Bravo, Robert! I for one really needed that pick-me-up!

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Martha, I agree with you completely and with Robert’s “Ten Reasons for Modest Optimism."

Below are six steps to “Break MAGA’s Emotional Bonds” by Alexandra Stein:

Fight, fight, fight. Do not negotiate with them

Gather in real life

Stay connected to yourself

Stay connected to each other, preferably in real life

Stay connected to MAGA people you know

Speak up, make a stand, inspire others, and repeat

For details on these steps see the link below


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I am a group and couples therapist and am dedicated to help people have healthy, intimate relationships. I know you are right to "stay connected to Magites" but how? even I cannot see how to speak to delusional.

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Teresa, this is a critically important question. I’m a marriage and family therapist and hear the guilt in my clients’ voices when they talk about cutting off friends and family because these relationships now feel so abusive. I think the dividing line is whether or not someone who believes differently can talk to us respectfully and listen to our ideas - whether or not they are in agreement. Simply taking the time to understand one another can be productive. But the MAGA movement, by and large, is extremely aggressive, preying on the narcissistic impulses of its followers. We need to know when dialogue isn’t possible and simply walk away, rather than subjecting ourselves to pain and abuse. Those of us in mental health are important resources to our hurting clients, especially when they are making the guilt-ridden decision to walk away from relationships. Right or not, I offer them grace.

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I was in therapy until I recently deduced that my therapist had voted for Trump. I tried to understand her reasoning (and I could see her point of view) but she was my therapist and not vice versa so I quit.

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Speak to Magas with the controlled pity and simplicity you would use to a developmentally challenged child. Ask them questions. "What do you feel about x?" Then "Why do you feel that way?" Give no hint of your own beliefs. Let them talk. Gather information

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I despise MAGA people. Ain't gonna happen. They got us in this mess.

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Here's another, Martha...

"(Trump) is underwater like ‘The Little Mermaid.’” "


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See the book: "On Tyranny" by Timothy Snyder - AND: "Blueprint for Revolution" by Popovic and Miller.

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Follow Tim Snyder on Substack "Thinking about..."

Remember Bob Dylan's line in Positively 4th Street:

Johnny's in the basement

Mixing up the medicine

I'm on the pavement

Thinking about the government....

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P.S. - "Never underestimate the power of words. Words move hearts and hearts move limbs" (author unknown)

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Isn't there a line about "Fairchild laid off.." or similar in Dylan's "Subterranean Homesick Blues"? (Fairchild being a war profiteer in years past.)

Seems a bit TOO "on the nose", but with hate being such a strong factor with the far-wrong, there are almost certain to be repeating cycles through history.

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foofaraw & Chiquita, thanks and tell us what you think of the first sentence of "On Tyranny" and the sub-title of "Blueprint for Revolution": "History does not repeat, but it does instruct," and, "How to Use Rice Pudding, Lego Men, and Other Non-Violent Techniques to Galvanize Communities, Overthrow Dictators, and Simply Change the World."

Also, Peter Gabriel ("who is a singer, songwriter, musician and human rights activist... the original frontman of the rock band 'Genesis...'" - according to Wikipedia) has an endorsement on the front cover of "Blueprint...": "wonderful book... inspiring ordinary people facing injustice and oppression to use this toolkit..."

I think this is the medicine we better use "on the pavement" and that we should try to encourage "Johnny" to emerge from "the basement" and join this movement, don't you?

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You are so right. Reich is FAB.

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Me too, Martha!

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Robert Reich...Thankyou for everything that you do.

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Part of the good fight is getting great messaging. When you read a great piece, restack it. Post a link on Bluesky. Send it to your Congress critters. Boycott like hell. Make companies who support the Regime feel some pain. We can’t just roll over and play dead.

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Here comes "Debby Downer" Dictators don't give a crap about public opinion, they manufacture it, look at Putin and Orban. Demonstrations are a pressure relief valve, people get i off their chest, high five each other, think they have done something and hen go home congratulating themselves.

They have to become a persistent and ongoing mass movement, in he form of boycotts and disruption of society, a general boycott.

All that is being done is generating hopium. Hopium

Hopium a compound word from Hope and Opium, false hope and irrational optimism.

Persistent resistance, subversion and sabotage.

I was once fiercely patriotic, but that country no longer exists. I cannot pledge allegiance to a flag under which Musk and Trump reign. The country in which I lived for 85 years has disappeared, the geography is still there but social glue isn't.

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My response to that is it is time to get cracking! If you don’t want to live in a Nazi dictatorship join the protests.

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It takes more than shouting, chanting, holding up signs. You need to be disruptive, aggressive.

The Occupy movement achieved jack shit,so did the Million women march after Trumps inauguration nor did the milllion man march in 1995, or , March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963 featured a speech by Martin Luther King Jr.

What did get results was the riots that broke out after the assassination of MLK jr.

in fact it is possible that "they" actually organize protest marches, so long as they are kept peaceful and there is no real threat to property

Did the BLM marches achieve any results. The Geeorge Floyd protests did, they didn't change the police culture, but because of the threat of violence, the system caved and charged Derek Chauvin with murder. I am surprised that Trump hasn't pardoned him as well.

The protests against the beating of Rodney King achieved nothing until it spread to the Watts Riot,and then the remedy was cosmetic, not substantive.

The Brits didn't leave India because of Ghandi, the left because of the threat of violence on the part of millions of armed Indians and the "ghosts" of Subras Chandra Bose and the Indian National Army.

The oppressive establishment depends on peaceful protests, even promotes and thus controls them, they are a pressure relief valve and make the people think that they are doing something, that the powers to be are listening,hear them and will change. They never do.

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Hi, folks, the Rodney King beating protests spread across the border into Canada, and brought major intersections in the city to a halt for a few days. Our police took the hint and got rid of such things as racial profiling and other discriminator practices over the next few years.

