Nov 8, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

as usual very positive thoughts. But little will happen until money gets out of politics. "Citizens United" (freedom of expression for corporations?) "must be reversed, and private funding should be strictly limited, with public funding of political parties as e.g. in France

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Love and respect to Robert Reich, thanks for your message tonight.

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

You are so right,these idiots are scared out of their minds of all of us.And we definitely are the future of America.

They who have closed minds can't see a future where they aren't nearly as special as they seem to believe themselves to be.

Whoever y'all are,if you haven't already voted,get up and hang out in the line and vote!Pack some snacks and a couple cold drinks,seeing as it don't say diddly about y'all bringing your own.

And GOOD LUCK to our people!!!

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That sounds much like the attitude Ukraine is taking against its monstrous foe Russia that has invaded them. Not such a bad analogy to what we Democrats are facing versus the Republofascists. And this attitude seems to be working for them. They are slowly but surely taking back their land & defeating the monster.

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Oh! I feel much better after reading this. I was thinking of relocating to some other country if the GOP were to re-take congress. Now I feel like staying to fight the good fight.

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

Thank you Mr Reich, many people (including myself) cannot afford to lose sight of the long term. Even if today doesn’t go well for us, we must continue to fight. The future of the country depends on it.

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

Thank you, Robert, for your message of comfort and inspiration. I shall awake and head out into the cold to watch a Lunar eclipse, here in Michigan. Although the celestial darkness is beautiful, you remind me that it is the inevitable return of the light that I will welcome. Then, I will walk (indeed) to my polling place and cast my ballot filled with hope and commitment to our future together.

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

Thank you, Robert. I feel hopeful in Atlanta, GA. I think we just might be pleasantly surprised after all the votes are counted.

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Great thoughts - but that's for the other side. For today - VOTE. Ignore the polls.

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

Thank you so much Mr. Reich for continuing to give us hope, for believing in all that is right, and for speaking on behalf of those who believe in how wonderful this country can be for ALL Americans.

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Thank You Mr.Robert Reich

Just get out there and VOTE. PRESERVE OUR DEMOCRACY

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As this mid-term election comes to a close, I feel a need more than ever, for three important Constitutional Amendments.

First: Article I, Section 2, House of Representatives. We need to set the term of Representatives of the House of Congress to four years instead of two. America has changed greatly from 1787 to 2022. In 1792 they could expect to get 9 to 15 months of work from a Congressman. The House of Representatives main function was to raise taxes and pass laws concerning the finances of the thirteen States. The aristocratic framers of the Constitution felt this would be the “lower” House filled with more common people who would arrive March 4th spend 4 to 6 months passing the necessary legislation, return the following year for maybe 6 to 8 months. Possibly run for one or two more terms and go back to tending their own business. They couldn’t even imagine campaigning for 20 to 23 months of every 24, raising millions to billions of dollars, having a staff write all the legislation and spending one or two days a week (while in Washington DC) debating their issue. With some of these legislators they have lobbyists write the proposed legislation, write the speech they are going to deliver. So if we give them a four year term coinciding with the Federal election maybe we’ll get one or two constituent bills written.

Second: Article I, Section 3, The Senate. We need to change the term of Senators from six year to eight, with one Senator from each State running for office in the first Federal election following the ratification, while the second Senator from the same State runs in the next election after that. This way we’d only have to have one Federal election every four years instead of every two.

Third: Article III Judicial Department. We really need to set term limits for Supreme Court Justices. I think either ten or twelve- year terms and limited to no more than two terms.

Then we need to push for legislation limiting electioneering (or campaigning) to no more than 6 months prior to the election date, with severe penalties for encroachment (at least $500,000 (maybe more) for each ad or speech) That way our inboxes and messages will not be clogged with begging for money for 42 months of every 4 years. I would love to see spending limits imposed too, but that’s probably setting the bar too high.

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I love your optimism and clarity.

Even here in NZ we are affected by your red and blue battle. Thanks for your sane appraisal and inspiration.

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A great article and give some release of the pressures of thinking about what is in the future. Thank you Robert Reich.

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You are absolutely wonderful, Robert Reich. Thank you for your brilliant mind, your dedication, and your thoroughly compassionate nature. You say it all, just like it is, each and every time!

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I agree with you 100%. The only things the GOP offers are murder, chaos, degradation, and hatred. No thanks.

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