I used to appreciate the photos of Obama and Biden, shirt sleeves rolled up and no tie... gave the impression that they were really "rolling up their shirt sleeves and working... for the American people.." it also conveyed a sense of vitality, movement.. unconstrained from the formality of suit and tie.

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At least they're wearing shirts unlike trump's idol, Putin.

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Agree! Over the years there have been a number of photos of shirtless Putin. The one depicting him horseback riding shirtless...gave me a laugh. Only an ignoramus would ride horseback without a shirt as anything can happen. A horse may be startled... and the rider can end up on the ground or in the brush. The photo that really bothered me showed him diving for the cross on the Russian Orthodox Feast of the Epiphany. Blasphemy!

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"Those that matter don't mind, and those that mind don't matter" is the phrase that springs to mind!

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But when Jim Jordan does it it seems lazy and disrespectful

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Gym wears a tie but skips the jacket, though. Disrespectful is just what he is, regardless of what he wears!

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But, he never skips a lie!

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Nope! Never!!

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Judge by the character of their conduct, not what they try to cover up with fake dignity...

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I cannot look away from Comer’s crooked tie and cheap suit every time I see him. I try not to judge a book by its cover, but Comer’s cheap, slubby suits and ties scream annoying redneck car salesman heading your way. For him, the suit belies the man. Run!

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Gym Jordan is just a total scumbag! He truly is unfit to wear human clothes.

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Jim Jordan’s ugly puss may be the face of the Republican party, but he like too many of his colleagues, is just another failed abortion.

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Hey, Ilene, made me laugh, then I felt I was like him...

Not sure we should do that to people. :)

Voted this am in WI, and feeling the need to win some hearts and minds.

There ARE people that will change their voting stance between now and Nov., at least 5%, depending on what is happening in the world (weather, war, Swift)

I want to be the person they can talk to.


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VOTE: "Undeclared Delegate" to support Biden's doing the right thing for Gaza and peace.

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Vermin is he.

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Yoda sez Vermin, he is.

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YIKES ! so much vitriol

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It would be worse if he didn't!

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Jim Jordan's mushroom hued skin and dead-eyed sneer make him look disreputable.

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Because he is.

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That creepy mushroom skintone is odd too. He's ghoulish. He smells of earwax, scalp and flopsweat.

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I always thought he had an institutional pallor-maybe its my TV-and I imagined him just released from a criminally-insane at our local mental hospital.

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He's got a basement-dweller pale fungal hue, from avoiding the outdoors and hanging out in front of his best friend..the computer.

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Because he’s a jerk

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I have a string of words for Gym, none of them are printable, by my standards, so I’ll just agree with you.

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He is lazy and disrespectful, along with being stupid and self centered. The only reason he holds his job is because of gerrymandering.

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I can’t stand to hear him scream

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Exactly. Unlike Trump who has that ridiculously long red tallywacker he wears as a symbol of his shortcoming.

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I was about to write the exact same thing, but it occurs to me that in narcissistic Trump’s case it’s saying, “Please direct your attention to my most magnificent…” Subtle he is not.

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My thoughts exactly. Less formidable.

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Jim Jordan must be trying for the same effect?

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I think you look good in the photo with Clinton, but in today’s world, I think you can relax and not wear it. Only the “tie police” will care.

Happy Easter!

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Men willingly wear nooses. It's a mystery to me.

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Women willingly wear constrictive torture devices. We're no better.

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Men should give up ties and women should give up high heel shoes. I gave up heels and other uncomfortable shoes twenty years ago.

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Thank goodness that pantyhose are a thing of the past. While high heels for fashion or public facing events seem ok, but a professional woman at the office on day to day basis no longer needs high heels.

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I am pretty sure you meant ‘ties’, but toes is MUCH funnier. High heels lead to very ugly feet when you get older, not to mention feet, knee and back issues. Still worse than daily strangulation efforts. It was fashionable for women to wear ties for a brief period in the 80s, so I had some. But I share a trait with Dr Reich in that I (and my family) have no necks too, and feeling daily like I was being garroted was most unsavory. Just be glad we are not living in the times of ruffs or cravats.

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Me too, when I was 36 because my knee swelled up for no reason and I was later diagnosed with osteoarthritis.ive not wore heels since then.

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There’s nothing more pathetic than a woman tottering along on 5-6” heels, distorting the muscle in her calves, angles of her arches. wince inducing. Nothing graceful in her walk. A future musculoskeletal pain ahead. They remind me most of the ugly bound feet of Chinese bound women. Crippled for life.

