I sent this letter to the SCOTUS. We need to insist that Trump appointees and Thomas recuse themselves from ruling on Trump...

Supreme Court of the United States

1 First Street, NE.

Washington, DC 20543

In my opinion, those of you who were appointed by the former president should recuse yourselves from weighing in on the matter of presidential immunity in all cases where he is a defendant.

Unless you do, any decision that you hand down in his favor has the potential to mark you in the annals of history as “bought and paid for” and as co-equal conspirators against the democratic republic that we call the United States of America.

Read the January 6th report, peopled by folks from his own administration sounding the alarm about his malfeasance while in the highest office in the land. Do the right thing for the Constitution of the United States.

No man is above the law. Trump’s alleged actions before, during, and after the attempted coup implicate him six ways from Sunday. Listen to his own feeble ramblings, and his attorney’s, stating that he should be able to order the assassination of political rivals with impunity unless Congress (most of whom on the right are scared spitless of him and the potential for his cult to attack them) puts him on trial and finds him guilty.

I am fully aware that it will be perilous for you to do the right thing, but only by doing the right thing can this domestic assault on our most cherished ideals be defeated.


Kris M Smith


P.S. Justice Clarence Thomas should also recuse himself because of the activities his wife Ginny allegedly undertook during the January 6th fomentation, according to reputable news sources.

Feel free to send a duplicate or one like it under your name! The more they get, the more powerful it will be!

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Obstruction of justice is a criminal offence. The saying "justice delayed is justice denied" has particular relevance in light of Trump's avowed policy of delay. By needlessly delaying hearings beyond what is strictly necessary, Supreme Court justices are abetting a criminal felony and can be charged with doing so. Supreme Court justices are no more above the law than is a president or former president.

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@Bernard. Interesting point, and probably strictly true. But I can't imagine a world where SCOTUS would be charged with this by AG Garland.

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If we end up in fascism, Hell will break loose! Hard to imagine what that will look like, but it will be bad, for a LOT of humans , and maybe even corporate 'people'!

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Today (3/2/24) Ali Velchi on MSNBC spelled out what trump's second term would look like. Also, this month's Atlantic has an article called "The Danger Ahead".

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It's called the Plan for 2025, written by the Heritage

Foundation in collaboration with trump people and Victor Orban. Plan for white christian nationalism, aka fascism.

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@Laurie. I'm with you lady!

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Corporate people won’t suffer. They are the ones backing him and all the insane politicians that kowtow to him.

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Mark Mooney ; I agree that the corporate 'people' will not suffer immediately. But I'm sure I read somewhere that authoritarianism or fascism are not great for business.

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Historically, yes, you are correct. I don’t see fascism in this country as a form of “ government” that will limit corporate control and profits. I see it as supporting those same interests and abandoning the citizens interests. We will suffer, the environment will suffer and more dictators and fascist regimes will pop up all over the world.

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OTOH, they can fix prices worse than currently and have regulations abolished (no oversight on groceries, for example, radiator fluid in cough syrup, etc). OTOH, a big democracy movement can boycott the crony businesses with good networking. But with 45 pardoning them, how does the public file an effective lawsuit?

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The innocent or supporters of Trump Fascists will suffer horror and loss like the rest of us if Trump is given immunity and power. A crazy man who would betray America...and the world for profit and revenge. That includes the justice system.

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To some extent, but commie liberals are definitely on his enemies list.

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Actually, a lot of big money is behind the Heritage Foundation plan for 2025

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Only one direction--

Donald Hodgins <silencenotbad@gmail.com>

11:54 AM (0 minutes ago)

Laws were created by people in power as a means through which to control the masses. Trump's purpose here is to control the people in power and by doing so circumvent the laws he hates so much. He will most likely speed up the judicial process by doing away with it all together. Trump's law!

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Gaza is on the edge of the Mediterranean Sea, the sea has fish in it because they live in water. Why can't a few good fishermen bring some fish to the people in Gaza as a food source. How about a few of those huge cannery ships giving the days catch to a starving population in need. We as a society aren't doing enough to help the people over there get through this mess.

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@Donald. I agree we are not doing enough. But under-30 males rob every delivery of aid and too many under-30 male Palestinians are Hamas. I wish we had better reporting but I suspect young male fighters are keeping what aid there is from getting to women and children…

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Ben--Where is the UN? They should be handing this stuff to the people.

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Donald, peacekeeping forces have to be authorized by the Security Council. There are five permanent members with veto power: the US, France, the UK, China, and Russia. Need I say more?

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The main problem is that Israel is preventing truckloads of food to get in... the UN and many other organizations are trying to get aid in.

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They have Hamas operatives in UNWRA.

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It is very dangerous in Gaza to want to eat, and to be a journalist.

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Benjamin, what is your source for your suspicions of the behavior of under-30 male Palestinians? I very much doubt that under-30 Palestinian males are getting any closer to food aid than any other Palestinians. If they were able to receive food aid, it is far more likely they are sharing it with their families and neighbors. Many Palestinian males have been shot in the leg or taken to Israeli prisons--Young men have been seized from their beds in night raids and taken to Israeli jails for years. Palestinians have no legal rights, no citizenship, no passports, and no way out.

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USA is paying the murderers to finish them off!!’

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Charlotte--And what of the innocent Israelis that were slaughtered on 10/7. It is easy for you to judge when you are over here looking in and they are over there doing the dying.

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All modern authoritarian government's in world history -bring destruction and inflict long term catastrophic harm to a country's economy. The human and societal costs are huge - but corporate America is going to have a roller coaster ride through hell. Especially with Don - who repeat his pattern of bankrupting what he touches. Make no mistake - No matter the massive profits, or excellent tax cuts the new Dictator allows them to have... Like all of us - the rich and powerful do not like anyone or anything to control or limit them. A Dictator like Trump is wired for domination and demands allegiance to his power. The Rich and corporate yahoo's may not suffer at first - but money will not fix how betrayed their children feel, or when our planet's ecosystems become uninhabitable..

