“Just 44,000 votes in Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin decided the outcome.”

Trump is the greatest threat to our democracy we’ve ever known. And the Electoral College (EC) is his key weapon.

If it didn’t exist, the upcoming election wouldn’t be at all close.

We need to get rid of the anti-democratic EC.

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Christopher, that needs to be a petition signed across the country by us, the American people, to rid our country of this stupid electoral college. That anti-democratic nonsense put people in the White House that did not win the popular majority vote! I would definitely sign it. Actually, I have signed some petitions calling for the end of the electoral college but for some reason it goes nowhere!!

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Petitions give people the illusion that something is being done. They don't really work and in the case of electoral college a petition would do nothing. The EC can only be removed with a Constitutional amendment.

Article II, section 1 of the Constitution establishes the Electoral College. It is extremely difficult to amend the Constitution. Article V sets up the manner by which an amendment is passed. While there are two different means to amend the founding document, this country has always used the same route: a 2/3rds vote in both houses of Congress, followed by the ratification of 3/4ths of the states. A plan to scrap the Electoral College via constitutional amendment would not pass in the current environment.

There are alternatives to amending the Constitution. One way is the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact or NPVIC. NPVIC is a fairly straightforward system that capitalizes on the constitutional guarantee that states are free to determine the manner in which they award their electoral votes. The compact requires states to pass laws that would award their electoral votes to the candidate who wins the popular vote nationally. Under the current plan, states that join will not activate the compact until enough states have joined to total 270 electoral votes. That is, the compact does not go into effect until there is a critical mass of states for it to be effective. The more states that adapt this system then there is a possibility of overriding the EC. That said, it would be an uphill battle and NPVIC coming into effect would likely face a flurry of lawsuits.

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Besides what Robert has already expressed, our name's sake in the Kenedy family has gone amuck. He has succeeded in disgracing his family, our country, and his predecessors. He has become totally alien in his thinking and odd as it may seem he has contracted what ails the MAGA crowd. It would seem that infectious agent has cross party abilities.

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Not that guy ever.

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Feb 14, 2024Edited
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KG--Our opinions are based upon the things RFKJ has said publicly. We can only go by what Bobby says. Without hesitation, after hearing what he stands for, the man's lost.

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Obviously you are just listening to the mainstream news! Try doing a little researche and find out what the man is truely about.

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Feb 14, 2024Edited
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Yes people....don't be so lazy. Read and listen to his interviews!

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and THEN freak out - man is toxic

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I second that. Robert Kennedy Jr's is the best candidate to represent "We The People." I've spent that last year researching and documenting him, and have found the media is straight up LYING. "He isn't just a breath of fresh air, he's an oxygen machine that will bring life back into America."


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Thank you for reminding us of another avenue to start voicing this loudly. If that abhorrent GOP candidate can have a large megaphone and keep repeating the same false crap, then it is time for us to do all we can to get our megaphone up and repeat, repeat, repeat this information so more people hear and are finally getting stronger in their dedication to save democracy and more important, the belief in YOUR vote counts, so vote and be clear what and who you are voting for. Today like it or not, that means Vote Blue.

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Jeff, I've been reading up on the effectiveness of petitions. They are expressions of a collective voice that shape political agendas. Petitions recruit citizens to a cause, give a voice to those that cannot vote, and bring attention to criminal justice issues as well as pointing out flaws in some laws perceived as unjust. Petitions can wield substantial influence raising awareness, getting public support, and putting pressure on those making decisions. I sign a lot of petitions, write a lot of letters, and speak the truth to those mired in conspiracy nonsense. I do not feel it is an illusion to think that those in charge are not paying attention to a majority of dissatisfied voters.

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There is a good website regarding the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact with updates regarding the status of each state.

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But a true Constitutional Amendment, bringing an end the the EC, would solve this problem. The NPVIC would merely dilute the, "one person, one vote" concept behind a popular vote, replacing the EC.

So: What brave souls in congress, would like to let the EC die a dignified death? Remember, we did it with Prohibition, and all was well. Why not repeat, with the EC?

Peggy, you may not be in congress, but there's no requirement that it be a congress member, who introduces a Repeal the EC Constitutional Amendment. (And replace with, "one person, one vote.") Such an Amendment would likely do better, if at least sponsored or co-sponsored by some members of congress. But it is not necessary, simply to be introduced, that anyone in congress write or even sponsor, co-sponsor, etc., it.

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Jess, the NPVIC has been mentioned by Thom Hartmann, and it is an excellent way of circumventing the constitution, but the problem is that red states, so long as they have control, will not go along with it

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Jeff. Thank you for the info. Please see the article, and if anyone lives in a state that has not voted to use NPVIC, please write your congresspersons letting them know you support it and let you family, friends, and local papers know what is at stake


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Sadly you are right that petitions don't work, especially when politicians ignore the will of the people.

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Unfortunately, it looks like the Supreme Court will put the lights out on the pact with the 14.3 ruling on Trump. It appears that they will use 14.1 that prohibits states from abridging citizens right in a national election. I hope this is not true but they can kill two birds with one stone - allow Trump to be on the ballot and protect the electoral college that protects White Christian minority rule.

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I agree. We no longer need it. It’s now become a weapon to slant elections.

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You know Denise, what really makes me angry is knowing that some states are basically deciding who will be president. I have never understood the electoral college. Candidates work tirelessly to pander to those states that will decide while ignoring other states who don't have as many delegates. To me, that is just insanely wrong!! Do away with the electoral college and allow all Americans to have a say in who is going to be the next leader of our country!

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Peggy Freeman ; Until then, We are just not enjoying a true Democracy! "One human, one vote"! It is not self rule! We often have minority rule, enabled by the billionaires! They have effectively stolen our votes! and robbed US of speech! And even justice!

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"All" Americans. YES!!!

One person; one vote.

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Exactly! We don’t need it and frankly haven’t needed it since the advent of transportation in the US.

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It was rendered FUNCTIONALLY OBSOLETE the moment Abraham Lincoln signed "The Emancipation Proclamation" in 1864. (1864, correct?)

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What was rendered obsolete Daniel. And how would a Proclamation, which actually had no legal effect, render anything obsolete?

Lincoln issued that proclamation to keep England from joining sides with the confederacy.

A major industry of England was Textile manufacturing and they depended on southern cotton, it was superior to Egyptian cotton and in greater supply.

The Confederacy was obtaining weapons and supplies from England, and was considering joining forces with the confederacy.

After the battle of Antietam, which was a pyrrhic victory for the north, some consider it a draw, Lincoln Issued the proclamation broadcasting to the world that the cause of the civil war was to end slavery.

England had abolished slavery in 1832, and neither the English Parliament or the People would have supported England (Britain) allying itself with the confederacy to defend slavery.

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Daniel H. Laemmerhirt ; Tell that to the 'Republicans'!

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How so?

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Denise Hale ; and guess which party it favors?

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Now? It has ALWAYS been a weapon to slant elections.

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The electoral college gives a 36 electoral advantage (6.7%) to small states (usually red states). If the vote goes to a contigent election in the case that it cant be decided because of Trumps election nonesense it goes by a plurality of 50 votes, plurarity sounds fair? Its not. In which small states have an even bigger advantage of +10 over the big ones (giving red states a 20%) advantage. This has to be decided by popular vote there is no question.

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Bill, Thank you for getting the facts out correctly on a Contingent Election. Each state gets one vote in the House of Representatives. There’s a common misconception that the House vote is a vote based on the total number of House members and would likely fall along party lines of the Congress sworn in during the first week of January. None of that is the case, it’s one vote per state. Also in a Contingent Election the Senate elects the VP in a similar manner.

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Thank you for the VP info.

I was wrong on the +10 advantage for the states. Here it is +5 from my worksheet.

Note I am not counting the 2 states that are currently tied in Rep/Dem rep count.

Party. Rep. Pop.

Republicans 26 158M

Democrats. 22 161M

If the state contigent votes were based off of population it would look like this.

Republicans 23 158M

Democrats. 24 161M

So in the contigent state vote the Republicans have a +5 (10%) advantage.

I think the MAGA/Far rights see that they will lose the popular AND electoral college. So they are going to try to force a contigent election, like they tried during the coup on Jan 6, 2021.

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Your numbers are similar to others I’ve seen. Agree with trying to force a contingent election, either by back door pushing a third candidate or tying up in the courts a few states to run out the clock and their SC buddies rule 6-3 the EC is grid locked, a few states can’t get their act together, better go to Plan B contingent election.

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Bill, I couldn't agree with you more!!

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National Popular Vote Interstate Compact


We’re 76% of the way there.

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Christopher, reading through this article, it appears to me that the American people have let their politicians know they want the president elected by popular vote. The majority of Americans do no want or like the electoral college. Let's hope we will get the other 24% soon!!

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There’s a Lot of things where the people have made their wants clear (electoral college, gun control, legal abortions, etc etc etc) many times with over 80% in favor.

Yet those things don’t get done because politicians are bought by corporations and millionaires.

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Peggy Freeman ; I think it is a certain number of states that are needed for ratification. I just donated to Inequality Media Civics Action, where the number of states may have been mentioned ; but I can't remember how many. They are getting closer to being able to end the E.C.. It should be mentioned in the media, at least once a week! If they are serving the Common Good!

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Yes, Laurie, Christopher shared a link that explains what is happening. We only need 24% more to get it done.

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Peggy ; thanks for this! I will go look!

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You're welcome! Apparently it is a compact designed to count the popular vote. I will have to go back and study it but it sounds to me like if we can get more states on board, this is the way to go rather than fight an uphill battle for an amendment to the Constitution.

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I agree! a fight like that, to amend the Constitution would be 'uphill' indeed!

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thanks for this, Peggy! I just found it!

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Not number of states, but number of electoral college votes.

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Feb 13, 2024Edited
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California electoral college votes are not the same in number as Montana electoral college votes. Very true that each Montanan vote is weighed far more heavily than each Californian vote. My comment was about how the idea of bypassing the electoral college without a constitutional amendment, where states that sign on will give all their electoral college votes to the presidential candidate that wins the national popular vote, how that kicks in. It kicks in when enough electoral college votes, coming from states that signed on, will decide the outcome. So it is not how many states sign on that kicks it in, it is the number of electoral college votes.

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Les. It is telling that a 72 year old like myself still does not fully understand how this all works. No wonder there have been some 700+ attempts to change this that failed! The greed heads have it so locked up! There must be a way. And I support those who know about this more than I do. those can actually help!

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Yes, the EC, filibuster, Citizens United, packed SCOTUS, etc. -- all ways for the minority to overrule the majority. Why do we tolerate it?

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Because they tell us to?

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Here is why it goes nowhere Peggy

An amendment may be proposed by a two-thirds vote of both Houses of Congress, or, if two-thirds of the States request one, by a convention called for that purpose. The amendment must then be ratified by three-fourths of the State legislatures, or three-fourths of conventions called in each State for ratification.

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So I guess, basically, that abolishing the electoral college is never going to happen. That is certainly a shame.

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Maybe in the future, if the Democrats have complete control of a filibuster proof government, but even then what ever party or who ever is in power are not motivated to change rules that will possibly cause hem to lose power.

