Mr. Reich, do you think one of the reasons the Democrats aren't more vocal about the overt corruption and antics of the Republicans and the billionaires is because they too are taking a lot of money from corporations and special interests? It seems to me that Bernie Sanders is the only one standing up to the Democratic National Party about not accepting PAC money. I truly believe that all of our politicians (except maybe a two or three) are in some CEO's pocket. Can average joe's really compete with the billionaire's money? It all seems so broken to me.

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Too many Democrats accept PAC money, but the current group of Democrats (with the noted exceptions of Manchin and Sinema) are willing to buck corporate America and Wall Street on important matters that most Americans support, such as childcare, a higher minimum wage, extended unemployment insurance, controls on prescription drugs, higher taxes on the super-wealthy, and even an expanded Affordable Care Act.

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Professor, To amplify your thoughtful reply, I would note that one merely has to check out all the bills, since 2021, that the Democratically-controlled House has passed that remain stalled in the Senate because Manchin and Sinema have blocked passage of the Senate’s Democratic Reconciliation package (BBB). Consequently, for some time, I have prevailed upon Democratic leadership to pass whichever provisions can gain support from 50 Senators and present the legislation to voters as a down payment of more to come if Dems retain the House and pick up at least 2 Senate seats.

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Reassuring, indeed!

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I’d like to hear Mr Reich’s opinion on this too, he probably has stats to support his position. My instinct is the reality of campaigning means Democrats also depend on wealthy donors and are frequently wealthy themselves so some may tread lightly at times but aren’t nearly as corrupt. I think the party has different standards about lobbyists and higher ethical standards in general than the GOP which is why compromised Democrats like Manchin and Simena are so noticeable and a popular Senator like Al Franken lost his job over an infraction in his youth that a GOP Senator would never be asked by his party to account for let alone to resign. Democrats communications strategies aren’t as unilateral as GOP strategies possibly because they’re more tolerant of dissent. Republicans by definition are more authoritarian and seem to move in lockstep. You can tell what Democrats stand for by the bills they sponsor and by their Congressional voting records. Working to end Citizens United is a big clue. They do need to pull it together for better sound bites though, to explain to the public in simpler terms what their policies mean. For example, does the public know what Citizens United is? Democrats definitely need better PR consultants.

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Where have you gone Albert Franken. Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you. Woo woo woo.

We desperately need him for real.

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I TOTALLY AGREE and have missed this, bright light, ethical voice of decency (and great humor) in our government. You know who "took him out" right? Kristen Gillebrand but the culprit was Roger Stone and his dark arts of decades old dirty tricks...I hope that gets out one day.

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May 23, 2022
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Agree. What happened to Franken was a travesty. Much later many democrats who had stood with Gillebrand apologized to him. Later Gillebrand tried to run for higher office and didn't have a chance. What she did to Franken came back to bite her, BIG MISTAKE. She really hurt herself with overplaying her hand on the Me Too stuff. She was rightly trying to go after the sexual abuse in the military but she became strident and cocky and then went after Franken. We lost a great democratic congressman. I don't live in NY but I'll never forgive her for that. We have really needed him during the Trump administration and now more than ever. Listen to his podcast.

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I'm still wondering where the DNC messaging is... If I have missed something, please let me know. The Dems seem very "uncoordinated", no singular voice. Why?

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Joan DeMartin ; I wonder if obscene wealth has anything to do with Democrat messaging? As far as the DNC messaging goes, I believe that they have sold out, just like the Washington Post and there are the private sector "news" media, like Fox 'news' and now the Twitter platform which is private, not that it means anything much since the Fairness Doctrine and the FCC have not been operating for years. Some Democrat messaging might be on target, but the sell outs are going to have, well; sold out messages. Consider the source.

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This question is asked by many. Look to the Lincoln Project for leadership. If anyone can think of a better use of donation money than the Lincoln Project please respond. Just ask Elise Stefanik as the Lincoln Project dropped a fabulous video ad on her. The Lincoln Project plans to call out the worst of the Republicans while also naming their donors. Home Depot is an example. Home Depot profits from the same economic group as Elise is pushing down. First off how is it possible a business would work against their customers. Second how is it the Home Depot employees are unaware of all they will lose if it is up to Home Depot.

