Someday if I never see the ridiculous Electoral College abolished, I would at least like to see Ohio and Florida and Iowa and Missouri and maybe others added back into that list of battleground states. Or Texas. But I guess Jesus might have to reappear and tell people he’s endorsing the party that actually practices what he preached.
Mizrahi - Sepharidim 6 of one half a dozen of the other.
Most gentiles are unfamiliar with the word Mizrahi, despite the fact that 55% of the Israeli Jews are Mizrahi and 45%Ashkenazi.
Mizrahi jews know what it is like to live under the Arab thumb. That's why there are hardly any of them living in Arab,much less Muslim states. Iran has a stunning six thousand, Egypt three, most none.
Ehhhhh . . . recent data has proven that TexASS is FAR more American than FloriDUH. THEY are moving towards purple, as those failures in Florida are move more TRAITOROUS.
Why? Give a few good reasons. The current system when established didn't forsee the huge discrepancies in population between states. But now, we see there are. Why pray tell should Texas with 30 million Americans be "equally important" to North Dakota with less than a million. And what do you mean by important? Being heard is one thing, holding the same power is another. Now, every American is important. But there are such huge discrepancies between states that those from small pop states have way too much power. In my opinion. If you lived in Texas, you might agree with me.
I think Kamala Harris needs to suggest to the women who want control over their bodies that they need to convince the men in their lives (husbands, boy friends, fathers, sons and grandfathers) how important it is that they support the women in their lives and how important and significant that support is in the upcoming election.
Gil Dalton : It is possible that the men love their special women, : wives, girlfriends, daughters, sisters cousins nieces etc. enough to care, and support their right to bodily autonomy and emergency medial care, if needed. The one with whom they have sexual relations especially, because this affects their lives, too. They have to help support any child that is born, and literally have "skin in the game": which is not, after all, a game. Raising a child is hard work at times, and a lot of responsibility. Not cheap either.
I know Daniel and there is hope, but along come the Republican legislatures, governors, attorney generals and election officials and squash that hope.
I hope the DNC is ready this time to file briefs, just as the Bannon/Trump party is, per Steve Bannon in his last broadcast before he marched off to jail. The already have filings drawn up and ready to present to the court,in fact he said they will have lawyers on the courthouse steps if Trump doesn't win the electoral vote, and the alternate electors are already selected to be the first at the State Capitol, it will be a fist or fire fight and that is what worries me.
Marc Elias with Democracy Docket and his team plus the Harris/Walz team each have teams of professionals who are already litigating challenges around the country, especially in swing states. Thanks to Robert Reich also for all his work!
🔵You will do your mental health a favor to not even consume any of the disinformation put out there by corporate media; rely on independent journalists like you read here. We already know it's going to get crazier & crazier each day and they will do something again on January 6, but we'll be watching. Jack Smith & the DOJ have been working behind the scenes, they just don't broadcast their activity like criminals do. Looking forward to Robert's series on the 2024 Election. 💙 WE'RE NOT GOING BACK. 🌊
And this is why it's so important to vote Democrat blue straight down the line. In a few years when we've been able to get the ship back on an even keel we can see whether the Republicans have anything to offer or whether they are well and truly finished.
It is imperative for the future of our democratic way of life that we all pay attention to every video on this series, memorize talking points, speak them loudly at every opportunity, and share, share, share these videos! If we do not win this fight and the wannabe dictator is reelected in November the United States will become a third world autocracy on Inauguration Day in January 2025, and we will no longer have control of our own lives.
I am responding to your entry on September 5 in which you noted Elon Musk’s disgusting attempts to discredit you. I want you to know that our family has a long-established tradition of recording our children’s and grandchildren’s heights each summer. Donald Trump is listed 1 inch above the floor, and you are posted far above the top of the list. Neither Musk nor Trump would fully comprehend the meaning of the metrics, but I’m sure you will. Thank you for your invaluable service to our country.
