RFK is an ass. He is a disgrace to his family name.

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How easy we forget that his uncle 1) mentioned there was an invisible government running the country: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/who-are-the-bad-guys

2) but was also killed by this invisible government


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That I agree with, evidence is that JFK was shot from in front, it is physics, it blew a portion of his skull out over the trunk and Jackie scrambled to get it. Also the Warren commission was a cover up, and neither the Mafia or Fidel had the power and influence to cover up the crime. Some body or bodies) with a lot of financial and thus political power certainly did.

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OMG! More conspiracy theories. I thought we were past that nonsense. I guess not!

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Please...stop calling them "theories." They're not. They're fiction, fantasies -- at best, you can call them "narratives," and the people who spread them are "conspiracy fabulists."

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And SO far off topic, EXCEPT evidently JR. HAD to find a secret coverup explanation for his Dad's assassination, which led him to....MORE conspiracy theories about vaccines, race, etc.

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I think it’s more like once you realize the truly evil things our government can do, your mind is no longer shut to possibilities that make sense. And don’t forget RFK Jr is an environmental attorney who has also seen the heartless disregard of corporations for humanity as long as their products make a buck.

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What someone or some institution "can do" is irrelevant to what they did in a particular instance. Yes, rfkjr is, or at least was, an environmental attorney. He's also a certifiably insane propagandist for risible crap.

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As much as some on here push this batshit insane disgrace to his family and their party, and regardless of how hard he may have, or still does fight for the environment, his blatant ANTI-SEMITISM, and psychotic conspiracy theory anti-vaxx TOTAL BULLSHIT is a vehement, vociferous NO-GO, NON-STARTER for me. ;)

The above would hold for me even besides, his helping to end whatever is left of our democracy, FOREVER, by handing the election to the putrid evil orange fuehrer and his band of abject NAZIS, or even if Biden could win by 40%!!

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He should stick to advocating for the environment.

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Please Ruth, tell us how you define a conspiracy theory? You still wearing your three masks? Had your 8th booster? But, amazingly, you still got Covid? How could that be?! You were told the vaccine and masks would stop transmission. But wait, those were conspiracy theories?! Are you confused or just realizing you’re wrong… a lot?

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I'm with you, Ruth!

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No, poor Jackie was trying to get to a Secret Service agent over the trunk of the convertible. It can be assumed that she was in full flight mode to get away from the bullets. Stop using her in your conspiratorial musings.

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Actually if you had seen the Magruder film, you could see that portion of his skull flying across the trunk and Jackie chasing it.

These are facts, view it yourself.

BTW there are conspiracies, happen all of the time, even as we exchange opinions. But mine is not an opinion it is based on evidence, evidence you can see for yourself,

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Right. We're going to listen to someone talking about the "Magruder" film.

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Seeing her movements does NOT prove her intent.

No matter how much you want that narrative to be true. WHY would a wife go after a PART of her beloved husband instead of attending to his body. Why would she stay in the line of fire after it was obvious that she could do nothing for him. Her 2nd thought would have been for her young children & to save herself.

But keep believing nonsense if it keeps the voices away...

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Boy you believers sure know how to rationalize. No observational skills, no critical reasoning, Just believe authority and fall in line. Congrats.

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Murder in Dealey Plaza is full of information questioning the official story. As do 911truth.org, David Ray Griffen and Steven Jones about 9/11. I don't have "beliefs", but I do have doubts. Waaaay off topic!

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I have seen the film of the incident. It appears she was trying to reach Kennedy's skull fragment. I don't think she was trying to reach a Secret Service agent.

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Everyone has "seen the film." Your opinion of what she was trying to do is not probative of anything. Neither you nor anyone else knows what was going through her mind in that moment, when she'd just seen her husband's head explode and was showered in gore.

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He was indeed shot from the front side. Not from the rear. Oswald was to his rear. Not conspiracy. Just fact.

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False. Not conspiracy. Just fantasy. He was unambiguously shot from the rear. Your Hollywood perception of what happens with a gunshot are not reality.


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Boy Patrick, u all have gone down another rabbit hole called “completely off topic.” How quickly those old hot button conspiracies can get everyone off topic! The Kennedy family is full of tragedies & we just shouldn’t exploit them like his crazy nephew Robert Jr is trying to do!

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"It can be assumed"...Sorry, but it cannot be "assumed". Mrs. Kennedy was in shock and has no memory of why she climbed onto the trunk. The reason will always remain unknown. However, it is a documented fact that she handed a doctor some of JFKs brain tissue at the hospital.

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The reason is not unknown, you can clearly see the portion of his skull with hair flying across the trunk of the Limousine.

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You can "clearly see that?" Can you also "clearly see" Badgeman?

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"evidence is that JFK was shot from in front" Nonsense. It's not "physics." It's fantasy. The shot has been modeled repeatedly and shown to have come from the rear.


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So entered the Dulles brothers

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Try the CIA using a professional hit man from the NYPD. Deathbed confessions.

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The first article you referenced is simply a well written essay on a theoretical shadowing power structure that controls all. However it is totally lacking in facts, and serves only those who believe that there is a massive conspiracy.

The second article I did not bother with because the first one was so bad.

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Opinion differs on Jr's impact. I've seen several articles today that his impact may be not what you may think out here. This one's the most enjoyable, from a guy a lot like me in many ways, although I more favor Red Green - I even wear the hat! : https://youtu.be/H5_C7hSBQec?si=EewDAtEHGuvCBpL0 (just scroll through the ad in the middle of it!)

I'm a lot more concerned about West's impact.

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DZK, I, too am concerned about West's impact. He has no governmental experience, and we know what happens when people don't have experience, they make a mess and get little done. West is a strong historian and should continue in that role. He can do the most goodin that role.

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West has no chance of winning, but he could take a significant number of votes away from Biden, unfortunately. I think RFK Jr would take away more votes from Trump.

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I'd encourage a bid as a senator or rep. If the likes of RTG or Jordan can raise hell in those bodies, I think West would be >perfect.< I'd like to see him team-up with ol' Bernie in the Senate. Bernie's no spring chicken, himself. Now, I'm not getting on Bernie's age, but there'll be a time he'll have to pass the baton. I think West would be a great hand to which to pass it.

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West doesn’t have enough wide-spread support either. Bt he could pull of votes from Biden, where RFK Jr won’t take Dem votes.

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JFK Jr died in 1999.

Please get your facts straight.

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Yes asswipe, that should have been RFK Jr

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People like that are so annoying lol

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Yes, let the batshit insane, drug damage addled, conspiracy theorist/repeater, anti-vaxxer, ANTI-SEMITE continue fully on if he is going to pull some fellow batshit crazy NAZI pieces of shit's votes away from SCUMp!

But, ol' Cornel should know better, and being a historian he must also know what happens when the SHITler is back in power again, this time FOR LIFE!! :( :(

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Indeed! 👍

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I just love the liberal redneck. He is such a cool guy.