No matter if it is a fast moving coup or a slow motion shadow coup (we are experiencing now) tank good economies, ruin free markets, and the chaos ripples as fear, and uncertainty, and the permanent loss of rights and freedoms piles up.

Talk about our bright economic future that we will build on based upon what been started in the past 3.5 years. Show a graphic of the the consequences of all modern republican administrations and the wreckage they have left -for the democrats to clean up. It takes time to recover from things like the "2 wars and the 2008 financial crisis thanks to Bush jr" or the fallacy of Regan's "trickle down policies", or Don's lies about a global pandemic that killed millions, and fomenting distrust in our elections and institutions."

Shame on the Conservative Cult for their betrayal of their oath, to the beautiful ideals of our founders, and to the people of our country and around the world.

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@ magic girl.!in general I must agree! Let’s discuss the nuances?

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Should be put on front page of papers above the fold.

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Time for change!!!!

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If you "Ras" Trump the guy just shrugs it off and lies about the next obstacle in his path. However, if you "Ras" Putin you get an entirely different set of circumstances and a glamps into the past we have no need to visit.

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They just believe they are.

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SCOTUS can’t be charged for their egregious behavior, because it is in the realm of what they are allowed to do. But individual members can be impeached and removed, just like a president can. It all goes back to electing Democrats.

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Police aren't above the law, except for, you know, effectively they are, for the most part.

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Will do. As a retired judge, this Supreme Court has disgraced the judiciary and has caused it to sink from revered to despised.

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Goes directly to the round circular file. Exparte communications are verboten.

Expend productive energy. https://www.fieldteam6.org/actions

Send letters to editors.

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I have done that, too. But I was told by a professional attorney to write a letter to SCOTUS, too.

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They ditch anything not from a party. If your friend is really a lawyer, and a member of the SCOTUS bar. can enter an appearance write an amicus brief.


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Is that right ? They do not accept or read letters from the people of America that pay their salaries ?

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Enter an appearance and they have to read it.

Cases are brought by parties. This applies to every federal court. I used to do a notice to the author on the record to get a lawyer or otherwise enter an appearance. Ethically judges should report every extrajudicial attempt to influence them. All judges, except the SC are audited, live in a fishbowl, must make annual reports.


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What is an appearance ?

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With the trials on delay we need to keep the cases front and center in the court of public opinion where common sense overrides legalize in a system most people mistrust with lawyers that people are cynical about.

The jury will be the voters.

1. Delay is the thing a guilty person does. The innocent wants to prove it to the world.

2. Claiming immunity is admitting that one did the crime.

3. I declassified the documents is admitting you stole them and that you knew they were secrets.

There is so much evidence of the crimes.

Let’s stage mock trials like Judge Judy shows. These are such simple to understand cases it can be done by children (or even with those poker playing dogs).

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I wish the Democratic Party would develop excellent messaging!

I am sick of hearing that "Our Democracy is at risk" from Democrats. SPELL out what is at risk, point to examples of what we have lost and are continuing to lose.

"Our Democracy is at Risk" is also what orange hairball is saying to his followers--"I am protecting you!" "I am all that stands between you and the end of our country."

DK Brooklyn, I love your list! Dem candidates should be saying exactly these things. Why aren't their ads show trump talking about how much he wants to release his taxes (real footage with dates he said it) and the recent verdict in his fraud case?

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Beginner Buddist... absolutely right on. I am urging every journalist and blogger to explain the Heritage Foundation Plan for 2025.... summarizing it for them to make easier... We should all do that on posts like this as well. It just isn't going to help to people to talk about "protecting our democracy". Actually, Stephanie Ruhel started doing this on Friday!

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Great idea!

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Yes the Judge Judy acts like she’s clairvoyant, but we know she’s just ignorant and mean and …

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I’m not familiar with Judge Judy, DK, but I was thinking about mock trials too. I wonder how that can be done.

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Maybe there is a tv producer who will see the beauty of a spinoff of The Apprentice....The Accused.

A reality show where the a jury listens and sees the evidence without the legalize that makes for delays.

It seems like a hit show to me.

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Jon Stewart could do this on his show -- the footage of trump and the reality.

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Oh, I just love that!!!

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Hah!! I too wrote to the Supreme Court - for the first time ever. They must be being besieged with letters.

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You may as well write a letter to Santa Clause. They aren't listening and don't care.

Trump is their perfect distraction while they dismember the Constitution word by word, a death by a thousand cuts.

The real power is in the Senate. The characterization of the three branches of government as "co-equal" is patently false. The gerrymandered Senate and the presidency gerrymandered by the Electoral College controls the Judicial branch. They are no more equal than apples and bowling balls. The unrepresentative president and Senate is how this fascist court was seated. America needs to be paying as much attention to the Senate as we do for the presidency.

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Dennis -- I'm still confused at how Obama wasn't allowed to appoint someone to SCOTUS because Republicans in Congress said a year before a presidential election was too close. Yet Trump managed to rush Amy Coney Barrett through at the 11th hour.

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"Wasn't allowed" because Republicans had the votes to stop him. The rest of the explanation/rationalization was unadulterated BS. That's the same game Republicans play on SCOTUS, change the rules/controlling precedents to fit the results they want. The Constitution is full of loopholes, such as Congress making their own rules. The best example is the Trump immunity case. 34 Senators refusing to impeach would mean their president becomes a dictator. Any sane interpretation of the Constitution and the writings of the founder makes it obvious that this was not what they intended.