I like Tim Walz, but i'm finding hard to get excited with Kamala Harris who is a key player in the Biden administration that is complicit in the genocide, ethnic cleaning and war crimes of Israel against Palestinians in Gaza and, now, the West Bank. Biden administration is violating Leahy Law and international law by continuing to provide unlimited arms to this rogue, genocidal country. Israel has over 9,000 Palestinian detainees. They have not been charged or brought before a judge. 42 kinds of torture of Palestinian detainees by IDF has been documented by CNN including insertion of a hot metal rod into the rectum of detainee. At least one victim as died. This war crime was even videotaped! How does Jill and Joe Biden sleep at night? How does Kamala Harris? Shameful and despicable! I am a 64 year old grandson of a Holocaust survivor from Dachau Camp in Germany. In 1945, the world said "Never again!" The victim has become the victimizer with the deaths of over 17,000 Palestinian children killed by Israel's IDF. That's 53 children killed daily since 10/7. Over 90% of Palestinian deaths have been civilians. How is this self-defense. Collective punishment of an entire population is a war crime as is starvation. Israel withhold water, food, medicine, energy, fuel, electricity. Now, IDF is starting destruction of the West Bank. How does Nancy Pelosi sleep at night? Disgusting!
Kevin, meet reality. I'm not a Middle East specialist, but here are 3 points to ponder:
1) Israel is defending itself, attempting to eradicate a vicious enemy whose oft-stated goal is the complete obliteration of Israel "from the river to the sea".
2) Hamas' tactics (other than its missile attacks on Israeli civilians) include hiding behind their own civilian population as a propaganda device.
3) Biden (and Harris, recently) have publicly expressed their concern about the IDF's destruction of civilian infrastructure and the killing and injuring of Gazans, the frequent evacuation orders (often leaving civilians with nowhere to go) and apparent targeting of hospitals and other civilian structures. The US has imposed restrictions on the use of certain types of ordnance we supplied to Israel. The fact is that the US is not the one at war, it is Israel, and only Israel can call a halt to the shooting and bombing. Even Netanyahu is not the sole decision-maker. And what of Hamas? They are no more willing to agree to a cessation of hostilities than Israel.
Since I got this far, I'll throw in a 4th point about what we citizens have the power to do. We can vote. Our choices are: a) Harris & Walz b) Trump and Vance and c) wasting our time writing in Mickey Mouse and other non-serious contenders.
Those are the choices we have. Peace in the Middle East at the direction of the US president and maintained under an American Imperium is not going to be on the ballot.
If you are motivated to work for peace in the Middle East, that's very high-minded and I applaud you: maybe you could work at the UN or write a book explaining how to make two warring entities bury their antipathies with their sense of victimhood, And good luck to you.
“Genocide, by the way, is when you want to wipe out an entire people. That’s the stated goal of Hamas. That’s what “from the river to the sea” means. Hamas WOULD do that to Israel, but can’t. Israel CAN do that to Hamas, but doesn’t.” - Bill Maher, on tv earlier this year.
I think the religions that started these wars existed long before the American Democratic Party. My dream is that ALL religions that put women below men should be WIPED OUT !!!
Do you think Palestinians would fare better under Trump? At least Biden has been trying to get Netanyahu to moderate his response. Trump has already said that his buddy Bibi should "take care of the problem". That sound like free rein to me. People forget that Biden does not rule Israel. Nor does Nancy Pelosi. You failed to mention the many Republicans who are far more supportive of Netanyahu than Biden is. Lindsey Graham suggested wiping out the Palestinians. Are you wondering how he sleeps? How about Mike Johnson? He's Speaker of the House, not Nancy Pelosi.
Someday if I never see the ridiculous Electoral College abolished, I would at least like to see Ohio and Florida and Iowa and Missouri and maybe others added back into that list of battleground states. Or Texas. But I guess Jesus might have to reappear and tell people he’s endorsing the party that actually practices what he preached.
Jesus would be stoned as an unwashed lib. Besides they would reject a swarthy, dark skinned Sephardic Jew.
Mizrahi, but yeah.
Mizrahi - Sepharidim 6 of one half a dozen of the other.
Most gentiles are unfamiliar with the word Mizrahi, despite the fact that 55% of the Israeli Jews are Mizrahi and 45%Ashkenazi.
Mizrahi jews know what it is like to live under the Arab thumb. That's why there are hardly any of them living in Arab,much less Muslim states. Iran has a stunning six thousand, Egypt three, most none.
Florida is in play.
Not yet, but it's getting there! TEXAS is in play at this moment, but I don't think Florida is. My data is over 24 hours old though, so who knows.:/
That's a S T R E T C H my friend!
O the shock to the evangelicals.
...and meshuga, right?
Tex-ass? Really??
God forsook TEX - ASS!!!
Ehhhhh . . . recent data has proven that TexASS is FAR more American than FloriDUH. THEY are moving towards purple, as those failures in Florida are move more TRAITOROUS.