Democracy did not come to America until the 15th, 17th, 19th and 26th Amendment and only then because the party in power at the time, thought that the benefits of enfranchising blacks, women, 18 year olds and popular vote for the Senate would result in producing more voters for them and the party.

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Which is why the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact is so important.

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Yes, the more I read about this, the more I like it!! It is extremely important!!

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It was originally put in to give small and large population states an equal say in electing a president. Otherwise the large states with their different interests would always win. Cities and rural areas would be equal.

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Do you think a republican would ever sign into law a bill to change the electoral college? I do not.

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Feb 13, 2024
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Did you see Biden called the 'President of Egypt', instead the 'President of Mexico'.... That was funny as he was up there talking about how competent he is after he 'Delivers Remarks on Special Counsel's Report', which noted his incompetence throughout the whole document. You can't make this stuff up!


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Power Corrupts; There is a difference?

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The greatest threat to democracy in the USA are millions of people who lost faith in democratic governance -- and thus turned to an authoritarian like a trump. If it's not him, they'll find another candidate far more capable and dangerous.

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Thomas, you are right about some people desperate for an authoritarian system and leader. That's because they have never read about or talked to someone who escaped from an authoritarian government. They are so busy hating asylum-seekers, they don't know what actually brought them sometimes thousands of miles to this country risking everything, desperate to get in. It isn't that they want their job (something the American authoritarians blast in their hatemongering. Authoritarians are not benevolent rulers who just love their people and want the best for them. They are mostly scared toddler-men who still want to be able to make everyone do whatever they tell them or they'll throw a destructive tantrum. Why don't the interviewers of American authoritarian afficionados ask them how they would feel if they were thrown in jail because they happened to say something a neighbor or the ruler didn't like, or be tortured, or have their family killed or raped in front of them. I suspect many of those authoritarian afficionados think it is they who will do the ruling; they won't unless it is very local. Ignorance can be bliss until it isn't, ask the few left who escaped the Holocaust or those who escaped "the killing fields" or those who escaped prisons in Russia, China, etc. It seems the media mostly are OK with keeping a large group of Americans ignorant and the Republicans in legislatures all over want to undermine our schools to that end. We don't have to take it anymore! We can and should demand better. Thanks to Prof. Reich for helping us to see more clearly what we are facing in this election season. RFK, Jr. along with Trump, is just one more self-centered fool who is going for the authoritarian vote he thinks he deserves because of his wealth and family name; neither deserve any national power.

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Ruth Sheets: You are correct about people thinking a certain way because they have never read about or talked to someone who escaped from an authoritarian government. I grew up with people who escaped from Eastern Europe before and during WW 1 and 2. I have spoken with Holocaust survivors, real ones, touchable ones. My thinking and acting are totally different from younger siblings who grew up in a different environment, where everyone was the same, accents were the same, cooked and dressed the same, and who I suspect have never read anything about WW 2.

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Barbara, you are right about the homogenous nature of so many of our communities now, or at least of the neighborhoods people now inhabit. It is so helpful to learn of others' points of view and also to learn about our history if it makes us uncomfortable or not. I recently read that "never again" is a constant work in progress, not something we just say and try to believe. We older folks have an obligation to inform our young people of what has happened and why a crackpot authoritarian like Trump and a conspiracy theorist who doesn't care about science or evidence like RFK, Jr. need to be out of power permanently. There are reasons and there are reasons a bunch of rich mostly white people want them in power, and it isn't a good deal for the American people of any background. Authoritarians can turn on anyone at a moment's notice as Trump has demonstrated, and they may forget their own name, but they won't forget someone they think did them wrong whether they did or not. Maybe we need to shame journalists into being more proactive and honest in reporting. They need to re-examine what they mean by balance, something they have not been doing for years, maybe decades. It seems we are going to have to deliberately go after our media if we would see any positive change.

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Utter nonsense as regards RFK jr. His candidacy is a ray of hope and I am grateful that he has such a clear path to victory. Most Americans see the dangers the Establishment of both parties have put this country in and see the need for serious change. RFK's campaign promotes those changes.

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George: You refer to "the Establishment of both parties" as being dangerous.

I agree with you that mainstream political currents for decades have supported many harmful policies. RFK Jr, however, is not an anti-Establishment candidate. His candidacy is funded by the far-right oligarchs like Timothy Mellon of the Koch network, who gave $15 million to RFK Jr's SuperPac that paid $7 million for the Super Bowl ad that has caused RFK Jr to have to apologize to his family the very next day. He has zero possibility of being elected President. His role in the 2024 election is entirely that of a spoiler, siphoning Democratic votes away from Biden. A vote for RFK Jr is a vote for Trump. In addition to those purely political considerations, I cannot endorse any candidate for public office if they have supported and advocated conspiracy theories such as RFK Jr has: Wi-Fi causes cancer and "leaky brain" (Joe Rogan interview), antidepressants are to blame for school shootings (told Twitter CEO Elon Musk), chemicals in the water supply could turn children transgender (interview with right-wing Canadian psychologist and podcaster Jordan Peterson, echoing a false assertion made by serial fabulist Alex Jones), and AIDS may not be caused by HIV (multiple times). He is, by definition, a crackpot (Oxford Languages definition: eccentric; impractical, as in "his head's full of crackpot ideas"). I urge you not to fall for billionaire oligarchs using RFK Jr to elect Trump.

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Gary Stewart, Well said, I hope it was heard.

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He said his Truth the more to armor us against RFK Jr and those like him.

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Thanks for Truth telling. I was dreading at having to find all the nuts stuff RFK has said. You saved me the trouble.

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Feb 15, 2024Edited
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KG, your insults and tangential assertions are not responsive to the facts included in my post:

1) Timothy Mellon, an oligarch seated safely in the 1%, gave $15 million to RFK Jr's SuperPac, which paid $7 million for RFK Jr's Super Bowl ad, for which he apologized to his family; a campaign funded by billionaire oligarchs is not anti-corporate or anti-Establishment;

2) RFK Jr has supported and advocated conspiracy theories in recorded and available interviews A) on Joe Rogan's show, B) with Twitter CEO Elon Musk, C) in an interview with Jordan Peterson (echoing a documented assertion by Alex Jones), and 4) AIDS may not be caused by HIV (multiple times).

You have provided no quotes or sources, and your post has multiple red flags of conspiratorial inference.

I am of the view that the contrast between what I have said and what you have offered in reply are sufficient to allow a reasonable reader to discern which is more likely reliable.

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George, and your evidence of your reason for calling RFK, Jr. "a ray of Hope" would be what?

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So, Ruth Sheets, why dont' the Oligarchs newspapers, WaPo, NY Times, Wall Street Journal, clarify this? Recently I was reading some of the British oligarchs response to WW II while England was being bombed day in and day out. These Oligarchs, wanted Hitler to win.....

I do think the local Red folk who want trumpty, plan to make their own desired destruction in their own communities, believing they will never be held to account.. Just as Biden's Justice Dept. has dragged their feet in defending 'we the people'. And, too few held to any account for their treason and sedition.

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I certainly would prefer that you not refer to it as Biden’s DOJ. Yes, Biden nominated Garland, but he has made it plain from day one that he would not interfere nor try to influence that dept as tfg did all the time. If he were that kind of person wouldn’t he have them back off & leave his son alone?

Why did Garland drag his feet & wait so long to appoint a SC & seek an indictment? I don’t know & I like many others am extremely angry that because of that delay, we may never get justice. Every time I hear attorneys even entertain the possibility that Trump could pardon himself, I just want to scream at the top of my lungs,

That’s Fucking Insane!!!! 🤬🤬🤬

Then today, I hear Nikki Haley repeat her previous assertion that if she were the President, she would pardon him because we just need to be done with this & move forward & heal, I just want to choke her & puke too. No, that would not help us heal, justice is what this country needs. We need to know that there is a hope for justice, that the rich, white people don’t ALWAYS get away with the crimes they commit.

PS - I’m a white person

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Vicki, you are right about the oligarchs, but how do We the People who are not oligarchs even get the attention of the powers that be who could actually do something about them and make our whole system better? I don't know. Our current AG is not up to the task. He is supposedly so concerned with details that he doesn't get much done. It is unlikely he or anyone else these days will take any of the oligarchs to task because they pay for the candidates and legislators etc. who win elections, particularly those who are not qualified which makes them easily manipulated to get the superrich just what they want. It has been working pretty well lately.

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I remember the days when the news media reported about the horrors in Cambodia. Now I guess there are no genecides going anywhere anymotr because you never hear about them. That is said in jest of course. Its like stories about genocide dont get ratings so they dont report them.

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You clearly have no idea who Robert Kennedy is, what he stands for, or who he represents. He is the most un-self centered candidate in my lifetime. To call him an authoritarian is unfounded. His Kennedy family name didn't make him, his actions and a lifetime of dedication, effort, and activism have.


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Absolutely, Ruth!!

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Ruth, Migrants are broken into asylum seekers and job seekers.

Asylum seekers are, as you said, fleeing not just from authoritarian governments, but gangs who impress kids, rape and murder, and that includes Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador.

Mexicans mainly and El Salvadorans are seeking to improve their economic status.

Mexicans by and lare are impoverished, El Salvadorans are middle class that have lost their economic and social status, thanks to sanctions imposed by the US, because Chavez had the chutzpah to believe that Venezuelan Oil belonged to Venezuela and not Exxon (which is majority owned by the Saudi's anyway)

Salvadorans are not asylum seekers.

The people piling up at the border, and those that have got through are natural allies of the right wing, because they are Catholic, Evangelicals, Pentecostals, thus patriarchal, misogynistic and homophobic.

The racists don't want them here, because of race. Trump called them vermin befouling the blood of the nation.

However once inside and settled, they become natural allies of the right because they are patriarchal, misogynistic and homophobic (definitely anti abortion)

Don't believe me, check out the Hispanic communities of Florida and Texas.

Even Univision, a Spanish Language TV channel, is now Trump humping.

It appears that the culture war, overrides even racial concerns when it comes to the Hispanic community and black males.

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When they can vote. My wife is 9 years in and cant vote. Mojadas (Spanish for Wetbacks) wont be able to vote if ever for about 20 years. Any Dreamers Ive worked with didnt have a machismo bone in their bodies, the US took it out of them. zi think the reason why Florida and Texas Latinos may be different is one they are old timers and two its the land of propaganda make believe down there. Ive met very few in NY that want to prevent their bretherin from entering the country. With immigration law as it is. There are millions of disenfranchised folks who cant vote and have very few rights and crappy pay. We are duty bound to get them the right to vote, lest we do what Fox news says and make them wait 1 or 2 generations before they can vote. Justicr delayed is justice denied. Voting rights delayed is rights denied.

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IMO Dreamers are as American as apple pie, and some can't even speak Spanish.

I have a bisnieto, and I am sending him bilinual alphabet books and childrens books in Spanish as I don't want him to lose that ability, he is 2 and learning to Speak.

But there is a real situation. Hispanics are conservative, Catholics, Evangelicals, Pentacostals, and as such they are culturally conservative, and eventually end up on the right side (versus left side) of the culture war.

