It’s not so much the size of government as it is who we are electing to run the government! Would you want just anyone who is rich to do your heart surgery or a qualified surgeon?

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Many people want politicians to write policies regarding obstetrics when neither those politicians nor the people who voted them into office understand the complexity of obstetrical medicine. Basically the same idea that you have expressed.

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Robert, it's the same with education! Why do they pick people that have no experience or knowledge about running the Department of Education? They haven't a clue as to what they are doing!

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I think they do have a clue, however shallow and stupid it is, to lower educational values so that voters will be even more unprepared as citizens to vote good people in.

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I agree with you, Robin. The "dumbing down" of America began decades ago and is in full swing today! They took away civics, tried to get rid of the arts and humanities and now they trying to teach our kids a whitewashed version of America that fits with their alternate universe! Many of our younger generations don't understand how government works and are lured to the orange man's siren song! If we don't begin to re-educate them with the truth, the oligarchs will continue to rule over all of us!

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Eliminate or undermine the (real) "experts" and label them as "elites." Up is down and left is right world. I really think we need to make name-calling a bad thing again . . .

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Remember the Nazi's purge of the intelligentsia in its conquered territories? The corporate elite in this country hasn't had to resort to concentration camps. They've done very well at limiting the average American's ability to discern what is valid and what is pure BS through the commercial media without expending one 50-caliber bullet or one cyanide capsule.

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Peggy: tRUMP would like to have an "origin story" similar to that of Kim Jong un. A creation story that would make him and his family sacred royalty. And elites.

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Never gonna happen, Laurie! He's not royalty and he most definitely will NEVER be considered sacred!

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Laurie, and the Trumps are just as pathetic as the Kim family and just as needy of adulation and the complete submission of the people to whatever they say. Why would anyone want that? Did the people of Korea want the militaristic showboating of the Kims or the concentration camps or the torture or the poverty, and the rest of their poor treatment of the Korean people of the north? Perhaps some did and are now those doing the harm to their fellow citizens. We don't have to permit that here.

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In the Red States especially, the state boards of education and politicians are always busy telling school districts and teachers what they can and cannot teach. True American history, financial education, minority history or most any thing except rote memory learning of the basics is being outlawed.

The 1619 Project book is one recent example. Book banning has always been top priority for fascist and the GOP is no stranger to that.

Keeping the population fixated sports, false patriotism, the false hope of gambling, lies about gun rights, false info about crime rates and making an enemy of any citizen who isn't just like them is their goal. Frightened citizens don't take the time to listen to or research what the truth is. All the best for everyone in '25... GH

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How do we combat this? That is the question I keep asking myself. I've been taught to think for myself since childhood. I cannot stop doing that. Do we go underground like seeds until we sprout up again? I don't know. I'm not sure fighting fire with fire is the way out. Water puts fires out, and it also eventually wears down stones. It is the strongest force on earth. Maybe we need to be like water. Somehow, we need to find the way between the cracks in the botoxed masks of these market-worshiping demi-gods.

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Gary, you hit the mark with this one. The red states have decided that control of their citizens is far more important than our Constitution or our nation. Those states with few exceptions could not make it without the money brought in by those people they want their citizens to hate. Red states are the poorest in the nation and if it were not for the size of Texas and DisneyWorld in FL, those two states would be just as bad. Red state people do not get to or choose not to see where they are in the lists of poverty, poor medical care and outcomes, and the other markers for how they are doing in relation to the rest of the country. That of course, is deliberate. People in those states could demand better, but often are so stressed by life itself they don't have energy left. I wish we could infuse them with some energy and maybe they would want better for their children and demand it of their representatives. Or, maybe they will just keep marking the candidates with the "R" behind their names out of habit.

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Peggy, yes, you have that right! Our various governments decided to push crappy curricula, kids sitting in desks all day with minimal active time, programs that require only teaching to the various tests required by states, no arts and humanities, few extra-curricular activities beyond sports, and "bingo," we get Trump and Kump and their greedy, power-hungry sycophants who care nothing for education except that it let them join the crazies at the top dictating what will happen to this nation and ultimately the world. Loud-mouthed and ignorant, just what we will have in a few days.

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The majority of the electorate is already dumbed down.

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Robin : No doubt. They want to "Win" at all costs.

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Robin you are right that they have a clue, but I actually think it is more sinister than maintaining uninformed uninterested voters. I think it is to maintain a permanent underclass that will provide the workforce that will add to their own wealth, almost slave labor, something a lot of white men in this nation have been longing to have for quite some time. It seems a lot of rich folks, in their greed and lack of humane qualities like to believe they are better than everyone else and deserve to be masters of whatever they survey and they want to survey a lot. We the People need to stand in opposition to those greedy fools and do everything we can to protect our public education, a system that is accountable to the communities where they are located and demanding of the funds and resources that any quality school should have. Maybe taxing the greedy rich for the benefit of public education would be a good move. We need to vote in better people and teach our children and young adults to choose better candidates or even, to run themselves.

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The dumbing down of education is just another bullet point in their Fascist playbook. It’s a big part of the their winning strategy, and they won, so far.

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There are still a significant number of those who are educated, I do not believe that they have won at all. ' Just' because the tricked us into a narrative that they 'Won' the 2024 election does not mean that there is no evidence that major cheating has gone on. It exists along with the facts found in investigations like that of Matt Gaetz. There is significant evidence that codes were placed in election tabulation machines. And actual experts who have that information. Who knows? Something positive may even be done about these facts.?. I know that I am motivated and not the only one who wants to see justice! Millions of voters will be disenfranchised of their voting rights AND their freedoms. Will we all just allow this? Let's see.

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And your education and ability to still tell true from false is what will save your country.

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No, we cannot just sit on our hands and give up. That would be a complete waste of our education. We have to fight back, and we have to do this together. I keep wondering about just how many votes Elon Musk bought. It's sickening. Let's help each other through this. There must be a way.

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I certainly have no plans to "Sit on my hands". I am looking at those who have facts and evidence. I will tell my representatives to pay attention, too.

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Susan, you are right that Musk bought votes. Anyone else who did that would be in jail now or out on bail. We just keep giving rich folks a free pass to ignore our Constitution and laws whenever they choose. Heck, Trump should be in jail too if our system were acting as it should.

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Maybe we all need to find ways to be educators. That's not going to be easy. A lot of the MAGA faithful are glued to their screens. That is scary.

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Susan, we are all educators if not teachers. We are regularly educating the people around us about what matters, what we care about and how to navigate in the world. If we are not well-educated, what we are passing along is not going to be of much quality, a lot of stuff "the way it has always been done" or "just deal with it" or some other trope that informs people about life. We need to break through the Fox Not Nearly News hypnosis in some way to get people to actually start thinking about what they are hearing/seeing and how that is impacting their lives and the lives of the people around them and those they encounter along the way. I don't know how, but I am hoping someone smarter than I or at least smarter in media than I, can figure it out.

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Robert, the dissolution of the monasteries proved to be a disaster for England in the 16th century. Be careful with what you wish for. Would Corporate Temples be more to your liking?

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Christian Nationalism is really Corporate Christianity. There are plenty of Christians of good faith who are calling it out. We all need to get louder. A significant percentage of Americans just elected a giant Golden Calf. It's been a very long time since I read that story, but it seems to me it didn't end well.

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Dec 28
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The GOP does not want an educated public! They've been defunding education for decades. Smart people don't elect convicted felons to the highest office in the land.