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Thanks Carol. I didn't know that, they still racially profile in The States, even FBI Agents, cops and black Sheriffs have been pulled over by racist red neck police.

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data doesn't prove your points out. Read Why Civil Resistance Works (Chenoweth and Stephan) where 20+ non-violent and violent resistance movements are analyzed, broken down and then aggregated. Non-violent movements are twice as successful as violent, mostly because lots more people participate.

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You seem good at dismissing other peoples' ideas. What have you actually done yourself so far.? What were the results?

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I am sorry that you feel dismissed.

At 85, disabled, with a speech impediment I do what I can.

And that is educate,sabotage and rabble rouse

What about You Greg?

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It seems to me there needs to be enough disruption that GOP in Congress know if they continue giving their power to Trump that the near future is not good for them- politically, personal safety, economically, etc. The country I have lived in has changed so much and for the worse in many respects. The ideals remain but the social capital, the glue, is greatly damaged.

I know why someone like my Sen Josh Hawley does not act on the threat of Putin to oppose his proxy Trump-he's too young and ignorant. And a coward, though there is no real safety in supporting Trump. But many of the older Republican senators seem to have little sense of self-preservation. Tillis seems to get it though and speaks for others who stay silent.

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The only thing that gets to politicians is to un elect them. As it stands Trump controls the primary process, we have to beat them in the general election, and that requires money.

It is a testament to the stupidity and gullibility of people that they can be swayed by the drumbeat of advertisements, but it works there is even a corporation called Brand Power. and advertisement is the life blood of PhRMA and AHIP.. Colonial Penn,, United Health Care, AARP.

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To which politicians have you given money? What's the record of success of your beneficiaries? Were they serious challengers?

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I ask the same question of you Greg: To which politicians have you given money? What's the record of success of your beneficiaries? Were they serious challengers?

I am no fool, nor neophyte and I will not play your game nor go on the defense. So to you I say "shove it" I know hostility when I see it, and hostility always starts with a "you".

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yeah, the biggest donor to my rep's campaign one year was the company that runs her campaign. Incestuous.

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Republicans in congress might want to re-evaluate their ill conceived allegiance to trump/musk, a grotesquely incompetent, unqualified and cruel administration. Townhalls, are becoming vehicles for angry constituents, protests are increasing, phone lines jammed, folks organizing. Americans are not having it.

Insiders have reported that these republican quislings vote against their own state and constituent interests because they've been threatened that musk will use his money to primary them and replace them with loyalists. Ironically, many of these republicans, given latest unfavorable polls and the downward trajectory of the trump train in popularity, will not likely be reelected anyways. Their political futures? Toast.

Then, there's the death threats they say they are getting - presently the domain of trump's brown shirty gangsters, to keep them in line with the agenda. The GOP Congress will now likely face a backlash and potential threats of harm from their own constituents, trump voters who lost or will lose a 'whole' lot, who recognize how deeply they were used and "betrayed".

Republicans in office (state and fed) are trapped with no where to hide.

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and continue to entrap themselves by giving more power to Donvict.

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The USA is now an autocracy, a successful coup by enemies of the USA with their minions running roughshod over the Constitution. Trump's administration and almost all the republicans in Congress are collaborators, traitors.

"Collaborationism" is working with an enemy occupier against one's own country. They are no better than those engaged in the collaboration with the Axis Powers during World War II. They should be held to account (as traitors), if the country ever manages to regain its democracy.

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Steve, you are so right about our shared senator. This entirely republican controlled state has the worse bunch of worthless human beings in Jefferson City. Not to mention the "majority" of voters in the Show-Me State. Well, we're ALL having to see the evil in our "leaders."

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Great quote by an Italian philosopher best describes this time for me:

“The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born: now is the time of monsters.”

― Antonio Gramsci

Our job right now is to fight the monsters. I am 75 and I must admit I am afraid but I am getting in shape to march in the next protest near me. I owe that to my kids. I also feel guilty about my ignorance of the Israeli government. I see now that it is an apartheid state that has been guilty of genocide from it's inception. I need to make up for that as well.

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I am with you Margaret up to the point of charging Israel with genocide and I will explain why, but know this I have often been accused of being an anti semite, and I can also explain why.

As regards Gramsci. Well he is one of the slurs slung around at us by the right wing, "Gramscirian" or something.

Israel is complicated, It was, until Netanyahu and capture by it's right wing (Make Israel Great) a liberal democracy ahead of the United States. Equal Rights, LGBT pride parades and gay marriage while Clinton was signing the Defense of Marriage Act,, then there was the rise of the religious right, which is also responsible for MAGAts. and the fact that Israel has itself been under genocidal pressure by Arabs since it's founding in May 1948.

Islam considers all lands over which the flag of Muhammad has flown as forever Muslim (and that includes Spain), and especially Israel.

Israel is the location of Islam's third holiest site, the Haram al Sharif, or Dome of the Rock and al Aqsa mosque.

Saudi Arabia is home of the first two Makkah, where Muhammad was born) Medina (where he died). Saudi Arabia is so sacred that the kufr (kaffir or infidel) can't live there, but Saudi needs foreigners and their knowledge and skills, so the Mufti desacrilizes some soil, the Saudis erect a wall, and within the infidel that they need can live as he pleases,including drinking alcohol and walking around as what they consider naked.

A major issue that set off Bin Laden, was the Kingdom emitting infidels to run around freely on Prince Sultan Air Base. not was not desacralized and walled off

In Nov 1948 6 months after Israel was recognized as a country, it's Arab neighbors tried to wipe it off the earth, genocide, they failed and in the process Israel claimed more territory for safety, the Arabs tried again in 1956, 1967,1972, 2006 and 2023 having learned nothing each time they lost and suffered for their genocide attempt.

It is Islamic eschatology that the day of judgement (the end times when Allah will judge the living and the dead) won't arrive until all of the Jews are obliterated, in fact that is also sentence 7, article 7 of the HAMAS Covenant.

