I felt pride well over 50 years ago -- when I raised my right hand and swore an oath to protect and defend our Constitution -- when enlisting in the Navy. My love for and faith in our constitution is NOT an ideal that I see many fellow Americans sharing, certainly not in these parts, where I might have reason to expect it.. Shared ideals my ass.
I remember feeling something I imagine to be pride when I stood in line with my family to see President Kennedy lie in state in 1963 in DC, as a small child. (But even to this child it was mostly sadness and confusion.)
Less pride yet when I recall what I believe was my first remembered exposure to "legal racism", (or "segregation") in the Deep South, perhaps within the year or so prior to Kennedy's assassination.
Thomas, I am not yet ready to accept that I may have lived my life to overwhelmingly negative progress, despite all efforts.
All oath keepers to our Constitution of the United States of America are honorable. I thank each one. I recall those days in November of 1963. I learned the shocking news immediately after lunch when walking in a bit early to my first class, and many details will always be with me. We need the strength and unity now.
I too remember where I was that dreadful day. and where I was when Jack Ruby shot the man who shot him. Oswald if I remember correctly. That I thought was the worse day in American history but I was wrong. Friday was the most as our country is so divided.
A friend I had seen a few minutes earlier told me the President had been shot. I got home just in time to turn on the t.v., see Walter Cronkite taking his glasses off, and say something I never thought I'd hear. I went numb.
My roommate was student teaching, and she came home crying because the class had said "How could this happen?" and she didn't have an answer.
Friday, Nov. 22, 1963 still ranks as the worst day I remember. Sept. 11 and Jan. 6 both are very close. Those are the only 3 days I remember being literally glued to a t.v. for hours as tho I had no choice.
Now I'm taking the opposite tack -- I won't watch Trump on t.v. or listen to his voice. And it's not just about him; I'm sick to death of the relentless media pandering to him.
Penny, like you, I thought that November 33, 1963 was the worst day ever, nationally. Soon afterward, while my family and I were at a previously and long time planned celebration, concern, and grief over shadowed the joys of the celebration. Because of the national grief and concern ever-present since the assassination, there was a black and white television in a corner of the room of the reception, playing all the wire with very low volume. I happened to be watching that television when they showed the first replay of Jack Ruby in the act. It was also the last day I saw a dearly loved relative alive. We had spent much of that day side by side in rather hushed company.
Little did we know then what all would transpire, rocking our country’s feelings of safety throughout the next few years. Who ever could have and would have thought that our history would lead to something like we are facing now?
Just like you I remember. maybe the newer generations are lucky as they don't remember those times. 9-11 was awful too but we did not have to look forward to 4 more years of it. The worse thing is Dump has made up very unpopular with our allies.
There are a lot of Americans who are so willfully ignorant and without the benefit of international travel that they don't know how bad things are in the lands of would be immigrants. They cannot understand that the system they think is broken is the system that billions of people dream of living under. Of course they are propagandized daily to believe this evil nonsense.
had quite the day the other day — screaming at Volodymyr Zelensky because he wouldn’t grovel at their feat and, by extension, those of Vladimir Putin. Nor was Zelensky ready to agree to a Trumped-up peace deal without a real U.S. security guarantee. Trump’s claim that the presence of U.S. mining companies in Ukraine would keep Putin at bay was risible.
Zelensky told the duo (Why was Vance there? Did Trump need backup?) the obvious — you can’t bargain with Putin from a position of weakness and Ukraine’s sovereignty was not theirs to sell down the river. After losing so many and so much for so long, Zelensky wasn’t playing ball without understanding the end game.
As Trump became more and more apoplectic, claiming Putin had all the cards (The U.S. has no cards?), and wailing about WWIII, Zelensky got Trump to show his real hand — an end to U.S. support for Ukraine and an end to U.S. participation in NATO. In so doing, Trump killed the fantasy that his actions will differ from his words.
Vance’s nauseating display — ordering Zelensky to thank our country, which he’s already done a zillion times — will, hopefully, end J.D.’s political career. If any thanks were due it was thanks by Trump and Vance to the courageous people of Ukraine for holding back the Russian hoards. We are, as Zelensky pointed out, lucky to have an ocean separating us from Putin. That ocean includes an army of Ukrainians.
How Will European Leaders React?
Macron, Starmer, and other European leaders will stop crossing the pond to kiss our King’s ring and persuade him he’s being played by Putin. As Trump made clear in his Oval meltdown, he’s not persuadable — for a simple reason. He’s either a Russian agent or auditioning perfectly for the job.
The Europeans hold some $300 billion in frozen Russian assets. They’ll likely start using those assets to replace U.S. military aid to Ukraine as Trump withdrawals U.S. support — something he’s about to do. This should give Europe enough time to rearm, including, in the case of the UK and France, expanding their nuclear arsenals.
European leaders will also realize that full-scale trade war with the U.S. is imminent. Again, Trump has shown he’s good to his threats. And his threat is a 25 percent tariff on all European imports. The EU, Trump says, was created “to screw” the U.S. This is utter lunacy, but no matter. Europe will tariff U.S. imports at the same rate. It will also expand trade with China. But this isn’t the worst-case scenario. If Trump starts trading with Russia, as he’s apparently dying to do, Europe will impose sanctions if not a total embargo on U.S. trade.
Zelensky would not start WWIII, but Russia would as it marched through Ukraine onto Poland and beyond. The Nukes removed from Ukraine would be back closer to the USA and Europe. World War III would be on Donald Trump and JD Vance and Putin. A real estate man and a lawyer should not be in control. We need Generals like Eisenhower who know the terrain and scope of war advising or running the oval office.
After the beating it has taken in Ukraine it is going to need years to refurbish, replenish, and more importantly reorganize
All Putin has done is to prove that the feared Russian Bear is not even a cub.
As regards Nukes. The thing that makes them go boom are plutonium pits, these are basketball sized hollow spheres, and with the end of the cold war the US shut down it's production and has lost the technology and tools, the government, under Biden, let a contract with Livermore Labs to redsicover and rebuilt the capability.
The thing with Plutonium pits is that they degrade over time. Nuclear weapons and missiles are not build, emplace and forget, they require constant attention, maintenance and upgrades
The US has specialists trained to do the job, schedules and parts.
Russia, no, it's generals and admirals are corrupt, they have siphoned off maintenance funds to build dacha's for their mistresses, yachts and Mercedes limousines
Putin is bluffing America, and maybe Europe, Those in the know in Europe and America know but can't say it aloud, because the game must keep running.
Eisenhower knew that war was not something to get into if you didn't know what you were doing. Some of these war hawks don't have the experience to know that. I remember seeing pictures of children in Europe after VE Day(Victory in Europe). They were my age and had war instead of a peaceful time before starting school.
I have to add for those that aren't ashamed of America.
The population is about 310 million
Trump is president because 77 million voted for him and 90 million didn't vote at all, that is 157 million, half of the population, of the other half 74 mlliion voted for Kamala, or were not eligible to vote or interested enough to vote. so what is there to be proud of?
74/310 or.238 percent of the population voted against Trump, while 66.2% voted for Trump
I suspect you will find the same percentages in Germany in 1933
William, thank you for those important thoughts and the figures. I am assumed of the ideas and actions that have led to the horrible happenings that should not be taking place. Still, I am very proud of everyone who has contributed thoughts, encouragement, help in whatever ways possible for the campaigning for what we believe is needed, who worked to help on election day, and who has helped in anyway, as I am also proud of everyone who is taking time to contribute here. Whether we agree, totally or part, we are supporting each other and doing our best, within whatever capabilities we seem to have, in hopes of doing the right thing, in hopes of saving our country, in hopes of saving relationships with our country and from our country, as well as within our country. I believe that by taking whatever actions we can, by listening to each other, by paying attention and learning as much as we can, and acting where possible, we are as brave as we can be, and I think we can be proud of every American, who is trying to do what is right. I am ashamed of the inexcusable and horribly harmful behavior that took
place, and I am deeply ashamed of the image forced upon our country, yet I will always be proud of individuals who have sacrificed in trying to see that our country progresses in acceptable, caring, honest, and Constitutional ways. I believe that everybody here on this site is trying to help. I am proud of senators, lawyers, and any judges plus ministers who stand up for what is right. We all are ashamed of shag hspprnrd and more things that are happening, even beyond our ken and even as we communicate here.
However, at the same time, we have fine people doing all they can, in ways I am not able, in more ways toward saving our democracy, and for those parts of America and our American population, I will always be proud. We have good people, including you, on here sharing knowledge, reflecting, the best ideas they have as they come to them, and telling of steps they are taking or plan to take, unless it is too early to share, and for each such American, I am proud and thankful. People, including you, are putting their heartfelt best thoughts here to share with care. Thank you for
sharing your part, too. I appreciate each time I learn more from someone who cares.
Well said, Stephen. I moved to Canada from the US with my parents when I was 17. They eventually returned; I never did. What I realized very quickly was how narrow my vision of the world was. Yes, Canadians are similar to Americans, but they are also very different. One cannot get that perspective of the "other" until one travels or reads broadly. And many people simply don't do that. Another point of interest that I realized more slowly over my life, is that American's are indoctrinated very early and very deeply. It's not just the pledge of allegiance every morning; it's the idea of American exceptionalism, and the constant parade of the flag, the hand on the heart, and the drone of "we're the best." My advice? Get off the narrow path, read broadly, don't "amuse yourself to death," and for God's sake learn from history.
Dorothy, (my late mother's name was also Dorothy, born in Kansas and relocated to the 'Emerald City' (Seattle WA). I grew up in an eclectic family, learning many crafts, gardening to provide for me and mine, and read a lot of history, ancient and more modern of many cultures and came to realize just how different, yet similar, humans are, all over the world. The 'only' differences being where these cultures developed, their environments and resources available to - build - their civilizations. When I watched the Oval Office (alleged) meeting I wasn't - embarrased. I was angered and outraged by the afrontery and stupidity of our (alleged) leaders , playing "I'm more powerful than you are" nonsense... game....
Not everyone travels far - for various reasons. Fortunately, some of us can experience multiple cultures in our own communities. When I was teaching, I drove around the southern part of Los Angeles County and took photos of signs in various languages. I showed the pictures to my students so they would see that there were many languages in addition to the English and Spanish they were more familiar with. The different writing systems of Armenian, Cambodian, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean made the variation even more obvious.
And the ViPer had the audacity to lecture President Zelenski N reply when asked if he'd been to Ukraine, "no, but I've seen the pictures/film"..... that's the problem with the entire gang--- NO real experience, but they've seen the pictures 😳. Like having brain surgery by someone who just read "Brain Surgery for Dummies"!
Thomas I have taken that oath eight times, as enlisted then as an officer.
The enlisted oath says that you will obey the President and the orders of the officers appointed over you.
The oath of the officer says that you will protect and defense the constitution from enemies foreign and domestic
It says nothing about Obeying the President and the officers appointed over you.
When you accepted discharge that also discharged you from your oath. The same is true of a Reserve officer, but I was a regular officer and was not discharged, but only place on the retired rolls. Although I did get a DD Form 214
The point is, that the oath you took no longer applies, however if you insist, then you are subject to the orders of the President of the United States, but I am not. My oath is to the constitution.
I was never in the military, having narrowly missed the lottery for a tour inn’Nam. However, I wanted those in the military to be safe. Still do. Why does our govt ignore the vets? That’s a long-standing issue which has only been acerbated by the Trump cabal.
I am ashamed of our leadership here and really don’t like being an American. I don’t want to be grouped with those who attack our Capitol to force a result to go their way, and we’re egged on by Trump. I don’t want my father’s time in the Army during WW2 to have been in vain.
We are living in times when it will take everyone who opposes tyranny and violence and greed to stand up in peaceful protest and not allow this regime to succeed. I don’t wish for a coup but complete support for impeachment and conviction by the Senate, and them promising the will occur to whomever takes his place. We are a democracy. We are here to defend those who cannot defend themselves in their struggle for peace and liberty. We have a horrid past, but we need to and can rise above that history by acknowledging it, and vowing to never let that happen ever again. Let everyone here be held as equal in our society. Everyone should have the same rights to succeed to their own level. No one should be allowed to use prejudice in any aspect.