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Hello! Are you the Janet from Colorado with whom I've had several conversations? If so, I noticed several comments you made (along with your name) that were deleted & I was concerned. I knew they were from you because they matched comments you made to me.

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Yes, hi Jaime. I had to delete my old account. Weird stuff was happening and I thought I might have been hacked. I closed it and opened a new one the other day. As I was doing so, it said that all data and comments would be deleted, so that happened everywhere I had ever commented. Sorry for the confusion. I was going to find a comment of yours and explain but you beat me to it. :)

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I finally found your explanation! Thank-you! My inbox has been so deluged with email this week I didn't find it until now.

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I also find it difficult to locate comments that are part of a long thread(s), especially when I'm trying to do this from my phone.

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I am not particularly concerned about his impact and frankly I don't understand why he's doing it as he's not going to be taken seriously. I expect he will get almost all of his votes from people who otherwise would not have voted at all because they despair at the notion there is any point to it.

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I would add "idiot" to the list.

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Exactly Charles Jr! Robert Kennedy Jr has no scruples & no respect for principles like his father did so we can’t expect him to automatically decide to just withdraw from the election. He probably knows exactly what he’s doing & he just doesn’t give a damn about the Democratic Party or it’s constituents! There must be a better way to apply pressure to him from the Party bigwigs & others to get him to pick up his marbles & go home! What that pressure item might be is the big ? Maybe the Lincoln Project folks have a good idea?! Inequality Media could maybe work with them & come up with moving billboards or something like that to embarrass him by running them in MA & his home town!! He’s just another anti-American ideals perp who wants to create a new name for himself. Anti-vaxxer isn’t good enough!

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Definitely. He’s gone off the rails. 😢 Sad, very sad!

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You should meet the man. Then make an assessment. You know nothing about him. Nothing.

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you are the fucking asshole

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UR the asshole

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you are the asshole

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You are the ass.

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I think the man is not well. I said that about Trump as well, nobody listened.

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Please make sure you use Jr after the RFK

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Living up to the mantle of being "a Kennedy" can't possibly be easy; true disgrace would probably be accepting any such suggestion (and, resultantly, quitting on himself & life in general).

PS: Are we worried about him duking it out with Cornel West?

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Jr Jr Jr

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It’s RFK Jr.

Not RFK.

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You mean the family myth, Read my comment below or above, depending on how substack stacks comments

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Yes, RFK Jr., the poor man’s JFK Jr. is running for president. What could possibly give him the idea that he possesses the proper skill set for such a difficult job? Oh wait, we did elect TFG. This would be funny, if it weren’t so sad.

We have a guy that spent all his formative years on every drug imaginable, including at Harvard and Harvard Law; both places he was admitted because of his name.

His only job after college was being appointed a special assistant DA in Boston, until he flunked the BAR, and was fired. Did I mention, he also got caught with heroin at the time, and pled guilty?

So now we have a guy whose claim to fame is a name, and after failing at law, he decided to do his own research, and designated himself an infectious disease expert and epidemiologist.

We should all be blessed, because a man who failed repeatedly in life, pitches fake miracle cures, and has no discernible skill set whatsoever, or semblance of reality for the matter is running for president.

What could possibly go wrong?...:)

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Whence all the venom and hatred for RFK JR?

His desire to take corporate control of government away?

His desire to stop government sponsored censorship ?

His resistance to the power of big pharma?

My guess is none of you writing this are comfortably ensconced in the current corporate environment and have no concern whatsoever for the common man

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If you've spent any time reading the forum here you'd know that none of what you've accused us of here is true. And though there might be some more sane policy stances by Jr. (I have my doubts based on his other stupid and paranoid statements (something which evidently grew out of finding blame for the loss if his father), that doesn't negate the callousness of running to take away votes that would (maybe based on name association) very possibly put the election in the hands of Trump and the likely end of our Republic.

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I mean, the Democrats could have allowed a fair primary, instead of attempting to rig it, again.

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That's a ridiculous statement. It is common practice for a sitting president who runs for reelection to run unopposed. This isn't like 2016.

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It's not common for a President to be in his 80s and experiencing clear mental decline. Also, to my knowledge it's not common for the DNC to rig primaries, and this would be the third year in a row. That's not their job.

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What mental decline??? Are you aware of the real reason his words don’t quite come out right sometimes? The man has struggled with stuttering his entire life, and has done a damn fine job in spite of it! You’ve been listening to the MAGA minions a bit too much.

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He is not experiencing the decline you want to paint. Biden has a lifetime of high level political experience. He has achieved more success than any Democrat over the past 40 years and probably longer. Do you prefer Fascism & a psycho rapist seditionist? Think about the country for once rather than damaging any chance whatsoever when the stakes are this high.

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Yes, there are concerns of mental and physical health. Do you think Biden is doing this because he enjoys the challenge? He's doing it for love of country, and he's doing an excellent job. There is a

sequence of succession written into the Constitution. The DNC is following precedent. Do you honestly expect them to break precedent in this situation? The only way to "make way"

would be if Biden announces he won't run.

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Yes, because batshit Jr., and the putrid orange fuehrer are just at the very peak of all mental abilities/acuity. LOFL!

Covfefve anyone??

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OK Dan, recreating history is not just a Trump and Kump thing. I am just surprised to have it happen here on this thread. It's acceptable because people here can tolerate even history reworks.

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...and it's ridiculous.

WHO are the voters that they are TOLD to vote for a person the DNC says it should?

Who are the DNC!

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That isn't what is being discussed here. It's whether RFK Jr should be running. The answer,

if you care a whit about our Democracy, is NO.

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Even one who most Americans say is too old and senile to run? Or how about the growing evidence of his influence peddling his sweet innocent son, Hunter? In our time of crisis, the Democrats are afraid to hold a primary?

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You Russian trolls are a piece of work.

"growing evidence..." Hahaha! The GOP is STILL trying to scrape up something...anything...that's actual proof. Even their so-called witnesses brought before the Committee bottomed out.

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Erik, GO BACK, To the CLOWN KAR !, and , PUT IT !, in PERMANANT RE- VERSE ! ,,,,,, SEE ! -ya !

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Ya beat me to the punch! 100%!

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So RFK Jr. running is a GOOD thing? Explain.

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Oct 10, 2023
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This is the sort of comment I expect on the mainsteam mediia. Substack is now beginning to resemble mainstream media!

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Why would you think I am a MAGA or Russian bot? Because I dared to question the narrative? I'm neither of those things.

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Dan, you're joking, right! States can still have primaries for whom they will support. As an independent RFK does not need a primary. If he wants to run, he can. It is ridiculous, but it will feed his ego and let him believe he really deserves to be president when he has done nothing in his life that would let anyone get a sense of who he is beyond a conspiracy theorist, a liar about vaccines and Dr. Fauci, and a former addict, something Hunter Biden is being maligned for now. So, again, how is it anyone should vote for RFK, Jr.?