My 2nd wife is Panamanian, she is now a US Citizen as is her son, whom is not mine. Her son is now as far right as you can get, he even thinks he is a redneck. His face book page was full of derogatory stuff about AOC.

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Lee, you make a valid, important point.

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Sad and frightening that these millions of people don't seem to care or know any better. Like the deranged felonious shyster they worship, they have no need for the truth, facts or history associated with the consequences of having anti democracy authoritarian leadership. Hopefully before election day, enough of these voters will realize there's no advantage to them or the USA for supporting either Trump or RFK Jr.

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Exactly how is RFK anti Democracy or pro authoritarian?! There are many advantages to an RFK presidency, the primary being that he doesn't see the world through the lens of the Old Guard of both the fossilized parties that got our country into the dumbed down, impoverished, greed riddled, murderous, wartorn state we are in.

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I said that about Trump, not RFK Jr. However, he brings a lot of controversies to his platform including his anti vaccine rhetoric that includes a book. Even his own family thinks he's out there. If he was anything like his father, this might be a different story but he's not and won't ever be. Like Trump, this is a guy you don't want in charge if there was another pandemic.

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George, please tell us what policies Jr proposes. Any moron can criticize and destroy.

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It will take 270 electoral votes to win.

There ware 235 votes in red and red leaning states

226 electoral votes in blue and blue leaning states

Everything rests on swing states.

Swing states are WI, MI, PA, NV, AZ.

AZ-11 electoral votes

MI-15 electoral votes

NV-6 electoral vote

PA-19 electoral votes

WI-10 Electoral Votes

In 2020 FL, GA, NC , andVA were swing states, but the Republican legislatures have enacted voter suppression laws and in fact there have been over 300 such laws,not to mention gerrymandering and armed poll watching and drop box restrictions.

AZ PA, WI have Republican state l Senates

Wi, AZ, have Republican state houses.

AZ, PA, WI have Democratic Governors.

In 2020 GA proved to be a swing state (surprise), FL and NC were swing states, they no longer are, thanks to Republican voter suppression and negation legislation.

Unless there are red state surprises, where people are fed up and afraid of Trump, the fate of democracy rests in AZ, MI, NV, PA, WI

If neither Trump or Biden gets 270 electoral votes, or for some reason, as Trump tried in 2020, there is no resolution then the whole thing goes back to the states and each state gets one vote, and the red states outnumber the blue states.

The Hur report is Comey times 100.And save for a few hosts, like Joy Reid on MSNBC, most TV hosts are playing it as either both sides ism, or normalizing Trump's blatant fascism, while pounding Biden into sand.

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Along with getting rid of the Electoral College also deep six the filibuster

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The Electoral College was never intended to function with the winner take all system we know today. You can thank Thomas Jefferson for that- he convinced the Virginia legislature to change the rules and award all of the Virginia electors to the winner of the state. Once done, the other states followed suit because Virginia would otherwise dominate every election thereafter. George Mason was so appalled by the move, that he called for a constitutional amendment to mandate distribution of EC votes proportionally. But that never happened. So, yes- the EC needs to go. It isn’t even functioning as the Framers had envisioned; Jefferson screwed it up early on in the Republic.

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If the EC were to award electors proportionally, it just emphasizes the lack of need for it. The popular vote is already awarded proportionally.

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It's always interesting to read the controversy surrounding the Electoral College over the years. I find my interest in this topic is because I've often wondered how we "balance" the voters intent in a country as large as ours. How do we possibly recognize the needs/wants of the folks who live in, for example; Wyoming with a population of just over 500K, with the needs/wants of the CITY of New York with a population of 8-10 Million? Is there a system out there that would recognize the differences between diverse States that could replace the EC and still be fair to everyone?

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It is not just a Federal Problem, but a problem in each state.

There are islands of blue in states, such as Houston and Austin in Texas, New Orleans in LA,, Fulton County in GA.

The smaller the county, the more rural it is, the more right wing it is. Partly because in these rural counties, the real power is wielded by pulpit and press, and where agrarian, the grange, VFW, American Legion, Lions, Rotarians, Moose Lodge etc.

If you are uncomfortable with heterogeneity, and comfortable only with creatures of your own fur, then move rural. Ifyou do, expect to be looked at suspiciously, and find yourself isolated until you join a church and prove that you are "one of them".

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Lee, quite true. It's in the nature of things.

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I'll take my stab at the greatest threat. A sick distorted political economy (distorted by special interests ) led to an unheathy public -mind and body- which weakened immunity to anti-democratic forces like the former MAGA President.

Getting rid of the EC in 2024 is obviously not actionable. Although the Trump Party will try to find a way if things don't go their way. By a refusal to recognize electoral votes the House could bring it around to a vote by each state is what I have read.

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Drumpf himself wanted to get rid of the EC before the 2016 election.

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Nancy ; Drumpf wants to end voting completely ! He makes sure there is no real candidate running against him and he will not debate! very telling! ; Like Putin. See where Mr. Navalny is now. He is effectively blocking the constitution's 14th Amendment section 3 from being enforced with his terror campaign against opponent ; Nikki Haley , secretaries of state, prosecutors, judges, witnesses, jurors, reporters, election workers and anything that enforces the Constitution, which he will end if he can! He would not allow the Immigration/ border agreement because he does not want Biden to look good.

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Of course! Drumpf wants to be just like Putin.

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Nancy ; if you can't see that : , you don't want to. Look at MSNBC, and you will see why there is brainwashing going on at Fox 'news', Newsmax, and OAN. There are reasons they don't want you to see other viewpoints , especially the truth. Actually, trump uses Hitler's talking points, like "Immigrants are poisoning our blood." We are a Nation of Immigrants! the only 'reason' he wants to stop the bipartisan border agreement that Republicans proposed , and Democrats agreed with, is because he did not want to lose the cudgel with which he can assail Democrats with the election coming. He needs a talking point to lie about and place blame where it is not warranted. did Fox tell viewers that trump is actually encouraging Putin to attack more countries near Ukraine? He is running NATO like It's a protection racket! Trump is a mobster! organized crime boss and proud of it, no doubt! Do you believe in Democracy?

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Ultimately, much more like Stalin, or his much admired mentor, (S)Hitler 1.0. ;) :( :(

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I think it's the Federal Election Commission that he wants to end. The FEC!

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The electoral college was a concession to get the constitution approved and adopt by the United States.

The Civil War, which decimated 10% of our population, one way or together, ratified my blood the original constitution .

Ranked voting in the elimination of the electoral college, to protect the will of the people and preserved this democracy

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Yes, please support FAIRVOTE.org Ranked Vote in your state!

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Christopher--If the "EC" had been trashed when it should have, Trump would never been President in the first place, Hillary would have won in 2016.

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Yes. That’s another example of why it’s a terrible thing to have around.

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Christopher--I have an empty trash can out back--

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Happy to come over and help you dump things into it.

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Christopher--Tomorrow is trash day.

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This is a sick lie perpetrated by the worst President in history, Biden who wanted nothing more than to be President, and when he got the chance bought into a new cult-minded DEI Democratic party of the Old South, a party of hate in reverse, and continued on a destructive path like fire blown by the Santa Ana winds, as long as he got a pat on the back. Meanness came into the party in the "last ten years", Kamala liked to pin on Trump, and Biden gave it all he had with Trump hate-speech, even denouncing citizens for wanting to Make America Great Again! - backed by Obama-Kamala hate for a "white" dominated system without "equity", who don't want "boys of color" in prison. So we had to "re-imagine" America and defund the police because of the power of BLM marches to convince US, and the world, of "systemic racism" which many black American citizens flat out rebuke. The Democratic party isn't even "normal" as it exists now, except for very few not under the thumb of Pelosi, Schumer, Jeffries--who is just another puppet with no real power except to keep pressing down on decent Republicans trying to work for America.

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Gods, but these troll-bots are boring.

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The founding fathers established the EC because rabble like you don’t know sh-t

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They established the Electoral College was to prevent a demagogue from being elected.

Fascist demagogue Trump got elected BECAUSE of the Electoral College.

If the EC is doing the very opposite of what it’s supposed to, what good is it?

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Absolutely! Let’s get back to the majority rule.

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Feb 15, 2024
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What an obvious nonsensical regurgitation of “both sides” lies.

But, then, I suppose actually thinking would detract from the self-satisfied moral high ground you no doubt wrap yourself in to convince yourself you’re not a large part of the problem.

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Feb 15, 2024
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No, I denigrate your view because it doesn’t fit with basic reality and actual facts. It’s just a baseless “both sides are the same” rant.

There are clear and enormous distinctions between the Democratic and Republican parties that are obvious from the things the Ds are trying to pass which the Rs are all opposed to. Your contention that “there is nothing both won’t stoop to to herd the sheep” is completely unsupportable.

Where I may have been wrong is assuming your main motivation for broadcasting your stupidity was to smugly think of yourself as being on some moral high ground superior to the rest of us “sheep”. From your last comment it’s clear you’re taking the other path so favored of aggrieved white males and whining that you’re the real victim here.

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Feb 15, 2024Edited
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“mostly these differences revolve around hot button issues in the cultural wars”

Yet another easily disproven lie.

Not ‘culture war issues’: Providing support to Ukraine and promoting America’s security interests. Making healthcare affordable. Increasing America’s manufacturing base. ALL real, important issues that improve things for people. ALL promoted and supported by Dems and opposed/ignored by Republicans.

Are ‘culture war issues’: Banning children’s books. Outlawing drag shows. Overruling parents on medical care for their children. ALL manufactured issues by Republicans to harm people and get their base mad.

Are Dems perfect? No. But they aren’t a ‘lesser evil’. Democratic Party vs Republican Party is ‘has room to improve’ vs ‘irredeemable evil’.

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“we cannot go on without a political awakening to how manipulated and polarized we are in service to 1%.”

One party is supporting unions, for increasing the minimum wage, and making the 1% pay closer to a fair share.

The other has no policy other that ‘more tax breaks for billionaires and highly profitable corporations.’

But, yeah, keep lying that both sides are the same.

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Feb 13, 2024
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Yes, Trump is deranged, isn’t he.

So glad you recognize that and post about it. Spread the word!

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Feb 13, 2024
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How so? If you’ve got a disagreement with what I wrote, explain what it is and we can discuss.

Or is just hurling empty insults the best you can do?

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I cannot understand how anyone could not see the threat of losing our democracy for male ego. There is no choice. We have to vote for BIDEN.

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I didn’t realize how radically liberal Substack is. You fear something that does not exist if you think we are better off with another 4 years of Biden. Invasion alone is ruining our country. You don’t see that? Deaf and blind.

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Deaf and blind are those who support radical American fascism, also so dumb it's heart-breaking.

Trump is literally the greatest danger the USA has ever faced, bar none.

"A house divided against itself cannot stand" and Donald has exploited that pre-existing condition to the max for his own personal gain by emboldening and legitimizing the absolute worst in the American psyche, which he personifies. Hence the resonance with his base

After all the damage this malevolent buffoon has caused most nations on the planet would have either already jailed him for life or just put him in front of a firing squad sans the blindfold, not let the traitor freaking run for president....again. Given how many people died, needlessly, in the US and world-wide directly because of his incorrigible stupidity, Donald Trump would totally deserve the death penalty...

