President Biden Is Getting Little Help From His Friends

How can one Senator hold up military promotions or Department Officials’ conformations? Does this make sense to anyone out there?

Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), by himself, has put a hold on military promotions! And Rand Paul (R-KY), by himself, was blocking the confirmation of more than 60 State Department officials!

Is this some more of Trumps evil agenda?

If as a Democracy, we somehow survive this traitorous takeover, our government needs to address the weaknesses that were found by those who attempted the overthrow of our government! We need to prevent this from ever happening again!

And how about the Deflector and Thief, the FPOTUS, threatening anyone who dares to come after him! “If you go after me, I’m coming after you!”

This UnAmerican has NEVER tried to Unite the Country. He and his loyal army-geddon are after a white nationalist country where he is the ruler. The propaganda he spreads on his Truth Social

is crazy and dangerous!

I agree with Ben Meiselas from the Meidastouch Network podcast that if you had a friend who talked like Trump you would ask for an Involuntary 5150.

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I'm surprised that people are not outraged and saying so against FOX, against Republicans, against outright terrible behavior of MTG, Gaetz. Gosar, Boebert, Jordan, Scott, Johnson, Scalise, Abbot... They all are off the wall and shouldn't be allowed to be Congresspeople. It's hard to believe that people are so misguided and led to follow Donald and risk losing the very programs that would make their lives better. Biden continues to methodically show his love for our Country and our people. He's doing a great job! I hope people see this and acknowledge it sooner than later. He deserves a lot of credit.

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Robert Reich

We are far ahead of other countries. But corporations are the problem —the private sector—and they are basically conservative. Corporate greed has never been worse. Auto financing just went up 2 points since June. So a $348 payment is now $461. No one is addressing this. If inflation is improving, why did the Fed just punish everyone again with higher rates? The average citizen is struggling with bills. I just moved into a luxury apartment building in the northeast suburbs of Chicago. One month after the move-in, we got acquired by a different real estate management group. Rents have now skyrocketed through the ceiling. Instead of the $100 typical annual increase, they now want $500, $600, $700 per month increases to fast track their multi-million dollar acquisition cost. So most of the building is moving out. Corporations detest Biden because they are conservative. The public sector and its greed, is what is killing America 🇺🇸 right now. The high profits are not easily given up, and there is a reluctance to lower prices. If fascism is hitting this country, it is coming through the private sector. Not the government. Corporate greed is the worst thing I’ve ever seen in my life. It doesn’t care whether you can afford it or not.

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Good article about OUR STABLE PRESIDENT BIDEN IS 🗽💙We the People are standing with him all the Way to 2024👍👍to 2028🗽💙

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I also blame the media. We are inundated with idiots 24/7. How about talking about the good Biden is doing instead of the bad trump is? I’m sick of looking at that orange goon! Please focus on Biden and see what happens. It would be nice for a change.

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Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023

Admittedly, I am less confident that the 60% living precariously from paycheck to paycheck, wherein a decent family income is only sustained by more people working longer hours while still weighted down by mortgage debt, credit card debt, and the like necessarily feel, or will feel in the foreseeable future, the impact of the current Administration’s accomplishments. Accordingly, I believe, aside from underscoring its achievements despite narrow margins in both federal chambers, this Administration must amplify what the country can expect if we can defend and increase Democratic margins. The list would include extending the child tax credit and providing affordable, quality childcare, universal Pre-K, paid sick and family leave, a $15 minimum hourly wage, investments in housing, in eldercare, in climate, and the like. The point, excluding Manchin and the recently minted Independent Sinema, is that Democrats, overall, have an extraordinary narrative if only they would deliver it.

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As is often the case, I wake in the middle of night, turn on my computer and you suck me in. While this is interesting, I am not sure it is good for me.

I think Biden is not getting credit because in the words on one of our fellow Substacker

"things feel unsettled these days, partly because of chop in the prosecutorial waters surrounding the actions of former president Trump, partly because of changes in the U.S. economy, partly because of turmoil brought by climate change, and partly because of what appears to be the instability of a global realignment. This realignment has been forced by Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine and the global effort to stand against that aggression." And because the cost of housing is so high for many people.

