The MAD Narcissist and his Magadonions are on a mission to overthrow our government and turn our country into a white supremacist dictatorship!
We all need to get serious about stopping these deranged criminals. While they continue to promote disinformation we need to continue to counter with real facts. Our American Historians will continue to provide historical recollections of how fascists, who have been around forever, try to rig the system in their favor.
Trump, who rejects the rule of law system,
has made it abundantly clear his intent to dismantle that system if he gets another opportunity. It would be Fascism on steroids!
One aspect of fascism is repeating the lie over and over until your followers come to believe it, accepting it as an obvious truth, something Trump is the true master of!
Trump is a bully who repeats his lies until they become accepted as fact, at least by his Retroublican followers, and who eschews the rule of law in favor of personal loyalty to him.
Let’s not wait until its too late. Everyday we ignore this behavior to continue without confronting it is another day closer to their ultimate goal!
Good. See me as such, and get the hell away from me then. Let's break this country apart, since I and my cohorts on the Right are all supposedly so abhorrent, and let's form separate nations because it's obvious there's nothing left to talk about. Sound good?
Do you realize you're talking about people you pass on the street each day? Does it occur to you that maybe you've been mentally colonized to speak in such a way about other ordinary people? Would it bother you, if you did realize that? Would you ask yourself how it happened and who was to blame?
I'm curious if you would be so bold to go down to the Rio Grande and call Hispanic Trump voters names. Do you think they would appreciate that? Or are you really just a tired bigot, throwing slurs at particular groups, not really that convicted and not really that secure that what you belief is actually true.
While I ‘get’ the gist of what you’re saying, you need to look in the mirror and ask yourself a few simple questions. Do you believe Biden won the 2020 election? Do you believe Donald Trump is an authoritarian leaning toward dictator? Do you believe Donald Trump is guilty, indicted/convicted or not, of the crimes at which the evidence so very clearly points? Do you still follow the Republican Party under Donald Trump? If so, your assertions are ridiculous. Yes, we do understand that we pass ‘you people’ on the street everyday. Yes, we wonder how ‘you people’ can still follow and be enamored of a party that has done the very thing you assert, tear the country apart. No, we cannot maintain any productive dialogue because you’re ensnared in a fascist ideology. Do some introspection and answer the questions for yourself. As far as CNN is concerned, Robert is right, they’ve followed a losing path and can no longer be considered a balanced journalistic news media outlet. It’s a shame and I’m sorry to see them go but as with the Republican Party, it’s all self-inflicted.
You wrote: "you need to look in the mirror and ask yourself a few simple questions. Do you believe Biden won the 2020 election? Do you believe Donald Trump is an authoritarian leaning toward dictator? Do you believe Donald Trump is guilty, indicted/convicted or not, of the crimes at which the evidence so very clearly points?"
Linda, you're not the only one who noticed he failed to clearly answer those questions. LOL!! Instead, as evidence, he points to bustling life outside his door to his "walkable." (I guess the "evidence on the street" is that NAFTA didn't destroy it -- which is meant to reveal the contradiction -- talking out of both sides of his mouth.) I think the reason he won't clearly say that Biden fairly won the 2020 election is that it would make the obvious even more so.
In the early 80s, I returned with my grandfather to a nation still behind the Iron Curtain to visit extended family -- and I kept a journal. I had to laugh because I described life as I saw it in a beautiful park where men were playing chess, walking dogs, women pushing strollers and chatting, children getting ice cream cones from the vendor and laughing as they played. "Buzzing with life." And this "proved" Trump (or life under communism) was A-OK. LOL.
In that same decade -- the 1980s -- I took the family on a cross country road trip. It was incredible to see the number of towns, like Pittsburg, Kansas, whose former downtowns were nearly all boarded up. This was years before NAFTA. The Reagan years.
Lastly, here's my favorite headline from the Trump years. I wish Biden would have carried it with him to East Palestine, Ohio. -- Like 'Dewey Defeats Truman." It's from Fortune magazine, September 24, 2018: "Trump Rolls Back Train-Braking Rule Meant to Keep Oil Tankers from Exploding Near Communities."
Linda, one other thing came to mind, and I think you'll find it valuable. In August of 1941, Harper's published an article by Dorothy Thompson called "Who Goes Nazi?" Thompson had been in Europe for decades as a journalist and documented the rise of the Nazis. (Hitler eventually had her expelled.)
The article takes place at a mythical party, and Thompson goes around the room and details each person's background and personality and describes the characteristics of each that would make a person reject the Nazis, or join along with them. The exchange here brought that article back to mind. Thank you.
There is literally no evidence on the street for anything that you claim - you get that, right? I can walk outside my door, right now, walk over to my little walkable downtown a few blocks away, buzzing with life, and see nothing that is "torn apart". I can go over to the lake nearby and see men, women, and children fishing, or paddle boating, and see total tranquility. It's that way now, and it was that way in 2019, under the Great Orange Hitler.
No, to all that you say. You cannot separate ordinary people from yourself, and "Other" them, based on your perceptions. You don't actually know whether what you've been told is true or not about anything in the last 10 years, and you're a damned poor liberal to be taking anything that comes from the media or from apparatchiks like Robert Reich at face value.
Do you support labor unions? Do you support the right to organize? If so, why on Earth would you give Reich the sweat of your back when he is one of the principal architects of NAFTA? Why do you support a man so obviously a part of the elite class, a class of lawyers and bureaucrats, with nothing in common with the common man?
Trust me, my eyes are open. Open in ways they've never been before. It's you and those like you who are still sleepwalking their way around this country.
It seems to me to be absolutely appropriate to remind you of some history, a particular region and set of facts from history that reflects your assertions while also discrediting them: the people who lived near the concentration camps of Nazi administration, say Auschwitz, claimed they "didn't know." Even the smoke from the chimneys, the train cars full of people, the sounds, the smells...they "didn't know." They were just "ordinary people," just your neighbors, people you pass on the street every day.
Except they DID know.
The difference today is that we ALL know. There can be no claims of innocence or ignorance. YOU know, and even seem proud, of who and what you are standing with and for. You are embracing the overthrow of our government. You are embracing the replacement of our government with fascism. And you do not want those who retain understanding, respect, and even love, for American democracy and democratic institutions to criticize you for your views. They, we, do not even know you, but we know what your views, your leaders, your activities are doing to our country, and that can NEVER be deserving of exoneration from blame.
You are hardly alone in whatever level of discontent you have with our government's policies and practices. Many Americans are not satisfied with those. It is WHY we hold elections, why we can support candidates or run for office ourselves, why we can write letters to editors or politicians or Robert Reich's site. That discontent does not entitle us to violence, anarchy, destruction, propaganda, lies, intimidation.
What you seem to be objecting to is being "called out" for what Hannah Arendt famously called "the banality of evil."
Say it loud and say it clear! Good Germans looked away as millions of Jews, Gays, communists, socialist and the disabled were murdered. Where will Americans look on that day?
Except *That's not happening*. At all. That is not what happened on J6. That did not happen from 2017-2021. There is no Nazi movement in America. There is no Auschwitz about to happen at the hands of anyone in this country. It's unbelievably absurd to believe that these things are a possibility in this country. That's my point - it's beyond the pale to believe such things.
There are disconcerting things happening in our government at the moment and things which have been underway for a long time. There are things going on which should completely unite the populist elements around this country. Those elements are increasingly seeing the world the same, not that Robert Reich would know anything about any of that, because he's a total creature of the Establishment.
I come here for the lunacy, I guess, and to observe it, and to call BS on Robert Reich's horrific demonization of ordinary Americans, which I loathe him for and hold him in the highest contempt. I feel the same for his entire class because they all do it too (Basket of Deplorables indeed..) while they prance around, congratulating themselves as Democrats who are "standing up for the little guy", while they do no such fucking thing.
Most of what you say doesn’t even make sense. So no, you do not see or understand what I and others are saying. And you obviously have heartburn about Robert Reich so why even bother to read his work or comment? You’re in your little neighborhood world so why not just settle for that until it’s all gone.
Reich is directly responsible for helping to gut the working class of America. It's a known fact that he is very close to the Clintons, who are the paragons of neoliberalism ( Read: NOT friends of the Labor Left). These things are facts and have been public record for 30 years. Calling Reich an apparatchik is totally appropriate, considering his historical role and his venomous partisanship in favor of the well-connected and powerful.
If it doesn't make sense Linda, it's because you're not reading it, or not smart enough to get what I'm saying. My comments about everything are clear as day. My comments about Reich are public record. My questions to you are totally straightforward.
Hey Daniel goodbye and good luck to you. If spreading all this hate around really makes a world of a difference to you than I guess go ahead and do that but, be aware that someone, at some point it's going to turn around and stop your hate mongering.
I defend Robert Reich because he is trying to educate us about the interface between politics and our economy. He should have his own show on Free Speech TV.
Your eyes may be open but your mind is not. The people who sleepwalk are those who blindly follow Trump. Try opening your ears to the trash he speaks. Try listening and thinking.
How on Earth can you claim that? You literally have a few data points to go off of - how big must "n" be in order to properly perform hypothesis testing? You people here are something else.
And you think trump has anything in "common with the common man?" If you cared to review his history, ( and most New Yorkers know this) he's screwed over more "common" people ( in particular contractors & various restaurant & country club staff, financially) than anyone that's ever run for any recent presidential office in the last half century.
As for "Sleepwalking," if anyone has been guilty of sleepwalking, it's been those who voted for trump on the basis that he was a stand up, moral guy, ( Epstein's close buddy who knew of his predilection towards young girls as he was at his parties) terrific businessman (how many bankruptcies?) who would run this country like he ran his business' ( into the ground - responsible for 25% of our debt in his 4 years in office, nevermind the many questionable actions behind the scene- financially & during covid by HE & HIS FAMILY.) OH, and let us not forget his attempt to discredit Biden's free & fair election as president & his fomenting of the actions that took place at OUR Capital on January 6th.
But fear not..there is help for sleep walkers. Simply acknowledge that there is no such thing as " alternative facts. Simply acknowledge there is the truth, something trump is incapable of speaking.
You might enjoy the book "In God's Country: The Patriot Movement and the Pacific Northwest" by David A. Neiwert for a deep dive into our violent history. I agree, as the author also promotes, that hatred for the entire opposing side isn't helpful; however, the book cures those who suffer from the ailment of drawing subjective conclusions based on what we see when we look out the window.
It's beautiful that, for the most part, we enjoy a peaceful existence, but that's not the entire picture.
Thanks for the recommendation. I've got three books ahead of that to read this summer (and I'm failing at doing so at the moment) and then maybe I'll pick that one up from my little bookstore up the road next.
You’re rambling Daniel, that’s why it doesn’t coherently make sense. And it has nothing to do with Reich’s article about CNN, you’re just merely taking the opportunity to bitch about Robert Reich, because you obviously, again, have heartburn about him. I get it. This is your pulpit but stick to the topic or take it elsewhere.
Please, PLEASE, tell me where I'm being hateful. Be very specific, and please avoid using the word "fascist", because that's just embarrassing at this point.
“Woke up“ Daniel Tucker before it’s too late. I realize this comment to you is not very diplomatic and for that I apologize. I do hope you realize the reference. Think about these things, democracy, promote individual dignity, equality, everyone should pay their fair share, understanding history and not denying it., compassion for your fellow citizens and embracing diversity.