Male fashion hasn’t always gone for the hangman look, lol. All men today can be grateful, they don’t wear, knee breeches, Floppy shirts, Lace cravats, Vests and powdered wigs. A cummerbund at the waist. Cutting even a tall fellow like George W. down to look way shorter. You’re on to something, Professor Reich. I do agree, my empathy you have! How about a contest? A new Style for Honorable Men for Democracy and Freedom! You have my support With or without a tie, And you look mighty fine, in that photo with Bill Clinton. Also, your dignity, presence and Integrity Always are conveyed, no matter your height.

Compared to a guy over 6’ 2 ish, suits and ties, toted as his own brand, way, way too long. Sells ‘em at a mark-up. Silk? Maybe, but on him they always look like cheap polyester. Self-proclaimed billionaire. Suits always rumpled. Looks like a sleezy slob. Hair? Looks like his so poor he can’t afford a decent dye job and hair cut. Nothing he wears covers up the lack of character, lying nature oozes from every pore.


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Who is over 6'2"? Not TRump, he lies about everything golf, his wealth, height, weight, I've seen photo's of him next to other men whose height is well known, I wager he even wears height boosters.

Watching TV today, a man who has played golf with Trump, wrote a book about the subject. Trump cheats at everything, he even has a high powered golf cart,so he can get to his ball before other golfers catch up. Once his ball landed in a water trap, they could see the splash, but by the time they caught up, the ball was laying on the fairway, he also will kick or throw another players ball into the weeds and woods.

He always wins on his own golf courses, but comes in a the lower half of other golf courses, He has even bought off Tiger Woods and Jack Nicholson.

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Let the 'Drag Queens' wear the heels & the - higher the better - or so I hear ~

I watch RuPaul's Drag Race for all the 'disrespectful' dishing, creativeness and

actual talent ~ when I'm worn out by TFG's antics. Incidentally, the winner of UK's

Drag Race, "The Viviane" does an incredible impersonation of TFG & in 'agent orange' make up...

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I worked with a drag queen, famous for performance as Ineeda Richman. Alex had no use for transvestites (cross dressers),he and other drag queens were in it for the performance and acting, TV's are in it for the sexual thrill.

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When I lived in Panama, it was common to see women, with unshaved legs, wearing panty hose. A sight that never leaves my mind.

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Reminds me of years ago now when I was traveling in Germany. Can't remember now (LOL...) what city I was in, but was sitting in an outdoor cafe that must have been close to an American military base. Two American guys were talking about German women's proclivity to not shave legs nor underarms. They were not nice about it! It took me much to restrain myself from responding.

Also remember when I was only 25 and first came to Berkeley CA. from Texas, a restricted environment and a marriage that was no longer. First thing I did was eliminate my make-up (the whole sheebang: foundation, eye stuff, and blusher). Never looked back. Same situation with high heels. Now, cannot imagine it.

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I enjoy ties honestly!

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To each their own. You should wear things for yourself, not others. I hate ties (had to wear them in ROTC), high heals (I have long calves and no balance), and makeup. I know people who like those things. Personally, I think everyone should be allowed to wear whatever makes them happy.

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I have to admit, the only highest heels I’ve ever worn were 2” and that was when I was in the USMC. It’s been 54 years since I’ve worn 2” heels, it’s flats for me. High heels are the worst shoes one can wear, horrible on the feet and back.

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Why? I gave up girdles in the 50's, When I had my last mammary removed (cancer) the doctor asked if I would rather have reconstructive surgery than just lopping the last one off; I told him No bras, no mammograms -what's not to love! So now I'm flat chested again and loving it.

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Fay, one of the best friends I ever had and neighbor when I was in high school,

was diagnosed with breast cancer, underwent double mastectomeies followed by

cobalt treatments. That was back in the 1960's. She was given 6 months to live.

BUT BUT BUT when she did pass away she was 97 years of age and it was Alzheimers or equivalent that 'done her in'.... All of us her in Seattle in the Horticultural world will remember her - forever ~

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My two bouts with cancer were caught so early, they were still in situ. The cancers could have been removed, but I was 74 when the first one was found and 84 with the second. I certainly wouldn't have more children so I had the whole breast lopped off. I didn't need chemo or radiation. I rarely talk about it because I don't feel like I am a survivor, I just was adamant about getting an annual mammogram and caught it so early. I do not miss having boobs - and at 91 I even go days with no makeup (which is new for me, since I have worn full makeup since age 16.) Getting old is part of life, you just get used to it.

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Again, 'yes' Fay. I enjoyed so much the freedom and comfort from not having to wear bras, that when I had my first mastectomy I seriously considered having the other one as a voluntary removal. This might seem passing strange to most women and men, but just look at it as not having to wear a tie everyday....

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Same here, Fay. Had two mastectomies, declining silicon implants. Luckily, both incidents were 'stage 0'.

