As Americans we have lost our way. How you become rich is no longer relevant! Case in point, one of the most devious people ever in history became the 45th president of the United States! Twice impeached, 4 times indicted and he is more popular than ever. Hopefully it’s not the majority but many Americans are believing in him and his lies! What’s truly sad is that all these people have to do is fact check his history.
How aboutL "The Trump" Award for the biggest contemporary liar.
'30,573 lies in office -- All time record.
1 Coup attempt
1 Insurrection
1 Confirmed rape
1 Worst Recession since Depression
91 criminal chages
6 bankruptcies
4 indictments
2 impeachments
1 convicted company
1 fake charity shut down
1 fake university shut down
26 sexual assault allegations
$25 million fraud settlement
$5 million sexual abuse verdict
$2 million charity abuse judgment
I'd have called it the Goebbels Award, but "the big lie" and his paens to white supremacy make Trump the American version, and school is still our how far and how effective his bullshit and his depravity will get.
Marlo, it would be great scrolling on every screen in USA., although it would take a long time. And, I thought it was a typo too. Thanks for pointing that out!
Thank you. Like everyone else I am terrified of a Trump presidency and I am desperately trying to educate people as well as the news media, and holding them accountable to tell the truth.
Wonderful idea…scrolling on every screen. Maybe we should send it to the campaign headquarters. No talking, just scrolling. What an effect that would have!
Where are we as a people? Time, as you would expect, should point us in a direction reflecting the knowledge we acquired in previous encounters with subversive agents within our government. However, it is evident negative agents operating covertly are actively attempting to undermine and take down our current form of government. We, as a country, are about to run out of money. A possible shutdown of our government is looming over Washington and with only 8 days left before things get dicey there are elements within the Republicans that McCarthy can't control who want our system to collapse. Where is there seen an ounce of "Common Good " in that line of thinking? Those elected members of Congress who shame themselves and this country by refusing to further this country's financial needs stand as an affront to what the good people of this country envision for our future. It is beyond me how people housing such negative feelings toward this country could ever dupe the public into voting for them in an open and free election. Where should the actual shame be placed? How about the voters who couldn't see through the lies these candidates spewed during their campaigns? The supposedly good people of their respective states have opened the door for a number of lunatics to enter our government. Like a group of unwanted ticks and chiggers, these buffoons have entrenched themselves within our congressional membership and want nothing more than to bring about its downfall. Where is there common good in their ridiculous plan? It's a shame that our people can't read through Trump's never-ending lies. If they could just maybe they would pinch themselves and wake up.
Donald, I think one of the problems people have in making voting decisions is that Republican candidates for any office are not expected to give straight answers about anything. Supreme Court nominees lie that they can't say anything because it will impact their potential decisions. They claim they believe in precedent, then when get on the Court, they prove their hearings statements are lies. Lying is now "the coin of the realm" for Republicans and some others and We the People demand no better. I heard an interview this morning on NPR of a Republican congressman, I didn't hear who, but from the accent, it is clear he is from the Old South. The interviewer couldn't get in a question over the man's babbling about nothing, almost twisting his positions from one part of the interview to the next. He supposedly thinks movement has been made toward a budget agreement, but gave no evidence, then he dragged out the old nonsense of comparing the federal budget to a church, NPR, or household budget. His loyalty to McCarthy came through his statement that he voted 15 times for McCarthy to be Speaker, but could support his loyalty with no examples of anything McCarthy had done for the people of this nation. It was a terrible interview, but I am guessing that is just what is expected of Republican interviewees: no substance, nonsense, a little whining and blaming, a lie or two, and free publicity for the interviewee. We should be able to do and have better, but alas, no one seems to be willing to demand better, so constituents will continue to vote in fools who have no sense of the Common Good, only their own quest for power and money and the people will continue to whine that they have been forgotten and ignored. They continuously set themselves up for it by voting in the exact people who will forget and ignore them until election time. Pathetic!
Ruth--The Republican party accounts for approximately 25% of the voting block in this country. I can't help but believe there must be some average normal people imbedded in that group. Aside from those which I do hope exist there seems to be a large body of our fellow citizens that just don't get it. Trump and those who follow in his foot steps rule through fear. They attack what exists without considering the consequences because they are instructed to do so. All in the effort to create a sense of confusion and fear because that is where Trump finds his comfort zone. His followers are basically this country's adult children, who as such, are in desperate need of guidance. The problem we face is getting them to switch from listing to Trump to hearing the voice of reason which the rest of us embrace.
Tina--They just announced that Senator Menendez, a democrat, is under investigation for bribery. The FBI did a search of his home and discovered hoards of cash and several gold bars. In itself, not a crime but the circumstances under which he came by the loot has placed Mr. Menendez under suspicion. If indeed he is guilty of anything all he did was follow the Republican's lead.
Jenny Stokes: 'Education' and 'the 4th estate' as in news media, have let us down. Even now, we have those who want to ban books and anything they do not like being taught in schools. Or discussed anywhere. Ignorance is not bliss. It is dangerous.
Who was it that once stated long ago something to the effect that, "The people/voters will get the governance they DESERVE!"??
Of course, that also blames and shames those of us who DO vote for the Common Good, as well as our own best self interests, but are forced to pay for all of the ignoramus, low info, racist/fascist POS, nihilist voters choices due to the way our system allows for minority (of the voting populace) control/rule over ALL of us.
David, it seems to me that we can help the uninformed, the deliberately uninterested, the cultists by getting more of the facts to them in paletable forms: cartoons/comics, short videos that can just show up but are bright and colorful, and quick online articles with links if they want more. The quick articles, unlike most of today's must have all the basic information and only need them to link if they don't have enough info. Maybe a few songs by well-known artists, clever documentaries they can watch to catch up with what is going on and what they are probably missing. A cartoon demonstrating how easy/hard it is to register and vote an the various states, could also help. They should be designed by and produced by young people. If they are good enough older people will get the message but younger folks would be pretty much guaranteed to catch onto at least some of the information. I have ideas, but alas, no production skills.
Jenny--If Jesus was to make an appearance he would find disfavor with our ideas surrounding capitalism. However, he would favor a refined version of a combination of socialism and communism, which by the way has never been practically applied, it's existence has been in name only. But in reference to the poor education idea, you hit the nail on the head.
That's true but old....also fined $2 mil by DOL for using illegal Polish aliens on his job sites.
The Trump org also prefers temprary Balkan workers over hiring Amercans or green card holders at his Florida proerties.
The joke about his cuttent plea to auro workers is that he had his suits and ties manufactured offshore and his daugher goht breaks from the Chinese government, at the same time she was supposedly a government employee.
$2 million for speaking at events hosted by Hak Ja Han Moon and a group she co-founded with her husband, Sun Myung Moon, the late leader of the Unification Church, and $2.5 million to comment on a boxing match. In addition, he disclosed that his wife, Melania Trump, earned $1.2 million from speaking fees. 'Stroke, stroke."
Why haven't the democrats brought the charges you mention up in Congress? Why have they ignored information that just might sway more independent voters? Why hasn't the DNC use this as advertising fodder? It's mind boggling to me, while rethug's turn every statement made by democratic leadership into a rethuglican headline that defames them.
Old is the point. His corruptness is not new and it was also a habit/trait of his father, before him! He has a LONG track record and apparently got it honestly!
Daniel Solonan, you get the award for "Diligence of Truth" and for making me laugh. I want a t-shirt with the accomplishments you listed on one side and the words, "We should all vote for him." on the other side. It just might wake a few people up.
My suggestion? Rename the "Republican" party the "Trumplican" party! They DESERVE to wear that black stain into the darkness they have fully deserved since Ronny peed his adult diapers on the world stage.
It has long astounded me to see the MAGA crowd actually BRING children to those bund-rallies. I think they should be reported to DCFS for investigation of child abuse/endangerment. To expose developing minds to the obscene, lying, traitorous propaganda of the criminal con-man as if it is legitimate American activity is abuse.
Probably better to save the effort - as the question is redundant (note that many of those listed items have been common knowledge about DJT since the late 1980's - and that this would be only his third time representing his party of choice)...
Not more popular. That's BS. His numbers are decreasing daily. Approximately 30% of Republicans are not MAGATs, will not support Trump. I don't think we can "convert" many, just make sure they don't vote.
What frustrates me the most is that the DNC does not take on Fox and other right wing media. Fox took DNC ad money only to use it agaib=nst Biden. IMHO that's actionable!!! Need to sue.
Everry time someone falsely accuses Biden of something sinistser, like child molestation, bribery, should be sued. .
I keep hearing Trump supporters praise his policies and what he accomplished while President, yet they’re very vague about what those were. Any chance you could list those as well? You won’t need much room, I’m sure.
Kudo's to your reiterating tRump's abominations which should make it impossible for him to get out of the dustbin of History. (However, he didn't get into office during the Great Recession. . ?!?)
Hi, Laurie! I have long thought that there should be a required class taught from kindergarten through high school that teaches students to treat others with dignity, to treasure the environment, & develop values that work toward the common good. Teaching civics, ethics, critical thinking skills & environmental stewardship would be part of it. It might be called "Ethics".
Jamie, as a retired teacher, I say I agree with you about an "Ethics" class that incorporates all the components you name, using a variety of materials to get student thinking going. I used to use quotes from people to challenge students to decide whether there was merritt to what the person had said and why. The answers were interesting and usually not what I expected. I loved the conversation that would arise from the comments. In a way, though I would like to have ethics taught in every subject, every year because it is part of everything we do if we are serious about American values, integrity, and the Common Good.
Long ago when I was a grammar school student, some teachers espoused such values as respect for others, families, elders and community and applied them to most subjects taught at the time (1950's-60's). The horrors of WW2 seemed to make it necessary to do so but sadly, those lessons that defined acting for the common good must be revived in every generation.
Jaime Ramirez; It could be more extensive as they move through the grades, and get older. Actions speak louder than words. A simple thing like not littering is where my learning started. We lived next to a little store that sold candy and newspapers, etc. Kids would walk out of the store pulling papers off of their treats, only to throw them onto the sidewalk. If they were properly supervised, they would learn to put the wrappers into their pockets, or find a trash receptacle,.I would never litter, ever since I can remember. "Monkey' see: 'monkey' do". It was the easiest lesson when it was modeled by the older kids and adults.
I was in Fourth grade or so when California adopted a policy of never throwing trash from your car or you would be fined. It started because there was no such restriction, and the highways were littered. My parents teamed with us children to keep our highways clean. It stuck - became a way of life even outside the car.
For some reason now it looks out of control as I travel streets and highways.
Oregon was the first state to institute an anti-litter law. I have also seen some backsliding on littering.
I went to Malaysia & Singapore at different times. They have basically the same regulations: "no smoking", "no littering", "don't throw trash out of the bus". The difference is Singapore enforces its rules & Malaysia doesn't. Singapore is practically spotless. I remember walking down their city sidewalk, noticing there was no litter at all, until I spotted something on the ground ahead of me. It turned out to be a dead leaf. On the other hand, Malaysia is quite dirty in many places. It doesn't help that they had open sewers (another difference from Singapore).
