Feb 23Liked by Robert Reich

Even if Biden win in November these people will not fade away. You are stuck with them and will have to cope somehow. And we were worried about Islamic Fundamentalism. . .

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Feb 23Liked by Robert Reich

Fetuses and embryos now have more of a right to life than women.

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9 Republican Supreme Court justices In Alabama are using Religious beliefs to make a decision that affects all of the people in their state! They need to revert back to the Constitution, namely the 1st amendment, Freedom of Religion!

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Feb 23Liked by Robert Reich

I understand it must be pretty scary how mad your country is becoming but spare a thought for those of us watching from afar. All those nukes!

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Feb 23Liked by Robert Reich

Guns, God, state control of women's bodies, book banning, religious immigration discrimination, LGBT persecution. Unregulated corporate capitalism, unaffordable health care, unaffordable higher education, enormous wealth disparity and inequality, soaring addiction and opiate mortality, militarized police, racial profiling. It doesn't have to be this way. We could actually solve many of these problems if we took corporate money out of campaign finance. But it's the money of the Mellons and the Mercers and the Kochs and their ilk that is turning the once most envied society of the world into a shithole country. And it is a personality cult of white Christian Confederate retrogrades driving the destruction.

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Feb 23·edited Feb 23Liked by Robert Reich

Good comments, Robert. Let's add two points briefly.

One, the sentence "All of these private freedoms are under increasing assault from Republican legislators and judges who want to impose their own morality on everyone else." It is pretty obvious that both the corporate-republican politicians and the fake evangelists both have no morality. They are all about stealing the money while leading the simple people (Proverbs 1) to their doom. The simple people need guidance, but they are being simply brainwashed to do wrong.

The other point is about the religious tropes that came across the Atlantic with the early settlers. Essentially, the future USA was a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant set of cultures. Not only that, but the vast majority were extremists ("Dissenters") who fought a bloody civil war under Oliver Cromwell in the 1600s... when their enemies, the Parliamentarians (Anglican) won, the Dissenters (Puritans, etc) were driven out (some to Netherlands, and expelled there) and fled to the Colonies. Can't go into the whole history here, but let's realize that those fundamentals are still deeply rooted. The wealthy plantation owners created their own religions ("Southern - "; example: Southern Baptists 1845) when they realized that slavery was going to be forbidden. In other words, simply put, the roots of today's "'evangelists" flying around in $60 million luxury jets and ordering cases of expensive French wine at their beach resorts (I saw it with my own eyes in San Diego) have their airconditioned doghouses (Jim & Tammie Fay Baker) while the Simple People eat dog food and donate their last dollar... I'll close there for now. Point is: today's dirtiness has long, deep roots. Can we overcome the past and present to recreate the future that our Founders & Framers envisioned nearly a quarter millennium ago?

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Feb 23·edited Feb 23

Embryos aren’t “babies,” they are PROPERTY, plain and simple.

The Alabama high court ruling, along with Nikki Haley’s pandering to the most ignorant and sanctimonious segment of the Republican base, sets up a showdown between that one-issue faction and traditional economic conservatives and business, whose first and only real priority is protection of private property laws, which they view as the very foundation of a capitalist society: if people can’t assert ownership of the very fruits of their own bodies, then what private property can ever be safe from government seizure?

The Republican party simply cannot survive as nothing but the Christian nationlist anti-"woke" party; ludicrously inept as their actual record is, their claimed wise stewardship of the economy is what their philosophical legitimacy has always rested upon.

Just one more wedge being driven into the Republican party by political hacks so inflexible that they’d rather be sucked under by a maelstrom of their own making than reach a sensible accommodation that would be embraced by a majority of voters. The minority party marginalizes itself yet again.

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One should remember, if reading biblical text, that prophets always stood in opposition to the state, and that included the state "church", the priesthood. Jeremiah, and most other prophets often condemned the state, and its supporting religious institutions, for failure to treat the poor with justice, for enslaving immigrants, for killing their detractors, and for worshipping false gods that allowed the concentration of wealth. Jesus spent his time condemning the state, declaring a separation, "Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and give to God the things that are God's", and telling followers to care for the poor, heal the sick, open your hearts to the disabled and abused, and love your neighbor as yourself. I see zero of this in the Alabama decision, in our border policy, in the abortion restrictions, in our treatment of labor (children working in fast food or animal processing facilities), or in our unthinking support for the Israeli government's bombing of women and children in Gaza. What the Republicans want is to put the Pharisees in charge of the government's social policies. Sounds like an anti-prophetic stand to me.