Re: FL - Consider the neighborhood…
Thanks for the data, Daniel.
I'm only workin' here with unadulterated BIAS (lol)
All the states should be equally important.
Why? Give a few good reasons. The current system when established didn't forsee the huge discrepancies in population between states. But now, we see there are. Why pray tell should Texas with 30 million Americans be "equally important" to North Dakota with less than a million. And what do you mean by important? Being heard is one thing, holding the same power is another. Now, every American is important. But there are such huge discrepancies between states that those from small pop states have way too much power. In my opinion. If you lived in Texas, you might agree with me.
IF Jesus appeared today, and stated he was voting BLUE, HE would be stoned and pillared😭
I think Kamala Harris needs to suggest to the women who want control over their bodies that they need to convince the men in their lives (husbands, boy friends, fathers, sons and grandfathers) how important it is that they support the women in their lives and how important and significant that support is in the upcoming election.
Gil Dalton : It is possible that the men love their special women, : wives, girlfriends, daughters, sisters cousins nieces etc. enough to care, and support their right to bodily autonomy and emergency medial care, if needed. The one with whom they have sexual relations especially, because this affects their lives, too. They have to help support any child that is born, and literally have "skin in the game": which is not, after all, a game. Raising a child is hard work at times, and a lot of responsibility. Not cheap either.
Don’t think they haven’t
Way to "lay down the gauntlet," Professor!
Time to PUT UP or ... (wait 4 it) ... SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES!!!
This is NOT your mother's "game show," (remember? Truth or Consequences?!!?)
The game show is long gone, but we still have the city named after it here in NM so we won't forget (maybe that's why we're a blue state)!
Remember “Queen for a day” ?
That would need the way back machine.
I…….remember it well
Really????? Young women liked it too!!!!!!!
If sharing the truth was an endeavor our sweat would be that of patriots.
Pretty soon Texas will be a swing state!
I hope, but fear Paxton and Abbott have successful squelched the Democratic vote.
A few days go I was in a zoom with DFW Texan veterans -- virtually all registered Republicans -- all opposed to Mr. suckers and losers.
I know Daniel and there is hope, but along come the Republican legislatures, governors, attorney generals and election officials and squash that hope.
I hope the DNC is ready this time to file briefs, just as the Bannon/Trump party is, per Steve Bannon in his last broadcast before he marched off to jail. The already have filings drawn up and ready to present to the court,in fact he said they will have lawyers on the courthouse steps if Trump doesn't win the electoral vote, and the alternate electors are already selected to be the first at the State Capitol, it will be a fist or fire fight and that is what worries me.
Marc Elias with Democracy Docket and his team plus the Harris/Walz team each have teams of professionals who are already litigating challenges around the country, especially in swing states. Thanks to Robert Reich also for all his work!
That makes me feel better. Steve Bannon, in a supreme show of arrogance, has already told us what they are going to do on November 6th
🔵You will do your mental health a favor to not even consume any of the disinformation put out there by corporate media; rely on independent journalists like you read here. We already know it's going to get crazier & crazier each day and they will do something again on January 6, but we'll be watching. Jack Smith & the DOJ have been working behind the scenes, they just don't broadcast their activity like criminals do. Looking forward to Robert's series on the 2024 Election. 💙 WE'RE NOT GOING BACK. 🌊
And this is why it's so important to vote Democrat blue straight down the line. In a few years when we've been able to get the ship back on an even keel we can see whether the Republicans have anything to offer or whether they are well and truly finished.
We know, or at least I do, that the Republicans have nothing to offer
Nothing but hate!!!
Then they better change their magrat affiliation
By locking up and intimidating democrats
It is imperative for the future of our democratic way of life that we all pay attention to every video on this series, memorize talking points, speak them loudly at every opportunity, and share, share, share these videos! If we do not win this fight and the wannabe dictator is reelected in November the United States will become a third world autocracy on Inauguration Day in January 2025, and we will no longer have control of our own lives.
GOOD! Pushing Truth. Not discordant mentality.
Dear Robert,
I am responding to your entry on September 5 in which you noted Elon Musk’s disgusting attempts to discredit you. I want you to know that our family has a long-established tradition of recording our children’s and grandchildren’s heights each summer. Donald Trump is listed 1 inch above the floor, and you are posted far above the top of the list. Neither Musk nor Trump would fully comprehend the meaning of the metrics, but I’m sure you will. Thank you for your invaluable service to our country.