Jaime, I remember taking a walk with my entire kindergarten class to walk down the street to look at a giant maple tree that was red and orange with Autumn colors. We stopped and gathered around the tree to talk about why trees change color. Then we each picked up a leaf from the ground and took it home to have our mothers iron it between 2 pieces of wax paper. I never forgot that lesson and how awe inspiring that tree was.
At this point, even just a REQUIRED, stand alone, Civics class would be a welcome improvement, and vastly greater than what we have currently. ;)
But YES, the other inclusions you've stated would be almost utopian in what they could do for our citizenry. :)
One thing I DO know, is that this 4th REICH NAZI, racist, white supremacist/apologist "Prager U" BULLSHIT MUST BE STOPPED, and then outright BANNED from our institutions of learning, or we WILL BE 1935 Germany.
I have observed that high school students adopt their parents’ beliefs and if they go on to higher education, that is where as a teacher I found that they learn to think for themselves and depart from their parents influence when they study history, Political Science, literature, psychology etc. especially when the parents are illogically narrow and uninformed.
That I would expect, and it is the extreme rightwing fascists' 'rationale' for lambasting almost all institutions of higher learning as "establishments of leftist, 'woke', and socialist ideology indoctrination, and brainwashing" (yeah, sic, and SICK!).
What I never understood is that even without any schooling beyond high school, I always thought that there was inevitably a 'natural' rebellion against their staid parent's attitudes, mindsets and worldviews.. ???
I guess NOT, and the parents' dogmatization is just as strong and long lasting as Goebbels' (Fux Noise's) brainwashing on the (chronologically, at least) adults.
David G Hinkes ; Our local schools now have civics classes. our high school students have attended National competitions and won! Financial literacy is another added course, which may help students deal with and understand wealth inequality, at the very least, avoid a bad deal.
David G Hinkes ; I agree that NAZI ideals should not be considered free speech. If anyone held marches in favor of lynching, would it be tolerated? There must be limits. If a misogynist group was out there promoting rape and torture, would that be OK, free speech? I don't think so!
Supposedly, (I am told) there ARE 'limits', i.e.; the cliched and proverbial "you CANNOT scream FIRE! in a crowded movie theater when there is none" scenario, but they are NOT 'codified' definitively.
Our 'genius, all-seeing/all-knowing' patriarchal 'founding fathers' did not even bother or attempt to do so, as they overlooked way too many other 'improbable details' in their original Constitutional Convention (which are coming back to bite freedom and democracy lovers in this land, in the AZZ now!). :(
Maybe there are truly NOT any limits, as long as it is SPEECH and NOT violent actions/battery?!?
(See; The ACLU's defense (and winning the case in court) of the POS SCUM NAZIS marching in Skokie, Illinois, right through some predominantly Jewish neighborhoods as a case in point. :( )
I'd like some of our triple doctorate, voluminously informed Constitutional scholars on here to weight in on this topic. ;)
The institution that has for centuries claimed to be the rightful place to teach/learn these lessons is the church. Unfortunately, to many self-serving ppl have taken "leadership" positions in the church and they are no longer teaching those lessons, nor holding other "christians" accountable for exercising those basic principles of treating others as thyself, loving thy neighbor as demonstrated/defined by the Good Samaritan and dying to self(ishneshness).
Correct, many churches are more & more teaching theocratic dogma that sound very similar to fascist propaganda, & not the help your neighbor, feed the poor philosophy many used to be known for.
And this type of instruction DOES continue beyond Kindergarten. As I said, the children go home and are not held to account. I don't know what people think is actually happening in schools, but maybe they ought to spend some time in several before they claim that schools aren't teaching children these skills. You cannot control what goes on outside of your classroom, however.
Laurie, you are right about teaching critical thinking skills, but Republicans don't want that, see Florida. If one teaches critical thinking, future interviews with Republican operatives would be more honest and less drooling.
Ruth Sheets; I have known a few teachers, especially a particular family, most of whom were teachers. The oldest daughter taught in a small 'hilltown'. She had challenges from parents who were critical of what was being taught, and were quick to complain about their kid's grades. It got so bad that she decided to work in the library 'help resource' position, where she could work more independently with students.
Laurie, Imagine learning critical thinking in school and at universities! The biggest threat to the human race is awarding ignorance and criminality. How do we get to address climate crisis without it? We need more Robert Reich types in teaching positions. (You commie you!) 😁😄
Seeking Reason; It's hard to understand how anyone can miss the importance of climate stewardship, after all the fires, floods and heatwaves we have either heard about or actually experienced! In my area, a nearby farming community had over 2,000 acres of produce lost in flooding. If it gets bad enough, the 'food chain' is not to be taken for granted. I think about the thousands without homes in Canada and even Vermont due to fires and floods . It's not new either: look at sub -Saharan regions and those unfortunates who are dying of starvation from famine. Not new, but getting close enough to no longer ignore!
I agree Laurie, it astounds me that people are so disconnected from the affects of climate changes and both plant, animal & human consequences. I live in Chicago and we were choking on the smoke from the fires in Canada. We were worse than Beijing on a couple of days and NY had that status longer. Multi-millions of trees and animals gone in a matter of days! Droughts and steaming hot weather where our fruits and veges come from! Feeling those effects, is ahead of us. Money cannot buy us out of consequences.
I agree. I dont think critical thinking comes until later when the brain is fully developed (25)? Might be wrong. But kids can learn to think for themselves and learn empathy
Susan Von Tobel ; While at U Mass, I enjoyed a class taught by a woman who would examine newspapers and have us look at articles and advertisements critically. She would point out discrepancies and even whopper lies. It was fun. I don't remember what the course was actually called, but I think it should have been "critical thinking".
Deluded, willfully ignorant people don’t fact check. And I think the support of trump is massively over-estimated. Why would trump’s numbers grow when he lost by multi millions last time? Does anyone think the massive LGBTQIA+ population is more inclined to vote for trump? the brown/black population? Women who fought like hell to get freedom of choice on what to do with their own bodies! ? Young people who see their friends killed at school on a regular basis?
STOP underestimating us. Do not play into the very fear the right has drummed up! Fists up!
YES, more than merely 'deluded', but as you have stated, also 'willfully ignorant' as well.
Regardless of how incessantly bombarded with ignorant, destructive, 'AGAINST the Common Good' disinformation, propaganda, and LIES these people may be, it is STILL their 'will' to be brainwashed by it, and there must be something they desire about it (racism, ANTI-SEMITISM, xenophobia, LGBTQIA+++ phobia and hatred, misogyny, etc. etc.) in order to WILLFULLY accept, embrace and follow all of the BULLSHIT!
There IS plenty of 'blame and shame' which must be projected upon THEM, unless they really do NOT possess one functioning cerebral cortex neuron amongst the lot. ;)
With all due respect, I think you are disregarding the fact that they do not care about his history; they know it. They embrace it. They are like him and he pretends to be like them because he is a con-artist and he is fleecing them.
You must be right as we have witnessed the undermining and outright destruction of anything and everything pertaining to anything benefiting "the public": public education, public libraries, popular vote, honest districting for voting, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, infrastructure, defense..... etc. etc.
Another facet of the same mentality: privatizing everything once "public": water, beaches, prisons, roadways, schools, defense..... etc. etc.
The restructuring of America (what a beautiful concept it was) into a feudal system, with oligarchic aristocrats and their unimaginable, unprecedented wealth as overlords to a peasant/peon underclass who are poor, uneducated, addicted to one form of distraction or another (drugs, pornography, propaganda, etc. etc.) in order to keep them indentured, and desperate but helpless in the face of overwhelming odds in favor of those holding all power (wealth, military/nuclear, all resources, etc. etc.)
These are the most challenging times for humanity, maybe ever but certainly since WWII.
The Declaration of Independence states that governments are instituted to secure the people's rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We attain the common good when we secure these rights.
Keith, you are right that all Trumpers and Trumpettes would have to do to see what 45 really is would be to do a simple fact check. They just can't do that because I believe they know exactly what he is and are OK with that. They think he must be something special to have gotten away with all he has done with impunity. They or at least many of them would like to be able to do that too and maybe have a TV show based on their life. Anti-heroes are all the rage right now. So much of what is portrayed in "favorite" programs has nothing to do with Common Good or anything else positive.
Sometimes they have an epiphany. And when they do, they sound like General Milley,and the 85 ex MAGATs who will testify against Trump in the DC case.
Although some have the racist subconscious predeliction to hate "the other," about 90% of MAGATS have been voting agaibst their own economic interests and physical health. The reason so many left NY and CT and other blue states is because the Trump "tax cuts" cost them deductions for business expenses and state taxes. Republican elimination of the Biden child tax credit cost $300 per month per child. Caused increase of poverty, especialy in red states.
It is not just that the Americans have lost their way, it is that democracy as we now know, it has been so undermined as to be able to lead people astray. Yes, it is vital that We must defeat Trump to give us four more years of time to keep our ship of democracy afloat. But also it is time to dare to imagine a new form of democracy that will function better than the one that is over 200 years old. That will take some vision and bravery on the part of those who are willing to imagine a better system, and then turn it around and sell it to the majority of Americans who are not in favor of Trumpism and authoritarianism.
Two books that get at what's going on at a deeper level. The Unconscious Civilization by John Ralston Saul and Silent Coup: How Corporations Overthrew Democracy by Claire Provost & Matt Kennard.
Here is a link with numerous reviews of Saul's book.The market ideology makes critique of our civilization difficult. Hence, civilization is unconscious.
Our corporate structures really took off during Muzzolinni's fascism which Hitler copied...corporate ideology in any the name of Marxism, communism or facism or the market is the issue.
Not sure I'm understanding this; government as a form of corporatism. Guess i need to read the book. Do we have anything equivalent to a Massey Lecture on , say, NPR ? Not that I'm aware of. or of any deeper critique of society put out to "the masses".
Don't know Street. Not sure I need greater insight, unless it contributes to change. It's like climate change. I really don't need to know more about the science. I need to work for change. At some point learning more is simply a distraction from doing what needs to be done. Reading and commenting on Reich SS is a luxury which I should forego more often.
Yoshimatsu, you can't destroy beliefs with violence. It just drives them underground temporarily. I agree instead with consequences and other wise actions to help transform them.
“Let’s be clear about what the former president is saying here. House Republicans should shut down the government unless the prosecutions against him are shut down. He would deny paychecks to millions of working families & devastate the US economy, all in the service of himself.” “
~ Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA)
Gaetz is demanding the Republicans in the House follow Trumps orders! Can’t these few DANGEROUS people be removed from office for obeying the COMMANDS of ONE person (Trump) instead of their VOW to protect our country & the American people?
I see Schiff as a leading voice of conscience in the House. Some others: Jamie Raskin, Ted Lieu, Katie Porter, Rashida Tlaib, Cori Bush, Raul Grijalva, & in the Senate, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Jeff Merkley, Sheldon Whitehouse & Cory Booker.
And did you see/hear Eric Swalwell's retort and rebuke to the detestable Jim Jordan and Jordan & Co.'s absolutely nauseating Inquistion of Merrick Garland? Maybe put Eric Swalwell on your list, eh?
Jim Jordan NEVER took the bar exam. He is NOT an experienced, practicing attorney and should NOT be the head of the Judiciary Committee! His sole mission is he is out to get President Biden.