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We must change this. Republicans should no longer have the votes. We need to do everything necessary to defeat them at the ballot box. Dem's have their superior intellect to beat the rethuglicans at their own game. We have Spielberg, Judge Judy, the hollywood community. It will take someone to mobilize these people to defeat the MTG's and Jim Jordan's of the world. Hunter Biden did a good job of turning the tables against his prosecutors like Comer and Gaetz.

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Easier said than done with the rural gerrymander from allocating two senators per state regardless of size or population. The problem is that we can't fix the Constitution without some votes from the states that benefit form this antiquated flaw. The fundamental problem is the one Jefferson warned about, that an ignorant people cannot remain free. We've let this go over a tipping point now that corporate America controls all but a remnant of the media. Even here, the bots concerned only with viewing numbers prevent the development of a common fact base. Legislation requiring a bias toward verified facts would help, but getting that passed in a Congress on the corporate payroll faces the same obstacles.

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I certainly agree. It will not be easy. I am not a poll watcher or a statistician. However, if you read Simon Rosenberg's newsletter, he gives us chapter and verse in how to do this. He also points out that the Dem's have been winning up and down the ballot with Tom Suozzi replacing Santos in N.Y. Biden has won more than 80% of the vote in Michigan and I believe South Carolina, while tRump won 60% vs Haley's 40%. He points out how this was a much weaker showing than tRump expected. It's his efforts to get out the vote and a new podcast I think called Oath to get out the young vote who are responsible for the thousands of cards and phone calls made to accomplish these victories. We need to stay on it to get Bide to 55% in the general election. It can be done and as you say, it will take every Democrat to vote Blue no matter who.

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If there's no loophole, they just declare the Constitution unconstitutional. Just call it "interpretation." Regarding immunity:

Alexander Hamilton, Federalist 69, Paragraph 4, " In this delicate and important circumstance of personal responsibility, the President of Confederated America would stand upon no better ground than a governor of New York, and upon worse ground than the governors of Maryland and Delaware."

Ya think the intent of the Constitution could be any clearer?

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You give up too easily. Mock trials like Judge Judy will embarrass them at a minimum and show their true motives.

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Andy Kim for senate!!

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They are bought and paid for. So, accept it and move on.

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And corporations run our government? Accept it and move on? No.

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Agreed. I'm not into remaining silent. That's what Germans did. We need to push back in every way we can.

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Not all Germans remained silent. Some spoke up and were punished in various ways such as prison, loss of professional status or position, or being sent to the front in the war against the soviet union.

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Agreed. Speaking up is risky, which is why too few people do it. I accept the risk and I'm among the most likely to be arrested, as I fit into several categories that the far right demonizes. I'm willing to stand up, even at risk, to defend this nation. No sunshine patriot here!

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I am also in several of those categories.. I've been slandered by fascists since I was 13 years old.. "Long haired pot smoking commie faggot".. Wish I had a nickel for every time I heard that one.

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Some like Dietrich Bonhoeffer, were executed. Don't ever forget that authoritarian governments have little reason not to use the death penalty.

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Some went to the death camps

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It is important to keep fighting like hell, especially women because no one if you’ve noticed will ever fight to help you.

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Democracy requires the citizens to participate. Never discourage someone who is doing more than voting by contacting pertinent parts of our govt., and engaging in factual and tactful conversation.

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Good point. It leads me to question whether Judges and Justices are truly democratic. They are not elected and do not engage in any conversation or discussion with the public.

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In some states judges are elected. The SCOTUS are human beings and influenced by public opinion concerning their performance.

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I haven’t noticed that they’re influenced by public opinion at all, Tim. Can you give examples?

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Didn't 'justice' Alito have a problem with being criticized? There was a 'favorability' report about the Supreme Court's ratings of the public's trust, that suggested that He, in particular, was not trusted. He said it was a real problem to have data like that out there in the public.

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Several articles like the above suggest that SCOTUS does have an eye on public opinion. However, the behavior of Justice Thomas implies that he does not give a damn what any of us think!

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It depends a lot on who chooses them and what Congress does in the hearings. They sometimes count on us not paying attention.

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Is that what you did? You're accepting of this and decided to "move on"?

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Excellent letter and idea KRIS. Thank you.

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US no longer has a supreme court. US has a MAGA court, filled with republican party federalist society operatives, that have no concerns about their legacy. All that matters to them is maintaining power by any means necessary. They are corrupt and unprincipled. It should also be noted that FIVE current members were appointed by "presidents" that LOST the popular vote. US has several anti-democratic structural flaws that must be addressed.

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Thank you! I will be using this as a template for my reply as well!

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This is just my opinion. I think the Supreme Court, knowing how bad their credibility is with the American people, are looking for a reprieve. They want to resurrect their standing as the most important member of the judicial branch of government fighting for law and order and our constitution. In order to do that they need to dot every i and cross every t along the way before making their final ruling. Let’s hope they make the right decision on whether or not a sitting president has total immunity!

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If they wanted to improve their image they would have dismissed this absurd case. Taking it and pretending to have to deliberate is a political move, even if they end up making the obviously right ruling.

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@Keith. Ditto G G in reply to your thought.

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It seems to me if they were at all concerned with how they're perceived and the pursuit of justice they would be doing everything they can to facilitate the prosecution of the orange nazi as expeditiously as possible. Taking a petition from the indicted orange nazi, sitting on it for two weeks, then announcing they're going to hear oral arguments seven weeks later strikes me as the opposite of that. They could have let the lower court opinion stand without comment. No.. they're clearly up to no good

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Why do you think that, Keith? They seem completely arrogant and impervious to me.

