We must de-couple health insurance from jobs and create Medicare for All. We have the most expensive healthcare system in the world, and among all modern countries the worst healthcare outcomes.
We must de-couple health insurance from jobs and create Medicare for All. We have the most expensive healthcare system in the world, and among all modern countries the worst healthcare outcomes.
If health care is a right (which is something even some Republicans profess to believe), then it has to be a right for everyone in society, regardless of whether they are employed or not, no matter what their health issues are, no matter the color of their skin or their educational level or their income, no matter their citizenship status. It is part of what you receive automatically as your due. (I studied in Denmark and Norway for about five years altogether. To live in Denmark, you were required to enroll in state health plan--no ifs, ands, or buts. I never had need for health care during my stays but it was a comfort to know it was there if I did need it. But--unlike the USA--Denmark is an advanced country and a very democratic one.) If you link health care to employment, what you will have is a company that will try to force the expense of health care onto you and limit your care to save $$$$. And since the company is not really in the business of providing you with health care, you will suffer. Profits are everything to companies, you are nothing. This is sad but we need to break the link between health care and profit-making companies that do not care what happens to their workers.
Yes, so many people continue to work in poor conditions and suffer belittlement just to hold on to "employer-provided" health care through private insurance companies that bilk workers.
We must de-couple health insurance from jobs and create Medicare for All. We have the most expensive healthcare system in the world, and among all modern countries the worst healthcare outcomes.
If health care is a right (which is something even some Republicans profess to believe), then it has to be a right for everyone in society, regardless of whether they are employed or not, no matter what their health issues are, no matter the color of their skin or their educational level or their income, no matter their citizenship status. It is part of what you receive automatically as your due. (I studied in Denmark and Norway for about five years altogether. To live in Denmark, you were required to enroll in state health plan--no ifs, ands, or buts. I never had need for health care during my stays but it was a comfort to know it was there if I did need it. But--unlike the USA--Denmark is an advanced country and a very democratic one.) If you link health care to employment, what you will have is a company that will try to force the expense of health care onto you and limit your care to save $$$$. And since the company is not really in the business of providing you with health care, you will suffer. Profits are everything to companies, you are nothing. This is sad but we need to break the link between health care and profit-making companies that do not care what happens to their workers.
Yes, so many people continue to work in poor conditions and suffer belittlement just to hold on to "employer-provided" health care through private insurance companies that bilk workers.