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Honestly, it boggles my mind that Mitch McConnell wants his grandchildren to live in a dystopia like the one he’s creating. If he truly cared about them he’d be working to build a better society. The cognitive dissonance is massive.

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McConnell is a very rich man due to his wife's Chinese family business connections. His descendants won't be poor by any means.

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No, but if he has his way they will live in a violent, polluted world. That’s what I mean.

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I believe that people in wealthy circumstances always (incorrectly) imagine that they and theirs will live in a protective bubble, no matter what. Moreover, they tend to believe in the moral correctness of power and privilege.

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"Power corrupts?"

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Yes, in no small part because they magically believe that they *morally deserve* anything they have obtained. They lose track of the role of other people and just dumb luck. I've seen it up close in every CEO I've ever known except one really good person. I've seen it in almost every other sr exec I've known except a rare few.

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As I say to Mr Harold (above) consider having a look at my earlier comments (below) concerning "become[ing] far less equal as a society" - from the last ¶ of Mr Reich's theory.

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Now consider this: their vision of the US future is modeled in the example set in the states they come from. Consider looking at the links I've posted above in response to Mr Harold's statement.

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Why should he worry about that he won't even be here!!!

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Now that you got me thinking about ol' "Chins" McConnell, I paid close attention when Mario Cuomo told him exactly where to stuff his language about "blue state bailouts." To my perception, that's why Cuomo had to go. Not because he stood up to ol' Chins, but because he was energetic, confident, and strong - possibly a presidential contender, eventually. Of course, Cuomo was subsequently tarred as a dirty guy who couldn't keep his hands off the ladies, when it had seemingly never been an issue before. (Kind'a parallels what happened with ol' Bill Clinton, don't you think ‽) But even before that, they were going at him for allegedly lying or misrepresenting his covid numbers. It's a 1,2 punch: another Watergate and another "Trousergate," right out of the Republican - for Nixon - revenge playbook. Whatever the reality of any of it, Cuomo stood up to ol' Chins and was subsequently swatted down. Personally, I'd still vote for Cuomo if he made a presidential bid. He's at >least< as fit a leader as ol' Tweety was!

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It's Andrew, everything else is correct!

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(Too many years associating Cuomo with Mario!)

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OOPS! Right! My bad. Andrew. The guy who took on ol' Chins!

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Thank you.

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Are you referring to Mario (the father) or Andrew (the son)?

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Mario. He's the one who stood up to ol' Chins about "blue state bailouts." I was impressed.

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If he ever comes up with a platform I'd vote for, I wouldn't rule out voting for him - while reminding him to keep his hands to himself when he's surrounded by enemies! Indeed, I'd remind him not to do >anything< stupid in the midst of his enemies!

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And please! Don't assume I'm campaigning for him, because I'm not. I'm just sayin', he made a public display of character while ol' Tweety was still runnin' things that I found >quite< impressive. I also admire Liz Chaney, even if I couldn't possibly vote for her - and for the same reason.

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Which Cuomo, again? ..

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Mario. He's the one who stood up to ol' Chins about "blue state bailouts." I was impressed.

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I thought Mario was dead. Andrew and Chris are his sons. I believe.

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Yep! I got that wrong, but corrected it elsewhere. That's because the name "Mario" always went in front of the name "Cuomo" for most of my life, along with the association with NYC. Call it a "senior moment!" LOL!

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Recall, Hillary Clinton was on the Nixon impeachment team.

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Consider looking at the links I've posted above to put that in perspective.

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