Soooo, be a center-left American liberal? That's the only option? What if I'm to the left of you on economics? What if you're wrong on your own assumptions? Diversity? Do you work at a university? You don't know who I am or where I've lived, but you invoke the religion of the upper middle-class American bourgeoisie as if you're casting a demon out of me. What if I told you that I am in favor of nationalizing major domestic industries? What if I told you I'm in favor on nationalized health care? What if I support crushing Wall Street and Silicon Valley with anti-trust regulations? Why do the people here think they are so certain about so many things, and that by subscribing to someone like Robert Reich, an avatar of so much of the bad that has engulfed this country for the last half-century, they are made virtuous?
Daniel take a look at what you've written. Now pretend that that was written by some so-called liberal. Are you awake enough to see what your words mean?
Maybe your tone is normal for you, but this is not how we talk
"If it doesn't make sense Linda, it's because you're not reading it, or not smart enough to get what I'm saying. My comments about everything are clear as day. My comments about Reich are public record. My questions to you are totally straightforward.
Really? I feel pretty calm. I was calm when I told Linda that she may not be cognitively strong enough to understand me. It doesn't take anger to call a spade, a spade.
Daniel you do realize that support groups are popping up all over the country for people who are in the state of hate about the other. Now I'm not saying you're one of those people but if you are you might want to consider checking in with one of those haters support groups before someone decides that the chip on your shoulder needs to be knocked off. We on this comment section are not interested in that but you can probably find someone somewhere else who is. Maybe you should go chase that dream.
What ordinary people are you talking about? You mean the MAGA crowd. You guys on the fascist right are abhorrent. You want a white, Christian nation of people who believe just like you.
Look at Florida where I live. It is becoming a hell hole for the poor including poor retirees who come here for their retirement. DeSantis a raving fascist and would drive over his own grandmother to be President. I would not encourage anyone to move here even on South Beach in Miami unless you have 50 million bucks in the bank.
Look at Florida where I grew up and still live. Our governor and the legislature is fascist. These people are horrible. We have an insurance crises and they just make it worse. You cannot even buy a house in my former working class neighborhood unless you have a couple of million bucks.
tfg has already made it clear that revenge will be a big factor if he gets in. He's told the world what he is, but for some reason American media won't call protect American democracy (that reason being money).
Yep, when the news departments of the ABC, NBC, CBS were changed into a profit center and the editors were placed under the thumb of appointed executives, our news media became simply a milder version of a propaganda mill from the 30s and 40s Germany
You mention "historians." One especially interesting one is Peter Turchin. According to his recent article in The Atlantic -- our Titanic has already hit the iceberg and we're headed towards collapse.
"All human societies experience recurrent waves of political crisis, such as the one we face today. My research team built a database of hundreds of societies across 10,000 years to try to find out what causes them. We examined dozens of variables, including population numbers, measures of well-being, forms of governance, and the frequency with which rulers are overthrown.
"We found that the precise mix of events that leads to crisis varies, but two drivers of instability loom large. The first is popular immiseration—when the economic fortunes of broad swaths of a population decline. The second, and more significant, is elite overproduction—when a society produces too many superrich and ultra-educated people, and not enough elite positions to satisfy their ambitions."
Quoting you: "We all need to get serious about stopping these deranged criminals." To paraphrase the old wrestler Fred Blassie -- who was referring to pencil-neck geeks: "They say these deranged criminals come a dime a dozen; I'm lookin' for the guy who's supplyin' the dimes." The dime-supply is the fertile field described by Turchin. I'm afraid that if we don't get serious about that, we'll just be rearranging the deck chairs.
Your quotes remind me of an article I came across years & years ago that - for some reason - has stuck in my mind, I ponder on from time to time, and have pondered a lot more on, of late.
The proposition was that societies begin as relatively free and egalitarian, become less and less free over time, then end up becoming totalitarian - or something like that. The article's point was that nobody seemed able to explain that progression. Keep in mind, we were at the height of the Cold War, while the Soviet Union and the PRC were part of the article's background conditions. Oh yes, and WWII hadn't ended that long ago, at the time. Just sayin'.
Keith, you've got this right! Our media, as the media of 1930s Germany magnify the lies, claiming, people need to know what Trump and Kump are saying. No, they/we don't. We know whatever he says is a lie, a self-serving whine, or both. That's it. We know DeSantis hates everyone but maybe, white men (although that is not clear). Whatever he says is targeted at everyone else, one group at a time. He clearly has a problem dealing with sex because so much of his vitriol is related to that: anti-porn, anti-women of child-bearing years (abortion and their safety), anti-LGBTQ persons (especially trans youth and probably adults too), and drag (an age-old tradition). He hates teachers. It makes one wonder what he thinks a teacher did to him. Maybe one called him out on his bullying or insulting comments. He is racist to his very bone marrow. He couches it in terms like CRT which he has villainized even though he may have read an article about something like it once and his near photographic memory lets him replay the horrors of Black Americans having rights, you know the rights his Italian ancestors came here to get. He doesn't want people who have been here far longer than his family to have those rights. The media need to call his comments and actions that are hooded racism out for the racist comments they are. It seems to me that our media are trying really hard to make DeSantis a sympathetic figure so he will be a foil to Trump. The two of them are cut from the same cloth and are just as hateful, just as racist and all the rest as the other. Yo media, wake up! Start standing for and with the American people, not the fascists who are trying to destroy what we have like Trump and Kump and DeSantis.
Ruth, I hope you don’t mind, I copied this for my own notes. When I find well written comments such as yours that succinctly capture my thoughts, I put them in my notes for reference back to. I will not repost what you’ve said, but merely use it as my own personal reference.
You speak the truth and if we do not step up and defend our society, our democracy, and our rights as a supposed free people, we will not have that society, democracy will revert to the worst of the NAZI regime, and our law will be a theocratic version of bibilical punishment, torture and death. Time for all honorable Americans to step up, fight back, and insist on our publications returning to the truth in reporting. I have lived as a Contractor in a theocratic country, in fact spent three years in that region, and the very idea that we are even flirting with turning this nation into a ChristoFascist world is so frightening that I weep for my grand children and now my great grandchildren. IF we do not fight for their right to live in a nation of individual rights and freedoms, then we have doomed them to living a life of religious persecution, fascist concentration camp horrors, and no hope for a future.
I have a question - when did MAGAts start being referred to as 'Magadonions'? They aren't 'Magados' so I just don't get it. I much prefer MAGAts.... sounds like what they are. I do agree with everything you said. Everything.
The only way to stop Trump and his supporters in Congress, is to give them all each a fentanyl pill, because after all, one pill will kill! Besides, Trump and his supporters that water in Congress, or governors of other states, remind me of Hitler and the Nazis! With all of them gone, that way, Jesus H Christ, that we can restore sight to the blind, that which includes myself! I need my eyesight back more so than I need a new asshole!
The derangement experienced by people like yourself over the events of the last 7 years is truly without historical precedent. You and your supposedly "anti-fascist" compatriots really do think you are all Dietrich Bonhoeffer or the Free French resistance, don't you? You have been victims of one stunning psyop after another all of these years and you've been convinced that you are freedom fighters in Europe in 1943 when that couldn't be further from the truth.
I don’t feel it is a matter of ignoring his behavior but rather HOW do we accomplish this feat? King Trump the liar of liars thinks he is in charge of the world.
Whoever is pushing CNN to the right, I wish that they would leave CNN and go over to either Fox News or Newsmax for Jesus Christ sakes! In other words, that they don’t want to lead or follow so they should just get the finger fuck out of the way!
As is happening in corporate business the idea is to monopolize news media. When news media is consolidated there wont be any messaging competition. Only one message that they determine what that is. Think like the folks that are doing the take overs. They lean authoritarian. Why? Because business doctrine of the day says, become a monopoly to get the biggest bang for your buck. These rich folks want to stay rich and if that means they have to monopolize government policy then authoritarianism it is. No competition, no one to challenge them. There say or the highway.
I don't know about you, but I pay big time for cable access and media subscriptions. I support Robert and more like him. WAPO, NYT, Miami Herald, etc. I hold some mutual funds that probably have shares in these organizations, except maybe Robert and organizations like Free Speech TV and Meidas Touch.
In a perfect world, the "market" would coordinate all of the companies that we subsidize and give us some say in how the news is presented and how advertising is sold. Government was supposed to make the media markets fair through the FCC and FTC but common sense rules were scrapped.
If a company, like Fox. lies the FCC is supposed to step in. When CNN decided to permit Trump to lie without repercussions, they should be censored. There is no 1st Amendment right to lie. When they give a political platform to the benefit of one party over another, and the other is harmed, they should stand liable.
If I represented the DNC, I'd consider lawsuits for interference with business relations. In some states has to be intentional, in others the standard is negligence.
Moreover given that Fox aided and abetted and gave comfort to an insurrection and to insurrectionists, they have potential criminal liability.
Damn I just saw Nikki Haley spouting reaaaaly vial crap on CNN. Yeah man you are right its complicity these media organization need to have some "pain" for their actions.
Bill, yes, I heard Haley's commenhts too. She is just proving that Trump was right to trust her. She is also cut from the same cloth. It is acceptable for a candidate to lie about their own record or an opponent, but when the media reproduce it, then it is a serious problem unless they call it the lie it is. I have so rarely heard the word "lie" in any media. I do hear "may be false, a false clame, not really true, unsubstantiated claim, has no evidence" etc. Those sound like mush and like maybe what was said wasn't the lie it was or the reporter would have called it a lie. Language matters!
Dan if they got you hot and bothered now I am really worried (at least the low key Daniel version of bothered) Or is it we all get ourselves worked up communally? It seems like the campaign to spread false info by media and or individuals online has picked up again. There was a welcome pause on the propaganda spouting and attacks on the right for about 2 months. Now I am seeing attacks on posts that were done months or weeks ago. Weve also seen the uptick here. I dont consider propaganda spouting a difference of opinion, more like putting up a poltical yard sign, there is no two way communication. So the obvious only reason for the propanda spouters is to sew doubt.
Daniel, how do we get the FCC and FTC to move on these issues. They should have been acting from day one when Trump began his lying about Obama's birth and the other trial balloons Trump sent up. It is not free speech to lie at someone else's expense, particularly politically. How do we stop this when it has become a tsunami? A qualified, caring FCC could make a lot of changes, particularly for Fox. They could censure them until they get their act together. They could keep track of the lies pumped out with no comment that it is a lie. After a certain number, they could be fined significantly or be hit with some other appropriate punishment. It is time to act even though it is pretty much out of control at this point. Something should have been done when Rush and his crew were at it decades ago. Presenting a political point of view is acceptable; Deliberate lying about one's opponent is not.
The administration should be able to rely on the FCC and FTC, but they have been emasculated for many years. The industry has changed radically and local programming seems to be a thing of the past. The current SCOTUS has undermined the power of agencies to do rulemaking. Until a few years ago, courts deferred to agencies' expertise and interpretation of law.
IMHO the immediate response is litigation. As I said above, some media conduct may even be criminal.
huh?? of course there's a first amendment right to lie! didn't one of dear leader's minions tell us there are "alternate facts"? facts are truth, ergo lies are truth. no wait, let me figure this out. oh yeah, so where does it say in the constipation that lies aren't protected speech.? just like the right to privacy isn't in there either, like alioto says. no wait, lemme figure this out. i'll get back to ya. also, like i said yesterday, freedom from the press, 'cause too many inconvenient facts that aren't truth. wait, are facts truth? i'm really confused now.