You may be comfortable with tyrants, fascists adore them, but you cannot have it both ways. You cannot love Trump without hating America. Make no mistake, Trump hates America and is loyal only to himself, and maybe Ivanka. Maybe.

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He is not just the biggest danger to the US, he is the biggest danger to all of us in the rest of the world. I live in Argyll in Scotland, very near to the UK's nuclear submarine base. I have never worried about this before but now I find myself thinking that the 'good' thing about this is that we will be wiped out in the first blast and won't have to live with the awful consequences of nuclear war. A Trump victory in November will change the whole of the rest of the world, very much for the worse and for a very long time, if not forever. All right-thinking people who have any chance to prevent a Trump victory must do everything in their power to stop it.

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I agree, Trump is an global threat/loose cannon on an unprecedented scale, and of epic proportions, very well aware he's a wrecking ball.

A body count of nearly 7 million CV-19 deaths thanks to god level incompetence, vanity, ignorance, phobias and cupidity etc etc... literally everything about the man

gives evidence of major grim reaper skills... without even trying... Genghis Khan must be weeping tears of rage, even with an estimated 40 million deaths to his name, that took decades, 10's of thousands of kilometers and an ocean of sweat, Trump basically never even had to get out of bed or put down his Big Mac to cause harm on a global scale, all he had to do was talk, so yes, in a way Genghis Khan himself was outdone by a muckle sack of sharn in a cheap suit.

Yah, he's a major menace who must be stopped and one who will be stopped. A combination of his own mouth, financial records, skeletons in closets and other assorted dirty deeds (Was Epstein's suicide really suicide?) and karma will balance his account

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The Trump cult is a poison to the American body politic.

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I compare it to cancer, metastasizing.

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What did Trump do to you that you believe the conspiracy theory that he is a dictator? Was he that way the first term? No he wasn’t. Did we get in any wars? No. He was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. How do you not see Biden administration mandating when COVID was a big deal. Closing business. Letting go 80.000 military because they wouldn’t take the crap vaccine that didn’t do what it said. Those who are facists take away our freedom. Democrats are that. I use to be a Democrat till they became liars and cheaters. You have no idea what you are talking about. You have been fear mongered. I hope you get help.

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I guess you forgot all about January 6th. I'm not even going to waste my time trying to explain fascism and why Trump wants to be a Dictator. He said it himself though. God help us all if he gets elected. Thank you Dr. Robert Reich for another excellent piece.

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There is also the 30+ boxes of the nation’s top secrets Trump took to a public golf course. We know the FBI didn’t recover everything. Ignore Clara. We can see what she is.

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One of Vlad The Shithead's evil little trolls??

Yes, I do wonder what SCUMpty Dumpty was promised (guaranteed?) for turning over those papers to the FSB/GRU.

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You’re right Lisa. Better we use our energy to get people to vote, through writing post cards, participating in phone banks, protesting for women’s rights, writing to our Senators, anything we can do we should do.

Just ignore these poor folks that can’t stop drinking the KoolAid, kissing the ring, and squirming up Its stinky ass.

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Amen Denise!! I was so excited to get my Biden/Harris 2024 Car Magnet today. Excited to hit the road tomorrow and keep registering Voters. Hope the Magas leave my car alone in my red state. I didn't worry about it in 2020 but I do this year. I got a really neat card that came with my magnet. This is what it said:

Some are posting on social media,

Some are protesting in the streets,

Some are donating silently,

Some are educating themselves,

Some are having tough conversations with friends and family. (Some of us are doing all of these things)

A revolution has many lanes - be kind to yourself and to others who are traveling in the same direction.

Just keep your foot on the Gas. 💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸

Keep the Faith friends!!! 💙💙💙💙

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The irony of your statement abounds

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No he didn't. Once again, you are regurgitating propaganda from the left. What Trump actually said (in jest) is that he would only be a dictator for 1 day (the first day) to undo all of the terrible executive orders Biden signed that have destroyed America.

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Please give us a couple of examples of Biden's "terrible executive orders".

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You're blind if you think he's jesting. He's been telling and showing us for 8 years exactly who he is so why should now be any different?! And he certainly showed us LIVE on January 6th. We watched it happen in front of our very eyes. Had nothing to do with "left-wing propaganda" and still doesn't. The other side are the experts at that!! He said it himself: He wants to be a Dictator. He didnt want to give up power in 2020 and you can darn well bet he doesn't want to uphold the Constitution this time around either. He wants to tear it up and remake the government. Google Project25 then talk to me.

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In Jest huh? Thanks for unmasking Josh.

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To answer your rhetorical questions: What did Trump do to me?

Nothing personal, just run for president as a prank to promote his 'reality' TV show, then lose the general election but win the electoral vote by appealing to the weakest links in America, thereby weakening America.

Was Trump that way the first term?

Oh dearie me, Yes! Trump was that way in the first and hopefully only term, he's been an a**hole all his life but not everybody was paying attention, some were in shock, some were in denial and way too many were too high on political limerence for their own good.

I arrived at my opinion by watching him on TV, reading his tweets and listening to the brain farts coming out of his mouth. Watched him shove aside fellow presidents/EU members of NATO so he could be at the front of the group for the photo... and ignore Melania when they came to the WH for the first time. Colonel Bonespurs commenting to a Pentagon general on Armistice Day at ARLINGTON Cemetery that he thought the soldiers buried there were "losers"? I can't even with this guy. No 'conspiracy' needed to smell the stench this garbage gives off.

Either you missed many many Many such televised moments or you resonate with his vibe so you wouldn't or perhaps couldn't understand that America is in danger.

A self-aggrandizing malevolent narcissist is very easy to spot, especially if they're as stupid as DT. In fact, his stupidity is what I actually love about him. That, combined with his eternal need for flattery means he won't stop, can't stop talking. So he makes it quite clear who he is and what he wants, none of it good for planet Earth in general and the United States in particular.

Can you even imagine the reaction to Barack Obama saying he was "madly in love" with Kim Jong Un aka Supreme Leader of North Korea? Be honest. Or public reaction to ANY US president saying he believed what a Russian president was saying over US Intelligence? What the hell would Joseph McCarthy and the House Un-American Activities Committee say? (President Harry Truman was a Democrat if that's important.) Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were convicted and executed on far less evidence than the amount already piled up against the #FakePresident.

How dare a convicted rapist and Jeffrey Epstein's BFF run for president, again? One who is also guilty of committing multiple acts of legit treason. Oh America, how the mighty have fallen.

Voting for Lump is voting for a dictatorship, so be careful what you wish for when Trump has already shown that he'd rather be king and doesn't mind how many people die to make that happen. Millionaires and billionaires are fairly MAGA proof, if you are neither you are far more in need of help than I am.... So sad for the GOP that the last good president that party produced was Gen Dwight Eisenhower

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Li - nice job. I wish you could get the message out to more people.

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Li: I noticed DT's actions during the 2016 campaign as well as during his term in office. I don't understand how others failed to notice his actions.

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Those of us who live(d) in the greater metro N.Y./N.J. area knew of his skeevy, scummy, abjectly racist, and yes even criminal ways long LONG before he ever came down his gaudy golden escalator!

I remember thinking to myself in 2016; "WHAT TF are you people doing installing this ignoramus, putrid sack of shit into THE most powerful position on this globe?!?!?!"

It is the moment when I had it confirmed that TOXIC, evil fascism is alive and well in this land. :( :(

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1) Red flags are invisible when people are wearing rose-colored glasses.

2) He is their spirit animal. (Face-Eating Leopard) To a certain extent he Is them. They just don't believe he'll eat Their face too but will limit his appetite to the faces of all the folks they hate and fear. Scam artists hold their marks in contempt, but hide it..... until the moment arrives they no longer have to.

People with dreadful taste in romantic partners/spouses are also completely detached from reality and fight hard to stay that way until Reality presents the check.

3) They notice and pretend not to: sycophants looking for an easy ride, low bar... trying to con a con artist/slapstick mafia don wannabe

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What a fantastic response!! You ticked every single one of the boxes, Li!! Keep speaking truth to lies. I agree 100%!!!

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Thank you Peggy!

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Let’s see - I got covid vaccines because I’m an elder person - I am still

Here and well - no side effects from the vaccines - no covid - my brother just a couple years younger than me got covid twice - no vaccine - died of covid in 2020. How old are you? Didn’t your parents give you all your vaccines when you were young ? Did you get small pox? Did you get polio? Do you get a flu vaccine every year?

Did you know the biggest pandemic ever was influenza and it killed more people annually until a vaccine was developed? Now small pox, polio, measles, chicken pox are almost never heard of bc of vaccines?

People like you are so uneducated and believe hype made by the unhinged.

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I am very sorry for your loss.

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Same hear Susan. I am 85 have had seven covid shots, up to date on the shots, a flu shot, DPT, RSV, Shingles (twice) Pneumonia (twice) am diabetic and a cancer survivor. ( going on 7 years), Still trucking.

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Susan, the problem is that people in general do not have particularly good memories when it comes to learning history. I didn't learn about the 1918 flue epidemic, for example, until after college and I love history. The folks who think they would love an authoritarian Trump in office again don't know about the internment (imprisonment) of Japanese and Japanese-Americans living on the West Coast in this country during WWII. I took a class on WWII and never learned about it. Do the trumpers and trumpettes think it could never happen to them, especially the Republicans of color? This month is the 82nd anniversary of FDR's order 9066 that forced people of Japanese descent, citizens or not, into barbed wired, machine gun guarded hellscapes for simply being Japanese. There was no evidence whatsoever that they had committed any crimes against this nation. It took 40 years before this wrong was publicly addressed by a president and it was Reagan and only due to extreme pressure from people who had been exposed to what we as a nation had done. I am guessing those members of the Trump cult think they are somehow immune to the rantings and ravings of a toddler-man who cares nothing for anyone but himself and gaging from descriptions of his personal odor, he might not care that much for himself either. He may be just ranting on automatic, a puppet whose strings are being pulled by men like Steve Miller and Steve Bannon who should be in prison for their attempts to undermine our democracy. OK, Trump should be there too and would be if he were not thought to be a billionaire. It is clear why Republican legislators and governors don't want real American history taught. People will see what authoritarianism does to people. Let's face it, slavery was an authoritarian system as were the many factory towns and other practices of our past. The Confederacy was not trying to promote freedom or anything like it, just more slavery and rich white male supremacy. It was not a great cause and neither is the cause of supporting Trump, an authoritarian who has already talked about developing concentration camps and ordering our military to take over the "blue" cities. Now, let's see, what is it about that that lures scared privileged white working-class and middle-class white people? God knows, but I suspect ignorance of reality.

