Love this s quote: “America has a choice: We can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, or we can have a democracy, but we cannot have both.”

— Justice Louis Brandeis

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It's one of my favorites. Interestingly, while it's been attributed to Brandeis, I can't find a particular citation.

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First order of business is Ukraine.

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The most powerful message of this war has already been sent with no words spoken. Look at the images sent from Ukraine, the people. Those people look like images of New York city! They look like you and me! They look like "consumers." And they look desperate. This is what Authoritarianism looks like. I think/hope this war serves as a wake-up call for many Republicans and Trump supporters. I hope Biden points out to the Republicans that Authoritarianism is what you are seeing in Russia, what abuse of authority looks like. A large majority of Russians did not and do not support this invasion of Ukraine. That doesn't matter in an Autocracy. That does matter in a democracy. Putin is showing the Russian people that their opinion does not matter. His opinion matters! Tonight, is an opportunity to show Republicans what they are supporting, what they are asking for in a government. They have been trapped in an illusion, asleep in a cocoon, spun by authoritarians, by propagandist. Democrats are no different. They, too, are vulnerable to propaganda and illusions. And finally, you have a revolution, or a war and the cocoon is split open, and reality spills out. The reality of authoritarianism is being imposed on the Ukrainian people today and upon the Russian people today, and on the world. If Biden can paint this image clearly tonight, the speech will go down in history alongside the Gettysburg Address.

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David Richardson; I think that's true! In my life I have never seen this before. We are at a crossroads, not just as a Nation, but as a planet, a World.

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This Democrat takes issue with your assessment, David. I certainly am not vulnerable to any illusions. I've watched for decades as wingers have used tv to impose an ugly picture of our government on vulnerable people of this nation. Also they used tv/radio talking heads to bedazzle innocent and ignorant people , creating "wingers", who ate up the trashtalk propaganda pushed on them by reps of the Rethuglican Party--which knows only too well how to have their radio/tv propagandists mess with the minds of the vulnerable.

Authoritarians and illusions are the realm of the Rethuglican Party. The sad thing is that this started 50-60 years ago, when popular Democratic Presidents were so hated that the Retuglicns used their wiles on old, often half-witted Republicans, such as Reagan, and worked their way to using their white-shirted, crew-cut blonde body builders to take over the Florida election offices. Rethugs persuaded enough people that a "hanging chad" was somehow not a vote for a Democrat.

"Hanging chads " happen when the tray under a ballot gets filed up with the chads that didn't hang up, but dropped off the ballot when it was punched.

A simple neglect by voting officials to account for the need to have the trays emptied regularly, and voters to not realize that simply denting the card or creating a hanging chad was to be a major issue in the vote-counting.

That's the sort of issue that caused the integrity of elections to fall into the cellar. The Rethuglicans have never given up manipulating the system, the candidates, the integrity of voting, and the fate of the nation.

I think, that after watching Biden's address, you must agree that he did not show himself to be the weakling the Rethuglicans tried to make him out to be. I think the Gettysburg dress comparison is a pretty good one.

He demonstrated that he is not "sleepy" nor did he show any of the other negative attributes I just know the wingers have promoted on their propaganda networks. (I'd rather eat gunpowder the watch winger channels)

. He is clear, confident, wide-awake, aware, advocating for every American who has watched the wealth of the nation being scooped up by manipulative, well-connected, big business, big money, big winger-influenced gazillionaire plutocrats. I just hope he is not "taken out" by the people he is trying to restrain in their goal to own everything.

He needs special Secret Service coverage and food tasters, lest he suffer an un-natural, yet explainable as natural, death. And he would not be the first, nor the last, assassinated if Rethuglicans or one of the great unwashed wanted him dead.

One way or another, they will try to stop his programs. And it doesn't have to be by another election. Consider yourself warned.

( If I have misconstrued your comments, I apologize, in advance. I think I do agree with you in substance. It's too bad the speech had to be much longer than Lincoln's. I believe he spoke outdoors and did not have to fill an hour of tv time. The country was much smaller then, too. But had the same kinds of people thereabouts).

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Yes Biden's speech had much more to cover. Different time.

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Wonderful statement. Almost seems like we’re doomed from the indifference to losing our freedom. I doubt Biden will even mention the war we are in at home. Scary time’s

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Ed Shook ; The images out there are self explanatory. I just watched a recording of Rachael Maddow with Hillary Clinton. There is no way that President Biden could avoid mentioning the neo fascism threatening our own country as it is the world's. But it would be careless for a major nuclear power to go into Ukraine directly. World war three is a possibility if this goes wrong.

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Now he's spoken, what do you say, Ed?

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It would be true, but much bigger!

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than Gettysburg Address. More people involved in a changed world.

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Biden may not be as smooth an orator as Obama, but he has script writers who will help. More important, he speaks from long experience and a tender heart. This speech, when it rings true and appeals to our better selves, can unite and strengthen this nation.