I wish we could remove them. It absolutely astounds me that these few politicians are calling all the shots in Washington!! There should be work arounds when this happens instead of wringing the hands and giving in to them.
We should create a Roll of Shame with categories. One for politicians who use their status to attain office and then rule rather than represent. One for CEOs who's sense of self worth exceeds their contributions to the improvements and innovation in the corporations and companies they lead.
We should create a Roll of Honor for people who in their daily life recognize the dignity of all the members of their community regardless of the economic circumstances of those members. A person living on the street didn't get there by themselves. A person living in the most beautiful home didn't get there by themselves no matter how strongly they shout, "No one helped me. I did it all on my own."
Another shameful one could be for the SHAREHOLDERS of stocks with those corporations, who push/DEMAND, and vote for increased, unsustainably excessive returns on their investments, to the total detriment, ruin and destruction of those who said corporations are supposed to be SERVING (looking at YOU Medicare Advantage Plan 'insurance companies'! ;) ).
They won't jail him as it's a very tight wire the courts are walking - trying to maintain the illusion of "equal and fair" etc. while also trying to forestall another outbreak of domestic terrorism and, as lusted after by the likes of Steve Bannon and "General" (what??!!! how did a traitor get promoted to General! Call Wee Tommie Tubaville!!) Flynn, Civil War!
What the courts COULD do though, I think, is FINE the bejesus out of trump - a million big bucks for every single time he violates the warnings!! Over and over and over: fine him. And - if his mesmerized cult keep sending him their money and that money goes into America's coffers, consider it payback for all that trump has COST our country - just, literally, incalculable!! And to think he asked (per Rolling Stone - no Jann Wenner lectures, please; I know...I know...) if he could keep "his" lifetime Secret Service protection if convicted!
If one (of the MILLION) things about what he has wrought upon our country galls me the most, it is that WE are paying for HIM to have PROTECTION while, in the meantime, HE incites others to do harm of any/all kinds to those he deems his enemies - those who are the protectors of AMERICAN (not organized crime or treasonous) values!!
It is THE MOST offensive and continuing fact: that we are paying to protect the one who tried, is trying, to overthrow OUR government and undermine all of OUR institutions. It's as if Churchill and Roosevelt sent a weekly stipend to Hitler!!! It sickens the spirit....
Yes, as he would be quite wary of being served polonium tea by the FSB once Uncle Pootie realized he is of no more use to him, and cannot repay his debts to that POS despot and his band of criminal oligarchs.
He will miss the underaged Russian girls supplied by his pal Vlad & Co. though. ;) (Yeah, EEEWWWW! But I don't label him SCUMp for nothing.)
Ex-federal agent Martin Sheil says I’ve got the right idea but the wrong location. “Russia does not have enough golf courses to keep Donald entertained”, he told Byline Times. He said the better question to ask is will Trump flee to the UAE?
“Trump owns a golf course in Dubai which is also a leading global money-laundering center,” Sheil said. “So Trump can take his money and his golf clubs to a warm weather safe haven where it is not believed the UAE retains a viable extradition treaty with the US.”
Let’s start by first smacking with a rolled-up newspaper anyone in the head who misapplies the word “hero.”
However much you may how much they do their jobs, athletes are not heroes, actors are not heroes. Your favorite musician is not your hero. Add to that that many of them are very well paid for doing whatever it is they do.
Firefighters, who every day run into burning buildings — buildings that are actively trying to kill them — to save lives and even just property, are heroes. For what they do they’re underpaid (and the majority of America’s firefighters outside big cities are volunteers who are paid nothing to serve their communities).
The late Rep. John Lewis was a hero.
Soldiers and sailors in combat are frequently heroes.
Lenny Skutnik, a retired employee of the Congressional Budget Office, who, in January, 1982, dove into the ice-choked Potomac to save a drowning passenger of Air Florida Flt. 90, which had just crashed into the 14th Street Bridge, was a hero.
Heroism is not glamorous and it may prove fatal because it must be, by definition, a product of sacrifice, or the sincere willingness to sacrifice. Until everyone can get that simple concept straight, the wrong people will keep being honored.
And, yet, it’s encouraging that, a number of years ago in a poll conducted by the American Film Institute (of whose Conservatory I am a graduate — full disclosure) of the greatest movie heroes, it wasn’t Batman, or Luke Skywalker or Indiana Jones who topped the list, but “To Kill a Mockingbird”s Atticus Finch. Yes, Atticus is the fictional creation of Harper Lee (a real hero for writing a novel that she knew so many of her fellow white Alabamians would loathe, along with her), but real Atticus Finches DO live among us, and make their presence felt in innumerable ways, large and small.
Atticus demonstrates that a hero needs to have one more thing to earn that word: a simple, decent conscience.
Avie, thinking about TFFG & “heroes” made me ponder something more like a “me-roe”, you know, someone who is all about “me” and self aggrandizement. Yeah, think that is a term I’ll ascribe to him & others of his ilk.
Jesus taught the importance of the "common good". "I was hungry and you fed me. I was thirsty and you gave me drink. I was a stranger and you invited me into your home. I was naked and you gave me clothing. I was sick and you cared for me. I was in prison and you visited me."
"When you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me."
OF COURSE NOT, as they are compelled to twist much of it to prop up, encourage, and justify their absolute BULLSHIT 'Prosperity Gospel' in order to make themselves feel great about their psychotic GREED, and disdain for the poor and needy. :(
Because they don't believe in Jesus, they believe in [St} Paul, Calvin and Knox. That is why I refuse to recognize them as Christians. (And one of the many reasons I became an atheist)
You're right about the Bible. But the teachings of Jesus are very different than the Hebrew scriptures and the writings of the apostles. Jesus was about ethical behavior. Look at the way he interacted with and valued women: Mary, the sister of Lazarus; the Samaritan woman at the well; the woman the religious leaders claimed was an adulteress.
He wasn't trying to change Roman culture in occupied Judea and Samaria. He spoke only to the Jewish people. There is no evidence that he interacted with Gentiles. Remember one of his most important statements, "You have read or you have heard, but I tell you this." The passage from Matthew 25 is the most direct statement on ethical responsibility in the Bible. I am no longer a believer in the Bible or religion, but I respect and value the ethical teachings of Jesus, in the same way I respect and value the teachings of Siddartha Gautama, the Buddha.
Thank you for taking the time to read and respond to my comment. Peace!
PJ,Jesus never really spoke against the subjugation of women either. There are some good thoughts and ideas put forward, but these were merely men of their time.
Various forms of the Golden Rule predate christianity, and I find it to be the shortest, simplest & best rule to follow.
Jesus "spoke against the subjugation of women" by treating them as valued, intelligent equals. He listened carefully to what they had to say. His actions were a direct contradiction of the cultural attitude toward women at the time. Even his own disciples pushed back against him.
Not a single woman was chosen to be among the 12 disciples or sit at the last supper. How is that equal? Jesus admits people can do good but still believes people are evil by nature Matthew 7:11, Luke 11:3
The bible uses the concept of Lord and Master. Praises are given for obedience & submission, not challenge and intellect.
“Every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God” Romans 14:11
We should make a distinction between the public Jesus and the private Jesus. Publicly Jesus was attempting to reform Judiaism in order to bring about the Kingdom of God on Earth in his lifetime. Remember that before he began his "ministry" Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, probably a follower of the Essenes, a group that was attempting to establish the Kingdom of God on earth. Jesus was not trying to start a new religious movement.
Jesus even told his disciples that some who listened to his teachings would not die before the Kingdom of God was established on Earth
(Matthew 16:28). That is why Jesus cried out from the cross, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" He believed he had done everything God expected of him to bring about the Kingdom.
But it didn't happen. Publicly, Jesus used the "mythology" of Judaism to form his group of believers, with 12 men being chosen as disciples as a symbol of the twelve tribes that formed early Israelite society.
However, in his private/personal teachings and actions, he honored women and treated them as equals, a revolutionary idea at the time. Even his disciples pushed back against his respect and acceptance of women. All of the Bible is mythology. "White Christian nationalists" in America believe that mythology and support maga's bigotry, misogyny, and lies, but they do not follow the ethical teachings of Jesus.
If Jesus were teaching today in America, he would be completely rejected by most "Christians" whose beliefs have nothing to do with his ethical teachings.
I have a B.A. in theology and a Master of Divinity from seminary. I have learned to pay no attention to anything in the Bible that is found outside the gospels and Jesus' own words. We don't really know who wrote the gospels. The titles were added by later scribes.
Romans and the other books of the New Testament were written by Paul and the apostles in their attempt to establish a new religion called "Christianity" which has demonstrated in the last 2000 years that it has little or nothing to do with the teachings of Jesus.
I first heard of the prosperity gospel in my early 30’s when I discovered that in the conservative/right wing church I grew up, and where my mother was still a member, had bought into the idea and she too was contributing from her meager income money to TV Evangilist like Jim and Tamy Faye Baker, who through bible verse encouraged people to give money to them and they (my mother) would in turn prosper.
I had since moved past the conservative church and could find no justification for this gospel. I was simply astounded. There was no convincing my mother that it was a sham.
I live in a small town originally founded on coal mining. After much searching, I finally found a monument to some coal miners who died in a mine cave-in--it is in a remote corner of a large city park--but I can't turn around without seeing a monument or park or building named for one of the mine owners who became wealthy on the backs and lives of the miners.
I wholly agree! And among the first recognized should be Edward Snowden and Julian Assange. We should also recognize the cruelties America has imposed on the nations and peoples of the world like Iran (1953), Chile (1972), Vietnam (decades), Iraq (2003) and Afghanistan (2002). We should also recognize the criminals who have killed millions of innocent people, Like George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Ronald Raegan, and so many more. That is what we need to recognize if we are to cleanse our nation soul.
No more "looking forward" & "letting bygones be bygones". So important that Trump & all his co-conspirators from his administration, Congress, etc. are held accountable.
Jaime Ramirez; I agree that the oath of office should actually mean something, and violations of that 'sacred' oath should have consequences. Losing one's seat in Congress, the Senate, and even the Supreme Court (especially the Supreme Court), should be enforced, along with any legal costs, jail time, as determined appropriate by the rule of law,.for their particular criminality.
ALL of the native peoples of this continent as well. :( :( :(
I now view them as if 'Ukrainians' fighting a violent, genocidal Russian invasion, instead of (and as much as) the racist 'history' taught, and images/dogma/prejudices pushed by Hollywood in the past, have tried to portray the (only) TRUE citizens of this land. ;)
America’s ability to manage the common good is hampered by our original sin and the legacy of our original sin continues to kill Americans today. Consider honor and shame in the context of American slavery. We, as a nation still have not come to grips with our history and embrace of human slavery. We still “honor” those who owned slaves, looked the other way when those who could have stood up for the common good but neglected to do so, and even today can’t come up with a way to make reparations. Which leads to the Second Amendment which was inserted into the Constitution to allow slave owners to control their slaves. This connection to original sin continues to haunt American society today through the mass shootings that happen daily. Honor nor shame can’t be used to uphold the common good when we haven’t taken full accountability and responsibility for human slavery which was the foundation of this country’s formation. If we can sweep human slavery under the rug, then how, as a nation, can we possibly hold people accountable to support the common good today as every other violation of the common good pales in the context of human slavery.
