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Jun 9Edited

Speaking of which: https://youtu.be/WgQ9iZnMr00?si=aCxOK6xbxX54arj- 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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I believe that guy is insane!

Do not waste your time or breath on the cult members.

Help register democratic voters. Field team 6

I’m in!

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Bingo! Too much fretting and not enough action. Left leaning individuals need to learn how to play hard ball. Think LBJ. He was an ass hole, but he got a lot done.

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right on-he'd be in the upper echelon of presidents if he'd pulled out of Vietnam but his ego wouldn't let him,but he could arm-twist and get things done

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Jun 9Edited

LBJ got distracted by the Cold War, lost his focus on the War on Poverty (his own initiative) and - ultimately - failed on both fronts.

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he said-to paraphrase-i'll be damned if i'll be the first president to lose a war-he died a broken man-sad-but I feel much worse for the Americans and Vietnamese who died

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Hell! Even >he< got sick of it all and effectively resigned! I saw him announce he wouldn't run for a 2nd term in the original live broadcast. (And I'm not talking about a tape of the live broadcast. I'm talking about the original, "we're interrupting this program for a special message from the president" live broadcast!)

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I remember,but don't know if I saw it live or tape-from North Dakota ,McCarthy was from minn.,a big deal back then

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Jun 10Edited

Yep! I voted for Eugene. He wouldn't have been my my first choice, but I was a savvy enough kid back then to know in my gut Nixon was a damn snake! That's before I became aware of the whole party thing. Indeed, that's what puzzles me about the kids my age back then today. Can't they distinguish between not the kind of candidate they'd prefer and a nothing but a goddam snake ‽ What's wrong with'em ? The oldsters thought TV was ruining us back then. They were mostly right, too! I'm thinkin' internet and social media may be dumbing them down. Too much opportunity for shit notions to spread and take hold in impressionable minds.

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as I've said,a choice between a C+ and an F- candidate should be an easy one-why isn't it for many,esp. the young-when Joe Lewis,the Brown Bomber,was asked how he could enlist to fight for a country that denied him his human rights,he reportedly said something like I knew I sure as hell wouldn't get them under Hitler--do they think they'll get any action on climate change or pro-choice or anything else progressively meaningful under Trump?

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DZK, I agree wholeheartedly about todays older kids not knowing enough about politics & not knowing what critical thinking is all about to make informed judgements about certain political parties! And there will always be something visual to grab attention away from the real issues & the entrance of AI into FB & Google among others is going to spread disinformation along with outright lies & misinformation during all elections making it difficult for even educated voters to distinguish between BS & truth! Political Science courses will need to be added to HS curriculums if we are to effectively educate future voters bec as tRump’s rises in politics has already shown, we have a lot of gullible, downright stupid people voting in all types of elections! It’s frightening actually!

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Not the Wisconsin McCarthy. . .

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no-Sen.Eugene McCarthy of Minn.,who in 1967 challenged incumbent LBJ for the Dem. nomination,running as an anti- war candidate-he got 42% of the vote in the N.H.primary-LBJ got 45,but nonetheless dropped out-the anti-war vote later went to RFK-we know how that turned out

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looked it up- LBJ got 49%-my memory isn't what it used to be

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LBJ was >our< asshole! Carter didn't stand a chance against anyone but Ford. I know. I was there. I lived through it all back to Truman.

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The problem John is self identification. Identifying with the left, This evokes a negative and immediate reaction

I am all for DEI, CRT, secularism,democracy, human rights, anti misogyny, anti homophobia, anti racism, I am pro labor, pro union, but I am not a Marxist, and all of the baggage that comes with it. Marxists are as anti free expression, anti liberty as the extreme right.

Marxists are idiots,and their own worst enemies, they create and evoke a violent reaction from the right, which has the money and those the means to subdue and squelch them, and that is playing out before our eyes, in the 2024 election.

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Jun 9Edited

I'm with the French origin of the Left vs Right. Royalists sat on the right side of the French parliament, while the "republicans" - small "r", from res publica meaning "regarding the public" - sat on the Left.

Forget the gobbledygook bullshit you hear about it from those who have no intention of defining a clear meaning - if they even knew one in the first place themselves.

In modern politics and in the very simplest terms, the Left is concerned with the public's human rights and general economic well-being - res publica - while the Right are would-be royalty (royalists) concerned with moneyed and corporate interests, the wealthy in the >private< sector, and their bastardized Christian evangelical heresy intended to facilitate the public in swallowing their garbage and accepting oligarchic rulers - kind'a like kings, princes, dukes, etc, but without that kind of title. In short, ruling family dynasty. They're royalists who have hijacked a party name from their 18th century betters who would oppose them today. (And I, for one, would have been delighted to help those old republicans, those old Leftists, erect a good guillotine, then go out and have beers - or wine, as the case may be!)

