enjoyed reading it. Thank you for providing it here. Additionally, your whole submission here is very informative. It's "telling" that Trump actually reacts to his lying like a normal human being! Could that actually mean he has even one shred of conscience??

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Trump will vomit his Project 47, and he will try to stay calm. He will pretend wronged innocence. Like "real America," an innocent victim.

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Are you high?

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