Israel has, since its beginning had to face a genocidal war of extinction. The chant "Free Palestine from the river to the sea is a chant of genocide"

On the other hand the flag of Israel, is symbolical of the Zionists original meaning, the Blue stripe at the top is the Euphrates, the blue stripe at the bottom is the Nile, the star of David in between represents Eratz Ysrael (Greater Israel)

Islam does have genocidal intent as regards the Jews, not just Israel, Israel has expansionist intent as regards the mid east, not genocidal.

in the present situation, the only victims are the innocents who do not have, nor celebrated the murderous designs of HAMAS, FATAH or the LIKKUD.

On Oct 23, 2023 as the terrorists of HAMAS and Islamic Jihad, ran through Israel yelling Allahu Akbar, and live streaming their slaughter of Jewish kids at a festival or families in their yeshiva's, back home the kids were glued to their TV screens jumping and clapping and the women were ulating, until the bombs began to fall.

In Israel there has always been a liberal element, a peace movement,in Gaza never.

And all of the bleeding heart liberals in America, the queers and feminists who hang signs supporting HAMAS, would not last a day in Gaza or an Muslim land. Atheists would have to hide, pretend or convert, queers would be killed or go back in the closet and be killed when they are caught, and women would have to cover themselves in bee keeper suits (the abaya) as they do as I type in Gaza.

Gaza women are not free to travel, unless accompanied by a male relative.

Only recently have Saudi women been allowed to drive, and in Iran and Saudi Arabia women can only drive if they are driving another woman. Even there education is limited.

America is now headed down that road, the Republic of Gilead, the Talibanization of America. Christofascist Talibanization.

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Thank you William for your detailed reply.

Perhaps we are speaking of different people when we discuss Antonio Gramsci. He was imprisoned by Mussolini for 10 years and died in 1937. I really don't think he was a darling of the right.

As far as Israel is concerned I have done quite a bit of reading lately, much too late I must admit. I started with Jimmy Carters book, Palestine Peace not apartheid, The Ten Myths about Israel by Ilan Pappe an Israeli historian, The Message by Ta-Nehisi Coates detailing a recent trip to Israel and I am currently reading Being Jewish after the destruction of Gaza by Peter Beinart. I am not an anti Semite but I have very much become against the Zionist government of Israel. Jewish student groups in many countries have been demonstrating to show their disapproval of the actions of Israel. Reading Pappe's book is a more complete history then my cursory attempt. The Jews and Palestinians lived together in Palestine peacefully for many years. It was the British ( supported by Zionists and the anti Semites in England at the time) who divided Palestine giving 60% to a new country Israel and leaving 40% for the Palestinians. Currently Palestinians have no rights. We see the devastation of Gaze but Israel even controls what journalist are allowed to show. How would we feel if someone came in and gave 60% of our country away and pushed us to a disconnected area where our travel is restricted and we have no rights to vote in the country controlling us. Biden kept giving Netanyahu a line not to cross and Netanyahu continued to move ahead with his plan of the total destruction of Gaza and we continued to give him more arms. If we stopped funding Israel a lot of people would be alive today. And now Trump speaks about turning Gaza into a tourist destination and he just needs to get rid of 2 million Palestinians. So yes I see this as a time when once again the Monsters are moving ahead with their plans. Sadly my country has a number of monsters.

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I didn't say that Gramsci was a darling of the right, they use his name as a slur, like Marxist..

The Jews and Arabs did not live peaceful together , that is a myth


Listen to yourself, anti semites in England divided Palestine and gave most of it to the Jews. That statement is internally self contradictory.

Here is what happened. In the 19th Century, Theodore Herzl went around Europe preaching a homeland for the Jews, as the Jews have historically been persecuted,ostracized, run out of countries, and killed.

His dream was named Zionism for his dream of a Jewish Zion.

Now here is where it gets sticky, conspirational and anti semitic. In WWI at the time of darkest hour, Lord Balfour, The PM of Britain, was approached with a proposition that if he promised that the Jews could have their own homeland, then the Jews all over the world would unite and support the Franco English forces.

By that time, the United States had reluctantly entered the war, reluctantly, but the Jewish community had been here to fore pacificist , after all it was not their war, and the war involved the Russians who had a history of pogroms and anti semitism, forcing jews to live in the Pales of Settlement.

After Lord Balfour signed the Declaration they became patriots, a prime example is vaudevillian George M Cohen singing I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy,and over there, over there on stage.

The war was over, Britain honored it's pledge, but with regrets, as you said, they were antisemitic, they wouldn't allow the Jews to arm themselves, and allowed the Arabs to harass and even kill them, the Jews organized for self protection and formed the Irgun Zvai Leumi https://www.britannica.com/topic/Irgun-Zvai-Leumi

The Irgun under Menachim Begin blew up The King David Hotel, after a series of acts of terrorism to drive the Brits out of Palestine.

A competing armed force was the Hagganah under Ben Guirion and he led Israel into statehood.

When the Brits left they disabled he planes, the armored vehicles, and tgok the stores of ammunition, the Jews used ingenuity to restore the planes and equipment and ordered millions of brass lipstick tubes which they converted into ammo, six months after statehood the Arabs launched a genocidal attack.

Here is a reality. There are 57 Muslim ethostates in the world, most of the rest of the world is populated and governed by Christians, there is only one Jewish ethno state, constantly fighting for it's life.

And this little Jewish ethnostate is surrounded by enemies within and without that want to obliterate it (that is the definition of genocide)

Maybe if they just left them alone, there would not have been an Oct 23, or any wars like 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973, 2006.

But they can't do that because it is Islamic eschatology that the presence of a Jewish state on sacred Arab soil is sacrilege.