Debbie - marking Robert as a giant and Trump as a shrimp is a great image. Thanks for sharing!
What time tomorrow morning?
I like Tim Walz, but i'm finding hard to get excited with Kamala Harris who is a key player in the Biden administration that is complicit in the genocide, ethnic cleaning and war crimes of Israel against Palestinians in Gaza and, now, the West Bank. Biden administration is violating Leahy Law and international law by continuing to provide unlimited arms to this rogue, genocidal country. Israel has over 9,000 Palestinian detainees. They have not been charged or brought before a judge. 42 kinds of torture of Palestinian detainees by IDF has been documented by CNN including insertion of a hot metal rod into the rectum of detainee. At least one victim as died. This war crime was even videotaped! How does Jill and Joe Biden sleep at night? How does Kamala Harris? Shameful and despicable! I am a 64 year old grandson of a Holocaust survivor from Dachau Camp in Germany. In 1945, the world said "Never again!" The victim has become the victimizer with the deaths of over 17,000 Palestinian children killed by Israel's IDF. That's 53 children killed daily since 10/7. Over 90% of Palestinian deaths have been civilians. How is this self-defense. Collective punishment of an entire population is a war crime as is starvation. Israel withhold water, food, medicine, energy, fuel, electricity. Now, IDF is starting destruction of the West Bank. How does Nancy Pelosi sleep at night? Disgusting!
Kevin, meet reality. I'm not a Middle East specialist, but here are 3 points to ponder:
1) Israel is defending itself, attempting to eradicate a vicious enemy whose oft-stated goal is the complete obliteration of Israel "from the river to the sea".
2) Hamas' tactics (other than its missile attacks on Israeli civilians) include hiding behind their own civilian population as a propaganda device.
3) Biden (and Harris, recently) have publicly expressed their concern about the IDF's destruction of civilian infrastructure and the killing and injuring of Gazans, the frequent evacuation orders (often leaving civilians with nowhere to go) and apparent targeting of hospitals and other civilian structures. The US has imposed restrictions on the use of certain types of ordnance we supplied to Israel. The fact is that the US is not the one at war, it is Israel, and only Israel can call a halt to the shooting and bombing. Even Netanyahu is not the sole decision-maker. And what of Hamas? They are no more willing to agree to a cessation of hostilities than Israel.
Since I got this far, I'll throw in a 4th point about what we citizens have the power to do. We can vote. Our choices are: a) Harris & Walz b) Trump and Vance and c) wasting our time writing in Mickey Mouse and other non-serious contenders.
Those are the choices we have. Peace in the Middle East at the direction of the US president and maintained under an American Imperium is not going to be on the ballot.
If you are motivated to work for peace in the Middle East, that's very high-minded and I applaud you: maybe you could work at the UN or write a book explaining how to make two warring entities bury their antipathies with their sense of victimhood, And good luck to you.
“Genocide, by the way, is when you want to wipe out an entire people. That’s the stated goal of Hamas. That’s what “from the river to the sea” means. Hamas WOULD do that to Israel, but can’t. Israel CAN do that to Hamas, but doesn’t.” - Bill Maher, on tv earlier this year.
Who started THAT war??????? The hamas started the killing!!!!! Don’t go blaming the democrats!!!!
I think the religions that started these wars existed long before the American Democratic Party. My dream is that ALL religions that put women below men should be WIPED OUT !!!
Do you think Palestinians would fare better under Trump? At least Biden has been trying to get Netanyahu to moderate his response. Trump has already said that his buddy Bibi should "take care of the problem". That sound like free rein to me. People forget that Biden does not rule Israel. Nor does Nancy Pelosi. You failed to mention the many Republicans who are far more supportive of Netanyahu than Biden is. Lindsey Graham suggested wiping out the Palestinians. Are you wondering how he sleeps? How about Mike Johnson? He's Speaker of the House, not Nancy Pelosi.
Kevin: How do they sleep at well at night? On well-cushioned donor-dollar-filled pillows. 🤑
Thank you, thank you for this invitation and new adventure
Thank you!!
This is a video you should be sharing every week until the election:
Rick Steves: “The Story of Fascism”
Thank you!
It won't "share" on Facebook because it offers people a chance to subscribe but I've seen other posts which do the same.🤔😡😱
There goes Facebook cherry-picking shareable content again....