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To paraphrase David Ogilvy...You can't bore a viewer into buying your product. President Biden needs to make it clear that it is the wrongheadedness and wrongheartedness of the current actions, in Ukraine, of Russia's leadership -- and not the Russian people -- whose felonies and misprisions have raised appropriate concerns and responses. Clear reality. Clear visions. Leave all people with a feeling of hope, never fear. And with the indefatigable courage of a Robert Reich.

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david beckwith ; Biden is not boring and his address is not entertainment or a huckster's sales pitch. His job is to tell the country what he will do as our President for Americans. He will give us his vision and what he proposes to do about domestic and international affairs. There is enough drama happening in Ukraine and Russia that needs no embellishment. Hopefully he will describe his hopes and policies to encourage cooperation between Americans, highlighting Democracy and contrasting Putin's actions towards his country and neighbors. The rule of law and civil rights above Autocracy or neo fascism. We must allow free and fair elections to preserve the voices of The People and not under the Oligarchs.

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Done and dusted!

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President Biden should cover all the topics in this newsletter, each one is critically important. When it comes to Putin and his attack on the Ukraine, this is Biden’s opportunity to define who we are as a country, emphasize how our democratic values are in conjunction with the shared democratic values of NATO nations. He must make it clear that Putin’s attack is not just on the Ukraine, but on democracies around the globe. If Putin wins this war, we will all lose.

Connecting the dots between authoritarianism and voting rights will help expose how the republican party has abandoned democracy in their quest to retain and gain power. The American people must fully understand how their actions are a threat to all of us.

I’ll be watching and encourage everyone else to watch as well. I’m not expecting a fire and brimstone speech, that’s not how the President speaks. What we’ll likely see is a president who has much to boast about, is realistic about our challenges, passionate and determined in his resolve for Ukraine and optimistic about the future of our nation. It's time our country unites around him and each other, it's the only way we can thrive as a nation.

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Susan ; I agree with what you said especially in the first and second paragraphs about Putin's threat to all Democracies around the world. If he (or tRump) prevails, we are all in trouble. Connecting the dots between taking away voting rights and authoritarianism is an important expose`.

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You say Biden is not a great orator, but I differ. In the same speech, Biden will go from having a "personal conversation with you" to raising his voice and expressing outrage, cycling back and forth several times in one speech. He creates a connection if you are willing to connect. Then he is blamed as weak for using negotiation ahead of threats and violence. Do you prefer a "strongman"? Be careful what you wish for.

Negotiation produced a NATO that worked together. More powerful than a rocket launcher. Many in my town are elated at every sign of human cooperation and lo-tech resistance. Maybe we could do that! After decades of rolling over and turning the other cheek, maybe middlle class and working class Americans will stand up and fight for their lives and their country.

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I think Biden's speeches are generally good and effective... to a point. To be a good orator, you need a lot of different skills, and a powerful voice, excellent speech and charismatic character don't hurt. Take John F. Kennedy as an example. Found this website about oratory skills....https://harappa.education/harappa-diaries/oratory-skills-and-its-meaning/#:~:text=A%20good%20orator%20knows%20how,seem%20trivial%2C%20but%20they%20matter.

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What do you say about his speech tonight, 2denise.michelle/

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Well said, Joyce!

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Dear Mr. President,

1. Speech entitled:

“We The People”

2. Keep it simple.

3. Keep it clear.

4. Connect the dots.

5. Accentuate the positive.

6. List all accomplishments.

7. Hit some zingers.

8. Remind people to register and vote according to new ID laws. To be aware that ID laws have changed to silence citizens voices and power.

United we stand, divided we fall.

9. Call citizen's to take action on voter rights legislation. Democracy requires participation from “We The People” or the few with the gold will rule.

10. Motivate moderate Republicans by clarifying Good and Evil. Use Ukraine as the example.

11. Be the strong father figure that so many people want.

12. Lead and inspire people to join.

God speed.

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Maybe consider standing in for Biden. You’re the great orator. That was wonderful and to the point. I have a feeling things are on the way to getting really ugly. I’m still shocked so many Americans support fascism. Does anyone doubt what’s coming? Violence at home from the fascist republicans, unprecedented voter suppression. Why not be proactive and attack our sworn enemies?I’m your age and I hope I can keep up. Thank you Mr. Reich.

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"I’m still shocked so many Americans support fascism." 80% of potential voters support Ukraine. Putin/Trump are archetypal villains. Ukraine may be the stake in the heart of Trumpism.

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Let’s hope so.

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Biden needs to demonstrate strength first of all. No weak- or soft-voiced statements. The public needs a show of strength and determination, outrage even at what Russia is doing in Ukraine, how the Atlantic Alliance and NATO have come together with a single-minded purpose, and how he is exercising leadership in America and the world.

Make it clear that Putin is not a good guy, no matter what TFG was and is stating along with his pro-Putin followers in and out of Fox.

Then he can get into his specific plans and unrobe Build Back Better into an exposition of what it consists of and how each is essential for Americans and average people. Hit hard; most people would love to see an honest, competent and smart President come out swinging.

