Jun 21, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

100 percent agree with Senator Sanders. And if in the US, corporations have the same rights as people, why don’t they need to be citizens of the US to get benefits from the rest of the citizens of the US?

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its easy to understand that we are being played . the practice of socialized pain for private profit has nade suckers of us americans . tax breaks should go to companies that invest in america /for america. anything less is a theft of labor and resources of we the people .

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Purchasing legislation...greenwashing records...strong-arming for massive corporate subsidies...exploiting labor in every way possible....

I worry we just don't have the time to try to inform and organize our increasingly exhausted, easily manipulated public on each issue. We need to tackle it all in one big swoop...one massive general strike that brings the whole system to a halt to stop the lobbying, the dark money and the destruction of the planet. What we need is what we had...the Occupy movement. That's why it scared the powers that be and had to be crushed. Under the banner of inequality comes all of the evils you wrote about and more.

We need to use the evidence from this pandemic about just how much our employers and our supposed representatives from both parties look at us as nothing more than economic calculations. We're not people. We're not children or families. We're profit engines, nothing more. This piecemeal approach to letter writing and donating and hoping that this time the election is really gonna swing things in another direction...it just isn't working, and the continued hope that it is will lead us to a doom we deserve for remaining committed to a failing strategy. It does not need to be the Occupy banner, but occupy the streets and parks and buildings we must. Crash this whole damn exploitation dressed up as innovation economy until every employer commits to actually treating employees and citizens as essential.

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I agree with Bernie Sanders, that American taxpayers should see a return on their investment of a 52 billion dollar subsidy.

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Couldn’t another reason the companies make things more cheaply overseas be that they’re paying lower wages than what they’d have to pay if they made them here? That’s the main reason for offshoring.

Recently I called for some technical help, and after I’d gotten the help I asked the person where he was. He answered, India. I said something about the fact that many American companies used workers overseas because they could pay them lower wages, and he said simply, “Correct.”

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Good ole Bernie

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as often happens, I am awake, when I should be sleeping, when you drop your pod cast. I am surprised.

Professor, first and most important, thank you for this and more important, for you work on behalf of part of my chosen family.

I agree that the USA congress gives too much benefits to the the rich and powerful. As you have taught only some of the rich and powerful are USA Citizens.

I suppose my disagreement is that I do not want to help the the rich and powerful who happen to be USA citizens. I want the poor and powerless, including myself, in any part of the world to have more wealth and power.

I do not know how to do that, but as you have taught, it is good for me, and perhaps the world that I try.

it will also be good for me to go back to sleep. .. and start again, with what I have, and move toward what I, and I hope you, want.

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We have lost our way. Seems everything is so corrupted and profit driven. Business is business but values should show up somewhere. I don’t know how long we can go on like this. I found a simple way to look at the truth. “ If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything “ Empathy, forgiveness, sensitivity and love. Like I said business is somewhat hardcore naturally but there are businesses that are kind decent folks.

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I am not an economist but I do not think that the mechanics of the race to the bottom for people in the U.S. and elsewhere is that difficult to figure out. Why are governments unable to create incentives for major national corporations to produce and do R&D in the country itself? If they want the market, these corporations should follow rules dictated by the common good. A market of millions of people has bargaining power and should use it.

Unfortunately, it seems that all that our European and U.S. governments can think of is throwing money at corporations in the hope that the latter will be loyal to... what? In lieu of building economic policies, most in the political staff are fascinated by money like a dear caught in the beam of a car's headlights. What a stunning lack of imagination!

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I wonder if the majority of Americans would appreciate a transparent budget, in order to see where our money is being spent on. And how we are part of the global commerce.

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Robert, Everyday is a day to learn something new from you. I love having access to this chat to stay informed of the details we’d never hear about otherwise. Thank you so much for sharing everything with us.

We need a new system and we need so much more transparency that everyone can access. It’s criminal that citizens are expected to donate for charity, politicians etc while wealthy corporations get OUR tax money. People in this country are cheated in so many ways.

Bernie always seems to be the mouthpiece shouting on our behalf. What an incredible man! I supported Bernie in the primaries & so proud that I did.

Many individuals, like you Robert R, Bernie, Judd Legum and many more are absolute treasures to the American public. If we don’t say it every day, we appreciate you every day!

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You're describing my master's thesis, your class, 2006 - The Marketocracy. The insight is that transnational corporations are independent of any nation. Nation-states are the enemy of transnational corporations, as baldly stated back in 1974 by George Ball, then Secretary of State - quoted in the book Global Reach by Barnet & Muller. Transnationals will use any nation, play nations against one another.

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I’m with Bernie—-but where is Biden?

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With that amount of money to give away, it should be put to a vote by the American people. The American people should be able to vote on whether to give that money away or not. I believe that most Americans don't know that they have given that authority to politicians to give that amount of money away, when that money is needed here.

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I just finished reading: "100 million people in America are saddled with health care debt" in today's CT Mirror. And your article. Pillage and plunder has been the rule. The vile maxim of the masters of mankind: All for us, nothing for the rest" (Adam Smith "The Wealth of Nations" 1776), even if the result is death of "the rest." MAGA is easy to figure out: stop the pillage! That would mean shrink the privileges of the global ruling class. Thomas Piketty to the rescue! Do "we the people" have the counter power to bring the shareholding global class to give up some of its wealth? To re-organize the barbaric system under which we live so that it no longer produces such obscene inequalities and barbaric injustices?

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You are perfectly right

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