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That will be a big marker. They would have been smart to pass on taking the case.

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The supreme court’s decision to hear this case is is giving trump the viability that he is immune. It’s not right and they should be fired!

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You go, Kris!!!!

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Christian Nationalism is the biggest threat to our democracy.

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I think the reason it's our biggest threat is because there is nothing Christian about it. And speaking of that, it was my understanding that if churches got involved in politics, they would lose their tax exemption status. Why is this not happening?

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Good question,who could answer it?

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Well, they don't care about the actual Christian part... that's a facade... and they are so into conspiracy theory they likely don't even realize how unchristian christian nationalism is...

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I don't think whether it's xian or not matters much. US is a secular state, it was defined as such from the outset, xian claims to the contrary notwithstanding.

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I second what Joseph writes. Christian nationalism is just fascism with a religious veneer.

We saw this on full display a few weeks ago, when the House passed a resolution equating anti-Zionism with antisemitism. And then there was Congresswoman Stefanik grilling those presidents of elite universities.

Zionism practiced by Israel's ruling coalition IS fascism. Fascists revel in violence and in the Big Lie. Much of what drives the fascists, and their supporters in both major parties is a fear/hatred of Islam. (I'm glad that Michigan was mentioned in the klatch.)

Re: October 7. The New York Times is coming under very severe criticism -- internal as well as external -- for the horrendously inaccurate and shoddy reporting on behalf of the Zionists regarding "atrocity propaganda." Reference: The Hammer and the Anvil by The Intercept. The Zionists' dehumanization of Palestinians in the cause of genocide is EXACTLY what the Nazis did to the Jews of Europe. A nation that is complicit in genocide has no reason to expect good things.


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Of course one should oppose the Gaza destruction, but that doesn’t mean that Oct 7th atrocities were not real. Oct 7 was a barbaric military tactic to invoke the horrific results we witness now. But the Oct 7 barbarism is as real as the horror we witness in Gaza now.

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But you need to also pressure Hamas to give up the hostages and for Iran to stop arming Hamas with rockets and drones, and to the countries that sent resources to Gaza to see it isn’t used to create elaborate tunnels beneath the civilians who were supposed to benefit from the aid.

There are things that Hamas can do for the Palestinians besides making them martyrs.

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Unless you are willing to clearly and loudly condemn genocide, you have no moral ground to stand on.

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That is why I wrote “also”. It doesn’t mean I don’t condemn genocide. It means your condemnation needs to be to both sides.

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I, as an American, have never supported Hamas' atrocities. But Americans are certainly helping to enable Israel's atrocities on Gaza and the West Bank. I find "both-sides-ism" to be morally bankrupt.

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But, But, But.

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Thomas, you are correct that the abused has become the abuser. As a Jew I am horrified by this. Not in my name, I can assure you.

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Dear Paula -- rest ASSURED I know that these are FAR FAR from real Jewish values. I wish I could write more, but we in the world are witnessing what happens when those identifying as "nationalist (Zionist) Jews" utterly reject Jewish values. Baruch Hashem.

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I know, Thomas. I just had to speak out. Baruch Hashem.

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Trump and Mitch McConnell were cut from the same cloth, both were mentored by Newt Gingrich's toxic ideology of "Us vs Them. The Dems are the enemy, do not compromise, block all the Dems legislation even if for the common good.. However, that anti-democratic ideology influenced and changed the GOP to what

It has become today, the party of Trump. All those far right Christian Trump appointees to the SCOTUS, cherry. picked behind the scenes by Leonard Leo from the Federalist Society., has landed us where we are today. Their was a flurry of SC decisions that coincidentally took place from 2008 when Obama. was campaigning and Trump was busy running around spreading the blatant "birthism" lie. These were sweeping, damaging decisions that took our rights away, but empowered the rise of the White Christian Supremacists and White Christian Nationalists. Gingrich is a favorite host on Fox and Trump still has his ear. Trump's praise of dictators specially Putin is a real threat, make no mistake Putin was and is the puppeteer.

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Betty - I agree, but Putin, Musk, Bezos, and all the other oligarchs are, I believe, the puppetmasters. Oligarchs have no allegiance except to power and money, and certainly not to each other. This has been true since wealth first started to be accumulated, shortly after the rise of agriculture and cities. Remember that Musk, for example controls Starlink, the global satellite internet system which apparently even our military uses. Suggestions have arisen that Moscow now uses it too. There is huge wealth in Ukraine. Putin wants it because, well, more wealth and power.

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Paul, I totally agree, the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few leads to a concentration of power. We are witnessing how dangerous that powe.is Ihe hands of unscrupulous individuals who are wreaking havoc and undermining democracy here and abroad. Trump. As you mentioned is not the only puppet that enables the draconian dictatorship of Pin.

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Not only Christian Nationalism ( whatever it is) but documented Russian interference in our affairs, Chinese interference, Citizens United, a discredited Supreme Court determining if Trump had Presidential immunity, discredited news sources and a surprising level of fatalism and lack of involvement among the electorate.

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Our very own federal agencies have TOLD US SO. VERBATIM.

Top law enforcement officials say the biggest domestic terror threat comes from white supremacists. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/12/us/politics/domestic-terror-white-supremacists.html?smid=nytcore-android-share

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So-called ‘Christian Nationalism’ = American fascism. It is totalitarian, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, and misogynistic. It is based on hatred and exclusion, the expression of close-minded, ignorant people who have grievances. It is the antithesis of American ideals, and it is armed and dangerous.

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I think it's time to ban public expression of religion. Clearly separation has not worked.

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Question: If you were going in for brain surgery to have a tumor removed and your choices of who would do the procedure were a surgeon who has over 40 years of experience or a surgeon just out of college who would you choose? That’s our choice this November! A man who has over 40 years experience in politics or Trump!