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Trump did say to his MAGA faithful, " I like my people uneducated" and his crowd applauded, the fact they applauded to that statement just proves my point.

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the Koolaid drinkers applaud everything he says.

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They will keep drinking until they start receiving a bad taste and buyer's remorse, many say as will I, we all told you so, MAGA worshippers

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That makes me sad.

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Unless they have been feed propaganda from Fox News and others 24-7, in which case they believe they just saved America from the Deep State.

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Indeed, and it reminds me of a political cartoon, where there is toilet with name FOX NEWS and a MAGA wearing dog, aka MAGA hat person, lapping it all up as the gospel truth, the crap that FOX aka the real fake news keeps spoon feeding their viewers

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Oh but they do, if we're a bunch of uneducated idiots then we're much easier to control! They don't want you educated.

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There’s a strong parallel to guns; the “when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns” BS.

“When the electorate is educated, only the educated will be elected”. To translate for the (purposefully) uneducated, “Dumb is good”.

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In thir dreams. It will not last tyranny. We were raised to demand freedom. There will be resistance. Whether they own the courts or not. Count on it.

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I like your attitude! We need more of that. Thank you.

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Well, think about that statement: "When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns." Joyce Vance posted a picture of a tee shirt that is selling like hotcakes. It has a picture of Trump and Vance. Underneath Trump is the word Outlaw and under Vance, Hillbilly. The base wants the Outlaw. So now the 34-count outlaw has the biggest arsenal on the planet. If that doesn't move folks to action, nothing will.

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and why educate the people when you can import already educated foreigners? Vivek Ramaswamy just detonated a bomb, and the explosion may end his political career. He denounced American culture of "veneration of mediocrity" and implied that Americans are lazy. US strategists hope to use India as counterweight to China, but unless we improve our educational system, we will be dominated by Indian and Chinese scientists and entrepreneurs in the not to distant future.

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Billionaires live in their bubble of privilege. By putting all our eggs in the market basket, we have created an American ATM where all is transactional, and everything is for sale. Nothing else matters. This will not end well. We have been sold the magic market narrative for fifty years. It's time we wrote a new story.

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You are right, Susan. Their amorality is unsustainable over the long run.

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Businesses choose foreigners over Americans who are just as qualified because they are more pliable. They're better suck-ups.

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Eff them! Let 'em live in dreamland. We don't have billions of dollars in cushioning like they do.if we can't prevail, Mother nature will get their attention.

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But of course, so yes! and so true, for true knowledge is power

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Ie Betsy Devoss

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DeVos and her followers want to dismantle the public school system with your taxes going to private schools.

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💓Reich💓:"Today, confidence in the economic system has sharply declined. Its apparent arbitrariness and unfairness have undermined the public’s faith..."

💓Reich💓:"...recent American history can be divided into five periods...1946-1979...1980-2008...2008-2010, the financial crisis...."

1929-1939 Depression

1941-1945 Anger... with a promise of FREEDOM FROM FEAR by FDR


1965 "Sound of Music" won 5 Oscars: True story of FACING YOUR FEAR

1969-1982 Purdue Pharma marketing: "You don't have to face your fear anymore, just keep popping our pills.. They're NOT HABIT FORMING!"

1980-2025 All Americans know about Valium, NO American knows FACING YOUR FEAR IS REQUIRED?

1980-2025 Evangelicals are only demographic that's FACING THEIR FEAR (Evangelizing is Rejection Desensitization) and becomes America's best asserters and elected Reagan, Bush, Trump.

1993-2025 Purdue Pharma launches the opioid epidemic... Most of a million dead

💓Reich💓:"This is why it’s so important that those of us who care about social justice speak out and explain what has happened."

Subscribe to join our Focus Group

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Oh, they have a clue, all right; it’s just not the clue we’ve all been hoping for. Their ‘clue‘ It’s all part of their bigger plan to turn us all into their slaves, and eliminate those who refuse to obey. Classic fascism. We all signed onto this democracy death warrant when we picked up our first smart phones and became fascinated by their undeniable power and charm. The global connections we all marveled at are the invisible chains that bind us to their toxic agenda; chains that have become so infused into our daily lives that we cannot figure out how to disentangle ourselves without suffering the pains of information withdrawal. Of course there are many other ways that they have compelled us to become entrapped but that are too numerous to list here. Nevertheless, you get the point.

Believe it, or not, I am not advocating that we become 21st-century Luddites, just that we turn this technology to our advantage by questioning every bit of information that comes our way to verify its source and it’s hidden agenda. It is tragic that our concept of trust has been so badly raped and violated by those sociopathic oligarchic monsters. Still, we must become more fully engaged in the expression of our awareness of what they are up to, and resist with all of our might as we teach our children to understand what is going on and what must be done, despite the evil ones best attempts to destroy the foundations of our system of education.

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It so ridiculous isn't it? That pointing out harm of technologies means one has to preemptively meet the charge of being a Luddite standing in the way of progress.

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" up is down , intelligence is foolishness, (think concern about climate disaster). The center of evil orange menace is "the chosen one". he projects what he does onto his enemies, along with his deranged fantasies, of who or what he is. One sick puppy, using mafia tactics to scare us all.

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I think that the idea is to undermine the effectiveness of the Government so that they can say it doesn't work so they can stop funding it. The Tories in the UK under Thatcher did this

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In order to privatize. It's "give me the money."

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T-rump, Muskrat and Vivek Swampy, give us money and we give you America, the big screw and lots of everywhere misery, it's once again, make America hateful again!

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Who do you think the Tories got the idea from? Reagan's remark, "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help." The GQP has been undermining the government for the last 40+ years.

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And let's not forget it was Reagan who abolished the Fairness Doctrine at the (funded) request of Rupert Murdoch. The immediate result: Fox News... that has done more damage to our democracy than any other entity.

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Only 3 likes to your comment - too deep into a side thread, I suppose. That’s a shame, because you point out what I consider to be a huge truth about who’s to blame for what.

Reagan - St. Ronald - was the first professional actor to step onto the national stage and mesmerize a huge swath of the American public with his silken voice and anti-government rhetoric…..and actions.

I honestly blame him for a ton of the 💩 we are dealing with today.

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Some knaves assume that government by one man is less costly than government by a bureaucracy.

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Their agenda is suspect. They are enabled by the likes ofTRUMP, and his supporters, who want to end education as we know it and keep us in the dark, whenever it helps their plans. They would prefer that we would be sleepwalkers.easily programmed to do their will, and blind to our own interests or needs,and the needs of our children and neighbors'.also our environment.

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The angry Americans who elected Trump were not delusional about the sources of their anger. As Dr. Reich indicated, young “working-class” Americans could, in the ‘50s and ‘60s could expect that if they worked hard, when they reached their 30s and 40s they would be living as well as their parents had. That’s now only a dream for most of them. No wonder they’re angry. And Trump, and the people for whom he is a puppet, have successfully diverted blame from themselves to the variously despised targets: non-whites, immigrants (and not just the undocumented!), LGBTQs—and “the elites”—basically, those of us who have advanced degrees of one kind or another.

We need now an impossible combination of elements to escape our current prospect of oligarchic authoritarianism: candidates (at all levels) who are sufficiently charismatic economic populists, and sufficient funds to dominate all of our communication streams. We have to tell our low-information neighbors who is really screwing them, and what we will do to rebalance the economy so that they will have the same chances for achievement as their grandparents (assuming they were American-born).

