The MAD Narcissist and his Magadonions are on a mission to overthrow our government and turn our country into a white supremacist dictatorship!

We all need to get serious about stopping these deranged criminals. While they continue to promote disinformation we need to continue to counter with real facts. Our American Historians will continue to provide historical recollections of how fascists, who have been around forever, try to rig the system in their favor.

Trump, who rejects the rule of law system,

has made it abundantly clear his intent to dismantle that system if he gets another opportunity. It would be Fascism on steroids!

One aspect of fascism is repeating the lie over and over until your followers come to believe it, accepting it as an obvious truth, something Trump is the true master of!

Trump is a bully who repeats his lies until they become accepted as fact, at least by his Retroublican followers, and who eschews the rule of law in favor of personal loyalty to him.

Let’s not wait until its too late. Everyday we ignore this behavior to continue without confronting it is another day closer to their ultimate goal!

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Watching from a distance (Perth, Western Australia), it is so sad seeing what is happening in the US (the fascist activities, anti-democratic party and movement, etc). Thank you for all your writing and work, Robert. You are a bright light in dark times.

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Maybe the point was not to have CNN compete with Fox on right-wing agenda items but to eliminate CNN as a trusted news source. Just a thought.

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Used to be CNN was mostly what I watched. No more. Haven't watched it in months due to its programming changes. IF I wanted to watch Faux, I would watch Faux not CNN. I wanted a more impartial, honest station. CNN ain't it... I'm watching PBS and the BBC, of all things!! I'll even watch MSNBC instead!!

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Follow the money.

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Thank you, Dr. Reich:

Your post combined with Brian Seltzer's quote underscores the fact that corporate media is failing this country badly, and deliberately so.

There can be no both-siderism when thugs like Trump, DeSantis, christian nationalists, and etcetera, are doing everything in their power to turn our country into a facist state.

The U.S. is failing state in no small part because our "leaders" choose not to hold the powerful accountable for their numerous crimes against this country and humanity itself.

As an example, war criminal Henry Kissinger was recently feted at the N.Y. Public Library, which included a secret guest list; I wonder why?

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A great deal of the problem lies with people like John Malone-CNN’s largest shareholder. This entire republican debacle was started in the 1970s by wealthy people (the Koch Bros especially) who thought libertarianism was the best governing philosophy and set out to transform our government into a libertarian haven for the wealthy.

That would have been bad enough, but at some point

republicans lost control of their project to Vlad Putin

and various Russian oligarchs. Now, other wealthy

people who supported libertarian principles (e.g. John Malone) are apparently spectacularly unaware libertarians are no longer in control, and haven’t been since Trump made his political presence known.

These wealthy people, CEOs & CFOs have deluded themselves into believing fascists are libertarians.

They aren’t paying attention to the fact that the so-called libertarian republicans in Congress are actually prepared to destroy our government and

our economy as well, because the gov’t and the economy go hand in hand. Destroying one will naturally destroy the other. It’s appalling that CEOs, etc. don’t recognize that, don’t realize Trump is a mentally ill, unstable megalomaniac and further, don’t grasp the danger to themselves and their way of life.

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With Malone and the Trump town hall, clearly a waste of time for this long-time viewer to watch CNN. Let it die a quick death, or be bought out by an owner who is not a fan of Fox News.

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CNN gave trump a platform to spread the same ol' lies, and lunatic blather, that is all I need to know about CNN. They are as easy to 'ban' from consideration as Fox.

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It is clear in today’s world that both Trump and DeSantis intend to turn our countries democracy into an authoritarian dictatorship! Both of these men are clearly dangerous and every effort at the ballot box must be made to defeat these two vicious, spirited tyrants!!!! When going to the ballot box in the upcoming presidential election, please, please, please think of our children, their children, our grand children, and the legacy of our great country!❤️

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I absolutely agree with the comments made in this article!! Stop carrying water for Trump!! He is a traitor to democracy and our nation.

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Warner Brothers Discovery stock (WBD) down 24% in the last 3 months.

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This here is one of the reasons I stopped watching any and all televised news-it’s all questionable since Donald Trump came on the scene, or rather since 2016.

Trump has lowered the standard of everything in this country from journalism to common decency,civility, and even my favorite Morning Joe news show-who cut Trump off-live because he wouldn’t stop running his mouth, I can’t watch because every day is another Donald Trump News day.

CNN was once, at least when Ted Turner ran it, the most reliable name in news as James Earl Jones would voice during the break. When my husband was deployed or on short TDY he told me to watch CNN and I would know where he is. Also back then HLN, the headlines every half hour was the perfect way to catch up-if you wanted more extensive coverage you switched HLN to CNN. Then came one half hour show after another until HLN didn’t resemble the news of the day at all.

Now CNN has traded actual news for entertainment, for what they thought would raise ratings, but has actually lowered them.

How could CNN ever regain its audience? I don’t believe it will. I don’t see how. It will go the way of the History Channel, it won’t resemble at all what it was meant to be. Just as HLN went the way of cheap entertainment so will CNN.

When I stopped watching and listening to the gabbing all day of TV News I felt less stress, less urgency, and yes less anger. No more talking heads talking over each other-no more hearing Donald Trump-Americas biggest mistake ever-lying his a double s off.

I get the AP mainly for facts without others opinions and a few others like Reuters, and NYT’s and I get more out of it.

The truth is no longer popular, there has to be conspiracy, something else lurking in the dark, it can’t be so simple, it has to entertain. But there’s wrong with reporting the truth as it is-regardless of it’s popularity. The truth is that every time Donald Trump opens his mouth a lie comes forth. He can’t help himself. And giving him a platform, to an audience he hasn’t reached before isn’t news, it’s a clown show because that’s what trump is. A dangerous clown.

He’s mad, insane, crazy. I could be here all day with pages of synonyms that match “insane” but I’ve said more than even necessary. Just my own venting. He’s ruining everything we are.

We used to be normal. Let’s Make America Normal Again. #MANA

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Trump has support. helpers. Without these folks in high places, he would be gone. So this is not only or merely Trump. We have dark forces on the move in this country.

But it's a good sign that CNN is losing viewers if that is so.

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How far can we slide down the slippery slope before it becomes impossible to reverse course? Many of the institutional pillars that used to prevent too much slippage (journalism, access to voting, the courts, etc.) are showing cracks, like our crumbling infrastructure, ignored and taken for granted. As any engineer can tell you, there’s a point after which just a very small push will cause a complete collapse.

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We live in the French countryside. Being American we do not have access to British channels. In fact, after Brexit, we could not longer get MSNBC in France. ???

All we have been left with is CNN. We are Democrats and we relied on the old CNN for our tv news. Sadly that is no longer the case. We no longer watch TV at all and get our news from people like you and Heather Cox Richardson. (Thank you!) What will become of Fareed Z?

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