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EXACTLY. Why is that so hard to understand? It shows Kennedy cares not one wit about keeping the Republic. He'd rather hand it off to Trump.

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I really like “rigged.” It has a special je ne sais quoi. Silly but cute.

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And true.

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Just once I'd like to see actual proof of the 2020 primary being rigged. Not blanket unsupported statements just because Sanders didn't win, but actual proof that the primary was rigged.

As for RFK Jr., he has every right to get people to sign petitions to get him on the democratic primary ballot in every single state, but he won't do that because Democrats don't want his conspiracy theory nonsense to represent them. RFK Jr's candidacy is just another narcissistic exercise in the vein of Ralph Nader. All Nader's false equivalency argument got us in 2000 was 8-years of George W Bush and now RFK Jr. could get us 4 more years of Trump. And for what? His ego?

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Kinda like a Rube Goldberg reasoning framework?

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He's running to win, not stop Trump. You guys are so afraid of Trump youve all become Machiavellians. No one has a duty to help Biden or any other candidate. Americans have a right and a duty to vote for whomever they choose. You would think people screaming about democracy would be happy with more choices?

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His chances of winning are none, nada, zilch. Your choice is autocracy or democracy. Which do you choose?

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Just to be facetious I could suggest theocracy, but it is easy to have a "twofer." Iran! And Trump just might be similar, at least so long as he needs the Evangelical votes and they don't interfere with his personal interests. Then they go under the bus just like everyone else.

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Yes, theocracy is way too confined a system for tolerant, freedom loving people. Evangelicals are already dragging under the bus, and driving apart their parishoners. They are not gaining members. Only fools jump on the shameful E-church's hypocritical bus enroute to hell. Trump has risen in Christ's place and is now their portion and destruction.

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There is no chance RFK Jr. or any of the others mentioned can win, so all they can do is take votes away from the only two that have a chance of winning---he is a spoiler. Everyone should be afraid of what trump let loose on our country. And vote for Biden.

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Josh, you had to repeat this in case we didn't get it the first time? It wasn't a great comment when I read it 30 minutes ago. RFK, Jr. is running for ego, not because he understands what it means to govern. He is going on his dad's and family name. That's it!

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Josh, yes, people should have the right to vote for whomever they choose, but what we know is that people who have no business running will get lots of money in support because those donors have an agenda, and it is nearly a guarantee that it will not be to honestly educate the public or offer someone who is really qualified to lead anything. RFK, Jr. is not qualified to lead anything. If his ideas are so good, he should support candidates who are qualified, have some experience governing, and are living in reality.

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Grow up and read a history book. You seem to have zero understanding for what is at stake with Fascism already in place in numerous states. The ignorance of comments like your s is stunning.

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Yes, we all 'scream' about democracy, and it pisses you and your big boss man Vlad The Impaler off to NO END that we support Ukraine and their fight against your effing ILLEGAL, AMORAL, WAR CRIMINAL, FASCIST INVASION of a sovereign nation practicing said democracy.

Is the username meant to throw everyone off, as FSB/St. Petersburg deception at it's 'finest'?!? LOFL

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RFK is a joke. I don’t know a single left leaning person who supports him. If anything, he will siphon off votes from maga.

Good. Keep going.

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Oct 11, 2023
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WHO TF is this directed at, Robert Reich?

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Much of what's above is silly and boring all at the same time. I prefer serious people. I do.

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Yes, we all know how JFK Jr. is for the common man.

He said mask mandates are worse than anything the Nazi’s did. Yup, not worse than gas chambers and work camps.

He said that mask mandates were worse than Ann Frank having to live in an attic. Yup, I can see how being cramped in an attic for 20 hours a day, have to remain silent because of a housekeeper, and defecating and urinating into a bucket that stinks, is much more humane than wearing a mask in public to help stop the spread of a disease.

Or how he claims that childhood vaccines are dangerous, and cause autism, based on the word of a fraudulent doctor, who faked his research papers and studies; eventually loses his license to practice medicine.

There are a lot of people who want to repeal Medicare Part D, and do good things for the American people; and they are working in Congress to do so.

We don’t need another unqualified conspiracy theorist in the Whitehouse. I think after four years of having a fraud as president, we’ve learned our lesson.

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So much for his theory about autism and vaccines. New evidence discloses autism is highly heritable: It is estimated at least 50% of genetic risk is predicted by common genetic variation and another 15-20% is due to spontaneous mutations or predictable inheritancee patterns. The remaining genetic risk is yet to be determined.


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Hi, Daniel, I think autism is a biological adaptation to the industrial revolution, which completely upturned our world about 200 years ago; and yes, it runs in families, and, it's always been part of humanity. In the Pleistocene autistic people would have taken employment as herd spotters—able to sit alone for long periods of time on mountain tops.

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I need to ask one thing: What is so TERRIBLE about wearing a mask?

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Because some right wingers don't want the government telling them to do something they don't want to do. The same situation existed several years ago with government mandates to wear a seat belt while driving a car. Even though any dope knows that wearing a seat belt minimizes injuries and may save your life in an accident, right wingers went berserk. Their "constitutional rights" were being violated. Health and safety have nothing to do with it. It's all about ME doing what I want!

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That, and there's also the whole 'burning/owning the libtards' thing that the MAGAt NAZI peckerwoods use as the ONLY reason to get up in the morning, and continue breathing for.

Which many of them ceased to do (breathing) simply because they did not wear that 'freeDUMB destroying' mask, or take that 'mind control microchipped' vaccine. ;)

I purposely STILL wear a mask into the supermarket, almost as much to burn, 'own', and piss off the rightwing MAGAt brown shirt asswipes, as to protect my own almost 70 year old self, or anyone around me. ;)

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TELL IT ! David !! ( ALL !, "DUMB TOADS ! )

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Jenny, you miss the point! Wearing a mask during an epidemic is accepting social responsibility-- a Libertarian taboo. Not even Trump dared wear a mask, even after he got sick. This tells you something about the effectiveness of Koch money.

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It was a chance for the putrid orange one to appear quite ILL DOUCHEBAG, Mussolini-like as well when he defiantly, and arrogantly ripped the mask he was wearing off of his rancid, pocked, football leather skin face on the back balcony of the White House. ;)

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Please raise the quality of your writing and stop taking jabs at people.

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We have been advised by the cognocenti that a mask will suffocate you with your own carbon dioxide that you exhale. Surely you know that surgeons regularly drop dead in the operating room when a procedure goes over 15 minutes. Now asking this question may mean that you received childhood vaccinations and are brain damaged. Very sorry.

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I FORGOT about that depressing report! 80% of all doctors eventually succumb to carbon dioxide poisoning! . . . oh wait. That was from a OAN "reporter" who flunked out of Middle School. My bad!

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You know the old story: You won't go blind if you stop when you have to wear glasses.

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OH please.

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There isn’t anything terrible about it but the libertarians and republicans are addicted to whining because they offer nothing!