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Who needs the Islamic Taliban when we have the Christian Taliban?

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Yeah, that’s what it’s all about for these people. How are Christians being threatened? Is anyone trying to stop them from being spiritual in their own way? Is anyone forcing them to get an abortion? Is anyone forcing them to read a book that they don’t like? They have freedom of choice. They want to take freedom of choice from non Christians. Vote for democrats!!!

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“According to a new survey from the Public Religion Research Institute and the Brookings Institution, more than half of Republicans believe the country should be a strictly Christian nation — either adhering to the ideals of Christian nationalism (21 percent) or sympathizing with those views (33 percent).”

On the bright side, the Republican Party has been shrinking over the last two decades and is now the third largest party behind Democrats, with independents as the largest party.

Interesting enough, Parker, the Chief Justice of Alabama is an adherent to New Apostolic Reformation (Seven Mountains Mandate). These people believe, like Johnson, that only God can be in charge of government. And that’s the least worrisome of their master plan.

Parker is also a believer in Christian Qanon Apocrypha, whose evangelical leader, Enlow (Christian influencer), believes he receives prophecies directly from god.

When the religious fanatics said that abortion is murder and a sin against god; it’s only the beginning.

IVF today, women’s contraceptives tomorrow, and it’s a slippery slope to The Handmaid’s Tale.

Oh, and Parker and all the rest of these apocrypha evangelicals are BIGLY supporters of Trump!

So be afraid, be very afraid!…:)

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As a Christian, I am appalled by the completely unChristian statements of so many of these people who seem utterly ignorant of Jesus's teaching.

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Feb 23Liked by Robert Reich

As a Christian minister, I am appalled that anyone in this country is trying to force Christianity and supposed "christian" principles on the people of this country. Each time I hear who is whining that this nation isn't Christian enough, I must groan because those people do not in any way embody what I would consider Christian principles. They lie, approve cheating if it gets them what they want while trying to claim it isn't cheating, and choose leaders who either have questionable backgrounds (Jordan, Gates, Greene, Trump, the judges in Alabama who want to push the 10 Commandments while they choose not to live by them), or spew hate of everyone who is not them. They want the government up in everyone's business but theirs. They have shaped Christianity to reflect their own personal biases, behaviors, likes and dislikes, fears, and hatreds. Lying has become their coin of the realm and they do it so often there is no sense of what is true when it comes to them. They may not even know themselves. There is nothing in Jesus's teachings that supports their attitudes, behavior, lying, faith being forced on others, and the rest of their Republican hypocrisy. If Jesus had been so opposed to homosexuality, for example, he would have said so since it was a regular part of life for people in the Roman Empire, of which Jesus was part. The same can be said of abortion. What I have noticed over the years, conservatives grab onto an issue they feel will get them attention, then wield it as a weapon to get others to give them power, money, or something else they want. We all should know that by now, but these fools keep popping up, claiming to be soooo Christian, coming up with "ideas" to make this a more Christian country. We the People need to stand against all their efforts with both feet planted in our democracy and our Constitution. The media needs to wake up and start calling out the Republicans for who they are: anti-American, anti-democracy, pseudo-christians. They do not care about any honest form of Christianity because Christianity has become their weapon of choice to gain undeserved power so they can make as much money as possible, continue to live their corrupt lives, and to do as much harm to anyone who does not go along with their BS as they can. We don't have to take that crap anymore and need to stand up to it. I get it that our Supreme Court has drunk the Republican Kool-Ade, so we may have to go around them, as Gov. Abbott has, only this time, to defend our rights and liberties from people for whom the Constitution is just a suggestion.

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Everyone, keep your focus on November. We must win this election to stop the extreme Right and Christian Nationalists from being elected to any office. Their extremism borders on insanity.

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The American Taliban, alive and well. Looks like the natural result of Jerry Falwell's Moral Majority movement that started in 1979.

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Feb 23·edited Feb 23

Theocracy is tryrany justified and rationalized in sick minds by religious teachings that espouse hierarchy of human beings and a violent, vindictive, controlling, not loving, abusive God.

"You can use Religion in service of the truth or in service of the ego." They are using religion in service of their very violent egos who crave controlling, exploiting, harming, and feeling superior to others.

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