That's a misunderstanding. The FCC has regulations, not laws, but it has been argued that they do not apply to cable, since it does not use our "airwaves.
The concentration of news media is truly a large reason we have come to this state of democracy destruction. The Sinclair group is just one medium example. This group owns hundreds of news venues, newspapers, television stations, radio stations. The central headquarters develops specific news topics that fit the desire of the Sinclair family/owners. These are then transmitted to ALL of those Sinclair owned outlets, and the staff are FORCED to READ over the air as if it were locally sourced news. Propaganda of the worst kind, and smacking of the way fascism spread throughout the world in the 30s and 40s. Our fathers, uncles and grandfathers fought and died to defeat this horror of NAZI Fascism and were successful in defeating it at the time. However, we in our infinite stupidity have allowed it to take root again, but this time in our own damn country. Where we once died to defeat this curse, many in power and supporters of power happily embrace the white supremacy authoritarian state and work diligently to impose that fascist/theocratic abomination on the people here in the USA. Damn us if we continue to sit on our complacent butts and allow people like Trump, DeSantis, and the majority of the Republican political class destroy our nation, eliminate our individual rights, return our people of color to a status of near slavery and implement their interpretation of biblical law (among the most harsh and unforgiving of rule making).
Any people in the states that can remember what Facism was and is are all dead or are near death now. We can try to teach more about it schools. The fundamental issue is that for the majority of people their lives suck. Unlike the new deal we dont see government coming to our aid. At least not at the same level (aid to corporations and billionaires yes, a tiny percentage to the plebes to act like we are being helped). Then it becomes distrust in government. Rightfully so because of lobbyist and coporate and billionaire control of campaign finance. Thats either going to autocratic fixes a la MAGA or democratic ones a la Bernie Sanders, progressives. The funding seems to be going predominantly to the autocratic sources while the democratic ones are funded by a dwindling amount of public sources. It doesnt seem like the financial battle can be won. The only thing left is the mental battle for peoples hearts and minds.
Oh I am a long way from death, just celebrated my 82nd birthday last month and feeling tip top. Many folks who meet me are surprised when I tell them my age, they all say I don't look that old. So, I do remember the fascist battles that my dad, my uncles all fought to keep our country safe from this scourge. As a result, I hate with a burning passion any asshat who attempts in even the most miniscule fashion to promote the fascist ideology or any damn version of white supremacy. Hate with a hatred more strongly that that of my hatred of Satan and his acolyte Trump
I remember when Sinclair bought a radio station in rural Georgia where I attended a retreat. It was unstaffed, literally, with no local reporting, but broadcasts transmitted from a station elsewhere (or maybe the network). Sinclair is a huge disservice to people in these areas, because it denies them the news the want, even if it seems tedious or boring.
Bill, you are on target with the move to consolidate the media to send out the same message. That was pretty evident during the debt ceiling fiasco the past 2 months. The media all decided to buy the BS that it was a "real" issue whether the debt ceiling should be raised. It was not a worthy issue. It was Republican grandstanding at the expense of vulnerable Americans and Biden had no choice but to cave because if he claimed the 14th Amendment which he should have been able to do, our Supreme Court 6 insanity would have voted against him, probably through the "shadow docket." Then, we would have been right where we started with the nonsense. However, we would have learned more clearly, as if we don't already know, the SC "conservatives" (ultra right-wing corruptionists) are on the side of the fascists, against our own Constitution unless they can warp it to do what their rich donors want (you say they are not supposed to have donors?), wallowing in their own power to destroy just as they recently undermined our Clean Water Act from decades ago. I honestly don't know how to curb this bad behavior, but we need to get started doing it before we have no choice as the German people learned by around 1934.
Whether you're red or you're blue CNN as of late has become complacent in its coverage of political news. With the injection of foreign positions not seen in its format previously CNN now exhibits a strong taste of Republican awareness in its overall coverage. Town Hall meetings with audiences that reflect a distinct red flavor are present where in the past if they existed at all a neutral position would be offered. To present both sides of the political thought line on a subject is fine but as it is the Democratic side is being heavily overshadowed by the influence of the ever-present Donald Trump. To be objective is of primary importance to a quality news agency but to emulate Fox News in the support of a Republican agenda leaves past CNN viewers yearning for greener pastures. Mr. Musk and Mr. Licht could lessen the sting of the national debt if they were so inclined but greed would never allow them to be so magnanimous. What their money has allowed them to do borders on the individual privatization of politics by a few massively wealthy individuals that have unspoken goals suited only to their personal needs. It matters not if the color of your blood is red or blue it's the truth that needs to be heard not political rhetoric spewed to benefit a select group of oligarchs born and bred in the good old US of A. Yes, this was a personal opinion.
THIS is killing us... if we don't make a stand RIGHT NOW, the "Great Experiment"
is OH - ver!!!
Used to teach high schoolers how the advent of fascism was the GREAT rallying point for the FREE WORLD during WWII ... Do we have the guts to do it again??
NOT IF WE (media, politicians, business leaders, AND JUST PLAIN individuals of conscience (like yourself, my friend) aren't strong enough to confront the new wave of autocracy/ theocracy poisoning the minds of those who FEAR democracy!!!
And THANKS for calling out the PSEUDO-CHRISTIANS who have come to define God, in all her/his omnipotence for the rest of us...
As a Catholic I remember sitting next to my neighbors at church. Out of church the dude was a racist mf'er. Still is. He still has a Trump bumper sticker. I listened to what the priest said about turning the other cheek and treating people as you would like to be treated and that was completely lost on him. People justifying there racism or discrimination through god. That, yeah that doesnt get my respect at all. The christian national and white christian national pundits espouse racism and discirimination these days tucker carlson style. Ie, implied, not outright epitheted out. A part of me wishes that these folks would outright say what they believe so it would be blatantly obvious who they are. I believe they dont say it to gather more followers as White Supremists have learned to work in the political system instead of trying to blow it up from outside.
Bill, we often forget, or at least a lot of Christians and pseudo-christians do, that the Germans who perpetrated the holocaust were "Christian," almost to a person. The Poles, Austrians, Czechs, Hungarians, French Nazis, and the rest were also "Christian." it seems one can twist Christianity to permit all kinds of cruelty as long as you say it is in the name of God. That's appalling, but not new. We don't have to permit it herein our democracy that has and must continue to have a huge separation between church and state, as the founders wanted. The founders may have included some Christian principles in the founding, but they clearly did not want this to be a Christian nation. I love the pseudo-christians bowing and scraping before Donald Trump who has no time for any religion but himself. I get it that those pseudo-christians like to think Trump is one of those "heroes" in Jewish history who did something for Jews even though they didn't approve of Jews (or something like that). Yo white evangelicals and Catholics! Trump cares nothing for you unless he can use you to get whatever he wants. He is addicted to money, power, and your fawning adulation, none of which gets you anything from him and his fascist crew because you are nothing to them once you have left the rally, the arena, and the voting booth.
Jesus is my savior. Seems to be an excuse for a lot of wrongs. Like saying LOL after telling someone they are sh*thead somehow makes it a "joke" and permissible. You were right about the cops dying. Your brothers not voting in 2020 election is still a MAGA success. If false information can make people not vote thats just as good as them voting for the dictator. Dont take this as finger pointing Im not blaming them. Its my full belief that MAGA and its influence is a form of communal narcissism. The people under its influence believe the lies and misinformation. Are they wrong to persecute people for their beliefs, race or religion hell yes. Is it their fault they fell for Narcissistic manipulation? No, that is the fault of the news media, MAGA politicians and influencers.
Thank you. The idea comes from "Don't you know who I am?" by Dr Ramani S Durvasula. ie Dr Ramani on youtube. Its a good short book packed with narcissism info. I would recomend it if you havent read it already. She does not associate communal narcissism with any poltiical party or group. Its more like MAGA does exactly what a communal narcissit group does. So even though "not diagnosed" we can deal with MAGA like you would deal with a narcsissit.
I is a blind person need my eyesight restored for Christ sakes just like Trump and his allies. Need a new asshole! It’s just not only his allies in Congress, it’s also his allies, that who are governors of other states, as well as those out here in California, that who have voted for him! And speaking of that, where, even the proud boys need new assholes of that which summer out here. I bet you all good night from the state of California. Now, the third most largest economy in the world!
The right wing MO is that they don’t really care about anyone that doesn’t look like them, in their social circle, or outside of their income bracket. When I have talked to those on the Right or the so-called libertarians they spout off about “big government”, invariably, but when further questioned about the social injustice of our economic-tiered system that allows for few errors in judgment much less normal growing up or finding yourself, mental illness, the elderly, or those who just don’t fit in, they seem to have very little understanding or conscience. I hear, “Why don’t they stop the belly aching and just get on with their lives and get out of my affairs and the way I run my company?”
I point out that humanity isn’t here to make a profit for a corporation so that their Officers, Board and stockholders can live in a gated community away from the great unwashed who built their company in the first place. It seems like the lives of those who control economic power can be likened to a big VR game to see who wins and how lavishly styled the winner is, and the rest of us are those who just get blown up in some make-believe battle of wits.
I’ve pointed out that we as a people can’t just turn our backs on what is. The reality is that a large portion of our world population and our home population in particular is at poverty level, or just plain struggling trying to find a way to live and keep both their family’s and their own head above the flood waters. How can they continue to deny this or turn away from it, especially when the numbers are and have been exponentially increasing for a long, long time. This ostrichitis epidemic of corporate leaders, those who live off of their investments, and all of their paid for minions, cannot be just about a lack of creativity or brain power to final and support a solution. it seems more to me about a mind set that says, “I don’t care.”
Watching from a distance (Perth, Western Australia), it is so sad seeing what is happening in the US (the fascist activities, anti-democratic party and movement, etc). Thank you for all your writing and work, Robert. You are a bright light in dark times.
I have a few friends in Canada, and they also said almost the same thing as you did, they were sad and appalled at what was happening here and said how unbelievable it seemed to be..
Yes, I have friends here and in the UK (where I moved from 15 years ago, but still visit) who are stunned about what is going on there. Many people here and in the UK (and other parts of Europe) consider the US as an autocracy, rather than a democracy, but the situation seems to be worsening. It is so sad. So good to have writers like Robert standing up and shouting about what is going on.
The US is actually an autocracy now and the situation is worsening. With all of these Fascist/GQP party, (formerly the Republican Party) trying to revoke us Democrats from voting is very concerning me. It's supposed to against the law for this to be happening, but the Fascist/GQP seem to be above the law and are allowed to do this. This angers me to no end. We have the right to vote just as anyone is. Good writers like Robert and Heather Cox Richardson are standing up and shouting about what is going on.
By the way, David, i had a first cousin with exactly the same name as you do and spelled the same way. Unfortunately, he had a sudden massive heart attack several years ago and died almost instantly. He was only in his early 40's when this happened. Heart disease runs in our family and I had triple bypass heart surgery back in 2014.
Cooper is spitting against the wind. Him staying at CNN wont help the cause. It will only get him fired, or they'll keep him on to look "legitimate". Chris Wallace took it in the ass for how long at Fox before he couldnt take it anymore. I think something similar will happen to Cooper.
