Reading the prior comments, I see my profile is very similar to your other readers. I am a 70-year old retired lawyer who now regrets all those years of yelling at the radio and television about what was happening in our country, yet doing nothing about it except voting and making occasional campaign donations. Even after Trump announced he was running for president and I began really fearing for our country, I still didn't step up, because I was working full time and "didn't have the time", and I didn't believe he'd actually get elected. I finally woke up on November 9, 2016, and started to do my part. I became a leader of our local and state Indivisible organizations, organizing postcards, canvassing, phone banking, text banking, marches, rallies, newsletters, etc. Unfortunately, almost five years later, I am exhausted and still fearing for our country. Biden and the Democrats have not delivered as I had hoped. Nine months in we still don't have voting rights protections, infrastructure remediation, long-term climate change solutions, or a fair and balanced Supreme Court. The right-wing Republicans are truly on a rampage and predicted to take control of Congress in 2022. Now I am fighting against hopelessness.

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Sep 27, 2021Liked by Robert Reich

At 29 years old, it appears that I'm one of your younger readers! I was galvanized into political action in 2016 and now consume a lot of political content, but I very much appreciate your insight in particular! In hindsight I don't think I've been critical enough of the Democratic party because I was so desperate for any alternative to fascism, but now I just find myself upset that given the chance, we seemingly haven't made any real progress on climate, wealth inequality, campaign finance reform, or the filibuster. So I'm looking for people like you and Larry Lessig to help me understand and maybe give me a sliver of hope about how we can actually REALIZE the progress that always seems to be just over the horizon, yet never in reach.

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Sep 28, 2021Liked by Heather Lofthouse

I am 80 with a progressive, incurable lung disease, on oxygen and in a wheelchair. Though my world has been physically limited my mental and spiritual spaces have opened all the more widely. This is just one more avenue of awareness and understanding for me. Thank you!

Also, having painted for a number of years, I enjoy the visual stiulation!

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Sep 27, 2021Liked by Robert Reich

I read many of your books and posts and listened to many of your videos and appreciate the way you bring clarity and understanding to public policy and American politics. I feel you have good values that I share and your writings and videos are grounded in logical reasoning and love of country. It helps me make sense of the confusion of information in today's media and social networks. Your contributions are educational and make me a better and informed citizen. Your contribution to the nation, educating so many of us on these complex but serious matters, is immense. I believe you found the right format in today's time (short, informative, fun, educational) and avenues (social media, newsletters, email, print, cable interviews...) to reach a large audience and make a huge impact. I am sure it takes a lot of work on you part and I am impressed about your productivity. I express my appreciation for the service you provide by subscribing to this newsletter in order to support your ongoing effort.


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Sep 29, 2021Liked by Heather Lofthouse

So appreciate your point of view.

You are an inspiration.

Cannot believe Murdoch, Fox News, Trump and all those Republican senators are still not in prison as traitors. Where are the loyal US citizens?

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Sep 27, 2021Liked by Robert Reich

For me it is getting the information about what is at risk. I don't have answers, but I don't want to have my head in the sand about the gravity of what is at stake. I like specifics to pray about. I also like to feel I can pass information on when it comes up in conversation with family and friends.

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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Robert Reich

I am a Keynesian and feminist economist and an ordained and leftie pastor. I did my undergrad economics training in the Reagan years, during the rise of New Classical macroeconomics, figuring out what was conceptually ill-founded, and what dishonestly sold as I learned.

I am hoping to help move the Democratic Party away from its reactive stance to the promotion of a big goal, with explanation of how each desired policy works toward it. So long as we merely react to the GOP we are shrunk into their nominal stance* of being for or against each policy rather than looking toward and explaining what policy is meant to achieve.

I would like to see the Democratic Party (or any other) announce a goal of sustainability and equity for our communities, states, nation, and world. I think that's an excellent goal, widely desirable, and that where we don't fall into the dead end of GOP paradigms, where Dei policies tend.

I think that for the US electorate in general to get behind that goal requires little but announcing it. To develop understanding of how proposed policy serves the goal of sustainability and equity requires explanation. You are a premier explainer, and I appreciate your work very much.

* As they have abandoned any pretense of followthrough on stated goals it's clearly all greed and gaming with them.

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Sep 29, 2021Liked by Heather Lofthouse

Keep doing what you are doing. You are making America Great Again!!