Thank you for your voice, your clarity, your hard earned wisdom. This is one of the more powerful and inspiring pieces in a sea of important work that you continuously share with us.
Yes, I am from Florida but I did not vote for the little man in Tallahassee! I'm a Democrat. I know Florida is very red; however, I grew up in Florida, moved away a little bit, and then came back to retire. It use to be a wonderful state and it is my fondest hope that it will be again.
One simple fix would be to jail every director and officer of a corporation convicted of a crime. No more paying a fine using shareholder money! Perpwalk the leaders and force them to sit in court for the whole trial.
And Kushner, whose appointed position strategically placed him in contact with critical Mideastern leaders, was handed $2 Billion from Saudi Arabia and another Billion from other Mideastern sources.
Currently the House is pressuring the DOJ to go after Hunter Biden. If we can win & the House majority, we can go after Jared Kushner.
With the threat of a government shutdown, it could affect the government resources & there is no support.
I have emailed my representative Haley Stevens several times to object to various atrocities but to no avail. I think the Democrats are afraid to speak up, the Republicans have become so vicious.
And not just in Congress. I’m trying to organize a Democratic Senior Caucus in a rural county in Florida that has Republicans outnumbering Democrats by two to 1. What I’m hearing senior Democrats say is they do not have a safe place to express their political opinions. So that’s what I’m trying to provide. Hopefully, when they don’t feel alone, they’ll find the courage to speak.
This is of course hugely significant, this intimidation. Penalties for intimidation, or acts of actual "damage", must be swift and severe enough and publicized to stop it. Intimidation grows into a juggernaut if not checked. Do they have specific fears of actual violence or it is just the public condemnation from R's that they fear ? If fear of violence, is it justified by events in Florida- I mean how real is it that they will suffer in some way from expressing their opinions ?
Come on, of course seniors in FL are hesitant to speak up because any nut can be armed & walking around out here..thanks to our fascist gov! BUT those seniors can still vote!
'It' is such an obvious threat that Our Commander in Chief should declare a National Emergency to put him in confinement with no communication with the outside world, until the cases are heard. He is trying for a mistrial with his threats to jurors, prosecutors and judges. Incitement of thugs to attack his enemies (that would be the entire non- MAGA USA and all Democratic countries). Tfg's cronies, like those traitors in Congress preparing to shut down the government ,and Senator Tuberville, who plays with our National Security,( while leaving positions open for tRump friendly military leaders), must be kicked out of power! We don't have time to have fights in court! We know what they did and what they are doing! The threat is real! Ask any General or Sentient legal expert. We have heard from retired Judges and legal scholars.. This is it! Our enemies are not playing. Even though the pundits laugh and call them 🤡 clowns. We are in mortal danger, as is the whole world.
I tried to leave a phone message to Secretary William Galvin in Massachusetts, to tell him I would like to see tfg left off the ballot. A harried sounding man gave me an email address that did not work; there was message that it was down and being serviced. Something weird.
Jocelyn Benson is a VERY smart, experienced attorney and SOS. Michigan is very well served by her, probably better than too many of Michigan citizens deserve. It is, after all, breeding ground of those knuckle-draggers who plotted and planned to kidnap Governor Whitmer, put her "on trial" and kill her; only SOME of that herd were convicted. Two or three were just acquitted(!!) In Antrim County,the same county targeted for crooked schemes by trump and his gangster crowd. It is also breeding ground for DECADES of the Michigan militia (see, Murraugh Federal Building/Oklahoma City bombing.) Also that insidious "sovereign nation" nonsense that defies all authority or regulation.....And on and on.
What are the answers when so many seem to hate our country and are so dull-witted that they can't imagine and project into the nihilistic, anarchic, dog-eat-dog, sadistic, fascist, feudal system they are marching us to become. The rot is revealed. What do we do about it?
I will ALWAYS be confounded by Michael Milken. This crook PROVED crime DOES pay! He spent a measly TWO years in jail, and was fined $600million, after he illegally made $800million. Why aren't people required to forfeit ALL their ill-gotten gains? THIS is a huge issue for me.
I think any individual or corporation that causes damage to the environment or society should pay triple damages for the cost to clean their mess up and/or of the amount they reaped from their harmful action. That should deter such wrongdoing. Fines that are less than the money they saved or gained from their wrongful act will not have any deterrent effect.
Just look at the damage caused to our democracy by the flat-out fascist LIES which Goebbels Propaganda Network continues to spew, despite the tort actions against them!
That Dominion 'settlement' should have been 800 BILLION buck$, not a measly (to THEM) 800 million. ;)
Hear! Hear! And along those same lines, I would like to see the relevant court authorities fine the daylights out of trump so much that it gets his attention and he shuts up. Likewise fine his lawyers, large fines, make them daily until he shuts up. He is a clear and present danger to our country. Treat him like one!
And why in the name of all that is sane isn't Jim Jordan indicted? And "General" Flynn? And (again) Steve Bannon and Roger Stone? We need more and bigger prisons! Do eminent domain on Mar-A-Lego and Badmister! Make them into prisons. Prisons for the traitors, not golf!
Yes (hear hear) - in my earlier response to someone I wrote (here here) giving no thought to the meaning/spelling. I like how you used the correct spelling thereby getting my attention by example!
Yesterday my post suggested we take the take of ridiculing the Great Trumpeter wherever possible loudly, ceaselessly and creatively. To that end I included my latest shitty ditty.
Here it is again in case you missed the guffaw from it.
The last 43 years have been sadly very heart breaking to me. I had a thorough civics and USA and world history taught to me (NMMI-honor code!, UT-Austin). Thanks very much for voicing this all too obvious concern for civics, ethics, morality, virtue and FACTS. Sadly drumpf has subverted the honor code he was taught in high school military school to very cynical selfish criminally insane ends.
I don't know this for sure, but have long speculated that he was SENT to military school by parents exhausted by his relentless manipulations and dishonest conniving, hoping that some version of military type discipline would affect him. We know it did not. (We also know that he learned conniving and deception at Daddy's knee.)
I was warehoused by failed absentee parents, at NMMI from 1970-73. I saw first hand the same fascist military mindset drumpf was infected with. Whatever behavior supposedly caused the high school incarceration, IMO he learned how to game the system in all its hypocrisy that continues to this day in similar institutions. The key is the hidden school records from that era and later from colleges that he has so far successfully suppressed.
Florida US Senator Rick Scott, I believe he was a MD, committed the largest Medicare/ Medicare fraud while CEO of a health insurance corporation. He should be imprisoned and publicly shamed. Having wealth or fame does not deem an individual as Good, or as an Example to be followed. Let us institute ‘ the Shame Letter’!
Not an MD. Was a lawyer & CEO of Columbia/HCA at the time the nation's largest for-profit health care company while it was proved that it defrauded Medicare, medicaid & every other federal program it could. At the time it was fined that was the largest health care settlement in US history! Scott resigned before the shit hit the fan & Floridians went on to crown him gov & senator.
As Americans we have lost our way. How you become rich is no longer relevant! Case in point, one of the most devious people ever in history became the 45th president of the United States! Twice impeached, 4 times indicted and he is more popular than ever. Hopefully it’s not the majority but many Americans are believing in him and his lies! What’s truly sad is that all these people have to do is fact check his history.
How aboutL "The Trump" Award for the biggest contemporary liar.
'30,573 lies in office -- All time record.
1 Coup attempt
1 Insurrection
1 Confirmed rape
1 Worst Recession since Depression
91 criminal chages
6 bankruptcies
4 indictments
2 impeachments
1 convicted company
1 fake charity shut down
1 fake university shut down
26 sexual assault allegations
$25 million fraud settlement
$5 million sexual abuse verdict
$2 million charity abuse judgment
I'd have called it the Goebbels Award, but "the big lie" and his paens to white supremacy make Trump the American version, and school is still our how far and how effective his bullshit and his depravity will get.
Brilliant! When you see all his glaring deeds at once, one cannot look away. I have passed this on.
(Plus I learned a new word: “paens”. Thought it was a typo!).
paens ….new one for me too.
Isn't that word spelled 'paeans'?
It’s spelled correctly. I looked it up!
pae·an ˈpē-ən
Synonyms of paean
: a joyous song or hymn of praise, tribute, thanksgiving, or triumph
Marlo, it would be great scrolling on every screen in USA., although it would take a long time. And, I thought it was a typo too. Thanks for pointing that out!
I contacted the DNC. Hopefully they will use that idea. Maybe we will see it on TV. I think it would be a hit!
Marlo, great job! Your initiative is impressive! ♡
Thank you. Like everyone else I am terrified of a Trump presidency and I am desperately trying to educate people as well as the news media, and holding them accountable to tell the truth.
Wonderful idea…scrolling on every screen. Maybe we should send it to the campaign headquarters. No talking, just scrolling. What an effect that would have!
Anyone have the email address??
Marlo, yes great idea!
Daniel's list is genius, so powerful in its expanse, no words are necessary.
You are very brave. But maybe that is exactly what we need; MORE bravery.
Please don't sell stuff here.
Daniel...please become the advertising script writer for whoever ends up running against King Donald! Your list is THE PERFECT ad copy 🤣
Good suggestion! The problem is that the masses of Trump zombies would never read or believe such a list; they would blame it all on the 'Deep State'
A truly great American……..NOT!!
Where are we as a people? Time, as you would expect, should point us in a direction reflecting the knowledge we acquired in previous encounters with subversive agents within our government. However, it is evident negative agents operating covertly are actively attempting to undermine and take down our current form of government. We, as a country, are about to run out of money. A possible shutdown of our government is looming over Washington and with only 8 days left before things get dicey there are elements within the Republicans that McCarthy can't control who want our system to collapse. Where is there seen an ounce of "Common Good " in that line of thinking? Those elected members of Congress who shame themselves and this country by refusing to further this country's financial needs stand as an affront to what the good people of this country envision for our future. It is beyond me how people housing such negative feelings toward this country could ever dupe the public into voting for them in an open and free election. Where should the actual shame be placed? How about the voters who couldn't see through the lies these candidates spewed during their campaigns? The supposedly good people of their respective states have opened the door for a number of lunatics to enter our government. Like a group of unwanted ticks and chiggers, these buffoons have entrenched themselves within our congressional membership and want nothing more than to bring about its downfall. Where is there common good in their ridiculous plan? It's a shame that our people can't read through Trump's never-ending lies. If they could just maybe they would pinch themselves and wake up.
