I'm so glad you have decided to write this daily letter. Your shared insights and thought process have helped me question and rethink my understanding on difficult topics. Thank you.

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Terry, ditto on the new understandings and questions related to so many topics. I, too am grateful.

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All that. Plus it gives me a chance to gripe.

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I truly enjoy your article for the past year and I am looking forward to more of your enlightening wisdom. Nemesia Castro

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And that's an important outlet too LOL

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@Daniel. Me too! LOL

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Thank You Mr. Reich,

With your analytical skill maybe we can work together to “Form A More Perfect Union”

Americans need to realize that being this divided we cannot stand.

You know who really appreciates our continuous infighting? Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Hungary etc…..

My takeaway is many of our fellow Americans are being CONvinced that our Government and Federal institutions are working against us.

45 and his Make America Gag Again Trumpers are CON artists! Take a look at just some of his best one-liners.

* "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters."

* “I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will have Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words."

* “Do you believe in punishment for abortion – yes or no – as a principle?” “The answer is there has to be some form of punishment.” “For the woman?” “Yeah, there has to be some form.

* “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.”

* “[Kim Jong-Un] speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.”

* “In life you have to rely on the past, and that’s called history.”

* “I won’t do anything to take care of them. I’ll supply funds and she’ll take care of the kids. It’s not like I’m gonna be walking the kids down Central Park.”

* “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries coming here?”

* “All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me - consciously or unconsciously. That's to be expected."

* “Sorry losers and haters, but my IQ is one of the highest - and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure, it's not your fault."

* “Just tried watching Modern Family - written by a moron, really boring. Writer has the mind of a very dumb and backward child. Sorry Danny!"

* “While @BetteMidler is an extremely unattractive woman, I refuse to say that because I always insist on being politically correct."

* ".@arianahuff is unattractive both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man - he made a good decision."

* “[John McCain is]... not a war hero. He's a war hero - he's a war hero 'cause he was captured. I Like people that weren't captured, OK, I hate to tell you."

* “I'm the most successful person ever to run for the presidency, by far. Nobody's ever been more successful than me. I'm the most successful person ever to run. Ross Perot isn't successful like me. Romney - I have a Gucci store that's worth more than Romney."

* “If Hillary Clinton can't satisfy her husband what makes her think she can satisfy America?"

* “The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive."

* “Crazy Joe Biden is trying to act like a tough guy. Actually, he is weak, both mentally and physically, and yet he threatens me, for the second time, with physical assault. He doesn’t know me, but he would go down fast and hard, crying all the way."

After reading these quotes how could anyone believe this guy? I would be embarrassed and I would go on an Apology Tour if I voted for him!

If you’re not convinced listen to his rally in Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania.

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Thank you Keith for that trip down Trump Lane. Each quote is nauseating and should make everyone's hair stand on end that we enabled that sociopathic child-man have any power anywhere. It would be great if your "greatest hits" could be published where people who want Baby Donnie again could read them and possibly acknowledge they are spoken by a truly ignorant totally self-absorbed person who should be in charge of no one and nothing. Some might get it.

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You’re welcome. There are many many more trump dumps! You can google many of them.

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He needs a makeover in Leavenworth,sweaty,stinkin' shirt,flip flops,and dried fish sticks on stale white bread w/ carrots & peas,plus day old coffee.Serve the slop on the chow line,then mop out the shower rooms.

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And convicted rapist cellmates, form all the minorities trump fears. And lots of "privacy" and or lax security in his wing of the prison.

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Thank you for this collection, Keith. I can understand why the poor suckers who are scrabbling for a daily meal, would believe him - he's a con man of the first order. But the 'media'? Have they really all turned into grubby morons?

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And CNN now seams to be slowly moving to the dark side, just to sell more advertising.

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The Meidastouch and Mea Culpa Podcasts

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So very upsetting! Are there any heroic news sources that tell the honest truth anymore?

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Mr Reich, Beau of the fifth, Heather Richardson, politics girl. That's pretty much it.

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The New Yorker is still excellent.

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Fay Reid ; The media are owned by the grubbiest Greedheads!

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True, but your description as 'Greedheads' made me laugh, it is so appropriate

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"turned into?" A lot of them snatched at the opportunity.