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I am not only with you, but ahead of you. I know the history, but I also know that today left and right has different, but the same, meanings because the situation has changed over time. As it stands today, the right stands for conservatism, and conservatism is stands for resistance ot change, and the left stands for liberal and liberal stands for change.

Problem is that both have been taken to the extreme and the extremes have bent into a horseshoe. An Example is leftist students assembled calling out Fuck Biden and Proud Boys hollering opposite them Fuck Biden as well, or more likely Go Brandon which is as you know code for Fuck Biden.

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Jun 9Edited

BTW: Leftists are just as capable of being misguided as the Right. It's called the human condition.

What the leftist students fail to realize is that we're not voting to elect the president of Israel - or Palestine, for that matter.

They need to understand that whatever they find objectionable about Biden's policy in the Levant will be an order of magnitude worse if >any< democrat - most notably, Biden - should lose. They should also be aware that the 3rd party candidates have no chance of being president, so they're only fooling themselves with misguided ideals - misguided vanity - if they think that voting 3rd party, or even refusing to vote, will do anything other than facilitate the return of a Schitzinpantz regime - who will piss and shit on not only their misguided ideals, but them as well! It's no accident that Schitzinpantz donors are providing matching donations to Kennedy, for example - to bleed off potential Biden voters. The only rational way for them to influence their perceived wrongs in the Levant is to make sure someone likely to listen to their objection is in office - who will not imprison them for it and reign hell on the Palestinians just to show them they don't give a shit what those misguided leftists think of it. They need to be reminded that the ostensibly "sane" - loosely speaking - non MAGA Republican rival to Schitzinpantz - who has apparently turned coat - chalked "Finish It" on a 1000 lb bomb destined for the Israeli arsenal.

They'd end up having to swallow that shit and suffer the Christian Nationalist heresy here at home, to boot!

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You got that right. I am listening to Weekend on MSNBC, recorded the panel is mulling how to message Biden. They are oblivious to the obvious. If Trump wins, Putin wins as does Netanyahu. Sitting on their ass yelling Fuck Biden is not an option, but it is an option to elect Trump.

Here's the stats. There are only five real swing states AZ has 10 electoral votes, NV has 6, MI 15, PA 19,WI 11.

We are going into an election where red and red leaning states have 235 electoral votes. Blue and blue leaning states have 226.

All the Republicans need is 35 electoral votes. Popular votes only count or counted when it came to who gets the states electoral votes. The popular vote, otherwise, is of no value, except for talking points for talking heads.

If Trump gets Michigan and Pennyslvania alone, that is 269 electoral votes and the election goes to the states, each state has one vote, and red states utnumber blue states.

However he could get Wisconsin, and the issue is settled. Trump gets elected

And why would he get MI, PA,WI ? Because Biden won each of those states in 2020 by 10,000 votes each (rounded down).

There ae 100,000 Muslims in each of those states (rounded down). Muslims have said Fuck Biden, they are pissed because he isn't an Islamophile and are going to sit out the election. Thus Trump wins.

And boy will they earn their just rewards for their stupidity. Trump has said he will deport 11 million people, most of them are Muslims, He is a brother from another mother with Netanyahu. Palestinians are really fucked, as are American Muslims.

And I haven't even talked about young black males. They take the civil rights gains for granted, but want more attention, and have been sucked into the right wing echo sphere. They have a bitch against whitey, and are stupid enough to believe that showing their dissatisfaction with Biden and the Dems, will somehow change their life. It will, I promise, but not the way they wish.

Trump and the right are racist, a driving force behind the anti abortion campaign, and don't forget the Tiki March or Steven Miller.

I am fed up with this narrow minded myopic assholes. If I would not be personally affected by a fascist dictatorship I would say, welcome to the New Order, you have earned everything coming at you.

It is also too late to turn the ship around, basically 5 months until the Republicans win the election. Considering the voter suppression legislation that have passed since 2020(over 100 bills), the restriction and movement of ballot drop boxes, and he 100,000 armed "poll watchers" the RNC has pledged to place.. and voter roll purges.

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We agree on all points.

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Potato, po-tah-toe. I'm a proud reductionist. You're not wrong. I just think over-complicated. It's an aesthetic thing.

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I don't assume that everyone is in the same place, and has the same knowledge that I do. I've been a denizen of the netz since it was DOS, a 2400 baud dial up modem, FTP for upload and download of conversations, and learned decades ago not assume anything, especially that others share the same knowledge and outlook as moi.

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Jun 9Edited

I just find that "KISS' rules when sorting through obfuscated muck in explanations. You can fill in the details and other ornaments as necessary >after< the basic framework is clearly established.

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Oh, totally agreement. When I describe left leaning, I mean left of right wing insanity. Marxist ideas are for the birds. They like the extreme right are not or friends.