Donald, I think one of the problems people have in making voting decisions is that Republican candidates for any office are not expected to give straight answers about anything. Supreme Court nominees lie that they can't say anything because it will impact their potential decisions. They claim they believe in precedent, then when get on the Court, they prove their hearings statements are lies. Lying is now "the coin of the realm" for Republicans and some others and We the People demand no better. I heard an interview this morning on NPR of a Republican congressman, I didn't hear who, but from the accent, it is clear he is from the Old South. The interviewer couldn't get in a question over the man's babbling about nothing, almost twisting his positions from one part of the interview to the next. He supposedly thinks movement has been made toward a budget agreement, but gave no evidence, then he dragged out the old nonsense of comparing the federal budget to a church, NPR, or household budget. His loyalty to McCarthy came through his statement that he voted 15 times for McCarthy to be Speaker, but could support his loyalty with no examples of anything McCarthy had done for the people of this nation. It was a terrible interview, but I am guessing that is just what is expected of Republican interviewees: no substance, nonsense, a little whining and blaming, a lie or two, and free publicity for the interviewee. We should be able to do and have better, but alas, no one seems to be willing to demand better, so constituents will continue to vote in fools who have no sense of the Common Good, only their own quest for power and money and the people will continue to whine that they have been forgotten and ignored. They continuously set themselves up for it by voting in the exact people who will forget and ignore them until election time. Pathetic!
Ruth--The Republican party accounts for approximately 25% of the voting block in this country. I can't help but believe there must be some average normal people imbedded in that group. Aside from those which I do hope exist there seems to be a large body of our fellow citizens that just don't get it. Trump and those who follow in his foot steps rule through fear. They attack what exists without considering the consequences because they are instructed to do so. All in the effort to create a sense of confusion and fear because that is where Trump finds his comfort zone. His followers are basically this country's adult children, who as such, are in desperate need of guidance. The problem we face is getting them to switch from listing to Trump to hearing the voice of reason which the rest of us embrace.
They are embedded in this voting block and I find it disgraceful they would vote in a Republican such as Trump to ensure that the party stays intact.
Tina--They just announced that Senator Menendez, a democrat, is under investigation for bribery. The FBI did a search of his home and discovered hoards of cash and several gold bars. In itself, not a crime but the circumstances under which he came by the loot has placed Mr. Menendez under suspicion. If indeed he is guilty of anything all he did was follow the Republican's lead.
Yes. But how did things get like this?
People in the US didn't bother to vote.
Eyes shut permanently until it is too late.
Jenny Stokes: 'Education' and 'the 4th estate' as in news media, have let us down. Even now, we have those who want to ban books and anything they do not like being taught in schools. Or discussed anywhere. Ignorance is not bliss. It is dangerous.
and then lots of anger and self-defeating behavior.
Who was it that once stated long ago something to the effect that, "The people/voters will get the governance they DESERVE!"??
Of course, that also blames and shames those of us who DO vote for the Common Good, as well as our own best self interests, but are forced to pay for all of the ignoramus, low info, racist/fascist POS, nihilist voters choices due to the way our system allows for minority (of the voting populace) control/rule over ALL of us.
David, it seems to me that we can help the uninformed, the deliberately uninterested, the cultists by getting more of the facts to them in paletable forms: cartoons/comics, short videos that can just show up but are bright and colorful, and quick online articles with links if they want more. The quick articles, unlike most of today's must have all the basic information and only need them to link if they don't have enough info. Maybe a few songs by well-known artists, clever documentaries they can watch to catch up with what is going on and what they are probably missing. A cartoon demonstrating how easy/hard it is to register and vote an the various states, could also help. They should be designed by and produced by young people. If they are good enough older people will get the message but younger folks would be pretty much guaranteed to catch onto at least some of the information. I have ideas, but alas, no production skills.
Alexander Hamilton said, “People get the government they deserve. We need to look in the mirror.
BAD education is one of the major problems.
Americans not voting long before this happened.
Propaganda with regard to Socialism and communism.
Jenny--If Jesus was to make an appearance he would find disfavor with our ideas surrounding capitalism. However, he would favor a refined version of a combination of socialism and communism, which by the way has never been practically applied, it's existence has been in name only. But in reference to the poor education idea, you hit the nail on the head.
Yes, I think Jesus would have been a socialist.
I live in France, we have liberal socialism.
Au revoir.
How about a “truly grate American”… in he “grates on my last nerve”!
Pathological Liars Anonymous should present the award. .
Daniel, the problem, Baby Donnie would love it. Anything that gives him attention is perfect! After all, he is a "perfect genius."
Ruth Sheets: Don't forget that he is also a "Stable Genius". Maybe he should be mucking out stalls in a horse barn!
He can't handle ridicule.
HAHAHA!!! Tommy Flanagan! The best of SNL and so damn contemporaneous, it's beyond scary.
Can you say scum. Could there be a lower form of life?
Harvey, Ooooo, one would insult scum if they mention Baby Donnie!
NAZI scum at that.
I've been writing his name as SCUMp for a long while now. ;)
Don't leave out the fact that "The Justice Department sued Donald Trump, his father, Fred, and Trump Management in order to obtain a settlement in which Trump and his father would promise not to discriminate."-
That's true but old....also fined $2 mil by DOL for using illegal Polish aliens on his job sites.
The Trump org also prefers temprary Balkan workers over hiring Amercans or green card holders at his Florida proerties.
The joke about his cuttent plea to auro workers is that he had his suits and ties manufactured offshore and his daugher goht breaks from the Chinese government, at the same time she was supposedly a government employee.
It looks like he has been advocating for Russia, Saudis, anyone he thinks can help him financially. His most recent financial statements show that most of his income is derived in Oman and Saudi Arabia.
$2 million for speaking at events hosted by Hak Ja Han Moon and a group she co-founded with her husband, Sun Myung Moon, the late leader of the Unification Church, and $2.5 million to comment on a boxing match. In addition, he disclosed that his wife, Melania Trump, earned $1.2 million from speaking fees. 'Stroke, stroke."
Why haven't the democrats brought the charges you mention up in Congress? Why have they ignored information that just might sway more independent voters? Why hasn't the DNC use this as advertising fodder? It's mind boggling to me, while rethug's turn every statement made by democratic leadership into a rethuglican headline that defames them.
Old is the point. His corruptness is not new and it was also a habit/trait of his father, before him! He has a LONG track record and apparently got it honestly!
I guess it should have stipulated the consequences if they renigged.
For the Trump clan the common good is what is good for the Trumps.
but only as determined by DJTrump!
Daniel Solonan, you get the award for "Diligence of Truth" and for making me laugh. I want a t-shirt with the accomplishments you listed on one side and the words, "We should all vote for him." on the other side. It just might wake a few people up.
*achomplishmemts! C'mon, Mr./Ms. Tree! It's almost 2024!
My suggestion? Rename the "Republican" party the "Trumplican" party! They DESERVE to wear that black stain into the darkness they have fully deserved since Ronny peed his adult diapers on the world stage.
What should I have the title be when I print & pass this out to change minds? Any ideas?
Maybe: Do You REALLY Want THIS Person As Your President To Represent the United States of America?
Do You Want This Criminal To Be A Role Model For Your Child?
It has long astounded me to see the MAGA crowd actually BRING children to those bund-rallies. I think they should be reported to DCFS for investigation of child abuse/endangerment. To expose developing minds to the obscene, lying, traitorous propaganda of the criminal con-man as if it is legitimate American activity is abuse.
I agree!
Probably better to save the effort - as the question is redundant (note that many of those listed items have been common knowledge about DJT since the late 1980's - and that this would be only his third time representing his party of choice)...
yet more popular. Don’t look at him…look at all the people that still support him…the enablers.
Not more popular. That's BS. His numbers are decreasing daily. Approximately 30% of Republicans are not MAGATs, will not support Trump. I don't think we can "convert" many, just make sure they don't vote.
What frustrates me the most is that the DNC does not take on Fox and other right wing media. Fox took DNC ad money only to use it agaib=nst Biden. IMHO that's actionable!!! Need to sue.
Everry time someone falsely accuses Biden of something sinistser, like child molestation, bribery, should be sued. .
Daniel-are you sure you didn’t miss something? 😀
1 football league
And they Love him. How is that for upside-down? The worse despots in history had admires.
I keep hearing Trump supporters praise his policies and what he accomplished while President, yet they’re very vague about what those were. Any chance you could list those as well? You won’t need much room, I’m sure.
Daniel, . . . and a partridge in a pear tree!
Kudo's to your reiterating tRump's abominations which should make it impossible for him to get out of the dustbin of History. (However, he didn't get into office during the Great Recession. . ?!?)
Priceless: One million Americans dead of Covid.
My mind was in the space of him being a Nazi .......... Trump that is! Thanks for your valuable reminders of what a dope the man is!
The list is an indictment of a system that failed,
To get that goon punished and jailed.
But many of us ask: Why should it matter,
If this champion of prejudice stays free, rich, and gets fatter?
Keith Olson ; Critical thinking skills need to be taught early in our schools.
Hi, Laurie! I have long thought that there should be a required class taught from kindergarten through high school that teaches students to treat others with dignity, to treasure the environment, & develop values that work toward the common good. Teaching civics, ethics, critical thinking skills & environmental stewardship would be part of it. It might be called "Ethics".
Jamie, as a retired teacher, I say I agree with you about an "Ethics" class that incorporates all the components you name, using a variety of materials to get student thinking going. I used to use quotes from people to challenge students to decide whether there was merritt to what the person had said and why. The answers were interesting and usually not what I expected. I loved the conversation that would arise from the comments. In a way, though I would like to have ethics taught in every subject, every year because it is part of everything we do if we are serious about American values, integrity, and the Common Good.
Long ago when I was a grammar school student, some teachers espoused such values as respect for others, families, elders and community and applied them to most subjects taught at the time (1950's-60's). The horrors of WW2 seemed to make it necessary to do so but sadly, those lessons that defined acting for the common good must be revived in every generation.
Jaime Ramirez; It could be more extensive as they move through the grades, and get older. Actions speak louder than words. A simple thing like not littering is where my learning started. We lived next to a little store that sold candy and newspapers, etc. Kids would walk out of the store pulling papers off of their treats, only to throw them onto the sidewalk. If they were properly supervised, they would learn to put the wrappers into their pockets, or find a trash receptacle,.I would never litter, ever since I can remember. "Monkey' see: 'monkey' do". It was the easiest lesson when it was modeled by the older kids and adults.
I was in Fourth grade or so when California adopted a policy of never throwing trash from your car or you would be fined. It started because there was no such restriction, and the highways were littered. My parents teamed with us children to keep our highways clean. It stuck - became a way of life even outside the car.
For some reason now it looks out of control as I travel streets and highways.
Oregon was the first state to institute an anti-litter law. I have also seen some backsliding on littering.
I went to Malaysia & Singapore at different times. They have basically the same regulations: "no smoking", "no littering", "don't throw trash out of the bus". The difference is Singapore enforces its rules & Malaysia doesn't. Singapore is practically spotless. I remember walking down their city sidewalk, noticing there was no litter at all, until I spotted something on the ground ahead of me. It turned out to be a dead leaf. On the other hand, Malaysia is quite dirty in many places. It doesn't help that they had open sewers (another difference from Singapore).
That's exactly the kind of lessons I was thinking about, & of course, a lot more.
Jaime, I remember taking a walk with my entire kindergarten class to walk down the street to look at a giant maple tree that was red and orange with Autumn colors. We stopped and gathered around the tree to talk about why trees change color. Then we each picked up a leaf from the ground and took it home to have our mothers iron it between 2 pieces of wax paper. I never forgot that lesson and how awe inspiring that tree was.