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Great analogy! Those who stay in medicine for the really long haul are the best of the best. We could say that about Biden.

We need to flip the script about government service from the nonsense performative game of many to the importance and seriousness of running a large and complex set of organizations.

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The most important job in America is the President of the United States not a hobby for a novice politician who worships our enemies!

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And slightly off topic but let me add that the job of senator should not be handed to a 75-year-old former baseball player with no governmental experience. I’m looking at you, Steve Garvey.

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I wonder how many students Trump conned to write his papers and take his exams in college. He said he would sue them if any released his records. So what is he hiding? Maybe he never graduated? Another Santos??

We do know his parents couldn’t control his bullying so they sent him to a boarding school.

It seems with a FOIA the citizens should be privy to that information.

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I agree. I’m sure Donald (dishonest John) Trump paid those students a lot! That could be the reason he claimed bankruptcy the 1st of 6X.

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George W. supposedly went to Yale too. How many people did his father bribe to make that happen?

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Mar 3, 2024
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Good heavens no. Why would you say that?

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More like Bozo the evil clown.

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Orange antichrist.

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Trump’s biggest deficiency isn’t lack of experience.

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It's difficult to pick just one deficiency--Trump has so many ways in which he is totally unfit for ANY elective office.

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*Rump is unfit to be human.

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HEY! A woman's rump is LOVELY. Don't compare that cancer cell to rumps!

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That is very true, Mr. Knabel!

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Trump is experienced in grifting, but not in government.

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Except the orange nazi never rec'd an education.. He's quite ignorant an uninformed. He is utterly without principle and is of the lowest personal character. I don't see how anyone can support the orange nazi and maintain any self respect.

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Actually the second surgeon is about to enter nursery school, Keith.

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You forgot that PROFESSIONAL DOCTORS have told us that the later choice is in the throes of DEMENTIA! And not the EARLY PHASES either!

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It's true Biden knows politics as well as anybody and is better than Trump by an astrological unit, but by your logic I might just as well pick Moscow Mitch.

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1. Putin - How about the thousands of Russians openly risking prison to support Navalny?

1. a. How about the hope that “several” House Republicans are willing to sign a discharge petition to force Maga Mike to bring a national security supplemental measure to the floor for a vote?

1 b.. What if the senators who support Putin had to face recall petitions as a result?

2. Supreme Court -- It's clear they are an obstacle. The only way we can ensure a win is at the polls and the best hope is to expand out base. Robert and Heather could be taking the income disparity issue to the lumpen in states where they don't have billionaires instead of preaching to the choir. States like WVA, where there is open resentment of the wealthy. Take some field trips to places like Charleston, WVA. They have a senate election. Unless something is done, we lose a senate seat.

We also should be aware that Gen Z can swing the election.

2a. Yesterday we had a discussion on Thom Hartmann. . Is It Time to Hold Possible Co-Conspirator Ginni Thomas Accountable? I've been asking why Garland doesn't go after the low hanging fruit before the statute of limitations run.


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Yes G Thomas should be charged

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All oath breakers should be charged : every election denier who works against the Constitution and the rule of law. And follows orders from tfg, and works against our Current President and refuses to honor agreements made to Ukraine to defend Democracy and decency!

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Right! If Ginny Thomas is charged than about half f the Republican House caucus should go with her.

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Randy Gaul : Right? She was texting with a few of them, and urging them to participate in the attack on our Capitol.

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Laurie: When I said "Right" I was responding to the Susan Beall comment that G Thomas should be charged. I was agreeing and taking the Republican caucus down with her.

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Randy: I fell into the habit of copying my kids : when they agree with something , they say "Right?. Bad habit, I guess. I had not read Susan Beal's comment in context with your post. Sorry for confusion.

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Randy. I was agreeing with what you said.

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I read the Hartmann report and the comments everyday. Thom writes about the questions with historical context that occur to me that I can find nowhere else. From yesterday's report and the comments that followed, it seems that Obama chose conservative Garland to appoint to the SCOTUS because he thought a conservative Senate would approve him. It appears to me that Biden made a mistake in appointing him as well.

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Thom Hartmann is excellent.

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Your points are valid and spot on as always, Daniel!!

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Garland is not effective at serving the human people. And protecting our Constution. He Has been described as a conservative, and seems to favor MAGA. which is extreme, and not conservative at all.

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Biden needs to appoint someone else in his second term.

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Why wait? BIDEN needs to FIRE Garland for non-feasance. GARLAND has failed utterly to investigate and prosecute traitors in US congress, the so-called "sedition caucus". I have no idea why Biden appointed Garland in the first place. It's not at all clear to me that BIDEN appreciates the existential nature of the fascist threat posed by the orange nazi and his cult.

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Daniel, You’ve raised a number of thought provoking points. I take issue only on 1 matter—spending calories on the Senate race in WVA. In my experience, virtually any West Virginian would report that Manchin was the only Democrat who ever could win a statewide election in WVA. That said, currently the conflation of WVA emerging as increasingly red combined with Manchin emerging as increasingly unpopular with his base has rendered Manchin virtually unelectable, irrelevant, of course, seeing he is not running. In my view, we need to hold our 49 seats (here I am excluding Sinema (I) and Manchin) and pick up 1 more. I believe our best shot is Arizona or Missouri.

I would add, although no Senators are up for reelection in NC, the State increasingly is looking promising particularly for Biden, less so for down ballot races because of its mighty gerrymandered map.

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How many years before the statute of limitations runs out?

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I'm voting for democracy, because that's the choice. Democracy vs fascism.. Biden just happens to be the standard bearer.. I'm not a BIDEN fan in particular.