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You are uneducated. I listened from the beginning to both sides. I listened the most from the ones getting the money. You know. Follow the money. I am 66 years old. I did not get the vaccine because my body could do better than a poison vaccine made from mRNA could. I got Covid and two weeks later it was gone. Dec of 2020. My brother got the vaccine and within 6 months got a rare coming back cancer. Later that year he died. My other brother got vaccinated and the next day his heart went wild and had to do surgery. Myocarditis. Recently had another heart surgery. You may not feel it yet. But I understand when you do get sick it knocks you out. I have not had a flu for 20 years. Never got a flu shot. In time cancers are reported or autoimmune disease. Sorry to warn you.

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You present no scientific evidence or documentation- if you check the theory of vaccines there are benefits for the GREATER population and most anomalies are for people with auto immune problems or heart conditions. So let’s just say before the vaccine there were 10 million cases a year of Covid and for elderly the disease was deadly. after vaccines administered the cases are now 1 million a year and mild. Anyone that says that is not success is in denial. That’s how all medicine works - on percentages of success. As new versions are presented the mortality rate continues to fall. You should examine some of the pandemics in the Middle Ages before vaccines to understand how it works.

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Clara, I am sad for the losses you have suffered. However, correlation is not causation. That is one of the first things taught in basic science. To believe otherwise is magical thinking, like a child observing a parent’s alarm clock going off and then the sun rising and thinking the alarm clock caused the sun to rise. Understandable as part of child development, but something most of us outgrow.

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It must be physical painful to be so gullible. You’d better watch what you wish for. The time will come when there’s no going back.

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I am 84 year old Clara and I would pity you, but you and your ilk are dangerous.

Virtually everyone who has died from COVID were not vaccinated.

You deserve the fate that awaits. The sooner the better for humanity, as you spread poison.

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The Covid shot does not stop you from contracting Covid nor does it prevent transmission, period. That is fact.

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Yes, but it lessens the severity of Covid if you contract it - all vaccines work that way

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Trump ridicules and mocks his supporters behind their backs.

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How I hope multiple someones secretly recorded him slagging off his base and share the audio files soon.

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Except that they are all such brain dead, troglodyte QUISLINGS, they will adore their putrid orange fuehrer ten fold more for doing that dissing of them, and tell him; "That was great sir, may I have another?".

Fascism is an effing mental disorder/SICKNESS, it seems.

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It has been done Li. alas, his cult will never learn or here, because their organs of disinformation don't carry these items.

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OMG Clara again~! What in heaven's name are you talking about. One might think you are from GPT Chat or something like that. Trump has told us himself he will be a dictator. He did clarify it for a bit by saying for one day, but we know that one day would never be enough. I wonder what was entered into GPT Chat to get the answer you just gave. I bet it was a doozy.

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You have been brainwashed Clara. Isn’t there someone in your life that can help you?

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Almost spit out my iced coffee at " He was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize".

Yes- by one of his toady supporters!

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Anybody can nominate any one for a Nobel Peace PrizeCongresswoman Claudia Tenny nominated Trump.

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Bless your heart.

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Hahahahahaha! Betty, my mom taught me so many different meanings for that phrase!!! It brought back memories!!

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We are at the point in our country, where those that can’t see what’s going on with the global Authoritarian push championed by Trump and his goonies cannot persuaded otherwise, especially in a few comments.

“It's Easier to Fool People Than to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled” … (thought to be Mark Twain quote).

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LOL. Anyone can nominate any for a Nobel Peace Prize. The committee is swamped with nominations by ordinary people.

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But of course, YOU have not been "fear mongered" to about the "invasion" you rant so much about by your GOEBBELS NOOZ and all of your other fascism promoting BS 'media outlets'. LOFL!

This is only if you are not one of POOtin's disinformation troll army who OF COURSE want the SCUMp SHITler to be in power for LIFE to help with their 'dear leader's' unchecked ACTUAL INVASION of eastern and eventually ALL of Europe, but I suspect that you are just that (using female names now, are we??).

That's OK, since if you are wasting your time and effort trying to 'convert' those on here, you are NOT reaching, and convincing, those brain dead sheeple who can be convinced that they need, and can only survive under an evil, 'big daddy' POS despot.

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typical thoughtless MAGA

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I have formed my opinion of Trump being a Malignant Narcissistic Sociopath & wanna be dictator by observing his behavior, listening to him speak, reading what several qualified psychologists/psychiatrists have written about him.

I have also read several books written about him by people who were very close to him.

Too Much & Never Enough by Mary Trump, his niece

Blowback by Miles Taylor, a young lifetime Republican who worked in the WH in Homeland Security

Confidence Man by Mary Haggerman

What comes across loud & clear is a picture of a ruthless, spoiled, impulsive

poorly educated, man who thinks he’s brilliant, who has rarely been told No his entire life & when he has been told no, he has schemed, sued, lied, & manipulated to get what he wants by hook or by crook. He not only stole his oldest brother’s share of their father’s fortune from his niece & nephew; he even cut them off from the family health insurance plan that Fred had always provided & did so at the time when his nephew’s newborn son was in the NICU & very ill & did so suddenly with no warning.

It is a well-known & long-established fact that he has refused to pay many, many contractors & tradesmen, forcing them to sue to attempt to get their money. He did them just like he is doing now, filing appeals, stays, counter suits & whatever he can do to drag things out, delay, delay until the poor little guy runs out of money to continue & agrees to settle for a much lesser amount than what was owed.

At least 1 & maybe more people that he did this to, lost everything & committed suicide. Trump has been involved in over 3000 lawsuits!!!

I don’t know what your moral values are, but mine would never allow me to consider such a despicable human being for any position of power, much less as President.

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Feb 13, 2024
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You would Paul, Seig Heil.

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You damn right we are better off with Biden. Biden is an older, wiser, competent, compassionate public servant that believes in our constitution, rule of law, Democratic Republic, and our Democracy and freedom and is willing and capable of fighting to protect us with ALL his energy and life! Traitor, grifter, narcissistic sociopath Trump has NONE of these qualities and cares nothing about Americans or our freedom and Democracy!

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Also were you not financially socially better off when Trump was President. You were buying homes and cars and living it up. Who fear mongered you?

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Who fear mongered you Clara into being a brain dead Trump humper, I bet you volunteer to have him grab you by your pussy?

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They just concluded that he is in dementia. Can’t remember when his son died by years. So they are not going to prosecute him for one of the many things he has done as VP and President. Because he doesn’t have the capability to defend himself. Did you not just hear this?

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'They'? A lawyer, not a mental health professional. You apparently don't know, or refuse to that the interviews that Hur conducted took place the day after the October 7 invasion (a genuine invasion) by Hamas into southern Israel. Biden was understandably distracted by matters of state and still answered this guy's questions.

Hur is a Trump appointee. With an agenda.

Give it up Clara. You're just trolling at this point.

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Report them, that is exactly why they are here, to sow division and waste time.

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I'm 62 years old and couldn't tell you what year my father died, or mother, brother and sister, but I can tell you every emotion I went through on those days.

Not sure what Hur got out of including that nonsense in his report but I hope it was worth his reputation.

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Feb 13, 2024
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Trump's contention that he declassified the documents he took is garbage. As a former security officer, I know that declassification is a rare and complex process. Yes, a President is an "Authorized De -classifier". But for a President to declassify dozens of boxes of classified material WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING WHAT IS IN THE BOXES shows Trump's incompetence and why he should never be President again!

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No, read further! The real reason that Biden didn’t get prosecuted because Biden turned in the documents and there were documents written to Obama , it was not secret materials about foreign nations. Too bad you won’t recognize that Trump stole the documents, head his employees hide them, and destroyed them! Truth be known, he probably sold them to Iran, China, North Korea, Russia, and any other nations against the US Democracy!

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Just report that troll, they will be gone soon!

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but he didn't declassify anything he took and he admitted it. Think for a change

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Trump can’t even point to his exwife in a picture and thought EJCarroll was his exwife - this was in court under oath - Trump also mixed up Haley with Pelosi several times in the last few weeks …WTH???

Trump said in an interview that Gen Grant was great at military actions and quickly surrounded all the airports during the civil war..WTH?? I doubt Trump can give you any dates of events off the top of his head without looking them up.

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Feb 13, 2024
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Chilly in ol' St. Petersburg now?

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Typical MAGA follower that believes lies!

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Report them.

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Question is who concluded that! ??

Another crazy cult

member. 🤪

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And Trump is insane. He has made more gaffs than Biden, and serious ones at that

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Did you not hear Donald Trump when he recently mixed up the President of Turkey with the President of Hungary? Do you not remember that at his E. Jean Carrol trial Trump said "I don't remember" a number of times? Oh, & that after being presented with a photo of E Jean Carroll, Trump identified her as his ex-wife Marla?

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It's not liberal to abhor trump , a people molester, particularly women, a fraud, a criminal and so on......

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True, but we have allowed these rightwingnut fascists to turn the term 'liberal' into a derogatory 'dirty word'/expletive, and wield it like a weapon against US.

Let's turn that around on them. ;)

A 'libtard' progressive POTUS gave U.S. some of THE best, life saving programs any country has ever had (FDR's Social Security/New Deal).

Let U.S. NOT forget that fact which they continue to try and pervert and destroy with aid and abetment from their far rightwing, way way too wealthy and powerful, 'TOO MUCH is NEVER enough!' oligarchs. ;)

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Prove it! Saying we are deaf and blind. Does not prove your statement.

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Clara I am always shocked and surprised when someone makes statements like yours. All it means is that you are angry and not using facts to explain the world around you. I have to ask...how did you get this way?

There is no invasion...immigrants support our economy and need a legal way to work and then return home at the end of the day, week, month, year as they do the jobs that most people don't want to do...our economy is better than it's ever been, unemployment is lower than it's ever been, infrastructure has just gotten it biggest boost in decades. Please tell me why this is all bad and why you do not use this information to guide your beliefs. This is not about being a liberal. It's about being a realist.

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Some of what you state is true but unbridled ,economic immigration puts downward pressure on US wages, is allowing some states to destroy protections against child labor and economic migrant kids are being hurt, and buses are being driven to the Mexican border with loads of economic migrants at night at certain easier crossing areas. Buses appear to be run by Mexican cartels. Asians are coming to have their babies in the US , for citizenship by busloads, even The NY Times had this article.

Six Hundred economic migrants are invited to Vermont as middle class renters were driven out during Covid. Vermont gets federal money, 'grateful migrants' willing to live anywhere and take any low wage-low wage workers, as has happened in other wealthy, better living areas of the US. Sanctuary cities and states are having their low income regions inundated by your asylum (my economic migrants-even The NY Times won't call them asylum seekers very often!) migrants with public health, public street care, trash, public schools, money for our own folk experiencing homelessness stolen for these migrants. YOU call that FAIR... I call that Oligarch benefits.

J1 visas for work are an entirely different program.

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OMG Clara, I am sorry you feel you have to be insulting here. That is what people who think they are better than other people do. Unfortunately, your comment makes clear you are not better than anyone, just another agist or authoritarian whiner. How sad for all of us.

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Clara, so sorry for your ignorance that you have gotten yourself mixed up in a cult. Understand that Trump is the greatest danger to our country and cares nothing about you or anyone for that matter…only himself.

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Oh. You are not aware of the invasion at the border with millions crossing not vetted? A country cannot stay strong if there are no borders. Biden did that first day he was in office. I personally think he has dementia because in his politics and when he was younger he said. A country cannot be strong without borders.

