Good for you! His remarks were >indeed< cringe-worthy! But if at some point you happen to be at all interested in what a model of "red state" vision for what life should be like in the US for >most< US citizens, then check out those links. After all, we're >all< interested in the future destiny of the US here, and that's >always< on topi…
Good for you! His remarks were >indeed< cringe-worthy! But if at some point you happen to be at all interested in what a model of "red state" vision for what life should be like in the US for >most< US citizens, then check out those links. After all, we're >all< interested in the future destiny of the US here, and that's >always< on topic here. (Unless, of course, Mr Reich comments of foreign policy.)
Good for you! His remarks were >indeed< cringe-worthy! But if at some point you happen to be at all interested in what a model of "red state" vision for what life should be like in the US for >most< US citizens, then check out those links. After all, we're >all< interested in the future destiny of the US here, and that's >always< on topic here. (Unless, of course, Mr Reich comments of foreign policy.)
Don't let 'em bait ya'!
Oh yes. I almost forgot to point out the obvious about the red state vision. Many red state residents seem prepared to kill and die for that vision.