Yes just like twitters annihilation. If you try to make a point and get shouted down by vulgarity and racial epithets how can communal communication be had? In the same way CNN spoke frequently about the MAGA BS and shutting that down was more important than being pro MAGA. These billionaires lose a couple billion and it rolls off their backs. For them they have soo much extra cash that their lives arent effected one iota because of their decisions.
Used to be CNN was mostly what I watched. No more. Haven't watched it in months due to its programming changes. IF I wanted to watch Faux, I would watch Faux not CNN. I wanted a more impartial, honest station. CNN ain't it... I'm watching PBS and the BBC, of all things!! I'll even watch MSNBC instead!!
You should watch MSNBC. it actually has balanced programming in addition to the left leaning. Nicole Wallace & Morning Joe are ex-Republicans who have guests from all parts of the spectrum.
The fascist Right Wing Immoral Majority, is just that
-A majority in our declining Democratic country.
Trump, and his lying , prejudiced comrades have opened Pandora’s Box, and given the green light for his underlining evil monsters to rise up, and steal this country from us.
I refuse to wear a Blue Star on my clothes in order to be identified as a Democrat.
I believe that this and other sick Gestapo actions could become the norm.
It’s been said that “Good Will always prevail”, but I’m not counting on it arriving in the near future.
In the end, how did that work out for Hitler?
At the end of his Dictatorship,
Some good had prevailed over some evil , but now the evil prevails.
Apparently we ignored the proverbial “ if we ignore the past, it can repeat itself”
Don’t get me wrong, I’m
Still going to fight like hell to put and end to this horror,
Because I too, am in true actual definition-A Patriot in saving our country, and bringing back the Moral Compass to center.
Only thing I disagreed with in your post Kate was your statement about them being the majority. They are NOT! The republicans and their rabid right wing independents make up about 40% on a good day, less than 35% normally. The problem is that we, in the MAJORITY are playing fair when they are playing war and elimination. We try to compromise when they do nothing but obstruct and destruct. Time for us to stop the Mr. Nice Guy BS and start kicking butt and taking names. Time for the Majority to ACT like the Majority. Time for the Democracy supporters to actually support and defend. In other words, stop being complacent, get to the polls and vote against the fascist GOP, and more importantly, take action to defend our democracy, our individual rights, reduce the fascist right wing Supreme Court through legislative actions. In Truth, Defend our Country and it's people.
Indeed, agreed. Progressives are playing by a set of rules & morality that these (maga) republicans don't recognize or don't have the courage to acknowledge any longer in a crowd. But there is no easy solution, if we don't wish to become like them..Except, when they break the rules we can make them accountable & pay the legal price every damn time, instead of allowing them to slip by.
Your post combined with Brian Seltzer's quote underscores the fact that corporate media is failing this country badly, and deliberately so.
There can be no both-siderism when thugs like Trump, DeSantis, christian nationalists, and etcetera, are doing everything in their power to turn our country into a facist state.
The U.S. is failing state in no small part because our "leaders" choose not to hold the powerful accountable for their numerous crimes against this country and humanity itself.
As an example, war criminal Henry Kissinger was recently feted at the N.Y. Public Library, which included a secret guest list; I wonder why?
A great deal of the problem lies with people like John Malone-CNN’s largest shareholder. This entire republican debacle was started in the 1970s by wealthy people (the Koch Bros especially) who thought libertarianism was the best governing philosophy and set out to transform our government into a libertarian haven for the wealthy.
That would have been bad enough, but at some point
republicans lost control of their project to Vlad Putin
and various Russian oligarchs. Now, other wealthy
people who supported libertarian principles (e.g. John Malone) are apparently spectacularly unaware libertarians are no longer in control, and haven’t been since Trump made his political presence known.
These wealthy people, CEOs & CFOs have deluded themselves into believing fascists are libertarians.
They aren’t paying attention to the fact that the so-called libertarian republicans in Congress are actually prepared to destroy our government and
our economy as well, because the gov’t and the economy go hand in hand. Destroying one will naturally destroy the other. It’s appalling that CEOs, etc. don’t recognize that, don’t realize Trump is a mentally ill, unstable megalomaniac and further, don’t grasp the danger to themselves and their way of life.
Interesting. But not surprising. Industrial interests, along with groups like the Chamber of Commerce, always have this greed first perspective. Same is true of the Koch family.
With Malone and the Trump town hall, clearly a waste of time for this long-time viewer to watch CNN. Let it die a quick death, or be bought out by an owner who is not a fan of Fox News.
CNN gave trump a platform to spread the same ol' lies, and lunatic blather, that is all I need to know about CNN. They are as easy to 'ban' from consideration as Fox.
It is clear in today’s world that both Trump and DeSantis intend to turn our countries democracy into an authoritarian dictatorship! Both of these men are clearly dangerous and every effort at the ballot box must be made to defeat these two vicious, spirited tyrants!!!! When going to the ballot box in the upcoming presidential election, please, please, please think of our children, their children, our grand children, and the legacy of our great country!❤️
If trump were to go to jail(doubtful)and not be able to run and if DuhSantis were to win...he would pardon trump in exchange for his support. The country will be forever changed for the worst, unless Biden or another democrat wins...we are at the most crucial point in history in modern times...the fate of our democracy.
This here is one of the reasons I stopped watching any and all televised news-it’s all questionable since Donald Trump came on the scene, or rather since 2016.
Trump has lowered the standard of everything in this country from journalism to common decency,civility, and even my favorite Morning Joe news show-who cut Trump off-live because he wouldn’t stop running his mouth, I can’t watch because every day is another Donald Trump News day.
CNN was once, at least when Ted Turner ran it, the most reliable name in news as James Earl Jones would voice during the break. When my husband was deployed or on short TDY he told me to watch CNN and I would know where he is. Also back then HLN, the headlines every half hour was the perfect way to catch up-if you wanted more extensive coverage you switched HLN to CNN. Then came one half hour show after another until HLN didn’t resemble the news of the day at all.
Now CNN has traded actual news for entertainment, for what they thought would raise ratings, but has actually lowered them.
How could CNN ever regain its audience? I don’t believe it will. I don’t see how. It will go the way of the History Channel, it won’t resemble at all what it was meant to be. Just as HLN went the way of cheap entertainment so will CNN.
When I stopped watching and listening to the gabbing all day of TV News I felt less stress, less urgency, and yes less anger. No more talking heads talking over each other-no more hearing Donald Trump-Americas biggest mistake ever-lying his a double s off.
I get the AP mainly for facts without others opinions and a few others like Reuters, and NYT’s and I get more out of it.
The truth is no longer popular, there has to be conspiracy, something else lurking in the dark, it can’t be so simple, it has to entertain. But there’s wrong with reporting the truth as it is-regardless of it’s popularity. The truth is that every time Donald Trump opens his mouth a lie comes forth. He can’t help himself. And giving him a platform, to an audience he hasn’t reached before isn’t news, it’s a clown show because that’s what trump is. A dangerous clown.
He’s mad, insane, crazy. I could be here all day with pages of synonyms that match “insane” but I’ve said more than even necessary. Just my own venting. He’s ruining everything we are.
We used to be normal. Let’s Make America Normal Again. #MANA
Trump has support. helpers. Without these folks in high places, he would be gone. So this is not only or merely Trump. We have dark forces on the move in this country.
But it's a good sign that CNN is losing viewers if that is so.
How far can we slide down the slippery slope before it becomes impossible to reverse course? Many of the institutional pillars that used to prevent too much slippage (journalism, access to voting, the courts, etc.) are showing cracks, like our crumbling infrastructure, ignored and taken for granted. As any engineer can tell you, there’s a point after which just a very small push will cause a complete collapse.
Regarding our crumbling institutions, Build back better was more than a slogan. It is what we need to do. The calcified establishment view exemplified by Joe Manchin and Kristen Sinema was threatened by the mention of new thinking and finding better solutions to better formulated issues. Out came the lobbyists to grease the palms of receptive politicians, the strategically positioned grifters who feed on the body politic. Money really is the root of all evil.
Sadly so true. How to fight misinformation? It’s hard and many people who do get eaten for lunch. We as a community better wake up! If all of us don’t raise up we will watch our country dissolve into a fascist dictatorship! If either DeSantis or Trump wins our democracy will be over. Follow the money! What would Russia. China and Saudi Arabia have to gain if America is not in the picture anymore? Come on it’s not rocket science. We are headed to a system no one will want or live in. Fight back!!!! We are the majority! We can take on this fight if we all don’t fight together. Listen to all news. I have a friend that is brainwashed by fox. Whenever she brings up thoughts like I love Robert Kennedy Jr. I know fox has won again. We all need to all have conversations with brainwashed people. That’s how things change. My father did not fight a war so we could sit around and bs. Get out there and be the change!!!!!
We live in the French countryside. Being American we do not have access to British channels. In fact, after Brexit, we could not longer get MSNBC in France. ???
All we have been left with is CNN. We are Democrats and we relied on the old CNN for our tv news. Sadly that is no longer the case. We no longer watch TV at all and get our news from people like you and Heather Cox Richardson. (Thank you!) What will become of Fareed Z?
You’re better off. I stopped watching even my fav morning Joe, on fav MSMBC. Get the AP associated Press and NYT’s like did you’ll get breaking news and won’t have to hear sound bites if Trump
The MAD Narcissist and his Magadonions are on a mission to overthrow our government and turn our country into a white supremacist dictatorship!
We all need to get serious about stopping these deranged criminals. While they continue to promote disinformation we need to continue to counter with real facts. Our American Historians will continue to provide historical recollections of how fascists, who have been around forever, try to rig the system in their favor.
Trump, who rejects the rule of law system,
has made it abundantly clear his intent to dismantle that system if he gets another opportunity. It would be Fascism on steroids!
One aspect of fascism is repeating the lie over and over until your followers come to believe it, accepting it as an obvious truth, something Trump is the true master of!
Trump is a bully who repeats his lies until they become accepted as fact, at least by his Retroublican followers, and who eschews the rule of law in favor of personal loyalty to him.
Let’s not wait until its too late. Everyday we ignore this behavior to continue without confronting it is another day closer to their ultimate goal!
I have to disagree strongly with one thing you say: Look at any red-ruled state today, and you will see authoritarian fascism!
Americans need to see ALL rightwingers today are fascists!! ALL OF THEM! NOT JUST TFG!!
Even if TFG runs & loses, or goes to jail (Celebrate!) Reichwing fascism is on the march!!
Doesn't matter who the Reichwing leader is!
ALL Rethuglicons are fascists.
It's a commonly repeated mistake not to think so.
Reichwing - good one.
Good. See me as such, and get the hell away from me then. Let's break this country apart, since I and my cohorts on the Right are all supposedly so abhorrent, and let's form separate nations because it's obvious there's nothing left to talk about. Sound good?
Do you realize you're talking about people you pass on the street each day? Does it occur to you that maybe you've been mentally colonized to speak in such a way about other ordinary people? Would it bother you, if you did realize that? Would you ask yourself how it happened and who was to blame?
I'm curious if you would be so bold to go down to the Rio Grande and call Hispanic Trump voters names. Do you think they would appreciate that? Or are you really just a tired bigot, throwing slurs at particular groups, not really that convicted and not really that secure that what you belief is actually true.