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Frank Gilbert ; In a final scene from the movie 'Cool Hand Luke' where the protagonist, a prisoner in a southern work camp type of jail ( played by Paul Newman), says to his prison guard 'The man with no eyes' " What we have here is a failure to communicate." before the guard shoots him dead. He was definitely not 'rehabilitated'.

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The Lincoln Project is a Republican Group. They may not support Trump but they still remain the driving force behind the Republican policies that have brought us Gilded Age income inequality. The Congressional Progressive Caucus would be an immeasurably better use of donations.

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Karen, Wende, Claire: This is more divisive stuff that the Republicans like to hear.

The object is to win.

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Hi Joan!

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Hey Paula! Long time, no see!

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DW thank you for this! Of course I know what Citizens United is but I'm going to read this to understand it fully.

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Claire, I thought there may be more people like me that felt they could use a refresher on the matter. It's been more than 12 years, surprising. The last two paragraphs even more important now 2.5 yrs from it's writing.

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DW, I definitely need the refresher. 12 years? wow...Thanks so much for sending it.

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At times like this, I used to like saying: "They're calling each other liars, and I'm inclined to believe them."

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Excellant point! Aside from Bernie Sanders and a few others, they ALL have their own PACs. Simply disgusting.

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Gerald Viguejust now

Karen- Most of the Republican supportive money is untraceable because of Citizens United. and because many of the Republican Supportive groups are tax deductible. Ex. NRA contributions are tax deductible. Last election in Illinois, Ken Griffin, one of the richest men in America spent $20 million to defeat a progressive tax system. My point is Billionaires put literally billions into political causes that the public never knows about. Further, Griffin's ads claimed that a progressive tax hurts small businesses. That's a lie. Small businesses are often ruined by hedge funds, like Griggin's Citadel Fund. Griffin shorted Game Stop, and then to ruin it, quite illegally, hindered the buying of the stock by exerting control over the trading institution that was selling shares long. This angered people who liked Game Stop, and they sent out a world wide emergency buy order to save the company, and thank God Griffin lost a lot of money on the deal.

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Not all Democrats are created equal. If you want action on economic issues you need to support the Congressional Progressive Caucus.

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Imagine, if you dare..

That a candidate running for the highest office in the land, let’s say Former President Ronald Reagan or Former President Barack Obama, said these words about an American Soldier who was captured and tortured by the enemy.

“I like people who weren’t captured…”

You can bet the Republican Party, at least the Republican Party back then, would still be peeing on Reagan’s Grave and still talking bad about Obama worse than normal. Neither candidate would have stood a chance in hell of becoming the President of the United States and would have been despised by every American, if not every citizen of all the worlds’ democracies. Yet candidate Trump only got a slap on the wrist.

An important difference for our time: If a Democratic candidate had said this, let’s say Biden, the Republican Party would have taken it and ran with it forever or at least up until the present day and maybe beyond. This would be their rallying cry for the entire Biden Presidency! They would bring it up EVERY SINGLE CHANCE they got to speak on virtually any topic, related or not.

So why doesn’t the Democratic Party do the same?!

Why..? Because losing elections is what Democrats often do well. The main reason why Biden won was ONLY because many Americans, that normally don’t vote, got out and voted because they saw the threat of our country becoming a Fascists’ State.

We better get our act together quickly and start adapting the techniques used by the leaders of the Republican Party, which at its core is fear driven…for as long as I can remember anyway. And yes, I, and most Americans, FEAR the U.S. will become a fascists’ country if Trump, or someone that kisses up to him, becomes President.

And please, stop referring to the left as ‘liberals.’ Yes there are some, on both extremes of every party, who would love to have as much as possible without any hard work or long hours. HOWEVER, the overwhelming majority of people who are not in their late teens/early twenties, and people living in the real world, of Democrats, Independents and Republicans, understand you have to get out there and work hard to get what you need and want. (Yes, I understand the super wealthy control most of the board and get MUCH more in return than the effort they put in – difference topic altogether) “We” are the Progressive Party, not the Liberal Party! Say this instead all the time and put the word ‘Liberal’ to bed once and for all. Why continue to shoot yourself in the foot.