We need to REALLY live up to the words in our complete constitution. It was meant for specific people, but over the last 250 years, it’s been about fighting to have it be meant for everyone, without exception.
Can we finally do this and retrieve our democracy?
The is (perhaps in any life) a shame side of American history, but also justice, generosity, innovation, compassion. Better angels of our collective nature.
It has already been said, but, I feel the debacle Friday was set up. Trump wanted an excuse to support Putin. It was theater for his cult. Make President Zelenskyy seem ungrateful & confrontational, so Trump can make a deal with Russia, & make it seem Zelenskyy’s fault.
Other than that the deal was made years ago, it seems 100% on target.
The worst part? Putin (thus Trump) apparently thinks this is the PERFECT TIME to "turn" 75,000,000 mostly heavily armed Trump-cultists into PUTIN-CULTISTS.
So Russia denies nothing about Trump's allegiance to PUTIN/RUSSIA, and instead brags about the identical messages from each.
The current message seems to be that since Putin wants to see American cities burning and MUMP (Musk/Trump) are making it happen, so T-cultists MUST also want to see American cities burning!
"After all, isn't it in cities where all the DEMOCRATICALLY VOTING, TRUMP-HATING BLACK FOLKS live, isn't it?"
For people excited by the murder of Trayvon Martin, the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict and the Charlottesville "Tiki Torch Riots", this is really just a very tiny step toward the PURGE DAY when there will so much violence as to essentially render every racist hater invisible.
This beyond -shaming -ourselves mantra is a helpful overarching thought to doing one daily thing to resist the Trump-Musk Onslaught. Big or small—donations, protests, voting for the Opposition, etc.—every day we individuals can enforce our still extant powers. Thank you Robert Reich.
So worried about the fate of the Ukrainian people but I believe Europe will rally behind and give them the military support they need and Vlodamir Zelensky now becomes a world leader. If what Musk and Trump are doing to the United States doesn’t wake up Americans now then when.
Europe IS rallying behind Ukraine. Starmer’s meeting with EU leaders and Zelenskyy today will affirm that. King Charles’ meeting with Zelenskyy- especially given that just last week, Starmer was delivering a personal invitation to Trump from the King- underlines it. Here in Scotland, three years after the war started we still have Ukrainians living in our homes, and still have an organisation of volunteers collecting donations from individuals and organisations, and delivering it to Ukraine. 🇺🇦 🏴
You are the good angels! I too, worry about Ukraine and its people. So hearing first hand how there are things being done for them eases my concern somewhat. They have such a hard road ahead of them. I donate when I am able. Salva Ukraine.
I am saddened that the King has invited Trump to visit. I hoped they would shun him and not give him the attention he craves.
Maybe it would help ease your sadness to understand the context of the King’s invitation.
The UK’s disastrous Brexit vote (I voted ‘no’ as you can probably gather) separated us from Europe. Boris Johnson et al wanted to strengthen our ‘special relationship’ with the US. Fortuitously, that has not happened. However, Trump aligning the US with Russia leaves the UK alone and exposed. (A couple of days after Trump’s outburst calling Zelenskyy a dictator, and the subsequent UN vote, the UK govt announced that we are increasing our defence spend. Coincidence? I think not.) The UK needs to keep Trump sweet, while we rebuild our relationship with the EU. In these circumstances, the King’s invitation to Trump was a strong diplomatic move. But his invitation to Zelenskyy to visit now, on his return from the US - and before Trump- says all you need to know. 👑🇺🇦
Ps If Trump decides to come, there will be protest. He is not well liked here. Google the Trump ‘Baby Blimp’ and ‘Janey Godley’s warm welcome to Trump’ at Turnberry (bad language alert ‼️)
True! Projection is his go-to! He was trying to turn Americans against President Zelensky but it failed spectacularly! If anything, it showed Americans what a true leader looks like! Salva Ukraine!
Yes, and an “unelected dictator” at that. Dump complained that Zelenskyy wouldn’t allow an election last year, when the truth is Ukrainian law forbids elections during wartime. We need to keep exposing Dump’s lies.
Punkette, yes, Drumpf clearly exposed his dictatorial ambitions when he instigated a seditious attack upon our Republic on Jan. 6th, and he has fulfilled those ambitions by subverting the election of Nov. 5th, 2024 with voter suppression, gerrymandering, and hate speech to grab power. There is no evil which is beneath his narcissism.
Punkette : yes, and the remark from JD Vance, or another member of the MAGA " peanut gallery" assisting tRUMP actually thinks he should be wearing an expensive suit and tie, during a horrendous war featuring war crimes against civilians , even infants. children and maternity wards where women are trying to give birth. Like Drumpfh deserves any kind of honor. What utter crap.!
yep, it's psychology going back to the beginning of times. Yet so many have zero understanding of that, and it's one reason Rumpf gets away with what he does. I've had encounters with similar types, and no one understood that either.
I hated Brexit from here in the USA. My last ditch escape hatch from Trump is UK dual citizenship but I’m actively fighting for our democracy with Vote Forward and staying informed. Since the invasion, we have supported a charity for Ukrainian children and also ship necessities to my husband’s Ukr cousins. It’s the only war if my lifetime that I’ve supported and I am deeply invested in Putin’s comeuppance.
I hate to disillusion you, but in the UK, you will not be free of Trump. Trump and Musk have the UK in their sights. Our new Labour government are implementing necessary but popular policies. They are effectively paving the way for a Reform government in 4 years time, led by Trump and Musk ally Nigel Farage.
Meanwhile Starmer returns from the US with a 'very good chance' of a trade deal where 'tariffs wouldn't be necessary. He'll be extracting payment through this 'new economic deal' between our two nations, which has 'advanced technology' at his core.
I understand that Starmer is not a hero but Farage has (apparently) repudiated Musk, and Trump will be dead very soon or catatonic from whatever nasty disease ails him plus dementia. Yes, it’s right to fear the oligarchs but royalty is the same thing, and the UK does not have the 2nd amendment run wild, the wildfire/hurricane/earthquake/tornado quartet on every horizon, or dedicated MAGA morons and armed militias in many states. I’m actually pretty safe from the worst of those dangers but many people are not. Oh, I forgot the forced birth program.
Rupert Murdoch and his son Lachlan, must be creaming their Jeans, because, based on behavior, their goal has been to destroy western civilization and democracy, in that they are aligned with Boko Haram, Al Qaeda, ISIS, the Taliban, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Yemen, the UAE.
Unless he recinds the invitation. Alternatively, Charles should receive him in full regalia, upon the throne. Extend the scepter and let Trump approach to beg permission to speak. At least that's how they do it in Masterpiece theatre.
Yeah... then King Charles should berate DT for not wearing as nice a set of clothes as he is wearing!!! He should also have his aides tell DT he has to bow before he can speak!!! That would be a show worth watching. Cheers... GH
Another possibility would be to meet in the most casual way possible to make it clear to 47 that he's not worth a higher class audience. Make him wait when he arrives or have him actually meet with someone else at the last minute -- "His Majesty regrets that the press of important business prevents him from joining you today."
And NO state dinner or any expression of cordiality or friendship. He loves pomp and ceremony, so don't give him any.
Thanks Linda. Hopefully the folks in the British Isles will start a campaign to let the King know that the Commie Traitor DT should not be allowed on their sacred soil. They suffered far to much in WW2 to allow that Fascist/Communist show his face there and give him a platform for his blathering lies. All the best to everyone... GH
Go, Scotland! Lori, I hate to say it, but for now, Europe and other countries will have the entire job of helping Ukraine. Those of us here in the US will donate all we can; however, the orange man and his motley crew will side with pootin while lying to their maga base. My heart is broken because what passes for our leaders were so awful to President Zelensky when he came here! Please know that is not who we are. I applaud Scotland and the hard work you are doing to take care of the Ukraine people. Could you put me in touch with those individuals and organizations that are collecting donations? I would love to send what I can to them to help their efforts!
Both of those fit perfectly, Rich! That little man is a pile of poo! Even though pootie doesn't impale his 'perceived' enemies on stakes, he does throw them out windows and poisons them!
Lori, some of my ancestors hail from Scotland. I like to think some of my kin there are wrapping the Ukrainians in the warmth of kindness and doing their best at helping them. in their time of great need.
There is a story that they taught us in school. The Man without a Country. Supposedly it was during the War of 1812, and some officer said "Damn the United States, I never want to hear that word again", So they court martialed him and put him aboard ships, transferred him at sea and the crew were instructed not to talk to him. I think the story is bullshit, a lot of effort and expense involved in that punishment.
The point was that we were suppose to be patriotic (the word stem is Latin Pater for father , as in patriarchal.
I am loyal to the Constitution, but not to the felonious, pervert, thief, criminal and traitor that sits in the Offal Office of the Out House that he has made of th Oval Office of the White House..
And the only way to defeat this treasonous fascists is to bring this country to it's knees, and that will mean we will all bear the pain. I am ready. Misery loves company, especially if it rids us of a tyrant.,
Trump is only the manifestation of the problem. The real problem is the beliefs, sentiments, mentality in the population that is behind Project 2025, and the six rad trad Catholics on SCOTUS.
Good grief, William, I didn't realize the Sleazy 6 were all at least raised Catholic. No wonder there's so much hypocritical lock-step action going on.
There are seven Catholics on SCOTUS, Soto Mayor is one also, but more liberal than the other six. At least five are Opus Dei, or act like it. Opus Dei is a radical traditionalist, which is also triumphalist.
Amy Comy Barrett belongs to the Catholic cult, People of Prayer,they believe that the god given and natural order of things is that women are submissive and subservient to men.
I knew about Barrett. I can't comprehend how a woman who has risen to a position of prominence can consider herself "subservient." It makes me think she's really a little bit nuttier than most of them (who are just a-holes imo).
She's a dog who is being patted on the head. Well trained (brainwashed) groomed..
Why did Phyliss Schafly lead the charge against the ERA. Why does Clarence Thomas rule with the white racists. Why , the list goes on..
Pats on the head, able to sit with the Massah and sip brandy by the fireplace, special privileges, rewards, recognition..
If nothing else like Schafly, the basic feeling that she is a beneficary of the status quo, that if she wasn't part of a protected class, she couldn't survive.
He has two. He bought Turnberry, which hosted the Open in 1977. And he built 'Trump International Scotland', lying to the Scottish government, bullying locals (including a 94 year old widow) and decimating a protected area of outstanding natural beauty in the process. The Scots won't forget that in a hurry.
My friend made an award-winning film about it, which you can find on YouTube. It's called 'You've Been Trumped'. (My name's in the credits as a Patron, but I don't make anything from recommending it. It's just a project I believed in. )
i remember the woman,but forget what he did-refresh my memory-lied?i'm shocked-shocked-how-there's a line a song'men of vision choke the life out of the land'-a damn shame
I agree, Mike! Yesterday I found a web site I could write to President Zelensky and apologize to him for what occurred at the White House. I let him know that there are so many Americans that stand with him and Ukraine. More than those who do not. I also let him know that I donate to Ukraine whenever I can and that I know he was not responsible for that war. I know that pootin was hungry for land and the minerals Ukraine has and he just decided to help himself. Vlodamir Zelensky is not only a very brave gentleman, he is also a hero to me. The orange man did that stunt to make Americans not like President Zelensky; however, all it did was make us see what a true leader is like. We saw President Zelensky with such calm composure tell the two screaming idiots "NO" and they pitched a tantrum. Thanks to President Zelensky, we saw true leadership. My fondest hope is that the orange man, musk-rat and couch will be tried for treason and spend the rest of their miserable lives in solitary on Gitmo!
Peggy, can you please tell us the web site you found to write to Zelensky? I so want to also write an apology letter to him and to let him know that there are so many of us here who stand with him and Ukraine. I have so much respect for him and consider him truly a hero. I was just heartbroken watching how Trump and Vance bullied him. I also am donating to help Ukraine. The U.S. and the world so need leaders with his outstanding humane values and with a heart and soul like his.