Media is just another "Big Business" system. No more concerned with ordinary people than Big Oil or Big Pharma or Big [fill in your own favorite]. Rupert Murdoch and his ilk have a lot to answer for.

The sooner more people grasp that, the sooner they can start reaching for the light again.

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In a single word: YES

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Keith Olson ; Yes, this is the man who inspired the world at the United Nations ; To Laugh At Him!

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We’re beyond convinced but thank you for compiling this list. I will use some of these quotes to answer back to MAGA trolls on Twitter. 😄 I usually sense those ignoramuses a list of 45s crimes when they put down any Democrat.

Just reading through this…you have to be as psycho as TFG and as ignorant. Fortunately his pool of followers has fallen substantially. But money & cheating are still threats.

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Good idea to keep quotes to tweet back at MAGAs. I shall adopt your strategy (steal?).

Don't forget the down ballot problem/threat/disaster of Secy's of State who believe The Big Lie. Or who don't care about The Big Lie so much but will court and welcome fascism for one reason or another.

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Exactly...the warping of our electoral processes continues unabated.

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Oh dear! I meant to say You have to be as psycho…to vote for TFG!

And in second sentence: I usually SEND not sense..I think I’ve got auto spell on.

It’s not even Monday…and so many errors. 🫢

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Seeking Reason ; Practice makes poipose..But Tuesday's "just as Bad" ...not perfect either! "borrowed" from "Stormy Monday ....

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An enjoyable read, we can wash it down with a cup of.....

Covfefe !!!

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Keith, I hope you won't mind if I share your collected "Trump's greatest 'hits'" collection cited to you. It has been quite a long time since I saw so many in one place, and you got a lot of the good ones. I write a blog for family and friends and think they would appreciate your work.

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Dear Ruth,


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Yes, Ruth ! And Keith, you should add the video of TFG where his 'biggest' chant//gripe

is about 'people flushing, flushing, flushing - (whatever - ?) down the toilet. I think he

must have been referring to the pic of a piece of document at the bottom of 'his' toilet

at Mar-a-Lardo (from Jimmy Kimmel ?).... Good job !

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Your list of Orange Monster quotes, not all of which I had known, are classical! They’re hilarious and make great reading. They belong on Saturday Night Live more than ever, although I understand that Alec Baldwin is tired of playing him. They read as if written by a very good comic writer, not a politician. I can’t get over the Hillary Clinton one.

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The Hillary Clinton one was so mean, Just like him to say something like that.

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A great list and reminder of who he is!

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Hi, Robert! Congratulations! I can’t believe it’s been a year, either. Yes, I’ve found your podcasts very useful, and although I haven’t always agreed with you (I’ve rarely disagreed, actually), I can’t dispute the fact that you have a very great fund of knowledge. To say the least.

One main disagreement was over your approval of the Inflation Reduction Act, because of Manchin’s poison pill of fossil-fuel boosts. Bernie’s come up with an ingenious way of tackling the problem—when the budget comes up, just don’t fund the fossil-fuel boosts! I hope that works.

You are a kind man who does want everyday people to do well, I think. That’s very important. You don’t kowtow to anyone, as far as I can tell; nor do you seem to act superior to anybody. Thank you for your observations, and your insights into what Trump REALLY is up to, and what REALLY can cause inflation.

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I can't thank you enough, Dr. Reich, for contributing to my understanding of the turmoil our country is undergoing and the decades of policies causing such an socioeconomic maelstrom.

As far as I'm concerned, you could never offer enough of your cogent analysis. I'm just amazed that you find the time to publish this exceptional newsletter, teach and lead a personal life.

Lastly, I'd never thought much of the the field of economics, as many of its practitioners seemed to side with the wealthy, while leaving the rest of the country intentionally fighting over scraps (trickle-down).

However, reading your newsletter and your honest, historical analysis gives me hope.

Many thanks.

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Thank you, Robert! Your incredibly hard work on this has been an inspiration to me. I'm doing all I can--letter writing with Vote Forward, donating every few weeks, phone banking starting tomorrow. I'm pushing my friends and family to do something, too, with regular emails. I've resolved not to travel till after the election so I can keep at it. We can all do something!

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David, Kudos on working to get voters out. That is going to be the key to success in November. Ordinary people reaching out to others to tell them the truth. Wonderful!

