Sep 23, 2023Liked by Robert Reich

On chaos: Drawing from Friday’s news and the Atlantic, it looks as if Tuberville’s menacing, one-man blockade has been, in part, to muzzle Gen. Milley’s chilling revelations about Trump...delayed as long and tortuous as possible… right up to the October 1st deadline. That is to say, Milley could not speak out until the confirmation of his successor, which marked Milley’s official retirement.

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Trump and MAGA will full out blame Biden and the Democrats and will profile GOP and Trump as the right party to solve the ensuing chaos and damage done to the American people........and many Americans will fall for it because once the chaos is there, people are only interested in how to get out . Who to blame is irrelevant then . The party who makes the most populist promises with the loudest voice will win, independent of whether these promises are realistic. A few short term wins will be sufficient. Concerns about the longer term consequences of a MAGA regime also will be pushed aside

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Why should Trump have anything to say about our economy? He doesn’t understand anything about the economy, government, international trade, the Constitution, rule of law, or Democracy. Trump is a traitor that has sold our Democracy out for personal power and personal financial wealth.

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Blame is not consequential to those who can rally their supporters. It’s free publicity for extremists. We’ve reached the point where the purpose of working for the common good is uncommon. If citizens who are centrists don’t exercise their franchise, they will have conceded their freedoms. Registering and voting is the primary response to autocracy.

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What am I missing? The Republicans don’t give one hoot about the country. To watch them trying to destroy rather then to fix is disheartening. They are more un-American than any sworn enemy. How surreal!

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On McCarthy, the voters in Kern County should be hanging their heads in shame. This power mad wimp is NOT a leader, he's a whining coward who caves as soon as the MAGAts raise their voices. The MAGAts, in turn have maybe three brain cells they share amongst them. Do they think voters are going to praise them if their Social Security payments are not deposited? If their children, relatives and friends in government service receive no paychecks? They, the Republicans, will be blamed, and even the media will need to report at least some of the truth.

UAW strike: I read that the big three have furloughed several workers in addition to those on strike. Personally I don't give a damn, I don't drive and from 1960 to 2017 I drove Volkswagons or Japanese cars as they were more reliable, had more useful gadgets, and lasted longer, plus I was able to repair them myself, and they got way better mileage. Why would any decent citizen think that it was ok when the companies cut pay and benefits for workers when the manufacturers were in trouble, but when they were making record profits they kept the money for the executives and none for the workers. YAY for the unions.

Trump is against aid to Ukraine because he intends to give Ukraine to Putin if he regains the Presidency even if he is in prison. And of course, he will blame Biden,Democrats, educated people, anyone who didn't vote for him, and for everything he perceives as not good for Trump.

The so-called 'mainstream media' quit reporting the real news during the Reign of Terror (trump that is) So why should they point out that Biden is slim, healthy, and has excellent control for a person who has dealt with a lifelong speech impediment. They would then have to report that der donald is a fat sack of orange blubber with a very low intellect and who's claim to fame consists of stiffing sub-contractors, 6 bankruptcies, 4 indictments on 91 counts, found guilty of one rape and is under judgement of millions of dollars.

Heather, I love your policy of the week idea. And thank you for pointing out San Francisco's tax on multi-millionaires.

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Without hearing your comments first, the simple answer to your question is that very simply, Trump is Captain Chaos. But beyond that simple answer lies much deeper questions. Like why. Why does he chose chaos. There we can find the epicenter of his selfish evilness. Me! Me! Me!, My! My! My! And finally, "Le etat et mois." The horrors of comprehending this are what ultimately are driving all of our thoughts, communications, and ultimately, votes. And the better this is understood, the more certain we are to vote. I, for one, urge the vote. Ultimately, it is his biggest trip wire. So vote. Against Trump. Against the crazies in Congress. Against authoritarianism. Against chaos. Against this entire evil mess. Trip him up -- Vote.

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Journalists should be required to pass a Civic Education course about our governmental System. “Inform oneself before trying to inform the public”

John Livingstone

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Lawrence O'Donnell correctly stated on his show Thursday that Tommy Tuberville is the stupidest Senator with his blockade on military appointments. Tuberville personifies all that is wrong with the Republican party. It appears that their main priority is the "gum up" government with inane investigations (Impeach Joe Biden) and causes (CRT) instead of prioritizing the needs of the country.

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House Republicans should be representing the American people, specifically all of the people in their voting districts, regardless of age, economic status, sexual orientation, political party, etc. This includes the responsibility of upholding one of the main responsibilities of the House of Representatives: to keep the government fiscally running. If they fail to do this they are negligent in their duties as elected representatives of our government. There must be someway when treasonous, and this is treasonous activity (when you put self above nation) occurs that they can speedily be removed from office other than waiting for another election. Should not the states have a remedy for this if the Congress cannot?

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It’s so good to klatch with you!

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Why does #MangoWanker do anything?

1. To evade prison

2. To please the Russian mob (who set vigorish on his $2 billion loans from them)

3. To crash American justice system (see #1)

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Most will blame "congress" in general because most folks only listen to sound bites from MSM or don't listen to any news at all. Folks like Robert Reich need to keep up the good work educating the youngsters.

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Thanks for calling out the MSM's obsession with Biden's age (which they can never mention without claiming that voters are worried about it--thus telling voters that they should be worried about it). Trump is only 3 1/2 years younger than Biden and in far worse shape physically and mentally, but they never mention that.

I wonder if it's their obsession with "even-handedness": it's one of the few things they can find to criticize about Biden, while the only positive thing they can find to say about Trump is that he's leading in the GQP polls.

Of course, they could just be boiler-plating in the mantra about Biden's age's worrying voters into ANYTHING they write about him to meet a required word count--or maybe they just resent him because he doesn't give them scandalous headlines on a daily basis. Hmmm . . . maybe they want Trump to win to keep up their readership; after all, people no longer wake up every morning thinking, "What has he done THIS time?"

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The majority of U S citizens have grown tired of the blame game and the tyranny of one lone Senator, House Member, President, Governor or Judge deciding what’s best for the country. WE are in charge and WE will replace those who FAIL to UNITE us, FAIL to believe in the Constitution and the RULE of law, and FAIL to recognize OUR collective authority!

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UAW president Shawn Fein said outright that Trump is one of the wealthy coastal elitists who has benefitted from the system that is harming ordinary workers. He has also said that a second Trump administration would be a disaster. Democrats should run with this message. When Trump was president, he appointed people who were virulently anti-labor as Labor Secretary and to the NLRB. He also, during the pandemic, ordered that meat processing plants remain open at full capacity, without protections for workers, such that many of them died, as a direct result of this anti-worker policy. And remember Trump's generous tax cut for himself.

Trump is one of the powerful elites who has rigged the system in favor of the wealthy.

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