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What most struck me about this morning’s discussion was Reich dismissing democracy as a campaign issue, portraying it, admittedly justifiably, as an abstraction for most people and Reich then simply moving on.

I would submit we have to drive home what it would mean to lose our democracy and how our way of life would change. Trump already has stated he would enact the Insurrection Act on Day 1 of his presidency. He’s already spoken about rounding up his political enemies. Imagine what America would look like were the President to start moving the army around to put down our voices, our right to protest policy with which we disagree, perhaps jailing us. This is not without precedent. Trump had wanted to criminalize protests around Black Lives Matter for the murder of George Floyd.

I would note I’ve barely touched upon rights and freedoms that would be ripped away nor have I even mentioned women losing control of their bodies, or what it would mean were we unable to depend on an independent judiciary (we’re already starting to see what that would look like), or depend on the rule of law, or an independent justice department, or an independent Federal Communications Commission—all things Trump has said he would do, and I’m just getting started.

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1984 all over again. Here's Fred Wellman (who is in my vets discussion group) last night. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhasotKKvr0

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Daniel, I am reminded of award winning citizen-journalist Bill Moyers speaking about growing up in the South where the truth about slavery, race, and segregation had been driven from the pulpits, driven from the classrooms, and driven from the newsrooms. It took a bloody Civil War to bring the truth home and then it took another 100 years for the truth to make us free.

Postscript: I just discovered you added a link. Very thoughtful of you. I'll listen to it when I return home later tonight.

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I know many southerners who are progeny of slaveholders, were taught "the lost cause" but through education have had an epiphany. A concurrent majority even in red states.

I held hearings is places like Mississippi, where at first there were no public accommodations to preserve segregation, but now have a plethora of national chains that serve anybody. Even Cracker Barrel.

Channel Jimmy Carter.

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@Daniel. I share your confidence; the Confederacy is finally dying albeit a slow death. I feel the main driver of this is the exact same thing that is making the remainder so resentful; the young people are leaving rural areas in droves, seeking opportunity, because the operation of global capital has hollowed out large parts of the country. In this weird way Karl Marx made a point that capitalism harbors within it the seeds of its own destruction. Now, I use Marx only as a pivot point, not to endorse his theory of revolution at all, but to show how the ongoing rape of the economy by big international capitalists can/could/should result in the democratic majority seizing power and re-regulating out of control capitalists, corporations and oligarchs. When young people move out of rural areas and into urban settings, they gain education, they gain work experience, they meet diverse people whom they like, they become less religious, less resentful, less Republican.

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Benjamin, Your reply to Daniel is absolutely brilliant and gorgeously speaks to the project the two Justins (Jones and Pearson) have undertaken throughout the South.

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What’s the project, Barbara Jo? I know they were temporarily thrown out of the legislature but I haven’t heard about a project.

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Magdalonians? OMG! Can they get anymore insane?

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rights and freedoms yes. Specific concrete freedoms. More so than "democracy" per se.

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Steve, Respectfully, I disagree. Whereas our Founders sought to establish structures of government and to balance their powers in a way meant to protect the country from the machinations and excesses of any one branch, a nearly presumptive presidential nominee eager and able to absorb both the Congress and the judiciary essentially has consolidated power, wherein the rule of law is subjugated to an individual.

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@Barbara. I think Steve is right - the point is getting out voters, not winning some debate. Specific issues motivate people and Biden needs to hit on the successes he has had and his plans to do more to help people.

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Benjamin, While I agree that underscoring both accomplishments and further policy initiatives is critical, circling back to Steve, I would submit that amplifying what losing democracy would mean to freedoms and a way of life that would end would be immeasurably impactful.

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@Barbara Jo. I won't speak for Steve but I agree with both, but I think the abstract nature of "democracy" and the ongoing right wing media attack on truth leaves many people unwilling (IMO) to fight on those grounds. Jobs, health care, lower oil prices, lower taxes on median and low incomes - these things are tangible.

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Benjamin, While I agree with much of your comment, I will continue to urge uncommitted voters to listen to the things Trump says and the people he admires. My reasoning is one ought not doubt that whatever the freedoms one has in this country, whatever one likes about this country would dramatically change.

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Barbara Jo: I also took a sharp inbreath at that moment but Prof. Reich was actually referencing what has been proven to motivate voters in the voting booth - that which they keenly feel in their immediate lives. He would never dismiss democracy as such and I'm sure he moved on in the moment in order to keep covering such a huge list of topics today. It's interesting to me: as a voter in this coming election, defending democracy is my primary motivator! so, I am opposite to what research has shown. I'm sure you are, too.

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Lark, I would note I start my comment by observing that Reich, rightly so, mentions that the problem with democracy as an issue is that it’s an abstraction for most people. I, then, amplify how we can show what losing democracy would mean to freedoms one values that would end.

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Maga cretins must be solidly vanquished at the polls

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Thank you for the info. I don't live in Wisconsin, but I live near the Wi. stateline and can help.

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I chose "Dems and Independents will defeat it, But all of the above works too, except MAGAs will take over the 'Republican' party ' that has already happened!

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So true!!

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That's why I didn't choose "all of the above."

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All of the Above, and know they are ruthless and cunning. There is no line, no moral nor ethical boundary they will not cross. Their cruelty, their lying and cheating, their intimidation, their violence, and their destruction of everyone and everything good, is their thrilling badge of honor. This is life or death to them, well to their super-egos. We have only seen the tip of the iceberg of their insanity.

There is so much more to come. We will have to help ground each other, so our fears and anger and divisions don't overcome us. We will need every bit of strength, energy, and rational and strategic thinking to overcome them.