What really gets my goat, Louise, is magas will tell you, "That's just the way the orange man is! That's his personality! He doesn't mean anything by it!" This is their way of normalizing and accepting a psychopathic criminal! They keep telling themselves, the way the orange man behaves is perfectly normal. That everyone is making a big deal about nothing! I simply cannot wrap my head around their thinking! I want to scream at them "Are you even listening to yourselves? Are you honestly believing that the horrible actions of the orange man are normal and should be accepted?" I wish I could shake them awake but it is no use. They have been completely and totally brainwashed!
Abhorrent behavior is never acceptable. Disgraceful behaviors by our leaders, not only is rude to the greatly admired and appreciated, brave and honest visiting president, it also is despicable treatment to Americans and our country. It was unAmerican behavior.
I intended to say “are rude” rather than “is rude” following the plural subject of “behaviors”. I’m sorry I did not catch it at the time, and I think I did not catch it then because I went back to pluralize “behavior”.
Thanks Peggy. Once again, Agent Orange DT poisons everything he touches. I too vote for a trip to Gitmo for him & all the MAGA traitors in this country. CHeers... GH
Putin's Manchurian candidate showed his true colors with his disgraceful meeting with President Zelenskyy. It would only take a few Republicans with spines to impeach Trump and Vance. Then the Republicans in the Senate would have a third chance to save our democracy.
That is the truth!!!! I constantly think back to the time that Mitch McConnell could have voted for impeachment but decided "he'd let the voters choose".
Then so many legal cases that just didn't move quickly enough. What will it take to wake up the Americans that are still sitting on the side lines? The MAGAs are fired up (hopefully fewer as trump screws them as well as the rest of us). We have to speak up as loudly as we can.
YES Lil, but Trump, Vance, the Oligarchs and the authors of Project 2025 ALL understand this 👇
“The big joke on democracy is that it gives its mortal enemies the means to its own destruction.” - Joseph Goebbels, March 23, 1933 (The day Hiter succeeded in destroying Germany"s democracy)
Thanks Lil. Since he started in politics, Mitch McConnell has always sailed with whatever winds will get him re-elected. He has no patriotism, wisdom or spine. Just another guy addicted to power and the ego of being on TV at every opportunity. Far to many like him in DC. Best to everyone... GH
Oh, God, Justin SG, will you stop with the Hitler comparisons? We all know about Hitler, this is not that. I swear, I think some of you guys say this stuff because you want to be “right,” like there is some kind of office betting pool!
Robert Reich’s column is meant to encourage us and strengthen our sense of power over our future. Go with that!
Those who ignore history are very likely to repeat it. Furthermore, sticking your head in the sand sets you up to be kicked in the butt! Sorry about that, but not very.
Yes, we were taught in school, but history repeats itself that we are not aware. I believe many people are not aware of these days. Generations of us have tried to teach it. It seems that sometimes, even though people read or hear the history, they do not always understand or have not processed it. Also, for everything a person does not know, there is also so much that a person does know, and in some areas, they know much more than we know. It takes all of us paying attention, helping each other, and staying together to be strong. We do not all know and remember the same things. It is so important that we know this now and that we band together in our strength to save our country, our democracy, and our rights, Democratic government, and the needed and helpful services our people deserve.
When social security, medicaid, medicare, etc callously stripped away from those who depend on it, people are going to die. I think it's important to recognize that this "regime" knows no bounds (like Nazi Germany) when it comes to the inhumane.
I'm sorry Elizabeth but 'this' is 'that'. At the meeting with Zelensky, the moment Trump transferred the allegiance of the United States of America from the democratic counties of the world to Putin's Russia, 'this' officially became 'that'. America is now Russia's ally. Putin is a dictator. Putin's allies include China, North Korea, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, Hungary, Venezuela, Afghanistan and Syria, every single one of them brutal dictatorships. Every single one of them calls the USA an enemy and would like to see it destroyed. Every single dictator the world over follows the same playbook to take absolute power: transfers power from elected officials into the hands of one person, ie; Congress to Trump; ends the rule of law and a fair nonpartisan judicial system; demands absolute loyalty to the leader not the country; targets specific communities for extreme abuse- LGBT, trans, people of colour, etc; cancels civil and human rights and programs that support and affirm those rights; demands utter loyalty and replaces public servants with loyalists; shuts down the free press; bans labour unions. Why? To weaken citizens, to shut down resistance, to instil fear into the population, to take power away from the people. Does any of this seem familiar to you at this moment? It does to me because I'm watching it unfold before my very eyes every day, making 'THIS' - 'THAT'.
Also, as Hitler did, he has already had concentration camps built In Guantánamo and has had and is having people hauled there in chains even. We must find a way to save people and save our country, restoring our adherence to our Constitution, rights, services, and valuable relationships.
On Tuesday, Trump will create yet another Day of Shame when he addresses Congress. Republican House Representatives and Senators will shame themselves as they sit at attention like the president's loyal laps dogs all the while composing their shameful responses in whatever passes for their minds these days. There's a lot of talk about how Democrats should respond. Some think they should not attend. I think if they do that they inadvertently send the message that Trump has conquered and cowed the opposition and will be perceived as just being absent. I think their response should demonstrate resistance, dissent and disrespect. They must not participate in any norms like handshaking or speaking with Republicans or clapping at any time. I think that when Trump enters the House chamber, Democrats should stand up and turn their backs on Trump and remain that way for Trump's entire address. As Trump leaves they should turn around and stare him down holding a small American flag. Doing so will show people the strength of their convictions and tell people that they are on their side. I think it could bolster hope.
Sorry Elizabeth, I KNOW it's scary! But I don't think ENOUGH Americans actually DO know how Hitler destroyed Germany"s democracy, nor how quickly and "democratically" he did it...
Trump, Vance, the Oligarchs and the authors of Project 2025 ALL understand this 👇
“The big joke on democracy is that it gives its mortal enemies the means to its own destruction.” - Joseph Goebbels, March 23, 1933 (The day Hiter succeeded in destroying Germany"s democracy)
Justin SG, thank you for taking the time to explain to Elizabeth. Thank you,
Elizabeth, for your posted message. Even if you were only wondering and making a comment, I’m sure you have helped a lot of people who also benefit or need to know and understand. Often, or maybe always, information can mean nothing to us until we understand the background, the current application, and what it means for the future, as well as how people will be affected, both specifically and as groups and beyond. We are fortunate to have so many kind of people offering information here. I hope you find it helpful and know that it is shared with kindness. I also hope that you will be able to share it with anybody you know who needs to know. It is a matter of life and death for some people, and a matter of life and death for our country, our freedoms. What happens in our country will not just affect America. Any loss of a democracy and loss of rights affects the balance in our world and the people in it. Please do give these thoughts a lot of deep consideration because it matters crucially.
I picture a Time magazine cover with Zelensky on it with the lead reading "The Leader of the Free World ". There is no leader that stands out more for all he has sacrificed in defense of the ideals shared in Dr. Reich's writing.
Agree, Louise, and with a 'patrimonial' un-leader like Drumpf in this country, we no longer have a leader of the free world. For Europe to submit to his perverse will in any form would be like them having submitted to Nazi Germany when their forces invaded Poland in 1939.
Europe will rally behind Ukraine but will also try to persuade Trump to provide some kind of support. This will be difficult because one of his aims is to punish Europe for running a trade surplus with the US.
Peggy, the sad thing is that his victims are all prepared to offer him something to make him stop. Europe will have to offer a lucrative trade deal to have any chance of getting help for Ukraine.
Peggy, you are so right, and he has even said so, mixing the fact in with many other words to sugar coat or camouflage it. We knew that in 2015, if not sooner. At least I read it in or before 2015, as written by people who had known for a long time.
JP4M, his whole reason for wanting to be president again was to persecute those he felt slighted him! Yes, he said he was going after "the enemies of the people" when in reality he wanted to go after everyone who ever hurt his widdle feelings. He makes those wild claims about this one and that one being the "enemy of the people" to rile up his base because they believe every lie he utters. He is a whiny baby with many psychological issues. A lot of times when he insults and spews lies about others, he is projecting as witnessed in the Oval Office on Friday with President Zelensky. He is without doubt a horrible, evil and odious little man!
If the US runs a trade deficit with Europe it's because they are selling something we want. If we give weapons to our friends under attack this is Federal taxes being returned to Americans employed manufacturing them. (Rosie the riveter.) A good deal benefits all. If the people prosper it's good for business. Oligarchy is a bad deal for everybody. Seems simple minded I know.
If you look at the correlation of forces , NATO (minus the US) vsd Russia, NATO is much stronger militarily. But there is the question of willingness to fight and to fight as one unit.
In Europe the Baltic states get it. And Poland has not forgetten WWII and the Russian occupation. Germany has vast potential. The GDP of EU swamps Russia. It;s a matter or priorities.
Mike, Americans everywhere need to wake up, especially the Dems in Congress, since the mass of Republicans there are already the walking dead. Little Mike Johnson in an interview this AM on MTP parroted Drumpf's talking points to a T, while Bernie Sanders cut to the facts of the day when he recalled Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, with a twist: Lincoln elevated
"government of the people, by the people and for the people" as the ideal, whereas Republicans elevate government "of billionaires, by billionaires, and for billionaires".
I am with you Mike. I dearly hope Ukraine comes out the winner and Trump and Vance look like the childish bullies they are. Talk about disrespect - I believe that was the pot calling the kettle black.
I do hope your readers know that many in the UK are utterly revolted by Trump's and Vance's coordinated bullying of President Zelenskyy. There is a petition circulating to stop the state visit. The king has invited President Zelenskyy to Sandringham today. There are demonstrations against Tesla every weekend. And I shall be on the streets protesting if Trump comes here - for the first time since 1968!
Thank you, Anne-Marie! We need people like you here in the states fighting with us! Thank you for all you are doing to show the utter contempt and revulsion the rest of the world (those countries that matter) feels towards the orange man and his sidekick!
I understand- as a Brit and ally with whom the US shares a special relationship, I felt it too. But Trump and Vance’s rhetoric and disrespect towards President Zelenskyy brought shame only to them, and to those who support their actions. You good people of America should not share that shame. It is not yours to carry.
Meanwhile, I am happy that King Charles, with his invitation for Zelenskyy to meet with him today has effectively shown his - and the UK’s - support of Ukraine, and our disapproval of Trump and Vance’s behaviour. 🏴
Thank you, Lori! Many of us needed to hear that! We are so horribly ashamed and embarrassed at the orange man and his sidekick's behavior! They had the audacity to say President Zelensky was disrespectful to them! I couldn't believe it! Even being so juvenile as to berate him for his clothes! I was so angry! I shouted at the TV, threw things at it and cursed a blue streak! I do appreciate your kind words. The problem is we have to own this because he was voted in even if the election was questionable. There were too many that sat out the election and it cost us dearly. We will continue to fight and win back our country from that idiot!
Gosh, Lori, you made me cry! Thank you so much for your kind words and your support. So many of us need to hear that now. We are tired but we get up everyday and being our letters, phone calls, petitions and post cards because to not do it is to hand our country over to a cruel, heartless dictator and we simply will NOT do that! Hearing from people all around the world gives us energy to continue fighting for what we know our country is all about. Freedom, diversity, inclusion and equality for all!
Thanks, JP4M! I am not usually a crier but in these times when people around the world tell me how much they support what we are doing and encouraging us and letting us know they stand with us, well, it just makes me cry! To know the world is watching and hoping we will win this fight energizes me to do more.
Thank you Lori. All of this dialogue is helping me to know that I am not on an island. I live very close to the Peace Bridge between Buffalo, NY and Fort Erie in Canada. We have always had an easy relationship with our Canadian friends. After reading Dr. Reich’s article and all the commentary, I am filled with hope. I’ll continue to do my part here and will definitely direct my funds to the organizations helping Ukrainians while continuing to buy Canadian. The plans of these rogue Americans is backfiring as democracies throughout the world are uniting.
To give you a little chuckle in these crazy times…you get five stars by knowing to refer to Buffalo as being located in Western NY! US citizens don’t have a clue! I hope one day to visit your beautiful country! Keep up the good work!
Peg, you are so right, these "rogue" people (I won't call them Americans) are going to feel the sting when we win back our Democracy. I am heartened to know that Democracies around the world are uniting. We all must unite to fight back against this tyranny! I am also glad that you are able to continue your friendship with our Canadian neighbors. Thank you for all that you do!