As always thank you for your work on behalf of part of my chosen family.


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I sure wish he hadn't sacrificed 10 points with the mismanaged Afghanistan exit. Having said that I do agree that it takes time for the effects of good policy to soak into the experience of the electorate. As for me? I have houses with probably Democratic young people living in them near me. I plan to take voter registration forms over to them on the possibility that there is someone over there who needs to either register or update their registration. It might be something positive that we all can do.

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Excellent article Mr. Reich. Unfortunately, for America and our World, you are not a part of the Biden administration, very sad for all of us...

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Biden could easily come out and support union activity at Starbucks, Amazon, Trader Joes, and others via social media, by getting democrats to campaign supporting unions, and trump supporters could switch.

Other than that, I don't understand why despite 3% inflation being down from 9%, everything is still so expensive. OK, corporate greed must be the sole reason why I'm spending more on food, basic necessities like toilet paper. what else can it be?

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It's not the surveys and opinion polls that you should worry about now. What you should worry about is the message and the media. And all the negativity and relation to what's going on today. The elites are what you should be concerned about as well as the problem of social and economic inequality in this country.

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I'm not as optimistic as Mr. Reich...In 1992, James Carville famously coined "It's the economy stupid". George H.W. Bush was wooden and stuck to his mantra that the "pieces were all falling into place" for recovery. Bush got beat. These days, while flaking for Biden, Carville is sounding like Bush.

I'm worried. I keep hearing the pieces are falling into place...But, we have a President that can't communicate good news, a VP that can't carry the White House's message, and all I see 43/43 polls. For all of Trump's insanity, he's neck-and-neck.

Joe Biden is remaking the American economy and I we hear nary a peep from him. FDR clued America into the story, every step of the way. Donald Trump told us daily that his was, "The best economy, ever". Joe Biden is silent. Biden spent campaign 2020 in his basement. It may be that his campaign trail muscle memory has atrophied.

Sometimes you pour a good foundation...for the next President. I fear that may be Biden's fate... His numbers haven't budged. He can't put together two good weeks. The bounce Clinton and Obama got after their mid-term shellackings, has eluded Biden after his 2022 break-even. After, my fifty years of doing politics, you get a feel...I don't like what I see.

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But Biden has to stop chumming up with war criminal Israel and stop putting up illegal barriers to immigrants, for starters. He also has to stop fist-bumping that murderer MBS in Saudi Arabia. And he can stop meddling very hurtfully in other countries’ affairs. And he has to end the embargo against Cuba. These are policies he’s inherited from previous Presidents, but he doesn’t have to follow ‘em.

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While I agree, there is still some fear. To twist a well-known phrase, "It is not just the economy stupid." This worked for Clinton, but it is not working now. There are other issues (climate, Ukraine, human rights, environmental and ecosystem instability) that are interconnected, dangerous and pending. The other shoe dropping is a worry held wisely by many. Biden is not talking enough, and when he does talk people recognize that he is old, he does hesitate, and though he may be as bright and experienced as anyone, he is of the generation that caused our present condition (just like the orange fruit cake, but he is not worthy to run. Biden is.) Our age revels in appearances, which is the success of Barbie, and Biden does not have the right look or sound, even if he has better content. Will Biden be blamed if New Orleans drowns on his watch? No matter how good he is with the economy, he is still approving fossil fuels projects and that is alienating the young.

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Professor Reich: i admit i'm quite outraged about biden's support for the oil and gas industry, which are hell-bent on destroying the planet (AND US!!) to suck the last dollar out of the earth ... and for what?

(for example, read this: https://www.politico.com/news/2023/08/04/joe-biden-oil-gas-funding-00109759 )

so i'll vote for biden when the time comes, but i'll be really angry about the absolutely crappy deadly choices we have as amerikkkans.

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Robert, I sure hope you're right.

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