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Nothing. I agree with it. I wore one for a year, even after I got my shots and boosters.

I was just conveying what RFK Jr. had said. And the N95’s do work. The studies showed other masks aren’t that effective.

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Interesting but any mask will do. A lot of people were saved from 'flu because they wore masks.

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Hence why Japanese are always seen wearing them: PROTECTION FROM DISEASE!

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You bean RFK Jr. JFK Jr. was not a bad guy, though he shouldn’t have been flying his little plane in fog.

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I know JFK Jr. was great. That’s why I call RFK Jr. a poor man’s JFK Jr.

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He’s a sad clown. Even the heartfelt can turn mad.

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JFK Jr died in 1999.

Please get your facts straight.

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I meant RFK Jr. , my bad

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Worry about fascism instead of pettiness. Most people would figure it out..but not you.

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Huh? I know he died. When did I suggest differently?

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Why do we need to repeal Part D?

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Medicare Part D was a program enacted during W Bush’s presidency. It doesn’t allow Medicare to negotiate pharmaceutical prices, so we pay a lot more than we should for drugs.

Remember, Medicare is the largest health insurer in the country. There should be economies to scale when you have immense purchasing power.

Yet, it was a multi-trillion dollar giveaway to the pharmaceutical lobby....:)

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Ok I get that. But, it helps seniors. So when you say repeal, hopefully you mean replace with a program that allows price negotiation. And I would add one that is easier to understand.

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If you repeal Medicare Part D, then Medicare can negotiate. It was a bill that doesn’t allow Medicare to negotiate, and it sets pricing, mostly by what’s good for the pharmaceutical industry.

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You are wrong, The man is a kook and it is not just his nutso anti vaxism, but he is obviously a Q anon fan.

And I and most of the people who read this substack are of the commons.

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He's a crackpot.

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Would that be me or David Parrish?

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That would be RFK, Jr.

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William, you're kidding right? RFK, Jr. has absolutely no idea of how to begin to address any of the topics you mentioned. People can spew a lot of stuff and some of it may make some sense but that does not make them someone worthy of being our president. We should have learned that with Trump and W. Bush, but alas, there will always be someone who uses their name or money to collect votes yet have absolutely no ability to do anything he spews. He would be seen as a joke if he were not from the Kennedy family.

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He is a LUNATIC. He is clearly too mentally unstable to handle a job at a SOUP KITCHEN, let alone THE hardest job in America . . . until Bunkerboy made it a joke of course.

Face facts: GRANNY PENCE has a better chance of playing president and NO ONE likes him!

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Dear Mr Yoman, If you are concerned about the common man, as you imply, urge the man to get vaccinated. It is the best, kindest thing you can do, and it will cost you nothing!

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William Yonan... Thank-you. There are so many things that RFK Jr. wants to do that will TOTALLY change the way things are -- for the POSITIVE. It seems most people don't want him because he will change business as usual.

As far as the jab--one of my closest friends died after the jab; one friend now has a terminal autoimmune disease; another had two mini-strokes.

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Paranoia may also be an autoimmune disease.

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Are you still waiting for JFK and JFK Jr. to return from the dead, and show up in front of that book depository in Dallas, to declare their sworn, devout, unflinching support for your putrid orange fuehrer with the rest of the Q'aNONNAZIS??

The username smacks of St. Petersburg troll farmer, BTW.

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My guess is you don’t know what your talking about.

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I’m with you @WilliamYonan, and why are they bringing up RFKjr’s old history from his teens and twenty’s? Is 40 years of soberiety still not enough? No empathy for RFKjr the 14 year old kid who saw his father murdered in front of his eyes? He is a hero amongst heroes, shame on Americans for not giving him the respect, honor and appreciation he deserves. A short bio here as a reminder of his many many accomplishments and achievements to all!


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Your double negatives defy coherence.

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Oct 10, 2023
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Liar! if you read my posts, you’d know I despise MAGA, and have nothing but disdain for Diaper Don!

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Well perhaps I am wrong, but the other "like" I was able to find by the Substack app was a statement claiming the US government to be far worse than China's. If I am wrong I apologize--I am "conditioned" to expect the worst in terms of disinformation. But your statement regardless is based in delusion and or ignorance.

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First off, which statement is delusional? Secondly, how can you see my likes, and I have no idea what the China thing is, because I would never say the US is worse than China in anything.

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Probably trying to sow dissension so your candidate Traitor Trump can win.

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What forms did he fill out while under the influence??

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I wonder if HE owns a gun and didn’t check the box! That needs to be investigated.

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... he's on record as saying we should spend $ on housing vouchers instead of war - and, ostensibly, supports increased funding for mental health resources; maybe we can hope that those policies get some of the attention which is focused on him (rather than his candidacy - which is kinda doomed from the start)?

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Fair enough, bit a lot of people in Congress are for those policies. Then there’s reality. I don’t think he’s fit to serve. I certainly don’t want an anti-vaxxer making medical decisions during a pandemic.

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Yes, quite noble causes which of course will NEVER EVER happen if he ends up helping the SHITler and his POS NAZI fascists take over this land (with the help of 'Uncle Vlad', his authoritarian oligarchs, and his effing troll farm shitheads like some on here, of course). ;)

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It could legitimately be argued that RFK Jr. is far better than the two choices we have now. At least, he is not senile.

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Batshit insane, and brain damaged, but yeah, not technically 'senile'.

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We've been there already. Once was more than enough for...ever. 🙄

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What could go wrong? Voters may actually believe him...

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The dudes father and uncle were murdered by the State. But I guess your life was perfect Robert Jaffee and you have no shadows in your own life?

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First off, I’m not running for president. And I don’t spew conspiracy theories or pretend to be a doctor or know more than a doctor. Nothing I’ve said is slinging mud. He admits to most of it in his books.

So please stop deflecting. He is not fit for office, plain and simple, regardless of how his father and uncle died. I have two friends who lost a parent fighting for this nation, and they didn’t waste their lives, and then go around telling everyone that vaccines will kill you during a pandemic. Nor designed to kill everyone, but Jews and Chinese.

Sorry, I prefer sanity in the Whitehouse!

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What effing 'State'?!?!

Your effing 'DEEP State'??

So, it is actually RIGHT WING in nature and ideology, and NOT funded, promoted and supported by wealthy, leftist Jewish families like all of your batshit insane, Q'af**kingNAZI Congresscritters claim?!?!

You, and the rest of the 'all-knowing' conspiracy nuts on here and elsewhere make me want to buy stock in tin foil manufacturing companies.

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😂😂 I’m just your average Democratic Socialist mate.

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I'm going to bed now. Your remarks and others' have become too trivial and void of any real truth or sensibility. This conversation level is about a five on the scale between one and a hundred.

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Make sure you put on your RFK Jr. endorsed tin foil hat before you turn in now.

We would not want any of those errant Soros generated microwaves to alter your magnificent, superior brain now, would we??

