This is an important essay. I sense animus in some of the replies. I understand the anger. When I start lashing out with irate rhetoric or calling people names, I turn to a favorite quote on my wall from Ruth Bader Ginsberg: "We must criticize without wounding and debate without dehumanizing our opponents. Fight for the things that you care about but do it in a way that will lead others to join you." I support what you outlined as a solution to child poverty in our country. And, of course, my heart goes along with my prayers to the Ukrainian children, to all the Ukrainians. Are there advocacy groups to help re-establish the Childcare Tax Credit? If not, perhaps the anger some feel might be channeled into a positive action by forming a small advocacy group or joining one already in existence? In addition to bring continued awareness to the courageous Ukraine in my blog, I will attempt to weave in the issue you write about today. I was very angry about issues affecting seniors in New York State. You told me to write, and I did. From Assembly to Congress to Senators with a special letter to our Governor. It worked! I am in dialogue with all and working towards reframing arcane formulas, which establish monthly stipends of $20 for food and heating benefits that no longer apply in these times of rising costs. But animus must be kept out of our lexicon if we are to persuade others to "understand" our point of view and have them join us in our cause. I am not a Pollyanna but I've learned the hard way that anger, calling people names et al. does not produce results. It is not my intention to offend anyone who responds to you or how they respond. I only ask that one considers how they might channel that anger into positive passion and action.

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Mar 10, 2022·edited Mar 10, 2022

No we won't, nothing good comes from this republican controlled senate. The rethuglicon Trojan horse, Joe Manchin makes sure of it. The mamby pamby-ism of the Democrats makes me want to puke, they should all be rhetorically piling on Manchin, instead of living in fear of him flipping to the republican party, (news flash) he has already! They can't count on him to support needed legislation, but they can count on him to come up with another flimsy bs excuse for why the people of West Virginia want him to vote against their best interest.

When is somebody in the Democratic party going to sound off like they've got a pair?

End of rant.

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Prof. Reich, basically you are exposing the utter hypocrisy of those 52 Senators who voted against extending the Childhood Tax Credit. They are more beholden to the money that comes from the lobbyists and the rich donors than they are to the needs of even their youngest constituents. And that exposes the greatest shortcoming that lies at the root of our American economic system, namely unregulated capitalism will eat its own children if in return it can secure for our oligarchs additional short term profits.

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Thank you for writing.

I intend to be succinct in comment, but this delivery will depart.

I’ve been arrested and have spent time in a mental hospital twice. I have addiction issues.

I’ve had more privilege than most, but bear a couple heavy burdens.

The stimulus saved my ass. I will never forget this policy initiative.

I’m well educated, a certified public accountant, and previously under utilized.

Communication across our current generation of population is hard.

I’m a recovering liberaltarian.

Accounting emphasizes a principle of conservatism.

I’ve had to endure colleagues who jokingly and begrudgingly asked me what I was going to do with my stimulus I received to support myself, my wife and three children.

The answer is: survive.

Things are looking up. But because of my reading “The Millionaire Next Door” I live in a community of lower socioeconomic status.

I’m fortunate to have hope. I hope I can do things to spread that intangible message.

Thank you again professor. I hope my sometimes intellectual trolling isn’t too offensive.

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The idiotic part of this insanity from the Republican Party is that the Democrats have a great opportunity to point out every day that the Republicans alone ARE the reason why good things can’t get done to help the people in this country and yet, they seemly tend to ignore this powerful message.

It’s 98% the direct fault of Republican obstruction.

If we (Dems) want to hold on to and expand our majority in Congress we need to make sure MSM accurately points out this [obvious] fact every day.

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@Robert Reich, every day, you give me hope! You have no idea how much your efforts to inform are appreciated,truly. Thank you.

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"When will we ever learn" this quote from a beautiful message in a song covers so much about our continuing man made problems today. I personally retired from nursing @ 73 now @ 75 which put me on a fixed income and with no more child tax credit for my adopted 2 teenagers and the severe inflation we have been bombarded with; I feel that our children and elderly are forgotten again

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For this to work the repugs in congress plus the Dino’s manchin and sinema would need to have a heart and they have proven that they do not. They only care about money and their donors at all costs…. Citizens United did this to us all…

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In his book, Behave, Stanford Neuroscientist Robert Sapolsky reports the “lower the socioeconomic status, the thinner the prefrontal cortex, the less impulse and emotional control all by age 5.” He says that these kids have no chance by kindergarten. Stress hormones from the adversity of childhood poverty permanently alter their brain development. “The rich will do cognitive cartwheels to justify inequality.”