Given the stranglehold the plutocrats have now(c. f.: Elon Musk and his tech-bros) on campaign funding, I don’t know how this can happen absent a system-shock as awful as the Great Depression and/or WW II. Most congress-people, and the august justices of our Supreme Court are millionaires or wealthier. That is, the status quo serves them well, and they will continue to support it. (See such SC decisions as Citizens United and the recent presidential immunity ruling.)

But I’ve not seen anyone with a large enough megaphone, including Dr. Reich, willing to make this argument. More center-left pronouncements won’t cut it. We need a national party willing to take the risk of making the populist argument, and to win sufficient small-dollar contributions to support this argument. Is there—are there—sufficiently charismatic candidates to accomplish this? Is the current Democratic political structure capable of supporting such a campaign? I have my doubts. I believe the current national party is incapable of running a campaign that impugns the very people who now fund the party.

But they say that hope springs eternal….

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I know it sure looks pretty hopeless. Impossible.

But things can change. People die, New people with new ideas come along.

A nation can experience a calamity and change. The SCOTUS could agree with the new Maine ballot initiative (now law) that superpacs are a quid pro quo setup and must be restricted. Yeah okay maybe that last is impossible.

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Steve Cades ; "The angry Americans who elected Trump" do not exist. The election was tampered with majorly. The complicit media ignores the biggest story ever, because they are owned by tRUMP sycophant billionaires, who are afraid of truth and want the spoils of war against the humans more than they want justice and freedom for the humans to self rule. The evidence exists. visit Stephen Spooner's substack. Trump voters are not a majority, and are not numerous enough, He received less than the majority of all votes in the 2024 election ; period, even when cheating. The "Electoral College" is a cruel joke, and a hoax.

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Recent headlines have been grappling with the startling public reaction to the killing of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson. Articles like Economic Times’ ““Little sympathy: UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson's death becomes a meme and source of ridicule on social media; here's the reason why”” and USA Today’s “The UnitedHealthcare CEO was killed and many had little sympathy. Why?”?” reflect a grim reality: a widespread disillusionment with the healthcare-for-profit system and its devastating impact on everyday lives.

The alleged shooter, 26-year-old Luigi Mangione's, , has pled not guilty to multiple federal charges, including murder. Legal experts are speculating that the case could face “the highest risk” of jury nullification, as public sentiment appears to sympathize more with the accused than the victim. This reaction highlights a critical truth: while the act of violence is indefensible, the misery caused by the for-profit healthcare industry is rooted not in the actions of any one CEO, but in a system of corporate rule that prioritizes profit over people.

The misery so many people suffer at the source of the Healthcare-for-profit Industry is corporate personhood, not from an errant CEO.

The Root of the Problem: Corporate Constitutional Rights

At the heart of this system is the doctrine of corporate personhood, which grants corporations constitutional rights originally intended for human beings. This, combined with the notion of money equaling free speech, has allowed corporations to hijack our political system, undermining free and fair elections, and turning governance into a mechanism for advancing corporate interests. The result? A healthcare system that treats human lives as commodities.

“Political Influence of the Healthcare Industry.” despite overwhelming public support for a universal healthcare system, corporate interests continue to block progress.

Massive corporate profits.

Healthcare as a Commodity, Not a Right

A dizzying array of corporate interests use their political power to maximize their profits by treating healthcare as a commodity rather than a human right.

Pharmaceutical manufacturing and health products corporations, insurance corporations, medical device and supplier corporations, hospital/nursing home corporations, health services/HMO corporations and individual health professionals have been gouging taxpayers and patients for decades.

Could Jury Nullification Be a Tipping Point?

The possibility of jury nullification in this case is a striking example of public outrage reaching a boiling point. When a jury is willing to defy evidence and the law to send a message, it signals something profound: the system itself is so unjust that ordinary people are willing to challenge it in extraordinary ways.

This potential jury action is not just about one man on trial—it’s about a growing refusal to accept a system where corporate greed dictates our lives, health, and well-being. It’s a call for change that we cannot afford to ignore.

Connecting the Dots: Corporate Rule in Healthcare

The tragic killing of Brian Thompson is not just an isolated incident; it is a symptom of a deeper, systemic problem. Corporate power has become so entrenched that the pain and suffering of ordinary people are now seen as collateral damage in the pursuit of ever-growing profits.


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Excellent points, Steven!

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I believe it’s because they are trying to destroy the institutions that help Americans. They want to dismantle our current form of government and have a new one based on wealth, power, and privilege. They want an oligarchy.

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Peggy, you are so right about education. I keep hearing "everyone can teach if the teacher manuals are detailed enough." That is simply not true, but keeps getting repeated by people, of course, who have never taught or even tried to teach. Rich white people and some others will give up a lot to make sure their kids get in the "right" schools with well-trained teachers or teachers thought to be well-trained but don't really care what happens to the rest of the children. That is hypocrisy which is in abundance with a lot of Americans these days, starting with the "me generation" of the 1980s. We really are in this together if only we could get the too-rich greedy guys to see it.

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You are spot on, Ruth! As a retired teacher, I can support your statement that it takes so much more to teach than a manual! The "me generation" is in full swing now and it will be very nasty for us for a while.

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That is exactly the point. trump appoints not only people who have no expertise in the subject the agencies cover, but who truly disagree with the existence of the agency itself.

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Our Missouri elected GOP officials are an excellent source of such people. Such as Billy Long , former representative, whom crooked Trump wants to be IRS head.

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To Trump, the enemy within, are among other things, those people that are knowledgeable and enlightened

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anyone who knows more than he (and his crooked lawyers) does.

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yes, he is always projecting what he is and does onto his opponents.

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I don't think most people are aware of consequences like this of their vote.

I saw a video of a woman who left MAGA in 2020 because of the lies being told about Covid. She was a nurse and she saw the consequences daily. She had a touchstone for reality.

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The MAGA Republican president elect is a grifter that lied and bought his away into office! We all need to wake up and accept this reality! Stop trying to convince ourselves that he or the MAGA Republican criminals have our country’s best interest on their hearts or minds! They are essentially a band of thieves eager to rob and pillage our country!

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People mostly make political decisions based on who they believe embodies and advances their values and interests. Expertise is only a consideration if the expert can be considered reasonably trustworthy.

There's some serious introspection missing here and on most of the progressive interwebs about *WHY* voters do not trust progressives. One plausible explanation is that we are so certain that the class conflict is between the billionaires and everyone else that we are missing the class conflict Trump is riding - between the upper middle class and others (https://www.brookings.edu/books/dream-hoarders/).

It is a mistake to assume that if only the people who voted for Trump this time could hear our real message they'd vote for us. Andrew Levison is one of the sharpest minds I've seen about class in America, and he puts forth a compelling description of working-class anti-elitism:


Right now many progressives and Democrats fit the description of the elites that Levison outlines.

And if you look from the perspective of those who are losing ground, a lot of it makes sense. One of the best explanations of I've seen is from Cracked magazine after the 2016 election, and it rings even more true today.


Once you add up gentrification/real estate displacement, upper middle class people using money and pulling strings to get into desirable schools and get plum jobs, bona fide cultural condescension (e.g., all MAGAs are racist idiots) you can see how the resentment towards perceived elites builds up. Billionaires that posture as "regular Joes made good" can easily distinguish themselves from the upper middle class - think of the country group "Big and Rich" - and use that to run on anti-elitism.

If we progressives don't learn how to stop fitting the description of the elites that people see in their real lives we are going to keep losing, no matter how earnestly we explain to them (or to ourselves?) that what we propose is what they should want.