At this point, even just a REQUIRED, stand alone, Civics class would be a welcome improvement, and vastly greater than what we have currently. ;)
But YES, the other inclusions you've stated would be almost utopian in what they could do for our citizenry. :)
One thing I DO know, is that this 4th REICH NAZI, racist, white supremacist/apologist "Prager U" BULLSHIT MUST BE STOPPED, and then outright BANNED from our institutions of learning, or we WILL BE 1935 Germany.
I have observed that high school students adopt their parents’ beliefs and if they go on to higher education, that is where as a teacher I found that they learn to think for themselves and depart from their parents influence when they study history, Political Science, literature, psychology etc. especially when the parents are illogically narrow and uninformed.
That I would expect, and it is the extreme rightwing fascists' 'rationale' for lambasting almost all institutions of higher learning as "establishments of leftist, 'woke', and socialist ideology indoctrination, and brainwashing" (yeah, sic, and SICK!).
What I never understood is that even without any schooling beyond high school, I always thought that there was inevitably a 'natural' rebellion against their staid parent's attitudes, mindsets and worldviews.. ???
I guess NOT, and the parents' dogmatization is just as strong and long lasting as Goebbels' (Fux Noise's) brainwashing on the (chronologically, at least) adults.
David G Hinkes ; Our local schools now have civics classes. our high school students have attended National competitions and won! Financial literacy is another added course, which may help students deal with and understand wealth inequality, at the very least, avoid a bad deal.
That is GREAT Laurie!
May that be so (or be made so) for the WHOLE rest of this intellect (and sanity it seems) forsaken land! ;)
David G Hinkes ; I agree that NAZI ideals should not be considered free speech. If anyone held marches in favor of lynching, would it be tolerated? There must be limits. If a misogynist group was out there promoting rape and torture, would that be OK, free speech? I don't think so!
Supposedly, (I am told) there ARE 'limits', i.e.; the cliched and proverbial "you CANNOT scream FIRE! in a crowded movie theater when there is none" scenario, but they are NOT 'codified' definitively.
Our 'genius, all-seeing/all-knowing' patriarchal 'founding fathers' did not even bother or attempt to do so, as they overlooked way too many other 'improbable details' in their original Constitutional Convention (which are coming back to bite freedom and democracy lovers in this land, in the AZZ now!). :(
Maybe there are truly NOT any limits, as long as it is SPEECH and NOT violent actions/battery?!?
(See; The ACLU's defense (and winning the case in court) of the POS SCUM NAZIS marching in Skokie, Illinois, right through some predominantly Jewish neighborhoods as a case in point. :( )
I'd like some of our triple doctorate, voluminously informed Constitutional scholars on here to weight in on this topic. ;)
Yet as we've seen, that's just the kinds of things many Republicans, including most MAGA, want "freedom" to say.
The institution that has for centuries claimed to be the rightful place to teach/learn these lessons is the church. Unfortunately, to many self-serving ppl have taken "leadership" positions in the church and they are no longer teaching those lessons, nor holding other "christians" accountable for exercising those basic principles of treating others as thyself, loving thy neighbor as demonstrated/defined by the Good Samaritan and dying to self(ishneshness).
Correct, many churches are more & more teaching theocratic dogma that sound very similar to fascist propaganda, & not the help your neighbor, feed the poor philosophy many used to be known for.
These values ARE being taught in Kindergarten. Then children go home and aren’t held to account. This just gets worse and worse as they get older.
They need to be taught far beyond kindergarten.
And this type of instruction DOES continue beyond Kindergarten. As I said, the children go home and are not held to account. I don't know what people think is actually happening in schools, but maybe they ought to spend some time in several before they claim that schools aren't teaching children these skills. You cannot control what goes on outside of your classroom, however.
Laurie, you are right about teaching critical thinking skills, but Republicans don't want that, see Florida. If one teaches critical thinking, future interviews with Republican operatives would be more honest and less drooling.
Ruth Sheets; I have known a few teachers, especially a particular family, most of whom were teachers. The oldest daughter taught in a small 'hilltown'. She had challenges from parents who were critical of what was being taught, and were quick to complain about their kid's grades. It got so bad that she decided to work in the library 'help resource' position, where she could work more independently with students.
Laurie, Imagine learning critical thinking in school and at universities! The biggest threat to the human race is awarding ignorance and criminality. How do we get to address climate crisis without it? We need more Robert Reich types in teaching positions. (You commie you!) 😁😄
Seeking Reason; It's hard to understand how anyone can miss the importance of climate stewardship, after all the fires, floods and heatwaves we have either heard about or actually experienced! In my area, a nearby farming community had over 2,000 acres of produce lost in flooding. If it gets bad enough, the 'food chain' is not to be taken for granted. I think about the thousands without homes in Canada and even Vermont due to fires and floods . It's not new either: look at sub -Saharan regions and those unfortunates who are dying of starvation from famine. Not new, but getting close enough to no longer ignore!
I agree Laurie, it astounds me that people are so disconnected from the affects of climate changes and both plant, animal & human consequences. I live in Chicago and we were choking on the smoke from the fires in Canada. We were worse than Beijing on a couple of days and NY had that status longer. Multi-millions of trees and animals gone in a matter of days! Droughts and steaming hot weather where our fruits and veges come from! Feeling those effects, is ahead of us. Money cannot buy us out of consequences.
I was choking in New England, too.
I agree. I dont think critical thinking comes until later when the brain is fully developed (25)? Might be wrong. But kids can learn to think for themselves and learn empathy
Susan Von Tobel ; While at U Mass, I enjoyed a class taught by a woman who would examine newspapers and have us look at articles and advertisements critically. She would point out discrepancies and even whopper lies. It was fun. I don't remember what the course was actually called, but I think it should have been "critical thinking".
Geography and world history?
Deluded, willfully ignorant people don’t fact check. And I think the support of trump is massively over-estimated. Why would trump’s numbers grow when he lost by multi millions last time? Does anyone think the massive LGBTQIA+ population is more inclined to vote for trump? the brown/black population? Women who fought like hell to get freedom of choice on what to do with their own bodies! ? Young people who see their friends killed at school on a regular basis?
STOP underestimating us. Do not play into the very fear the right has drummed up! Fists up!
YES, more than merely 'deluded', but as you have stated, also 'willfully ignorant' as well.
Regardless of how incessantly bombarded with ignorant, destructive, 'AGAINST the Common Good' disinformation, propaganda, and LIES these people may be, it is STILL their 'will' to be brainwashed by it, and there must be something they desire about it (racism, ANTI-SEMITISM, xenophobia, LGBTQIA+++ phobia and hatred, misogyny, etc. etc.) in order to WILLFULLY accept, embrace and follow all of the BULLSHIT!
There IS plenty of 'blame and shame' which must be projected upon THEM, unless they really do NOT possess one functioning cerebral cortex neuron amongst the lot. ;)
With all due respect, I think you are disregarding the fact that they do not care about his history; they know it. They embrace it. They are like him and he pretends to be like them because he is a con-artist and he is fleecing them.
the Common Good is a nonstarter in America.
You must be right as we have witnessed the undermining and outright destruction of anything and everything pertaining to anything benefiting "the public": public education, public libraries, popular vote, honest districting for voting, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, infrastructure, defense..... etc. etc.
Another facet of the same mentality: privatizing everything once "public": water, beaches, prisons, roadways, schools, defense..... etc. etc.
The restructuring of America (what a beautiful concept it was) into a feudal system, with oligarchic aristocrats and their unimaginable, unprecedented wealth as overlords to a peasant/peon underclass who are poor, uneducated, addicted to one form of distraction or another (drugs, pornography, propaganda, etc. etc.) in order to keep them indentured, and desperate but helpless in the face of overwhelming odds in favor of those holding all power (wealth, military/nuclear, all resources, etc. etc.)
These are the most challenging times for humanity, maybe ever but certainly since WWII.
The Declaration of Independence states that governments are instituted to secure the people's rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We attain the common good when we secure these rights.
Keith, you are right that all Trumpers and Trumpettes would have to do to see what 45 really is would be to do a simple fact check. They just can't do that because I believe they know exactly what he is and are OK with that. They think he must be something special to have gotten away with all he has done with impunity. They or at least many of them would like to be able to do that too and maybe have a TV show based on their life. Anti-heroes are all the rage right now. So much of what is portrayed in "favorite" programs has nothing to do with Common Good or anything else positive.
Fact check? True believers believe what they need/want to believe. Facts are irrelevant.
Sometimes they have an epiphany. And when they do, they sound like General Milley,and the 85 ex MAGATs who will testify against Trump in the DC case.
Although some have the racist subconscious predeliction to hate "the other," about 90% of MAGATS have been voting agaibst their own economic interests and physical health. The reason so many left NY and CT and other blue states is because the Trump "tax cuts" cost them deductions for business expenses and state taxes. Republican elimination of the Biden child tax credit cost $300 per month per child. Caused increase of poverty, especialy in red states.
@keith lack of research and critical thinking skills. And add Dunning Kruger effect
but they won’t fact check…cause that would embarrass them.
Keith Olson - WHAT? Check his history? Wouldn’t that require READING?!
Luckily, it's only 40% of the 25% that are registered "Trumplicans." (There IS no "Republican party" any longer.)
It is not just that the Americans have lost their way, it is that democracy as we now know, it has been so undermined as to be able to lead people astray. Yes, it is vital that We must defeat Trump to give us four more years of time to keep our ship of democracy afloat. But also it is time to dare to imagine a new form of democracy that will function better than the one that is over 200 years old. That will take some vision and bravery on the part of those who are willing to imagine a better system, and then turn it around and sell it to the majority of Americans who are not in favor of Trumpism and authoritarianism.
Two books that get at what's going on at a deeper level. The Unconscious Civilization by John Ralston Saul and Silent Coup: How Corporations Overthrew Democracy by Claire Provost & Matt Kennard.
Here is a link with numerous reviews of Saul's book.The market ideology makes critique of our civilization difficult. Hence, civilization is unconscious.
Our corporate structures really took off during Muzzolinni's fascism which Hitler copied...corporate ideology in any the name of Marxism, communism or facism or the market is the issue.
Not sure I'm understanding this; government as a form of corporatism. Guess i need to read the book. Do we have anything equivalent to a Massey Lecture on , say, NPR ? Not that I'm aware of. or of any deeper critique of society put out to "the masses".
Just between you and me Chris Hedges and Paul Street give greater insights than found in Bob's daily corporate Democrats takes
Don't know Street. Not sure I need greater insight, unless it contributes to change. It's like climate change. I really don't need to know more about the science. I need to work for change. At some point learning more is simply a distraction from doing what needs to be done. Reading and commenting on Reich SS is a luxury which I should forego more often.
Yoshimatsu, you can't destroy beliefs with violence. It just drives them underground temporarily. I agree instead with consequences and other wise actions to help transform them.
“Let’s be clear about what the former president is saying here. House Republicans should shut down the government unless the prosecutions against him are shut down. He would deny paychecks to millions of working families & devastate the US economy, all in the service of himself.” “
~ Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA)
Gaetz is demanding the Republicans in the House follow Trumps orders! Can’t these few DANGEROUS people be removed from office for obeying the COMMANDS of ONE person (Trump) instead of their VOW to protect our country & the American people?
