Was Hitler a bully? Of course. But one would not stop at calling him that,. He was a degenerate, insane, hate filled mass murderer. Everything Trump is, or
aspires to be. Have you listened to a Trump rally lately? (I follow David Pakman on You Tube, who streams Trump rallies with appropriate voice over of commentary). Trump spen…
Was Hitler a bully? Of course. But one would not stop at calling him that,. He was a degenerate, insane, hate filled mass murderer. Everything Trump is, or
aspires to be. Have you listened to a Trump rally lately? (I follow David Pakman on You Tube, who streams Trump rallies with appropriate voice over of commentary). Trump spends a considerable amount of time openly fawning over authoritarian dictators of the world who can kill people on command. "King" Xi of China, (Trump says he called him by the title during their meetings), who holds a one hour trial and executes drug dealers. Kim, of North Korea, who executes his own family members. "I like him," says Trump. "We fell in love." And of course Putin, who sIngle handedly started the war in Ukraine displacing 40 million people, and killing tens of thousands. Q Anon believers think that Trump will return to power in a blaze of glory, executing their enemies on live TV. One can only assume this would include, in their fevered minds, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden. Let's not diminish what we are facing here. A lunatic, with millions of deranged followers. Even if only one in 1,000 is willing to take up arms for him you have 75000 lunatics wreaking havoc on the US. How many did it take for the 9/11 attack? I really hesitate to post this, because I dont want to sound extreme, or alarmist, but this is not "something that couldn't happen here." Remember January 6th? It has happened here. And there are thousands, who, with Trump as their leader, want to overthrow our government completely. This is why I believe it is so imperative to prove that our DOJ is applying the rule of law equally to all citizens by immediately arresting Trump and throwing the book at him. It may appear from the outcome of the midterms that the country is ready to move on from Trump, and to a certain extent, that may be true. But one should not underestimate the fervor of Trump himself, or his lunatic followers. We are still on the brink. And DeSantis, and the more rational and intelligent leaders of the slow moving coup, want to achieve the overthrow of our government no less than Trump. Here endeth the lesson, and my rant for the day. Act, Garland and DOJ.
Was Hitler a bully? Of course. But one would not stop at calling him that,. He was a degenerate, insane, hate filled mass murderer. Everything Trump is, or
aspires to be. Have you listened to a Trump rally lately? (I follow David Pakman on You Tube, who streams Trump rallies with appropriate voice over of commentary). Trump spends a considerable amount of time openly fawning over authoritarian dictators of the world who can kill people on command. "King" Xi of China, (Trump says he called him by the title during their meetings), who holds a one hour trial and executes drug dealers. Kim, of North Korea, who executes his own family members. "I like him," says Trump. "We fell in love." And of course Putin, who sIngle handedly started the war in Ukraine displacing 40 million people, and killing tens of thousands. Q Anon believers think that Trump will return to power in a blaze of glory, executing their enemies on live TV. One can only assume this would include, in their fevered minds, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden. Let's not diminish what we are facing here. A lunatic, with millions of deranged followers. Even if only one in 1,000 is willing to take up arms for him you have 75000 lunatics wreaking havoc on the US. How many did it take for the 9/11 attack? I really hesitate to post this, because I dont want to sound extreme, or alarmist, but this is not "something that couldn't happen here." Remember January 6th? It has happened here. And there are thousands, who, with Trump as their leader, want to overthrow our government completely. This is why I believe it is so imperative to prove that our DOJ is applying the rule of law equally to all citizens by immediately arresting Trump and throwing the book at him. It may appear from the outcome of the midterms that the country is ready to move on from Trump, and to a certain extent, that may be true. But one should not underestimate the fervor of Trump himself, or his lunatic followers. We are still on the brink. And DeSantis, and the more rational and intelligent leaders of the slow moving coup, want to achieve the overthrow of our government no less than Trump. Here endeth the lesson, and my rant for the day. Act, Garland and DOJ.