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Robert, it is almost as though uninformed people think there is something sacred or pure about not understanding how our government and its programs work. They rarely realize that they partake of a lot of what our government does, every single day. Of course, there is nothing to gain from ignorance. Knowledge can't fix everything, but it can help people make better choices and take more honest positions on issues.

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It’s not who but why. Why is Capitalism becoming more Fascist and more Trumpy?

We at movetoamend.org have been warning about Corporate Rule for years, since Citizens United. SCOTUS gave corporate interests our Constitution and with it our inalienable rights and powers. They fundamentally shifted the power balance of our system away from democracy and We the People.

The solution would have been so simple, a three paragraph constitutional amendment called HJR54, the We the People Amendment. It’s still in play with 90 cosponsors in the House.

But y’all never did much to grow the movement to advance it, instead focusing on electoral politics, but never system change. We had a great plan with over 800 organizations behind it, including moveon.org! See the list of organizations here: movetoamend.org/organizations

Y’all never made the demand a central tenant of your organizations. It was half assed because so much money could be raised in supposedly fighting Citizens United.

And now it’s probably too late for democracy and for our environment. I did my best. A few of you did too.

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Bingo! You nailed it too. This didn't begin with Citizens United, but that made it legal and institutional. It's been downhill since then.

People worry about trans kids, drugs, the poor on stipends, but never the uber wealthy. Never do they worry about guns, but only the shooters who have the guns.

Fox has done an amazing job of teaching Americans to hate the poor, brown or "other" of any kind for the pains in our lives. The real force holding us down is the abomination of wealthy excesses at the expense of the population.

Always vilifying the symptom, never the cure.

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Democrats attacking other Democrats! Republicans love it! Don't blame me. I do my best to help further the Democrat cause (mostly by cash given to various organizations), but need to focus my efforts on taking care of my disabled wife.

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The good news is that TRUMPLICANS have EACH OTHER by their bloody throats now while AMERICANS, (Democrats), are finally UNITED!

Just remember to tag #presidentmusk on EVERY post to really shove the glass shard deeper into Bunkerboy's a-toes. I sure do. Hopefully that'll hasten the "Bigly Heart Attack" that's inevitable!

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Be careful....JD Vance is one heart attack away from sitting at the Resolute Desk!

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Great idea Daniel.

Starting Jan 20 we all should begin swamping the White House with letters and e-mails beginning with "Dear President Musk...".

Have a Hap, Hap, Happy New Year.

Maybe we can have some fun with this mess after all... GH

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Tim, I took care of my mother, and I know how challenging that is. I wish you all the best.

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tenet — a principle or belief.

tenant — a resident, the guy who rents your apartment.

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😉 thanks, y'all!

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Ten Ant. A very good looking ant!!! Have a Happy New Year everyone!!! GH

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Too late?

We were attacked (and conquered?) by Russia!!!!!

Step up Joe.

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Russia has nothing to do with any of this. We have destroyed ourselves from within. Our government, OUR GOVERNMENT!, has sold us out with the help of some judges who love money more than democracy.

I'm an old lady, I've been a dem since Eisenhower (the last "good' Republican). Reagan taught us to hate those less fortunate so that they could enrich the wealthy by denying healthcare and eldercare to the masses. Every "care" had a profit component for the already wealthy. Note, this is when the disencouragement of higher education began, as well.

Then came Citizens United to legalize the molding our government, by the wealthy, into wealth-enhancers for themselves, freezing any aid to the poor, sick, elderly and unfortunate. Fox, after Murdoch was shoved out of his home country, jumped in to aid the powerful monied persons, teaching you to hate the poorer-than-you, the browner-than-you, the migrants who worked for you, blaming them for your woes. And Americans were great students of this festering hate.They needed to blame someone, Fox gave them that "someone".

So, it is we, the uneducated, angry, poor and weak, are alone to fight for the Founders promised land. It's up to us, we need to be smarter, fight harder, demand a return to the EFFORT to realize our democracy.This is an ongoing battle that will be incremental at best, to realize our potential, we must demand as our human right. NOW.

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You should take a look at the sources Daniel provides and others as well. Sure "we" did it to ourselves, mostly. But Putin provided a helping hand.

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What do you think Joe can do in the next three weeks? This isn’t all on his shoulders. Anything he could start at this point would just be slow-walked until cheetolini is sworn in. Any executive action or investigation would die a quick death.

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Can put everthing on hold. Channel Abe Lincoln.

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And get shot in the head?

It's up to Congress now to decide whether to investigate.

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Nope. A president can be a "unitary executive" in an emergency. Is war an emergency?

It is possible that the sanate could entertain an amnesty bill, but time flies.

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Not in this situation : we are at WAR with a Domestic terrorist and his cabal. He is also a Friend of Putin, and other of our enemies. At this time, women are being murdered by Unconstitutional laws denying women of all races emergency medical care. Several in government, including the Supreme Court, are in violation of their oaths of office, and they are ignoring the Constitution and the rule of law. The illegitimate Criminal who is being installed by illegal, dirty money has threatened many crimes against the Humans, known as the People, who are the rulers of this Republic. He, and his minions must be stopped!

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The secret to triumph is in the first syllable :TRI : AKA TRY!

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Corporate personhood started in 1886 with the Santa Clara County vs. The Southern Pacific Railroad SCOTUS case. A scribe who used to own a railroad wrote the summary giving corporations Constitutional Rights which started the precedent. Then it was off to the races.

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Good point, Joseph. Congress has consistently favored capitalists long before Citizen United. Campaign financing is important, of course, but what goes on in between campaigns matters more. Lobbying, revolving doors, business associations play an enormous role.

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Reading Saving Democracy by David Pepper. Upshot: GOP playing to win the states to accrue more power at Fed level. Dems: not so much.

Dems: Democracy is stable.

GOP : No its not. It can be subverted.

You note how much of the discussion on this substack is about the fed level and not what is happening in people's state very much. Understandable because of Reich's focus. But it's part of how they win, we lose.

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We the Corporations is a good and fun book tracing Citizens United waaaay back. Back to the corporations first establishing colonies in America and the history of legal decisions leading, like a big bang, up to CU.

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The words corporation and company are not in the Constitution. The Constitution starts: "We the people" not "We the corporations." C.U. was 2010 or 2011.

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If Trump is going to be a dictator on day 1, we need purgation now.

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If the Senate keeps rejecting his nominations he would not be able to become a dictator.Attacking his nominees is much safer than attacking Trump himself. Also, Trump already has began to disgrace himself by associating with Musk and Ramaswamy. His nominees for AG and national intelligence are both of Indian ancestry. Keep hitting on the xenophobia button--it works both ways. Anyway, the role of the Senate is critical at this point.

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a presidency needs legitimacy, otherwise it is plain tyranny, and tyrants don't last long..

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Critical if the Senate does its job and not rubber stamp these abnoxious nominees: Kash P. Hegseth, and Tulsi G to start with !

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The federalists were concerned about executive power; that can be a good idea, but it brings you a fruitcake cabinet, whwn you have elected a weirdo.

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Which is why they designed for nominees to be confirmed by the Senate in another branch.

What happens when you have a GOP Senate which will put misfits into the cabinet, and a Supreme Court that when invoked washes its hands of responsibility to keep a Republic? The world is going to find out.

You can only design a Constitution to guard against so many things. If you have a big enough gash in the ship there won't be enough watertight holds to keep it afloat. And the water pumps aren't working so well either.