This is not rocket science so why do we treat it as such. Most Americans (the hard-working middle and working classes) can’t, or won’t, take the time to do deep analysis. The Leaders in the Republican Party, and of course their Think Tanks, get this and know how to use it to their advantage. (their so virtuous) Sadly, the Democratic Party does not get this. DUH..

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Agree with most of what you say. The problem is if the Democratic Party were to adapt the techniques used by the leaders of the Republican Party -- driven by fear and anger and contempt for the "other," along with a willingness to break the law and disregard the Constitution -- the Democrats would be giving up the very essence of our democracy. It comes down to democracy versus authoritarianism, and the deep question is which approach to governance is most appealing to the American people.

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Vin ; The Republican party just had their annual CPAC conference in Victor Orban's Hungary, and the press was not really invited. The Repugs are anti Democratic, and their 'fearless leader' loves and wants to emulate Putin. In Russia it is against the law to speak the truth or even ask questions. 15 years for speaking about any subject that is forbidden, like how your son got killed during 'training', or protesting anything, even with a blank sign. It's obvious that Fox 'news' does not inform their working class adherents about what is really going on with Ukraine or Russia or much of anything that citizens/voters should know, much less about the economy and generational wealth and why Wealthy 'people' do not pay taxes. If the tRumplican voters knew a few things, there would be even fewer votes for the anti Democratic GOP candidates. captions, slogans, ads and editorials should be about the truth of what is going on. I would love to hear some real protest songs. like were sang in the 60's.

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Vin, Regarding Trump’s quip “I like people who weren’t captured,” regrettably, I expect the list of despicable words and deeds to grow increasingly incredulous. For example, recently, when McConnell was asked about his party’s platform, he replied that we would find out once the party retakes power. To date, I am unaware of any follow-up.

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Vin, Barbara Jo. The media gave Trump billions if not trillions in free publicity.

HRC made the mistake of attacking his supporters.

Biden not so much. Biden can flip his poll numbers with a good news campaign.

He can designate Robert as a surrogate.


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Daniel, I agree with your thesis, and, in fact, for months, have advocated that, nationwide, the country needs an Explainer-in Chief to educate people both about Democratic accomplishments, despite GOP efforts to obstruct, and also about what the public is losing every time Biden’s agenda is stalled.

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Indeed...Robert does need to be a surrogate. Humor with facts and intelligence. Our President needs Robert and all of us!

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Just appeared on Ari Melber, MSNBC.

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Just saw it.

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Barbara Jo Krieger ; I remember actually seeing/hearing him say that on camera!

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The media gave Trump a pass. Still does.

HRC ad would show her taking an oath. "I, HRC, promise not ridicule war veterans or to grab anyone's crotch. I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to everyone! "

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Daniel Solomon ; Even showing a candidate actually making their oath of office would be a statement! The mainstream media does what it wants to do, and it's not always about the truth; In fact it is hardly ever straight, factual and fair. Check out the Associated Press. It's as gamed as anything on Fox 'news'.

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We are still bludgeoned, so dizzy and numb from the previous administration's abandonment of decency that we can't get the steam up to feel moral outrage.

Give John Fetterman a bull horn.

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I think the Country suffers from a form of National PTSD. I feel it.

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Gestalt therapy. Register more Democrats, get out the vote, and swamp them!

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May 23, 2022
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We can change the law before 2024. Too pessimistic. (Do I detect the 'vey ist mir' syndrome?) The Cossacks may be trying, but they aren't here yet.

The DNC flaw is the ground game. The pandemic kept many Democrats home in 2020. The midterms are a window of opportunity. I keep saying Democratic voters are far more enthused than Republicans. We outnumber them. We can out organize them, with or without the DNC. With a couple of senators we can pass the “Freedom to Vote Act,” good health care, good schools, and good wages, pay off student loans, and of course restore Roe v. Wade.

We potentially can sweep. The Democratic Party offered $300 per child until Republicans ended the Child Tax Credit. A Democratic majority is within reach, virtually eliminating child poverty and stimulating the economy. Every kid, parent and grand parent will benefit.

I'm optimistic that the Republican party has nothing to offer.

And even a racist needs the necessities of life -- food, shelter, clothing and medical care,

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May 23, 2022
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I used to live in NOVA. All politics are local. So... how many MAGA families that used to get $300 per child per month are happy? In the Midterms benefits have to be the real issue.