Lori, thank you for your kind words, but all of America needs to be ashamed by Trump and Vance and Musk. To blame only those who voted for them breeds passivity and inaction. Collectively, we as a country are at fault and must and do feel the shame. Presidents speak for their nation’s, they represent them. The U.S. must not be allowed hide behind voting Blue. We must have action. We must make our country consistent with the ideals of its origin. We do need your support in this process however and it is appreciated.
I think there is much to be ashamed about in American history--genocide against native peoples, slavery, Jim Crow, Vietnam, Iraq, support for dictators in many developing nations--but there is much to celebrate also, starting with the Declaration of Independence, as you rightly point out. We must never give in to despair. To do THAT would be shameful. We have to keep fighting, and let the rest of the world know that Trump/Musk/Vance do NOT represent all of us, not even close.
There is probably much to be ashamed of in all of our histories- both nation states, and individuals. But we can take responsibility, (make reparations when appropriate), learn from our mistakes, and move forward better people as a result. 🏴
Yes, I agree. As a youth, I used to hold the UK in high esteem, relative to the US, given its opposition to our Vietnam debacle. Then I went to college and learned about the British Empire.
That is so right, Lori, and when we go back in our genealogy, it is amazing to learn how we are related from many generations ago and have cousins in various countries even now, many of them helping to make a difference, as we even can learn from reading news. Thank you immensely for all you are doing!
I donated to United24. Wish I had more to give. Wish I were younger and I would volunteer in Ukraine. Hope my retirement is still an option. Hope my son doing DNA cancer research still has a job. Hope my son teaching science abroad for DODEA still has a job. Hoping my biochemist daughter, who was laid off, finds another job. She is trans. Hope my FQHC clinic has funding to care for the poor and elderly in rural Maine. Grateful for you and your readers.
I hope for you, too, Dale! You have an amazing family! From your comment, it sounds to me like you raised some very strong sons and daughter! They will use what they learned from you and do well with their lives, you needn't worry about that. Stay strong for them, Dale! All will be righted soon!
Many thanks for your donation. Every time I read one, I smile. My 24 year old son came to me right after the interview and said let's donate...now. so we did. I hope your children keep and or find stable jobs. I hope you, and our family too get retirement in the next few years and hope we all survive and defeat this . I appreciate your heartfelt comments and am glad for people like you.
I’m thinking the democrats including me are hiding and watching this shit show! Until trump cuts social security and completely wrecks the economy the Magots are going to continue to support him! I really think that is smart for the progressives to quietly organize and then stage massive boycotting. I’m not buying anything from Amazon. I’m not ever going to buy a Tesla. I am only going to buy enough to get by. I’m going to stay at home and read books on how to organize. Ukraine will benefit from the disgusting debacle in the Whitehouse. I really hope NATO comes alive and reassesses its military budgets. 5% of GDP. I think they should mobilize and show up in Ukraine. The US has shit in its own nest as my father would say. Putin will be emboldened. I hope Zelenskyy tells trump to fuck off! If I weren’t 75 years old I would go to Ukraine. My idea is to organize an aid group to send drone parts to Ukraine. In fact, I would help them by mobilizing a group to send 2000lb bomb parts by the hundreds so that Ukraine can completely destroy refineries. Destroy Russian pipelines and pumping stations. I would destroy as many oil tankers as is possible. In short, we all need to not only get angry but get even! Slava Ukraini!
Watching tRump speak down to Zelensky is appalling the fact that he feels that he can do it and there will not be repracussions is becoming normal. The Ukrainian people deserve better. tRump does not respect anyone. He only cares about what he wants. I only shop local , and at Costco. I donate as much as I can to the causes to help. I write to my senators. If I was younger I would probably go to Ukraine to help them fight, for now I will send my money. It just does not seem like enough. I am just glad for this community of like minded people so I don't feel alone and I get more information on how to help. The bad news keeps coming. The mess this man is making due to his total lack of empathy is just massive. He is hurting so many people and not enough people are standing up for them. I just can not understand why he keeps getting away with it. Why it has gotten this far. There really is not a good answer. I am just going to fight the best I can.
With no Republicans in Congress standing against Trump, #RepubloFascism is poised to toss democracy aside. The promise of America, lifting heads for almost 250 years, now sees disheartened chins pointed at the ground all around the globe.
But this is only a dark moment in time with a rebound at the other end. Let’s keep our eyes on that eventuality, and work towards minimizing the time it takes to get here.
Democrats should adopt a PLAN to stop Trump, the Republican party, Republicans in Congress, and Musk with his DOGE who are engaged in an ongoing insurrection that violates federal law (18 U.S. Code § 2383). The law defines a felony crime as “whoever assists or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof”. The insurrection aims to take America back to before 1776 with a KING (Trump as KING) and run the country as the old South which provided all the wealth to rich white men as property holders who exploited inhuman cruel slavery and treated white women as slaves.
The PLAN begins with enacting and enforcing a new state law modeled after the federal law (18 U.S. Code § 2383) in 7 states where Democrats control the state government. California could be the first state to enact and enforce the law within 90 days which would remove the 9 Republican representatives from California in the Congressional House. The House would then have a Democratic majority of 2024 to 2009 with Jefferies as Speaker of the House to control the budget and make sure Ukraine and Medicaid are fully funded and there will be no tax cuts for the rich. Maryland, New Jersey and Colorado could follow to collectively remove another 8 Republican representatives in the House and then also remove 4 conservative justices from the Supreme Court changing the Court to 3 liberals and 2 conservatives to block any more conservative Court actions favorable to Trump, Republicans, and oligarchs.
The Constitution in Article I, Section 6, Clause 1 allows members of Congress to be arrested, indicted, and convicted for the felony crime of insurrection that violates state law enforced with imprisonment up to ten years with mandatory permanent removal and prevention from holding office.
The Constitution does not establish judicial immunity for any judge including federal judges or Supreme Court Justices. Therefore, Supreme Court Justices can be arrested, indicted, and convicted for the felony crime of insurrection and enforced with imprisonment up to ten years and mandatory permanent removal and prevention from holding office.
Achieving Honorable Democracy, thank you for your well stated comment of reality and of hope with meaningful imagery. Somehow, your words brought on the profuse tears and huge bawling spell that has been festering for so long without relief.
Further, vision has become a growing problem with the great concern that needed medical care must remain available to maintain what vision remains. Even so, it was challenging to see the minuscule print on my phone to read your comment and those of other kind contributors whose posts I appreciate reading as often as I can. Thank you so much!
Trump and Vance’s attack on President Zelensky was outrageous and shameful. But even worse, is the support, rationalization and justifications being offered by Republican congressmen/ women. There is not an ounce of courage or integrity left among them. That is what is truly shameful.
Our government was built to weather a nut in the Whitehouse. But that and a GOP controlled Congress and a Supreme Court that support that nut-- that is a challenge.
Thanks Michael. If you listened to Sen. Lindsey Graham just after the Oval Office shit show, he is just another GOP Trump & Putin ass-kissing Commie traitor. He recently retired from the Air Force reserves. Now that traitor will get a military pension and one from the Senate when he retires from there. He deserves neither! Maybe Musk should find that government tax money is being wasted on this asshole! Nuts to him... GH
My worry is the safety of such commentators as yourself. Trump et al can only take so much criticism before such bullies lash out. I’m not sure what to recommend.
I just hope Americans will be given a chance to vote these clowns out, but the way things are going, I am not sure they will. Didnt Trump tell his supporters that last year's elections were the last they would have to vote in? This is why the Democratic Party's "strategy" (to play dead and wait for the midterms) seems insane. Dissatisfaction with Trump, without a clearly articulated alternative, might just result in people not turning out to vote.
I'm worried about the legitimacy of voting in the future as well. Especially if Musk has access to everyone's info and proposed racist laws like the SAVEact get passed.
Even if we come out of this dark period, living through this will be more difficult than the Covid years. Trying to find balance between despair and living ones life is very hard right now. I am a boomer. 1968 is for me, when the world changed. The split between “My Country do or die” folks and those of us who marched against the war in Vietnam, reverberates today and has never healed. And the oligarchs have taken advantage of this split in the boomer generation to their own advantage. It is hard to be hopeful in this moment in time.
Carol, I too felt that way, but not anymore. When I evaluated my priorities, I held onto my family and our country and nothing else. My family reported the same priorities and our much politically divided family was re-united.
raffey, thank you for sharing with your family has reunited. There are many people I care about who do not understand, refuse to understand, and who do not share my ideas on the genuine concerns. It is agreed that I will be no discussion of politics, and there are times when innocent comments about one thing or another are misinterpreted as being political. Fortunately, I know a number of people who feel as I do, and thanks to Dr. Robert Reich, we have this wonderful opportunity to share, reflect, understand, and uplift. Knowing that your family has reunited gives us hope.
"Do not feel shame in America. Feel pride in the ideals we share."
Not an easy thing. But coming from Dr. Reich, it actually means something.
Thank you.
"Feel pride in the ideals we share"
I felt pride well over 50 years ago -- when I raised my right hand and swore an oath to protect and defend our Constitution -- when enlisting in the Navy. My love for and faith in our constitution is NOT an ideal that I see many fellow Americans sharing, certainly not in these parts, where I might have reason to expect it.. Shared ideals my ass.
Fuck 'em... I'm going to remain true to my oath.
I remember feeling something I imagine to be pride when I stood in line with my family to see President Kennedy lie in state in 1963 in DC, as a small child. (But even to this child it was mostly sadness and confusion.)
Less pride yet when I recall what I believe was my first remembered exposure to "legal racism", (or "segregation") in the Deep South, perhaps within the year or so prior to Kennedy's assassination.
Thomas, I am not yet ready to accept that I may have lived my life to overwhelmingly negative progress, despite all efforts.
I also plan to stay true to my oath.
And "bless their little hearts!"
All oath keepers to our Constitution of the United States of America are honorable. I thank each one. I recall those days in November of 1963. I learned the shocking news immediately after lunch when walking in a bit early to my first class, and many details will always be with me. We need the strength and unity now.
I too remember where I was that dreadful day. and where I was when Jack Ruby shot the man who shot him. Oswald if I remember correctly. That I thought was the worse day in American history but I was wrong. Friday was the most as our country is so divided.
I think most of us remember that day, Penny.
A friend I had seen a few minutes earlier told me the President had been shot. I got home just in time to turn on the t.v., see Walter Cronkite taking his glasses off, and say something I never thought I'd hear. I went numb.
My roommate was student teaching, and she came home crying because the class had said "How could this happen?" and she didn't have an answer.
Friday, Nov. 22, 1963 still ranks as the worst day I remember. Sept. 11 and Jan. 6 both are very close. Those are the only 3 days I remember being literally glued to a t.v. for hours as tho I had no choice.
Now I'm taking the opposite tack -- I won't watch Trump on t.v. or listen to his voice. And it's not just about him; I'm sick to death of the relentless media pandering to him.
I turn dump off often. His voice, his face are awful. Muck is right up there with him. It is a sad time for our country.
Penny, like you, I thought that November 33, 1963 was the worst day ever, nationally. Soon afterward, while my family and I were at a previously and long time planned celebration, concern, and grief over shadowed the joys of the celebration. Because of the national grief and concern ever-present since the assassination, there was a black and white television in a corner of the room of the reception, playing all the wire with very low volume. I happened to be watching that television when they showed the first replay of Jack Ruby in the act. It was also the last day I saw a dearly loved relative alive. We had spent much of that day side by side in rather hushed company.
Little did we know then what all would transpire, rocking our country’s feelings of safety throughout the next few years. Who ever could have and would have thought that our history would lead to something like we are facing now?
Just like you I remember. maybe the newer generations are lucky as they don't remember those times. 9-11 was awful too but we did not have to look forward to 4 more years of it. The worse thing is Dump has made up very unpopular with our allies.
There are a lot of Americans who are so willfully ignorant and without the benefit of international travel that they don't know how bad things are in the lands of would be immigrants. They cannot understand that the system they think is broken is the system that billions of people dream of living under. Of course they are propagandized daily to believe this evil nonsense.