We already hit the iceberg. The consequences will now folllow.

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Nice comparisons, but my question is: is an emergency exit?

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So The White House will now be home to the rich and infamous.

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The most popular article on "The Hill" now says that Congress can act to prevent Trump from becoming President. Congress has the power to block Trump from taking office, but lawmakers must act now https://thehill.com/opinion/congress-blog/5055171-constitution-insurrection-trump-disqualification/

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Tell them to hurry up!!!

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I would seek out the lowest paid surgeon who is anti Trump. He is automatically the best if he’s anti Trump, says all the Democrats.

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What are you saying Will Hargrove? I do not understand your comment. what has a surgeon got to so with anything. And all Democrats? That is absolute nonsense.

None of your comment follows, not from the article, not from Daniel Solomon, not even internally

It is too early in the morning to be drinking.

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He's replying to Keith Olson's comment, up top ^

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Thanks, damn substack, Yet still, the comment is insulting to democrats. He is saying that in the democrat mindset, the lowest paid surgeon is the best.

I take Hargrove as a right wing troll.

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I can't be the only one who harbors the suspicion that the election of crooked Trump is another variant of the phenomenon of deaths of despair we have seen in America.


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Steve, the thought has crossed my mind also. Of course the MAGA show no sign of despair, quite the contrary, they are elated. Consider this: the MAGA are in denial about almost everything, not just climate change, and denial, a coping psychological mechanism, acts like a drug. Denial brings peace of mind; it gives relief from fear and anger; it is a pleasant feeling. When people are diagnosed with cancer the usually first go into denial. Once in denial, you must construct an alternative reality, and this usually requires scapegoating. Trump knows this, and he uses denial both as tactic and strategy.

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Clearly there is some of this going on with my electeds Hawley and Schmitt.

Maybe they are enjoying the rush of power and think they are invincible.

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What is the appeal of Hawley? I thought that Kulce was a strong contender.

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Keith, that is a good analogy. If it is something directly related to themselves, like good medical care, they want the professional who actually has done many similar operations. When it comes to other areas, they think they know better than professionals: parents know better than teachers how and what to teach; people with no governing experience will make a better senator than someone who has served the public for years; someone who has poorly run his corporations is a better judge of what is efficient than people who have worked trying to be efficient, not just trying to save themselves money and make others work harder for less pay. Parents, outsiders, and corporate CEOs can contribute ideas where they have some knowledge, but should not be in charge. People's general lack of understanding of how government works and how much they actually depend on it is a real challenge that needs to be addressed at all levels. Maybe some clever video games could help with this with prizes for people who actually learn the concepts.

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That makes sense. It is both hopeful and horrifying. Hopeful because many of the disenfranchised might have voted for Harris. Horrifying because without those votes we have the oligarchs.

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Apparently there is no "test" in order to become a "certified" politician - pretty much for any other professional job there are requirements one has to meet, ie doctors, lawyers, engineers, craftsman, etc.

All it takes is to have the characteristics of a pied-piper one comes to contemplate. And it is apparently globally so. Why?

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If you’re rich, you can afford any doctor you want, if you’re poor, you’re getting whatever the government gives you, in terms of healthcare and its pool of substandard medical professionals. You’re getting the bottom of the barrel, sort of speak.

It’s no different than anything else really, better actors get better pay than those that aren’t as popular, football players, professors, you name it and there’s probably a pay scale that goes along with it.

It’s the way of the world. The smartest brightest people that have the ability to sell themselves make better money than those that don’t. Should they feel guilty?

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you are asking the wrong question here Manny.

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There’s no question there. It’s a comment.

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Oh come now, Mr. Olson! Just because RFK doesn't BELIEVE that the human lung exists doesn't disqualify him from being a surge-oh yeah. I see your point.XD

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When monopoly capitalism becomes insulated by legislation and market protections, we begin to see a steepening of the downward curve past capitalism‘s usefulness.

And even regular capitalism with weak regulatory controls is a lousy model for what America and the world face. Only Democrats have the guts to consider #22ndCenturyThinking as we approach the hard choices necessary in climate disruption, resource allocation, wealth inequality, and our faith in justice.

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‘Achieving Honorable Democracy’ thank you for you comment; succinct Truth stated🙌

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In the UK Martin Wolf, chief economics commentator of the Financial Times, has written an excellent book on how todays capitalism has undermined liberal democracy. He exactly echoes Robert Reichs observations.

Trump, Brexit, the tech and finance oligarchs, the US’s cruel and greedy healthcare - all are symptoms. The cure is to change the model of capitalism. Starting with obscene wealth and the abuse of power.

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Don't Forget Stock-Buybacks.... Who owns the Most Stocks? The CEOs and Multi-Generational Wealth... Milton Friedman Preached The Gospel Of Market Worship... Look At Where We Are Now...

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Preventing stock buy-backs is not a reasonable or effective solution to wealth inequity. A better solution is to tax realized capital gains on equities at the same rate as we tax ordinary income.

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I prefer to Speak, and Write Tersely... It is called 'Laconic'....Especially at 03:00hrs... I also don't like to Write... Too Slow... 'Stock Buybacks' take Cash.... This Cash could be used for Employee Raises, Corporate Charity, Employee Benefits, or other Good Causes... They were illegal till 1982 under Reagan... They are a form of Market-Manipulation by reducing the number of shares in the Market thus indirectly inflating the Stock Price remaining Shares on the Market... Combined with Slashed Tax-Rates, Wealth further accumulates at the Top since the Top 10% own over 90% of the Market... How much $$$ is used for Stock Buybacks? According to 'Investopedia', over $723,000,000,000 was spent on Stock Buybacks in 2023 alone.. This $$$ could have been used for Better Purposes... This was more $$$ than any of Joe Biden's Economic Restoration Initiatives...

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I understand your points, Apache. If a law were to forbid stock buybacks, the corporation need not spend the money on employee compensation. We have better solutions to address inequity of income.

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Friend Apache. There are a few commenting styles, which make me see red.One of them is "Don't forget".

While stock buy backs are relevant and worthy. I doubt Mr Reich forget them, there is so much to mention.

I suggest: "And then there are stock buy backs......"

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Really, William? Critiquing our writing styles now? Our personal word choices? Is style as important as content in a casual group discussion, or did you wake up grumpy? Chillax, dude.

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I wasn't talking to you Paul, remember only stuck pigs squeal. If the shoe fits. I'd be careful about jumping on such conversations, it tells me more about you than me.

BTW, Apache and I share values and attitude and I was offering constructive criticism, the intent was to be helpful not critical.

Do not personalize the impersonal.

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I don't like to see anyone bullied. You could have offered your "critique" by private message, if you are trying to be helpful. Have a good day!

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I wasn't bullying Apache, Apache is my friend. I posted it publicly as it is helpful to others. Too many people don't know how to enter or interject themselves into a conversation, they should learn.

You should also learn to mind your own business.

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.... and Friedman got a Nobel Prize....

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Sad, Very Sad.... :-(

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Thank you Peggy. To explain my opinion to other readers f this blog: The rationale favoring prevention of stock buybacks is to force a company to spend its profits on wages instead. However, the company could use its "excess profits" to retire its debt, buy another company, or pay its executives more. If we want our government to control how a company spends its profits, the government must own its shares.

