RFK is an ass. He is a disgrace to his family name.

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Yes, RFK Jr., the poor man’s JFK Jr. is running for president. What could possibly give him the idea that he possesses the proper skill set for such a difficult job? Oh wait, we did elect TFG. This would be funny, if it weren’t so sad.

We have a guy that spent all his formative years on every drug imaginable, including at Harvard and Harvard Law; both places he was admitted because of his name.

His only job after college was being appointed a special assistant DA in Boston, until he flunked the BAR, and was fired. Did I mention, he also got caught with heroin at the time, and pled guilty?

So now we have a guy whose claim to fame is a name, and after failing at law, he decided to do his own research, and designated himself an infectious disease expert and epidemiologist.

We should all be blessed, because a man who failed repeatedly in life, pitches fake miracle cures, and has no discernible skill set whatsoever, or semblance of reality for the matter is running for president.

What could possibly go wrong?...:)

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His siblings have made their disgust for him public. RFK Sr. was the best president the US never had.

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The right realizes that it has nothing. Their principal candidate is a criminal and traitor. All their other candidates are supremely unlikable, incompetent, or tipping over into fascism. Biden has far exceeded all expectations as president. The country is rebounding in a spectacular manner. The world is holding Putin at bay (much thanks to Biden). Hunter is a non-issue. The impeachment "hearings" were a disaster. Throwing ageism into the equation is difficult when your candidate is clearly addled and deteriorating. Kennedy is another act of desperation. Whilst democracy is very much at stake in this election, so is the republican party. If they lose this one (and hopefully congress) their reign of terror may be on its last legs - thanks to demographics (age, race, culture, income). So expect this and every other dirty trick they can muster. The answer is easy GET OUT THE VOTE. But it will be an uphill battle. MSM, the billionaire class, voter suppression and manipulation, and outrage fatigue will make the election far closer than it should be. It would help if the Dem leadership became much louder in calling their counterparts out. It would help if we the people became far more vocal about our outrage. We need mass marches and concerts and benefits and not a little "good trouble." We simply cannot let the racist, misogynist, bigoted, rich-adoring, autocratic (I'm being generous here) right win. Period. Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of their country. Or else...

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While I agree with all the statements / comments about RFK, Jr., I don't understand why he would take votes away from Biden -- any Democrat with minimal intelligence would easily recognize that RFK, Jr. isn't a real Democrat -- he's just another right-wing 'modern populist' (that is, yet another tRump!). Instead, I think he'd be just as likely to take votes away from tRump because he comes across as somewhat less 'over the top' and isn't subject to 4 criminal indictments!

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I could not agree more! Thank you Mr Reich

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Even his family think he’s off his rocker.


ANNOUNCEMENT TODAY The decision of our brother Bobby to run as a third party candidate against Joe Biden is dangerous to our country. Bobby might share the same name as our father, but he does not

share the same values, vision or judgment. Today's announcement is deeply saddening for us. We denounce his candidacy and believe it to

be perilous for our country.

Rory Kennedy

Kerry Kennedv

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If anything tips the vote for Trump, it will not be RFK, it will be the lack of education and ignorance by a huge proportion of the citizens of this country. We have allowed ignorance to bloom and our schools are doing away with critical thinking, as anything other than simplistic dogma is seen as “woke” by the ignorant masses!

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His father must be rolling in his grave.

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His campaign manager is none other than Dennis Kucinich. Remember him?? Do like I did, and drop him a "nice" note on his Facebook page. He needs to hear from all of us.

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Oct 10, 2023·edited Oct 12, 2023

What's disgraceful is the way establishment types try to direct people away from non establishment candidates like RFK Jr. If the candidate doesn't fit the exact mold that's been pre-approved, then they are "crazy" or a "nut job", which is what I formerly considered Mr. Kennedy to be. Then I did a strange thing.... and, took the time to actually listen to him speak. He's anything but crazy.

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Glad you can get the word out on this spoiled rich man who never understood what any in his family lived and died for. Continue to get better and THANK YOU!

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We have to be practical. Both RFK Jr. and Cornel West are planning to run as independents. RFK is an ignorant legacy narcissist trading on his family name. West is a clever narcissist trading on his links to African Americans. Both will pull votes from Biden, but from different groups, so the net result could be quite large and destabilizing.

I do not buy West's argument that his voters will be people who would not have voted for Biden in the first place. How can he possibly know? And even if he were correct, the numbers would in themselves be too small for him to win the presidency, so why, exactly, is he running?

In order to overwhelm these assaults, Biden must put forward a radical agenda that will transform America: Higher taxes on those earning over $400,000 a year, reversing the Trump tax cuts on corporations, student loan forgiveness, universal healthcare, negotiating drug prices like every other advanced country, prison reform and infrastructure spending.

It is long past time that the relics of the Reagan era - relics that have been so damaging to this country - are finally buried. It is time to stand up to fascism. Half measures previously favored by the DNC will no longer do.

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Oct 10, 2023·edited Oct 10, 2023

Man you are just full on propagandized. The Covid vaccine is inferior to natural immunity. If RFK Jr libeled Fauci then why hasn't Fauci sued him? You think he's a tool of the right? No, Mr. Reich, he tried to run in the democrat party and allow the American people to decide whether they wanted to vote for him (you know, a democracy), but the DNC powers that be have rigged the system against anyone that opposes Herr Biden, just like they did to Bernie, TWICE! Unbelievable propaganda garbage you spew to all your Kool aid drinkers on here and no one questions any of it. I don't care if RFK JR siphons votes from Biden, Trump or both. WE THE PEOPLE have a right and a duty to vote for whomever we choose and we are tired of the establishment, uni-party, elitist telling us who and what are good for us. Wake up sir. You are a victim of a flawed and misguided ideology.

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RFKjr is despicable. Sad that he's peeing on the family name in this way.

Thank you for sounding the alarm.

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RFK Jr is a despicable spreader of conspiracy theories. But because of the people he appeals to, IMO his candidacy is likely to draw about the same or more votes from Trump than Biden.

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