Larry Kotlikoff publishes an Economic News Letterfrom Enland, I think
Here is a blurb from today's
had quite the day the other day — screaming at Volodymyr Zelensky because he wouldn’t grovel at their feat and, by extension, those of Vladimir Putin. Nor was Zelensky ready to agree to a Trumped-up peace deal without a real U.S. security guarantee. Trump’s claim that the presence of U.S. mining companies in Ukraine would keep Putin at bay was risible.
Zelensky told the duo (Why was Vance there? Did Trump need backup?) the obvious — you can’t bargain with Putin from a position of weakness and Ukraine’s sovereignty was not theirs to sell down the river. After losing so many and so much for so long, Zelensky wasn’t playing ball without understanding the end game.
As Trump became more and more apoplectic, claiming Putin had all the cards (The U.S. has no cards?), and wailing about WWIII, Zelensky got Trump to show his real hand — an end to U.S. support for Ukraine and an end to U.S. participation in NATO. In so doing, Trump killed the fantasy that his actions will differ from his words.
Vance’s nauseating display — ordering Zelensky to thank our country, which he’s already done a zillion times — will, hopefully, end J.D.’s political career. If any thanks were due it was thanks by Trump and Vance to the courageous people of Ukraine for holding back the Russian hoards. We are, as Zelensky pointed out, lucky to have an ocean separating us from Putin. That ocean includes an army of Ukrainians.
How Will European Leaders React?
Macron, Starmer, and other European leaders will stop crossing the pond to kiss our King’s ring and persuade him he’s being played by Putin. As Trump made clear in his Oval meltdown, he’s not persuadable — for a simple reason. He’s either a Russian agent or auditioning perfectly for the job.
The Europeans hold some $300 billion in frozen Russian assets. They’ll likely start using those assets to replace U.S. military aid to Ukraine as Trump withdrawals U.S. support — something he’s about to do. This should give Europe enough time to rearm, including, in the case of the UK and France, expanding their nuclear arsenals.
European leaders will also realize that full-scale trade war with the U.S. is imminent. Again, Trump has shown he’s good to his threats. And his threat is a 25 percent tariff on all European imports. The EU, Trump says, was created “to screw” the U.S. This is utter lunacy, but no matter. Europe will tariff U.S. imports at the same rate. It will also expand trade with China. But this isn’t the worst-case scenario. If Trump starts trading with Russia, as he’s apparently dying to do, Europe will impose sanctions if not a total embargo on U.S. trade.
Zelensky would not start WWIII, but Russia would as it marched through Ukraine onto Poland and beyond. The Nukes removed from Ukraine would be back closer to the USA and Europe. World War III would be on Donald Trump and JD Vance and Putin. A real estate man and a lawyer should not be in control. We need Generals like Eisenhower who know the terrain and scope of war advising or running the oval office.
Not much to disagree with save that Putin's military and economy is no shape to pursue an attack through the Suwalki Gap https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suwa%C5%82ki_Gap
After the beating it has taken in Ukraine it is going to need years to refurbish, replenish, and more importantly reorganize
All Putin has done is to prove that the feared Russian Bear is not even a cub.
As regards Nukes. The thing that makes them go boom are plutonium pits, these are basketball sized hollow spheres, and with the end of the cold war the US shut down it's production and has lost the technology and tools, the government, under Biden, let a contract with Livermore Labs to redsicover and rebuilt the capability.
The thing with Plutonium pits is that they degrade over time. Nuclear weapons and missiles are not build, emplace and forget, they require constant attention, maintenance and upgrades
The US has specialists trained to do the job, schedules and parts.
Russia, no, it's generals and admirals are corrupt, they have siphoned off maintenance funds to build dacha's for their mistresses, yachts and Mercedes limousines
Putin is bluffing America, and maybe Europe, Those in the know in Europe and America know but can't say it aloud, because the game must keep running.
Eisenhower knew that war was not something to get into if you didn't know what you were doing. Some of these war hawks don't have the experience to know that. I remember seeing pictures of children in Europe after VE Day(Victory in Europe). They were my age and had war instead of a peaceful time before starting school.
William, thank you.
I have to add for those that aren't ashamed of America.
The population is about 310 million
Trump is president because 77 million voted for him and 90 million didn't vote at all, that is 157 million, half of the population, of the other half 74 mlliion voted for Kamala, or were not eligible to vote or interested enough to vote. so what is there to be proud of?
74/310 or.238 percent of the population voted against Trump, while 66.2% voted for Trump
I suspect you will find the same percentages in Germany in 1933
What is a nation, but it's people.?
William, thank you for those important thoughts and the figures. I am assumed of the ideas and actions that have led to the horrible happenings that should not be taking place. Still, I am very proud of everyone who has contributed thoughts, encouragement, help in whatever ways possible for the campaigning for what we believe is needed, who worked to help on election day, and who has helped in anyway, as I am also proud of everyone who is taking time to contribute here. Whether we agree, totally or part, we are supporting each other and doing our best, within whatever capabilities we seem to have, in hopes of doing the right thing, in hopes of saving our country, in hopes of saving relationships with our country and from our country, as well as within our country. I believe that by taking whatever actions we can, by listening to each other, by paying attention and learning as much as we can, and acting where possible, we are as brave as we can be, and I think we can be proud of every American, who is trying to do what is right. I am ashamed of the inexcusable and horribly harmful behavior that took
place, and I am deeply ashamed of the image forced upon our country, yet I will always be proud of individuals who have sacrificed in trying to see that our country progresses in acceptable, caring, honest, and Constitutional ways. I believe that everybody here on this site is trying to help. I am proud of senators, lawyers, and any judges plus ministers who stand up for what is right. We all are ashamed of shag hspprnrd and more things that are happening, even beyond our ken and even as we communicate here.
However, at the same time, we have fine people doing all they can, in ways I am not able, in more ways toward saving our democracy, and for those parts of America and our American population, I will always be proud. We have good people, including you, on here sharing knowledge, reflecting, the best ideas they have as they come to them, and telling of steps they are taking or plan to take, unless it is too early to share, and for each such American, I am proud and thankful. People, including you, are putting their heartfelt best thoughts here to share with care. Thank you for
sharing your part, too. I appreciate each time I learn more from someone who cares.
Well said, Stephen. I moved to Canada from the US with my parents when I was 17. They eventually returned; I never did. What I realized very quickly was how narrow my vision of the world was. Yes, Canadians are similar to Americans, but they are also very different. One cannot get that perspective of the "other" until one travels or reads broadly. And many people simply don't do that. Another point of interest that I realized more slowly over my life, is that American's are indoctrinated very early and very deeply. It's not just the pledge of allegiance every morning; it's the idea of American exceptionalism, and the constant parade of the flag, the hand on the heart, and the drone of "we're the best." My advice? Get off the narrow path, read broadly, don't "amuse yourself to death," and for God's sake learn from history.
Dorothy, (my late mother's name was also Dorothy, born in Kansas and relocated to the 'Emerald City' (Seattle WA). I grew up in an eclectic family, learning many crafts, gardening to provide for me and mine, and read a lot of history, ancient and more modern of many cultures and came to realize just how different, yet similar, humans are, all over the world. The 'only' differences being where these cultures developed, their environments and resources available to - build - their civilizations. When I watched the Oval Office (alleged) meeting I wasn't - embarrased. I was angered and outraged by the afrontery and stupidity of our (alleged) leaders , playing "I'm more powerful than you are" nonsense... game....
Not everyone travels far - for various reasons. Fortunately, some of us can experience multiple cultures in our own communities. When I was teaching, I drove around the southern part of Los Angeles County and took photos of signs in various languages. I showed the pictures to my students so they would see that there were many languages in addition to the English and Spanish they were more familiar with. The different writing systems of Armenian, Cambodian, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean made the variation even more obvious.
And the ViPer had the audacity to lecture President Zelenski N reply when asked if he'd been to Ukraine, "no, but I've seen the pictures/film"..... that's the problem with the entire gang--- NO real experience, but they've seen the pictures 😳. Like having brain surgery by someone who just read "Brain Surgery for Dummies"!
I said it above but it was a reply to you, Marilyn.
Maybe Vance did have brain surgery by such a surgeon but not Trump. When they did the MRI of his brain, they found nothing>
Or a rotting cabbage?
We all get the same propaganda, Stephen. Imo those who believe it without questioning are making a deliberate choice.
Thomas I have taken that oath eight times, as enlisted then as an officer.
The enlisted oath says that you will obey the President and the orders of the officers appointed over you.
The oath of the officer says that you will protect and defense the constitution from enemies foreign and domestic
It says nothing about Obeying the President and the officers appointed over you.
When you accepted discharge that also discharged you from your oath. The same is true of a Reserve officer, but I was a regular officer and was not discharged, but only place on the retired rolls. Although I did get a DD Form 214
The point is, that the oath you took no longer applies, however if you insist, then you are subject to the orders of the President of the United States, but I am not. My oath is to the constitution.
I was never in the military, having narrowly missed the lottery for a tour inn’Nam. However, I wanted those in the military to be safe. Still do. Why does our govt ignore the vets? That’s a long-standing issue which has only been acerbated by the Trump cabal.
I am ashamed of our leadership here and really don’t like being an American. I don’t want to be grouped with those who attack our Capitol to force a result to go their way, and we’re egged on by Trump. I don’t want my father’s time in the Army during WW2 to have been in vain.
We are living in times when it will take everyone who opposes tyranny and violence and greed to stand up in peaceful protest and not allow this regime to succeed. I don’t wish for a coup but complete support for impeachment and conviction by the Senate, and them promising the will occur to whomever takes his place. We are a democracy. We are here to defend those who cannot defend themselves in their struggle for peace and liberty. We have a horrid past, but we need to and can rise above that history by acknowledging it, and vowing to never let that happen ever again. Let everyone here be held as equal in our society. Everyone should have the same rights to succeed to their own level. No one should be allowed to use prejudice in any aspect.
We need to REALLY live up to the words in our complete constitution. It was meant for specific people, but over the last 250 years, it’s been about fighting to have it be meant for everyone, without exception.
Can we finally do this and retrieve our democracy?
The is (perhaps in any life) a shame side of American history, but also justice, generosity, innovation, compassion. Better angels of our collective nature.
It has already been said, but, I feel the debacle Friday was set up. Trump wanted an excuse to support Putin. It was theater for his cult. Make President Zelenskyy seem ungrateful & confrontational, so Trump can make a deal with Russia, & make it seem Zelenskyy’s fault.
Other than that the deal was made years ago, it seems 100% on target.
The worst part? Putin (thus Trump) apparently thinks this is the PERFECT TIME to "turn" 75,000,000 mostly heavily armed Trump-cultists into PUTIN-CULTISTS.
So Russia denies nothing about Trump's allegiance to PUTIN/RUSSIA, and instead brags about the identical messages from each.
The current message seems to be that since Putin wants to see American cities burning and MUMP (Musk/Trump) are making it happen, so T-cultists MUST also want to see American cities burning!
"After all, isn't it in cities where all the DEMOCRATICALLY VOTING, TRUMP-HATING BLACK FOLKS live, isn't it?"
For people excited by the murder of Trayvon Martin, the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict and the Charlottesville "Tiki Torch Riots", this is really just a very tiny step toward the PURGE DAY when there will so much violence as to essentially render every racist hater invisible.
foof, this from Larry Koltikoff, will interest you I am sure https://larrykotlikoff.substack.com/p/boycott-america
You express these valuable thoughts so well, Foofaraw & Chiquita. Thank you.
This beyond -shaming -ourselves mantra is a helpful overarching thought to doing one daily thing to resist the Trump-Musk Onslaught. Big or small—donations, protests, voting for the Opposition, etc.—every day we individuals can enforce our still extant powers. Thank you Robert Reich.
So worried about the fate of the Ukrainian people but I believe Europe will rally behind and give them the military support they need and Vlodamir Zelensky now becomes a world leader. If what Musk and Trump are doing to the United States doesn’t wake up Americans now then when.