TW there has never been a Palestine, the Romans referred to the region as Syria Paleastina under the Romans formerly known as Judeahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syria_Palaestina under the Turks it was called Palestine, but not defined borders, The Jews were there before the Muslims, Arab is not an race, or a religion,it is an ethicity based on the native tongue. Most of the people in that region are not genetic Arabs, meaning people whose origin is from the peninsula of Arabia, but are Bedouin who are not genetic Arabs, blacks, caucasians, Turkomen, a real melting pot.

Same with the Jews. 45% are Ashkenazim, East European Jews, 55% are Mizrahi, Jews who lived under Arab rule.

Jerusalem set astride a trade route and was a caravan stop, it had many names and the governor of the region, Abdul Shipa, writes to his lord Amenhopis IV of Egypt about 1430 bce that Jeruslam or Urusalem, is the city of Beth Ninip and of Ureas, the lord off war, whose name there was Salem.

Uru was a disease demond and go of he pestilence befoe he became a god of war, and Salem or Shalem, has been identifed with Set, Israel,Sturn, Adar, Dionysos, etc.

Palestine probably gets its name from the Philistines, who were probably Phoenicians.

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Margaret, your selection of reading material feeds into your present beliefs. Every one of the authors you quote are Palestinian sympathizers, including Peter Beinart. His gratuitous attempt to win the love of the Muslims/Arabs is well known. Ta Nehisi Coates spent a very short time in Palestine and he was taken on a promotional tour of the area, pointing out the atrocities of the IDF. His time interviewing Israeli officials was zero. As for your facts, about how the land was divided couldn't be more misleading. At no time did Israel get 60% of Arab land. In fact, quite the opposite happened. Israel was promised by treaty, arranged by Churchill to get a small fraction of what was originally promised. It was Jordan that got 80% of the land. Israel got 20% and had to defend that land in 4 major wars and a dozen major skirmishes that threatened their annihilation.

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“Hope is definitely not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out.” Vaclav Havel

Loss of hope is grounded in the past-believing the illusion that hope will protect us from further disappointment. His hope was grounded in a deeper reality.

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Well then Jonni,lets sit back on our butts,and hope that Trump and Musk will implode, that someone will come along and rescue us from the present reality.

I never heard of Vaclavel Havel, just one of a billion people on this planet past and present who had their own opinion.

I have a P.E.T. scan of my lungs scheduled in March. I hope that all is well, and that my lung cancer is still in remission, despite the fact that a nodule increased 2mm.

I have hope, but I am still prepared for the worst. I have hope that by Blood Pressure will get back to normal, but instead of just hope, I am taking action to make that happen. by altering my diet.. I have hope that my insulin resistance, doesn't progress to type II diabetes,but I bolster that hope with action, by watching my diet.

Hope without action is useless. And action needs to be targeted and effective.

Most Parisians hoped that the Germans would leave Paris, but a few took action in the form of resistance. And resistance is dangerous. Hope isn't.

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Vaclav Havel led the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia and was the first Pres of the Czech Republic. He was a pretty big noise in the early 90's as the former USSR reorganized.

With your background and knowledge, it's hard to believe you never heard of him. Maybe you just didn't remember his name?

Implosion would be good too -- I like seeing karma in action.

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I'm a typical ugly American, chauvinistic and all of that.only so much space on my hard drive, and info has to be emotionally significant for to get saved from the buffer or RAM to my hard drive. I can't remember the name of the President of France before Macron (is he the president or PM) I sure get confused in some countries the PM runs the show in others it is the President.

I vaguely ecall that the former President orPM of France is being investigated for corruption or something. Sure wish we could do that in America, I guess they don't have Executive Orders in France or Brazil or Italy or anywhere else in the world, except America, that and executive pardons,

The dudes who wrote the Constitution sure screwed the goose.

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Thankyou. I had placed him in Poland. But i think they took courage from the Velvet Revolution to liberate their own nation. Hope is contagious!

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Good Luck with your health challenges. Going to a 100% plant-based diet can reverse most type II diabetes within a month. Cancer cells can starve in an alkaline diet-plus, especially if chemo hasn't killed your body's natural healing ability. After you've gotten better, you can reintroduce acid-forming diet-plus.

I write diet-plus because food is not the only problem. {Stress, anger, fear and bad emotions} are also acid-forming, which is probably why someone like Steve Jobs could not overcome his cancer via just changing what he ate. The alkaline alternative includes {meditation, kindness, love, peace, letting go, forgiveness and prayer}

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Thanks for the info. my diet is to a large degree vegetarian, not vegan, I never ate fresh pork, any poultry (taste and texture mainly), I don't eat beef, found Beyond Beef and Impossible Beef,also Beyond Sausage.

Cancer cells also thrive on sugars, and carbohydrates produce sugar in the body.

I had immunotherapy, not chemo, chemo kills the cells, immuno (Keytruda) enhances the bodies immunity, but youmust first test positive for the protein PD-L1. I did.

You are correct on that bit about stress. The time we live in is stress producing.

I predict that the death index will rise in the next four years.

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Good luck with your P.E.T. scan. While you're under the weather, reading some recent history might better inform your opinions.

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Yeh, I am really ignorant and uniformed thank you my guru.

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Greg. Congratulations on posting one of the most patronizing, off-putting, and just plain nasty comments I've seen on any of Dr. Reich's stacks.

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one of the main drivers of aging and disease is the gradual build-up of less-than-optimally functioning,aging cells,called senescent cells.a natural element in strawberries,called fisetin,reportedly eliminates these cells well.some medications may be better.best of fortune

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Telomeres are specialized DNA sequences located at the very ends of chromosomes, acting as protective caps that prevent chromosome damage and essentially function as a "molecular clock" by gradually shortening with each cell division, eventually limiting a cell's lifespan when they become too short; this process is linked to aging

Telemeres are like the caps on the end of shoestrings, except as we age they start to unravel, and there is no none process to stop there unraveling. I is natures way of population control.

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Best wishes to you, William.