While I ‘get’ the gist of what you’re saying, you need to look in the mirror and ask yourself a few simple questions. Do you believe Biden won the 2020 election? Do you believe Donald Trump is an authoritarian leaning toward dictator? Do you believe Donald Trump is guilty, indicted/convicted or not, of the crimes at which the evidence so very clearly points? Do you still follow the Republican Party under Donald Trump? If so, your assertions are ridiculous. Yes, we do understand that we pass ‘you people’ on the street everyday. Yes, we wonder how ‘you people’ can still follow and be enamored of a party that has done the very thing you assert, tear the country apart. No, we cannot maintain any productive dialogue because you’re ensnared in a fascist ideology. Do some introspection and answer the questions for yourself. As far as CNN is concerned, Robert is right, they’ve followed a losing path and can no longer be considered a balanced journalistic news media outlet. It’s a shame and I’m sorry to see them go but as with the Republican Party, it’s all self-inflicted.
You wrote: "you need to look in the mirror and ask yourself a few simple questions. Do you believe Biden won the 2020 election? Do you believe Donald Trump is an authoritarian leaning toward dictator? Do you believe Donald Trump is guilty, indicted/convicted or not, of the crimes at which the evidence so very clearly points?"
Linda, you're not the only one who noticed he failed to clearly answer those questions. LOL!! Instead, as evidence, he points to bustling life outside his door to his "walkable." (I guess the "evidence on the street" is that NAFTA didn't destroy it -- which is meant to reveal the contradiction -- talking out of both sides of his mouth.) I think the reason he won't clearly say that Biden fairly won the 2020 election is that it would make the obvious even more so.
In the early 80s, I returned with my grandfather to a nation still behind the Iron Curtain to visit extended family -- and I kept a journal. I had to laugh because I described life as I saw it in a beautiful park where men were playing chess, walking dogs, women pushing strollers and chatting, children getting ice cream cones from the vendor and laughing as they played. "Buzzing with life." And this "proved" Trump (or life under communism) was A-OK. LOL.
In that same decade -- the 1980s -- I took the family on a cross country road trip. It was incredible to see the number of towns, like Pittsburg, Kansas, whose former downtowns were nearly all boarded up. This was years before NAFTA. The Reagan years.
Lastly, here's my favorite headline from the Trump years. I wish Biden would have carried it with him to East Palestine, Ohio. -- Like 'Dewey Defeats Truman." It's from Fortune magazine, September 24, 2018: "Trump Rolls Back Train-Braking Rule Meant to Keep Oil Tankers from Exploding Near Communities."
Linda, one other thing came to mind, and I think you'll find it valuable. In August of 1941, Harper's published an article by Dorothy Thompson called "Who Goes Nazi?" Thompson had been in Europe for decades as a journalist and documented the rise of the Nazis. (Hitler eventually had her expelled.)
The article takes place at a mythical party, and Thompson goes around the room and details each person's background and personality and describes the characteristics of each that would make a person reject the Nazis, or join along with them. The exchange here brought that article back to mind. Thank you.
Thank you. I will definitely download this article and read it immediately.
There is literally no evidence on the street for anything that you claim - you get that, right? I can walk outside my door, right now, walk over to my little walkable downtown a few blocks away, buzzing with life, and see nothing that is "torn apart". I can go over to the lake nearby and see men, women, and children fishing, or paddle boating, and see total tranquility. It's that way now, and it was that way in 2019, under the Great Orange Hitler.
No, to all that you say. You cannot separate ordinary people from yourself, and "Other" them, based on your perceptions. You don't actually know whether what you've been told is true or not about anything in the last 10 years, and you're a damned poor liberal to be taking anything that comes from the media or from apparatchiks like Robert Reich at face value.
Do you support labor unions? Do you support the right to organize? If so, why on Earth would you give Reich the sweat of your back when he is one of the principal architects of NAFTA? Why do you support a man so obviously a part of the elite class, a class of lawyers and bureaucrats, with nothing in common with the common man?
Trust me, my eyes are open. Open in ways they've never been before. It's you and those like you who are still sleepwalking their way around this country.
It seems to me to be absolutely appropriate to remind you of some history, a particular region and set of facts from history that reflects your assertions while also discrediting them: the people who lived near the concentration camps of Nazi administration, say Auschwitz, claimed they "didn't know." Even the smoke from the chimneys, the train cars full of people, the sounds, the smells...they "didn't know." They were just "ordinary people," just your neighbors, people you pass on the street every day.
Except they DID know.
The difference today is that we ALL know. There can be no claims of innocence or ignorance. YOU know, and even seem proud, of who and what you are standing with and for. You are embracing the overthrow of our government. You are embracing the replacement of our government with fascism. And you do not want those who retain understanding, respect, and even love, for American democracy and democratic institutions to criticize you for your views. They, we, do not even know you, but we know what your views, your leaders, your activities are doing to our country, and that can NEVER be deserving of exoneration from blame.
You are hardly alone in whatever level of discontent you have with our government's policies and practices. Many Americans are not satisfied with those. It is WHY we hold elections, why we can support candidates or run for office ourselves, why we can write letters to editors or politicians or Robert Reich's site. That discontent does not entitle us to violence, anarchy, destruction, propaganda, lies, intimidation.
What you seem to be objecting to is being "called out" for what Hannah Arendt famously called "the banality of evil."
Say it loud and say it clear! Good Germans looked away as millions of Jews, Gays, communists, socialist and the disabled were murdered. Where will Americans look on that day?
Except *That's not happening*. At all. That is not what happened on J6. That did not happen from 2017-2021. There is no Nazi movement in America. There is no Auschwitz about to happen at the hands of anyone in this country. It's unbelievably absurd to believe that these things are a possibility in this country. That's my point - it's beyond the pale to believe such things.
There are disconcerting things happening in our government at the moment and things which have been underway for a long time. There are things going on which should completely unite the populist elements around this country. Those elements are increasingly seeing the world the same, not that Robert Reich would know anything about any of that, because he's a total creature of the Establishment.
I come here for the lunacy, I guess, and to observe it, and to call BS on Robert Reich's horrific demonization of ordinary Americans, which I loathe him for and hold him in the highest contempt. I feel the same for his entire class because they all do it too (Basket of Deplorables indeed..) while they prance around, congratulating themselves as Democrats who are "standing up for the little guy", while they do no such fucking thing.
Most of what you say doesn’t even make sense. So no, you do not see or understand what I and others are saying. And you obviously have heartburn about Robert Reich so why even bother to read his work or comment? You’re in your little neighborhood world so why not just settle for that until it’s all gone.
Reich is directly responsible for helping to gut the working class of America. It's a known fact that he is very close to the Clintons, who are the paragons of neoliberalism ( Read: NOT friends of the Labor Left). These things are facts and have been public record for 30 years. Calling Reich an apparatchik is totally appropriate, considering his historical role and his venomous partisanship in favor of the well-connected and powerful.
If it doesn't make sense Linda, it's because you're not reading it, or not smart enough to get what I'm saying. My comments about everything are clear as day. My comments about Reich are public record. My questions to you are totally straightforward.
Hey Daniel goodbye and good luck to you. If spreading all this hate around really makes a world of a difference to you than I guess go ahead and do that but, be aware that someone, at some point it's going to turn around and stop your hate mongering.
Wish there was a laugh emoji or even an OMG one for you. You’re just proving our points.
I defend Robert Reich because he is trying to educate us about the interface between politics and our economy. He should have his own show on Free Speech TV.
Your eyes may be open but your mind is not. The people who sleepwalk are those who blindly follow Trump. Try opening your ears to the trash he speaks. Try listening and thinking.
How on Earth can you claim that? You literally have a few data points to go off of - how big must "n" be in order to properly perform hypothesis testing? You people here are something else.
To put it in your parlance Daniel I have asked my Evangelical friends to pray for you.
And you think trump has anything in "common with the common man?" If you cared to review his history, ( and most New Yorkers know this) he's screwed over more "common" people ( in particular contractors & various restaurant & country club staff, financially) than anyone that's ever run for any recent presidential office in the last half century.
As for "Sleepwalking," if anyone has been guilty of sleepwalking, it's been those who voted for trump on the basis that he was a stand up, moral guy, ( Epstein's close buddy who knew of his predilection towards young girls as he was at his parties) terrific businessman (how many bankruptcies?) who would run this country like he ran his business' ( into the ground - responsible for 25% of our debt in his 4 years in office, nevermind the many questionable actions behind the scene- financially & during covid by HE & HIS FAMILY.) OH, and let us not forget his attempt to discredit Biden's free & fair election as president & his fomenting of the actions that took place at OUR Capital on January 6th.
But fear not..there is help for sleep walkers. Simply acknowledge that there is no such thing as " alternative facts. Simply acknowledge there is the truth, something trump is incapable of speaking.
You might enjoy the book "In God's Country: The Patriot Movement and the Pacific Northwest" by David A. Neiwert for a deep dive into our violent history. I agree, as the author also promotes, that hatred for the entire opposing side isn't helpful; however, the book cures those who suffer from the ailment of drawing subjective conclusions based on what we see when we look out the window.
It's beautiful that, for the most part, we enjoy a peaceful existence, but that's not the entire picture.
Thanks for the recommendation. I've got three books ahead of that to read this summer (and I'm failing at doing so at the moment) and then maybe I'll pick that one up from my little bookstore up the road next.
Dan, why are you here?
You’re rambling Daniel, that’s why it doesn’t coherently make sense. And it has nothing to do with Reich’s article about CNN, you’re just merely taking the opportunity to bitch about Robert Reich, because you obviously, again, have heartburn about him. I get it. This is your pulpit but stick to the topic or take it elsewhere.
The charcoal calling the pan black. Nice.
You show so much hate. Maybe that is the problem here?
Please, PLEASE, tell me where I'm being hateful. Be very specific, and please avoid using the word "fascist", because that's just embarrassing at this point.
“Woke up“ Daniel Tucker before it’s too late. I realize this comment to you is not very diplomatic and for that I apologize. I do hope you realize the reference. Think about these things, democracy, promote individual dignity, equality, everyone should pay their fair share, understanding history and not denying it., compassion for your fellow citizens and embracing diversity.
Soooo, be a center-left American liberal? That's the only option? What if I'm to the left of you on economics? What if you're wrong on your own assumptions? Diversity? Do you work at a university? You don't know who I am or where I've lived, but you invoke the religion of the upper middle-class American bourgeoisie as if you're casting a demon out of me. What if I told you that I am in favor of nationalizing major domestic industries? What if I told you I'm in favor on nationalized health care? What if I support crushing Wall Street and Silicon Valley with anti-trust regulations? Why do the people here think they are so certain about so many things, and that by subscribing to someone like Robert Reich, an avatar of so much of the bad that has engulfed this country for the last half-century, they are made virtuous?
Daniel take a look at what you've written. Now pretend that that was written by some so-called liberal. Are you awake enough to see what your words mean?
Okay now drink your goats milk and go away.
Maybe your tone is normal for you, but this is not how we talk
"If it doesn't make sense Linda, it's because you're not reading it, or not smart enough to get what I'm saying. My comments about everything are clear as day. My comments about Reich are public record. My questions to you are totally straightforward.
You're angry and hostile.
Really? I feel pretty calm. I was calm when I told Linda that she may not be cognitively strong enough to understand me. It doesn't take anger to call a spade, a spade.
Daniel you do realize that support groups are popping up all over the country for people who are in the state of hate about the other. Now I'm not saying you're one of those people but if you are you might want to consider checking in with one of those haters support groups before someone decides that the chip on your shoulder needs to be knocked off. We on this comment section are not interested in that but you can probably find someone somewhere else who is. Maybe you should go chase that dream.