Europe IS rallying behind Ukraine. Starmer’s meeting with EU leaders and Zelenskyy today will affirm that. King Charles’ meeting with Zelenskyy- especially given that just last week, Starmer was delivering a personal invitation to Trump from the King- underlines it. Here in Scotland, three years after the war started we still have Ukrainians living in our homes, and still have an organisation of volunteers collecting donations from individuals and organisations, and delivering it to Ukraine. 🇺🇦 🏴
You are the good angels! I too, worry about Ukraine and its people. So hearing first hand how there are things being done for them eases my concern somewhat. They have such a hard road ahead of them. I donate when I am able. Salva Ukraine.
I am saddened that the King has invited Trump to visit. I hoped they would shun him and not give him the attention he craves.
Maybe it would help ease your sadness to understand the context of the King’s invitation.
The UK’s disastrous Brexit vote (I voted ‘no’ as you can probably gather) separated us from Europe. Boris Johnson et al wanted to strengthen our ‘special relationship’ with the US. Fortuitously, that has not happened. However, Trump aligning the US with Russia leaves the UK alone and exposed. (A couple of days after Trump’s outburst calling Zelenskyy a dictator, and the subsequent UN vote, the UK govt announced that we are increasing our defence spend. Coincidence? I think not.) The UK needs to keep Trump sweet, while we rebuild our relationship with the EU. In these circumstances, the King’s invitation to Trump was a strong diplomatic move. But his invitation to Zelenskyy to visit now, on his return from the US - and before Trump- says all you need to know. 👑🇺🇦
Ps If Trump decides to come, there will be protest. He is not well liked here. Google the Trump ‘Baby Blimp’ and ‘Janey Godley’s warm welcome to Trump’ at Turnberry (bad language alert ‼️)
Trump always projects onto others what he is, in this case calling Zelenskyy a dictator.
True! Projection is his go-to! He was trying to turn Americans against President Zelensky but it failed spectacularly! If anything, it showed Americans what a true leader looks like! Salva Ukraine!
Yes, and an “unelected dictator” at that. Dump complained that Zelenskyy wouldn’t allow an election last year, when the truth is Ukrainian law forbids elections during wartime. We need to keep exposing Dump’s lies.
Punkette, yes, Drumpf clearly exposed his dictatorial ambitions when he instigated a seditious attack upon our Republic on Jan. 6th, and he has fulfilled those ambitions by subverting the election of Nov. 5th, 2024 with voter suppression, gerrymandering, and hate speech to grab power. There is no evil which is beneath his narcissism.
Punkette : yes, and the remark from JD Vance, or another member of the MAGA " peanut gallery" assisting tRUMP actually thinks he should be wearing an expensive suit and tie, during a horrendous war featuring war crimes against civilians , even infants. children and maternity wards where women are trying to give birth. Like Drumpfh deserves any kind of honor. What utter crap.!
yep, it's psychology going back to the beginning of times. Yet so many have zero understanding of that, and it's one reason Rumpf gets away with what he does. I've had encounters with similar types, and no one understood that either.
I hated Brexit from here in the USA. My last ditch escape hatch from Trump is UK dual citizenship but I’m actively fighting for our democracy with Vote Forward and staying informed. Since the invasion, we have supported a charity for Ukrainian children and also ship necessities to my husband’s Ukr cousins. It’s the only war if my lifetime that I’ve supported and I am deeply invested in Putin’s comeuppance.
I hate to disillusion you, but in the UK, you will not be free of Trump. Trump and Musk have the UK in their sights. Our new Labour government are implementing necessary but popular policies. They are effectively paving the way for a Reform government in 4 years time, led by Trump and Musk ally Nigel Farage.
Meanwhile Starmer returns from the US with a 'very good chance' of a trade deal where 'tariffs wouldn't be necessary. He'll be extracting payment through this 'new economic deal' between our two nations, which has 'advanced technology' at his core.
I understand that Starmer is not a hero but Farage has (apparently) repudiated Musk, and Trump will be dead very soon or catatonic from whatever nasty disease ails him plus dementia. Yes, it’s right to fear the oligarchs but royalty is the same thing, and the UK does not have the 2nd amendment run wild, the wildfire/hurricane/earthquake/tornado quartet on every horizon, or dedicated MAGA morons and armed militias in many states. I’m actually pretty safe from the worst of those dangers but many people are not. Oh, I forgot the forced birth program.
Love the UK for what it can be.
Rupert Murdoch and his son Lachlan, must be creaming their Jeans, because, based on behavior, their goal has been to destroy western civilization and democracy, in that they are aligned with Boko Haram, Al Qaeda, ISIS, the Taliban, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Yemen, the UAE.
Unless he recinds the invitation. Alternatively, Charles should receive him in full regalia, upon the throne. Extend the scepter and let Trump approach to beg permission to speak. At least that's how they do it in Masterpiece theatre.
Yeah... then King Charles should berate DT for not wearing as nice a set of clothes as he is wearing!!! He should also have his aides tell DT he has to bow before he can speak!!! That would be a show worth watching. Cheers... GH
That's a nice picture, Miriam.
Another possibility would be to meet in the most casual way possible to make it clear to 47 that he's not worth a higher class audience. Make him wait when he arrives or have him actually meet with someone else at the last minute -- "His Majesty regrets that the press of important business prevents him from joining you today."
And NO state dinner or any expression of cordiality or friendship. He loves pomp and ceremony, so don't give him any.
Perhaps, after the disgusting spectacle in the White House on Friday, the invitation will be retracted. And, rightly so!
Or, read Trump the "riot Act" and throw him out of the palace.
Thanks Linda. Hopefully the folks in the British Isles will start a campaign to let the King know that the Commie Traitor DT should not be allowed on their sacred soil. They suffered far to much in WW2 to allow that Fascist/Communist show his face there and give him a platform for his blathering lies. All the best to everyone... GH
Go, Scotland! Lori, I hate to say it, but for now, Europe and other countries will have the entire job of helping Ukraine. Those of us here in the US will donate all we can; however, the orange man and his motley crew will side with pootin while lying to their maga base. My heart is broken because what passes for our leaders were so awful to President Zelensky when he came here! Please know that is not who we are. I applaud Scotland and the hard work you are doing to take care of the Ukraine people. Could you put me in touch with those individuals and organizations that are collecting donations? I would love to send what I can to them to help their efforts!
Thank you Peggy; this is the organisation I support. 🇺🇦
Thank you, Lori!
You're welcome Peggy.
Lori and Peggy, thank you both!
I've ALWAYS spelled it pootin, as in poo. My old Marine buddie, my best friend, just calls him Vlad the Impaler. He always has.
Both of those fit perfectly, Rich! That little man is a pile of poo! Even though pootie doesn't impale his 'perceived' enemies on stakes, he does throw them out windows and poisons them!
Lori, some of my ancestors hail from Scotland. I like to think some of my kin there are wrapping the Ukrainians in the warmth of kindness and doing their best at helping them. in their time of great need.
Undoubtedly, M. We will not let the Ukrainians down.
So do some of mine. I am thankful to know that people in Scotland are helping.
Will Charles recind the invitation?
No, I don't see it. It was an insightful act of diplomacy and would be an unforgiveable slight to a man who never lets go of grudges.
Not bloody likely! However, maybe the Brits can detain him long enough for someone here to arrest Muskrat.
There is a story that they taught us in school. The Man without a Country. Supposedly it was during the War of 1812, and some officer said "Damn the United States, I never want to hear that word again", So they court martialed him and put him aboard ships, transferred him at sea and the crew were instructed not to talk to him. I think the story is bullshit, a lot of effort and expense involved in that punishment.
The point was that we were suppose to be patriotic (the word stem is Latin Pater for father , as in patriarchal.
I am loyal to the Constitution, but not to the felonious, pervert, thief, criminal and traitor that sits in the Offal Office of the Out House that he has made of th Oval Office of the White House..
And the only way to defeat this treasonous fascists is to bring this country to it's knees, and that will mean we will all bear the pain. I am ready. Misery loves company, especially if it rids us of a tyrant.,
Trump is only the manifestation of the problem. The real problem is the beliefs, sentiments, mentality in the population that is behind Project 2025, and the six rad trad Catholics on SCOTUS.
Good grief, William, I didn't realize the Sleazy 6 were all at least raised Catholic. No wonder there's so much hypocritical lock-step action going on.
There are seven Catholics on SCOTUS, Soto Mayor is one also, but more liberal than the other six. At least five are Opus Dei, or act like it. Opus Dei is a radical traditionalist, which is also triumphalist.
Amy Comy Barrett belongs to the Catholic cult, People of Prayer,they believe that the god given and natural order of things is that women are submissive and subservient to men.
I knew about Barrett. I can't comprehend how a woman who has risen to a position of prominence can consider herself "subservient." It makes me think she's really a little bit nuttier than most of them (who are just a-holes imo).
She's a dog who is being patted on the head. Well trained (brainwashed) groomed..
Why did Phyliss Schafly lead the charge against the ERA. Why does Clarence Thomas rule with the white racists. Why , the list goes on..
Pats on the head, able to sit with the Massah and sip brandy by the fireplace, special privileges, rewards, recognition..
If nothing else like Schafly, the basic feeling that she is a beneficary of the status quo, that if she wasn't part of a protected class, she couldn't survive.
Thank you Lori. And three cheers for you and the kind and correct thinking Scottish people helping the Ukrainians. Cheers... GH
do you have a name of a charity providing helping the military to rearm,Lori?
Got something better! The offical website of Ukraine, for international donations to help fund Ukraine's defence:
thanks lori-trump used to have a golf course in scotland-still?is the open there this year?do you care?
He has two. He bought Turnberry, which hosted the Open in 1977. And he built 'Trump International Scotland', lying to the Scottish government, bullying locals (including a 94 year old widow) and decimating a protected area of outstanding natural beauty in the process. The Scots won't forget that in a hurry.
My friend made an award-winning film about it, which you can find on YouTube. It's called 'You've Been Trumped'. (My name's in the credits as a Patron, but I don't make anything from recommending it. It's just a project I believed in. )
i remember the woman,but forget what he did-refresh my memory-lied?i'm shocked-shocked-how-there's a line a song'men of vision choke the life out of the land'-a damn shame
And there's a sequel? "You've Been Trumpet Too"
I agree, Mike! Yesterday I found a web site I could write to President Zelensky and apologize to him for what occurred at the White House. I let him know that there are so many Americans that stand with him and Ukraine. More than those who do not. I also let him know that I donate to Ukraine whenever I can and that I know he was not responsible for that war. I know that pootin was hungry for land and the minerals Ukraine has and he just decided to help himself. Vlodamir Zelensky is not only a very brave gentleman, he is also a hero to me. The orange man did that stunt to make Americans not like President Zelensky; however, all it did was make us see what a true leader is like. We saw President Zelensky with such calm composure tell the two screaming idiots "NO" and they pitched a tantrum. Thanks to President Zelensky, we saw true leadership. My fondest hope is that the orange man, musk-rat and couch will be tried for treason and spend the rest of their miserable lives in solitary on Gitmo!
Peggy, can you please tell us the web site you found to write to Zelensky? I so want to also write an apology letter to him and to let him know that there are so many of us here who stand with him and Ukraine. I have so much respect for him and consider him truly a hero. I was just heartbroken watching how Trump and Vance bullied him. I also am donating to help Ukraine. The U.S. and the world so need leaders with his outstanding humane values and with a heart and soul like his.
Lilla, it's emb us@mfa.cov.ua. I hope you get through. Some people said their message wouldn't go through. Mine did but I'm not sure why.
Thank you Peggy. Btw, I really appreciate your presence and comments here.
Thank you, Lilla! I appreciate you, too! We have to stand together!
I was able to get through also.
That's excellent, B. Laylander! The more true Americans writing to President Zelensky and letting him know we stand with him and Ukraine, the better!
Peggy, thank you!
No couches in that jail cell, either!
What really gets my goat, Louise, is magas will tell you, "That's just the way the orange man is! That's his personality! He doesn't mean anything by it!" This is their way of normalizing and accepting a psychopathic criminal! They keep telling themselves, the way the orange man behaves is perfectly normal. That everyone is making a big deal about nothing! I simply cannot wrap my head around their thinking! I want to scream at them "Are you even listening to yourselves? Are you honestly believing that the horrible actions of the orange man are normal and should be accepted?" I wish I could shake them awake but it is no use. They have been completely and totally brainwashed!