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Absolutely, M Tree!! We must be UNITED!! We can and will defeat all of them in November!! We will get our country back and we will move forward. America can withstand this storm and she will become even stronger as a Democratic nation!!!

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Peggy Freeman, great uplifting, positive words and I also like your capitals on UNITED.

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M Tree, it is absolutely imperative that all of us work together to stop this mad march to dictatorship!! While it is very scary, we simply cannot afford to skip this election!! I try every day to do something impactful in this election year. The only thing I did try that did not go as planned was telephoning. Boy, there's only so many times I can take people screaming at me and then hanging up!! That is a real downer! I simply want our country to remain a Democracy where everyone has rights. I want us back on the path to creating equality for all and learning how to accept every diversity. I want us safe and free from the fear of wannabe dictators and politicians that take away everyone's rights except theirs!! We are UNITED, M Tree, and we must fight as hard as we can to remain that way!! Thank you for acknowledging what I am trying to say.

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Peggy Freeman, your words about what you want are powerful and eloquent. You need to put these words into letters (as an editorial to a newspaper, to a politician/political group, to a media organization, etc) or give them in a speech to a group like, at church, to democracy freedom fighters, at a book club, or wherever you can.

Your words came right from your heart, Peggy. Pass them on, so as to inspire others and tell their hearts what we are fighting for.

And Peggy, I especially like the way you said, "....and learning how to accept every diversity." Many times people (gov't people) will say, tolerate, learn tolerance. I detest that word. I learn to tolerate a painful corn on my toe. With people. I aspire to accept, honor, and be grateful to them for what they will teach me, which will make me a better person.

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Thank you, M Tree! You inspire me to do more and be more!! I do write letters but I have never written an editorial. I will try that next! I believe in America, M Tree. No matter how dire things may look, I know that she has weathered many storms and every time comes out on the other side better and stronger than before. I agree with you about tolerance. I don't like when people say they try to tolerate other people with differing viewpoints and lifestyles. Humans deserve more than tolerance. They deserve respect and acceptance. I, like you, learn so much from my friends that travel different paths. What I learn from them is this world is made for all of us and really all we want is peace and the opportunity to live our lives in our own way.

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Peggy Freeman. you are welcome. I agree wholeheartedly with everything you said, except you being more. As Rumi said, "Always remember, you're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and twice as beautiful as you'd ever imagined."

I am so glad you are putting your writing from the heart talent to use through letter writing. If you do send off a letter for an editorial page and can share it in a post to me, I would love to hear it and I'm sure others would too.

Keep your faith in our country's positive outcome. Share it when we falter. You will be doing a great service to us all.

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Peggy, were they screaming because you interrupted them or because of what you said? Who were you calling?

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Paula, I had a list of potential voters. I simply was asking if they intended to vote. I didn't ask for who. They were not polite in telling me it was none of my business and to stop harassing them. In those instances, I had only made one call to them which isn't harassment, is it? I wasn't sure about telephone calls anyway, and I admit I may have sounded a little nervous. Needless to say, that is something I won't do anymore!!

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I can’t imagine that most people would be receptive to that, Peggy. Nothing against you but it is pretty intrusive. I did that once long ago when volunteering for my Congressman. Never again.

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We need to focus on independent voters and registration and stay away from fanatical Maga cultists.

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You're right, Gloria. There is no joy in trying to speak truth to a MAGA fanatical!! Independent voters, fence sitters, and fed-up republicans are who we really need to speak to!

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Also, look for Putin to bail Trump out of his $500 million corruption fines, just as Putin did in 2008 for his failing businesses by (1) ordering Russian banks to lend Trump money when western banks refuse, and/or (2) sending oligarchs to buy Trump's failing assets at twice the market value. (Remember Dmitry Rybolovlev who bought Trump's derelict Palm Beach $41M mansion for $95M?).

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Then Trump will owe him even more.

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And I'm not confident that all of the classified intelligence documents were recovered from tRump's toilet. Wonder what their sale value is....

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Did not know about trumpet 🎺 getting a loan from Russia’s Hitler Putin…

Thank You

Citizen J

Trumpet 🎺 has a wallet no heart …

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The Trumpist wing of the Republican party has already taken it over; that is not something in the future. As such it certainly threatens American democracy not just this election year but for the indefinite future, as long as the Republican party remains in this form and that promises to be a long time. It will not revert to even its Reagan past, let alone its Eisenhower past. But it is not just American democracy that it threatens but whatever remains of "order" in the "international order". Trump has already abandoned Europe and democracies everywhere and whoever is his MAGA successor will continue that stand. So, the future of the world, that is any kind of future worth having, is at stake. Please remember that the Nazis came to power in Germany in 1932 by winning just 38% of the vote. This allowed them to take power as the most powerful party in the Parliament, and then a few months later Hitler staged a coup against the constitution, assuming total control, ending the Wiemar republic. How different is that from what Trump attempted in his first term and his announced plans for his second? Anyone who is complacent about the future of America and the world has been doing a Rip Van Winkle sleep-a-thon.

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IT WILL FAIL. To quote Liz Cheney, “ Tonight , I say this to my Republican colleagues who are defending the indefensible: There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain”

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Great Quote

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they do not care Monica

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A new Russian - American -Chineese and eastern Europe Mob is Born after pandemic that will try to undermine US democracy with A.i. desinformacion and at other Latin American countries trough adoctrinacion of the poorest to become usefull Idiots to Use them to instigate confrontation not to solve their dispar or inequality but to simply use them as pawns in a eath west unnecessary lack of reasonable stable governance

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Reads a little like William Gibsonesque dystopia, but definitely touches on and links all the easily visible trends.

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North Korea is Jonestown with nukes.

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Wow, in a nutshell.