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Then why does Trump direct the House not to approve the historic bipartisan bill to fix the border problems Clara?

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Because if their 'dear leader' putrid orange POS fuehrer says/COMMANDS something for his very own benefit, it is as if it is 'the word of GOD', or JAAYYZZZUSSSS <-(another grifting, phony mega-church preacher accent mockery, in case it is misunderstood ;) ), and ALL is excused and forgiven for the despotic 'cause'. ;)

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You are sadly ignorant.

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Report that troll!

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Ignorant? That’s what liberals do because they can’t fight back with facts. Malcom X once said. Democrats and republicans may try to win you. But white liberals are the worst enemy to America. Stay away from them.

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Tell Putin or whoever sent you that you failed because you did. Consider yourself muted.

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That’s what we all know about liberals. They don’t LISTEN. Not surprised you muted me. Badge of honor.

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I’m proud to be a liberal and proud to be voting for Biden…an excellent President!

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Why, because people like you have no answers to our questions -? Here’s one for you …. What did Trump do for the poor or elderly or needy? Name one thing ?

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I am exhausted from all the questions I answered. What did you do delete them? Lol

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Exhausted from conspicuously NOT answering questions like:

"Then why does Trump direct the House not to approve the historic bipartisan bill to fix the border problems Clara?"

in reply to your hilarious Invasion! comments?

Simple question... what's your answer?

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When Trump said he will only be a USA dictator for one day he was referring to the political fact that once he is in situ as President for a second time he will deploy his supporters and paid cronies across the house, senate, judiciary and military to instigate a full constitutional and civil remaking of America into a totalitarian state. Sorry to warn you…but I am sure you already knew this.

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Donald Trumpet 🎺 It is a coward in a liar.

Mostly he specializes in lying. Immigrants are so bad for this country. How come he keeps marrying them???

Television will not make you smarter unless you’re watching Sesame Street …

Nothing to be admired about a loudmouth, A rapist A Tratior .

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Good bye Clara, don't let the door hit you on the ass.

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How bizarre you say "invasion" alone is ruining our country when Trump and his lapdogs in Congress are deliberately sabotaging all border security funding. Rather than labeling folks as deaf and dumb, you should research the facts.

Trump told Congress to vote against all funding so he can on it. Among other issues, many see what a failure this was the last time around.

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Clara Welch ; You prefer fascism, and a criminal rapist, racist, with 91 felony counts against him ? No, we are not MAGA here! Go follow Marjorie Traitor Greene! Besides, what is wrong with an improved economy! better wages, low unemployment, and even a strong stock market!?

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Get some sleep. Your kook is showing.

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What invasion? Aliens? Little green people?

All this hysteria about the border is just that. Hysteria.

They're takin' are jerbs! No, they're not.

Not deaf and blind. Woefully ignorant. Like you.

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what is a jerb? Were your ancetors Native Americans? If not they were immigrants too. All they want is the same chance your ancestors got. A better life and they work hard. We need them...many have college educations which you seem to be lacking.

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Jobs, but in the same accent as 'Murica and FlardaMan

I think they are berating Clara for use of the word "invasion" and general mind set.

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Slow your roll there, robin. I was taking on the voice of people like Clara.

'Takin' are jerbs' is the kind of thing racists say about undocumented immigrants who come here to work and make better lives for themselves and their families.

I am the proud descendent of immigrant grandparents who came here in the early part of the 20th century. I live in southern California and have close-up experience with immigration issues.

I'm also college-educated, with multiple degrees.

Reading comprehension is your friend. Try it.

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Our country is a REPUBLIC not a democracy. The majority of states would never have joined the union if they’re residents were going to be ruled by the largest states. Democracy is rule by majority which is 2 wolves & 1 sheep deciding what to have for dinner. As long as they’re the wolves they don’t care about the sheep. Look up PragerU electoral college lesson to get an education on the purpose & function of the electoral college rather than listening to a partisan description from reich.

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Nonsense! RFK jr. is a far better choice! Biden is literally on his last legs and has been misleading this country into wars the world can no longer afford. He has no positive vision. Bobby is a visionary, ...and a lawyer, steeped in American history, who is putting his life on the line for this country, to which he has already paid so many dues.

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A “visionary”? And a lawyer? Oh those are impressive credentials for a presidential candidate! What, exactly, is RFK’s vision for America? One man’s “visionary” is another man’s washed up old crackpot with a lot of harmful, stupid ideas in his head.

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Having lost a father and an uncle to assassins while in service to this country, having risen above his grief to become a top lawyer in the public interest all while being a close observer with a front row seat of the American legal and legislative system, the American culture and the American soul, including his own, Bobby's credentials and qualifications are unassailable. What is his vision for America? I urge you to do your own research on that extensive question. He has been giving to this country since his early youth. I think you will find his vision reparative of many important domestic issues facing the US, issues that are currently ignored. His military policy will call for a draw down in overseas bases and a policy of international cooperation and "honest broker" diplomacy. -- It is time to retire the old "crackpots" that have brought this country into the mess we are in. We need capable new leadership and here it is, presenting itself right at our door. We have been seeing the need for change for so long in this country. Are you going to be the one to turn it away?

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He’s a fraud.

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The only way Trump can win is if Joe "mashed potato brain" is his opponent.

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Declare your independence. #kennedy24

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Sadly, I say this only as my opinion after watching Kennedy in years of interviews, in our current world of streaming media, the handicap of Kennedy’s speech impediment puts him at a disadvantage as President on a global stage

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NATO the North Atlantic Treaty Organization came into existence on 4 of April 1949. Its independent member states agreed to defend each other against attacks by third parties like Russia. Trump has openly said that if he were re-elected president of the United States he would not support any NATO member who doesn’t anti up their 2% of their GDP. It’s obvious to most Americans that the FPOTUS is a detriment to our country!!

This SCOTUS needs to focus and put emphasis on how Trump reacted and how long it took for him to call off his supporters when our Capitol was being stormed!

How he reacted that day is exactly how he would react if our country was under attack from an adversary. The way it looks right now the judicial branch of government, who in my opinion have enough evidence to put this guy away for life, has decided to risk our democracy and our country by letting the American people decide in November if he should be president again! What the Hell are we paying them for?

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How many expected there'd ever be an American presidential candidate who would throw away the utter effort of America and Europe against fascism, a fight that took EVERYTHING WE HAD TO GIVE, that D Day and Normandy beaches and the boys lost MEAN NOTHING?

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Fewer than those who expected there'd actually be an American President who actually did just that.

(Telling a joint chief of staff general at Arlington cemetery on Armistice Day he thought the soldiers buried there were 'losers' etc, etc, etc)

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Because the scummy orange one considers those who died fighting NAZIS and fascists buried there to be traitors to him, his 'causes', and all those like him and who devoutly support/follow him.

Yes, sickeningly disgusting, yet they all triple down on their worship after their SHITler does this evil crap. :(

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Ah, like that... Apparently people thought Adolf was a joke at first too.

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Yes, according to all of his scummy low life 'my power is ALL that means ANYthing at all' subservient, totally acquiescent, prostrated before him, quislings, "That is just Trump being Trump!" and those same NAZI enablers are just fine with that. :( :(

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Aug 7Edited

Kamala + Tim + Us = JOY!

What a difference a day makes!

Kamala Harris sure knows how to pick a VP. Tim Walz gave a Sun Tzu textbook example of how to win a war (his debate with JD) before a single battle has even been fought. I had to look up the history of the 'sofa meme' before viewing Tim's joke and lord love a duck, this team is pure gold.

*On his way out the door, Joe Biden could have a 𝐥𝐨𝐭 of fun with the Supreme Court's interpretation of 'presidential immunity' giving him the 'right' to have Trumpty Dumpty pushed off a wall, specifically the one Mexico paid for.*

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Their loss means a lot to the real patriotic Americans! They gave their lives to protect our freedoms. I have the utmost respect for them and their families. I have absolutely no respect for Trump and anyone who supports him!

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Nonsense, democrats became far too dystopian! Yall the reason we’re SO DIVIDED!

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It is like the putrid orange fuehrer, and it's MAGAt NAZI followers are PROUDLY crapping on all of their graves. :( :(

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Keith, what boggles my mind is that he would sit and fiddle while Rome burned!! In his stupidity, he doesn't realize that he would be the first to be executed by whoever had taken over!! His head would be on a stick for all to see!! Does he honestly think the invaders would actually be his friend? He is beyond delusional!!

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I have been a member of the Democracy in Europe Movement (DiEM25) - and if folks will listen to what their coordinators are saying, democracy is on the ropes in Europe too -- NATO or no NATO.

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I wonder which will win out in November, intelligence or willful ignorance and stupidity?

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Keith Olson; good question! I have been asking it since Roe was reversed ; actually since the Presidency was handed to G.W. Bush. and again, since it gave US Citizens United.

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Unfortunately because of the extreme anti-abortion Evangelicals we got Trump because he promised to fulfill their fever dream of putting justices on the bench who would throw out Roe.

Now it seems that we are stuck with the most extreme radical religious conservatives in the scotus in decades & to frost it off, many of them are so corrupted its jaw-dropping. We have a court that refuses to follow the Constitution & disqualify an insurrectionist. I’m just angry about that & I just hope they do not grant him a stay on this immunity appeal.

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The SCOTUS has the power to stop Trump in his tracks. Will they protect our democracy or will they risk everything by leaving it up to the voters? Whatever they decide, I hope it’s soon! “Times a wasting”

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Professor Reich: no rational human who knows ANYTHING about viruses could reasonably claim that humans have designed viruses to target particular races. it's sheer fantastical lunacy.

like those nonexistent viruses, RFKjr is also a fantastical lunacy supported by evil oligarchs to deceive the public.

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Heroine is an opiate with great addictive properties. RFK Jr says he is in recovery. When a person lies as much as he does, it is my experience that the addict is no longer in recover but in active use mode (same goes for Trump).

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Lies??? Ignoring the fact that Biden and his press secretary lie EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. He has lied when he didn’t need to. Oh I was a war hero. Oh I have two degrees and was valedictorian. If he is speaking he is lying. Blame it on dementia. But you have no stand to call Kennedy a liar. Especially when you ignore the biggest liars. Newsom who I hear you all want to replace Biden with us the biggest liar of all time. I live in California. He is a pathological liar. Can stare you in the eyes and not blink and lie to your face. He has ruined our state. Ruined it. It will take a minimum of 50 years to bring it back. Longer if Democrats continue to lead it.

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You are completely out of your mind. Get professional help from a psychiatrist.

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Report them and ignore them!

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Ok. Good answer. Good dialogue. Typical radical liberal.

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Clara, you seem fueled by hate, and clearly you’re terribly upset and feel that your values are under attack. But if you can’t share what your values are in a lucid manner, all you’ll do is continue to antagonize people. And if that is your game, I hope you can find some peace in a less destructive manner.

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“He’s trading in on Camelot, celebrity, conspiracy theories and conflict for personal gain and fame,” Jack Schlossberg, President Kennedy’s grandson on RFK Jr.