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Exactly. And part of the reason is that the trauma is still going on: TSD, traumatic stress disorder. I can’t thank you enough for pointing this out, Scott. I am so depressed that sometimes I don’t even feel like getting out of bed. I’m sure it’s 90% political. The rest is probably climate.

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We should begin by making sure every American sees and reads FDR's "I welcome their hatred speech". The first time I saw this speech my jaw just dropped as I realized how close we are to seeing history repeat itself. If Bernie had been elected he could have delivered it word for word. Biden not so much. Biden told donors at an event at the Carlyle Hotel in Manhattan that he would not “demonize” the rich and promised that “no one’s standard of living will change, nothing would fundamentally change,” This is what Democrats voted for and it's why we have this problem. Until we vote for leadership more aligned with FDR we will never fix this issue. Next time you hear a Democrat complain about how radical progressives are point them to this speech.

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Democrats bring a spoon to a knife fight. They have always been terrible at really effective messaging, the kind that takes what Republicans are really doing to the common man and “rubs it in their face”. The problem is the gullible listened to Rush Limbaugh for 30 years and now they watch nothing but Fox News. They’re not listening to Professor Reich and his clear explanations. They listen and watch the Fake News Oligarch Plutocracy Media Regime. Musk wants to buy Twitter so he can shape the narrative on his terms. He is a perfect example that intelligence is not wisdom, and, in fact, his high intelligence only runs along certain lines. The key trait that Musk, Bezos, Koch, Ellison, and Republicans lack is….integrity. Money and power is their goal. Can you imagine blaming Democrats as “the party of division and hate”? When was the last time Democrats tried to steal an election by stealing electoral votes? When was the last time Democrats supported, as Michael Cohen testified, a “racist, con man, and cheat”, who is also a well documented liar, a money grubbing grifter, and a moral pervert? When was the last time Democrats passed a law, like Texas, that turned citizens into enforcers, with monetary rewards, or made it illegal to pass out water…..WATER!…..to people waiting long hours, in the hot humid sun, to vote? In Kentucky, someone put up a billboard showing Mitch McConnell and his wife, with the caption: “We’re rich…how ya’ll doing?” The Democrats better start bringing a knife to a knife fight.

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or an AK47

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The Billionaires are supporting the American Friends of Putin, (FOP), who brutalizes his young conscripts into being torturers and murderers, even supplying them with mobile crematoriums to incinerate the bodies of the tortured and violated victims, and of course, the children. As for Victor Orban's concern for Christianity, I quote Dylan in an excerpt from 'Masters Of War ; "Even Jesus would never forgive what you do".

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Next CPAC destination, Moscow? So brazen are these anti democracy trumplicans, and many of the real american titans of business and finance. Sadly, there is no FDR in these times, if there is, they need to be stepping up.

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DW ; We have someone who is at least as good, if not better than FDR as far as education goes. Knowledge is power ; if we want self government, we need to know what it is and make it our business to speak truth to power. Robert Reich has given us information that we should have learned in school. Knowing what's wrong is half of being effective in resisting what is bad. Knowing who to vote for, and calling out our enemies, organizing unions and naming our oppressors and criminals is a great start. Democracy requires participation. Nobody is going to pick us up and do it for us. We have great ammo to write captions and stir up some good trouble!

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Dr Reich has 2 insurmountable character flaws that will nobble him at the outset: 1) he's rational, and 2) he knows what the devil he's talking about - 2 serious political liabilities in the current political environment for: 1) getting elected in the first bloody place, and 2) getting anything passed in Congress these days! It's >exactly< the same for Bernie Sanders, although Bernie's a bit to the left of Prof Reich. (I'm going to take a lap for avoiding "the rule of 3" in >this< post!)

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DZK ; I was pointing out Robert Reich's ability to educate, not run for the office of President. The information is inexpensive and complete. Our corrupted system for selecting a Commander in Chief will not allow even an informed public to get an able leader. There is just too much money and mob activity to get past.

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Oh, I know. Others have "nominated" him. I was just sayin'. However, the remark you might look closer at is in response to your comment: "So you’re saying the American people are so irrational that it’s hopeless?" I think it takes a bit deeper look at the nature of the public voting - what's driving them. I think Dr Monnat presents a solid analysis along that line. The opening of her statement may be a bit misleading. It's where she goes from the opening that's important.