I see Schiff as a leading voice of conscience in the House. Some others: Jamie Raskin, Ted Lieu, Katie Porter, Rashida Tlaib, Cori Bush, Raul Grijalva, & in the Senate, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Jeff Merkley, Sheldon Whitehouse & Cory Booker.
And did you see/hear Eric Swalwell's retort and rebuke to the detestable Jim Jordan and Jordan & Co.'s absolutely nauseating Inquistion of Merrick Garland? Maybe put Eric Swalwell on your list, eh?
It infuriated me. I felt so helpless.
No sense of decorum.
No, I wish I did. He's good at that.
Jaime-Eric Swalwell. Watch his video clip putting Jim Jordan in his place! I practically jumped up and down!
Jim Jordan NEVER took the bar exam. He is NOT an experienced, practicing attorney and should NOT be the head of the Judiciary Committee! His sole mission is he is out to get President Biden.
The entire R party and trump judges are total incompetents like him.
Plus Dan Goldman
And Hakeem Jeffries, a rising star.
I wish we could remove them. It absolutely astounds me that these few politicians are calling all the shots in Washington!! There should be work arounds when this happens instead of wringing the hands and giving in to them.
We should create a Roll of Shame with categories. One for politicians who use their status to attain office and then rule rather than represent. One for CEOs who's sense of self worth exceeds their contributions to the improvements and innovation in the corporations and companies they lead.
We should create a Roll of Honor for people who in their daily life recognize the dignity of all the members of their community regardless of the economic circumstances of those members. A person living on the street didn't get there by themselves. A person living in the most beautiful home didn't get there by themselves no matter how strongly they shout, "No one helped me. I did it all on my own."
Another shameful one could be for the SHAREHOLDERS of stocks with those corporations, who push/DEMAND, and vote for increased, unsustainably excessive returns on their investments, to the total detriment, ruin and destruction of those who said corporations are supposed to be SERVING (looking at YOU Medicare Advantage Plan 'insurance companies'! ;) ).
Now those are rolls I could get behind!!
Marlow, who would do the removing from office, the ones who are doing the same kind of stonewalling!
That's why I still think he'll split.
You mean leave the country?
Next year in UAE.
I expect confiscating his passport is useless as he can simply fly out in his Trump jet.
That’s why they need to jail him NOW for disobeying the judge’s orders to not intimidate the witnesses.
They won't jail him as it's a very tight wire the courts are walking - trying to maintain the illusion of "equal and fair" etc. while also trying to forestall another outbreak of domestic terrorism and, as lusted after by the likes of Steve Bannon and "General" (what??!!! how did a traitor get promoted to General! Call Wee Tommie Tubaville!!) Flynn, Civil War!
What the courts COULD do though, I think, is FINE the bejesus out of trump - a million big bucks for every single time he violates the warnings!! Over and over and over: fine him. And - if his mesmerized cult keep sending him their money and that money goes into America's coffers, consider it payback for all that trump has COST our country - just, literally, incalculable!! And to think he asked (per Rolling Stone - no Jann Wenner lectures, please; I know...I know...) if he could keep "his" lifetime Secret Service protection if convicted!
If one (of the MILLION) things about what he has wrought upon our country galls me the most, it is that WE are paying for HIM to have PROTECTION while, in the meantime, HE incites others to do harm of any/all kinds to those he deems his enemies - those who are the protectors of AMERICAN (not organized crime or treasonous) values!!
It is THE MOST offensive and continuing fact: that we are paying to protect the one who tried, is trying, to overthrow OUR government and undermine all of OUR institutions. It's as if Churchill and Roosevelt sent a weekly stipend to Hitler!!! It sickens the spirit....
Yes, as he would be quite wary of being served polonium tea by the FSB once Uncle Pootie realized he is of no more use to him, and cannot repay his debts to that POS despot and his band of criminal oligarchs.
He will miss the underaged Russian girls supplied by his pal Vlad & Co. though. ;) (Yeah, EEEWWWW! But I don't label him SCUMp for nothing.)
I hope you are right! Unless we can get him convicted and in jail before that, which of course is highly unlikely.
That would be admitting guilt & he would never do that.
Ex-federal agent Martin Sheil says I’ve got the right idea but the wrong location. “Russia does not have enough golf courses to keep Donald entertained”, he told Byline Times. He said the better question to ask is will Trump flee to the UAE?
“Trump owns a golf course in Dubai which is also a leading global money-laundering center,” Sheil said. “So Trump can take his money and his golf clubs to a warm weather safe haven where it is not believed the UAE retains a viable extradition treaty with the US.”
I don’t know about that. He is a coward.
Actually, I think his "prime directive" is to obtain and possess everything and anything he wants, starting with all of the money.
Let’s start by first smacking with a rolled-up newspaper anyone in the head who misapplies the word “hero.”
However much you may how much they do their jobs, athletes are not heroes, actors are not heroes. Your favorite musician is not your hero. Add to that that many of them are very well paid for doing whatever it is they do.
Firefighters, who every day run into burning buildings — buildings that are actively trying to kill them — to save lives and even just property, are heroes. For what they do they’re underpaid (and the majority of America’s firefighters outside big cities are volunteers who are paid nothing to serve their communities).
The late Rep. John Lewis was a hero.
Soldiers and sailors in combat are frequently heroes.
Lenny Skutnik, a retired employee of the Congressional Budget Office, who, in January, 1982, dove into the ice-choked Potomac to save a drowning passenger of Air Florida Flt. 90, which had just crashed into the 14th Street Bridge, was a hero.
Heroism is not glamorous and it may prove fatal because it must be, by definition, a product of sacrifice, or the sincere willingness to sacrifice. Until everyone can get that simple concept straight, the wrong people will keep being honored.
And, yet, it’s encouraging that, a number of years ago in a poll conducted by the American Film Institute (of whose Conservatory I am a graduate — full disclosure) of the greatest movie heroes, it wasn’t Batman, or Luke Skywalker or Indiana Jones who topped the list, but “To Kill a Mockingbird”s Atticus Finch. Yes, Atticus is the fictional creation of Harper Lee (a real hero for writing a novel that she knew so many of her fellow white Alabamians would loathe, along with her), but real Atticus Finches DO live among us, and make their presence felt in innumerable ways, large and small.
Atticus demonstrates that a hero needs to have one more thing to earn that word: a simple, decent conscience.
And yet, "To Kill a Mockingbird" has been banned. One of the all time best books I have ever read!
And you want to know one of the reasons it’s been banned?
Because fake, posturing “heroes” don’t want to be held up to real heroes, even if they’re fictional.
That is so true! I prefer the fictional heroes to these blundering fool heroes!
What irony! That's Republican values for you!
Why? That is ridiculous.
Avie, thinking about TFFG & “heroes” made me ponder something more like a “me-roe”, you know, someone who is all about “me” and self aggrandizement. Yeah, think that is a term I’ll ascribe to him & others of his ilk.
Well said.
Jesus taught the importance of the "common good". "I was hungry and you fed me. I was thirsty and you gave me drink. I was a stranger and you invited me into your home. I was naked and you gave me clothing. I was sick and you cared for me. I was in prison and you visited me."
"When you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me."
Matthew 25:35-40
I love that passage. It's a pity that republicans never use the passages that show Jesus believed in the common good.
OF COURSE NOT, as they are compelled to twist much of it to prop up, encourage, and justify their absolute BULLSHIT 'Prosperity Gospel' in order to make themselves feel great about their psychotic GREED, and disdain for the poor and needy. :(
Because they don't believe in Jesus, they believe in [St} Paul, Calvin and Knox. That is why I refuse to recognize them as Christians. (And one of the many reasons I became an atheist)
PJ be careful about quoting the bible. There are so many vulgar comments there as well. Jesus never questioned or spoke against slavery!
You're right about the Bible. But the teachings of Jesus are very different than the Hebrew scriptures and the writings of the apostles. Jesus was about ethical behavior. Look at the way he interacted with and valued women: Mary, the sister of Lazarus; the Samaritan woman at the well; the woman the religious leaders claimed was an adulteress.
He wasn't trying to change Roman culture in occupied Judea and Samaria. He spoke only to the Jewish people. There is no evidence that he interacted with Gentiles. Remember one of his most important statements, "You have read or you have heard, but I tell you this." The passage from Matthew 25 is the most direct statement on ethical responsibility in the Bible. I am no longer a believer in the Bible or religion, but I respect and value the ethical teachings of Jesus, in the same way I respect and value the teachings of Siddartha Gautama, the Buddha.
Thank you for taking the time to read and respond to my comment. Peace!
PJ,Jesus never really spoke against the subjugation of women either. There are some good thoughts and ideas put forward, but these were merely men of their time.
Various forms of the Golden Rule predate christianity, and I find it to be the shortest, simplest & best rule to follow.
Jesus "spoke against the subjugation of women" by treating them as valued, intelligent equals. He listened carefully to what they had to say. His actions were a direct contradiction of the cultural attitude toward women at the time. Even his own disciples pushed back against him.
Not a single woman was chosen to be among the 12 disciples or sit at the last supper. How is that equal? Jesus admits people can do good but still believes people are evil by nature Matthew 7:11, Luke 11:3
The bible uses the concept of Lord and Master. Praises are given for obedience & submission, not challenge and intellect.
“Every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God” Romans 14:11
Sounds too MAGA for me.
We should make a distinction between the public Jesus and the private Jesus. Publicly Jesus was attempting to reform Judiaism in order to bring about the Kingdom of God on Earth in his lifetime. Remember that before he began his "ministry" Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, probably a follower of the Essenes, a group that was attempting to establish the Kingdom of God on earth. Jesus was not trying to start a new religious movement.
Jesus even told his disciples that some who listened to his teachings would not die before the Kingdom of God was established on Earth
(Matthew 16:28). That is why Jesus cried out from the cross, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" He believed he had done everything God expected of him to bring about the Kingdom.
But it didn't happen. Publicly, Jesus used the "mythology" of Judaism to form his group of believers, with 12 men being chosen as disciples as a symbol of the twelve tribes that formed early Israelite society.
However, in his private/personal teachings and actions, he honored women and treated them as equals, a revolutionary idea at the time. Even his disciples pushed back against his respect and acceptance of women. All of the Bible is mythology. "White Christian nationalists" in America believe that mythology and support maga's bigotry, misogyny, and lies, but they do not follow the ethical teachings of Jesus.
If Jesus were teaching today in America, he would be completely rejected by most "Christians" whose beliefs have nothing to do with his ethical teachings.
I have a B.A. in theology and a Master of Divinity from seminary. I have learned to pay no attention to anything in the Bible that is found outside the gospels and Jesus' own words. We don't really know who wrote the gospels. The titles were added by later scribes.
Romans and the other books of the New Testament were written by Paul and the apostles in their attempt to establish a new religion called "Christianity" which has demonstrated in the last 2000 years that it has little or nothing to do with the teachings of Jesus.
I first heard of the prosperity gospel in my early 30’s when I discovered that in the conservative/right wing church I grew up, and where my mother was still a member, had bought into the idea and she too was contributing from her meager income money to TV Evangilist like Jim and Tamy Faye Baker, who through bible verse encouraged people to give money to them and they (my mother) would in turn prosper.