His own family is embarrassed by him. He is in the race only to enable Trumps election.

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The more people that vote the better off, we are

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Why not trade on his family name ?!?

He is a lot “out there” but how good would you or I vs be if our Father was assassinated, I wonder how normal we would’ve turned out ?

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I also live in California. The state is in great shape. Take off your blinders. trump is the most ignorant person I have ever heard running for office. His memory is seriously flawed whereas Biden’s memory is simply an age related thing. I am 85 and have an excellent memory but every so often some name escapes me. I am voting Blue 💙

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I live in Calif too- what are your issues?

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So move to TX or FL...

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Yes, one of the purist FASCIST run states would suit her just fine!

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He is the black sheep in the Kennedy family! Abby Normal “Young Frankenstein”

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Bitter Keith Olsen. Still whining. You will never be the man Bobby Kennedy is.

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Neither will RFK jr. Don't confuse him with any other Kennedy.

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The Kennedy’s were pretty bad except for Joe. Jack was a pervert, Bobby was sociopath, Teddy was a total POS

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He already is. Check yourself.

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If you're into health care that doesn't provide health and doesn't care, e.g. Not taking vaccines. Tell it to all the babies who died of


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Measles, mumps, and rubella, chickenpox, whooping cough, tetanus, flu etc.

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I have never taken a flu shot. Most times you are lucky if it is 12% efficacy. I have not had the flu for 20 years. My immunity is what keeps me healthy. I don’t compromise it with poisons. I am 66 years old.

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Oh geez. You bringing up polio? That was a long time ago when kids only needed 3 vaccines. Then my kids only needed 12. Now kids need 72 doses. Why? Follow the money. Because of vaccines kids have allergies they never had before. They have seizures. Autism was 1 in 30,000. Now it’s 1 in 30. Why? I don’t get those who don’t see a link between those that make money off of medicines and do t see a link. Watch Dallas Buyers Club. When Fauci was killing AIDS patients. They found a better cocktail in Mexico. He would bring it to Texas. Sell it to those suffering from AIDS. When Fauci found out he would raid it and throw it in the trash. His money hands were not in it. The cocktail FDA approved were killing gays. How are you so blind. Calling us who seek the truth conspiracy theorists. Government got their way. They have sheep like you spinning it.

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I wonder if autism is related to parental illegal drug use perhaps. Things that didn't happen years ago. I worked with a woman whose son was born with a brain that the 2 sides didn't communicate. She took illegal drugs too.

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You are no truth-seeker. You lie with every post.

How's the weather in Petrograd, Natasha?

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Those that had a problem with the vaccine already had a problem before Covid showed up

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You’ve got a wierd take on what’s normal

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It is a real threat. In the 2000 election Ralph Nader ran as an independent. He was a consumer protection advocate and appealed to democrats. Because his candidacy siphoned off democratic votes, Bush won the election.

So instead of getting a jump on combatting climate change, we got a needless war with Iraq. Bush used the tragedy off 911 to go after Saddam Hussein who in Bushes words “tried to get my dad killed”. He lied and claimed that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. I remember seeing a reporter asking Anita Rice if it was true that Saddam Hussein had nuclear weapons. She said yes while shaking her head no.

I was flabbergasted at how he led the populace to confuse Saddam Hussein with Osama bin Laden the mastermind of 911. It took Barrack Obama, who republicans tried to paint as having ties to terrorists that actually got the real culprit, Osama bin Laden.

So beware of candidates who pretend to be something they’re not. As Robert said RFK Jr. is no RFK, who I’m sure is spinning in his grave over this.

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Note that Al Gore lost his own state of Tennessee. And the Supreme Court should be squarely blamed for its ruling in Bush v. Gore.

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I agree and that was before Trump packed the court. We certainly can’t count on this SCOTUS to do the right thing with all of his appeals coming up.

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Right, and senators Hillary Clinton AND Joe Biden both gave a "two-thumbs-way-up" to Bush's war against Saddam.

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We all did

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I meant Condoleezza Rice, sorry Anita Rice whoever you are.

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Bobby Kennedy JR. fell so far from that tree he should just change his last name to Drumpf. Lol.

His father would be frankly horrified. Both his father and his uncle actually loved America and were assassinated because they wanted to make the American Dream a reality. JFK and Bobby SR would be pissed and rightly so.

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Go back to you bridge and troll there. RFK is a Fascist GQP hack. Get that??? are you deaf and blind??? Probably both. Your bridge is waiting on you.

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I know you have not heard him or followed him. You just repeat what you hear from your other liberal white friends.

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Oh I’ve heard his rotten messsge - what an insult from a ex crackhead

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Your candidate literally has Alzheimer’s and pinches little girls breasts while trying to start WW3.

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HA,HA... go tell your BS lies elsewhere. You brainwashed idiot. You stupid people have an IQ of about 10. The orange bastard that is running against him is the one that literally has Alzheimer's in addition to almost 100 indictments against him. Get under your bridge and rot under there, IDIOT, brainwashed freak.

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Oh can’t fight with facts so you insult. Dude I know the American I am. You are a radical fear mongered liberal. Worst kind to be. Malcom X said about liberals. White liberals are the worst enemy to. America. It’s so clear now. DEI is your standard. Harvard became a mess because of liberals. Penn too. All radicals from the 60’s when they lost their voice became teachers. Now our kids are sucked in. Just see with your eyes.

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After making hajj to Mecca, Malcolm -- a genuine truth-seeker -- saw things a bit more clearly. He'd certainly see you as the root weevil you are.

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So, I can safely assume you think Malcom X was then assassinated by white liberals. Maybe they were even ordered to by Jimmy Carter. Is that how your mind works?

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We all hope not for sure! I am bitter too so count me as your sworn enemy in this election while you run into Trumps arms Ms. Welch

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I like that movie - Abby Normal …Igor smiles

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To quote an American friend of mine, "RFK Jr. is a frequent commuter on the crazy train."

He's also funded by russia. It's obvious if you take any look through his Twitter feed, half of it is russian narratives. Which, btw, are designed to play into GOP/MAGA narratives.

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What a travesty that John and Robert were gunned down and this clown survives them.

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"RFK Junior has not received the public scrutiny that presidential candidates inevitably get."


Bear with my typos cuz I cannot figure out how to edit and this is my third attempt and I'm tired.

I believe that Robert Kennedy has been more deeply attacked than any candidate. I rarely hear anything positive about him on mainstream media. If his name is mentioned at all it is preheated by the words conspiracy theorist.

I know that Professor Reich is a much wiser, and more experienced person than me.

But I just have to say it that I have been literally shocked by listening to the candidate and then listening to what the media says he said.

Not the worst but maybe the most clear example was the time he was asked what he would do about climate change.

He said he would never use the term climate change because that is a buzz word for many. He said he would instead focus on clean water and good fishing and clean air and healthy children.

The headline the next day said that Robert f Kennedy Jr says he will not address climate change if elected president.

The reporting about what he said about the Jews planning to release plagues upon the Earth more difficult to understand but equally distorted. What he actually said is that studying the most current virus we see it attacks different ethnic groups in different ways. He based this statement on some pretty reliable studies. At that time he was really seriously called a conspiracy theorist because he said this virus was possibly created in a lab.. whether you believe that or not that possibility has recently been acknowledged. What Kennedy went on to say was that because illnesses can be targeted at different populations we must stop gain of function research.

Kennedy says of all the unfair things that have ever been said about him, being called an anti-semite was the one that hurt the most. His words were not only twisted but every politician piled on their own twist onto the original twist to wear what was being said about him didn't even resemble what he said..

Robert Reich is saying that if Kennedy cares about our country he would set his ego aside and fight for Biden.

Many are saying that Biden can't win.

Kennedy is saying a robust debate with him and Biden and Trump will help the strongest candidate to emerge and that is how democracy is supposed to work..

These questions are worthy of debate.

But the absolute character assassination of Robert f Kennedy Jr who united diverse populations to save the Hudson River, and did many many more great things, and to just dismiss him doesn't feel like healthy Democracy to me.

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Hi Lynn Levine,

What a well thought presentation you just offered, accurate as well! I find the men react to women's comments they don't like, just like this....afraid to consider another point of view. I had several tell me that 'follow the money' was illegitimate, but if they had said it, it would have been gods gift. And, it is one of Reich's principles. Robert Reich is a privileged white male who lives in a very Blue region in work surrounded by hopeful, undamaged , well off young folk. He has fared well in his journey and is working for Biden.

The democrats by and large are incrementalists, buried by Citizens United like our entire corrupt system, (which Reich detailed in his 10 Fridays on why the US is so rotten). The Dems no longer do what needs doing when they have the power. The ones who made it are in it and can not fix it. There will have to be an implosion of some kind to 'right the ship.' Please do not compare yourself as less than. Your thoughtfulness will not go over well necessarily on these substacks as they dissolve into displays of groupthink, rather than critical discussion.

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Vicki. Thank you for your support but I do have to say that my comment was liked by as many men as women.

On the other hand the absolutely snarky, dismissive remark did come from a man, lol.

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"He said he would never use the term climate change because that is a buzz word for many. He said he would instead focus on clean water and good fishing and clean air and healthy children."

That is most definitely NOT focusing on climate change. "Good fishing?" The man is nuts.

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He says in order to get good fishing you have to make the same changes that you have to make in order to address climate change. To obtain clean water you need to live in harmony with the Earth.that is how he saved the Hudson river.


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I also appreciate that he addresses the damage caused by overuse of pesticides, a crisis often left out of the "climate change" discussion.

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Biden approved the Willow project. Some conservationists estimate the project alone could result in the loss of 532 acres of wetlands, 619 acres of habitat disturbances for polar bears, and more than 17,000 acres of such disturbances for birds.

Would that he focused on clean water! and air!

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Sadly, I say this only as my opinion after watching Kennedy in years of interviews, in our current world of streaming media, the handicap of Kennedy’s speech impediment puts him at a disadvantage as President on a global stage

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I will reserve my vote until I have more time to vet. I will leave the dems though and become independent as many people are. The 2 party system must age out as it no longer represents well. I am told of JFKJr evils but this is not so far what I see myself when I listen to interviews. He has done more for his country than most people. He has some ideas I do not follow as with all candidates. The vaccines have helped more the older population but has been devastating to younger with cancer exacerbations, blood clots, nerve damage, along with long Covid . Recently very disturbed autopsy reports of “ white clots” not seen before ( dr John Campbell UK) in vaccinated people. Let’s let the information come in , study it not hide it so we learn for our preparation for next pandemic. Let’s stop labeling people. We need our next generation’s ideas to be developed as the old generation moves over to be mentors. Let’s get out of tribal thinking mode. Mostly let’s stop killing and traumatizing children with guns , war and poorly tested vaccines. Our candidate all must be heard, expected to debate. Let’s end these non stop campaigns with excessive expense. Let’s end media obsession with Trump. Let us not be indifferent and let us all contribute to a greater good instead of fighting each other.

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I have read about the "white fibrous" growths that some have called "clots." Excuse me, but they are being found in people who were INFECTED with Covid-19. They were noticed in Chinese victims of Covid-19 BEFORE any vaccines were available.