Friend, I've got no need for such a grouping, but thanks. I'm doing just fine over here.
What ordinary people are you talking about? You mean the MAGA crowd. You guys on the fascist right are abhorrent. You want a white, Christian nation of people who believe just like you.
Wow. And you think you're on the good side. Terrifying.
Whose side are you on besides louts who threaten our state with violence.? we will put you back into your caves and keep you there.
As I said a moment ago, you and those like you will one day act in violence and blood. Remember that you were forewarned.
True That!!!
Look at Florida where I live. It is becoming a hell hole for the poor including poor retirees who come here for their retirement. DeSantis a raving fascist and would drive over his own grandmother to be President. I would not encourage anyone to move here even on South Beach in Miami unless you have 50 million bucks in the bank.
Andrea- Read Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present by Ruth Ben Ghiat
Look at Florida where I grew up and still live. Our governor and the legislature is fascist. These people are horrible. We have an insurance crises and they just make it worse. You cannot even buy a house in my former working class neighborhood unless you have a couple of million bucks.
tfg has already made it clear that revenge will be a big factor if he gets in. He's told the world what he is, but for some reason American media won't call protect American democracy (that reason being money).
Yep, when the news departments of the ABC, NBC, CBS were changed into a profit center and the editors were placed under the thumb of appointed executives, our news media became simply a milder version of a propaganda mill from the 30s and 40s Germany
You mention "historians." One especially interesting one is Peter Turchin. According to his recent article in The Atlantic -- our Titanic has already hit the iceberg and we're headed towards collapse.
"All human societies experience recurrent waves of political crisis, such as the one we face today. My research team built a database of hundreds of societies across 10,000 years to try to find out what causes them. We examined dozens of variables, including population numbers, measures of well-being, forms of governance, and the frequency with which rulers are overthrown.
"We found that the precise mix of events that leads to crisis varies, but two drivers of instability loom large. The first is popular immiseration—when the economic fortunes of broad swaths of a population decline. The second, and more significant, is elite overproduction—when a society produces too many superrich and ultra-educated people, and not enough elite positions to satisfy their ambitions."
Quoting you: "We all need to get serious about stopping these deranged criminals." To paraphrase the old wrestler Fred Blassie -- who was referring to pencil-neck geeks: "They say these deranged criminals come a dime a dozen; I'm lookin' for the guy who's supplyin' the dimes." The dime-supply is the fertile field described by Turchin. I'm afraid that if we don't get serious about that, we'll just be rearranging the deck chairs.
Your quotes remind me of an article I came across years & years ago that - for some reason - has stuck in my mind, I ponder on from time to time, and have pondered a lot more on, of late.
The proposition was that societies begin as relatively free and egalitarian, become less and less free over time, then end up becoming totalitarian - or something like that. The article's point was that nobody seemed able to explain that progression. Keep in mind, we were at the height of the Cold War, while the Soviet Union and the PRC were part of the article's background conditions. Oh yes, and WWII hadn't ended that long ago, at the time. Just sayin'.
Keith, you've got this right! Our media, as the media of 1930s Germany magnify the lies, claiming, people need to know what Trump and Kump are saying. No, they/we don't. We know whatever he says is a lie, a self-serving whine, or both. That's it. We know DeSantis hates everyone but maybe, white men (although that is not clear). Whatever he says is targeted at everyone else, one group at a time. He clearly has a problem dealing with sex because so much of his vitriol is related to that: anti-porn, anti-women of child-bearing years (abortion and their safety), anti-LGBTQ persons (especially trans youth and probably adults too), and drag (an age-old tradition). He hates teachers. It makes one wonder what he thinks a teacher did to him. Maybe one called him out on his bullying or insulting comments. He is racist to his very bone marrow. He couches it in terms like CRT which he has villainized even though he may have read an article about something like it once and his near photographic memory lets him replay the horrors of Black Americans having rights, you know the rights his Italian ancestors came here to get. He doesn't want people who have been here far longer than his family to have those rights. The media need to call his comments and actions that are hooded racism out for the racist comments they are. It seems to me that our media are trying really hard to make DeSantis a sympathetic figure so he will be a foil to Trump. The two of them are cut from the same cloth and are just as hateful, just as racist and all the rest as the other. Yo media, wake up! Start standing for and with the American people, not the fascists who are trying to destroy what we have like Trump and Kump and DeSantis.
Ruth, I hope you don’t mind, I copied this for my own notes. When I find well written comments such as yours that succinctly capture my thoughts, I put them in my notes for reference back to. I will not repost what you’ve said, but merely use it as my own personal reference.
Linda, thank you so much for your kind words. I am glad something I have put together on this amazing thread expressed something meaningful to you.
You speak the truth and if we do not step up and defend our society, our democracy, and our rights as a supposed free people, we will not have that society, democracy will revert to the worst of the NAZI regime, and our law will be a theocratic version of bibilical punishment, torture and death. Time for all honorable Americans to step up, fight back, and insist on our publications returning to the truth in reporting. I have lived as a Contractor in a theocratic country, in fact spent three years in that region, and the very idea that we are even flirting with turning this nation into a ChristoFascist world is so frightening that I weep for my grand children and now my great grandchildren. IF we do not fight for their right to live in a nation of individual rights and freedoms, then we have doomed them to living a life of religious persecution, fascist concentration camp horrors, and no hope for a future.
I have a question - when did MAGAts start being referred to as 'Magadonions'? They aren't 'Magados' so I just don't get it. I much prefer MAGAts.... sounds like what they are. I do agree with everything you said. Everything.
Except there is no apostrophe in "MAGAts". It's simply the plural of MAGAt.
now fixed. :)
You are correct - don't know why I put the
Agree - Magats
I call it The Supreme MAGAt.
The only way to stop Trump and his supporters in Congress, is to give them all each a fentanyl pill, because after all, one pill will kill! Besides, Trump and his supporters that water in Congress, or governors of other states, remind me of Hitler and the Nazis! With all of them gone, that way, Jesus H Christ, that we can restore sight to the blind, that which includes myself! I need my eyesight back more so than I need a new asshole!
The derangement experienced by people like yourself over the events of the last 7 years is truly without historical precedent. You and your supposedly "anti-fascist" compatriots really do think you are all Dietrich Bonhoeffer or the Free French resistance, don't you? You have been victims of one stunning psyop after another all of these years and you've been convinced that you are freedom fighters in Europe in 1943 when that couldn't be further from the truth.
Well said
truth, Keith, but edit your first sentence to "a white, male, supremacist dictatorship"
I don’t feel it is a matter of ignoring his behavior but rather HOW do we accomplish this feat? King Trump the liar of liars thinks he is in charge of the world.
Whoever is pushing CNN to the right, I wish that they would leave CNN and go over to either Fox News or Newsmax for Jesus Christ sakes! In other words, that they don’t want to lead or follow so they should just get the finger fuck out of the way!
As is happening in corporate business the idea is to monopolize news media. When news media is consolidated there wont be any messaging competition. Only one message that they determine what that is. Think like the folks that are doing the take overs. They lean authoritarian. Why? Because business doctrine of the day says, become a monopoly to get the biggest bang for your buck. These rich folks want to stay rich and if that means they have to monopolize government policy then authoritarianism it is. No competition, no one to challenge them. There say or the highway.
I don't know about you, but I pay big time for cable access and media subscriptions. I support Robert and more like him. WAPO, NYT, Miami Herald, etc. I hold some mutual funds that probably have shares in these organizations, except maybe Robert and organizations like Free Speech TV and Meidas Touch.
In a perfect world, the "market" would coordinate all of the companies that we subsidize and give us some say in how the news is presented and how advertising is sold. Government was supposed to make the media markets fair through the FCC and FTC but common sense rules were scrapped.
If a company, like Fox. lies the FCC is supposed to step in. When CNN decided to permit Trump to lie without repercussions, they should be censored. There is no 1st Amendment right to lie. When they give a political platform to the benefit of one party over another, and the other is harmed, they should stand liable.
If I represented the DNC, I'd consider lawsuits for interference with business relations. In some states has to be intentional, in others the standard is negligence.
Moreover given that Fox aided and abetted and gave comfort to an insurrection and to insurrectionists, they have potential criminal liability.
That ought to shake up the media.
Damn I just saw Nikki Haley spouting reaaaaly vial crap on CNN. Yeah man you are right its complicity these media organization need to have some "pain" for their actions.
Bill, yes, I heard Haley's commenhts too. She is just proving that Trump was right to trust her. She is also cut from the same cloth. It is acceptable for a candidate to lie about their own record or an opponent, but when the media reproduce it, then it is a serious problem unless they call it the lie it is. I have so rarely heard the word "lie" in any media. I do hear "may be false, a false clame, not really true, unsubstantiated claim, has no evidence" etc. Those sound like mush and like maybe what was said wasn't the lie it was or the reporter would have called it a lie. Language matters!
I never heard of freespeechTV. Thanks for posting about it.
Have link will share.
Dan if they got you hot and bothered now I am really worried (at least the low key Daniel version of bothered) Or is it we all get ourselves worked up communally? It seems like the campaign to spread false info by media and or individuals online has picked up again. There was a welcome pause on the propaganda spouting and attacks on the right for about 2 months. Now I am seeing attacks on posts that were done months or weeks ago. Weve also seen the uptick here. I dont consider propaganda spouting a difference of opinion, more like putting up a poltical yard sign, there is no two way communication. So the obvious only reason for the propanda spouters is to sew doubt.
Political speech is protected.
If I were Garland, I'd have Fox's admissions in the defamation cases reviewed to see whether the insurrection statutes apply.
If I represented the victims of Jan 6, I'd consider adding Fox as a defendant.
If I represented E. Jean, I'd consider suing CNN.
I'm sure that Fox's defamation suits are object lessons for the rest of the media.
Very well said Daniel. Thank you.
Daniel, how do we get the FCC and FTC to move on these issues. They should have been acting from day one when Trump began his lying about Obama's birth and the other trial balloons Trump sent up. It is not free speech to lie at someone else's expense, particularly politically. How do we stop this when it has become a tsunami? A qualified, caring FCC could make a lot of changes, particularly for Fox. They could censure them until they get their act together. They could keep track of the lies pumped out with no comment that it is a lie. After a certain number, they could be fined significantly or be hit with some other appropriate punishment. It is time to act even though it is pretty much out of control at this point. Something should have been done when Rush and his crew were at it decades ago. Presenting a political point of view is acceptable; Deliberate lying about one's opponent is not.
The administration should be able to rely on the FCC and FTC, but they have been emasculated for many years. The industry has changed radically and local programming seems to be a thing of the past. The current SCOTUS has undermined the power of agencies to do rulemaking. Until a few years ago, courts deferred to agencies' expertise and interpretation of law.
IMHO the immediate response is litigation. As I said above, some media conduct may even be criminal.
huh?? of course there's a first amendment right to lie! didn't one of dear leader's minions tell us there are "alternate facts"? facts are truth, ergo lies are truth. no wait, let me figure this out. oh yeah, so where does it say in the constipation that lies aren't protected speech.? just like the right to privacy isn't in there either, like alioto says. no wait, lemme figure this out. i'll get back to ya. also, like i said yesterday, freedom from the press, 'cause too many inconvenient facts that aren't truth. wait, are facts truth? i'm really confused now.