Abhorrent behavior is never acceptable. Disgraceful behaviors by our leaders, not only is rude to the greatly admired and appreciated, brave and honest visiting president, it also is despicable treatment to Americans and our country. It was unAmerican behavior.
Absolutely, JP4M! 100% agree!
I intended to say “are rude” rather than “is rude” following the plural subject of “behaviors”. I’m sorry I did not catch it at the time, and I think I did not catch it then because I went back to pluralize “behavior”.
Thanks Peggy. Once again, Agent Orange DT poisons everything he touches. I too vote for a trip to Gitmo for him & all the MAGA traitors in this country. CHeers... GH
Won't it be wonderful when that happens, Gary? It is a day when I will dance for joy!
Yes Mike! Unfortunately, time is running out. Trump is on track to beat Hitler:
"Hitler systematically disabled & then dismantled his country’s democratic structures & processes in less than 2 months’ time—specifically,
1 month,
3 weeks,
2 days,
8 hours, &
40 minutes.
The minutes, as we will see, mattered."
Putin's Manchurian candidate showed his true colors with his disgraceful meeting with President Zelenskyy. It would only take a few Republicans with spines to impeach Trump and Vance. Then the Republicans in the Senate would have a third chance to save our democracy.
That is the truth!!!! I constantly think back to the time that Mitch McConnell could have voted for impeachment but decided "he'd let the voters choose".
Then so many legal cases that just didn't move quickly enough. What will it take to wake up the Americans that are still sitting on the side lines? The MAGAs are fired up (hopefully fewer as trump screws them as well as the rest of us). We have to speak up as loudly as we can.
YES Lil, but Trump, Vance, the Oligarchs and the authors of Project 2025 ALL understand this 👇
“The big joke on democracy is that it gives its mortal enemies the means to its own destruction.” - Joseph Goebbels, March 23, 1933 (The day Hiter succeeded in destroying Germany"s democracy)
Thanks Lil. Since he started in politics, Mitch McConnell has always sailed with whatever winds will get him re-elected. He has no patriotism, wisdom or spine. Just another guy addicted to power and the ego of being on TV at every opportunity. Far to many like him in DC. Best to everyone... GH
when they get royally screwed over.
3rd times a charm I hear.
Oh, God, Justin SG, will you stop with the Hitler comparisons? We all know about Hitler, this is not that. I swear, I think some of you guys say this stuff because you want to be “right,” like there is some kind of office betting pool!
Robert Reich’s column is meant to encourage us and strengthen our sense of power over our future. Go with that!
Those who ignore history are very likely to repeat it. Furthermore, sticking your head in the sand sets you up to be kicked in the butt! Sorry about that, but not very.
Yes, we were taught in school, but history repeats itself that we are not aware. I believe many people are not aware of these days. Generations of us have tried to teach it. It seems that sometimes, even though people read or hear the history, they do not always understand or have not processed it. Also, for everything a person does not know, there is also so much that a person does know, and in some areas, they know much more than we know. It takes all of us paying attention, helping each other, and staying together to be strong. We do not all know and remember the same things. It is so important that we know this now and that we band together in our strength to save our country, our democracy, and our rights, Democratic government, and the needed and helpful services our people deserve.
But elizabeth, we all do not know about hitler. That is VERY evident in our communities AND in our populace, who voted for this nazi.
When social security, medicaid, medicare, etc callously stripped away from those who depend on it, people are going to die. I think it's important to recognize that this "regime" knows no bounds (like Nazi Germany) when it comes to the inhumane.
I'm sorry Elizabeth but 'this' is 'that'. At the meeting with Zelensky, the moment Trump transferred the allegiance of the United States of America from the democratic counties of the world to Putin's Russia, 'this' officially became 'that'. America is now Russia's ally. Putin is a dictator. Putin's allies include China, North Korea, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, Hungary, Venezuela, Afghanistan and Syria, every single one of them brutal dictatorships. Every single one of them calls the USA an enemy and would like to see it destroyed. Every single dictator the world over follows the same playbook to take absolute power: transfers power from elected officials into the hands of one person, ie; Congress to Trump; ends the rule of law and a fair nonpartisan judicial system; demands absolute loyalty to the leader not the country; targets specific communities for extreme abuse- LGBT, trans, people of colour, etc; cancels civil and human rights and programs that support and affirm those rights; demands utter loyalty and replaces public servants with loyalists; shuts down the free press; bans labour unions. Why? To weaken citizens, to shut down resistance, to instil fear into the population, to take power away from the people. Does any of this seem familiar to you at this moment? It does to me because I'm watching it unfold before my very eyes every day, making 'THIS' - 'THAT'.
Also, as Hitler did, he has already had concentration camps built In Guantánamo and has had and is having people hauled there in chains even. We must find a way to save people and save our country, restoring our adherence to our Constitution, rights, services, and valuable relationships.
Anything that HAS happened, CAN happen.
I understand your reaction but you need to remember how Hitler started,not only 40-45 war,camps,and all those horrors!
On Tuesday, Trump will create yet another Day of Shame when he addresses Congress. Republican House Representatives and Senators will shame themselves as they sit at attention like the president's loyal laps dogs all the while composing their shameful responses in whatever passes for their minds these days. There's a lot of talk about how Democrats should respond. Some think they should not attend. I think if they do that they inadvertently send the message that Trump has conquered and cowed the opposition and will be perceived as just being absent. I think their response should demonstrate resistance, dissent and disrespect. They must not participate in any norms like handshaking or speaking with Republicans or clapping at any time. I think that when Trump enters the House chamber, Democrats should stand up and turn their backs on Trump and remain that way for Trump's entire address. As Trump leaves they should turn around and stare him down holding a small American flag. Doing so will show people the strength of their convictions and tell people that they are on their side. I think it could bolster hope.
Sorry Elizabeth, I KNOW it's scary! But I don't think ENOUGH Americans actually DO know how Hitler destroyed Germany"s democracy, nor how quickly and "democratically" he did it...
Trump, Vance, the Oligarchs and the authors of Project 2025 ALL understand this 👇
“The big joke on democracy is that it gives its mortal enemies the means to its own destruction.” - Joseph Goebbels, March 23, 1933 (The day Hiter succeeded in destroying Germany"s democracy)
Those who don't understand history are doomed to repeat it. Wake Up America!
Justin SG, thank you for taking the time to explain to Elizabeth. Thank you,
Elizabeth, for your posted message. Even if you were only wondering and making a comment, I’m sure you have helped a lot of people who also benefit or need to know and understand. Often, or maybe always, information can mean nothing to us until we understand the background, the current application, and what it means for the future, as well as how people will be affected, both specifically and as groups and beyond. We are fortunate to have so many kind of people offering information here. I hope you find it helpful and know that it is shared with kindness. I also hope that you will be able to share it with anybody you know who needs to know. It is a matter of life and death for some people, and a matter of life and death for our country, our freedoms. What happens in our country will not just affect America. Any loss of a democracy and loss of rights affects the balance in our world and the people in it. Please do give these thoughts a lot of deep consideration because it matters crucially.
I picture a Time magazine cover with Zelensky on it with the lead reading "The Leader of the Free World ". There is no leader that stands out more for all he has sacrificed in defense of the ideals shared in Dr. Reich's writing.
Agree, Louise, and with a 'patrimonial' un-leader like Drumpf in this country, we no longer have a leader of the free world. For Europe to submit to his perverse will in any form would be like them having submitted to Nazi Germany when their forces invaded Poland in 1939.
Europe will rally behind Ukraine but will also try to persuade Trump to provide some kind of support. This will be difficult because one of his aims is to punish Europe for running a trade surplus with the US.
David, I honestly believe that the orange man's only goal in life is to punish, punish, punish! It would be a truly sad way to live I would think.
Peggy, the sad thing is that his victims are all prepared to offer him something to make him stop. Europe will have to offer a lucrative trade deal to have any chance of getting help for Ukraine.
I know, David, it is so disheartening to know they would have to do that. What an absolute embarrassment the orange man is!
His motto seems to be - charity is for losers - both the donors and the recipients!
So true, David. I found something on one of my substacks that might give you a reason to smile today. https://substack.com/@thejackhopkins/note/c-97010557 and https://substack.com/@badchoicesmakegoodstories/note/c-97189110. Check them out!
Maybe people can stop making trades or offers. No victim should be forced to bargain.
Peggy, I b sometimes wonder if he ever had ideas of governing rather than getting even.
I don't believe he did, Dorothy!
Peggy, you are so right, and he has even said so, mixing the fact in with many other words to sugar coat or camouflage it. We knew that in 2015, if not sooner. At least I read it in or before 2015, as written by people who had known for a long time.
JP4M, his whole reason for wanting to be president again was to persecute those he felt slighted him! Yes, he said he was going after "the enemies of the people" when in reality he wanted to go after everyone who ever hurt his widdle feelings. He makes those wild claims about this one and that one being the "enemy of the people" to rile up his base because they believe every lie he utters. He is a whiny baby with many psychological issues. A lot of times when he insults and spews lies about others, he is projecting as witnessed in the Oval Office on Friday with President Zelensky. He is without doubt a horrible, evil and odious little man!
Agreed, Peggy! Thank you. Also, thanks for the chuckle over your word “widdle”.
If the US runs a trade deficit with Europe it's because they are selling something we want. If we give weapons to our friends under attack this is Federal taxes being returned to Americans employed manufacturing them. (Rosie the riveter.) A good deal benefits all. If the people prosper it's good for business. Oligarchy is a bad deal for everybody. Seems simple minded I know.
If you look at the correlation of forces , NATO (minus the US) vsd Russia, NATO is much stronger militarily. But there is the question of willingness to fight and to fight as one unit.
In Europe the Baltic states get it. And Poland has not forgetten WWII and the Russian occupation. Germany has vast potential. The GDP of EU swamps Russia. It;s a matter or priorities.
Mike, Americans everywhere need to wake up, especially the Dems in Congress, since the mass of Republicans there are already the walking dead. Little Mike Johnson in an interview this AM on MTP parroted Drumpf's talking points to a T, while Bernie Sanders cut to the facts of the day when he recalled Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, with a twist: Lincoln elevated
"government of the people, by the people and for the people" as the ideal, whereas Republicans elevate government "of billionaires, by billionaires, and for billionaires".
I am with you Mike. I dearly hope Ukraine comes out the winner and Trump and Vance look like the childish bullies they are. Talk about disrespect - I believe that was the pot calling the kettle black.
I do hope your readers know that many in the UK are utterly revolted by Trump's and Vance's coordinated bullying of President Zelenskyy. There is a petition circulating to stop the state visit. The king has invited President Zelenskyy to Sandringham today. There are demonstrations against Tesla every weekend. And I shall be on the streets protesting if Trump comes here - for the first time since 1968!
Thank you. Thank you. Your words and deeds are an inspiration.
Thank you, Anne-Marie! We need people like you here in the states fighting with us! Thank you for all you are doing to show the utter contempt and revulsion the rest of the world (those countries that matter) feels towards the orange man and his sidekick!
As will I, Anne-Marie.
Anne-Marie, you are a blessing and so appreciated.
I understand- as a Brit and ally with whom the US shares a special relationship, I felt it too. But Trump and Vance’s rhetoric and disrespect towards President Zelenskyy brought shame only to them, and to those who support their actions. You good people of America should not share that shame. It is not yours to carry.
Meanwhile, I am happy that King Charles, with his invitation for Zelenskyy to meet with him today has effectively shown his - and the UK’s - support of Ukraine, and our disapproval of Trump and Vance’s behaviour. 🏴
Thank you, Lori! Many of us needed to hear that! We are so horribly ashamed and embarrassed at the orange man and his sidekick's behavior! They had the audacity to say President Zelensky was disrespectful to them! I couldn't believe it! Even being so juvenile as to berate him for his clothes! I was so angry! I shouted at the TV, threw things at it and cursed a blue streak! I do appreciate your kind words. The problem is we have to own this because he was voted in even if the election was questionable. There were too many that sat out the election and it cost us dearly. We will continue to fight and win back our country from that idiot!