As companies like Amazon pays no tax. As Elon and Jeff make more in a month than any of us can make in hundreds of thousands of years and pay little to no tax, Sapolsky points out how experiences change brain biochemistry, we see it with trauma and PTSD, etc., it appears that the experience of becoming mega rich turns one to mega greed. Richest pay no tax? Economics doesn’t explain that, neurosciences do.

Robert Sapolsky’s BEHAVE

No free will, no substance. History doesn’t repeat: brain biochemistry repeats

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"If we were a sane and decent society we would turn that experiment into the law of the land. We still can. Will we? " So powerful.

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But the GFN - the "Good For Nothing" Republican Party - will block any attempt to help children -

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"Sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do."

Said my father years ago when foregoing charging a customer for a service call to get their heat back on on a winter morning. She was a young mother of three. Just moved to town into a small house . Her 275 gallon heating oil tank was just about empty . "May I use your telephone ?" Called the office."Dottie, send the truck over to this place and fill the 275." Overhearing him the gal piped up."Excuse me, wait, how much is that gonna cost ?" "Don't worry about that. You worry about them." Him pointing to the three toddlers painting the kitchen table with their breakfast . Loading the tools back into our service wagon he didn't reach for 'the book' (invoices). Very young and overly sensitive, I asked, "Ain't we charging er dad ?" "Ahhh, sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do."

When did they pull the plug on the bathtub of such compassion in our nation's capital ? How and why would any member of congress deny our youth, our children, our most important investments and future a leg up ? I really question how some of them put their heads on the pillow at night . They must drink a lot .

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Mar 10, 2022·edited Mar 10, 2022

Thank you Robert and yes your posts are very valued and appreciated in my opinion. I look forward to every post that you make. I think there is a lot of ignorance as to how a democracy works. I think we have lost our appreciation for what we have and it does not come with guarantees. We are at a point where we have to fight for our freedom. If we did then the republican party would disappear in a heartbeat. They clearly do not favor a free society. Suppressing voters rights is just one example of their true intentions. Your audio spells out a wonderful approach to helping the American children. Unfortunately the republican party want everything for themselves including your freedom. It will always be an uphill battle until all Americans become engaged. Think about it. Not one republican voted in favor of helping our children and not one Republican voted against tax cuts for the top 1%. That’s the problem “greed”. The key dynamic to help people is the idea of helping people help themselves get them on their feet get them productive and have them contribute to society. That same dynamic applies to corporate welfare who are stripping our country of all its finances and assets. We need to give the checkbook back to the people

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Just heard about this outcome a couple days ago. Frankly, it’s been on my mind, as I know plenty of families where the pandemic and other of life’s complications impacted. I’ve also heard one set of harsh words about “I don’t want to help raise other people’s children with my taxes”. Well, yet these are the folks complaining they cannot find quality employees…in my little hometown, across the Ohio River from West “By God” Virginia, such cruel “me first” economics has driven so many away. Yet, they embraced Trump and fell deeper into the poverty abyss. And, embedded in all of this is racism. We have to figure this out, America. It’s not Ukraine, or someone else’s kids, it’s US writ large. Explaining this study granularly in every county and putting faces to “the children” as have been seen in the Ukraine coverage is what it takes….I’m working in a very small, bit part way in this. Because some of those faces are my own grandchildren.

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Mr. Reich, I just started making a monthly donation to help take FOX off the air, as you requested yesterday. If we are successful in that effort, and ONLY if we are successful in taking FOX down, will we have the political will to provide funding for kids. Once FOX, the Republican Party Propaganda Platform, is taken down the only Republican's that will ever be elected again will be people like Liz Cheney and Adam Kissinger. I've been encouraging friends and family to turn off FOX for 10 years with little impact. I hope we can now.

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Some (bipartisan) history:


Probably the wrong time to make a joke about introducing a parenting license (it's probably a discussion for another day)...

= )

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