I had since moved past the conservative church and could find no justification for this gospel. I was simply astounded. There was no convincing my mother that it was a sham.
That's because slavery wasn't practiced by the Jews in Jesus time. It was practiced by the Romans
I live in a small town originally founded on coal mining. After much searching, I finally found a monument to some coal miners who died in a mine cave-in--it is in a remote corner of a large city park--but I can't turn around without seeing a monument or park or building named for one of the mine owners who became wealthy on the backs and lives of the miners.
I wholly agree! And among the first recognized should be Edward Snowden and Julian Assange. We should also recognize the cruelties America has imposed on the nations and peoples of the world like Iran (1953), Chile (1972), Vietnam (decades), Iraq (2003) and Afghanistan (2002). We should also recognize the criminals who have killed millions of innocent people, Like George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Ronald Raegan, and so many more. That is what we need to recognize if we are to cleanse our nation soul.
Nicaragua. El Salvador. Guatemala. Venezuela.
Direct result of all this is immigrants.
England, Ireland, Scotland, Italy.
Result? We are all immigrants.
No more "looking forward" & "letting bygones be bygones". So important that Trump & all his co-conspirators from his administration, Congress, etc. are held accountable.
Jaime Ramirez; I agree that the oath of office should actually mean something, and violations of that 'sacred' oath should have consequences. Losing one's seat in Congress, the Senate, and even the Supreme Court (especially the Supreme Court), should be enforced, along with any legal costs, jail time, as determined appropriate by the rule of law,.for their particular criminality.
ALL of the native peoples of this continent as well. :( :( :(
I now view them as if 'Ukrainians' fighting a violent, genocidal Russian invasion, instead of (and as much as) the racist 'history' taught, and images/dogma/prejudices pushed by Hollywood in the past, have tried to portray the (only) TRUE citizens of this land. ;)
America’s ability to manage the common good is hampered by our original sin and the legacy of our original sin continues to kill Americans today. Consider honor and shame in the context of American slavery. We, as a nation still have not come to grips with our history and embrace of human slavery. We still “honor” those who owned slaves, looked the other way when those who could have stood up for the common good but neglected to do so, and even today can’t come up with a way to make reparations. Which leads to the Second Amendment which was inserted into the Constitution to allow slave owners to control their slaves. This connection to original sin continues to haunt American society today through the mass shootings that happen daily. Honor nor shame can’t be used to uphold the common good when we haven’t taken full accountability and responsibility for human slavery which was the foundation of this country’s formation. If we can sweep human slavery under the rug, then how, as a nation, can we possibly hold people accountable to support the common good today as every other violation of the common good pales in the context of human slavery.
Thank you for your voice, your clarity, your hard earned wisdom. This is one of the more powerful and inspiring pieces in a sea of important work that you continuously share with us.
Rick Scott is one nefarious former CEO whom I would like to see shamed out of office.
Oh my goodness, me too!!!
Are you from Florida?
Yes, I am from Florida but I did not vote for the little man in Tallahassee! I'm a Democrat. I know Florida is very red; however, I grew up in Florida, moved away a little bit, and then came back to retire. It use to be a wonderful state and it is my fondest hope that it will be again.
What we Dems in FL should do in FL is sign up more new voters & continually call out Scott/Voldemort & fascist deshitus!
Don't even.
One simple fix would be to jail every director and officer of a corporation convicted of a crime. No more paying a fine using shareholder money! Perpwalk the leaders and force them to sit in court for the whole trial.
Exactly. Hunter Biden is forced to show up to court yet Trump, accused of far more nefarious crimes is allowed to send his cronies
And Kushner, whose appointed position strategically placed him in contact with critical Mideastern leaders, was handed $2 Billion from Saudi Arabia and another Billion from other Mideastern sources.
Currently the House is pressuring the DOJ to go after Hunter Biden. If we can win & the House majority, we can go after Jared Kushner.
With the threat of a government shutdown, it could affect the government resources & there is no support.
I have emailed my representative Haley Stevens several times to object to various atrocities but to no avail. I think the Democrats are afraid to speak up, the Republicans have become so vicious.
And not just in Congress. I’m trying to organize a Democratic Senior Caucus in a rural county in Florida that has Republicans outnumbering Democrats by two to 1. What I’m hearing senior Democrats say is they do not have a safe place to express their political opinions. So that’s what I’m trying to provide. Hopefully, when they don’t feel alone, they’ll find the courage to speak.
Very smart! “Support” is key.
This is of course hugely significant, this intimidation. Penalties for intimidation, or acts of actual "damage", must be swift and severe enough and publicized to stop it. Intimidation grows into a juggernaut if not checked. Do they have specific fears of actual violence or it is just the public condemnation from R's that they fear ? If fear of violence, is it justified by events in Florida- I mean how real is it that they will suffer in some way from expressing their opinions ?
Come on, of course seniors in FL are hesitant to speak up because any nut can be armed & walking around out here..thanks to our fascist gov! BUT those seniors can still vote!
'It' is such an obvious threat that Our Commander in Chief should declare a National Emergency to put him in confinement with no communication with the outside world, until the cases are heard. He is trying for a mistrial with his threats to jurors, prosecutors and judges. Incitement of thugs to attack his enemies (that would be the entire non- MAGA USA and all Democratic countries). Tfg's cronies, like those traitors in Congress preparing to shut down the government ,and Senator Tuberville, who plays with our National Security,( while leaving positions open for tRump friendly military leaders), must be kicked out of power! We don't have time to have fights in court! We know what they did and what they are doing! The threat is real! Ask any General or Sentient legal expert. We have heard from retired Judges and legal scholars.. This is it! Our enemies are not playing. Even though the pundits laugh and call them 🤡 clowns. We are in mortal danger, as is the whole world.
I tried to leave a phone message to Secretary William Galvin in Massachusetts, to tell him I would like to see tfg left off the ballot. A harried sounding man gave me an email address that did not work; there was message that it was down and being serviced. Something weird.
Thank you for the effort!! My SOS in Michigan said she cannot legally withhold his name.
Maybe if they all did, they could fight about it in court AFTER the election!
Actually your SOS is legally compelled to withhold his name according to the 14th Amendment, Section 3.
Jocelyn Benson is a VERY smart, experienced attorney and SOS. Michigan is very well served by her, probably better than too many of Michigan citizens deserve. It is, after all, breeding ground of those knuckle-draggers who plotted and planned to kidnap Governor Whitmer, put her "on trial" and kill her; only SOME of that herd were convicted. Two or three were just acquitted(!!) In Antrim County,the same county targeted for crooked schemes by trump and his gangster crowd. It is also breeding ground for DECADES of the Michigan militia (see, Murraugh Federal Building/Oklahoma City bombing.) Also that insidious "sovereign nation" nonsense that defies all authority or regulation.....And on and on.
What are the answers when so many seem to hate our country and are so dull-witted that they can't imagine and project into the nihilistic, anarchic, dog-eat-dog, sadistic, fascist, feudal system they are marching us to become. The rot is revealed. What do we do about it?
AND who is going to do this?
I will ALWAYS be confounded by Michael Milken. This crook PROVED crime DOES pay! He spent a measly TWO years in jail, and was fined $600million, after he illegally made $800million. Why aren't people required to forfeit ALL their ill-gotten gains? THIS is a huge issue for me.
I think any individual or corporation that causes damage to the environment or society should pay triple damages for the cost to clean their mess up and/or of the amount they reaped from their harmful action. That should deter such wrongdoing. Fines that are less than the money they saved or gained from their wrongful act will not have any deterrent effect.
Just look at the damage caused to our democracy by the flat-out fascist LIES which Goebbels Propaganda Network continues to spew, despite the tort actions against them!
That Dominion 'settlement' should have been 800 BILLION buck$, not a measly (to THEM) 800 million. ;)
Jaime R ; Yes; Sadly, "It's the "cost of doing business" when the fine is a fraction of their profits. And no or little jail time.
Hear! Hear! And along those same lines, I would like to see the relevant court authorities fine the daylights out of trump so much that it gets his attention and he shuts up. Likewise fine his lawyers, large fines, make them daily until he shuts up. He is a clear and present danger to our country. Treat him like one!
And why in the name of all that is sane isn't Jim Jordan indicted? And "General" Flynn? And (again) Steve Bannon and Roger Stone? We need more and bigger prisons! Do eminent domain on Mar-A-Lego and Badmister! Make them into prisons. Prisons for the traitors, not golf!
Yes (hear hear) - in my earlier response to someone I wrote (here here) giving no thought to the meaning/spelling. I like how you used the correct spelling thereby getting my attention by example!
"I hereby open the meeting to giving you a hearing on the heresy of harboring herring in the heartland. It's a hairbrained idea."
from "The Hare and The Cat and the Hoary Details of Hoarding Herring for the Future Rather Than Living in the Here and Now."
I recently read Robert’s book The Common Good. An eye opener and highly recommended for anyone seeking a reality check.
Awesome. This is a discussion that should appeal to every, regardless of party, citizen concerned about the direction of the nation.
Yesterday my post suggested we take the take of ridiculing the Great Trumpeter wherever possible loudly, ceaselessly and creatively. To that end I included my latest shitty ditty.
Here it is again in case you missed the guffaw from it.
Mr Mendacity is not a known
For his veracity.
From his mouth spew sewagy Lies,
He laps them up like mom's apple pies.
His mouth runs like a motor,
So fast and full of odor.
What he says is law because he says it.
He can't help himself so let's confess it.
If one could put a sock in it
I'd put money down for stock in it.
Will that never happen?
Please someone say you'll batten
Down that blathering hatch
And find a way
To lock the latch to stop
That jamering jay.
The last 43 years have been sadly very heart breaking to me. I had a thorough civics and USA and world history taught to me (NMMI-honor code!, UT-Austin). Thanks very much for voicing this all too obvious concern for civics, ethics, morality, virtue and FACTS. Sadly drumpf has subverted the honor code he was taught in high school military school to very cynical selfish criminally insane ends.
I don't know this for sure, but have long speculated that he was SENT to military school by parents exhausted by his relentless manipulations and dishonest conniving, hoping that some version of military type discipline would affect him. We know it did not. (We also know that he learned conniving and deception at Daddy's knee.)
I was warehoused by failed absentee parents, at NMMI from 1970-73. I saw first hand the same fascist military mindset drumpf was infected with. Whatever behavior supposedly caused the high school incarceration, IMO he learned how to game the system in all its hypocrisy that continues to this day in similar institutions. The key is the hidden school records from that era and later from colleges that he has so far successfully suppressed.
Florida US Senator Rick Scott, I believe he was a MD, committed the largest Medicare/ Medicare fraud while CEO of a health insurance corporation. He should be imprisoned and publicly shamed. Having wealth or fame does not deem an individual as Good, or as an Example to be followed. Let us institute ‘ the Shame Letter’!
Not an MD. Was a lawyer & CEO of Columbia/HCA at the time the nation's largest for-profit health care company while it was proved that it defrauded Medicare, medicaid & every other federal program it could. At the time it was fined that was the largest health care settlement in US history! Scott resigned before the shit hit the fan & Floridians went on to crown him gov & senator.
I will cosign it! I am hoping that the Democrat running against Senator Scott will win. One can dream, right?