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Thanks, Ruth. I've been active since 2016, since I retired. What else can we do, given the threats we face? All the best to you.

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I'm writing to the voters via Indivisible,a super engaged group.I also use old fashioned prayer,it works,he hears our pleas!This democratic nation is worth saving and making better,we need to be a beacon of light to the world!

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Thanks for the reminder about Indivisible. A great organization. I'll mention them to friends, also. Yes, our democracy must be saved--for our sakes and as an inspiration (for all our flaws) to others. All the best.

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So glad you did this. I like being a part of this community! Thank you for all your hard work during a pandemic! And all your other roles!

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Happy anniversary from Australia. A dear friend of mine, who is also a paid subscriber, renamed our cafe get-togethers as a coffee klatch in honour of you and Heather. Your insightful analysis, clear explanations and display of wisdom over this year are much appreciated. Thank you, and keep going - democracies matter to the entire world.

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Prof Reich — a few GOP nutters sneak around here, as you can tell by their comments. But nearly all of us here, as you can tell from our comments, are immensely grateful for your information and perspective. Thank you!

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Bennett, good observation. And, who knows, maybe the GOPs who actually read Dr. Reich's note and the comments may have a seed of caring and decency planted. Could happen.

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Let's hope!!

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If life were only a Disney movie! :-)

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@Bennett. I don't think they are real GQPers though - I think most of them are paid trolls who work in some sweatshop somewhere trying to distort and disrupt the public discourse and public attitude here in the US and other democracies. That's why I'm so harsh to them. And if I sometimes am harsh to an American, well, if it talks like a duck....

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Dear Robert Reich, I have followed you for a long time. I just now upgraded my subscription to support your important work. I subscribe to Heather Cox Richardson’s newsletter, a wonderful addition to my knowledge of US history. I find YOU a comfort in these dark times in the US and the world. Thanks for being there. Sincerely, Elisabeth Iler

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I have closely followed and respected your work for many years. In the past I relied on the occasional book, tv interview, or topical video to gain your insights on our economy, inflation and labor market.

But the frequency of this newsletter has provided me with a more comprehensive understanding of the key factors driving our economy. You’ve allowed me to finally to pull all the pieces together for the first time. I am grateful for that, and I’m with you for year 2!


Tom Johnson

Birmingham, Alabama

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I agree with every word, Thanks Tom

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This helps me stay sane and sleep at night. Old literally and figuratively retired ICU nurse, who actually took my oath seriously and believed healthcare is a right not a privilege. See my problem.

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Molly, you are among the truly underappreciated frontline workers who actually deserve so much thanks. It is great you have Dr. Reich's intelligent thoughtful commentary to keep you company on your job when the chaos has eased. Then, you are willing to share your own thoughts. Awesome!

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You’re R-R-R-RIGHT! Thank you for your service.

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Congrats! Thanks for providing excellent content...and a place with a comment section that makes me believe there may be enough good and smart people out there to get through all of these crises, as opposed to most comment sections which make me wonder if there is a point of despair over the state of one's species that it becomes acceptable to actually SUPPORT climate change.

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This is the best group of commenters on any political forum I've been on. Thoughtful, civil, kind, wise... Has a lot to do with the man running it & the caliber of people he attracts.

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I second that, especially the “civil” part. I do wish more Republicans would comment and explain their rationale for their support of the Trump cult, in a civil and respectful way of course.

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Lorraine, for them to explain their rationale would assume they are rational, which apparently they are not.

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I really enjoy reading your work!!Congrats on your anniversary!

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No way Dude! Thank you for speaking truth to power! Thank you for continuing to educate us and explain complex convoluted issues in simple concise ways. I am extremely grateful for your time and energy spent on Substack and look forward to every article or video.

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So many thank yous to you, Robert. The daily deluge of lies, evasion , distraction, deflection, etc, from trump- and MAGA- world is all so hard and frustrating to follow! You make it easier to understand and de-clutter. Thank you for sharing your experience and knowledge, opinion and leadership. Your service is HUGE! Thank you!

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Happy First Anniversary Robert Reich - you have done a yeoman's job of providing all of us with important information on a wide range of topics. Glad I subscribed earlier this year -- congratulations on getting the job done of spreading the truth about what is going on these days!

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