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Thank You Gerald... They could also keep a Share of their Profits for Retained Profits, issue Shareholder Dividends, or lower the prices of their Products, thus lowering the Cost-Of-Living... I'm Probably Older than You... I Remember the Times when CEOs considered the Impacts of their Decisions on their Employees, and the Communities that they operated in... The 'Greed-Is-Good' Gospel Killed That...

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Yes. I agree. I suspect it would be unacceptable to American values were Congress to pass a law that forbids stock buybacks. To help reduce the disparity of wealth, Congress does have the authority to raise the tax rate on realized capital gains on equities. Stockholders can vote to reduce the pay of compensation of management, including stock option awards.

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Hello Gerald.. Until 1982, they were Forbade by the SEC.. It was one of the Financial Reforms from the Great Depression... The 'Great Financialization' of the USA Economy started under Reagan, and has led us to the Billionaires that manipulate DJT... Meanwhile the majority of U.S. Citizens live Paycheck-2-Paycheck... Meanwhile a MAGA Revolt is Brewing as the non-Billionaires realize that Billionaires have used them...

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Quite simply, the problem is ‘human nature’. Without some means of ensuring discipline and regulation, the greedy and selfish genes take over and control belongs to the greediest. Ask any parent what happens if they don’t apply rules of behavior to their children. And don’t get me started on the increasing popularity, and acceptance, of lying. FDR did ‘fireside chats’ - DJT does hate-filled rants.

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It's not human nature, it's the system that rewards greed and selfishness.

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That’s all be knows, but he keeps those that feel the same as he full of the hate and fear that will eventually destroy all decency that they may have had!

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I agree! I think the Founding Fathers were wrestling with this when they fashioned the Constitution: our vulnerability to fear and the need for security and control in our lives, and consequently a vulnerability to greed and controlling others. There is something positively

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….ancient Greek about it, the hubris of those who gain power and come to think of themselves as above others and therefore more deserving.

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A big difference!

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That people turned away from the robust economy of the 40s-70s and actually believed Reagan’s bullshit should have been a huge warning bell right there. But the Democratic Party passed up a golden opportunity to represent the working class and instead started pandering to the same people the GOP always had along with eventually rigging the primaries against Bernie, and so here we are. It’s going to take a lot to pull the country out of this self-destructive death spiral, and if anyone can mess it up the Democrats can, as they’ve shown over and over. I think a new party entirely is the answer but since that’s unlikely we need a whole new generation of progressive leaders, AOC and others like her, true progressives who aren’t taking bribes, I mean contributions from corporations and other corrupt sources.

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Spot on!

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Best comment of the day!!!

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Susan: As an example. Bill Clinton did for the Republican's and their Donors what a Republican never could have. Just like only Nixon could have gone to China, no Democrat could have opened that door.

Even Obama tried, remember his mighty last ditch effort just before he left office, to push through an Asian version of NAFTA, the Transpacific Partnership or TPP.

We are being snookered. We need real democrats (small d) in congress and leading the DNC, DCCC, DSCC

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Thank you. Those graphs are very clear, aren't they? Wow.

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A tragic economic betrayal of millions by those who desire a few more hollow baubles to impress and intimidate their fellows. Such a narrow fear based self obsessed political mindset is a hostage to fortune. In this time in history, to Russia. All Putin needed to do to capture the West (specifically the US & UK) was to run with these wolves of Wall Street and The City of London. They are all so easily bought. Having duped these titans of neo liberalism, through their overweaning moral commitment to big money, whatever its ‘nationality’, over their humanity, comes the easy obedience of their bought politicians.

This article should be a wake up call to all:


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The Guardian Opinion on what a war mindset means (from the strategic perspective of the invader and the impact on the invaded) makes my skin crawl. I feel like each of us is the Chinese student in Tiananmen Square - except this time the tank won’t stop. Power and money have become ruthlessness incarnate.

History is rhyming. In Poland during WW2 the Jews were stripped of citizenship, jobs, housing, food in a step-by-step plan to weaken any chance of collective resistance. Only once they were brought to a state of complete stress overload were they murdered by the Germans.

Same strategy in Ukraine, except the Ukraines have weapons. What is next here?

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Monnina this is an excellent, albeit chilling article. Professor Reich correctly outlines where we are at economically. Referenced by the Guardian opinion, most see the “chaos” happening throughout the west. Question is how to stop the “bull in the china shop” and have the least breakage until the bull can be led away. Lots to reckon with in the new year. Preparing our families for resilience tops my list.

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Monnina, thank you for the link! Excellent article, that as you say should be read by all.

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Ditto what M Tree said. 🌳 ❤️

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Always look forward to being educated by your posts @Robert Reich.

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The choice between democracy and oligarchy has been made by the electorate. We have staggered backward to a nation of wealthy masters and those who serve them.

What hope is there for the middle class and the poor when jobs offer low wages, no benefits, and poor working conditions? Rents are ridiculously high and homes are unaffordable. Social Security and Medicare, once a lifeline for retirement has been gutted and the opportunity for retirement is gone. But, I state the obvious. We are facing radical change in our society and only radical action can ultimately bring about opportunity for all.

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Radical action, yes, but the right strategic action that surgically fixes just the parts that were broken!

We at movetoamend.org have been warning about Corporate Rule for years, since Citizens United. SCOTUS gave corporate interests our Constitution and with it our inalienable rights and powers. They fundamentally shifted the power balance of our system away from democracy and We the People.

The solution would have been so simple, a three paragraph constitutional amendment called HJR54, the We the People Amendment. It’s still in play with 90 cosponsors in the House.

But most folks and organizations instead focus on electoral politics, but never system change. We at MTA had a great plan with over 800 organizations behind it, including moveon.org! See the list of organizations here: movetoamend.org/organizations

But most organizations never made the demand a central tenant. It was half assed because so much money could be raised in supposedly fighting Citizens United.

And now it may be too late for democracy and for our environment.

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Only 90 co sponsors Lawrence. Every Democrat should be a co sponsor. If only 90 have signed on, what does that tell us about the other the others. Corporate Dems.

One way to sort the wheat from the chaf is by who signs on to co sponsor critical legislation.

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Privatizing Social Security and Medicare are the ultimate goal, but it hasn’t happened yet. I’m appalled that the oligarchs are so openly disclosing those plans. These used to be the Third Rail in politics - touch it and you die. Let’s hope their latest efforts lead to piles of political “deaths.” And it might be the one thing that the few remaining sane republicans refuse to touch.

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We need to take to the streets in the New Year. In support of Amazon strikers and Starbucks strikers. We need to flood the streets for days, weeks, as long as it takes to make Congress, the Supreme Jesters AFRAID of US, we the people.'

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Instead of just afraid of the specter of armed and crazed adherents of Cheetolini?

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Before the maggots think it's their time.

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How has Social security been gutted? In fact Social Security is adjusted by an inflation indicator which is biased in favor of old and retired people meaning that in real terms Social Security income has been going up. With the huge increase in recipients versus contributors this will be a big problem unless some adjustments are being made.

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Insurance premiums go up faster!

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We need radical leaders

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Your description of America’s economic development and the affect on the middle class is compelling. Why is this description of the problem not understood by the majority of voters and why has the Democratic Party been incapable of articulating the problem and logical solutions that would be compelling to the majority of voters?

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Yes Jeff🙌 whilst helping the middle class with President Biden’s huge Acts last 4 years, the Democratic Party didn’t articulate the real problem of corporate corruption & how both parties kowtow to oligarchs. Citizens United needs to be overturned.