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No, I truly was ready to turn in, tired after a full day. And the level of discourse was depressing. Good sleeping conditions.

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you are a fucking idiot

kennedy has had a lifetime of success

you must be a stupid loser

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You forgot founding Watermakers and being one of the most successful environmental litigators, working against corporate capture of government agencies.

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It still doesn’t make him a doctor....:)

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His siblings have made their disgust for him public. RFK Sr. was the best president the US never had.

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Just for the sake of argument, I think the best president we never had was Al Gore, or maybe Bill Richardson.

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You are obviously young JFK was the president, RFK Sr was his attorney general.

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"RFK was the best... NEVER had"

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Yes, some people have reading comprehension problem, it seems. ;)

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You misread A.Gnosticthefirst. Re-read what he said.

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You beat me to the punch...:)

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My father did the ads that got RFK elected to the Senate in 1964. He dined at our apartment in 1966 or 1967 to plan the 1968 campaign. Had RFK not been shot, Dad would have done those ads.

The day after the shooting, there were no kids’ shows on TV, and my parents were very gloomy and testy with me and my brother.

Decades later, I think he was our last best hope. Instead, we got Nixon, Reagan, and Trump.

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Oct 10, 2023
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The post said, “never had.”

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Read the comment again;)

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He changed it

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It does not show that it was edited, at all. ;)

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The right realizes that it has nothing. Their principal candidate is a criminal and traitor. All their other candidates are supremely unlikable, incompetent, or tipping over into fascism. Biden has far exceeded all expectations as president. The country is rebounding in a spectacular manner. The world is holding Putin at bay (much thanks to Biden). Hunter is a non-issue. The impeachment "hearings" were a disaster. Throwing ageism into the equation is difficult when your candidate is clearly addled and deteriorating. Kennedy is another act of desperation. Whilst democracy is very much at stake in this election, so is the republican party. If they lose this one (and hopefully congress) their reign of terror may be on its last legs - thanks to demographics (age, race, culture, income). So expect this and every other dirty trick they can muster. The answer is easy GET OUT THE VOTE. But it will be an uphill battle. MSM, the billionaire class, voter suppression and manipulation, and outrage fatigue will make the election far closer than it should be. It would help if the Dem leadership became much louder in calling their counterparts out. It would help if we the people became far more vocal about our outrage. We need mass marches and concerts and benefits and not a little "good trouble." We simply cannot let the racist, misogynist, bigoted, rich-adoring, autocratic (I'm being generous here) right win. Period. Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of their country. Or else...

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Well said! Everything we are witnessing amounts to the dying screams of the republican party.

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Aye, but a dying animal is particularly dangerous

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Yes, particularly those classified as “predators.“ We have a lot to worry about, but we are capable of overcoming this.

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Absolutely accurate! A cornered animal is the most deadly of any. And a trapped animal will chew off its own leg to escape. We are seeing both in recent days.

They're a pool of (Republican) piranhas, tearing huge hunks out of each other. When the blood clears, the fish with the least damage will declare him/herself the winner.

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May they take out all of each other

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When they've all morphed into simply The 'Muricun NAZI Party, they DESERVE to DIE, and NEVER come back until they can form a sane party which at the very least, believes in democracy. ;)

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It's also worth noting that, in the past couple elections, butthurt Trumplicans have SAT OUT elections because they were told how scawy mail-in votes are!

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we need more of this

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Biden has far exceeded all expectations as president? Interesting take

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My expectations weren't high. So yes, I think he has done a superlative job - particularly considering the mess he inherited, a hostile congress, and the continued malevolent presence of trump and his demented lackeys.

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Facing a batshit insane, hellbent on despotic fascism, 4th REICH movement on the other side, he has done an exemplary job, as have the outnumbered Dems/few indies in the other branches. ;)

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OR ELSE !!,, Instant KOREA !! (NORTH !, that Is ! ) KARMA !!, Baby ! ( LORD !, Have MERCY ) And ! VOTE !! Thank You ! , Gary

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While I agree with all the statements / comments about RFK, Jr., I don't understand why he would take votes away from Biden -- any Democrat with minimal intelligence would easily recognize that RFK, Jr. isn't a real Democrat -- he's just another right-wing 'modern populist' (that is, yet another tRump!). Instead, I think he'd be just as likely to take votes away from tRump because he comes across as somewhat less 'over the top' and isn't subject to 4 criminal indictments!

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I live in the deep blue Bay Area, where Mr. Reich lives also, and I’ve seen an uncomfortable amount of RFK Jr bumper stickers here. He appeals to a certain segment of affluent, entitled Democrats who feel the government is out to get them. It’s also worth noting that in 2016 Jill Stein took away just enough votes from Hillary to get Trump elected. We’ve got our work cut out for us to make sure Trump doesn’t get anywhere near the White House again.

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I am finding the same in Ashland, Oregon. There was a large group RFK Jr proponents marching in last years 4th of July parade.

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The same is happening in deep red states. RFK Jr. is connecting with a certain type of Trump voter. He’d probably steal enough from both candidates, but not enough to win too many electoral college votes.

That said, if no one gets to 272 electoral votes, then the House decides and each state gets its be vote. Republicans would have the advantage.

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Unfortunately, because President Biden’s accomplishments don’t get the recognition and attention they deserve, I have run into Dems that say “he hasn’t really done anything”, which shocks and saddens me, but also concerns me for that very reason that they could choose to vote for someone else.

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Absolutely spot on. Biden's accomplishments are reported on a limited basis as the media continues to mostly focus on the despicable tangerine turd. The media is making more money focusing on a vindictive, felonious madman than a sincere and caring president who gets things done for the good of the country.

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Agree! The media must do a better job to bring attention to Biden’s achievements, and also to actual policy differences between Republicans and Democrats-- and how these differences affect our lives.

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The MEDIA MACHINE ! , ,,,,,, are The Grossest MAMMONITES !!, of ALL !! . DON'T MOPE !,, GET It UP !, and VOTE ! ( TO LIVE ! )

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They are not educating themselves.

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True, they aren’t. But most people at least try to stay informed via news outlets, and sadly they lack the pertinent information.

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Right wingers & Independents probably listen to only Newsmax or Fox & they certainly won’t go out of their way to talk about Biden’s accomplishments. U have to watch MSNBC to learn this stuff & maybe U hear a little bit on ur local news stations! Some folks just don’t care about news & current events bec they r so busy with jobs & taking care of their kids!

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Those have to be THE lowest information, disconnected, and inattentive 'Dems' anywhere. :(

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Unfortunately, he has name recognition, and he's likely to pull votes from both parties, as well as from independents. Given the likelihood of close margins in this election, that could be all it would take to tip it from one side to the other.

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I tend to agree with you, Bob, but we also have Cornell West to worry about. He could definitely take votes away from disaffected Democrats who think Biden is not “liberal” enough. And then there’s the insidious and deceptive NO LABELS, which could also be a problem for Biden.

