Aug 22, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

Okay,so De Satan brags about black/brown/poor voters he don't like being caught voting whilst an"ex-con",but what about those rich old folks/snowbirds over in The Villages who voted twice,either at home and in Florida,or voted the mail ballot for a dead spouse or family member,for Trump,or some other Repub con,what did De Satan say about them,eh??

So I guess it's all good assuming they voted Republican,not Democrat?Doesn't that sound a bit shady y'all?

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Liars and conmen - Republican societies’ new heroes. Morality gone! What a laughing stock these guys make of the USA to other democratic countries, and embolden Xi and Putin etc.

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Hell, this is hell. I tell you this is hell! (Grandpa exclaiming from the movie "A House of a 1000 Corpses.) Sigh. God help us!..... sigh... What's the secret to never being sick? That's more important. As I've worked all my life, did not cheat anyone, and tried to be fair and nice... we've got people getting away with all this ridiculous underhanded stuff and no one bats an eye! There shouldn't be two systems of justice one for the rich and one for the poor. It should all be the same. No tennis court, luxury resort stuff. Make them do hard labor like washing dishes for the prison. And, to think Walmart has people put in jail for stealing a submarine sandwich because they were hungry. Where's the crime? The rich who commit crimes like the above should be stripped of every penny... every penny!

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Aug 22, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

I would ask why Neumann is getting a second chance, but then how many has Trump gotten? I’ve lost count.

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Though recently, when asked, I forecasted that Republicans would retake the House, I write to state unequivocally that I don’t accept my prediction. To start, I understand that the majority of households includes at least one person taking prescription drugs. I note this example not only to press the point of amplifying the ability, now, of Medicare to negotiate the price of prescription drugs, but also to make the case that the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act affords Democrats the credibility to run both on climate and on pocketbook issues connected to things that matter in people’s lives. I imagine Democrats also will underscore that if they hold the House and pick up two Senate seats (hardly far-fetched) that they will be poised, using budget reconciliation, to pass further transformative legislation addressing some of the major issues facing the country, while also improving life for tens and tens of millions of working people. This legislation includes 1) cutting the price of insulin for non-Medicare persons, 2) extending the child tax credit, 3) providing affordable, quality childcare and universal Pre-K, 4) investing in housing, in eldercare, in areas of immigration policy that qualify under reconciliation, and decidedly more.

Additionally, protecting choice is going to be upfront and center. This won’t be an issue just for women, but also for men, for Independent voters, and for some moderate Republicans. So will the matter of passing meaningful gun control legislation so we can send our children to school and not fret every minute for their safety.

Last, but hardly least, current polling indicates that everyday people are becoming increasingly aware of the import of overwhelming the ballot box with votes for democracy.

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Aug 22, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

I'm quite sure Andreesen Horowitz meant to write of Neumann's latest con "we love to see repeat[offenders], not "repeat founders."

America is one enormous con-job, if you fit certain demographics, that is, and Neumann, Trump and their cult of enablers understand the big con exceedingly well.

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There are more Trump supporters than I like to admit, people who will gladly give him another chance (can't say "second" since he has already pulled so many frauds on Americans!). But that said, they still only amount to around 30% of Americans! Also, I suspect, many of them cynically support Trump when they know he is a liar and a con man. It is an interesting political science question about why people do that but from a practical perspective the only thing to do is get out the Democratic vote and put responsible and serious people in positions of public trust.

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where does the mushroom effect fit in? or does it? the mushroom effect is where one fraud, like WeWork, works so others jump on the bandwagon and do the same thing elsewhere.

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Ah yes, USA, the land of the free but also white.

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A friend who had learned the statistics and mathematics of nuclear physics while on his PhD, answered an ad from a New York bank which needed such knowledge, 35 years ago, He has been in the front lines of high-flying finance ever since and is a now a very rich man. However he has remained honest. I asked him once - he would know the answer: "Was the 'crisis' of 2008 the most monumental robbery in the history of humanity?" He answered: "Yes." Then: "Are they still at it today?" . . . "Yes" . . . "Is it going to happen again?" . . . "Yes." And read the September 2020 Rand Corporation working paper: "Trends In Income From 1975 to 2018." Over this period the authors estimate that between $25 and $47 TRILLION were siphoned off from the 90% to the top 10. How to get rich? Rob, rob monumentally, win the class war, that will give you impunity!

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We need honest people who work in many different fields to run for Congress. Copying the idea of Emily’s List might work. Form a nonprofit that trains and supports people to run for office. They are given lessons in American history, civics, rhetoric , and world events.

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Your 6 rules can probably be summarized as an old one: "Fake it 'till you make it."

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Not in every place and not in every era is humanity destined to advance. - Primo Levi

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If you steal $50 worth of stuff from a megacorporation like Walmart, they lock you in jail and call you a thief.

If you still millions in small amounts from ordinary people, they elect you to Congress and call you Senator.

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Not too long ago someone said to me..I quote “A con artist is someone who can take (steal) your wallet and then help you look for it.” Made perfect con sense to me!

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I’ve watched VC repeatedly prefer to invest in the known flaws of their previous founders over the unknown of a new prospect. But mostly, they play a game by the same name as a great book for anyone near or interested in the VC model. It’s called The Power Law, and it’s essential a gambler’s game where VC expect a home run from 1/10 investments; 3/10 will return their money with modest gain; 3/10 will return to founders but not investors; and 3/10 will fail completely. With 30% odds they’ll at least not lose money, and 10% that they’ll recover enough to lavishly offset any losses, the power is not in quality investment or oversight, but in sipping martinis while waiting for the rolled dice to settle.

The irony of this particular deal, and I was a raving wework experience fan!!! with much to love, high-growth-deal-hype aside, is in comparing his encore run to the jail time Elizabeth Holmes rightfully will serve for misleading Theranos’ investors.

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