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Yes, SoCal! If unlimited dark money was taken out of the equation, the oligarchs could no longer buy elections. They may bribe the incoming representatives, but their puppets would not be elected. Vance only cost them $25 million. Would he have won with only voter donations? Or spending limited to publicly-funded campaign funds? And the list goes on!

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Jeff, I feel we need better messaging; however, I have yet to see it or hear it! Our voice is small compared to the MAGA megaphone! The muskrat aims to control all of MSM and he will ensure his propaganda is spewed out 24/7. How do we compete with that?

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That is indeed the question, and our task is to find the anwer

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The Corporate MSM Glorifies Wealth... DJT is an Excellent Example of that... You would be amazed at the number of People that Believe that the DJT in the NYC Tabloids, or in the 'Apprentice' was Real....

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The MAGAs messaging machine is extremely loud and has succeeded in influencing the minds of many Americans. When anyone does try to discuss and explain what has happened, it falls on deaf ears! The orange man's propaganda has spread over a lot of this country and "sheeple" need someone and something to aim their anger and hatred at, so they refuse to listen to any other explanation as to why their lives are in the toilet right now. To me, I think our messaging should not be on what happened and why, rather it should be on what we need as a country for everyone to get back on the right track. We need to get louder and more persuasive when talking about stakeholder capitalism vs shareholder capitalism. Our message needs to be more acceptable to the "sheeple" so they can begin to see the enemy is NOT the immigrants, socialist, 'woke'ism, Democrats, Black people or other countries! The enemy is the extreme wealthy who have bought our country and are using puppets like the orange smear to run it! They are the true enemy and they will continue to rape and pillage our country until there is nothing left! We must find PR people that can make our message more strong and compelling than the oligarchs' message!

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Dec 27Edited
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Thank you for your comment, Robert. I disagree but that is what is so great about our country! Everyone has a right to their opinion and political beliefs. You feel it is everybody else's fault instead of the actual people responsible and that's okay. I believe in an America that embraces diversity and is inclusive of everyone. What I simply cannot abide is the wealthy buying off our country and running it to their benefit. The working middle and lower classes are not being heard. Our issues are not being addressed. The only thing happening is the politicians and uber wealthy are getting richer and we are getting poorer. I hope in the coming years, you will have a chance at introspection and find you have been fed a bunch of baloney. Have a nice day.

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You were very kind to Bobby P. He had no call to address you in such an insultingly personal manner. I say a hit dog will holler and we've seen whose voice hollers the loudest.

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Thank you, Adam. I have discovered that many times when you have hit a nerve, that person will hit back in a nasty way. I think it is because they are possibly questioning their beliefs and not coming up with any salient points to defend them. It is hard to look inside yourself and reflect on what you actually believe. It is also quite valuable to constantly listen to other's opinions and point of view. I am sure Robert is simply venting and as I told him, that is what makes America great! Everyone has the right to think for themselves and form their own opinions and beliefs. Thank you again, Adam, for your support.

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I reported Bobby P‘s comment. I’m nauseated by him calling you “an effing condescending B.” Such vile language does not belong in civil discussions. I find it highly inappropriate and I’m physically nauseated. I feel so powerless on a daily basis and to see a comment like that is hideous.

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Eileen, please don't let his comments distress you. Remember, it is very hard to defend an indefensible position. When you've been constantly bombarded with lies, propaganda and empty promises, finding a cogent message to use when faced with an entirely different idea and point of view tends to frustrate! You are right about the use of vile language but believe me, I have been called worse! It does not bother me; however, I will point out that the orange man has made it very easy for people to use that kind of language in every day conversations. It has become less shocking to many people. You are not powerless, Eileen. You are using your most powerful weapon, your voice! Please don't stop. Speak truth and continue to speak about ways to address the problems we are facing. Thank you so much for your concern. It is greatly appreciated!

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You are most welcome Peggy. When our buddy comes back to attempt to smite moi, I shall endeavor to follow your patient example.

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Hahahahahaha! You are a treasure, Adam!

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"Do you even have a modicum of introspection?"

Irony is not your forte'.

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Robert, maybe it's time to switch to decaf.

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Liberals and democrats are not leftists. The left starts at anticapitalism.

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There are many factors Robert is missing out here:

Firstly, imagine America as a huge buffet! It is a large, once rich country that, when White Americans discovered and invaded it, had been barely exploited by its original inhabitants and was extraordinarily rich in natural resources. By 1900 there were less than 100 million invaders, plundering the wildlife, the forests, the minerals, the fisheries and the whales, so rich that they barely made an impact. The buffet table was laden to the roof!

And then American discovered oil, huge amounts of oil that threw itself out of the ground and into the barrels! And Americans designed the machinery to use it. But they also discovered greed and wealth, and that greed, and the fossil fuel to turbocharge the exploitation, became the hallmark of being an American.

By 1950, the population was up to 160 million Americans and the economy was awash with cheap oil, and the buffet table was laden even higher with all the natural riches of this big country, there for the taking. Exploitation of it went into overdrive, powered now by gasoline-driven machinery, farming the land, cutting down huge swathes of forest with no concern about felling old growth Redwoods or denuding the land to plant more and more monoculture crops. Square miles of it were tarmacked for roads or concreted to build huge concrete cities. And no regard was given to polluting the land or the air because it was cheaper to ignore such things - greed was everything!

Today the population has doubled to 330 million, doubled in the last 70 years and more than tripled in the last 100 years. That population still expects to go to the buffet and fill their plates, but of course the old growth trees are mostly gone, the farmland sterile dust, the fisheries have collapsed, the whales have long gone, and the fossil fuels now cost more energy to get out and take to market as they produce. The buffet table just has the scraps and debris and dirty plates of the once-Golden Age.

America now has massive debts, inflation devalues the currency day by day, and each year the debts rise more than the stated GDP, so the real GDP is zero. It has to feed and house 320 million people but cannot afford even to maintain its roads and cities and infrastructure. It hasn't built a new city, or major road or railway for decades, let alone invested in renewables or high speed railways or nuclear power or its social structure like free hospitals, high quality free schools, or free libraries, or free healthcare clinics, or universal healthcare.

And perhaps most egregious of all, it has never curbed the American philosophy of greed. That philosophy is so ingrained in Americans that even poor people will vote for low taxes for rich people, just in case they get to be rich one day! Talk about being delusional!!!

America is one of the shortest 'empires' there has ever been, and that is entirely of its own doing. It punted the dream of freedom and wealth and democracy, believed its own lies, and everyone watched as it destroyed the freedom, squandered the natural wealth, and couldn't be bothered to protect the democracy.

America is now a failed state, and the vulture capitalists are sitting along the fence waiting for Trump to say the word so they can fight over the scraps. The buffet table is empty.

Now it is you guys, the 300-odd million Americans, with all you think you own like property or assets or shares, and all those things you think you have a share of in the public realm, that are about to become the buffet for those vultures that will pick over your carcasses, the last remains of what could have been.

That is what a majority voted for, that is what is to come on January 20th and thereafter. Just so you know.

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Nice observations and drawn conclusions. I am interested in finding what you would suggest as an alternative to this all.

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Thanks for the comment.

Why should there be a solution? Sometimes a patient can be saved, sometimes the patient can't be saved.

And sometimes the patient is their own worst enemy and seems determined to self-destruct, like a lung cancer patient still secretly smoking 40 a day.