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Jonni, there is no “hope”. Hope belongs to the future, as in, “I hope things will (future) be better tomorrow.” Or, “I hope that all of Congress will (future)veto all legislation that harms Americans. What counts is TODAY and what WE DO (actions) TODAY to rectify the vile actions of this administration.

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I appreciate the reference to Victor Havel! He was the first president of Poland following the victory of the Solidarity movement which brought down decades of communist rule. He was a poet.

Americans should consider that.

We should examine the effectiveness of Solidarity. It too was a grassroots movement.

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Correction: not Poland. Czechoslovakia.

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Lotsa social glue in MY neighborhood, & you’re welcome to move here. Great weather, too…Novato, California ❤️

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I hear that you are feeling like there is no way out, and you are giving up. But your participation here tells me you'd maybe still like to be part of the mobilization?

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Alas, Trump, Musk and the MAGAs are breaking things ASAP so ensuing protests will give them their excuse to declare martial law ASAP.

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...and Putin, Trump, Musk and the MAGAs know that stoking anti-Semitism is usually a good way to get protests. See how Fox, NY Post and Israeli press spun this story, as well as the way Hamas celebrated its release of dead hostages:


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I’m 81. I feel your pain.

However, we cannot expect resistance to spring fully formed out of nothing. As with the American Revolution, ours is a gathering storm of resistance. It’s going to be something to see!

The American Revolution did not drive out tyranny overnight.

You and i may be dead when this newly minted King Tumpism atrocity is conquered. We must do our part. SPEAK our wisdom. RESIST every way we can. ENCOURAGE younger Americans who are about to risk far more and for far longer than you or i. SHOW UP for them, they are the legacy we leave behind.

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No argument here Joan. I am 85 an disabled, yet still in relatively good health, about the only thing I can do is speak my wisdom and resist.

As regards the revolution. Only 3% of the population were in favor.

It started with Boston Merchants, forced into smuggling by the monopoly the crown gave to the East India Company and the Bank of England

Smuggling was capital offense the penalty for which was hanging, hanging in chains. You die a slow death wrapped in chains or in an iron cage. Treason was punishable by being hung, drawn, disemboweled, genitals cut off and quartered like in the move Braveheart.

The Virginians wanted no part of the revolution, until the tidewater aristocrats saw it as an opportunity to become the nobility in the new land.

I can explain that sepaarately, and the common folk had no desire to exchange British overlords for home grown overlords (the nobility) and I can also explain how the tidewater aristocrrats overcame that resistance.

I have no doubt that the regime of Emperor Trump and Empress Musk will collapse. Internal contradictions, power struggles, not just between Musk and Trump but between the different factions of MAGA, especially the religious.

But it won't happen overnight, or in the next four years,in the meanwhile I see a world emerging much like George Orwells 1984 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_geography_of_Nineteen_Eighty-Four

Except that map doesn't take into effect BRICS, or at least the Asian component, and it doesn't take into account Islam and it's 57 ethnostates.

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In times past, a general strike of workers at all levels, public and private, has been known to turn the tide. Canada had a famous one in Winnipeg in 1919. It lasted 6 weeks and began when metal and building workers walked off the job to protest low wages. It brought the city and a lot of the province of Manitoba to a standstill. The more people that participate in a general strike, the better.

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Americans don't have the will or guts for a general strike, there kids need their cell phones, computer games, social media, wives complain there is no food on the table.

Americans are soft, have no ability to delay gratification, much less sacrifice.

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Right, Stephen, the voice of the People is inherently more powerful than a boatload of skump lies. Thank you, Robert, for delivering this list of weaknesses of the faltering regime, and of what we citizens can do to flip it out of office. Resistance will be hard,

but it worked though at great cost to overturn the fascist regimes of the century past.

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First they came for trans people and immigrants and I did nothing because I’m a Republican member of Congress and that’s how I got elected.

Then they came for USAID and I stopped holding town meetings because the farmers in my district were no longer benefiting from the $2 billion that USAID spent annually to buy US crops to feed the starving.

Then they came for Medicare and Social Security and I did nothing because Congress has its own pension and healthcare.

Then they came for Congress because the unitary Executive had taken control of the independent agencies Congress had created and appropriated the power of the purse, so after we passed the tax cuts for the rich we made ourselves irrelevant.

Then they came for the Supreme Court because a king makes his own laws and the corrupt justices in the majority had made him a king.

I’m modestly optimistic that the Supreme Court and Republicans in Congress will figure this out and self preservation will kick in before the tax cuts and the next decision.

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I told my son this just yesterday. With Trump and Musk's polling in the tank, and going lower, Republicans will finally decide whether or not they want to stake their political fortunes to them. And they won't. They will finally begin to stand up to them - not to save the country or their constituents - but to save their own political hides.

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Ya think? I don't trust any Republican to grow a spine after the Patel confirmation. Damn Mitch McConnell.

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When it comes to saving their political careers they will begin to turn away. They are cowards. They must always be reminded of that. Self preservation is a powerful force.

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it seems the only thing they understand, that and perhaps fear for their personal safety. It's certainly not serving the country.

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If Mitch voted No, Vance would have thrown it anyway. But I agree that it was a little surprising since he did vote No on a couple of nominations.

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I agree Paula. It took decades for the RNC to weed out republicans in Congress who were inclined to fight back. They finally have a full complement of

spineless “yes” men & women, and I’m guessing none of them could claim to be the sharpest knife in any drawer. Maybe it has happened before, that all republicans in Congress voted as a block- but not in my lifetime. There used to be reasoned debate and

what I call statesmen & women on both sides of the

aisle. Every person in Congress used to think for themselves, not take their marching orders from a sadistic, bullying Mafia boss.

