Lanae ; That is true. Many times when I spoke with a clerk, there was this feeling that I was breaking a rule. People would look at you like you were rude to have a short conversation, even if they had just walked up and were not waiting at all. In a hurry, I guess! 'time is money'.
Lanae ; That is true. Many times when I spoke with a clerk, there was this feeling that I was breaking a rule. People would look at you like you were rude to have a short conversation, even if they had just walked up and were not waiting at all. In a hurry, I guess! 'time is money'.
I am sorry to say but my recent experience in the grocery store and with reference to casual conversation in the work place is not the only case where chatting and making conversation is frowned upon in the extreme. Most of us have probably seen the current Netflix film, "Don't look up." In the film Dr Randall Mindy (played by Leo DiCaprio) and Kate (played by Jennifer Lawrence) are waiting to be interviewed on tv and announce that the earth is to be destroyed by a huge comet. Sitting opposite Dr M and Kate is a pop-star Riley and a couple of her friends; Riley has recently broken up with her boyfriend D. Cello and that is what the general population is focused on, that and the Trumpy president, Janie (played by Meryl Street). Dr M begins a casual, friendly, neutral conversation with Riley, someone he knows nothing about. She promptly responds: "Why don't you mind your own business, you old" This is essentially where we are in social interaction these days, in work contexts and every other context. Makes some of us want to run and hide. (It is also alarming that we seem to have lost a grip of reality and what is really important.) Of course, 'Don't look up' is satire but it's too near reality to be really funny.
Lanae ; That is true. Many times when I spoke with a clerk, there was this feeling that I was breaking a rule. People would look at you like you were rude to have a short conversation, even if they had just walked up and were not waiting at all. In a hurry, I guess! 'time is money'.
I am sorry to say but my recent experience in the grocery store and with reference to casual conversation in the work place is not the only case where chatting and making conversation is frowned upon in the extreme. Most of us have probably seen the current Netflix film, "Don't look up." In the film Dr Randall Mindy (played by Leo DiCaprio) and Kate (played by Jennifer Lawrence) are waiting to be interviewed on tv and announce that the earth is to be destroyed by a huge comet. Sitting opposite Dr M and Kate is a pop-star Riley and a couple of her friends; Riley has recently broken up with her boyfriend D. Cello and that is what the general population is focused on, that and the Trumpy president, Janie (played by Meryl Street). Dr M begins a casual, friendly, neutral conversation with Riley, someone he knows nothing about. She promptly responds: "Why don't you mind your own business, you old" This is essentially where we are in social interaction these days, in work contexts and every other context. Makes some of us want to run and hide. (It is also alarming that we seem to have lost a grip of reality and what is really important.) Of course, 'Don't look up' is satire but it's too near reality to be really funny.