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DZK ; I did not make that comment. It was someone else's. I do not believe that any thing is hopeless, if the right approach is used. Or if dumb 'luck' is in play. Mother nature has a way of getting people's attention too. Could even affect markets, in a big way.

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Dr Reich is an individual who has spent most (if not all) his life in various kinds of elitist organizations. His experience is in the hallowed halls of government and the academic Ivory Tower where he reigns supreme. This is a kind of life and it gives him crucial and useful knowledge of how to function as a kingpin among other kingpins. It does not help him deal with those who are not part of his circle and most of us are not where he is and have no possibility of joining him. I would consider this a flaw when he speaks of the public and how the American People are managing (if they're managing at all). If he has had a job working in a Starbucks or picking artichokes in Monterey County, then he might be able to speak more clearly about that kind of world. However, it's important to realize that not all academic and governmental professionals are fortunate enough to understand the kind of work that most folks do. This has to be a drawback for him when it comes to addressing concerns of people he knows as statistics on a chart but not as flesh-and-blood members of the working class.

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That's another way of sayin' it! If what I said were said about me, I'd take it as a point of honor - which is how I meant it. (And no, I'm in no danger of having that said about me! LOL!)

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I think what I'm saying is that, well, if what you know first-hand about the working world is limited to scholars, policy writers/wonks, political advisors, you know a small and privileged part of the world of work. You don't know how it is to treat a scared and sick 3 year old who's been separated from her parents in a strange land; or what to do with a boss who's taken a dislike to you because you're Hispanic or female or gay and is trying his best to get you fired; or how you manage another day in the fields covered in pesticides; or an attack by a crazed and drunk customer or the loss of nearly all your first-graders to a gunman...The Ivory Tower and the posh senator's office are pretty far removed from The Real World that you translate into statistical terms, a place where real people are lost and only become statistics and numbers in a survey. But for millions of us, we have to navigate that world and also the cruel fact that we are anonymous and only count as statistics. I feel sorry for Dr Reich as he is left with tables and statistics when what he's really dealing with are only shadows of a much more troubling part of the world of work. Must be hard to get a grip on things when all you have are numbers and percentages to work with.

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So you’re saying the American people are so irrational that it’s hopeless?

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You might take a look at my edited response, if you haven't yet. (I think I'm done now!)

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Not all. But the US voters are overwhelmingly sentimental - that is, irrational. Indeed, they're easily distracted by bright, shiny objects as well! Then we get to the tribalism expressed by sports fans. Indeed, I wonder why it requires a PhD to point out the perfectly obvious ‽ : https://youtu.be/rEyAAQfcCc8 (Not that many of the voters would spend the 15 minutes it takes to >hear< it in the first goddam place! To that I'd add gambling - think Lotto, etc. BTW: I have some modest background in the social sciences, and completely concur with Dr Monnat's conclusions here - particularly she makes it clear that our current environment has been a long time coming, which I'm sure you'll recall I've banged on about in previous posts.) https://www.maxwell.syr.edu/directory/shannon-monnat

IMHO, we should focus more on the pre-existing condition we find ourselves dealing with now, per Dr Monnat's discussion. Only when we adequately triage the patient can we begin discussing any possible cure. Otherwise, we can only recommend nostrums for the symptoms. BTW: The faux religious emphasis is among the symptoms.

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Laurie Blair, yes on all points, I stand corrected.

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From the other day: Rand Paul single-handedly stalled a bipartisan effort to fast-track an additional $40 billion to assist Ukraine and its regional allies in the fighting against Russia.

In the House:

Jodey Arrington of Texas

Brian Babin of Texas

Jim Banks of Indiana

Andy Biggs of Arizona

Gus Bilirakis of Florida

Dan Bishop of North Carolina

Lauren Boebert of Colorado

Ken Buck of Colorado

Tim Burchett of Tennessee

Kat Cammack of Florida

Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina

Michael Cloud of Texas

Andrew Clyde of Georgia

James Comer of Kentucky

Warren Davidson of Ohio

Scott Des Jarlais of Tennessee

Byron Donalds of Florida

Jeff Duncan of South Carolina

Ron Estes of Kansas

Russ Fulcher of Idaho

Matt Gaetz of Florida

Bob Gibbs of Ohio

Louie Gohmert of Texas

Bob Good of Virginia

Paul Gosar of Arizona

Garret Graves of Louisiana

Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia

Diana Harshbarger of Tennessee

Vicky Hartzler of Missouri

Kevin Hern of Oklahoma

Yvette Herrell of New Mexico

Jody Hice of Georgia

Clay Higgins of Louisiana

Bill Huizenga of Michigan

Ronny Jackson of Texas

Mike Johnson of Louisiana

Jim Jordan of Ohio

Debbie Lesko of Arizona

Billy Long of Missouri

Tracey Mann of Kansas

Thomas Massie of Kentucky

Brian Mast of Florida

Mary Miller of Illinois

Barry Moore of Alabama

Troy Nehls of Texas

Ralph Norman of South Carolina

Scott Perry of Pennsylvania

John Rose of Tennessee

Matthew Rosendale of Montana

Chip Roy of Texas

Pete Sessions of Texas

Greg Steube of Florida

Tom Tiffany of Wisconsin

Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey

Beth Van Duyne of Texas

Bruce Westerman of Arkansas

Roger Williams of Texas

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May 23, 2022
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In Kentucky, Rand Paul has been riding Mitch's coattails. Diverge on Ukraine, Israel, and most especially infrastructure.


In the rust belt, high population of Ukrainians, Moldovans, Poles, Finns, Baltic countries were MAGA. Now Anti Putin anti MAGA. If I were DNC I'd interview some ex-MAGA for commercials in those states.

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And Bernie.

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LB: Careful! The Fraternal Order of Police may take exception to your acronym! LOL! ];-)>

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Are you sure they wouldn't be flattered?

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Some of them might. Some are bad cops.

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DZK ; LOL! I have a lawn sign that says "we support our local Law Enforcement Officers". I am one of those people who can see people on both sides of an issue. F'rinstance, there are Black police! I have neighbors who are cops! Most have never had their gun out except for target practice! I live in a relatively small town. Also, our community has Community Service Options, doing calls for mental health emergencies, when there are no weapons or violence issues involved. Maybe I can change it to AFOP, for American Friends of Putin. But there may be another group that uses THAT acronym. Oh well! that's why we all have to work together to figure these details out!

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Thank you, Robert. Your morning messages are important for our sanity. We need another Roosevelt. I have been raising money to help the poor and middle class for the past thirty years. It is getting harder as more money is dribbled out by family foundations and corporations give so little back to communities. Bank commitments to communities are pathetically small.

There is much we must do but I see Congress as our priority. Term limits would remove some entrenched power, more progressive taxes would give money for child care and education, and the demographics of the nation will give more votes to our repressed populations.

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I want to add…as a priority… that the free press is our most effective agent to retain our democracy and to improve our country. We must support both large and small news organizations.

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I agree. The immediate goal is to win. https://www.fieldteam6.org/

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great clip from the Simpsons - love the "Everything Going to Hell" graph cause it sure feels that way!!

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Dee Long ; With so much big money flooding our government and elections, along with the billionaires buying up news media and social media, we need to support candidates who are not bought by billionaires. The billionaires want to send us to hell and keep us there!

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If the media will treat that clip as "news," Robert might get a lot of free advertising, even on Fox.

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Daniel Solomon ; LOL ; the Simpsons are on Fox, but it is not Fox 'news'. That might count, if people can absorb the 8 important seconds Robert Reich says in that cartoon!

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Yes and smart consumers can consider the source : If it's bullshit, we just don't buy it!

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NOT true at all.

There's a science to it.



In our core courses, students learn media history and theory, and examine the role of media in political life in the United States and abroad. Students learn to analyze the effects of electronic and print media, to consider the impact of the media on public policy, as well as the impact of public policy on the media.

In addition to our core courses, students must take an approved methods course in the social sciences and approved major electives offered in other disciplines on campus–anthropology, history, sociology, political science, linguistics and journalism–to name a few. The major itself also offers a research methods course (MediaSt 130), several elective courses, and a year-long honors thesis program (MS H194 and MS H195).

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That clip from The Simpsons is terrific! Bravo!

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Yes, Elon, we ARE the party of hate! We hate narcissistic, self-serving billionaires such as yourself, who believe you have no obligation to give back to the country and institutions upon which your wealth was built!