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Marx was a proto libertarian, a free trader, he was also a gold bug, believed that gold was the standard of value and that all currency should be backed 100% by gold. The USSR in obeiance to Marx, set the ruble at .0871 grams fine, and only put into circulation as much rubles as could be backed by gold.

Alas the Russian could not redeem rubles for gold, but foreigners could at the USSR's NordBank in Paris. Smuggling rubles out of Russia was a capital offense.

Marx also petitioned southern editors to free the slaves and hire them back at market wages, as that would produce cheaper cotton.

His partner Frederick Engels had inherited a textile mill, and southern cotton cut into his profit margin, forcing him to use cheaper and inferior Egyptian cotton.

(it still is cheaper and inferior)

Maintaining slaves was not cheap. You need an overseer, guards, horses for the overseer and guards, you had to feed, clothe, entertain them and pay a preacher to brainwash them about Jesus.

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It was likely generated by artificial intelligence - not real and yet oh so real

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NOT artificial intelligence.

Just creative editing by video creator using video software to insert/superimpose a character reading a hilarious script.

And, yes, not a real event, but an all-too-real take on an underlying pathology.

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Exactly! 👍

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DZK thanks for this link. wish it was required viewing for every republican.

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Republicans don’t need to see this; they’ve already memorized the script because Donald Trump is their ventriloquist.

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I call'em "sock puppets!"

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Call ‘em puppets, if you like but for me, Soft puppets are cute soft and squishy. Trump‘s puppets are as hard and dangerous as nails.

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Have you ever seen a leather stocking? Just fit one with nails and the metaphor should work for you1

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Jun 9
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HB. the more I think about it, It seems like christofascism. is the gaslighting. a few rich narcissists are using to detract us from the real issue which seems to be not democracy so much as capitalism without regulations that protect the common good. Fascist leaders around the world have found a way to co-opt governments , strip the people of their rights (power), and deplete the countries resources for their personal gain and worse regardless of the damage it is doing to people , all species and environment. Sounds like hedge fund managers on steroids. Sweden has one of the happiest and trusting citizenship. They pay higher taxes, but in return have education, healthcare, great safety nets. People actually end up paying less than if they paid out of pocket for these services. Instead of putting the argument in terms of democracy vs fascism , maybe the argument needs to be capitalism with few regulations vs capitalism with rigid regulations that protect the common good?

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Capitalism without regulation is the best description I've heard. It covers corporate greed and uncontained ego of our monetary world.

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isnt it more like.... capitalism regulated by corporate interests....

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Gerrymandered Chocolate bars

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Has anyone seen the gerrymandered chocolate bars? Of course to raise money. Dang I forgot from where

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They are really expensive, and if you look at their website, it appears they are still in Kickstarter fundraising mode?

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Jun 9Edited

You may find this instructive: https://youtu.be/4GpmFNFJ3G4?si=XnqP2uF5wsCTjoS6

I disagree with Hartman. I think it'll slither back under its rock to praise the lord and burn crosses, as it has for over 150 years, then when they figure everyone's forgotten about these sad times, will strike out from under their rocks hissing: "FORGET HELL!"

(It just won't take 'em as long to crawl back out from under their rocks as it did this time.)

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Pass it on.

Post on Trump Social, CBN, Fox, etc.

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Jun 9Edited

They wouldn't get it! 😏😉

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WRONG. Post in comments. Especially if we do what the bots, trolls and a-holes do on this site. Many are flipping. https://rvat.org/

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But will they vote for Biden or just pass on voting this year? They need to vote FOR Biden.

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This video really defines what it means to be MAGA!

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That's my cousin Eddie at the podium!

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Real tomato catsup Ed?

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My sympathies!

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…or my neighbor

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That was hilarious, thanks for sharing!

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It's obvious that this obliviot is maga. His face and head are shaved, so the whiskers don't irritate his hemorrhoids.

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Can't stop laughing.

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Love It!!!!!!!! I live in Tennessee I am surrounded by people just like that video! Very Stupid!!!

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That Dude in the video was not a MAGAt, Chees. Don't you get he enumerated everyone of Trumps cirmes and perversion, but prefacing it with I don't believe.

A hell of a way to get a message across, much better than "I accuse"

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You're right. He's "shitposter."

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I thought the video was great. I am sharing it. So much better than having to deal with reverse psychology, this is an examlpe of using reverse psychology for you.

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I hear ya'! Give my regards to Tennessee Brando! Tell'im I'm a fan.

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Entire family is in Georgia-I relate

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Wow, she lists about any of Trump's scandals since 2016 claiming she believed that none were true.

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That’s just… strange. I’ll have nightmares about this

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Good luck with that!

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Omg what a summary

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Mental illness is rampant in this country!

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Ever since the late '60s I my not a psychiatrist self have claimed that mental illness is a viral social disease. In over 50 years I've seen >nothing< to contradict that postulate!

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I wish I could vote for this one 2024 times

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