I wish determining what is covered by the 1st amendment was easy, but it is not.This link helps to see why,without%20violating%20the%20First%20Amendment.
There was a law that required truth when reporting the news. My understanding is that Rupert Murdoch and then President, Ronald Regan, got rid of it.
That's a misunderstanding. The FCC has regulations, not laws, but it has been argued that they do not apply to cable, since it does not use our "airwaves.
One would hope.
The concentration of news media is truly a large reason we have come to this state of democracy destruction. The Sinclair group is just one medium example. This group owns hundreds of news venues, newspapers, television stations, radio stations. The central headquarters develops specific news topics that fit the desire of the Sinclair family/owners. These are then transmitted to ALL of those Sinclair owned outlets, and the staff are FORCED to READ over the air as if it were locally sourced news. Propaganda of the worst kind, and smacking of the way fascism spread throughout the world in the 30s and 40s. Our fathers, uncles and grandfathers fought and died to defeat this horror of NAZI Fascism and were successful in defeating it at the time. However, we in our infinite stupidity have allowed it to take root again, but this time in our own damn country. Where we once died to defeat this curse, many in power and supporters of power happily embrace the white supremacy authoritarian state and work diligently to impose that fascist/theocratic abomination on the people here in the USA. Damn us if we continue to sit on our complacent butts and allow people like Trump, DeSantis, and the majority of the Republican political class destroy our nation, eliminate our individual rights, return our people of color to a status of near slavery and implement their interpretation of biblical law (among the most harsh and unforgiving of rule making).
Any people in the states that can remember what Facism was and is are all dead or are near death now. We can try to teach more about it schools. The fundamental issue is that for the majority of people their lives suck. Unlike the new deal we dont see government coming to our aid. At least not at the same level (aid to corporations and billionaires yes, a tiny percentage to the plebes to act like we are being helped). Then it becomes distrust in government. Rightfully so because of lobbyist and coporate and billionaire control of campaign finance. Thats either going to autocratic fixes a la MAGA or democratic ones a la Bernie Sanders, progressives. The funding seems to be going predominantly to the autocratic sources while the democratic ones are funded by a dwindling amount of public sources. It doesnt seem like the financial battle can be won. The only thing left is the mental battle for peoples hearts and minds.
Oh I am a long way from death, just celebrated my 82nd birthday last month and feeling tip top. Many folks who meet me are surprised when I tell them my age, they all say I don't look that old. So, I do remember the fascist battles that my dad, my uncles all fought to keep our country safe from this scourge. As a result, I hate with a burning passion any asshat who attempts in even the most miniscule fashion to promote the fascist ideology or any damn version of white supremacy. Hate with a hatred more strongly that that of my hatred of Satan and his acolyte Trump
I remember when Sinclair bought a radio station in rural Georgia where I attended a retreat. It was unstaffed, literally, with no local reporting, but broadcasts transmitted from a station elsewhere (or maybe the network). Sinclair is a huge disservice to people in these areas, because it denies them the news the want, even if it seems tedious or boring.
Bill, you are on target with the move to consolidate the media to send out the same message. That was pretty evident during the debt ceiling fiasco the past 2 months. The media all decided to buy the BS that it was a "real" issue whether the debt ceiling should be raised. It was not a worthy issue. It was Republican grandstanding at the expense of vulnerable Americans and Biden had no choice but to cave because if he claimed the 14th Amendment which he should have been able to do, our Supreme Court 6 insanity would have voted against him, probably through the "shadow docket." Then, we would have been right where we started with the nonsense. However, we would have learned more clearly, as if we don't already know, the SC "conservatives" (ultra right-wing corruptionists) are on the side of the fascists, against our own Constitution unless they can warp it to do what their rich donors want (you say they are not supposed to have donors?), wallowing in their own power to destroy just as they recently undermined our Clean Water Act from decades ago. I honestly don't know how to curb this bad behavior, but we need to get started doing it before we have no choice as the German people learned by around 1934.
And the mega donors need guaranteed anonymity. There is no way that should have ever been legalized.
Whether you're red or you're blue CNN as of late has become complacent in its coverage of political news. With the injection of foreign positions not seen in its format previously CNN now exhibits a strong taste of Republican awareness in its overall coverage. Town Hall meetings with audiences that reflect a distinct red flavor are present where in the past if they existed at all a neutral position would be offered. To present both sides of the political thought line on a subject is fine but as it is the Democratic side is being heavily overshadowed by the influence of the ever-present Donald Trump. To be objective is of primary importance to a quality news agency but to emulate Fox News in the support of a Republican agenda leaves past CNN viewers yearning for greener pastures. Mr. Musk and Mr. Licht could lessen the sting of the national debt if they were so inclined but greed would never allow them to be so magnanimous. What their money has allowed them to do borders on the individual privatization of politics by a few massively wealthy individuals that have unspoken goals suited only to their personal needs. It matters not if the color of your blood is red or blue it's the truth that needs to be heard not political rhetoric spewed to benefit a select group of oligarchs born and bred in the good old US of A. Yes, this was a personal opinion.
Fox News probably is best at being Fox News. Let’s leave it to them.
I have a "friend" who "can see BOTH sides."
THIS is killing us... if we don't make a stand RIGHT NOW, the "Great Experiment"
is OH - ver!!!
Used to teach high schoolers how the advent of fascism was the GREAT rallying point for the FREE WORLD during WWII ... Do we have the guts to do it again??
NOT IF WE (media, politicians, business leaders, AND JUST PLAIN individuals of conscience (like yourself, my friend) aren't strong enough to confront the new wave of autocracy/ theocracy poisoning the minds of those who FEAR democracy!!!
And THANKS for calling out the PSEUDO-CHRISTIANS who have come to define God, in all her/his omnipotence for the rest of us...
J EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Z!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (us)
As a Catholic I remember sitting next to my neighbors at church. Out of church the dude was a racist mf'er. Still is. He still has a Trump bumper sticker. I listened to what the priest said about turning the other cheek and treating people as you would like to be treated and that was completely lost on him. People justifying there racism or discrimination through god. That, yeah that doesnt get my respect at all. The christian national and white christian national pundits espouse racism and discirimination these days tucker carlson style. Ie, implied, not outright epitheted out. A part of me wishes that these folks would outright say what they believe so it would be blatantly obvious who they are. I believe they dont say it to gather more followers as White Supremists have learned to work in the political system instead of trying to blow it up from outside.
Bill, we often forget, or at least a lot of Christians and pseudo-christians do, that the Germans who perpetrated the holocaust were "Christian," almost to a person. The Poles, Austrians, Czechs, Hungarians, French Nazis, and the rest were also "Christian." it seems one can twist Christianity to permit all kinds of cruelty as long as you say it is in the name of God. That's appalling, but not new. We don't have to permit it herein our democracy that has and must continue to have a huge separation between church and state, as the founders wanted. The founders may have included some Christian principles in the founding, but they clearly did not want this to be a Christian nation. I love the pseudo-christians bowing and scraping before Donald Trump who has no time for any religion but himself. I get it that those pseudo-christians like to think Trump is one of those "heroes" in Jewish history who did something for Jews even though they didn't approve of Jews (or something like that). Yo white evangelicals and Catholics! Trump cares nothing for you unless he can use you to get whatever he wants. He is addicted to money, power, and your fawning adulation, none of which gets you anything from him and his fascist crew because you are nothing to them once you have left the rally, the arena, and the voting booth.
Jesus is my savior. Seems to be an excuse for a lot of wrongs. Like saying LOL after telling someone they are sh*thead somehow makes it a "joke" and permissible. You were right about the cops dying. Your brothers not voting in 2020 election is still a MAGA success. If false information can make people not vote thats just as good as them voting for the dictator. Dont take this as finger pointing Im not blaming them. Its my full belief that MAGA and its influence is a form of communal narcissism. The people under its influence believe the lies and misinformation. Are they wrong to persecute people for their beliefs, race or religion hell yes. Is it their fault they fell for Narcissistic manipulation? No, that is the fault of the news media, MAGA politicians and influencers.
“Communal narcissism” is spot on! Narcissism (and it flip side of lack of empathy ) are the common traits of a MAGA member.
Thank you. The idea comes from "Don't you know who I am?" by Dr Ramani S Durvasula. ie Dr Ramani on youtube. Its a good short book packed with narcissism info. I would recomend it if you havent read it already. She does not associate communal narcissism with any poltiical party or group. Its more like MAGA does exactly what a communal narcissit group does. So even though "not diagnosed" we can deal with MAGA like you would deal with a narcsissit.
I've long called it, "Pan Cultural Narcissism" (including my own). I'll be looking up Dr. Durvasula's book.
I is a blind person need my eyesight restored for Christ sakes just like Trump and his allies. Need a new asshole! It’s just not only his allies in Congress, it’s also his allies, that who are governors of other states, as well as those out here in California, that who have voted for him! And speaking of that, where, even the proud boys need new assholes of that which summer out here. I bet you all good night from the state of California. Now, the third most largest economy in the world!
The right wing MO is that they don’t really care about anyone that doesn’t look like them, in their social circle, or outside of their income bracket. When I have talked to those on the Right or the so-called libertarians they spout off about “big government”, invariably, but when further questioned about the social injustice of our economic-tiered system that allows for few errors in judgment much less normal growing up or finding yourself, mental illness, the elderly, or those who just don’t fit in, they seem to have very little understanding or conscience. I hear, “Why don’t they stop the belly aching and just get on with their lives and get out of my affairs and the way I run my company?”
I point out that humanity isn’t here to make a profit for a corporation so that their Officers, Board and stockholders can live in a gated community away from the great unwashed who built their company in the first place. It seems like the lives of those who control economic power can be likened to a big VR game to see who wins and how lavishly styled the winner is, and the rest of us are those who just get blown up in some make-believe battle of wits.
I’ve pointed out that we as a people can’t just turn our backs on what is. The reality is that a large portion of our world population and our home population in particular is at poverty level, or just plain struggling trying to find a way to live and keep both their family’s and their own head above the flood waters. How can they continue to deny this or turn away from it, especially when the numbers are and have been exponentially increasing for a long, long time. This ostrichitis epidemic of corporate leaders, those who live off of their investments, and all of their paid for minions, cannot be just about a lack of creativity or brain power to final and support a solution. it seems more to me about a mind set that says, “I don’t care.”
Well Said
Watching from a distance (Perth, Western Australia), it is so sad seeing what is happening in the US (the fascist activities, anti-democratic party and movement, etc). Thank you for all your writing and work, Robert. You are a bright light in dark times.
I have a few friends in Canada, and they also said almost the same thing as you did, they were sad and appalled at what was happening here and said how unbelievable it seemed to be..
Yes, I have friends here and in the UK (where I moved from 15 years ago, but still visit) who are stunned about what is going on there. Many people here and in the UK (and other parts of Europe) consider the US as an autocracy, rather than a democracy, but the situation seems to be worsening. It is so sad. So good to have writers like Robert standing up and shouting about what is going on.
The US is actually an autocracy now and the situation is worsening. With all of these Fascist/GQP party, (formerly the Republican Party) trying to revoke us Democrats from voting is very concerning me. It's supposed to against the law for this to be happening, but the Fascist/GQP seem to be above the law and are allowed to do this. This angers me to no end. We have the right to vote just as anyone is. Good writers like Robert and Heather Cox Richardson are standing up and shouting about what is going on.