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I so love this!!!!!!

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Thank you

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Not me. No high heels, I gave up girdles very early, and ditch the bra whenever possible.

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Not all of us

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not me! flat shoes, comfy clothes, no bra when clothes floppy (comfy) enough, no make up, hair au naturel

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And women willingly squeeze themselves into shapewear and tortuously high-heeled shoes. I don't understand any of it.

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I hate bras, but since I’m 83, I really can’t go out without one. Gravity is a thing.

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In winter, unless I have to take my coat off, the bra stays home, and comes off as soon as I get home.

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I do exactly the same thing. That’s really the only thing I like about winter.

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Among my friends, you are definitely in the majority!

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There are more comfortable options out there. But it seems like whenever I find one that works for me, the company stops making them. They seem to think every woman wants wires and elastic cutting into their skin or ridiculous padding to make them look bigger.

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It;s all about the "fashion industry' and created//fomented 'fashion trends'.

Being male, I find the fashion designs interesting, but incredibly - rediculous ~

and quite mysoginistic. 30 yeaars ago I lived with a gal who disdained all that - female

pripary. She was an artist, sculptor and welder of quite monumental artsy stuff. And

quite good at it.

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I advocate wearing pullovers with a suit. They look good and feel good. They make good ones now with crew necks to protect the collar of your suit jacket.

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I agree. Years of playing in orchestras where the required attire for men is a tux with a bow tie have long made me an advocate for dress code reform. I have always been able to find comfortable women's apparel which conforms to the all-black requirement, but still looks "dressy". Men should have that option, too.

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Yup. All black is an option and occasionally that’s what some groups do. But not enough.

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Baltimore Symphony has uniform options which offer greater mobility for musicians. I don't understand why standard business attire can't be designed the same way; so everyone is comfortable in their workplace.

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In the I.T. industry in Silicon Valley, casual attire everyday is the norm now. Was not always that way...

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George Santos 😝

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It’s one area where women have had a bit more freedom with men being expected to wear suits or jackets and ties. Though it did make dressing in the morning easier!

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Though some places have had some weird dress codes for women! Hopefully mostly gone now.

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LOL. Best comment so far.

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And most often with a point at the bottom of it. I've wondered why, then came across a

comment somewhere that the point of the 'point' was to 'point' to the wearers crotch.

The - original (?) design might have had just that idea in mind ~ sexually speaking ~ (?)

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No matter what trump wears, he looks hideous.

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Fat neck fat head with fat between his ears where a brain should be

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Are my eyes lying to me, or does Mango Mussolini *have no eyelashes*?? I keep looking for them but can't see them in any of the photos. He already looks weird when he squints menacingly; but it's 5 times creepier to see no lashes framing his malevolent gaze.

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His best outfit was his "prom boy" suit. It fit SO POORLY!

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Thank you, Professor Reich, for this column. To allude to your mention of Trump... he should have a rope around his neck (no, I'm not going to follow with what some people might think is a logical sequence...), the other end of which should be held by Jack Smith who'll be leading him to his permanent jail cell... JMHO

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To be fair, his red tie has ALWAYS been 130,000x too long! (Dear Jon Stewart did THE best job immitating him, where he casually tossed it on Stephen Colbert's desk.)

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Yes, the looong red tie is symbolic. Compensating for his shortcomings attested to by Stormy.

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RR, when I look at you all I see is a very beautiful person.

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Debby - That's true for us all, I think. Robert Reich's purposeful intelligence warms the world, for sure.

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Trump will never go tieless and with an open collar, as his double chin probably extends to his navel

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Right. But unless he absolutely has to, like walking down the steps of AF One, Dumpy never buttons his suit coat. And his suits are always wrinkled and slightly shiny. He always looks as if he slept in his clothes.

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trump's clothes are a mystery - looks like he got a mercy suit from the Sally Ann

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One would think Trumpf, being as wealthy as he claims, would have better tailored suits.

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Gave me a chuckle.

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Ties are pointless useless and uncomfortable decorations. They’re not necessary. They have no function.

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Crazy until you consider that proper men wore wigs for centuries.

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They should bring those back. Id love to Lindsey Graham in a wig. In fact, they should say they are the New Whig Party too.

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Same with pantyhose and any kind of corset like garment. Ugh. I don't care about ties. It's a shame the only thing that has fashion changes in men's clothes seems to be ties.

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Though Paula, I’m going to offer up a different view, from my experience on panty house. I’ve got a body that’s sensitive to cold, drafts. They actually are helpful and comfortable for me, in certain weather. They sure beat the inconvenience of hose, garter belts or girdles when I was a teen and young woman. Now those were torture chambers! Talk about inconvenience. Revealing my age, very true! Of course, when it’s summer in AZ, no hose, thank you very much. A tan, laps at the pool, for tone.