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Love the analogy to the famous Martin Niemoller quote - a warning about the dangers of remaining silent. The lessons of the past can be easily forgotten. And quite frankly, what Trump has done in the past 5 weeks bear eerie similarities to what was happening in Nazi Germany in the 1930s - silencing of critics and getting rid of opposition and checks on power. Are we in for a Night of the Long Knives? That was a series of murders from June 30 - July 2, 1934 that helped the Nazi Party consolidate power in Germany.

Isn't the firing of federal workers tantamount to getting rid of opposition - the so-called "Deep State" in Trump and MAGA world?

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But our economy and Germany’s economy are reversed. Germany was in a severe depression and came out of it with war spending. We had a strong economy due in part to building weapons for Ukraine’s war but will soon be in a recession and only trump will be to blame.Trump’s approval ratings are falling.

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I think so. I also think we're going to have the American version of Kristalnacht and the Reichstag fire soon.

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Jonni, the coming budget battle will be crucial. It will give the Democrats the opportunity to highlight the corruption of the Republicans. They want another tax cut for the the rich--on top of Trump's tax cut of 2017, and the outrageously malignant Bush tax cut of 2001. This is corruption pure and simple. Republicans are the cause of the budget deficit, even conservative Republicans admit it. Trump, Musk, and their allies want to bankrupt and wreck the federal government in the hope of turning America into a Russian style oligarchy. This is why Trump admires Putin; he sees in him his own ambition. An oligarchy would bad for all of us, including most of the rich.

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That’s why Bernie is going on the road. He started in Nebraska and Iowa going to the people in red districts won by just a couple of points to educate them to pressure their representatives to vote with Democrats on the budget reconciliation.

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I'm not that optimistic, Jonni. So far Congress is sheeple, and I'm not sure the Sleazy Six can find their way out of the locked room they put themselves in. If the Pres is immune from prosecution for criminal acts, it doesn't seem like much of a stretch to say all presidential interpretations of the Const. are ok too. Maybe 2 will disagree, which would create a 5-4 majority. Anything limiting Trump works for me.

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Not sure how to do it, but I want to add your articulate comment to my substack page. Thank you!

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Brava, Jonni! This is perfect.

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The Meidas Mighty is a great example of people who are passionate about stopping the Trump MAGA nuts!

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"We will fight shoulder to shoulder, every day, and we will win in the end. The truth will prevail. Love will prevail over hate. Democracy will prevail over fascism."

Meidas Mighty = Truth, Facts, Empathy, Compassion, Strength, Sanity, Inclusiveness, Resilience, Diversity, Understanding, Intelligence, Morals, Values, Support, Determination, Equality, Patriotism, Community. TRUTH TO POWER.

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Awesome job Barbara

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Thank you, Keith.

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Professor Reich: muskrat added SHELL to his extortionate lawsuit? wow. i never would have thought that shell would reduce/stop advertising on the shitsite, nor that musk wouold ever sue them -- for ANYTHING.

one thing that confuses me is resignations in protest of agent orange. if these positions are filled with agent orange's sycophants, isn't the purpose of staying and fighting been defeated? Anyway, I was immensely pleased to see and hear chris kluwe's declarations online. damn, he was spectacular. he is another one of our many heroes.

and i am so pleased that YOU, Professor Reich, recognize the power of the people to save ourselves, that WE are the saviors we've been waiting to rescue us and our nation, from these few plutocratic swindlers, thieves and frauds. i shall remind myself of this tonight, when i awaken in the middle of the night due to yet another anxiety attack, and hope that we all DO save ourselves from impending doom.

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I understand your thinking. I see the resignations as not wanting to be a part of an evil regime where one would be asked repeatedly to bow to the king or be fired. I don't know if I could have stayed in Hitler's circle. And that is where we are heading. I hope their resignations will encourage others not to bend their knees. I think that those who will be willing to fill their shoes and do what they are told will eventually cause more people to see how evil this regime is. They are not patriotic Americans but Putin's army.

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Me too, Linda and Grrl. Staying and doing what you can until you're fired for not falling in line or saying "Not on my watch" isn't much of a choice. You do whichever works better for you.

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Love the agent orange moniker. It directly describes the menace.

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Years ago, I saw a picture of children suffering from the unforgivable consequences of agent orange. Since than I've called him that. He's toxic and cripples those in his orbit. He's sadistic. He leaves collateral damage in his wake. He loves to watch his enemies suffer and die. And I do call him King Shitpants. He fills them up. I wonder who's in charge of his diapers? Do they rotate? An adult man throwing a tantrum, while wearing diapers is the President. 🫣

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Great minds think alike?

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I'm thinking the same thing about these resignations. Why not stay and fight? Why?

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I think it's that a high level resignation gets press coverage so people know. Keeping your head down and slow-walking is also resistance but nobody will know.

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I agree. I could feel the difficulty these people have had, leaving jobs that they knew were important to the rule of law. They knew they had to do SOMETHING, and resigning was the loudest statement they could make. Difficult decisions.

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When you look at the number of firings now going on, often against the law and in very high places, resignation becomes the clear option: you can make a loud statement, break through the sane-washing of much of the mainstream press, and alert the People.

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Perhaps because they knew that they would be fired anyway.

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I love the Trump name of "Agent Orange"!

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If they stay and resist, they'll be fired anyway. It's really a no win situation for them, AKA the Kobayashi Maru scenario from Star Trek.

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I don't understand resigning. I would stand firm and require them to fire me. What is their fear of getting fired?

If people are fired for upholding the laws/rules of the country and the Federal Gov. job descriptions, they can sue for wrongful dismissal.

Firing of people following the law would be great PR to condemm trump/Musk/GOP.

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In fact, now and in the past, it hasn't been as effective as resignation for PR, especially these group resignations.

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I will take what you wrote under advisement.

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Imo they aren't afraid, Becca. They thought it would be more impactful to leave voluntarily -- go with a bang, not a whimper? If you're fired, unless you find a basis for wrongful termination, you just go, and nobody notices. And, if you do sue, you might lose, which would be anti-climactic.

