Mar 22, 2022·edited Mar 22, 2022

Why am I here? I've lived in the UK for 24 years now, but I am more politically active than I ever have been in my life. For two simple reasons: I CAN be active, as my children are grown and I do not have to work, and I am inspired to be active, because I must in order to sleep at all at night! I spend much of my time getting out the vote of overseas Americans. There are millions of us but just a fraction of us vote. Yet when we do, we make a difference; we were the margin of victory for President Biden in Arizona and Georgia in 2020, for example, and we could do even more if we ALL voted. I work with a great group of fellow volunteers around the world and we phone bank, write postcards, hold voter registration drives, send out our own on 'Voting Champion' newsletter and more. I grew up when the middle class, civil rights, women's rights and the environmental movement all seemed to be steadily expanding--and then Reagan. It is heartbreaking to think about the losses on all fronts since then. Sometimes it seems hopeless. So I seek inspiration and wisdom wherever I can find it--including in your newsletter. Thank you.

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You're like a wave of cool dry air after a hot sweltering day in the world of politics. You explain everything so nicely and plain. I love and trust your honesty. Rarer than hen's teeth in our world. Thanks for caring enough to shine the light into the dark, dank basement of democracy.

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Hi I’m an 71 year old Asian-American and some of the people I admire are Ralph Nader and Malcom X. I grew up in South Central Los Angeles and have known the worst and the best of all races- humankind. I volunteer at my Humane Society and have volunteered at an assisted living facility. I’m an artist and a survivor. Thanks for letting me be a part of a community where we can converse intelligently. Sincerely- Nick

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Robert, you are a breath of fresh air in the midst of a putrid, decaying right wing cult spewing lies 24/7. I long for more Roberts, who are committed to spreading the truth. I grew up in a time where your word was your bond. tRump made a mockery of the truth, and his sycophants are continuing to carry water for him. You bring light to a country who is struggling under the weight of darkness. You bring enlightenment through education, where there is a world descending into myth and conspiracy theories. The public longs for leaders like you, who can address the inequities in society by informing the public. Your expertise in government is invaluable. On a personal note, I would like to know more about what citizens of good will can do to address the glaring falsehoods in the media being promoted by Tucker Carlson, Steve Bannon and their ilk. We are engaged in a second civil war, and the future is in our hands.

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I’m an American who married a Dane, and I’ve lived in Denmark for 62 years. Reading your messages reassure me that there are still well informed people in America who hopefully will eventually make it less likely for losers like Trump and Putin to be ruining our beautiful planet.

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You are the calm voice in the storm. I bet it doesn’t feel that way but for me, someone who was born in Wales and got the chance to get out of poverty through the EU, Brexit, Trumpism, Modi, Putin, climate change sometimes feels like the world is trying to push me back to poverty or even that the world is about to end. Then you write a column about reasons to be optimistic and it helps so much to pick myself up and get back to campaigning for a better future. We need more people who are as worldly wise as you and truthful. Thank you for all you do!

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Thank you, Robert Reich (and Co.). Your regular presence in my life via this newsletter really helps orient me in this frightening and confusing time. Thank you for your generous, thoughtful service and leadership in the classroom and in the government. I met you one day- probably 1990 or so. You were touring the campus of the NYC social services place in which I taught (East Harlem Council for Community Improvement). Thanks again. It help me feel grounded to know there are some (a few!) grownups out there being good. Gina Gold🌺

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Thank you Professor Reich (and your team) for your newsletter; I look forward to reading it every morning. I am here to see the raw truth in the News, and your many readers input. It is so refreshing to see like-minded individuals (and those who are at the other end of the spectrum) share a bit of their stories. You have enlightened so many - Looking forward to the next six months! 🌻

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Keep it coming, we need you now more than ever, the voice of reason.

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I'm a British (well, Welsh) woman in my 40s, with a lifelong passion for learning and for social justice. Notoriously Left-leaning in my family of die-hard Conservatives, I was regularly teased for wearing my 'bleeding heart' on my sleeve and being the 'Red sheep of the family'. *eye-roll*

If anything, I'm even more vocal and more engaged in activism now than I was as a teenager.

I was first drawn to your work, Prof. Reich, by a video I stumbled across on social media - 7 Signs Of Tyranny - and have been a keen fan ever since. The unpatronising yet accessible clarity of your explanations has demystified a lot of the US political system for me.

Just knowing there are still smart, passionate people 'fighting the good fight' to save America's political soul was an unimaginable comfort during the darkest days of the previous administration.

Now, with a change of leadership, I watch on from across the Atlantic, praying fervently for better days for your beloved country and my many dear friends over there.

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I love how you use your very high intelligence to make the complex simple. I almost always find a new understanding after I listen to your explanations.

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Thank you Robert Reich et al. I enjoy getting the truth from your straight talk. I am a 79 year old retired physician very involved with the fight for single payer health care with PNHP on the Board if the New York Métro Chapter. I would like you to be a bit more specific in the”what can we do about it” part. Keep it coming.

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Friday class - and especially the recommended readings - are the best; please keep them coming!

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Yes Robert, we all enjoy ur newsletters & learn much about our economy from them! I especially enjoy the Friday class & the caption contest & I share ur information with all my friends, many of whom are still Republicans, which I find disturbing & unbelievable! Keep on educating us Baby Boomers as I don’t believe enough Gen X & Millennials will be stepping up to take our places in the World of activism!! I hear many excuses from them already about their lack of interest & time! I will still keep on sharing the truth with them!

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Keep it coming, we need you the voice of reason,

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The dude abides! Someone said that once. Hmm. Sorry to call you dude, but I know you have a sense of humor. You have to, in order to deal with all the chaos and confusion they keep ginning up, to gunk up the visions. I first became a fan of your thinking while watching you dominate panels of other great thinkers at the Kennedy School in the '80s. Read some of your books, and when you became Labor, I sent some ideas about employing homeless to build geodesic shelters for the coming vicissitudes, thus gaining a home, a job, while doing good bla bla bla. And you kindly wrote back, and I still have the letters. I could always count on you to find the central meaning in things, without being dazzled by side shows. Glad you're here. Peace.

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