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The problem of distance. If anyone of us was transported into Gaza and saw and felt the horror, we would be so overcome by it-by Israel's disproportionate leveling slaughter-complete wipe out ...that policy words would escape us we would say oh the extreme inhumanity! Israeli media does not show the true horror to Israelis...but those who have dared to go in are just overwhelmed.

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US corporate media also masks the truth, often actings as tools of Israeli propaganda. Even our legislators are totally misinformed, or they are willing to overlook Israel's ongoing violations of international law & human rights —even genocide! — to stay in good favor with AIPAC & enrich their campaign funds.

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FOR CERTAIN! I was just focusing on Bob's political strategic talk of Gaza today. Biden has been complicit is the genocide and AMERICAN media is appalling in its coverage.

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Putin has threatened use of nuclear weapons in the past around this war, perhaps not so explicitly.


Ever so often Putin likes to rattle the West monkey cage and see the monkeys go ape. He feels it gives him some leverage to blunt Western measures. What else can you do with nuclear weapons except use them or threaten governments with them?

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Putin Knows that a nuke exchange will result in renaming of Russia to Glowing Glass . A Lot of Talk. Russia has gutted itself with corruption taking their readiness away. Dangerous but mostly to its own citizens…

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US presidents are always a little more discreet when they do this. ('All options are on the table.')

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Why would the SCOTUS take Trump's Immunity case? The 3 member panel of DC Court of Appeals heard the case and made a unanimous decision. Nobody, including the President, is above the law. So why is SCOTUS taking the case? Is it political, substantive or both?

All I can figure is that some members of the SCOTUS would like to argue the case widely, and not the narrow specifics of the case. For instance, what if the President ordered waterboarding to save the counrty from a terrorist threat? If this is their reasoning, they are creating a hypothetical situation that ultimately leads to "legislating from the bench." Regardless, now that the SCOTUS is going to hear the case, they must present a strong reason to hear the case.

I do not think this is possible, unless they make the matter a very wide interpretation of Presidential immunity. Are we going to hear them wax poetically about the Unitary Executive Theory? It's possible. "Former White House Counsel John Dean explains: "In its most extreme form, unitary executive theory can mean that neither Congress nor the federal courts can tell the President what to do or how to do it, particularly regarding national security matters." [Wiki]

Given the circumstances and timeline to the election, I do not think it's appropriate or ethical to have a wider discussion about Presidential immunity in hypocritical situations. If a President really believes the waterboarding is necessary to prevent a terrorists attack, is a narrow decision by the DC Court of Appeals going to stop him or her? I think not.

I think the SCOTUS made a bad decision to hear the case. I believe that unless the SCOTUS makes a solid case to question the lower courts decision, the SCOTUS will be seen as playing politics and further erode Americans trust in the Supreme Court. I am very interested to hear HOW, WHY, and WHEN the SCOTUS believes that a President MAY be above the law. And if the SCOTUS makes a determination that in certain situations the President MAY have immunity, it sets a very dangerous president that the POTUS IS a above the law at times. I think it can be argued that by hearing the case, the SCOTUS is entertaining the idea that the three branches of government are not equal because the Executive is not ALWAYS bound by, and subject to, the Legislative and Judicial branches. This is a perilous argument for the SCOTUS.

And why hasn't Thomas recused himself? Is it possible that if Thomas recused himself then the SCOTUS would not have the number of Justices needed to hear the case? I believe Joyce Vance wrote it was 5, but I could be wrong. I am interested to hear why the Justices want to hear the case in the first place. I wonder if Justices have asked Thomas about his wife's involvement in J6? If so, did he tell them that she was busy at Social Security for Embryos Conference? Lol.

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Delay, delay, delay. The only benefit is for Donald Quack to delay his court cases so if he is president he can pardon himself.

And his obvious ability to control the House means Johnson will not certify the election when Biden wins.

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I wonder if President Biden can use his executive powers to stop this major attempt to steal our country? Prosecutors are being hit with frivolous suits , attempting to remove Fani Willis from the important RICO case she has so carefully and competently built.. this is happening in fulll view of the world.. it is wrong. And sickening! If this is not a threat to our country and rule of law, what is?

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Yeah, Fani Willis has a consensual relationship with a divorced man that by the way is over, and the Republicans go nuts, but Trump rapes women and no one cares. I have a few choice words for that but they’re unprintable.

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Paula B,. unprintable or not : Well said!

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Thank you, Laurie, for all the good it will do.

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Paula ; it's all good to diss the lying criminals!

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SCOTUS may have taken the case to give Trump time.

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Of course they did.

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That would be politics and very unethical of the Court. The SCOTUS should be able to make a compelling reason to hear the case and possibly overturn the lower Court's decision, or it will appear the decision to hear the case is based on politics. Politics is one thing; ignoring Supreme Court standards and guidelines to help a candidate in a Presidential election is far worse. Perhaps the SCOTUS is following the Joan Jett Judicial Credo... "I don't give a damn about my reputation..."

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Danny, when you feel that everything you value—maybe even your way of life—is threatened you’re not going to care about your reputation. I strongly suspect that’s what’s going on here. These six people feel so entitled and so threatened that they feel as if they’re battling on a life and death basis. Either that or they’re just sociopaths. Either way they’re not going to care what anyone thinks.

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Yes, it appears they don't care what anybody thinks. I disagree that the Justices feel threatened because they cannot lose their jobs... Even if they fail to disclose expensive gifts and lavish trips. This is major problem. Reversing Roe will make them more unpopular and untrustworthy for decades to come. Don't get me stay about Citizens United and dark money in elections. It's just sheer madness.

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I didn’t mean to imply that they feared for their jobs. Sorry if I seemed to say that. I just meant that they feel that their vision for life in this country is being compromised.

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