By the way, David, i had a first cousin with exactly the same name as you do and spelled the same way. Unfortunately, he had a sudden massive heart attack several years ago and died almost instantly. He was only in his early 40's when this happened. Heart disease runs in our family and I had triple bypass heart surgery back in 2014.
Glad to read “outsiders’” opinions
Maybe the point was not to have CNN compete with Fox on right-wing agenda items but to eliminate CNN as a trusted news source. Just a thought.
Yes, Leslie McIntosh--Absolutely agree that the goal was to eliminate CNN as a legitimate and trusted news source.
They succeded in that - it has never been on my TV since they allowed Trump on, and Cooper had a fit calling many of his now ex-viewers siloed.
Cooper is spitting against the wind. Him staying at CNN wont help the cause. It will only get him fired, or they'll keep him on to look "legitimate". Chris Wallace took it in the ass for how long at Fox before he couldnt take it anymore. I think something similar will happen to Cooper.
Yes just like twitters annihilation. If you try to make a point and get shouted down by vulgarity and racial epithets how can communal communication be had? In the same way CNN spoke frequently about the MAGA BS and shutting that down was more important than being pro MAGA. These billionaires lose a couple billion and it rolls off their backs. For them they have soo much extra cash that their lives arent effected one iota because of their decisions.
Great point!
Used to be CNN was mostly what I watched. No more. Haven't watched it in months due to its programming changes. IF I wanted to watch Faux, I would watch Faux not CNN. I wanted a more impartial, honest station. CNN ain't it... I'm watching PBS and the BBC, of all things!! I'll even watch MSNBC instead!!
You should watch MSNBC. it actually has balanced programming in addition to the left leaning. Nicole Wallace & Morning Joe are ex-Republicans who have guests from all parts of the spectrum.
Follow the money.
My beliefs EXACTLY!!!
The fascist Right Wing Immoral Majority, is just that
-A majority in our declining Democratic country.
Trump, and his lying , prejudiced comrades have opened Pandora’s Box, and given the green light for his underlining evil monsters to rise up, and steal this country from us.
I refuse to wear a Blue Star on my clothes in order to be identified as a Democrat.
I believe that this and other sick Gestapo actions could become the norm.
It’s been said that “Good Will always prevail”, but I’m not counting on it arriving in the near future.
In the end, how did that work out for Hitler?
At the end of his Dictatorship,
Some good had prevailed over some evil , but now the evil prevails.
Apparently we ignored the proverbial “ if we ignore the past, it can repeat itself”
Don’t get me wrong, I’m
Still going to fight like hell to put and end to this horror,
Because I too, am in true actual definition-A Patriot in saving our country, and bringing back the Moral Compass to center.
Just Sayin..
Only thing I disagreed with in your post Kate was your statement about them being the majority. They are NOT! The republicans and their rabid right wing independents make up about 40% on a good day, less than 35% normally. The problem is that we, in the MAJORITY are playing fair when they are playing war and elimination. We try to compromise when they do nothing but obstruct and destruct. Time for us to stop the Mr. Nice Guy BS and start kicking butt and taking names. Time for the Majority to ACT like the Majority. Time for the Democracy supporters to actually support and defend. In other words, stop being complacent, get to the polls and vote against the fascist GOP, and more importantly, take action to defend our democracy, our individual rights, reduce the fascist right wing Supreme Court through legislative actions. In Truth, Defend our Country and it's people.
Indeed, agreed. Progressives are playing by a set of rules & morality that these (maga) republicans don't recognize or don't have the courage to acknowledge any longer in a crowd. But there is no easy solution, if we don't wish to become like them..Except, when they break the rules we can make them accountable & pay the legal price every damn time, instead of allowing them to slip by.
Thank you for your enlightening post.
I too believe that the Democrats need to really step it up against the GOP!
It’s embarrassing, and dangerous to our country, and the world also.
When dealing with gangsters
We must act as gangsters too.
It’s long past time that we
Storm the Bastille.
I did leave that opinion of yours out .
Thanks 🤨
Thank you, Dr. Reich:
Your post combined with Brian Seltzer's quote underscores the fact that corporate media is failing this country badly, and deliberately so.
There can be no both-siderism when thugs like Trump, DeSantis, christian nationalists, and etcetera, are doing everything in their power to turn our country into a facist state.
The U.S. is failing state in no small part because our "leaders" choose not to hold the powerful accountable for their numerous crimes against this country and humanity itself.
As an example, war criminal Henry Kissinger was recently feted at the N.Y. Public Library, which included a secret guest list; I wonder why?
A great deal of the problem lies with people like John Malone-CNN’s largest shareholder. This entire republican debacle was started in the 1970s by wealthy people (the Koch Bros especially) who thought libertarianism was the best governing philosophy and set out to transform our government into a libertarian haven for the wealthy.
That would have been bad enough, but at some point
republicans lost control of their project to Vlad Putin
and various Russian oligarchs. Now, other wealthy
people who supported libertarian principles (e.g. John Malone) are apparently spectacularly unaware libertarians are no longer in control, and haven’t been since Trump made his political presence known.
These wealthy people, CEOs & CFOs have deluded themselves into believing fascists are libertarians.
They aren’t paying attention to the fact that the so-called libertarian republicans in Congress are actually prepared to destroy our government and
our economy as well, because the gov’t and the economy go hand in hand. Destroying one will naturally destroy the other. It’s appalling that CEOs, etc. don’t recognize that, don’t realize Trump is a mentally ill, unstable megalomaniac and further, don’t grasp the danger to themselves and their way of life.
A strong hurray for your recognition of Russian influence in all of this, Susan. It's vitally important that this is understood.
Even some of our "allies" like Saudis, Japan and S. Korea are involved in supporting the Republican agenda. E.G. People who buy Toyotas support Trump.
Interesting. But not surprising. Industrial interests, along with groups like the Chamber of Commerce, always have this greed first perspective. Same is true of the Koch family.
With Malone and the Trump town hall, clearly a waste of time for this long-time viewer to watch CNN. Let it die a quick death, or be bought out by an owner who is not a fan of Fox News.
CNN gave trump a platform to spread the same ol' lies, and lunatic blather, that is all I need to know about CNN. They are as easy to 'ban' from consideration as Fox.
It is clear in today’s world that both Trump and DeSantis intend to turn our countries democracy into an authoritarian dictatorship! Both of these men are clearly dangerous and every effort at the ballot box must be made to defeat these two vicious, spirited tyrants!!!! When going to the ballot box in the upcoming presidential election, please, please, please think of our children, their children, our grand children, and the legacy of our great country!❤️
If trump were to go to jail(doubtful)and not be able to run and if DuhSantis were to win...he would pardon trump in exchange for his support. The country will be forever changed for the worst, unless Biden or another democrat wins...we are at the most crucial point in history in modern times...the fate of our democracy.
I absolutely agree with the comments made in this article!! Stop carrying water for Trump!! He is a traitor to democracy and our nation.
Warner Brothers Discovery stock (WBD) down 24% in the last 3 months.
Oh, that’s interesting Bryan. Down 24%--that should get their attention.
New ceo? Yes. WEDNESDAY UPDATE: Licht is gone. WBD stock is up 5.17 % percent a few minutes ago.
This here is one of the reasons I stopped watching any and all televised news-it’s all questionable since Donald Trump came on the scene, or rather since 2016.
Trump has lowered the standard of everything in this country from journalism to common decency,civility, and even my favorite Morning Joe news show-who cut Trump off-live because he wouldn’t stop running his mouth, I can’t watch because every day is another Donald Trump News day.
CNN was once, at least when Ted Turner ran it, the most reliable name in news as James Earl Jones would voice during the break. When my husband was deployed or on short TDY he told me to watch CNN and I would know where he is. Also back then HLN, the headlines every half hour was the perfect way to catch up-if you wanted more extensive coverage you switched HLN to CNN. Then came one half hour show after another until HLN didn’t resemble the news of the day at all.
Now CNN has traded actual news for entertainment, for what they thought would raise ratings, but has actually lowered them.
How could CNN ever regain its audience? I don’t believe it will. I don’t see how. It will go the way of the History Channel, it won’t resemble at all what it was meant to be. Just as HLN went the way of cheap entertainment so will CNN.
When I stopped watching and listening to the gabbing all day of TV News I felt less stress, less urgency, and yes less anger. No more talking heads talking over each other-no more hearing Donald Trump-Americas biggest mistake ever-lying his a double s off.
I get the AP mainly for facts without others opinions and a few others like Reuters, and NYT’s and I get more out of it.
The truth is no longer popular, there has to be conspiracy, something else lurking in the dark, it can’t be so simple, it has to entertain. But there’s wrong with reporting the truth as it is-regardless of it’s popularity. The truth is that every time Donald Trump opens his mouth a lie comes forth. He can’t help himself. And giving him a platform, to an audience he hasn’t reached before isn’t news, it’s a clown show because that’s what trump is. A dangerous clown.
He’s mad, insane, crazy. I could be here all day with pages of synonyms that match “insane” but I’ve said more than even necessary. Just my own venting. He’s ruining everything we are.
We used to be normal. Let’s Make America Normal Again. #MANA
I’ll vote for that TJ. Make America normal again!
Trump has support. helpers. Without these folks in high places, he would be gone. So this is not only or merely Trump. We have dark forces on the move in this country.
But it's a good sign that CNN is losing viewers if that is so.
How far can we slide down the slippery slope before it becomes impossible to reverse course? Many of the institutional pillars that used to prevent too much slippage (journalism, access to voting, the courts, etc.) are showing cracks, like our crumbling infrastructure, ignored and taken for granted. As any engineer can tell you, there’s a point after which just a very small push will cause a complete collapse.
Regarding our crumbling institutions, Build back better was more than a slogan. It is what we need to do. The calcified establishment view exemplified by Joe Manchin and Kristen Sinema was threatened by the mention of new thinking and finding better solutions to better formulated issues. Out came the lobbyists to grease the palms of receptive politicians, the strategically positioned grifters who feed on the body politic. Money really is the root of all evil.
Sadly so true. How to fight misinformation? It’s hard and many people who do get eaten for lunch. We as a community better wake up! If all of us don’t raise up we will watch our country dissolve into a fascist dictatorship! If either DeSantis or Trump wins our democracy will be over. Follow the money! What would Russia. China and Saudi Arabia have to gain if America is not in the picture anymore? Come on it’s not rocket science. We are headed to a system no one will want or live in. Fight back!!!! We are the majority! We can take on this fight if we all don’t fight together. Listen to all news. I have a friend that is brainwashed by fox. Whenever she brings up thoughts like I love Robert Kennedy Jr. I know fox has won again. We all need to all have conversations with brainwashed people. That’s how things change. My father did not fight a war so we could sit around and bs. Get out there and be the change!!!!!
We live in the French countryside. Being American we do not have access to British channels. In fact, after Brexit, we could not longer get MSNBC in France. ???
All we have been left with is CNN. We are Democrats and we relied on the old CNN for our tv news. Sadly that is no longer the case. We no longer watch TV at all and get our news from people like you and Heather Cox Richardson. (Thank you!) What will become of Fareed Z?
You’re better off. I stopped watching even my fav morning Joe, on fav MSMBC. Get the AP associated Press and NYT’s like did you’ll get breaking news and won’t have to hear sound bites if Trump
And the WPO