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Professor Reich: indeed, the US government is NOW of the wealthy, by the wealthy, and FOR THE WEALTHY. that much should be obvious to anyone with eyes (although, i suspect, it isn't obvious, even today.) the money-worshipping wealthy are the only people with power, whilst the rest of us linger on the margins, scrambling for what little we can get before the wealthy come along and scoop it up.

here's a weird question for you, bob: do you plan out all your illustrations in detail in advance before drawing them on, say, the wall? i'm imagining you spend days designing and drawing them on separate pieces of regular-sized paper before you then start drawing in front of the camera and hope you don't make a typo or misremember what goes where ... reminds me of when i was studying biochemistry: lots of reaction pathways, enzymes, substrates, antagonists and agonists to memorize. it took a week or so before my final exam to put all my notes together into one massive picture, to check everything and make sure i had all the spelling and rate percentages correct.

anyway, i truly appreciate the effort and time you put into teaching us how things work economically, in our country.

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Yes, the actual problem is obvious to non-brainwashed thinking adults but not the cause of the problem, nor its solution.

We at movetoamend.org have been warning about Corporate Rule for years, since Citizens United. SCOTUS gave corporate interests our Constitution and with it our inalienable rights and powers. They fundamentally shifted the power balance of our system away from democracy and We the People.

The solution would have been so simple, a three paragraph constitutional amendment called HJR54, the We the People Amendment. It’s still in play with 90 cosponsors in the House.

But y’all never did much to grow the movement to advance it, instead focusing on electoral politics, but never system change. We had a great plan with over 800 organizations behind it, including moveon.org! See the list of organizations here: movetoamend.org/organizations

Y’all never made the demand a central tenant of your organizations. It was half assed because so much money could be raised in supposedly fighting Citizens United.

And now it’s probably too late for democracy and for our environment. I did my best. A few of you did too.

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The rich have created the myth, pervasive in the American mind, that the rich earned their money “by themselves,” “on their own.” This is absolute nonsense. The rich have become rich through exploiting a legal system and government supported by our tax dollars. The tech industry, to take one example, is able to make billions for its owners due to federal patent protection through federal patent laws, the patent office and the courts that will enforce patents. The pharmaceutical and medical device industries reap billions in profits for the same reason, with the approval of federal agencies, assuring the public of the efficacy and safety of these products. I could go on and on. As the Europeans recognize, these profits are part of the national treasure and should be taxed accordingly.

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What is disconcerting is over reliance on the Democratic Party to fix the mess at the next election. The problem of loss of democracy and unfettered capitalism is not a left-right problem or a Democratic vs Republican problem. The basis is a have vs have-not problem, the 1% vs the 99%, massive wealth inequality, leading to class warfare. The rules have been bent to favor the rich, powerful and greedy crowd, along with control of main stream and social media to manipulate the masses. The two prominent political parties are corrupted by money and bribes and overwhelming reliance on lobbyists. The Supreme Court is corrupted by party manipulation and money, and appears to no longer support the idea of a democracy of, for, and by the people.

Occupy Wall Street was an attempt to point out the obscene control held by the super rich and powerful. It was deemed a serious threat to the powers that be and quickly taken down with the aid of a compliant police force.

As the situation in our country becomes more dire, these forces at work may lead to massive disruption by the people through strikes and open armed rebellion, or change occurring by a severe recession. Or possibly, the collapse may be a consequence of the trillions of dollars of national debt and possible fall of the U.S. dollar as the dominant world reserve currency. Or we may be headed into another world war with over half of the world’s population seeking to depose the U.S. Hegemony. Or all of the above.

Hard times lay ahead and we need to protect and promote our local communities for basic survival.

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Michael, you raise an excellent point. How do we stop our reliance/addiction to a Party and work for democracy? And how can working outside the Party bring us successful candidates who can win and resin un-bought?

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I think the main reason that the Dems lost the presidential election is that the Party continued to push anti-Trump theme and did not present a platform that might help tens of millions of desperate and angry Americans. The fix is in and the rich and powerful and oligarchs have almost total control of our law makers and financial markets. It is called inverted totalitarianism where the corporations control the state. The Democratic Party went to the right with and after Bill Clinton, and sold out to big donors. The DP has attempted to primary out many of its progressive members. The Republican Party is now a cult.

And third parties cannot get a foothold in this country. Democracy depends on a system of lawmakers representing the people, not big money and corporations (despite SCOTUS declaring corporations are people).

So basically we have a uni-party system controlled by oligarchs and corporations.

Trump wants to tear apart the government unfortunately mostly for his personal benefit. Bernie Sanders wanted to change the system also, in healthier ways. The majority of voters wanted a strong man to express their rage for 40 years of repression and theft-with monies going only to a select handful in this country. This inequality is unsustainable. The end will not be simple. I wish I was wrong and answers would come through the Democratic Party system.

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It is true that the actions of government describe who the government is _actually_ for. And looking at the last 40 years, it is VERY clear that "Our" government works primarily for the Wealthy -- because that is who is giving "Our" elected representatives the bigger paycheck. Senators and Congresspeople receive @$200,000 + benefits from We The People. But during the same "pay period" they WILL be receiving many, many times that much from the Wealthy in the form of "campaign contributions" and lobbyist largess. Which is unfortunate for Us because those elected representatives are the ONLY people that can create the necessary legislation required to effect Change We Can Believe In. What We have been getting from "Our" government is actually the ***bare minimum*** to persuade Us to NOT start building barricades with an ultimate goal of wealth redistribute.

Think about it: Over the last 40 years, what eminently notable legislation has come out of "Our" government that has improved _OUR_ lives? Inflation Reduction Act. Infrastructure Bill. (Where improved infrastructure is also a boon for Big Biz.) Obamacare. And that's about where my memory gives out. Now compare that to all of the Big Ticket items that have benefitted primarily (or ONLY) the Wealthy over the same period of time. Now, here's the kicker: Had We NOT been given those few bits of beneficial legislation, what would We most likely be doing right now? I am inclined that MANY of Us would be manufacturing IEDs. Which is why the Wealthy puppetmasters have been willing to throw a few billion to The People every now and again while they rake in HUNDREDS of billions.

Money = Power. The more money you have, the more power and influence you have. As Robert pointed out, the Wealthy, America's top 10%, are getting as much as the other 90% COMBINED. While the 90% are struggling to get by, the Wealthy can (and do) control Congress, and through that, the nation -- with what is essentially for them, _pocket change_. Which is why We have been caught in this painful status quo for the last 40 years.

We can hope and pray for that long awaited Change We Can Believe In all We want, but it won't change a thing. We do NOT have the correct "tool" for the job: vast wealth. So, as Wesley says in "Princess Bride": "Learn to live with disappointment."

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I suppose I should be proud I sensed this since I was about five but that's not the point what is how obvious sadly this stuff is to some of us yet nothing seems to be able to done by such to prevent the inevitable

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I blocked the person who made unfortunate ahem comment I assume that removed it anyway I was just gonna add more calmly as his comment triggered me sadly that one can use their brain heart and compassion to see things and the point is how obvious most of this is so obvious people can't or refuse to see it ..

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Ok. Where are you a fortune teller? Times Square?

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wtf....no smart Alex. I have a brain and use it..try it ..u night hate it

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times square ignoramus.....inaint a new Yorker. that's y'all who created this monstrosity....and actually zombie sheep I recall a tour of Manhattan at a very young age and being repulsed maybe by people like you excitedly shouting about Columbus square and rump tower making me THINK how come others don't have their family name in ugly goof how arrogant how lame .. something's wrong ..and bye wasted enough time on u...good luck being better

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