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Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren do say this, repeatedly. I saw a video on Facebook of Sen. Warren making essentially the same points you have made about the causes of our current inflation and announcing that she has introduced legislation to address it. The problem is that Sens. Warren and Sanders are disparaged as "far left" cranks, including by self-anointed "responsible centrist" Democrats.

Biden has sort of said what you proposed, but not convincingly. He needs to say it loud and clear and repetitively. Biden is not and never will be a great orator, but he can do better than he has done.

Trump is a useful tool of our superrich oligarchs. He doesn't mind, as long as they flatter his ego and help him fake in more and more money.

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But Carolyn Herz ; Where would anyone get the idea that Elizabeth Warren and Sanders are "far left Cranks"? Independent media? I don't think so. Consider the source. Mainstream media are owned by those who would definitely not want to see either Warren or Sanders prevail in any way.

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Biden may not be a great orator but Obama is. Where is he?

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Paula B. Good point!

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"Bipartisanship" is a noble ideal, but it becomes a destructive fantasy when one party is 110% committed to making it impossible.

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100% correct! Democrats >everywhere< must learn to understand that.

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It's not a good deal to compromise with the devil!

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I like: "If you sleep with dogs, you'll wake up with fleas!"

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There's a filthy version I like better, that involves climbing into bed with the devil and waking up sore! (and holding a quarter.)

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DZK ; only if the dogs have fleas! My daughter and SIL sleep with their dogs all the time! LOL!

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It's a >really old< bit of common wisdom!

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Makes sense!

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Important and reasoned. And lots of good comments. Messaging is indeed so important now....

Do you describe it as a swamp or a wetland? Biden can get the vast majority behind him if he gets really bold and invokes an FDR.

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You're probably right about more people reached in 8 seconds on an animated tv show than the sum total of your work of the past.

Sad but true fits the bill.

I watched and was surprised that the episode was dealing with a traumatic truth about the economic expectations for the average U.S. citizen.

Congrats to the writers for taking that chance.

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We seem to understand Russian oligarchs very well, but we fail to even see our very own.

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At first blush, this seems to have little to do with today's discussion, except that it sheds a little light on Musk's motive in declaring himself Republican - when it was already a foregone conclusion for most of us: https://youtu.be/hOeI3HaK-EQ

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I’ve been saying for two years to yank republicans from office. Being reactive to this degree is playing their game. Weakness. The real unknown is if Democrats have what it takes to fight for their freedom. I believe that’s rhetorical since democrats have already went belly up. If you won’t fight for your freedom, what will you fight for? John Kennedy said it best “ Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country “ Time to grow a set and defend your Republic and freedom.

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I agree that Democrats do so often allow Republicans to frame the discussion and then react defensively. That's not a way to persuade anyone or win elections. Democrats need to go on the offensive with their own compelling messages.

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Ed Shook : Robert Reich has been fighting for justice and working people for decades. This forum is giving information to help see the wrongs and name the enemies. Also many humans do not have "a set" and do not need them to fight back effectively. Beating on Democrats is not helpful. The Billionaires are doing a great job of that now!

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If you think I’m bad wait until you see what’s coming.

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Ed Shook ; I don't think you are bad, I just wish you could see the real enemies ; the obscenely wealthy who support bad candidates to the point where our country is in danger of losing sight of our experiment with self government ; Democracy of, by and for the People ; (not the billionaires, as Bernie said it so well). Our messaging should point squarely at our enemies in this class war : The filthy dirty wealthy traitors, like Elon Musk who came from the upper crust of Apartheid Africa, whose folks owned diamond mines and defacto slaves, kept in poverty as second class citizens (if they were considered citizens at all), and worked hard with few rights.

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Laurie, I did edit my post. Thank you and I couldn’t agree more. I love this venue and have given a subscription to a family member. Robert is number one in my book. We must play hardball and remove these fear based traitors from office by any and all means. I know we are on the same side of the fence and thank you again for helping me balance out my thinking and post.

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Ed Shook ; "fear based traitors" is right! Remember ; "We have nothing to fear but fear itself!' Damn the torpedoes!!!

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Musk will turn Twitter into another version of Fox fake news. He makes me sick to my stomach. Time to rid ourselves of this trash

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