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I raised that alarm when he first announced for the Greens months ago.

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Both of these men are important voices in liberal politics, but I don’t see either of them as heads of state. And to run as a third-party candidate, knowing that democracy is literally teetering on the edge of death, is pure selfishness.

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RFK Jr. and teetering, great pairing.

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I'm sure West's thinking is much like Nader's was in '00. It's selfish only in the sense any idealist is selfish. I'm sure he >absolutely believes< a vote for him is a vote for him, that he's absolutely affirming democracy, and is absolutely >convinced< that voting for him is not a default vote for ol' P01135809. That's >exactly< Nader's thinking in '00. I'd be interested in knowing if West's running independent was >his< decision or the Green's not wanting to run a spoiler this election and refusing to get involved.

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So, the Greens finally are conceding that they helped put the SHITler into power in '16, and are afraid of (being accused of) doing so AGAIN??

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I don't know. I'm a'wonderin' if they learned from the experience, though. That's why I was speculating on what prompted West to go independent - unless they're equating the Greens with independent these days.

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And I used to read his commentaries and felt he was an important voice on the left. Now I’m just pissed at him and his extremely large ego.

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Like Nader, for whom I still have a bit of regard, West is the kind of feckless idealist having considerable power without having one single clue about political reality - just like Nader.

They both need an elementary statistics review so they can plot how numbers they garner impact who wins the damn election. Nader can show West graphically how he got Bush Jr elected. If words don't convince West, maybe a picture will! Yes! We need better candidates, but like Crowder says, we presently have only what we've got to choose from - a reserved candidate who's a little old and an aggressive, flaming nut job!

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The minute I heard that Cornell West was running under the green label, my heart just sank.

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I thought he was running under the Green Party label? Am I completely confused?

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Took me by surprise he's running independent, too.

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Yep, we’re definitely on the same page here.

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Biden, in practice and actuality for this term at least, is more 'liberal' than Obama.

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I could not agree more, David, but I know some people who still aren’t satisfied with what Biden has done so far. I’m not sure what their expectations are, but I think they’re being ridiculous. Considering the circumstances under which he has had to operate, he’s been an amazing president; and I’ll go so far as to say that he is the best president we’ve had since FDR.

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Yes, as if he has Potter's magic wand to wave and just make all of the MAGAt NAZI batshit insano trolls in the House (and Senate) 'go away', and have a nice, stable, mega majority in both to just snap his fingers and make progressive good happen.

I effing WISH!

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Maybe in 2024! 🥂😁

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Let US make that happen!! :)

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DITTO !!, Janet ! JOSEPH, is Gifted, by GODS Wisdom ! ( OH !, ,,,,By The WAY, ,,,,, HE !, was 'SET ! , IN PLACE! ' By " The WILL ! " of GOD ! . ( AS, ,,,, WE !, ALL Are ! .......{ in, Our LIVES ! } ) AMEN !!

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Ralph Nader may have helped W to defeat Gore by running as 3rd party. At least Nader had some props and did not howl at the moon like Jr., but it can happen with Jr. Looks like Nader is now offering to help Biden this time. (WaPo 9/26)

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I agree he may pose a greater threat to Trump, but hard to tell.

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You answered your on question. There isn't a democrat with even a modicum of intelligence. of there was, you guys wouldn't be so prone to fear mongering and propaganda.

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Not every Dem is prone to believe fear-mongers and propagandists, thank you very much.

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Yes, we tend to DISBELIEVE all of the troll bots and Pootin FSB farm scumbags who come on here and spread THEIR LIES, 'fear mongering' and fascist, SHITler promoting propaganda. ;)

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Thank you for this. I generally ignore these idiots, but that’s a great reply.

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YOU GO!! GIRL !! Your Passion, is REAL ! PRAYERS, ! For the GOOD People !, of BEAUTIFUL COLORADO !!

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Well, do Republicans believe liars and con men?

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Clearly you haven't read through the comments

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Watch progressive media: he is going to siphon TRUMPLICAN voters away! He was NEVER a Democrat/American!

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Show me where RFKjr’s positions don’t align perfectly with his father RFK and his uncle JFK. Go on. Waiting....

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The way the Trump campaign machine is cranking up to annihilate RFK, Jr. it appears that they also feel that Junior will draw Independent and moderate Republican voters away from Trump.

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HA! YES, THIS is the 'tell all'!

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Oct 10, 2023
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I am registered as an Independent, and I take MUCH offense to the notion that I would even CONSIDER that drug abuse brain damaged, anti-vaxxer, ANTI-SEMITE for the most important and powerful job on this forsaken planet! ;)

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I could not agree more! Thank you Mr Reich

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Even his family think he’s off his rocker.


ANNOUNCEMENT TODAY The decision of our brother Bobby to run as a third party candidate against Joe Biden is dangerous to our country. Bobby might share the same name as our father, but he does not

share the same values, vision or judgment. Today's announcement is deeply saddening for us. We denounce his candidacy and believe it to

be perilous for our country.

Rory Kennedy

Kerry Kennedv

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They are Biden appointees.

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These are his family & they have a right to speak! I’ve seen his disintegration of thought go down the rabbit hole for decades now & it’s sad. His great aunt Rosemary had mental issues; Maybe it’s a genetic thing he’s inherited-but it doesn’t mean he should be elected to anything!

Except for being named Kennedy, being educated as a lawyer, and getting attention for saying & writing whacky ideas; what has he really accomplished in the Service To Fellow Americans and our country?

Cannot a person who has a job & who are also members of a family Not have an opinion on someone in their family they see as dangerous to our country?

I think they know RFKJr. More than you or I.

Lord, you’d think our President Biden had some over-powering grip on people. Are they all afraid of him and his supporters; oh wait that’s


(aka Donald John Trump)

His people are people willing to do violence “for him” when he’s done nothing positive for them.

Some of his people are now serving prison sentences for listening to him & his lies!

Amazingly he just keeps begging for More $$$$$ from those same people much “less rich” than he claims to be! He’s supposed to be some ultra rich, fantastic, super dooper businessman. Ha!

Amazingly no one who knows him, worked with him, or is Related To Him has ever said P01135809 is decent & honest.

Lots of people say that about Joe Biden!

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Lets ' RESET ' , That I D number ! ...... P O S 01135809 !! , and ! , GET ON !, WITH IT ! ' GODS WILL !' , " WILL BE FINAL !! " " Ye, Shall KNOW THEM ! , ---BY, Their FRUITS ! " ......

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Beware of FALSE Prophets -

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And Beverly !, THE WORLD! , is FULL !,,, of THEM ! ( I So ! AGREE ! ) lucifers' TIME !, is AWFUL SHORT !, AND he, is going to GOBBLE UP !, Whom ! , he ,,,,, CAN ! ( LOVE !!, Thy Neighbor !, As Thyself ! ) AMEN !

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That’s irrelevant. What’s relevant is that they know their brother well.