One of the awful challenges with the virus is that people could become infected and never show any symptoms -- and thus never get tested. Covid-19 has taken nearly 1.2 million American lives -- and not because of "white clots." Without extensive research, it is IMPOSSIBLE to know at this time if the vaccines alone can stimulate these growths, or what damage the growths cause over time.

None of the experts in the field that I follow claim the vaccine is poorly tested. I've seen Campbell's work and do not find anything credible in it. It's simply not his field of expertise, but he, like RFK Jr, is making a name out there for himself.

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RR, PLEASE make a video and explain our two party system and how a third party always is a spoiler.

We have a two party system. Running another candidate/party does not change our two party system. I'm afraid that most people wrongly believe that voting for a third party magically transforms our two party system to a multi-party system. Voting for a third party does not change our two party system. It's still a winner-take-all two party system.

I don't know what Robert Nader Kennedy is thinking. He can't win. He can only help Trump win. He's got to know this, or he's an idiot.

I'm so disappointed with Kennedy. He's an idiot. If he had one ounce of courage he would fight the Democrats inside the party like Bernie and Elizabeth. He doesn't care if Trump wins because he will do just fine with his family fortune. He's an elitist, a fraud, and a sociopath.

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EC reform aside, Trump's plan is to outlaw any other party but his.

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Outlaw any other party? Where did you get that tidbit? It would be great if the Democrats could win on their own merit rather than resort to scare tactics.

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Even if Democrats "win on their own" this time around, Trump will contest it until Biden drops or Trump finally flames out with full blown diagnosed dementia.

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It's a two party system, Nina. 20 parties can run and it's still a "winner-take-all" two party system. I don't like the two party system, but it is what it is. In fact, I hate the two party system. However, the only way to change it is to change it from the inside with more leaders like Bernie and Warren.

Do you remember how many votes Gore lost by in FL? 537. This gave Bush the Presidency. Do you think Nader got more than 537 votes? Nader got 97,488 votes from people who didn't realize we have a winner take all, two party system, and a third party ONLY plays the spoiler.

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If we are concerned about democracy, why would the Democratic Party exclude a member from running against Biden? Isn't that what democracy is about, inclusion and listening to all points of view? Even if you don't agree with someone, do you censor them for expressing views? Censorship is not a part of democracy. And both parties are guilty in my opinion.

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Good Point Julie

Would you consider a member someone who is being funded by Republicans

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Junior is nowhere near the Man his Daddy was, or his Uncle. I grew up with JFK and Jackie, and Bobby (Senior) on my TV and in the news every day. Two of the greatest Statesmen that USA ever had. American Camelot existed, for a brief time. Where did this slimespawn come from?.

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Me too but Camelot was is a political fantasy. Most of the great Society programs carried out by Johnson.



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Rfk is an ex junkie

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Me, too, Willis!! Great times!!

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I don’t know that much about RFK Jr, but I wonder why Prof. Reich dwells solely on RFK Jr’s anti- vaccine stance, without mentioning his pro-environment, anti-big corporations, support for the middle class, and other views that seem very positive for our country and the planet?

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RFK Jr. is not an option. He’s just a back door way to enable Trump to win.

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Well said I have no animosity towards RFK.

Being famous with the son of the famous person does not prevent being stupid I don’t know what kind of education he had but there was very little science in it .

I do wish though that he ran as a republican.

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And Reich is inaccurate when describing RFKJr.’s vaccine policy—RFK Jr. Is NOT anti-vaccine. He is anti the Covid-19 Experimental shot that is only called a vaccine after the pharmaceutical industry lobbied successfully to change the definition of what could be called a vaccine.

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Agreed. I'd rather have a president who thinks vaccines need more accountability but gets it right on corporate control of environmental regulators, help with our housing crisis, freedom to choose health, shrinking the military-industrial complex - and who can think for himself instead of being handled by money, greed, and ego.

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I do not think the audience has been given proper information for them to make their own decisions on vaccines/deaths and autism. Here are some references if individuals want to educate themselves on these topics:

Here's an article and research paper showing the vaccine has resulted in 17 million deaths: https://denisrancourt.substack.com/p/covid-19-vaccine-associated-mortality

In addition, here's another article showing a correlation between vaccine and autism: https://kirschsubstack.com/p/vaccines-cause-autism

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Vaccines do not cause autism. Wakefield is a disgraced fraud who has been struck off the medical registrar. If you must "do your own research" , and you don't have a multi-million dollar research lab to literally "do your own research" then Cochrane is the place to start https://www.cochrane.org/CD004407/ARI_does-measles-mumps-rubella-and-varicella-mmrv-vaccine-protect-children-and-does-it-cause-harmful

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This topic is a political issue, yet, I do not think we factor in the role billions of dollars play in decisions like these. Have we factored in the fact that pharma pays the CDC and fda to promote their vaccines?

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The efficiency of vaccines is not a "political issue", any more than the temperature at which water boils is a "political issue". It's a proven fact for over a hundred years.

Likewise, the facts that Wakefield fraudulently altered data and lied to the families of the children involved in the "study" is documented fact.

The role of the CDC is to promote health interventions that improve the health of the nation. The role of pharma companies is to develop pharmaceuticals that they can sell for money to solve health problems. The alignment isn't some vast conspiracy, it's the same goal, albeit one is driven by public health goals and the other by the profit motive.

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Just the fact you start with a “ disgraced fraud” tells me you don’t see Big Pharma has done that to hundreds of doctors. Thousands. They disgraced or tried to Dr Peter McCollough the world’s leading expert on COVID. Wrote 600 peer reviewed articles for the medical journal. They deleted him from Instagram. Twitter. He started speaking against the vaccine. The mRNA. Genova Convention denounced mRNA because it is not safe. Kills people and compromises our bodies. P53 it attacks. Our super cell that fought cancer. Rare cancers that were gone started coming back after the vaccine. Dr Ryan Cole listed them. My brother got vaccinated abd within 6 months got the rare cancer and died a year later. He was health played softball every week. My other brother got vaccinated. He is battling myocarditis. Two surgeries later he is hanging in there. In time your boosters will show up in your body. Through autoimmune or cancer. Sorry to break it to you

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Rancourt's "research" -- he's not a virologist or epidemiologist -- should be investigated as to who financed it

I have paid very close attention to Japan (my second home) and to Taiwan. Both have far higher vaccination rates than the USA. Neither has any higher mortality rate because of vaccination. Both societies are highly educated and science/data driven.

The wolds's most highly vaccinated against Covid-19 is a nation of about 7 million. Their last Covid-19 death was recorded in September of 2022. Meanwhile, we in the USA still have a running average of over 2000 Covid deaths as a 7-day average.

A scientific study debunking Rancourt's faulty research:


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It might also be the chemicals that Fauci has approved for foods. Cleaning products. Body soaps. You name it. Cereal boxes are shown in Europe to have a few ingredients and in our country ingredients you have to look up to know the chemicals being used. Chem trails. Cloud seeding. Come on man. Keep up.

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Clara who do you work for ???

You sound like a planted provocateur…

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She’s your average nut job🙄

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Isn’t it great to know that if you read it on the internet, it must be true. USE YOUR OWN HEAD AND THINK!

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Lol!!!😂 oookkaayy! 🙄

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Scientific conclusions are based on peer reviewed research findings. The "peers" are vetted and educated. Just thought I would throw this out there for anyone who understands...

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Dear MargaretT

Your undersanding of the prossess by which sicneific conclusions are reached is in- accurate. In relaity, conclusions are not reached. Instead, hypotheses are stated and tesgined. Though testing is capable of disproving a given hypothesis, it is not capable of proving this hypothesis.

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Denis Rancout is not an expert in medical science any more than he is an expert in atmospheric science. He is a physicist. His 2007 blog post about global warming relied upon numerous classic misleading, debunked, illogical climate-denial claims crafted by the fossil fuel industry dating to the 1980s, all wrapped in ominous, vague conspiratorial language. Just the title alone of Steve Kirsch's blog post ("Nearly all the world's autism experts know it. They just can't talk about it.") is enough to serve as a red flag of conspiracy theory rhetoric, which can be dismissed as impossible, since it requires the presence of such an extreme degree of power wielded by one group while maintaining a degree of secrecy that is more fit for a science fiction novel. Later in his post, he offers the following: "In my case, I’m not afraid of having my medical license revoked because I don’t have a medical license. And I’m not afraid of any reputational damage because I’m already disrespected by the mainstream community and banned for life on Wikipedia, LinkedIn, Medium, and so on. Google rates me as the world’s #1 misinformation superspreader." That is not a statement that suggests to me that Mr. Kirsch is a source of factual information provided in an impartial manner. There is no such powerful, global conspiracy theory that has ever eventually been shown to in fact exist. I have to conclude that if your opinions on such issues as vaccine safety are based upon such publications as the blog posts of Denis Rancourt and Steve Kirsch, you are relying upon anti-science that is rhetorically constructed by non-experts to seem scientific and triggers fears of nefarious groups conspiring to harm you.

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Another member saying he is speaking for a relative. This time his father. You are a Democrat and you write a piece to show him as a liar. First off you are taking that from his book that he wrote about Fauci. I’ve read that book. If he is lying Fauci would have sued him. He has not. His dad would be ashamed of you speaking this way of Bobby. He is honorable. Has integrity. Incredibly smart. Was an environmental lawyer for many years. If it wasn’t for him your Hudson River would still be toxic. Has an amazing plan to help our country. Shame on you. He should never have apologized because it opened doors to people like you. Liberal Democrats who don’t care about our country. I was a Democrat until Hilary Clinton lied and cheated about Sanders stole his delegates. Did you speak up about that?? No. No one did. DNC chair was fired. Hilary gave her a job the next day. I left the party. You are still with the party that has ignored Biden’s invasion of our borders. What a terrible thing you have said.

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I agree. I believe his father and Uncle would be proud of the things RFK Jr has said

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Because the publicity around any defamation case would reach far more people that Kennedy's book ever did, some of whom are no doubt credulous idiots primed to believe any conspiracy theory they hear, because they lack the critical thinking skills to discern fact from paranoid fantasy. That would be why.

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It takes critical thinking skills to see conspiracy theories. Do you know where that phrase came from? When John F Kennedy was killed. The government started calling people who looked into the murder. They used that ever since. We know he was killed by CIA. That finally came out 50 years after he was killed. They still haven’t released all the files. Who else doesn’t want the covid 19 vaccine file open? Big Pharma and people like you. They have it sealed for 75 years. Why? Name callers when you don’t have an answer.

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What are you blathering on about? If you want to know about vaccines, you can read chapter and verse in the Lancet, the JAMA, J.Immunology etc etc etc. Just because it's not on Fox News doesn't mean the truth isnt out there...

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The big conspiracy theory growing up in the 1950s came with Joe McCarthy and included the government putting fluoride in water to help strengthen teeth. (Parodied in Dr. Strangelove.)

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I agree as well.

I left the Democrat Party in Sept 2021 after hearing Biden threaten doctors who did not follow the government’s (misinformed) Covid policy. The Democrat Party has self destructed as it no longer follows the Constitution.

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