Imo Trump (or at least his advisors) think of the possibilities.

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Interesting view.

I thought when people at the top of Treasury and various agencies just resigned that indictated to me their submission and lack of will to protect records of millions of Americans, all our taxes, computers from marauding DOGE, unvetted Musk and Muskovites.

It is as if the guys at the Alamo saw the number of Mexicans coming and just gave up.

Tyanny depends on submission in advance. Resistance requires taking chances to make your point. If I was in charge of the Treasury stuff, they would have to remove me bodily and fire me.

Yes, all you say may be true about suing and anti-climactic.

Leaving voluntarily is leaving in a whimper. Resisting until you are fired is going out with a bang. It can also motivate others to do the same-to at least slow down the COUP.

This is just what I would do-foolish or not-I will not submit quietly.

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I get what you’re saying, Becca, these people were being ordered to do (or not do) things that were unacceptable to them. You'd say no and stay. They said I won’t work here on your terms.

There’s no right or wrong imo, just different choices.

It’s like the old joke “You can’t fire me! I quit!” Only it’s not funny.

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The problem is that they *can't* go on working and protecting us. Their bosses aren't letting them, are shutting their access to necessary files and so on. Yes indeed, tyranny depends on submission in advance--and that's what I said to myself when Jack Smith e.g. quit before Trump moved into the White House (though these people are murderous for revenge and Smith may have kids and a partner to protect). But now Trump and Musk and Vought are literally in charge it's another story. Staying does not equal getting to do the work. Where it does mean getting to do the work--at lower levels--people are staying.

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I cannot explain here why I agree in part and disagree strongly during a COUP attempt. These are not ordinary times so ordinary reactions and PR would never enter my mind. I would remember all the people who came before me to give me a law/order, democratic republic and all the millions of innocent people who would have all their private information, all the taxes/money in federal control, all contracts, payees, national security who depend on me to do all I can to sabotage, delay, remove easy access, move files, crash the system-whatever. Who will Muskovites sell it too? What kind of secret links to other computers will be implanted in all our computers so secrets, ability to shutdown all systems at once can be in our enemies' hands and Muskovites hands. Everyone should read an old novel "The Cuckoo's Egg" Eric Stoll. It shows how a little code added to one computer linked many and passed secrets through many servers etc. to our enemy.

I would not resign. I must be fired. Until then, I can think of how to resist physically or mentally. Musk doesn't know what I know about the systems YET. Give them wrong information, take them by surprise as I seem to be cooperating with them. They do not expect threatened people to resist. My life, my family compared to the welfare of millions of other freedom loving people who pay my salary to work for them and protect their private information, national security, all our taxes and federal money are my responsibility as a high level person. As a lower level employee, I would do whatever I could to resist, gum up the Muskovites, organize others to resist, crash/lock up the system until the raid/COUP is stopped.

I think outside the box of convention when threatened, others are threatened, our country, millions of people are in danger from the richest person in the world and his band of marauders. I can think like a criminal, imagine what they may do and try to get in their way by any means possible.

Firing people in a COUP makes a much bigger news and legal story. It shows the intention of Coupmasters and shows where they may put loyalists. Resisters will know more than if people just disappear as they resign.

Whoever resigns can never say they truly made Coupmasters go out of their way to take over our government. Coupmasters just stepped around the m and never worried about anything they could, may do to resist. It does not mean anyone cooperates against their will, it means they have time to figure out how to resist. If you resign, that position is quickly filled by COUP loyalists. Make them fire you if they can. If they cut off your pay, does that really mean you are fired. I would show up anyway and make them turn me away. A piece of paper saying you are fired in a COUP where law/order is ignored until there is a court case to decide if I'm fired.

I have too many rebuttals about resignation in a COUP to accept this as always a good reaction when you will not comply with COUPMASTERS orders.

Firings now make much more news than resignations because they are firing career employees without legal cause. Deliberately firing, laying off career employees that are paid for by our last budget-to save money for the next budget is big NEWS. People resigning means they don't want to have the job and want to quit. No action needed by COUPMASTERS.

Oh, well. I can debate this all day and it is the morning after 1 1/2 cups of coffee so... I sign off. I never proof so sorry if my mind and fingers aren't matched up.

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Shell is a Dutch company.

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The time is coming to throw the bums out.

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Right, Molly!

Before they do something TRULY awful. like close the CFPB....

"Airlines Sue to Avoid Consequences for Breaking Disabled Travelers’ Wheelchairs

Major carriers are trying to overturn a Biden-era policy that ended decades of mistreatment."


"Five major airlines—American Airlines, Delta, JetBlue, Southwest, and United—have joined an airline trade association lawsuit to overturn a Department of Transportation rule that forces airlines to treat wheelchair users and their mobility devices with dignity. The rule, issued last year by then–Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, made mishandling wheelchairs an automatic violation of the federal Air Carrier Access Act. The lawsuit, filed this past week in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, asserts that the rule is “unlawful.” "

Never mind.....

(At least I have 5 new self-selections for my BOYCOTT List.)

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There are still Americans with their legs RAMROD straight, and not even starting to bend at the knee.

Here's a FINE start for today...

"On Friday, Hagan Scotten became the seventh federal prosecutor assigned to New York Mayor Eric Adams’ corruption case to resign, after he refused the Justice Department’s order to dismiss the case.

“I expect you will eventually find someone who is enough of a fool, or enough of a coward, to file your motion,” Scotten wrote in a fiery, letter obtained by the New York Times. “But it was never going to be me.”


Every day, a few more heroes stand up and get noticed for the RIGHT reasons. (Sure feels good to be able to use the word "right" properly,)

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the real bums are those who fell for their lies and elected them-'fool me once,shame on you-fool me twice,shame on me'

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Coincidence: just watched this: (don't have broadcast) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2CUFX9kUkM Maddow showing disapproval ratings for everything and everybody Trump, big time. Apparently "finding out" is happening, and the natives are way restless. Maybe so much that there can be enough vote to overcome the suppression/purging/gerrymander?????