The Black community needs you so much because you have the "Cain't Hep It's" (I can't help it) when it comes to educating large urban areas around the country like Chicago/Northwest Indiana through your Facebook posts.

You bring a unique perspective because your lectures and presentations are filled with easy-to-understand facts, cartoons and pictures. We could never thank you enough!!

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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Heather Lofthouse

I’m a warrior for truth as the only path to freedom but I feel like I’m drowning in a sea of mendacity and never did I think that one man, with social media as his partner, could sow such venom and hatred which was deeply infected our social fabric.

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Your insight and opinions resonate with me. After retiring from full-time work a few years ago, and seeing how little progress our nation is making on critical issues, I wanted to get more informed and involved to influence the direction of our country. Ideally, the world for my children and grandchildren will be a better place for them, with a better climate, more equality among people and a safer place. I look forward to your newsletters, drawings, posts and tweets.

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Sep 26, 2021Liked by Robert Reich

65 yo Japanese Am female, mother of 1. 37 years CICU RN, still working, $97k/60 hrs ppp. Prior AF brat, Dad was career pilot, Vietnam POW, Mom stayed at home. I am a minority not because of my ethnicity, but because I am a “Have”. I am greatly distressed by the flagrant, obscene inequality that DEFINES THE USA. You waste no words Mr. Reich, and I am here to hear every one of them. I am hoping for rational, concrete, actionable ideas from you that will rally the socially conscious to do what is necessary to Finally Establish a True Democracy.

I have an idea: The Great Retiring has already begun. These folks will be the last comfortable generation for sometime to come. The choice of retirement means they have reached a level of security that the Vast Most do not have, will not have. What if They/We/I put off retirement for just one year, and donate those earnings to a cause they believe will effect change and make a difference, towards building equality, safety, and comfort For All…

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I feel myself moving every day further toward the liberal side. Republican goals are antisocial, pro-corporation endeavors intent on reducing or eliminating vital programs, especially those that make America a good place to live. The skew of wealth upwards and the escalating difficulty of the lower middle class to advance in life worries me because I see nothing being done to balance it. My grown children face more economic challenges than I did at their age. I am now a senior, a woman, disabled, a grandmother, and yet still an active citizen who sees hard times coming unless Biden's programs come to maturity. The Republicans must realize that they are not on the side of the average American and their falsehoods are increasingly more transparent to most of us.

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Sep 29, 2021Liked by Heather Lofthouse

I appreciate your insightful and clear descriptions of the challenges we face. Unlike the overly-simplified ideas of the Right, diverse and inclusive concepts are much more nuanced and - as a result - much more difficult to explain. Thank you for your entertaining approach to bringing ideas to life.

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Sep 28, 2021Liked by Heather Lofthouse

Been following you for over a year. Love your drawings and appreciate your candid explanations regarding the mess we're in. Lately a lot has been written about how Republicans are setting up for the 2022 and 2024 elections. I am angry and frustrated with the blatant scheming and lying and hypocrisy we see every day in our political system and it just seems to be getting worse. Trump’s bs is bad enough but then there's Marjorie Taylor Green making horrible, violent political ads and statements. Lauren Boebert does the same and uses campaign funds for her personal expenses. Why aren’t they being held accountable for their actions? Trump and his ilk are out of control and they continue to get away with their shenanigans. How can this keep happening? Everyday people can’t get caught stealing or driving drunk or making “terroristic threats” or let their dog bark endlessly without repercussions. Trump republicans shamelessly and fearlessly flaunt their corruption. Where’s the same outrage that forced Al Franken to resign for his “indiscretions”? The Republicans' actions are so much worse. I feel helpless and worried about our future and often wonder if there’s anything rational people can do to make any or all of them accountable before the elections. I'd walk to Washington to protest if it would do any good.

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Sep 28, 2021Liked by Heather Lofthouse

I trust all you say and fight for Robert Reich. You are the refreshing voice of truth and wisdom to me.

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Sep 28, 2021Liked by Heather Lofthouse

I am constantly looking for 'the' answer to this political dilemma the republicans have presented us with. They have managed find a way to outwit the demographics that we all thought would eventually put them in their place, a permanent minority. Between delegitimizing our elections, placing the outcome of close elections in the hands of republican legislators, gerrymandering districts, and denying minorities the sacred right to vote, they have secured most future elections for their side. I don't know how we counter this, especially since tRump was able to pack the supreme court with radical right-wing nut-jobs. What can we do?

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