Back then the guys and men had to wear, socks and shoes, ties, jackets, if dressed up. Both genders torture. At least we were forced to wear Petticoats, long sleeves, bustles, waist clinchers under it all. Stockings all summer. Boots. 👢. Guys in Breeches, stockings, Long sleeve shirts

, cravats, jackets shoes with buckles.

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What do you wear in your shoes when you’re wearing a skirt? Peds show with most shoes. I’m serious. I used pantyhose with good skirts and shoes, but you can’t find them any more.

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Nothing. You wear nothing with your shoes. Or you wear leggings under the skirt and socks that go with it. Or you can wear just socks that have a pattern that goes with the skirt.

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Thank you. Nothing. Huh.

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I imagine wearing nothing with closed shoes would be uncomfortable (sweaty/sticky) and cause the insides of the shoes to become stained and unsightly.

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Pantyhose evened out your legs’ complexion. I think it feels icky to wear shoes without something between foot and shoe. I wear socks with my sandals. So there!

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There are fabric topped insoles & also found some with thin layer of sheepskin you can buy. Shoe Gear is one brand I have but there are others, just have to look for them.

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just get some comfortable socks. All kinds of statements and decoration there.

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Lots of things are unnecessary, but we gravitate toward them for the aesthetics they provide. Jewelry is unnecessary. And teeth don't have to be white to be functional, but we prefer to look at a smile that's not yellowish.

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No worries. The Orange Insurrectionist goes tie-less to cheat at golf. PLEASE NOTE: He doesn't play golf. Golf has rules and ethics. He plays 'trump-ball'. Kinda like Calvinball, but less cultured.

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Love Calvin. Trump not too much in fact, not at all the man is evil incarnate.

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"When will Trump go tieless?" you ask?

Answer: In prison.

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The picture of you and President Clinton made me tear up. Love you both. I agree with you about ties. They may disappear.

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Trumpet 🎺 is just a fat old man dressed up in a suit

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The emperor has no clothes!

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Gee, thanks! I can't unsee that.

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Yikes! It is an icky apparition for sure :-)

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Melina must have a strong 💪 stomach

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And, for a supposed billionaire, his suit, like the rat on his head, looks remarkably cheap.

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Yes, and his way too long ridiculous ties always finish off his look of total disregard for his appearance or fit of his clothes. Wouldn't you think a president who claims to be a billionaire could afford a decent suit or tailor?

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And a toupee that looks real. If that's not a toup, that's even worse. And those ties look really stupid as they hang out from under his jacket. Looks like a toddler playing dress-up in Daddy's clothes.

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As a professional musician (yes, a trumpet player) I ask you to please use another word to describe the Perpetraitor.

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Sorry about the trumpet designation for dt . However you are a professional he is just a nightmare on his way to oblivion.

Unless he starts a civil war but most of his suckers have awakened and his days are numbered. Citizen J

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Like you I have no neck and am an inch shorter than you. Luckily our brains are still working well. Thank you for your wonderful columns

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Me too. I remember when Kennedy didn't wear his hat.

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Kennedy wore a hat? All I can remember is his hair! he had lots of it, and wavy, too!

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He never wore a hat.

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Sharon C Storm : That would explain it!

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Somewhere I dredged ( in my mind )up a picture of JFK in a Top Hat and Tails…

Entering or leaving a car

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Yes, re a top hat, but he wouldn't wear a helmet, hat, or Stetson, it was a big deal. Don't mess with the hair. Undignified, I think was the idea.

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I missed that one; but it Was a long time ago!

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Inauguration Day January , 1961. It was a very cold day. He didn’t have it on very long

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I guess I was not glued to the TV! I was 10.5 years old. Looong time ago!

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Yes. Forgoing the traditional tophat for his inauguration. I don't remember any president wearing one since then. JFK started a new trend.

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Watch how open-collars will become another liberal-conservative, republican-democratic, Christian-secular divide.

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t-shirts is about all I wear. With pants.

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I'm glad you tagged on "with pants." Lol.

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bring it!

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Yeah, just compare the commentators on MSNBC with, say, Fox or even CNN -- very au courant and casual -- very creative in putting things together. I love those shots where the camera pans below the table to reveal sneakers matched with sweaters and casual pullovers. THIS, even though a female looks business well-dressed from shoes up!

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Men like you and presidents who don’t wear a tie show confidence. It’s a small fu, “I’m not concerned with convention. I’m tall but wearing a tie makes me think of a noose. Haven’t worn one in decades.

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