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Speaking only for myself, I'm starting to feel a bit of hope!

Things such as this being the reason. (Of course, at this point I mainly just don't want to see Putin at Camp David.)

Thank you.

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But just the same, there may be people who wish to do something like I've done to provide a 180 degree distraction.

I signed up to receive any notifications from the band, ABBA. I'm no more an ABBA fan than the average 67-year-old American white male, but it takes me away from the hate and fear...for a few cherished seconds.

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Yeah. I look out the window at the snow, stop watching the news and put on a Hawaiian mix. All the streaming channels have them. Aloha from Missouri.

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Use that beautiful snow to build snowman protesters along highways.

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Thanks for the suggestion, Miriam!

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That’s where I am. I’m tired of all the snow. That’s why I turn to politics. 😄

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Use the snow to build snowman protesters along the highways and commuter routes. Get your political message out there.

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My mood improves much after a good physical workout.

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Mmerose THANK YOU for that link….It made my day🤗🤗

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The endgame is changing. The horizon is getting closer on some Republicans standing up to Trump or never getting reelected again.

We can make that threshold closer, cut the time it takes and thus spare millions of close-to-home tragedies after the hollowing out of government is completely felt around the nation .

Let’s put it like this: part of our greatness as a nation was when FDR brought us The New Deal.

What Trump is in the process of inflicting upon us must be called


dealt us as the #TrumpMuskProject2025Cabal are


Let’s spread this around shall we?

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Agreed! "The Raw Deal" is an excellent description of Trump/Musk/Vance regime. Let's make sure it becomes a memorably "raw deal" for them and all those who continue to support them!

I'd also add this slogan which gets at the underlying causes: "Impoverish the oligarchs!"

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Impoverish is a pretty long road when it comes to billionaires and oligarchs. I think it would be fine to just tax them down to the nine-digit level, then tell him they better steer clear of politics or we’ll lop off another order of magnitude, keep them under 100 million. That would stress them out. Might have to keep their caviar domestic…

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Thank you Robert for keeping the world informed of the wicked ways of Trump. We have a wealthy, greedy and traitorous self serving prime minister in New Zealand at the moment also, only interested in making himself richer by cutting taxes on the eight houses he owns by destroying amenities and vital services for the rest of the country in order to do it. I can't understand why anyone votes for them, and the damage they do to country and fellow citizens.

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Traitors and Swindlers manage to get elected ONLY because of outright lies and misinformation ON TOP OF a malicious lack of investigative journalism by a media now mostly owned by rich illiberal greed-hearted flaccid douchebags like Bezos, Murdoch, Zuckerberg, David Smith, and a pantheon of other bottom feeding scribblers and 'thinkers'.

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Not douchebags, DOGEbags

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“illiberal greed-hearted flaccid douchebags like Bezos, Murdoch, Zuckerberg, David Smith”

Yeah‼️ Right on DK, that was beautiful‼️

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We have to get rid of the system that rewards sociopaths.

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The people vote for them because they do not understand what the candidate will do and how it will hurt them-the voters.

Do you have strong laws limiting money in politics? I assume the current PM had a strong propaganda campaign, perhaps with many rich allies. Was there a weak opposition candidate(s)? Did the former PM attempt to get laws passed to imrove the media ecosystem?

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Robert - is anyone you know whose professional qualifications & public standing would make this a plausible subject for public discussion suggesting that Trump has simply become deranged. There seems to me to be limited point in analysing his and his cult-followers extraordinary ravings - they are inarguably and a priori both loony (we say batty in the UK) & indefensible.

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He'd have to be deranged to repost that "king" picture. Trouble is, the oligarchs in charge, including Putin, think that's a feature not a flaw. He's the most easily manipulated leader America has ever had.

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Good question, Adrian. I mean the emperor wears no clothes. He just sounds stark racing looney goofy tunes. Unfortunately, this is combined with a mean, evil soul . Bad combo!

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well that has been done. Needs to be done much more now. One of the hindrances being the APA "forbids" professionals from providing public diagnosis of people without actually doing the 1 on 1 diagnosis--that's my limited understanding.

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Didn’t a group of them break that rule during his first presidency?

By the way, as both a Brit and a passionate european, Trump is unfortunately right about one thing: Europe / Nato has been free riding on the US’s financial & military contributions for decades - as JFK no less pointed out.

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Thank you Robert. We need awaken the sleeping giant of democracy, “We The People”. It is essential that the truth of what is going on in America reach all Americans. Speak out against the lies with truth. We cannot allow the current foulness in the executive branch to pollute the minds of freedom loving Americans. We are better than this.

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More of these posts whenever possible and even on the darkest days do shed a little light that shines through. Thank you for what you do.

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Encouraging! However, why is the medical profession still hiding? I've done some research on 'habitual lying' and it seems to me (not medically-qualified) that the Orange Lying Machine is definitely an official nut-job. ACTION, please medics!

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When all is said and done, Trump must be removed because he's insane, completely nuts.

A whirling dervish.

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Remove him and get JD. Not a comforting prospect.

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No, but one step at a time Katalin.

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I so look forward to your posts in the early, early morning. You are a light leading the way for the resistance, an unwavering candle in the dark, never faltering, casting out the shadows and those who lurk in them.

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Thank you for making me feel there is hope!

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PUTIN is really gonna LOVE this!!:

"Report: Sepsis, Maternal Deaths Surged in Texas Following Abortion Bans

A new ProPublica analysis finds a 50 percent increase in life-threatening infections since SB8 took effect in 2021."


Women in Texas (and elsewhere) are AFRAID to even visit a doctor when pregnant, for fear some monster with the (up to) $25,000 Tip Line number on SPEED-DIAL is waiting in the lobby to report them in the event there is no eventual birth notice due to a tragic miscarriage..

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