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How can his family members support Biden, whose foreign policy is directly opposed to what JFK said in his most famous peace speech is essential for a good President? I think if there’s any grave-rolling, it’s over the family critics who fail to heed JFK’s words and keep their mouths shut about his assassination while they receive cushy appointee positions from the establishment. https://bostonmanmagazine.com/rfkjrpeacediplomacy/

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Only 4 out of 11 of his siblings signed on to that letter, and as Marie pointed out, they are Biden appointees. Stop the fear. He can win, he likely will win in this election of two has-been unpopular not-again Presidents. And he will tell the American people the truth, which I for one will definitely appreciate for a change!

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If anything tips the vote for Trump, it will not be RFK, it will be the lack of education and ignorance by a huge proportion of the citizens of this country. We have allowed ignorance to bloom and our schools are doing away with critical thinking, as anything other than simplistic dogma is seen as “woke” by the ignorant masses!

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His father must be rolling in his grave.

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Spinning like a Formula One car engine's peak RPMs. :(

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His campaign manager is none other than Dennis Kucinich. Remember him?? Do like I did, and drop him a "nice" note on his Facebook page. He needs to hear from all of us.

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Oh no! I thought Kucinich was one of the good guys. :(

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Yep, me too! I'm from Cleveland, his hometown, and have been a supporter all through his career. When he got gerrymandered out ( as only Ohio can do ), I thought he would ride off into the sunset. Then he shows up with THIS wackadoodle! So something, somewhere, got to him, and it really makes me sad. And angry!! So, let him have it, like I did.

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I was just reading an article in the daily beast, referenced from the Atlantic. Seems Kucinich is anti vax too. Propaganda is powerful.

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I didn't know that about Kucinich. I'm certain 20 years ago he wouldn't have been. Something terrible happened to him; hope whatever it is misses me!! I first met him when he was in his early 20's, and was deeply impressed. I thought he had the makings of another JFK, or at least RFK. Either way, he somehow seems to have ventured down the wrong rabbit hole. Sad.

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something terrible may have happened to him? like maybe he witnessed a vaccine injury? or suffered a vaccine injury himself? then got gaslighted by all his friends on the left?

happens to lots of us...

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What's disgraceful is the way establishment types try to direct people away from non establishment candidates like RFK Jr. If the candidate doesn't fit the exact mold that's been pre-approved, then they are "crazy" or a "nut job", which is what I formerly considered Mr. Kennedy to be. Then I did a strange thing.... and, took the time to actually listen to him speak. He's anything but crazy.

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He does sometimes talk a good game, claiming for example that he is not an anti-vaxxer. But then look at the comments he has published. A pretty good summary is the recent interview in Vanity Fair. Take a look.

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Most people who think rfk jr is nuts about vaccines have not read any of the many medical studies supporting his concerns. Here are three.

One article criticizes the flagship studies of the CDC which purport to prove that vaccines with mercury do not affect children’s health.


Another article claims that higher vaccination rates are correlated with higher infant mortality rates.


Another study seems to show that kids who are vaccinated do indeed have a lower incidence of the diseases vaccinated for, but they also have higher rates of allergies, pneumonia, and neurological diseases such as ADHA and autism.


These articles do not prove that vaccinations are harmful, but they do show that we should have more research into vaccines. That is what Kennedy is advocating.

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Does the Vanity Fair interview have a video interview, ir word for word transcript? If I can't go to the source, then I've learned to take someone's interpretation with a grain of salt. The media generally has a narrative.

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You are saying the right thing and then you turn..he is a crackpot. IF he didn't have the Kennedy name he would not even register with anyone.

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You can keep your head in the clouds, or you can actually listen to his positions.

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He has been on the Joe Rogan show espousing anti vaxxing and accusing Fauci of all sorts of genocidal vaccination warfare. He’s a fascist in Kennedy clothing and you know it. All it takes is a few naive and gullible takers like you and our democracy is done. Your predisposition to fall under Kennedy’s false equivalencies and unproven crackpot conspiracy theories clears the path for a life of base servitude to the oligarchy for our grandchildren. Grow the buck up.

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Retired RN certified infection preventionist. The harm done by the anti-vaxers is incalculable. Hundreds of thousands of preventable deaths of parents/ grandparents, children, siblings, friends, and neighbor resulted.

People rabidly embrace correlation as causation. They mindlessly accept conspiracy theories to explain things they don't understand.

Rigorous large-scale scientific studies, peer reviewed, and published in legitimate professional journals are rejected. And yet... the British physician who posited the vaccination/ autism link based on only 5 of his own patients, was embraced. This was retracted and the doc lost his medical license but people still choose to believe it.

RFK Jr.'s race-specific virus theory is more of this non-scientific nonsense. The injected nano chip conspiracy is still out there. Dr Fauci, who dedicated his life to preventing and treating disease, has been vilefied.

I am disgusted beyond words.

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I thought the days of relying on Stonehenge were over. Guess not. Thank you for your expertise on this topic. Grateful for your concise and research based response.

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What is, specifically, RFK's race-specific virus theory?

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RFK Jr. floated a conspiracy theory that COVID virus was engineered to infect white and Black people and spare those of Chinese and Ankanazi Jewish heritage. You can research the speeches where he made this claim. It is racist nonsense with no scientific validity.

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Even his family, his many brother and sisters, are not supporting him and they have issued a statement. I think they have heard him loud and clear for years.

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Glad you can get the word out on this spoiled rich man who never understood what any in his family lived and died for. Continue to get better and THANK YOU!

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We have to be practical. Both RFK Jr. and Cornel West are planning to run as independents. RFK is an ignorant legacy narcissist trading on his family name. West is a clever narcissist trading on his links to African Americans. Both will pull votes from Biden, but from different groups, so the net result could be quite large and destabilizing.

I do not buy West's argument that his voters will be people who would not have voted for Biden in the first place. How can he possibly know? And even if he were correct, the numbers would in themselves be too small for him to win the presidency, so why, exactly, is he running?

In order to overwhelm these assaults, Biden must put forward a radical agenda that will transform America: Higher taxes on those earning over $400,000 a year, reversing the Trump tax cuts on corporations, student loan forgiveness, universal healthcare, negotiating drug prices like every other advanced country, prison reform and infrastructure spending.

It is long past time that the relics of the Reagan era - relics that have been so damaging to this country - are finally buried. It is time to stand up to fascism. Half measures previously favored by the DNC will no longer do.

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He needs the House votes which he doesn’t have.

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Yes, because the batshit psychotic NAZIS insist on putting like batshit psychotic NAZIS into the House (and slightly less so the Senate), even if it KILLS them (which it DOES in their Red peckerwood states), just to 'burn/own the libtards'.

There cannot be any more stone dumbF**K, brain dead beings on this planet than these MAGAt shitbilly brown shirts.

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Disagree. If the DNC adopts a radical agenda - which, unfortunately is unlikely - they will take the House and Senate in a landslide.