We may be physically separated by an ocean Peggy, but I'm with you all, heart and soul.
Gosh, Lori, you made me cry! Thank you so much for your kind words and your support. So many of us need to hear that now. We are tired but we get up everyday and being our letters, phone calls, petitions and post cards because to not do it is to hand our country over to a cruel, heartless dictator and we simply will NOT do that! Hearing from people all around the world gives us energy to continue fighting for what we know our country is all about. Freedom, diversity, inclusion and equality for all!
Well said, Peggy, and you are not alone in the tears of gratitude and relief.
Thanks, JP4M! I am not usually a crier but in these times when people around the world tell me how much they support what we are doing and encouraging us and letting us know they stand with us, well, it just makes me cry! To know the world is watching and hoping we will win this fight energizes me to do more.
Did we ever need to hear all of this fine support and encouragement, and I think we all are grateful to “hear” from all of you!
Thank you Lori. All of this dialogue is helping me to know that I am not on an island. I live very close to the Peace Bridge between Buffalo, NY and Fort Erie in Canada. We have always had an easy relationship with our Canadian friends. After reading Dr. Reich’s article and all the commentary, I am filled with hope. I’ll continue to do my part here and will definitely direct my funds to the organizations helping Ukrainians while continuing to buy Canadian. The plans of these rogue Americans is backfiring as democracies throughout the world are uniting.
I've not been to the Western side of NY, but my dad was born in Queens so I've a strong personal connection to your State.
Stay hopeful Peg, and may your easy relationship with your Canadian friends continue to flourish.
To give you a little chuckle in these crazy times…you get five stars by knowing to refer to Buffalo as being located in Western NY! US citizens don’t have a clue! I hope one day to visit your beautiful country! Keep up the good work!
That did make be laugh. Confession: I double-checked Google Maps to make sure I got it right 😉
Good to know we haven’t been made part of Gulf of “america”. 🤪
Peg, you are so right, these "rogue" people (I won't call them Americans) are going to feel the sting when we win back our Democracy. I am heartened to know that Democracies around the world are uniting. We all must unite to fight back against this tyranny! I am also glad that you are able to continue your friendship with our Canadian neighbors. Thank you for all that you do!
Yes, it caught me by surprise--and in a pleasant way.
Thank you Lori 😊
Yours is a voice of reason. Thank you!
Lori, thank you for your kind words, but all of America needs to be ashamed by Trump and Vance and Musk. To blame only those who voted for them breeds passivity and inaction. Collectively, we as a country are at fault and must and do feel the shame. Presidents speak for their nation’s, they represent them. The U.S. must not be allowed hide behind voting Blue. We must have action. We must make our country consistent with the ideals of its origin. We do need your support in this process however and it is appreciated.
I think there is much to be ashamed about in American history--genocide against native peoples, slavery, Jim Crow, Vietnam, Iraq, support for dictators in many developing nations--but there is much to celebrate also, starting with the Declaration of Independence, as you rightly point out. We must never give in to despair. To do THAT would be shameful. We have to keep fighting, and let the rest of the world know that Trump/Musk/Vance do NOT represent all of us, not even close.
There is probably much to be ashamed of in all of our histories- both nation states, and individuals. But we can take responsibility, (make reparations when appropriate), learn from our mistakes, and move forward better people as a result. 🏴
Yes, I agree. As a youth, I used to hold the UK in high esteem, relative to the US, given its opposition to our Vietnam debacle. Then I went to college and learned about the British Empire.
Yes, the shameful roots of the Commonwealth of Nations. No country nor individual can point their finger at another.
That is so right, Lori, and when we go back in our genealogy, it is amazing to learn how we are related from many generations ago and have cousins in various countries even now, many of them helping to make a difference, as we even can learn from reading news. Thank you immensely for all you are doing!
I donated to United24. Wish I had more to give. Wish I were younger and I would volunteer in Ukraine. Hope my retirement is still an option. Hope my son doing DNA cancer research still has a job. Hope my son teaching science abroad for DODEA still has a job. Hoping my biochemist daughter, who was laid off, finds another job. She is trans. Hope my FQHC clinic has funding to care for the poor and elderly in rural Maine. Grateful for you and your readers.
I hope for you, too, Dale! You have an amazing family! From your comment, it sounds to me like you raised some very strong sons and daughter! They will use what they learned from you and do well with their lives, you needn't worry about that. Stay strong for them, Dale! All will be righted soon!
I donated also.
Many thanks for your donation. Every time I read one, I smile. My 24 year old son came to me right after the interview and said let's donate...now. so we did. I hope your children keep and or find stable jobs. I hope you, and our family too get retirement in the next few years and hope we all survive and defeat this . I appreciate your heartfelt comments and am glad for people like you.
Dale, thanks to you and your family for making a needed, helpful difference. I hope all works out well for all of you and for all of us!
I’m thinking the democrats including me are hiding and watching this shit show! Until trump cuts social security and completely wrecks the economy the Magots are going to continue to support him! I really think that is smart for the progressives to quietly organize and then stage massive boycotting. I’m not buying anything from Amazon. I’m not ever going to buy a Tesla. I am only going to buy enough to get by. I’m going to stay at home and read books on how to organize. Ukraine will benefit from the disgusting debacle in the Whitehouse. I really hope NATO comes alive and reassesses its military budgets. 5% of GDP. I think they should mobilize and show up in Ukraine. The US has shit in its own nest as my father would say. Putin will be emboldened. I hope Zelenskyy tells trump to fuck off! If I weren’t 75 years old I would go to Ukraine. My idea is to organize an aid group to send drone parts to Ukraine. In fact, I would help them by mobilizing a group to send 2000lb bomb parts by the hundreds so that Ukraine can completely destroy refineries. Destroy Russian pipelines and pumping stations. I would destroy as many oil tankers as is possible. In short, we all need to not only get angry but get even! Slava Ukraini!
Woo Hoo! Stephen! Spoken like a true American! I am with you 100%. Go, Ukraine!
Watching tRump speak down to Zelensky is appalling the fact that he feels that he can do it and there will not be repracussions is becoming normal. The Ukrainian people deserve better. tRump does not respect anyone. He only cares about what he wants. I only shop local , and at Costco. I donate as much as I can to the causes to help. I write to my senators. If I was younger I would probably go to Ukraine to help them fight, for now I will send my money. It just does not seem like enough. I am just glad for this community of like minded people so I don't feel alone and I get more information on how to help. The bad news keeps coming. The mess this man is making due to his total lack of empathy is just massive. He is hurting so many people and not enough people are standing up for them. I just can not understand why he keeps getting away with it. Why it has gotten this far. There really is not a good answer. I am just going to fight the best I can.
don't think too much.Go out and protest.
Well said Stephen.. I couldn’t agree more with you!!
"Ask not what your country can do for you,ask what can you do for your country."JFK
Melissa, that famous quotation also brings lots of tears. Thank you!
With no Republicans in Congress standing against Trump, #RepubloFascism is poised to toss democracy aside. The promise of America, lifting heads for almost 250 years, now sees disheartened chins pointed at the ground all around the globe.
But this is only a dark moment in time with a rebound at the other end. Let’s keep our eyes on that eventuality, and work towards minimizing the time it takes to get here.
Well said!
Democrats should adopt a PLAN to stop Trump, the Republican party, Republicans in Congress, and Musk with his DOGE who are engaged in an ongoing insurrection that violates federal law (18 U.S. Code § 2383). The law defines a felony crime as “whoever assists or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof”. The insurrection aims to take America back to before 1776 with a KING (Trump as KING) and run the country as the old South which provided all the wealth to rich white men as property holders who exploited inhuman cruel slavery and treated white women as slaves.
The PLAN begins with enacting and enforcing a new state law modeled after the federal law (18 U.S. Code § 2383) in 7 states where Democrats control the state government. California could be the first state to enact and enforce the law within 90 days which would remove the 9 Republican representatives from California in the Congressional House. The House would then have a Democratic majority of 2024 to 2009 with Jefferies as Speaker of the House to control the budget and make sure Ukraine and Medicaid are fully funded and there will be no tax cuts for the rich. Maryland, New Jersey and Colorado could follow to collectively remove another 8 Republican representatives in the House and then also remove 4 conservative justices from the Supreme Court changing the Court to 3 liberals and 2 conservatives to block any more conservative Court actions favorable to Trump, Republicans, and oligarchs.
The Constitution in Article I, Section 6, Clause 1 allows members of Congress to be arrested, indicted, and convicted for the felony crime of insurrection that violates state law enforced with imprisonment up to ten years with mandatory permanent removal and prevention from holding office.
The Constitution does not establish judicial immunity for any judge including federal judges or Supreme Court Justices. Therefore, Supreme Court Justices can be arrested, indicted, and convicted for the felony crime of insurrection and enforced with imprisonment up to ten years and mandatory permanent removal and prevention from holding office.
Achieving Honorable Democracy, thank you for your well stated comment of reality and of hope with meaningful imagery. Somehow, your words brought on the profuse tears and huge bawling spell that has been festering for so long without relief.
Further, vision has become a growing problem with the great concern that needed medical care must remain available to maintain what vision remains. Even so, it was challenging to see the minuscule print on my phone to read your comment and those of other kind contributors whose posts I appreciate reading as often as I can. Thank you so much!
Thank you, Dr. Reich, for continuing to offer us a glimmer of hope! It's up to all of us to make it happen.
Trump and Vance’s attack on President Zelensky was outrageous and shameful. But even worse, is the support, rationalization and justifications being offered by Republican congressmen/ women. There is not an ounce of courage or integrity left among them. That is what is truly shameful.
Our government was built to weather a nut in the Whitehouse. But that and a GOP controlled Congress and a Supreme Court that support that nut-- that is a challenge.
Thanks Michael. If you listened to Sen. Lindsey Graham just after the Oval Office shit show, he is just another GOP Trump & Putin ass-kissing Commie traitor. He recently retired from the Air Force reserves. Now that traitor will get a military pension and one from the Senate when he retires from there. He deserves neither! Maybe Musk should find that government tax money is being wasted on this asshole! Nuts to him... GH
Thank you Professor Reich,
I needed some inspiration today and you always come through! My wife and I will be sending some money to help Ukraine.
Me, too, Keith!
I plan to help too when I can see my phone clearly enough to do it correctly.
My worry is the safety of such commentators as yourself. Trump et al can only take so much criticism before such bullies lash out. I’m not sure what to recommend.
My concern too. Hope you and family keep safe.
I just hope Americans will be given a chance to vote these clowns out, but the way things are going, I am not sure they will. Didnt Trump tell his supporters that last year's elections were the last they would have to vote in? This is why the Democratic Party's "strategy" (to play dead and wait for the midterms) seems insane. Dissatisfaction with Trump, without a clearly articulated alternative, might just result in people not turning out to vote.
I'm worried about the legitimacy of voting in the future as well. Especially if Musk has access to everyone's info and proposed racist laws like the SAVEact get passed.
Not clowns. Killers.
Thank you, Dr. Reich, for leading the way for us. You are amazing!
Even if we come out of this dark period, living through this will be more difficult than the Covid years. Trying to find balance between despair and living ones life is very hard right now. I am a boomer. 1968 is for me, when the world changed. The split between “My Country do or die” folks and those of us who marched against the war in Vietnam, reverberates today and has never healed. And the oligarchs have taken advantage of this split in the boomer generation to their own advantage. It is hard to be hopeful in this moment in time.
Oh, Carol… you come through loud and clear. It IS hard. Yet remaining hopeful is paramount. We, the people, are the bulwark we need.
Carol, I too felt that way, but not anymore. When I evaluated my priorities, I held onto my family and our country and nothing else. My family reported the same priorities and our much politically divided family was re-united.
raffey, thank you for sharing with your family has reunited. There are many people I care about who do not understand, refuse to understand, and who do not share my ideas on the genuine concerns. It is agreed that I will be no discussion of politics, and there are times when innocent comments about one thing or another are misinterpreted as being political. Fortunately, I know a number of people who feel as I do, and thanks to Dr. Robert Reich, we have this wonderful opportunity to share, reflect, understand, and uplift. Knowing that your family has reunited gives us hope.