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The days of performative toughness are over, and I think that Democrats and Biden have made clear enough about Putin. Perhaps it's time to look in the mirror at our performance on the world stage, understanding the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent black and brown civilians don't add up to much in America these days.

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Aw c'mon, Porter! What's wrong with speaking softly and carrying a big stick?

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Not in this day and age, post-former guy, unfortunately.

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I have to say it. You really know your stuff. I wish I had it down so well...so organized and thoughtful. To the point. I like it.

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A lot of great suggestions in these replies. I agree that there should be an overarching theme such as "Meeting the Challenges America and the World are Facing". After the customary optimistic opening, he should list the challenges in order of urgency. The rest of the speech should be a brief explanation of how he proposes to meet each challenge, and the role of each branch of our government, and the citizenry in overcoming them. Like many others have said, he can use this bully pulpit to rally the nation in the direction of unity, cooperation and optimism.

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It would be good to have the theme of Democracy versus Neo Fascism; or freedom vs. Oppression/Slavery.

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And the citizenry. It’s so important for us to take steps. Ask not what your country can do and all that, but offer concrete actions we can do (in addition to voting, which isn’t enough).

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And keeping the Rethug operatives away from the voting process.

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Very well said. If he is anywhere close to this tonight, it will be a powerful message to US. Keep up the fight. Thank you.

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Professor, Were Biden to render the story of the past year around the 4 points from your opening, replete with your suggested controlling idea for stitching together his breadth of themes, both at home and abroad, I easily could imagine Biden delivering a profoundly impactful message.

That said, I identified one suggestion I pray does not appear—your recommendation that “Biden should blame senate Republicans for thwarting every attempt to protect the right to vote…”. I don’t imagine there are many (if any) Democrats who don’t recall that the legislation failed because of Manchin’s and Sinema’s hollow and performative initial support followed by their resolve to sink the legislation by opposing a most modest Senate rule change that would have been enacted solely to advance this one bill. Considering their disgraceful actions, my advice is to blame no one.

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Barbara Jo Krieger ; That the bad actors, who betrayed their Democrat constituents and 'their' whole party, should not prevent a true statement being said about Republicans

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Republicans would have opposed voter legislation without Manchin and Synema. Not mentioning it because they are DINO's, is irrelevant. Republicans filibustered even an attempt at a debate about voting legislation. Don't allow their transgressions against voters to stop true descriptions of Republican behavior.

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Laurie, The President is about to speak and I’m back on line for the first time since early this morning. As we await to hear how Biden handles voter protection legislation, I would note that the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act would have been signed into law had Manchin and Sinema voted with the 48 Democrats for the modest one-time Senate rule change. Hence, though I would have no problem were the President to deride GOP-controlled state legislatures for introducing bill after bill to suppress and nullify votes, I would continue to advise that his derision go no further.

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Perhaps just to say that we need to work harder or something like that.

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And clearly showing that anti-Democratic behavior, like Treason and vote blocking are not too far away from what the likes of Putin is doing now. Civil rights abuses are Civil rights abuses, period.

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I fear that laying the blame for the divisiveness, violence and anti-democratic actions around the country where it belongs, on Trump and his supporters, is itself a divisive act. Our country needs as much healing as we can get. The way I see it, Trump brought together a small group of selfish men (mostly) and political extremists who then used money and lies to mobilize a much larger group of discontented Americans to think that democracy was the problem. This second, larger group has real grievances that must be addressed. They are also patriots (mostly) who must be given an exit route from the Trump-train. We don't need to pointedly blame Trumpers; we need to provide real alternatives to their mostly false proposals. Many Trump supporters are moderate Republicans and former Democrats who would reject Trumpism if good alternatives were persuasively offered. Almost all Americans know that our government was founded in the spirit of freedom, equality and fairness. The racist and xenophobic tropes from the oligarchs and extremists only work because so many people can't see that democracy and Democrats are still on their side at this point in our history. People must see government working in their interests and addressing their problems. Then more of us will reject the lies.

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True! There are many Democrats on the take, and there is room for improvement in our whole system; the ways we hold elections and fund raise for them and the rules/systems for our economy/banks, also taxation. It's not all Republicans only. We have had great Republican leaders in our history.

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Last one I recall is Eisenhower. (sp?)

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Doesn't matter what government does, the wingers are well and true brainwashed. True believers would rather die than give up their chains.

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Our freedom to VOTE is primary. Fix our tax system, I have been fortunate, but should be taxed at a higher rate. Also, greater than $500,000 bonuses should be taxed at 90%.

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I think that tax reform should focus on eliminating loopholes and hiring IRS agents to do more audits of the wealthy versus raising the tax rate to a high percentage. A 90% tax rate is useless if the large bonus escapes taxation through a loophole or cheating (by deliberately not reporting the bonus and the IRS is not able to catch it).

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As usual Robert, your comments are apropos.

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