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You mean as a 'platform'??

Possibly, but then you alienate all of the much more moderate/'centrist' Dems who then might be tempted to vote for a 'presidential blue district' supposedly 'centrist' Repug (however FEW of those hens toothed, purple striped unicorns still exist out there!), instead of the 'leftist' Dem candidate. :(

It IS a very fine balance nowadays, at least until the older, more conservative Dems die out, and the much more progressive left younger gens take over the voting electorate.

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Man you are just full on propagandized. The Covid vaccine is inferior to natural immunity. If RFK Jr libeled Fauci then why hasn't Fauci sued him? You think he's a tool of the right? No, Mr. Reich, he tried to run in the democrat party and allow the American people to decide whether they wanted to vote for him (you know, a democracy), but the DNC powers that be have rigged the system against anyone that opposes Herr Biden, just like they did to Bernie, TWICE! Unbelievable propaganda garbage you spew to all your Kool aid drinkers on here and no one questions any of it. I don't care if RFK JR siphons votes from Biden, Trump or both. WE THE PEOPLE have a right and a duty to vote for whomever we choose and we are tired of the establishment, uni-party, elitist telling us who and what are good for us. Wake up sir. You are a victim of a flawed and misguided ideology.

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Josh you are a TROLL, probably hired by Trump. There are a lot of DEAD people who also thought they knew best and preferred to try immunity from getting Covid. As they lay DYING on a ventilator, they BEGGED the Dr for the vaccine. But sadly, it was too late.

Or why don’t you talk to the thousands that got “long Covid” from getting Covid? It has affected them in a multitude of ways and many cannot return to work.

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Yes, he WANTS SCUMp to win, and take over this land for LIFE, since it could only (and WILL) benefit his boss Pootie in his conquest for all of eastern, and eventually even western Europe.

I hope the weather in St. Petersburg is already well below zero so that he freezes his fascist Vald troll ass off. ;)

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Wow! That’s some wild stuff their Josh! Not reasonable just wild!

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What's he wrong about?

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Josh, isn't it amazing that you lay out the facts, and are called a troll? It's almost as if you aren't allowed to have your own opinion. So many Democrats have been completely brain washed by the corporate media.

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I am troll because this is just a dem/left, fascist propaganda echo chamber. There are only interested in being told what to think. Anyone with a brain can see that Joe Biden is cognitively compromised, he certainly isn't running anything and our country is in the worst shape since the Great Depression, buh buh buh Trump.

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So tell us, all-knowing, all-seeing genius, WHO then do YOU support for the leader of this land??

That is IF you are even a citizen here, and not some FSB putz freezing his ass off in St. Petersburg, or Vladivostok while working for your despot.

Calling democracy loving progressives 'fascist' kind of tells it all, like your autocratic, war criminal 'dear leader' saying that Ukraine is 'Nazified'. LOFL!

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He's fine. Getting started on those railroads across the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Nothing to see here! Everything is ok!

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I fear I'll regret stepping into this, so know I have no intention of continuing beyond these few comments.

"The Covid vaccine is inferior to natural immunity" is the same as "dieting is inferior to never having gained excess weight n the first place." It's true but utterly devoid of any relevant meaning. Further, for any given affliction, natural immunity is rare, which is why it's notable and worthy of a search for a reason - but also why it is again devoid of any relevance.

"Why hasn't Fauci sued him?" For one, it is extraordinarily difficult for a public figure, which Dr. Fauci clearly is, to win such a suit. Two, I doubt Dr. Fauci cares very much what a conspiracy-mongering doofus like Junior thinks of him.

"Just like they did to Bernie." There is reason to think the DNC and the Clinton campaign tried to rig the 2016 primaries against Sanders. I know of no such evidence about 2020.

"WE THE PEOPLE have a right and a duty to vote for whomever we choose." Of course you do. The issue is not the right, it's the wisdom. I have been involved in 3rd party politics, I have voted for 3rd party candidates and expect I will again, I have even run as one - three times.

But in casting such a vote, there are two things you need to consider: One, what are you hoping to achieve? I have been in a solidly blue state and usually vote third party for president without impacting the electoral vote count. But in 2024 I feel the same way I did in 2020: I don't want Tweetie-pie just to lose the electoral vote, I want him to be utterly crushed in the popular vote. I want Johnson-Goldwater levels, Nixon-McGovern levels. I won't get it, but it's what I want. So even my one vote will go toward that goal.

The second, even more important, question is: Is the candidate worthy of your support? RFK Jr. clearly is not.

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There's no evidence for 2020 becasue they got smarter once they got caught with the hands in the cookie jar in 2016. Not much reporting on that, though. I wonder why not? Don't answer. We all know why.

As for 2020, it's circumstancial, but obvious. The Dems came together in a last ditch effort to stop Bernie. Their backing of Pete failed. Their backing of Kamala failed once Gabbard crushed her in that debate (and suddenly Tulsi was labeled a Russian asset). Then they convinced Clyburn to back Biden, had Beto support Biden in Texas, had Klobachar support Biden in Minnessota, has Pete endorse Biden (in exchange for a promise), had Kamala support him, and somehow convinced Warren to stay in so that Bernie wouldn't win in Mass. That was the most surprising, that Warren was niave enough to fall for it. She thought Joe was actually going to select her as VP, lol. Now, to anyone who can think critically, it should be obvious that the party came together to stop Bernie from winning. And to think that 80% of Democrats suppost a single payer hearlth coverage system like Medicare for All, yet the party elites can't allow it.

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I agree with almost everything you said; I'd even add the way the announcements of the endorsements were coordinated. Where we disagree is the meaning of "rig."

That the hierarchy was scared of a Bernie victory and so decided to rally the flag around a single candidate, especially in the way it was announced, is sneaky but not unusual politics.

I think of "rig" in the sense of going after the structure of how primaries were supposed to be conducted, including how funds were to be distributed. That happened in 2016. I didn't see it in 2020. Maybe a distinction without a difference, but that's why I said what I did.

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That's fine. It's a reasonable take. 2016 definitely with the DNC interfering in a way that helped the Clinton campaign. I guess that 2020 was more like having a rain machine pour down on the opposing football team when they had the ball. They still could have scored more points, but it was much more difficult.

Though I do recall some shady stuff during the Iowa Caucas from the Buttigieg campaign, generally ignored by the media.

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RFKjr is despicable. Sad that he's peeing on the family name in this way.

Thank you for sounding the alarm.

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RFK Jr is a despicable spreader of conspiracy theories. But because of the people he appeals to, IMO his candidacy is likely to draw about the same or more votes from Trump than Biden.

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Let’s remember. His uncle mentioned there was an invisible government running the country. Today that’s know as a conspiracy


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Yes. And his father believed the CIA was involved in the assassination of his uncle. That’s called a conspiracy theory too by our government, who for some reason is still illegally refusing to release some of the relevant documents.

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